Psycho Deconstruction

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Time 0:00 0:01

Device Wide shot

Notes Shot of Bates home on the hill at a low angle. Only one light is on in the house (which is mothers room). Arbogast looks back at the reception door and returns his gaze to the house in which he proceeds towards it.

0:02 0:04

Close up

0:05 0:22

Wide shot

Arbogast begins to walk up the steps to the house. He then steps onto the porch and looks back towards the motel and then proceeds to open the door.

0:23 0:40

Wide shot

0:41 0:43

Medium shot

Arbogast shows concern and a hint of surprise as he enters the house and looks down the hallway. A shot of the houses hallway, with shadows coming from the door at the top of the stairs and just behind the staircase itself. He then shuts the door and as the door clicks he shows fear of making a sound. He then walks towards the stairs. Arbogast stops at the bottom of the

0:44 0:46

Wide shot

Effect The light may signify death as it contrasts with the darkness of the night. Perhaps it could mean something important to the plot. This shows a link between the light at the house and the light and the receptions light. This then tells the audience that whatever is at the house is connected. He is making a walk towards the light. Showing an impending danger. This could show his reluctance to going into the house, or it could be because he believes there is a link between mother and the son, Norman Bates. He may be surprised that no one is present in the house or he has spotted something down the hallway. The shadows are the symbol of evil and danger showing that the house is hiding something within the dark. This fear could be subliminally telling the audience to keep quiet so Arbogast doesnt get grievously harmed. Increasing the tension. This tells you the points of interest in

0:47 0:54

Medium shot

0:55 1:12

Match on action shot

1:13 1:14

Close up

staircase and looks down the hallway. A still shot of the hallway with the end of the hallway in shadow. He then looks to his right to a door with a statue pointing to a door with shadow overwhelming it also. Arbogast walks up the stairs. Camera is focused on his feet.

1:15 1:22

Medium shot

1:23 1:30

Close up

He carefully advances up the staircase holding onto the banister and then looks back towards the front door. A door begins to open and a beam of light expands as the door slowly opens.

1:31 1:32

Medium shot

1:33 1:36

Aerial shot and non diagetic sound

1:37 1:42

Close up

He climbs to the top of the stair case looking towards the door at the top of the staircase. A violin begins to shriek violently as a woman (mother) rushes towards Arbogast with a knife and stabs him in the chest. Arbogast has blood on his face and stumbles down the stairs.

the house; these may hold information towards the disappearance of the woman. Note that He does not enter them, as they are covered in shadow and as mentioned, it represents evil and danger. The focus on the feet could suggest a creaking of the floorboards increasing the tension and foreshadows the death of Arbogast. By looking back at the door it shows distance between danger and safety, making the audience feel helpless. The beam of light represents Aborgast death and as it gets wider it shows how close he is to death. The fact it is a narrow beam of light can tell you that the weapon of choice will be sharp. His focus is towards the door on top of the staircase. Making the

1:43 1:45

Medium shot

1:46 1:47

Close up

He the falls to the floor where mother kneels beside him to continue stabbing him A focus on the knife as it comes down as the finishing blow and Arbogast lets out a scream of pain.

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