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Debris floats in Earth's orbit. Human technology is amongst the debris. There is no visible activity.

Narrator Earth, humanity's primary residence. For thousands of years, we've lived in solitude on Earth and her neighboring worlds. All we've had to fear for so long was each other. Our differences had separated us. We were a people divided and at war.


PAN UP(OVER MOUNTAIN) A sprawling cityscape is revealed.

Narrator We all fought for the Last City, humanity's last hope for survival on Earth, our home. And within this city's walls, a New Monarchy was established. A Monarchy that would ensure the survival of Earth and our kind as a whole. However, there were those that wished to topple it.

Fighting ensures inside the city. Soldiers in capes fend off hordes of enemy forces with swords like no other. Swords with lights surging through them. Upon contact with the swords, enemies are disintegrated. The Earth below shakes. The warriors stop their fighting and look to the sky. Something casts a shadow over the entire city. Narrator But the Traveler arrived. It changed us. It advanced us. An enormous sphere-like object calmly hovers over the city.

Narrator But did the Traveler bring them here? How could our guardian; our protector... betray us?


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The Traveler penetrates the atmosphere. It remains dormant over the Last City.


Narrator What is the Traveler's purpose? Why do these monsters take our worlds and attempt to subjugate our kind?

Earth in its entirety comes into view. The Traveler rests at the upper-most point of the planet like a second moon.


Narrator We will reclaim Earth. We will reclaim our now-lost worlds. And we will uncover the the Traveler's secrets. For it is our destiny.

New Monarchy Campaign EXT. HIGH MOUNTAINS


Large numbers of human forces retreat from the Last City. The Traveler remains idle over the City. Swarms of alien monsters enter the Last City's airspace and initiate an assault.


The player's character looks out at the Last City. The player is accompanied by a handful of New Monarchy warriors. The wind is violent, snow makes it difficult to see. Their capes move with the wind. New Monarchist #1 What are those monsters?


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New Monarchist #2 Don't slow down my brothers, our demise is all but certain if we remain here and watch. Human ships flee from the city, some are destroyed as they flee.

New Monarchist #1 This is genocide! New Monarchist #2 This is war.

Osiris warriors reach the Monarchists' position on the mountain. The Monarchists tense up.

New Monarchist #1 Any news from the city?

Osiris Warrior Your beloved King lives. But many of our own perished in battle. Crucial leaders are amongst the dead. New Monarchist #1 And they will be avenged. Osiris Warrior We need a new leader for the time being. A New Monarchist warrior approaches the two in the snow. His red cape signifies his higher rank. New Monarchist Leader And I shall assume that role, if I must. The Osiris Warrior looks to the other members of his group for approval. Most nod.

Osiris Warrior So be it. What would you have us do? New Monarchist Leader Be brave. That is all we will ask of you and your men.

The snow continues to violently blow.



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The New Monarchists and Osiris Warriors trek through the mountain. All is quiet. Wind continues to blow violently. Something approaches overhead. New Monarchist Leader Above us!

An enemy ship hauling a four-legged armored creature flies overhead. Osiris Warrior What is that beast?

The player is prompted to look up at the ship; beginning the tutorial. The ship disappears into the snow. New Monarchist Leader Eyes ahead!

Player is prompted to look forward again. A thump shakes the ground. The warriors pause. New Monarchist Leader Hault!

The snowy wind masks the path ahead. Thumps begin and head directly for the warriors' direction. The Monarchist leader scans the environment for potential hiding spots. A handful large rocks protruding from the snow are nearby.

New Monarchist Leader To the rocks, the beast approaches!

The thumps continue. The player is prompted to run for the rocks. Upon reaching the rocks, the player loses control of the character. The character crouches beside other Monarchists and Osiris Warriors. The thumps stop. The creature roars. The character takes a peek at the hostiles on the path. Humanoid beings and the four-legged beast traverse the path. The alien chatter is reminiscent of the howls of wolves. The four-legged beast has a weapon mounted to its topside; manned by one of the


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aliens or 'Wolves'. A probe is deployed by one of the Wolves. It scans the snow. It approaches the player's character. The character returns to total cover and looks beside himself. The Monarchist leader holds his hand up; gesturing the player's character to stay still. The probe hovers just above the warriors. The leader turns to his warriors. New Monarchist Leader Be Brave! The leader retrieves his sword and stabs the probe; disabling it. The Wolves cry out. The Monarchists and Osiris warriors exit cover and charge at the Wolves. Osiris soldiers stay back and fire their guns while the Monarchists charge with their swords. The player now has total freedom and the ability to engage the Wolves in combat. Fighting ensures. Upon the battle's end, the warriors examine the carnage. All Wolves have been killed.

New Monarchist Leader So these are the monsters that have taken our worlds... Osiris Warrior And we shall reclaim them!

Warriors cheer. The New Monarchist Leader approaches the player.

New Monarchist Leader Brother, this is where we depart. But you mustn't travel alone. Your brothers will join you. And I must warn you, do not treat foreigners of our kind with force. We can no longer fight each other, for the Last City is our new objective. A common prize. And maybe... At the end of it all, this fight will unite us. We are all Knights now. We all fight for Earth, no longer just our King.

FADE TO WHITE. Player is transported to the game lobby. Other players connect. The player is now accompanied by three others of New Monarchy allegiance. They are sent back into the game world to roam freely.

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