Cultural Etiquette

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Lesley mancilla


Cultural etiquette What is cultural etiquette? requires you to

understand another culture - or at least behave as though you do.

Cultural etiquette is the countries around the world, Country name Flag Mexico Thailand Bolivia

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The people

Mexico is a very classconscious society where social stratifications are welldefined. Upper class Mexicans

hais are tolerant of individualism, but find comfort and security in being part of a group. Mai Pen Rai (never

Bolivians are very proud of being one of the few countries that have successfully promoted multicultural integration. Vice President Vctor Hugo Crdenas, elected in 1993, was the first indigenous person elected to this high office in South America. Bolivians are kind, gentle

will not dirty their hands with tasks they find beneath them. A sense of fatalism is quite strong among many Mexicans, who feel that their path through life is largely preordained. Macho attitudes are inculcated in Mexican males almost from birth, and machismo plays a pervasive role in shaping

mind) is the Thai expression which characterizes the general focus of life "it is to enjoy." Thais are productive and hard working while at the same time happy with what they are and what they have materially. They are smiling, pleasant, humble and patient people who laugh

people, who are concerned for each other's welfare. Friendship is a very important value. The family is the century

Mexican culture.

Meeting and greeting

easily, speak softly, are slow to anger, and never try to cause anyone to lose face. * Shake hands When being or give a slight introduced or bow when greeting introduced. someone, men * Bow when say Sawatdeegreeting a krap and Mexican women say woman. Shake Sawatdee-kah. hands only if she extends her hand first. Mexicans often "hold" a gesture (a handshake, a squeeze of the Never touch or pass anything over anyone's head. The head is considered

The customary greeting is a handshake. Shake hands when meeting and departing.

Body language

# Bolivians stand very close when conversing. # You will be

viewed as untrustworthy if you do not maintain direct eye contact. Corporate Punctuality is Frankness is Although culture expected of not appreciated. punctuality is foreign Be subtle in not a high businesspeople responding priority in . Your with a negative Bolivia, Mexican reply. visitors should counterpart be punctual for may be late or business keep you meetings. waiting. Thirty However, minutes past meetings rarely the scheduled start on time. meeting time is considered punctual by Mexicans

arm, a hug) longer than Americans and Canadians do.

sacred in Thailand and must be respected.

Helpful hints

# Deadlines are often little more than (very) general target dates. # Note differences in class and status in Mexico, for such differences are important.

Show great respect for the royal family. They are highly respected by most Thais. Stand in respect when the Thai national anthem is played.

Never praise Chile, Brazil or Paraguay. Bolivia has lost wars with and land to all its neighbors.

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