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Importing and Exporting

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Importing and Exporting Overview
Importing data into MYOB Premier Exporting data from MYOB Premier Blank lines must appear between sales, purchases and journal entries when importing How customer and supplier terms are imported and exported How sales with payments are imported and exported Working with ODBC

1097 1105 1101 1112 1112 1113

Chapter 2: Importing data into MYOB Premier

To import data to Premier To import an MYOB Accountants Office Accounts List To import QIF information To import RetailManager information To import from CaseWare

1116 1118 1118 1120 1125

Chapter 3: Exporting data

To export data from Premier To export MYOB Premier data for use with MYOB Accountants Office To export to CaseWare To export data for use in personalised letters To export a list of customers who have unpaid invoices To export Premier data for use with Ceedata To export Premier data for use with HandiLedger To export Premier data for use with Solution 6 MAS

1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1127 1128

Chapter 4: Importing & Exporting notes & warnings Chapter 5: Field descriptions for importing and exporting

1130 1135



Accounts Fields Activities Fields Activity Slips Fields Cards Fields - Customer Cards Fields - Supplier Cards Fields - Employee Cards Fields - Personal General Journal Entries Fields Items Fields Jobs Fields Transaction Journals Fields Purchases Fields - Service Purchases Fields - Item Purchases Fields - Professional Purchases Fields - Miscellaneous Sales Fields - Service Sales Fields - Item Sales Fields - Professional Sales Fields - Time Billing Sales Fields - Miscellaneous Tax Code List Fields Spend Money Fields Receive Money Fields

1135 1137 1139 1141 1145 1150 1152 1206 1154 1157 1159 1160 1164 1169 1172 1178 1183 1189 1193 1198 1205 1202 1175


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

Chapter 1

Importing and Exporting Overview

Importing and Exporting Overview;overview:Importing and Exporting

MYOB Premier allows you to take various information entered in other software programmes and incorporate it into your companys company file. You can also incorporate information entered in one MYOB software company file into another MYOB software company file. This process is called importing data. You can take various information entered in MYOB Premier and use it in other software programmes or in other MYOB software company files. This process is called exporting data.

Importing data into MYOB Premier

importing:types of information you can import

You can import the following types of information into the MYOB system: Tax Code List Accounts Items Jobs All types of cards General Journal entries, including tax information and GST/BAS reporting selection Transaction Journals entries (no tax information or GST/BAS reporting selection) Disbursements Receipts All types of sales and payments All types of purchases and payments Activities Activity Slips MYOB Accountants Office Accounts List RetailManager journals, purchases and suppliers CaseWare journal entries Quicken Interchange Format (QIF) account names and journal transactions



Step by step To import data to Premier on page 1116 To import QIF information on page 1118 To import from CaseWare on page 1125 To import an MYOB Accountants Office Accounts List on page 1118 To import RetailManager information on page 1120

Import file formats

Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier >> import files

Before you start the import process in MYOB Premier, youll export the data you want from the software programme youve used to create the data. For example, if youve used a spreadsheet programme to track your data in the past, you should use that spreadsheet programme to export the information you want to use in Premier. Remember which format you select, since youll be asked to select one file format during the import process. When you save the file, choose a name and location for the file that you can remember and find easily, since youll be asked to find the file during the import process. Tab-delimited and comma-separated files The data you want to import must be stored in a file, known as an import file, that uses either the tab-delimited or comma-separated file format. These formats are described below:
import files:tab-delimited files;tab-delimited text files

Tab-delimited files contain fields that are separated by tab characters. For example, if a tab character appears between Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive in a file of customer information, the file counts Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive as two separate fields in a record. Tab-delimited files are often used by popular spreadsheet and worksheet programmes. Comma-separated files contain records that are separated by commas. For example, if a comma appears between Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive in a file of customer information, the file counts Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive as two separate fields in a record. Comma-separated files are often used by popular database programmes.

import files:comma-separated text files;comma-separated text files

import files:header records;header records

Header and Data records Before you begin the process to import, youll choose whether the first record in the import file is a header record or a data record. Header records are usually used as titles in import files; for example, some header records of customers might be titled Customer Name", Address and Telephone Number". Header records dont contain actual data.

import files:data records;header records


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

Data records are actual information that you want to include in your Premier company file. If you indicate that your import files first record is a data record, that record and all other records will be imported into Premier.

How to handle duplicate records when importing

import files:duplicate records;duplicate records, importing

Use the Duplicate Records field to indicate whether you want to reject duplicate records, add them to your company file or update existing records. Tax codes, accounts, jobs, activities or item records If youre importing tax codes, accounts, jobs, activities or item records, you cant have tax codes, accounts, jobs, activities or items with identical numbers. If you attempt to import an account, tax code, activity or item with a duplicate number, Premier will either reject the number or update the records unique information in your company file, depending upon your selection here. For example, if Item #100 already exists in your company file and you select Update Existing Record here, when you import information about a different Item #100, the information about Item #100 in your company file will be changed to reflect the information thats in the import file. If you choose to reject duplicate records, the information thats rejected will be placed in the Import Log report, which is created at the time you import. Spend Money or Receive Money transactions If youre importing Spend Money or Receive Money transactions, you have the choice to reject duplicate transactions or add them to your company file. If you choose to reject duplicate records, the information thats rejected will be placed in the Import Log report, which is created at the time you import. Customers, suppliers, employees or personal contacts In Premier, you can have customers, suppliers, employees or personal contacts with the same name. If you attempt to import a duplicate number or name, Premier will reject the name, update the records unique information or add a new record to your company file, depending upon your selection here. For example, if a record for Eileen Martin already exists in your company file and you select Update Existing Record, when you import information about another Eileen Martin, the information about Eileen Martin in your company file will be changed to reflect the information thats in the import



file. If you select Add Them instead, a new Eileen Martin record will be included in your company file when you import. If you choose to reject duplicate records, the information thats rejected will be placed in the Import Log report, which is created at the time you import. Sales If youre importing Sales, you have the option to reject duplicate transactions or add them to your company file. Each sale is checked for duplicates according to your selection in the Preferences window. In this window you can choose to warn for duplicate invoice numbers only, customer PO numbers only or warn for either duplicate invoice numbers or duplicate customer PO numbers. When you import sales, each sale will be checked for duplicates according to your selection. If youve marked the preference Warn for Duplicate Invoice Numbers, imported sales will be checked for duplicated invoice numbers only. If youve marked the preference Warn for Duplicate Customer PO Numbers, your imported sales will be checked for duplicate customer PO numbers only. If youve marked the preference Warn for Duplicate Invoice and Customer PO Numbers, your imported sales will be checked for either a duplicate invoice number or a duplicate customer PO number. If you havent marked the preference, each sale will be checked for either a duplicate invoice number or a duplicate Customer PO number; that is, your imported sales will be checked as if you had selected Warn for Duplicate Invoice and Customer PO Numbers on Recorded Sales in the Preferences window. If the Invoice or Customer PO field is blank, the field is not considered a duplicate. If you choose to reject duplicate records, the information thats rejected will be placed in the Import Log report, which is created at the time you import. Purchases If youre importing Purchases, you have the option to reject duplicate transactions or add them to your company file. When you import purchases, each purchase will be checked for duplicates according to your selection. In this window you can choose to warn for duplicate purchase order numbers only, supplier invoice numbers only or warn for either duplicate PO numbers or duplicate supplier invoice numbers. When you import purchases, each purchase will be checked for duplicates according to your selection.


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

If youve marked the preference Warn for Duplicate Purchase Order Numbers, imported purchases will be checked for duplicated purchase order numbers only. If youve marked the preference Warn for Duplicate Supplier Invoice Numbers, your imported purchases will be checked for duplicate supplier invoice numbers only. If youve marked the preference Warn for Duplicate PO and Supplier Invoice Numbers, your imported purchases will be checked for either a duplicate PO number or a duplicate supplier invoice number. If you havent marked the preference, each purchase will be checked for either a duplicate PO number or a duplicate supplier invoice number; that is, your imported purchases will be checked as if you had selected Warn for Duplicate PO and Supplier Invoice Numbers on Recorded Purchases in the Preferences window. If the Purchase Order or Supplier Invoice field is blank, the field is not considered a duplicate. If you choose to reject duplicate records, the information thats rejected will be placed in the Import Log report, which is created at the time you import. Note: How to edit your import file to update check boxes on page 1131

Blank lines must appear between sales, purchases and journal entries when importing
records:defined;importing:separate sales, purchases and journal entries;importing:troubleshooting sales, purchases and journal entries

In MYOB Premier, a record is a collection of information about individual parts of accounting data. For example, information about a single sale or purchase is stored as a record. When importing sales, purchases and journal entries, a blank line must be entered between each record, that is, there must be a line between each sale, purchase or journal entry. A blank line indicates the end of the record when it is imported into an MYOB company file. If no blank line is entered to separate each record, all of your records could be imported as one long record instead of individual records. Importing from an MYOB company file If youre importing information that was exported from another MYOB software company file, a blank line was entered between records in the file during the export process.



Importing from another software programme If youre importing information that was exported from another software programme, be sure the file has a blank line between each type of record. If the file you wish to import doesnt have a blank line between each record, you may want to open the file using a text editor (such as Notepad or Microsoft Word) or a word processing or spreadsheet programme and insert the blank line. You can create a blank line by inserting an ENTER or RETURN between each record. An example The following illustration shows an import file with no blank lines between the records. In this case, all of the sales will be imported as only one sale.

The following illustration shows the same import file with blank lines inserted between the records. Each sale will be viewed separately and four sales will be imported.


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

The Import Log report

importing:Import Log report;Import Log report

During the importing process, the Import Log report is created. This report (titled myobplog.txt) lists information about any problems that occurred during the importing process, as well as information about rejected duplicate records. This report is created as a text file, and can be opened in a text editor like Notepad. It is located in the same place as your company file. The errors and warnings that occurred during the import process are listed at the bottom of the report and correspond to the number in front of each record. Each time you import, a new Import Log report (titled myobplog.txt) is created, using the same name. If an Import Log report already exists when you create another one, the existing report will be removed. Step by step To import data to Premier on page 1116

Importing Accountants Office Information into Premier

importing:Accountants Office Accounts List;Accountants Office:importing Accounts List;accounts list:importing from Accountants Office

If your accountant uses MYOB Accountants Office, an accounting solution widely used by public accountants in practice, you can easily import the Accountants Office Accounts List used by your accountant into your MYOB Premier company file. After you import your accountants Accounts List, the accounting information you export will match the accounts list used by your accountant; this enables an easy exchange of information from Premier to Accountants Office. Before you begin the import process, you must obtain from your accountant a text file (files with an extension of .txt) containing an accounts list from Accountants Office. To learn how to create the file, check the Accountants Office documentation. Note: If you plan to enter an AccountantLink Code (optional) on page 1130 Step by step To import an MYOB Accountants Office Accounts List on page 1118 To export MYOB Premier data for use with MYOB Accountants Office on page 1123
Importing and Exporting Overview - Importing Accountants Office Information



Importing QIF information into Premier

importing:QIF information;QIF information:importing

Banking information from Quicken (account names and journal transactions) can be imported into Premier. To properly import QIF information, youll need to create a QIF file that contains banking information only. Refer to your Quicken documentation for information about creating QIF files. If other information, such as information about investments, is included in the file you attempted to import, an alert message will appear during the import process to explain that the file cant be imported into MYOB Premier. Note: If you use the categories option on page 1130 Step by step To import QIF information on page 1118

Importing from RetailManager

Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier >> importing:from Retail Manager;Retail Manager:importing from

Version 4.3 or higher. If you use RetailManager 4.3 or higher, you can easily import journals, purchases and suppliers into your Premier company file. In Premier, select the I Use RetailManager preference. In RetailManager, use the Accounting Export function to export a file named retail.txt to your MYOB Premier folder. When you open your Premier company file, new transactions in the retail.txt file will be automatically imported into Premier. For more information about exporting to Premier, refer to your RetailManager documentation. Version previous to 4.3. If youre using a version previous to RetailManager 4.3, you can import transactions using the Import function of Premier. Access the import function by choosing Import Data from the File menu; from the submenu that appears, choose Transaction Journals. To import supplier cards, choose Import Data from the File menu; choose Cards and then choose Supplier Cards. To import purchases, choose Import Data from the File menu; choose Purchases and then choose Service Purchases. Before you import RetailManager information to Premier, ensure that you use the same tax codes and rates in Premier and RetailManager. Step by step To import RetailManager information on page 1120
Importing and Exporting Overview - Importing RetailManager sales, purchases and suppliers into Premier


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

Exporting data from MYOB Premier

exporting:types of information you can export

You can export the following types of information from the MYOB system: Tax Code List Accounts Items Cards Jobs General Journal Entries (including tax information and GST/BAS reporting selection) Transaction Journals entries (no tax information or GST/BAS reporting selection) Spend Money transactions Receive Money transactions Sales and payments Purchases and payments Activities Activity Slips Company information, accounts and journal entries to CaseWare Accounting information to MYOB Accountants Office Accounting information to CaseWare, Ceedata, HandiLedger and Solution 6 MAS

Step by step To export data from Premier on page 1122 To export MYOB Premier data for use with MYOB Accountants Office on page 1123 To export to CaseWare on page 1124 To export data for use in personalised letters on page 1125



To export a list of customers who have unpaid invoices on page 1126 To export Premier data for use with Ceedata on page 1127 To export Premier data for use with HandiLedger on page 1127 To export Premier data for use with Solution 6 MAS on page 1128

Choosing an export file format in the Export File window

export file formats

When you export information from MYOB Premier you can export in a tabdelimited or comma-separated file format. These formats are described below:
export file formats:tab-delimited files;tab-delimited text files

Tab-delimited files contain fields that are separated by tab characters. For example, if a tab character appears between Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive in a file of customer names, the file counts Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive as two separate fields in a record. Tab-delimited files are often used by popular spreadsheet and worksheet programmes. Comma-separated files contain records that are separated by commas. For example, if a comma appears between Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive in a file of customer names, the file counts Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive as two separate fields in a record. Comma-separated files are often used by popular database programmes.

export file formats:comma-separated text files;comma-separated text files

If youre exporting data from Premier for use in another software programme, use the format that is accepted by that programme. (If youre not sure which format is accepted, check the documentation that came with the software programme.) If youre exporting data for use in another MYOB software company file, you can choose either format, since MYOB software accepts both. (To make the process easy, comma-separated is automatically selected in Premier. Comma-separated is also automatically selected during the import process.)

Choosing other export options in the Export File window

Accounts. If youre exporting accounts, select to export account balances from the current or previous financial year, then select the period whose ending balances you want to export. Customer, supplier, employee or personal cards. If youre exporting customer, supplier, employee or personal cards, you can restrict the people whose records you export by entering identifiers and postcodes. If you enter more than one identifier in the Identifier field, records will be exported only for those people who have been assigned all the identifiers you entered.


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

If you enter a partial postcode in the Postcode field, records will be exported for all people whose postcodes match the sequence of numbers you entered. Transaction journal entries. If youre exporting transaction journal entries, choose the journal you want to export from. You can also select a time period to restrict the journal entries to export. If youre exporting transactions from the Receipts journal, you can even choose which type of receipt you wish to export -- Receive Money, Customer Payments, Supplier Refunds or All. If youre exporting transactions from the Disbursements journal, you can also choose which type of disbursement you wish to export -- Spend Money, Pay Employees, Pay Bills, Customer Refunds or All. Sales or purchases. If youre exporting sales or purchases, you can restrict the transactions you export by the identifiers assigned to the customers and suppliers with which you conducted the transactions. You can also select a time period to restrict the sales and purchases to export. In addition, you can choose the layout of sales or purchase orders (service, item, professional or miscellaneous) you want to export and the status of sales and purchases (invoice/bill, order or quote).

Step by step To export data from Premier on page 1122

Working with your company file and CaseWare

Importing and exporting > Exporting data from MYOB Premier >> exporting:working with your company file and CaseWare;importing:working with your company files and CaseWare;CaseWare:importing and exporting files

Accountants routinely ask their clients to provide their financial information in an electronic format that can be loaded into the accountants' software programmes. This makes it easier for them to examine and analyse the clients' records. After examining and analysing clients records, the accountant may make adjustments to the records that need to be entered into MYOB Premier. If your accountant requests an electronic copy of your accounting records, you can use MYOB Premier to create a comma-separated text file that can be read by CaseWare, a client write-up software package that is popular among accountants. The file that is created through the export process contains your company information, detail account information and journal entries, if you wish.



If your accountant makes adjusting journal entries that he wants you to enter into your Premier company file, you can also use Premier to import an electronic copy of the journal entries that your accountant gives you. All transactions will be imported as General Journal entries. Step by step To export to CaseWare on page 1124 To import from CaseWare on page 1125
Importing and Exporting Overview - Exporting data from MYOB Premier - Working with your company file and CaseWare

Exporting information for use with MYOB Accountants Office

Importing and exporting > Exporting data from MYOB Premier >> exporting:information for use with Accountants Office;Accountants Office:exporting information for use with

You can export your accounting information to a compressed tab-delimited text file that can be read by MYOB Accountants Office, an accounting solution widely used by public accountants in practice. You can export your accounts list -- account number, account name, account opening balance and Accountant Code, journal entries, sales invoices and purchase orders to MYOB Accountants Office. You can export your accounting information for use with MYOB Accountants Office by choosing AccountantLink from the File menu and then choosing Send to MYOB Accountants Office selection from the submenu, or by clicking the Send to MYOB Accountants Office button located in the Accounts Command Centre. In the Reporting Period window, select the period fro which you want to export transactions. (To select a range of months, hold down the mouse button while you move the cursor over the range of months.) Its important not to include dates youve included in a previous export, since this would result in double-counting your transactions. As a precaution, you should tell your accountant which period youve selected. Emailing You can choose to email the information as an attachment to an email message or you can save the information to disk.
exporting:information for use with Accountants Office:emailing as an attachment;Accountants Office:exporting information for use with:emailing as an attachment;emailing:information for use with Accountants Office

If you choose to email the file as an attachment to an email message, you can enter a linked card in the Linked Card for Accountant field; the email address entered on the card will be entered automatically on the email message. The name given automatically to the file is MYOBAO.MYE.
exporting:information for use with Accountants Office:saving to disk;Accountants Office:exporting information for use with:saving to disk


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

Save to disk If you choose to save the information to a disk, a Save dialog box will be displayed. The name that appears automatically for the file is in the form COMPANYNAME.mye. You can change the file name if you want, but you must use the .mye extension. Step by step To export MYOB Premier data for use with MYOB Accountants Office on page 1123 Related topics To import an MYOB Accountants Office Accounts List on page 1118
Importing and Exporting Overview - Exporting data from MYOB Premier - Exporting information for use with MYOB Accountants Office

Using AccountantLink to export your accounting information for use with CaseWare, Ceedata, HandiLedger and Solution 6 MAS
Importing and exporting > Exporting data from MYOB Premier >> exporting:information for use with Ceedata;exporting:information for use with HandiLedger;exporting:information for use with Solution 6 MAS;Ceedata:exporting information for use with;HandiLedger:exporting information for use with;Solution 6 MAS:exporting information for use with

In addition to exporting your accounting information for use with CaseWare, MYOB Premiers AccountantLink function enables you to export your accounting information for use with Ceedata, HandiLedger and Solution 6 MAS. If your accountant uses any of these software packages, you can export your accounting information from Premier in the appropriate format and save the file to a disk. Your accountant will then be able to import the information on the disk for use with the software package. Step by step To export to CaseWare on page 1124 To export Premier data for use with Ceedata on page 1127 To export Premier data for use with HandiLedger on page 1127 To export Premier data for use with Solution 6 MAS on page 1128
Using AccountantLink to export your accounting information

Creating personalised letters

personalised letters:creating;exporting:card information to create personalised letters

Communication with your business contacts is essential to the success of your business. Personalised business letters and mailers show your contacts that you really appreciate their business. This can generate more sales for your company. The files you export from the Card File contain the information you enter in the Card Information window. They include the cards name, addresses, phone and fax numbers, contact name, salutation and, if applicable, balance and overdue balance amounts.
exporting:card information to create personalised letters:using OfficeLink



Using OfficeLink Using MYOB OfficeLink, you can seamlessly export card information from Premier and import it into your word processing software to create personalised correspondence for the people you do business with. Even if you haven't installed OfficeLink, you can create a mail-merge file that can be used with your word processing programme to create personalised letters. This process is more time-consuming, however. You should take advantage of OfficeLinks capabilities if you can. If you havent installed OfficeLink, but are using an OfficeLink-compatible word processing programme and would like to begin using OfficeLink, youll need to reinstall your MYOB programme.
exporting:card information to create personalised letters:without OfficeLink

Without OfficeLink Without installing OfficeLink, you still can export card information from MYOB Premier and import it into your word processing software to create personalised correspondence for the people you do business with. Two fields in the Card File Entry window, Contact Name and Salutation, can be helpful if you intend to create personalised letters using your word processing software. If a card is indexed by a company name rather than an individual name, you can enter the name of a contact person in the Contact Name field. Then, when you import the cards data, you can send letters to a specific person at that company. Similarly, by using the Salutation field, you can enter a preferred name for your contact person. This will be used in the salutation instead of their formal name. Step by step To export data for use in personalised letters on page 1125

You can save a file in any of five formats

file formats for personalised letters;personalised letters:file formats

In Premier, you can save a file in any of five formats:

file formats for personalised letters:tab-delimited files;personalised letters:file formats:tab-delimited files;tab-delimited text files

Tab-Delimited Text File When you save information in tab-delimited format, the individual pieces of information are separated by tab characters. For example, if the last name Brewster and the address 300 Roundhill Drive appears in a report of customer names, a tab character will appear between Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive in the file.


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

file formats for personalised letters:comma-separated text files;personalised letters:file formats:comma-separated text files;comma-separated text files

Comma-Separated Text File When you save information in comma-separated format, the individual pieces of information are separated by commas. For example, if the last name Brewster and the address 300 Roundhill Drive appear in a report of customer names, a comma will appear between Brewster and 300 Roundhill Drive in the file. (Individual pieces of information that actually contain commas are surrounded by quotation marks.)
file formats for personalised letters:text;personalised letters:file formats:text;text file formats

Text When you save information in text format, the individual pieces of information are separated by spaces so the appearance of the report is as similar as possible to a printed version of the report. (The degree of similarity between the file's appearance and the report's printed appearance depends on the type of computer and the fonts you're using in the report.)
file formats for personalised letters:HTML formatted files;personalised letters:file formats:HTML formatted files;HTML formatted text files

HTML Formatted Text File When you save information in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format, the information can be viewed with a web browser. The file's default three-digit extension will be .HTM.
file formats for personalised letters:PDF files;personalised letters:file formats:PDF files;PDF files

PDF (Portable Document Format) When you save information in a PDF file format, the information can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free application distributed by Adobe Systems. It is available at Step by step To export data for use in personalised letters on page 1125

Creating personalised letters using exported data

personalised letters:using exported data;exporting:using exported data to create personalised letters

You can create personalised letters using data exported from Premier. To import your Premier data into your word processing programme, youll need to refer to the documentation that accompanied your word processing software. Idea: Try searching for mail-merge in your word processing softwares documentation on page 1131
OfficeLink templates for personalised letters:where to find them

If you want to use the model business letters you installed with Premier, youll find those documents in the Letters folder inside the folder where Premier resides on your hard disk. These documents are available in a few different formats so you can edit them using your word processing software to suit the needs of your business.



To export data for use in personalised letters on page 1125 To export a list of customers who have unpaid invoices on page 1126

How customer and supplier terms are imported and exported


When you export customer cards, supplier cards and all types of sales and purchases from your MYOB company file, you have the option to include or exclude terms in the file that you export. When importing into an MYOB company file, though, terms must always be added to customer and supplier cards and all types of sales and purchases. If you included terms along with your cards, sales and purchases in the file you wish to import, those terms will be imported. If you didnt include terms in the file you wish to import, terms are added automatically according to the two methods: Customer and supplier cards If the Payment is Due field is blank or invalid when importing customer and supplier cards, the default Payment is Due field for customers and suppliers will be substituted. (To see the default Payment is Due for customers and suppliers, click on the Terms button on the Sales or Purchases tab in the Preferences window of Premier.) If other Terms fields are blank or invalid, terms typically associated with the Payment is Due field will be substituted. Sales and purchases If the Payment is Due field is blank or invalid when importing sales and purchases, the Payment is Due entry entered in the Credit Terms window of the customer or supplier card will be substituted. If other Terms fields are blank or invalid, terms typically associated with the Payment is Due field will be substituted.

How sales with payments are imported and exported


If youre importing or exporting sales to which a single payment has been applied, the amount of the payment will be imported or exported. You can also import or export the payment method and the payment method details, if you want.


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

If youre importing or exporting sales to which more than one payment has been applied, the total amount paid will be imported or exported, but no payment method or payment details will be imported or exported.

Working with ODBC

ODBC, defined

The MYOB ODBC Direct driver is a Windows-compatible component that enables access to your MYOB business information. When you install the driver, it acts as an interface between the MYOB database and other applications, interpreting requests and providing information from the database using the most popular database industry standard, Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC). For more information, refer to the documentation that accompanies MYOB ODBC Direct.

The Components of the MYOB ODBC Direct product

The MYOB ODBC Direct product includes: The ODBC Direct driver Full Installation and setup instructions Testing and support information Sample data dictionary information A tutorial demonstrating data access using MYOB ODBC Direct and Microsoft Word

(Be aware that you must restart your computer to complete the Premier v8 installation process.) (which includes restarting your computer)When you register MYOB ODBC Direct, you have unlimited access to your core MYOB business database. For instructions on how to register MYOB ODBC Direct, follow the instructions contained in the ODBC help file.

MYOB ODBC DeveloperPack

MYOB ODBC DeveloperPack is designed for the solutions developer, the Management Information Systems (MIS) analyst and the Independent Software Vendor (ISV). It is an essential resource developing and distributing 3rd party applications using the MYOB ODBC driver.



It contains ready-made solutions, important developer information, and the entire MYOB accounting data dictionary. You will also receive access to webnet, a web forum for discussion and sharing resources with other developers. Upgrade to the MYOB ODBC DeveloperPack and begin developing your own MYOB business solutions today!

Header Account entries

When importing or exporting a Header Account into the Account Type field, you must use one of the following entries: Asset Liability Equity Income Cost of Sales Expense Other Income Other Expense
Import/Export Account Type field - Header Account entries

Detail Account entries

When importing or exporting a Detail Account into the Account Type field, you must use one of the following entries: Bank Accounts Receivable Other Current Asset Fixed Asset Other Asset Credit Card Accounts Payable Other Current Liability Long Term Liability Other Liability Equity Income Cost of Sales Expense Other Income Other Expense In addition, the first digit in the Account Number field must match the account type:


Chapter 1 Importing and Exporting Overview

1 = Asset 1 = Bank 1 = Accounts Receivable 1 = Other Current Asset 1 = Fixed Asset 1 = Other Asset 2 = Liability 2 = Credit Card 2 = Accounts Payable 2 = Other Current Liability 2 = Long Term Liability 2 = Other Liability 3 = Equity 4 = Income 5 = Cost of Sales 6 = Expense 8 = Other Income 9 = Other Expense
Import/Export Account Type field - Detail Account entries



Chapter 2

Importing data into MYOB Premier

Importing data to MYOB Premier

To import data to Premier

importing:data to Premier

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. Before you begin the import process, you must have created a file containing information you want to import into MYOB Premier -- an import file. Know the location of the import file before you begin. 1. 2. Make a backup of your company file. Choose Import Data from the File menu and select the type of information you want to import from the Import Data sub-menu. The Import File window will appear. In the Import File Format field, select the file format of the import file you are about to import. (Import file formats on page 1098) In the First Record Is field, select whether the first record in the import file is a header record or a data record. (Import file formats on page 1098) Depending upon the type of information youre importing, more fields may appear in the Import File window. (How to handle duplicate records when importing on page 1099) After youve made your selections in the Import File window, click Continue. A dialog box appears, allowing you to locate your import file. Locate the file, highlight it and click OK.






Chapter 2 Importing data into MYOB Premier


The Import Data window appears. In this window, youll match the information in the import file with its corresponding fields in Premier. To do this, highlight the name of a field in your import file from the Import Fields column. Next, click the field in the MYOB Premier Fields column that you want to match the import field with. When you click the MYOB Premier Fields column, the import field you selected will appear in the Matching Import Field column. If you want to remove an import fields name from the Matching Import Field column, simply click the import fields name. Note: Some fields must be imported on page 1131 If all the fields in the import file match the fields in the MYOB Premier Fields column, you can match all the fields at one time by clicking the Match All button at the bottom of the window.


When youre finished matching fields, click the Import button to begin the importing process. When the import process is finished, a window will appear, describing the number of records that were imported. If some records were skipped during the import process, or some other event occurred, a message will appear in this window, indicating that the Import Log report was created. This report (titled myobplog.txt) lists information about any problems that occurred during the importing process, as well as information about rejected records. Note: The Import Log report is created each time you import on page 1131


Related topics Importing data into MYOB Premier on page 1097 The Import Log report on page 1103 Blank lines must appear between sales, purchases and journal entries when importing on page 1101 Import file formats on page 1098 To make a backup on page 157



To import an MYOB Accountants Office Accounts List

importing:Accountants Office Accounts List;Accountants Office:importing Accounts List Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier > Importing Accountants Office Information into Premier on page 1103 >>

Note: If you plan to enter an AccountantLink Code (optional) on page 1130 1. Make a backup of your company file. See To make a backup on page 157 to learn how. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu, then choose Receive from MYOB Accountants Office > Lists of Accounts from the submenu. An alert message appears explaining that, if necessary, during the importing process, MYOB Premier may amend the level of some accounts, and that after the importing process is complete, you can return the levels to the level of your choice. Click Yes if you want to continue with the importing process; click No if you want to import at a later time. A standard open window displays. Use this window to find the text (.txt) file that contains the Accountants Office accounts list. The default name of the file is MYOB _SET.TXT; however, your accountant may have renamed the file. Click Open. When the import is complete a message will show the number of records imported. If some records were skipped during the import process, or some other event occurred, a message will appear in this window, indicating that the Import Log report was created. This report (titled myobplog.txt) lists information about any problems that occurred during the importing process, as well as information about rejected records. Note: The Import Log report is created each time you import on page 1131





Related topics Importing Accountants Office Information into Premier on page 1103
To import an Accountants Office Accounts List

To import QIF information

importing:QIF information:importing

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information.


Chapter 2 Importing data into MYOB Premier

Before you begin the import process, you must have created a file containing the Quicken or QuickLine data you want to import into MYOB Premier -- an import file. See your Quicken or QuickLine documentation to learn how to do this. Note If you use the categories option on page 1130 1. 2. Make a backup of your company file. (To make a backup on page 157) Choose Import Data from the File menu, then choose Quicken (QIF) File from the Import Data sub-menu. A dialog box appears, allowing you to locate the QIF file you want to import. Locate the file, highlight it and click OK. The import process begins. If you receive an alert message during the import process, the file you attempted to import contained invalid information. See Importing QIF information into Premier on page 1104 to learn which Quicken information is valid. 4. When Premier determines that the QIF file contains the proper data, two situations may occur: If all your QIF account information corresponds with Premier accounts, a window will appear, describing the number of records that were imported. This window probably wont appear the first time you import a QIF file; however, when this window appears, the import process is complete. If your QIF account information doesnt correspond with Premier accounts, the Choose an Account window will appear. Use the following instructions to work with this window.



Premier checks each account in the QIF file when you import the file. If Premier finds an account in the QIF file that doesnt match any Premier account, the Choose an Account window appears. In this window, youll need to choose an Premier account, or create a new Premier account, to track the information about the QIF account. When Premier finds an account in the QIF file that doesnt match an MYOB Premier account, the Choose an Account window will display the name of the account in the QIF Account field or QIF Category field. (The QIF Account field will appear if this is the first time youve seen the Choose an Account window; the QIF Category field will appear after the



first time youve seen the Choose an Account window.) In the MYOB Account field, enter the Premier account that best matches the account displayed in the QIF Account field or QIF Category field. If you want, you can click the search icon next to the MYOB Account field to open a search list of accounts to choose from. 6. When the account you want to use is displayed in the MYOB Account field, click OK. If additional QIF accounts need to be matched with Premier accounts, the Choose an Account window will appear for each QIF account that needs to be matched. Follow the instructions in step 7 for each QIF account until all the accounts are matched. 7. When all QIF accounts are matched to Premier accounts, a window will appear, describing the number of records that were imported. If some records were skipped during the import process, or some other event occurred, a message will appear in this window, indicating that the Import Log report was created. This report (titled myobplog.txt) lists information about any problems that occurred during the importing process, as well as information about rejected records. Note: The Import Log report is created each time you import on page 1131 Related topics Importing QIF information into Premier on page 1104 The Import Log report on page 1103 To make a backup on page 157

To import RetailManager information

importing:from Retail Manager;Retail Manager:importing from Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier > Importing from RetailManager on page 1104 >>

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. 1. In MYOB Premier, Choose Preferences from the Setup menu. Click the System tab, if it isnt already selected. Mark the selection I Use RetailManager. Exit your company file and Premier. Export the retail.txt file from RetailManager.

2. 3. 4.


Chapter 2 Importing data into MYOB Premier


Reopen your Premier company file. Premier will automatically check for the retail.txt file in the MYOB Premier folder on your hard disk. If there are transactions in the file that need to be imported, they will be imported automatically.

Related topics Importing from RetailManager on page 1104

To import RetailManager information



Chapter 3

Exporting data
Exporting data from Premier

To export data from Premier

exporting:data from Premier

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. 1. Make a backup of your Premier company file. (To make a backup on page 157) Choose Export Data from the File menu, and select the type of information you want to export from the Export Data sub-menu. The Export File window will appear. In the Export File Format field, select the file format you want to use for the export file. You can choose either the tab-delimited file format or the comma-separated file format. In the First Record Is field, select whether you want the first record in the export file to be a header record or a data record. Header records are usually used as titles in export files; for example, some header records in an export file of customers might be titled Customer Name", Address and Telephone Number". Data records are pieces of actual Premier information. 5. Depending upon the type of information youre exporting, more fields will appear in the Export File window. After youve made your selections in the Export File window, click Continue. The Export Data window opens. In the Export Data window, choose the Premier fields you want to export, and the order in which you want to export them. To do this, click on the first field you want to export in the MYOB Premier Fields column. The title






Chapter 3 Exporting data

Field 1 will appear in the Export Order column next to the field you selected, and the field name will also appear at the top of the Export Fields column on the left side of the window. Follow this process for each field you want to export. Note: Some fields must be exported for use with an MYOB product import on page 1130 If you want to remove a fields name from the Export Fields column, click on the fields name in the MYOB Premier Fields column. If you want to export all the fields in the order theyre shown in the MYOB Premier Fields column, click the Match All button. If you want to clear all the selections in the Export Fields column, click the Unmatch All button. 7. When youre finished selecting fields, click the Export button. A window appears, allowing you to name the export file that will be created, as well as assign a location to the file. Name your export file, select a location for it and click OK. The exporting process begins. Related topics Exporting data from MYOB Premier on page 1105

To export MYOB Premier data for use with MYOB Accountants Office
exporting:information for use with Accountants Office;Accountants Office:exporting information for use with Importing and exporting > Exporting data from MYOB Premier on page 1105 > Exporting information for use with MYOB Accountants Office on page 1108 >>

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. 1. 2. Make a backup of your MYOB Premier company file. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu and then choose Send to MYOB Accountants Office from the submenu that appears. (If you like, you can choose to click the Send to MYOB Accountants Office option in the Accounts Command Centre.) The Reporting Period window appears. Select the period of the transactions you want to be exported. (To select a range of months, hold down the mouse button while you move the cursor over the range of months.) Its important not to include dates youve included in a previous export, since this would result in double-counting your transactions. As a




precaution, we recommend that you tell your accountant the period youve selected. 4. Choose the method you want to use to send the information. If you want to send the file as an attachment to an email message, you can enter a linked card in the Linked Card for Accountant field and then click the e-mail button. (If youve entered an email address on the card, the email address will appear automatically when the email is created by your email programme.) If you want to save the file to disk, click the Disk button. A save dialog box appears, allowing you to enter a name and location for the export file. The name that appears automatically is XXX.mye (Company.mye). You can change the file name if you want, but you must use the .mye extension.


When youre satisfied with your entries, click the Save button (Disk) or the Send button (Email).

Related topics Exporting information for use with MYOB Accountants Office on page 1108
To export MYOB Premier data for use with MYOB Accountants Office

To export to CaseWare
exporting:working with your company file and CaseWare;CaseWare:importing and exporting files

1. 2.

Make a backup of your MYOB Premier company file. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu; then choose Send To CaseWare from the sub-menu. The Export File/Export to CaseWare window appears. If you want to export Premier journal entries in addition to company and account information, be sure the Include Journal Entries in Export File box is marked. (Keep in mind, however, that exporting journal entries may take some time, and probably will create a very large export file.) From the Dated to End Of list, choose the most recent month you want to include in the file. All journal entries from the first day of the financial year to the last day of the month you selected will be included in the text file. When you're ready to create the CaseWare export file, click the Export button.





Chapter 3 Exporting data


A dialog box appears, allowing you to enter a name and location for the export file. Make entries in the dialog box, then click Save to begin creating the CaseWare export file. When the file has been created, you're ready to send the file to your accountant, who can then import it into CaseWare.


Related topics Working with your company file and CaseWare on page 1107

To import from CaseWare

importing:working with your company files and CaseWare;CaseWare:importing and exporting files Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier > Working with your company file and CaseWare on page 1107 >>

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. 1. 2. Make a backup of your MYOB Premier company file. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu, then choose Receive from CaseWare from the sub-menu. A standard Open dialog box appears. Use the Open dialog box to find the file your accountant has given you. When you locate the file, highlight it and then click Open. The importing process begins immediately.

3. 4.

Related topics Working with your company file and CaseWare on page 1107 The Import Log report on page 1103
Keyword: Case Ware To import from CaseWare

To export data for use in personalised letters

personalised letters:creating;exporting:card information to create personalised letters

The Forms Selection - Create Personalised Letters window should be displayed. Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. 1. In the Create Personalised Letters window, make selections about the data you want to export and then click OK. The Review Cards Before Exporting window appears. In the Review Cards Before Exporting window, all cards whose data fit the criteria you entered in the Create Personalised Letters window appear in the list with a mark next to them in the Export field.




If you don't want to export the data for a card, click in the Export field next to the card to remove the mark that appears there. 3. When youve marked all cards whose data you want to export, click Export. In the window that appears, select one of the four formats for the file. After youve made your selection, click the Save button. The Save As window appears. Using this window, name the export file that will be created and assign a location to the file. Click OK to create the mail-merge file.


Youre now ready to merge the export files data with your word processing softwares documents. Related topics Creating personalised letters on page 1109

To export a list of customers who have unpaid invoices

exporting:list of customers who have unpaid invoices;unpaid invoices:exporting list of customers with unpaid invoices personalised letters:creating;exporting:card information to create personalised letters

The To Do List window should be displayed. 1. Click the A/R (Accounts Receivable) tab to display a list of all your unpaid receivables. If you want to view detail about a specific sale, click the zoom arrow to the left of the customers name. 2. Click the Action column for each customer in the list you want to send a letter, then click the Disk button at the bottom of the window. A window appears, listing the formats in which you can save the file. Select one of the formats. The Save As window appears, allowing you to specify a name and location for the export file. Enter this information, then click OK to create the export file.



Youre now ready to merge the export files data with your word-processing softwares documents. Related topics Creating personalised letters (OfficeLink) on page 994 Choosing an export file format in the Export File window on page 1106


Chapter 3 Exporting data

To export Premier data for use with Ceedata

exporting:information for use with Ceedata;Ceedata:exporting information for use with

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 136 for more information. 1. 2. Make a backup of your MYOB Premier company file. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu and then choose Others. Choose Ceedata from the submenu that appears. The Export File window opens with Ceedata Format as the Export File Format. Select the journal you want to export from the Source Journal menu. You can choose these individually to export each journal as a separate file or you can select All to export all journals as one file. Enter the date range of the transactions you want to be exported. Its important not to include dates youve included in a previous export, since this would result in double-counting your transactions. As a precaution, we recommend that you tell your accountant the date range youve selected. 5. Click the Export button. A save window appears and the file name CEEDATA.TFR will automatically be entered. You can change the name, if you want, but be sure the extension remains .TFR. When youre satisfied with the name and location of the file, click Save. Related topics Using AccountantLink to export your accounting information for use with CaseWare, Ceedata, HandiLedger and Solution 6 MAS on page 1109



To export Premier data for use with HandiLedger

exporting:information for use with HandiLedger;HandiLedger:exporting information for use with

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 140 for more information. 1. 2. Make a backup of your MYOB Premier company file. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu and then choose Others. Choose HandiLedger from the submenu that appears. The Export File window opens with HandiLedger Format as the Export File Format.




Select the journal you want to export from the Source Journal menu. You can choose these individually to export each journal as a separate file or you can select All to export all journals as one file. Enter the date range of the transactions you want to be exported. Its important not to include dates youve included in a previous export, since this would result in double-counting your transactions. As a precaution, we recommend that you tell your accountant the date range youve selected.



Click the Export button. A save window appears and the file name HANDILED.TXT will automatically be entered. You can change the name, if you want, but be sure the extension remains .TXT.

Related topics Using AccountantLink to export your accounting information for use with CaseWare, Ceedata, HandiLedger and Solution 6 MAS on page 1109

To export Premier data for use with Solution 6 MAS

exporting:information for use with Solution 6 MAS;Solution 6 MAS:exporting information for use with

Please note that this task requires single-user access. See Single-user file locking on page 140 for more information. 1. 2. Make a backup of your MYOB Premier company file. Choose AccountantLink from the File menu and then choose Others. Choose Solution 6 MAS from the submenu that appears. The Export File window opens with Solution 6 MAS Format as the Export File Format. Select the journal you want to export from the Source Journal menu. You can choose these individually to export each journal as a separate file or you can select All to export all journals as one file. Enter the date range of the transactions you want to be exported. Its important not to include dates youve included in a previous export, since this would result in double-counting your transactions. As a precaution, we recommend that you tell your accountant the date range youve selected.




Chapter 3 Exporting data


Click the Export button. A save window appears and the file name SOLUTION.TXT will automatically be entered. You can change the name, if you want, but be sure the extension remains .TXT.

Related topics Using AccountantLink to export your accounting information for use with CaseWare, Ceedata, HandiLedger and Solution 6 MAS on page 1109



Chapter 4

Importing & Exporting notes & warnings

If you plan to enter an AccountantLink Code (optional)
If you plan to enter or import an AccountantLink Code, which is an optional field, select the preference: Display AccountantLink Code in Edit Accounts. To select the preference, mark Display AccountantLink Code in Edit Accounts in the Windows view of the Preferences window. For more information about the AccountantLink code, see AccountantLink Code (optional).

Note: If you plan to enter an AccountantLink Code (optional)

If you use the categories option

If youve chosen Turn on Category Tracking in the System view of the Preferences window of Premier, you must first turn off the option before importing your QIF information into Premier. If you dont turn off the option, youll receive an error message and no transactions will be imported.
Note: If you are importing QIF information and use the categories option

Some fields must be exported for use with an MYOB product import
exporting:data from Premier:some fields <Emphasis>must<Default Para Font> be exported

When you import information into an MYOB product, certain fields must have valid matching fields. If you plan to use this export file with an MYOB product, be sure to match the necessary fields: If a Premier field has an asterisk (*) next to it, you must assign a matching export file field to it. If two Premier fields have a caret (^) next to them, you must assign a matching export field to one or both fields.
Note: Some fields must be exported for use with an MYOB product import


Chapter 4 Importing & Exporting notes & warnings

Some fields must be imported

importing:data to Premier:some fields <Emphasis>must<Default Para Font> be imported

If a Premier field has an asterisk (*) next to it, you must assign a matching import file field to it. If two Premier fields have a caret (^) next to them, you must assign a matching import field to one or both fields.
Note: Some fields must be imported

The Import Log report is created each time you import

Each time you import, the Import Log report is created, using the same name. If an Import Log report already exists when you create another one, the existing report will be removed.
Note: The Import Log report is created each time you import

Try searching for mail-merge in your word processing softwares documentation


The process of importing data into a word processing programmes document is often referred to as mail-merging a document. If youre having trouble finding help, check for that term in your word processing programmes documentation.
Idea: For help with importing data into a word processing programme, try searching for mail-merge in that programmes documentation

How to edit your import file to update check boxes

When you import cards, items, jobs, activities or accounts, you can use the Update Existing Record selection in the Duplicate Records field to update the status of your cards, items, jobs, activities and accounts. In addition, for jobs you can update the Reimbursable and the Header/ Detail options when importing. You may want to use this feature if, for example, you have a group of cards that youve created for one-time sales or purchases and you want to change the cards status to inactive after using them. Instead of marking each card individually, you can change the status by using the importing feature. The process consists of three parts. You first export your card information, then you edit the status information in a text editor, such as WordPador a spreadsheet, such as Excel. Finally, you import the edited card information selecting Update Existing Record in the Duplicate Records field. Use this information to edit the import file before importing. Use one of the following to select an option, deselect an option or not change the option. Enter the letter N: An N will deselect the check box.



Leave the field blank: A blank will not update the check box. Any non-blank character (other than N) will select the check box.

Keyword: duplicate, radio buttons, button Note: How to edit your import file to update check boxes


Chapter 5 Import/Export Fields

Chapter 5

Import/Export Fields
Field descriptions for importing and exporting
importing:list of fields;exporting:list of fields

See the following detailed descriptions of each field: Please note: Each of the selections below opens in a larger window. Accounts Fields on page 1135 Activities Fields on page 1137 Activity Slips Fields on page 1139 Cards Fields - Customer on page 1141 Cards Fields - Supplier on page 1145 Cards Fields - Employee on page 1150 Cards Fields - Personal on page 1152 General Journal Entries Fields on page 1206 Tax Code List Fields on page 1205 Items Fields on page 1154 Jobs Fields on page 1157 Purchases Fields - Item on page 1164 Purchases Fields - Miscellaneous on page 1172 Purchases Fields - Professional on page 1169 Purchases Fields - Service on page 1160 Receive Money Fields on page 1175 Sales Fields - Item on page 1183 Sales Fields - Miscellaneous on page 1198 Sales Fields - Professional on page 1189 Sales Fields - Service on page 1178 Sales Fields - Time Billing on page 1193 Spend Money Fields on page 1202 Transaction Journals Fields on page 1159




Chapter 5

Field descriptions for importing and exporting

Accounts Fields
accounts:fields for importing and exporting;importing:accounts fields;exporting:accounts fields

ACCOUNTS Field *Account Number

Description and Character Limits 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits, for example, 1-1234. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that it is a Header Account. A blank indicated a Detail Account. 15 characters (including numbers, currency signs, commas, negative signs). If no decimal entered, Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimal places, Premier rounds to nearest cent. When exporting, Premier exports the balance shown in the Current Balance field of each account. When importing, Premier enters the balance in the Opening Balance field of each account.

Account Name Header




ACCOUNTS Field Account Type

Description and Character Limits 25 characters, alphanumeric. See Header Account entries on page 1114 and Detail Account entries on page 1114 for more information about what you can enter in the Account Type field.

Last Cheque Number Tax Code Currency Code

7 characters, alphanumeric Up to 3 characters, alphanumeric 3 characters, alpha. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. If a foreign currency account, must have an exchange account specified. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits, e.g., 1-1234. Must be a local currency account. Must be same account classification (Asset, Liability, etc.) as the foreign currency account. If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the account wont be marked; the account will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other than N), the account will be marked; the account will have an inactive status.

Exchange Account

Inactive Account

AccountantLink Code BSB Number B/Account Number B/Account Name Company Trading Name

Up to 9 characters 7 characters, numeric 20 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric 16 characters, alphanumeric


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

ACCOUNTS Field Create Bank Files

Description and Character Limits 1 character. Any non-blank character will bring up the Bank Code, Direct Entry User ID and Direct Entry File fields used to enter electronic payments 3 characters, alphabetical 6 characters, numeric 1 character. 255 characters, alphanumeric 1character, alpha, for all account types EXCEPT Bank, Income, Expense, Cost of Sales and Header accounts. Use one of these codes: O - Operating I - Investing F - Financing E - Exclude from Statement for Cash Floe

Bank Code Direct Entry User ID Self Balancing Transaction Description Classification for Statement of Cash Flow

Subtotal header Accounts

1 character, alphabetical Y - yes N - no

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Activities Fields
activities:fields for importing and exporting;importing:activities fields;exporting:activities fields

ACTIVITIES Field *Activity ID Activity Name

Description and Character Limits 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric



ACTIVITIES Field Description Use Desc. On Sale

Description and Character Limits 255 characters, alphanumeric 1 character. This field is available only for chargeable activities. Any non-blank character signifies that the description should be used on the invoice instead of the item name. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the Type of this activity is Non-Hourly. Blank field indicates Hourly. (Wont update information on existing records.) 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the Status of this activity is Non-Chargeable. Blank field indicates Chargeable. (Wont update information on existing records.) 1 character, alpha. This field is available only when an activity is hourly and chargeable. Use one of the following letters to indicate which rate to use: E Employee Billing Rate C Customer Billing Rate A Activity Rate 11 digits, including 4 decimal places. This field is available only for chargeable non-hourly activities, and hourly activities when the Use Activity Rate has been specified. 5 characters, numeric. Required for chargeable activities. Must match a preexisting account in your MYOB software company file. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits, for example, 1-1234. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 5 characters, alphanumeric (May be entered for non-hourly activities. Hour is automatically entered for hourly activities.)



Use Rate

Activity Rate

Income Acct.

Tax Code When Sold Unit of Measure


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

ACTIVITIES Field Inactive Activity

Description and Character Limits If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the activity wont be marked; the activity will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other than N), the activity will be marked; the activity will have an inactive status.

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Activity Slips Fields

activity slips:fields for importing and exporting;importing:activity slips fields;exporting:activity slips fields


Description and Character Limits

*Emp. Co./Last Name

Must match a preexisting employee card or supplier card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. (If the card is an individual, must match both the first and last name in this format: the last name followed by a comma and a space, followed by the first name.) 20 characters, alphanumeric 8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 30 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting Activity ID in your MYOB software company file.

Emp. First Name Slip ID Date

*Activity ID



ACTIVITY SLIPS Field Cust. Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting customer card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 31 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 15 characters, alphanumeric. (If the card is an individual, MYOB Premier matches the last name followed by a comma and a space, followed by the first name.) 15 characters, alphanumeric 11 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 11 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places. Available only for chargeable activities. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job in your MYOB software company file. Available only for chargeable activities. 255 characters, alphanumeric 11 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places. Available only for chargeable activities. 11 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places. Available only for chargeable activities. 11 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places. Available only for chargeable activities. 11 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places. Available only for chargeable activities. 7 characters, numeric in the form Available only for hourly activities. 7 characters, numeric in the form Available only for hourly activities.

Cust. First Name Units Rate Job

Notes Adjustment Dollars Adjustment Units Already Billed Dollars Already Billed Units Start Time Stop Time

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

Cards Fields - Customer

cards:fields for importing and exporting:customer;importing:cards fields:customer;exporting:cards fields:customer


Description and Character Limits

^Co./Last Name

If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must be a unique ID. If you try to import an ID that already exists, the ID *None will be assigned. If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the card wont be marked; the card will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other than N), the card will be marked; the card will have an inactive status.

First Name ^Card ID

Card Status

Currency Code

3 characters, alpha. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. If no code specified, local currency substituted.

The Addr field to the Salutation field repeat for each of the five addresses allowed per card entry. Addr 1 (2-3-4-5) - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 -City State -Postcode -Country Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric

Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric



CARDS CUSTOMER Field -Phone #1 -Phone #2 -Phone #3 -Fax # -Email -WWW -Contact Name -Salutation Picture Notes Identifiers Custom List 1 Custom List 2 Custom List 3 Custom Field 1 Custom Field 2 Custom Field 3 Billing Rate Terms Payment is Due

Description and Character Limits 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 25 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric File name of the graphic. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alpha only 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

CARDS CUSTOMER Field - Discount Days

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, numericbased on the code you enter in the Payment is Due field. If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate Payment is Due, enter a number of days from 0-999. If you choose code 3 or 5, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numericbased on the code you enter in the Payment is Due field. If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you choose code 3 or 5, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 7 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 19 characters, alphanumeric 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. S indicates Service, I indicates Item, P indicates Professional and M indicates Miscellaneous invoice or purchase order layout. T indicates Time Billing invoice layout.

- Balance Due Days

- % Discount - % Monthly Charge Tax Code

Credit Limit Tax ID No. Volume Discount% Sales/Purchase Layout



CARDS CUSTOMER Field Price Level

Description and Character Limits 1 character, numeric. Enter one of these numeric characters to indicate the price level of the customer: 0 - Base Selling Price 1 - Price Level A 2 - Price Level B 3 - Price Level 4 - Price Level D 5 - Price Level E 6 - Price Level F 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered. 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 5 characters in the format mm/yy. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. 25 characters, alphanumeric. 32 characters, alphanumeric. 11 characters, numeric with up to 3 spaces. 11 characters, numeric. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits, for example, 1-1234. 31 characters, alphanumeric

Payment Method Payment Notes Name on Card

Card Number

Expiry Date

BSB Account Number Account Name A.B.N. A.B.N. Branch Account



Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

CARDS CUSTOMER Field Salesperson Card ID Comment Shipping Method Printed Form Freight Tax Code

Description and Character Limits 15 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the customers tax code will be used on sales. 255 characters, alphanumeric

Use Customers Tax Code Receipt Memo

^Conditional Fields: When importing, one or both fields must contain valid entries for matching fields in the company file.

Cards Fields - Supplier

cards:fields for importing and exporting:suppliers;importing:cards fields:suppliers;exporting:cards fields:suppliers

CARDS - SUPPLIER Field ^Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric

First Name ^Card ID



CARDS - SUPPLIER Field Card Status

Description and Character Limits If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the card wont be marked; the card will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other than N), the card will be marked; the card will have an inactive status.

Currency Code

3 characters, alpha. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. If no code specified, local currency substituted.

The Addr field to the Salutation field repeat for each of the five addresses allowed per card entry. Addr 1 (2-3-4-5) - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 -City State -Postcode -Country -Phone #1 -Phone #2 -Phone #3 -Fax # -Email -WWW -Contact Name -Salutation Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric

Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 21 characters, alphanumeric 25 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

CARDS - SUPPLIER Field Picture Notes Identifiers Custom List 1 Custom List 2 Custom List 3 Custom Field 1 Custom Field 2 Custom Field 3 Billing Rate Cost Per Hour Terms Payment is Due

Description and Character Limits File name of the graphic. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alpha only 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 30 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places 10 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numericbased on the code you enter in the Payment is Due field. If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate Payment is Due, enter a number of days from 0-999. If you choose code 3 or 5, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31)

- Discount Days



CARDS - SUPPLIER Field - Balance Due Days

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, numericbased on the code you enter in the Payment is Due field. If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you choose code 3 or 5, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 7 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 19 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered 25 characters, alphanumeric. 25 characters, alphanumeric. 32 characters, alphanumeric. 18 characters, alphanumeric

- % Discount Tax Code

Credit Limit Tax ID No. Payment Method Payment Notes Name on Card

Card Number

Expiry Date

BSB Account Number Account Name Statement Text Send Remittance


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

CARDS - SUPPLIER Field Remittance Method Remittance Address A.B.N. A.B.N. Branch Volume Discount% Sales/Purchase Layout

Description and Character Limits

11 characters, numeric with up to 3 spaces. 11 characters, numeric. 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. S indicates Service, I indicates Item, P indicates Professional and M indicates Miscellaneous invoice or purchase order layout. T indicates Time Billing invoice layout. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits, for example, 1-1234. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the suppliers tax code will be used on bills. 255 characters, alphanumeric


Comment Shipping Method Printed Form Freight Tax Code

Use Suppliers Tax Code Payment Memo

^Conditional Fields: When importing, one or both fields must contain valid entries for matching fields in the company file.



Cards Fields - Employee

cards:fields for importing and exporting:employees;importing:cards fields:employees;exporting:cards fields:employees

CARDS - EMPLOYEE Field Field ^Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits Description and Character Limits If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters, alphanumeric. If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the card wont be marked; the card will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other then N), the card will be marked; the card will have an inactive status.

First Name ^Card ID Card Status

Currency Code

3 characters, alpha. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. If no code specified, local currency substituted.

The Addr field to the Salutation field repeat for each of the five addresses allowed per card entry. Addr 1 (2-3-4-5) - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 - Line 5 - City - State - Postcode - Country -Phone # 1 Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric.

Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric. Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric.


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

-Phone # 2 -Phone # 3 - Fax # - Email - WWW - Salutation Picture Notes Identifiers Custom List 1 Custom List 2 Custom List 3 Custom Field 1 Custom Field 2 Custom Field 3 Billing Rate Cost Per Hour Number of Bank Accounts BSB Number Bank Account Number Bank Account Name Statement Text

21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters, alphanumeric. File name of the graphic. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alpha only. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places 10 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places 1 character, numeric 7 characters, alphanumeric. 9 characters, alphanumeric. 32 characters, alphanumeric. 18 characters, numeric



Bank Value

6 characters, numeric, if Bank Value type is Dollars; 3 characters, numeric, if Bank Value type is Percent. Total for Bank Value and Bank Value 2 cannot exceed 100%. 7 characters, alpha only 7 characters, numeric 9 characters, numeric 32 characters, alphanumeric 7 characters, alpha only 7 characters, alpha only 7 characters, numeric 9 characters, numeric 32 characters, alphanumeric

Bank Value Type BSB 2 Account Number 2 Account Name 2 Bank Value 2 Bank Value Type 2 BSB 3 Account Number 3 Account Name 3 Employment Basis

^Conditional Fields: When importing, one or both fields must contain valid entries for matching fields in the company file.

Cards Fields - Personal

cards:fields for importing and exporting:personal;importing:cards fields:personal;exporting:cards fields:personal

CARDS - EMPLOYEE Field ^Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters, alphanumeric.

First Name ^Card ID


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

Card Status

If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the card wont be marked; the card will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-bland character (other than N), the card will be marked; the card will have an inactive status.

Currency Code

3 characters, alpha. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. If no code specified, local currency substituted.

The Addr field to the Salutation field repeat for each of the five addresses allowed per card entry. Addr 1 (2-3-4-5) - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 - Line 5 - City - State - Postcode - Country -Phone # 1 -Phone # 2 -Phone # 3 - Fax # - Email - WWW - Salutation Picture Notes Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric.

Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric. Cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 21 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters, alphanumeric. File name of the graphic. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric.



Identifiers Custom List 1 Custom List 2 Custom List 3 Custom Field 1 Custom Field 2 Custom Field 3

10 characters, alpha only. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric.

^Conditional Fields: When importing, one or both fields must contain valid entries for matching fields in the company file.

Items Fields
items:fields for importing and exporting;importing:items fields;exporting:items fields


Description and Character Limits

*Item Number Item Name Buy Sell Inventory Asset Acct

30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 character, alphanumeric 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the item is bought. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the item is sold. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the item is inventoried. Linked asset account. Must be valid, preexisting MYOB account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234).


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

ITEMS Field Income Acct

Description and Character Limits Linked income account. Must be valid, preexisting MYOB account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). Linked expense or cost of sales account. Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). File name of the graphic. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the item description and not the item name should be used on the invoice 30 characters, alphanumeric. Must match an existing list entry. 30 characters, alphanumeric. Must match an existing list entry. 30 characters, alphanumeric. Must match an existing list entry. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 31 characters alphanumeric. Must match the name of a supplier card in your card file. (If the supplier is an individual, MYOB Premier matches on the last name, followed by a comma and a space, followed by the first name.) 30 characters alphanumeric.

Expense/COS Acct

Item Picture Description Use Desc. On Invoice Custom List 1 Custom List 2 Custom List 3 Custom Field 1 Custom Field 2 Custom Field 3 Primary Supplier

Supplier Item Number



ITEMS Field Tax Code When Bought Buy Unit Measure # Items/Buy Unit Reorder Quantity Minimum Level Selling Price Sell Unit Measure Tax Code When Sold Sell Price Inclusive Sales Tax Calc. Method #Items/Sell Unit Quantity Break 1 Quantity Break 2

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 5 characters, alphanumeric. 4 characters, numeric. 10 characters, numeric, including 3 decimal places. 10 characters, numeric, including 3 decimal places. 11 characters, numeric, including 4 decimal places. 5 characters, alphanumeric. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the selling price is tax inclusive.

4 characters, numeric. This amount, which must be 0.000, is set automatically by MYOB Premier. 10 characters, numeric including 3 decimal places. Must be greater than zero but less than Quantity Break 3. 10 characters, numeric including 3 decimal places. Must be greater than Quantity Break 2 but less than Quantity Break 4. 10 characters, numeric including 3 decimal places. Must be greater than Quantity Break 3 but less than Quantity Break 5. 10 characters, numeric including 3 decimal places. Must be greater than Quantity Break 4.

Quantity Break 3

Quantity Break 4

Quantity Break 5


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

ITEMS Field Price Level A-F, Qty Break 1 Price Level A-F, Qty Break 2-5 Inactive Item

Description and Character Limits 11 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places. 11 characters, numeric including 4 decimal places. (Price levels are available only when valid quantity breaks have been designated for the item.) If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the item wont be marked; the item will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other than N), the item will be marked; the item will have an inactive status.

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Jobs Fields
jobs:fields for importing and exporting;importing:jobs fields;exporting:jobs fields

JOBS Field Description and Character Limits

*Job Number Job Name Sub Job Of Header

15 characters, alphanumeric. 25 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters, alphanumeric. If the fields contains a Y or any other nonblank character (except N), the Header radio button will be marked. If the field contains an N or is blank, the Detail radio button will be marked.

Description Contact

255 characters, alphanumeric. 25 characters, alphanumeric



JOBS Field Description and Character Limits Percent Complete Number not greater than 100 (2 numeric characters before and after a decimal point. If three characters are placed after the decimal point, MYOB Premier will round to two characters.) 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as separator between months, days and years. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as separator between months, days and years. 25 characters, alphanumeric Must match a preexisting customer card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. (If the card is an individual, must match both the first and last name in this format: the last name followed by a comma and a space, followed by the first name.) If the field is blank or the letter N appears in the field, the check box wont be marked; the job will have an active status. If the field contains a Y or any non-blank character (other than N), the check box will be marked; the job will have an inactive status. Track Reimbursables If the fields contains a Y or any other nonblank character (except N), Track Reimbursables will be marked. If the field contains an N or is blank, Track Reimbursables wont be marked.

Start Date

Finish Date

Manager Linked Customer

Inactive Job


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Transaction Journals Fields

transaction journals:fields for importing and exporting;importing:transaction journals fields;exporting:transaction journals fields

Journal entries from all source journals -- General, Sales, Purchases, Receipts, Disbursements, Inventory, and All -- can be exported from MYOB Premier. When journal entries are imported into MYOB Premier, entries from all source journals are added to the General Journal

Transaction Journals Field

Description and Character Limits

Journal Number Date

8 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as separator between months, days and years. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

Memo *Account Number

*Debit Amount

*Credit Amount



Transaction Journals Field Job

Description and Character Limits 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting job number in your MYOB software company file. 3 characters, alpha. Must be specified for a foreign currency account and must match the currency code of the account. Only one foreign currency per journal entry. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 255 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Allocation Memo Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Purchases Fields - Service

purchases:fields for importing and exporting:service;importing:purchases fields:service;exporting:purchases fields:service


Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB Premier company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. Note: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Addr 1 - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4

20 characters, alphanumeric Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

PURCHASES SERVICE Field Inclusive Purchase # Date

Description and Character Limits 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric. If the ship via method does not exist in the shipping methods list, it will be ignored 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice or purchase order is already printed or sent 255 characters, alphanumeric Must be valid, preexisting MYOB Premier account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB Premier company file. 255 characters, alphanumeric

Supplier Invoice # Ship Via

Already Printed

Description *Account #


*Inc-Tax Amount





PURCHASES SERVICE Field Journal Memo Shipping Date

Description and Character Limits 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

Tax Code Non-GST Amount

GST Amount

18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

Import Duty Amount Freight Amount *Inc-Tax Freight Amount

Freight Tax Code Freight Non-GST Amount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 1 character. O indicates the purchase is an order, Q indicates the purchase is a quote. Any other character or no character indicates the purchase is a bill. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31)

Freight Import Duty Amount Purchase Status

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms Payment is Due

- Discount Days

- Balance Due Days



PURCHASES SERVICE Field - % Discount Amount Paid

Description and Character Limits 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 15 characters, alphanumeric

Inclusive Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Purchases Fields - Item

purchases:fields for importing and exporting:item;importing:purchases fields:item;exporting:purchases fields:item

PURCHASES - ITEM Field *Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. Note: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Addr 1 - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4

20 characters, alphanumeric. Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric.


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

PURCHASES - ITEM Field Inclusive Purchase # Date

Description and Character Limits 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice and purchase order is already printed or sent. 30 characters, alphanumeric. Must match an preexisting item in your MYOB Premier company file. 10 characters, numeric - allows 3 decimal places and decimal point. 255 characters, alphanumeric 11 characters, numeric, including 3 decimal places 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 10 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places Dollars amount field 15 characters (including currency signs and negative signs).

Supplier Invoice # Ship Via Already Printed

*Item Number

Quantity Description Price Inc-Tax Price

Discount Total



PURCHASES - ITEM Field Inc-Tax Total

Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB Premier company file. 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.


Comment Journal Memo Shipping Date

Tax Code Non-GST Amount

GST Amount

Import Duty Amount Freight Amount *Inc-Tax Freight Amount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

PURCHASES - ITEM Field Freight Tax Code Freight Non-GST Amount

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 1 character. O indicates the purchase is an order, Q indicates the purchase is a quote. Any other character or no character indicates the purchase is a bill. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/ purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM

Freight GST Amount

Freight GST Amount Freight Import Duty Amount Purchase Status

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms Payment is Due



PURCHASES - ITEM Field - Discount Days

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 15 characters, alphanumeric

- Balance Due Days

- % Discount Amount Paid

Inclusive Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

Purchases Fields - Professional

purchases:fields for importing and exporting:professional;importing:purchases fields:professional;exporting:purchases fields:professional


Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. Note: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Purchase # Date

20 characters, alphanumeric. 8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice or purchase order is already printed or sent. 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 255 characters, alphanumeric Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234).

Inclusive Already Printed

Journal Memo Detail Date

Description *Account #




Description and Character Limits 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB software company file. 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 3 characters, alphanumeric must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places

*Inc-Tax Amount


Comment Promised Date

Tax Code Non-GST Amount

GST Amount

Import Duty Amount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 1 character. O indicates the purchase is an order, Q indicates the purchase is a quote. Any other character or no character indicates the purchase is a bill. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/ purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point.

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms - Payment is Due

- Discount Days

- Balance Due Days

% Discount




Description and Character Limits 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the purchase is tax inclusive. 15 characters, alphanumeric

Inclusive Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Purchases Fields - Miscellaneous

purchases:fields for importing and exporting:miscellaneous;importing:purchases fields:miscellaneous;exporting:purchases fields:miscellaneous


Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. NOTE: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Date

20 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years.

Supplier Invoice


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

PURCHASES MISCELLANEOUS Field Inclusive Memo Description *Account Number

Description and Character Limits 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting job number in your MYOB software company file. 3 characters, alphanumeric must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.


*Inc-Tax Amount


Tax Code Non-GST Amount

GST Amount



PURCHASES MISCELLANEOUS Field Import Duty Amount Purchase Status

Description and Character Limits 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 1 alphanumeric character. O indicates an order. Q indicates a quote. Any other character or blank indicates the purchase is a bill. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/purchase. Must match customer/supplier currency code. (If blank, currency code on customer/supplier card substituted.) 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point.

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms Payment is Due

- Discount Days

- Balance Due Days

- % Discount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the purchase is tax inclusive. 15 characters, alphanumeric

Inclusive Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Receive Money Fields

Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier > Field descriptions for importing and exporting >> Receive Money:fields for importing and exporting;importing:receive money fields;exporting:receive money fields

RECEIVE MONEY Field *Deposit Account

Description and Character Limits 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). If the bank account doesnt exist in Premier, a default account is substituted.

ID #: Date

8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric

Co./Last Name First name Memo



RECEIVE MONEY Field Inclusive *Allocation Account #

Description and Character Limits 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric 3 characters, alphanumeric. If the tax code is not a preexisting Premier tax code, the tax code and amount will be ignored, and the transaction will be imported on a tax-exclusive basis. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

*Ex-Tax Amount

*Inc-Tax Amount

Job # Tax Code

Non-GST/LCT Amount

Tax Amount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 50 characters, alphanumeric. 7 characters, numeric. 9 characters, alphanumeric. 17 characters, alphanumeric. 25 characters, alphanumeric. 50 characters, alphanumeric. 5 characters, numeric in the format MM/YY 30 characters, alphanumeric. 50 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Payment Method Drawer/Account Name BSB Account Number Cheque Number Card Number Name on Card Expiry Date Authorisation Code Notes Allocation Memo Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Importing/Exporting - Receive Money Fields



Sales Fields - Service

sales:fields for importing and exporting:service;importing:sales fields:service;exporting:sales fields:service

SALES - SERVICE Field *Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB Premier company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. NOTE: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Addr 1 - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 Inclusive Invoice # Date

20 characters, alphanumeric Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric

1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric. If the ship via method does not exist in the shipping methods list, it will be ignored 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice or purchase order is already printed or sent 255 characters, alphanumeric

Customer PO Ship Via

Already Printed



Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - SERVICE Field *Account #

Description and Character Limits Must be valid, preexisting MYOB Premier account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB Premier company file. 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 31 characters, alphanumeric. Must match the name of an employee card in the MYOB software company file. 15 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List.


*Inc-Tax Amount


Comment Journal Memo Salesperson Last Name Salesperson First Name Shipping Date

Referral Source Tax Code



SALES - SERVICE Field Non-GST Amount

Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

GST Amount

18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

LCT Amount

18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

Freight Amount Inc-Tax Freight Amount

Freight Tax Code Freight Non-GST Amount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - SERVICE Field Freight GST Amount

Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 character. O indicates the sale is an order, Q indicates the sale is a quote. Any other character or no character indicates the sale is an invoice. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31)

Freight LCT Amount

Sale Status

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms Payment is Due

- Discount Days



SALES - SERVICE Field - Balance Due Days

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered. 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type.

- % Discount - % Monthly Charge Amount Paid

Payment Method Payment Notes Name on Card

Card Number

Expiry Date

Authorisation Code

BSB Account Number


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - SERVICE Field Drawer/Account Name Cheque Number Category

Description and Character Limits 32 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 8 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a cheque payment method type is entered. 15 characters, alphanumeric

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Sales Fields - Item

sales:fields for importing and exporting:item;importing:sales fields:item;exporting:sales fields:item

SALES - ITEM Field *Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. NOTE: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Addr 1 - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 Inclusive Invoice #

20 characters, alphanumeric. Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric.

1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 8 characters, alphanumeric



SALES - ITEM Field Date

Description and Character Limits 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice and purchase order is already printed or sent. 30 characters, alphanumeric. Must match an preexisting item in your MYOB Premier company file. 10 characters, numeric - allows 3 decimal places and decimal point. 255 characters, alphanumeric 11 characters, numeric, including 3 decimal places 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 10 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places Dollars amount field 15 characters (including currency signs and negative signs). 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB Premier company file.

Customer PO Ship Via Already Printed

*Item Number

Quantity Description Price Inc-Tax Price

Discount Total Inc-Tax Total



Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - ITEM Field Comment Journal Memo Salesperson Last Name Salesperson First Name Shipping Date

Description and Character Limits 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 31 characters, alphanumeric. Must match the name of an employee card in the MYOB Premier company file. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places

Tax Code Referral Source Non-GST Amount

GST Amount

LCT Amount

Freight Amount



SALES - ITEM Field Inc-Tax Freight Amount

Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 alphanumeric character. O indicates an order. Q indicates a quote. Any other character or blank indicates the sale is an invoice. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/ purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted.

Freight Tax Code Freight Non-GST Amount

Freight GST Amount

Freight LCT Amount

Sale Status

Currency Code

Exchange Rate


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - ITEM Field Terms Payment is Due

Description and Character Limits 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered.

- Discount Days

- Balance Due Days

- % Discount - % Monthly Charge Amount Paid

Payment Method Payment Notes



SALES - ITEM Field Name on Card

Description and Character Limits 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 32 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 8 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 15 characters, alphanumeric

Card Number

Expiry Date

Authorisation Code

BSB Account Number Drawer/Account Name Cheque Number Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

Sales Fields - Professional

sales:fields for importing and exporting:professional;importing:sales fields:professional;exporting:sales fields:professional


Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. NOTE: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name Invoice # Date

20 characters, alphanumeric 8 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice or purchase order is already printed or sent. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 255 characters, alphanumeric Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234).

Customer PO Inclusive Already Printed

Detail Date

Description *Account #




Description and Character Limits 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB software company file. 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 3 characters, alphanumeric must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

*Inc-Tax Amount


Comment Journal Memo Promised Date

Referral Source Tax Code Non-GST Amount

GST Amount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 alphanumeric character. O indicates an order. Q indicates a quote. Any other character or blank indicates the sale is an invoice. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/ purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31)

Sale Status

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms - Payment is Due

- Discount Days

- Balance Due Days




Description and Character Limits 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 31 characters, alphanumeric. Must match the name of an employee card in the MYOB software company file. 15 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered. 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type.

- % Monthly Charge Salesperson Last Name Salesperson First Name Amount Paid

Payment Method Payment Notes Name on Card

Card Number

Expiry Date

Authorisation Number BSB


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES PROFESSIONAL Field Account Number Drawer/Account Name Cheque No Category

Description and Character Limits 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 32 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 8 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 15 characters, alphanumeric

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.

Sales Fields - Time Billing

sales:fields for importing and exporting:time billing;importing:sales fields:time billing;exporting:sales fields:time billing

SALES - TIME BILLING Field *Co./Last Name

Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric. Note: To match a preexisting card when the designation chosen for the card is Individual, MYOB Premier requires that you include both the last name and the first name.

First Name **Addr 1 - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 Invoice #

20 characters, alphanumeric. Total Address field (lines 1 to 4) cannot exceed 255 characters, alphanumeric.

8 characters, alphanumeric




Description and Character Limits 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 20 characters, alphanumeric 20 characters, alphanumeric 1 character. Any non-blank character signifies that the invoice is already printed or sent. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 30 characters, alphanumeric 11 characters, numeric (may be negative or blank) 255 characters, alphanumeric 11 characters, numeric 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB software appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match preexisting job number in your MYOB software company file. 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric

Inclusive Customer PO **Ship Via Already Printed Detail Date

*Activity ID Hours/Units Note Rate Amount


Comment Journal Memo


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - TIME BILLING Field Promised Date

Description and Character Limits 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 3 characters, alphanumeric must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, numeric, including 2 decimal places 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

Tax Code Non-GST Amount

GST Amount

**Freight Amount **Freight Tax Code **Freight Non-GST Amount

**Freight GST Amount

LCT Amount



SALES - TIME BILLING Field Sale Status

Description and Character Limits 1 alphanumeric character. O indicates an order. Q indicates a quote. Any other character or blank indicates the sale is an invoice. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/purchase. Must match a preexisting currency code in the Currency List. Must match customer/supplier currency code. 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point.

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms - Payment is Due

- Discount Days

- Balance Due Days

- % Discount


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

SALES - TIME BILLING Field - % Monthly Charge Salesperson Last Name Salesperson First Name Referral Source Amount Paid

Description and Character Limits 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 31 characters, alphanumeric. Must match the name of an employee card in the MYOB software company file. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered. 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 8 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a cheque payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type.

Payment Method Payment Notes Name on Card Card Number

Expiry Date

Authorisation Code

Cheque Number BSB



SALES - TIME BILLING Field Account Number Drawer/Account Name Inc-Tax Amount

Description and Character Limits 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 32 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric


*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field. ** This field appears only if you mark the I Include Items on Time Billing Invoices preference.

Sales Fields - Miscellaneous

sales:fields for importing and exporting:miscellaneous;importing:sales fields:miscellaneous;exporting:sales fields:miscellaneous


Description and Character Limits Must match a preexisting card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 50 characters, alphanumeric. If an individuals last name, 30 characters, alphanumeric.

First Name Invoice #

20 characters, alphanumeric. 8 characters, alphanumeric


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 20 characters, alphanumeric 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 31 characters, alphanumeric. Must match the name of an employee card in the MYOB software company file. 30 characters, alphanumeric. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting job number in your MYOB software company file.

Customer PO Inclusive Memo Salesperson Last Name Salesperson First Name Referral Source Description *Account Number


*Inc-Tax Amount





Description and Character Limits 3 characters, alphanumeric must match a preexisting tax code in the Tax Code List. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 alphanumeric character. O indicates an order. Q indicates a quote. Any other character or blank indicates the sale is an invoice. 3 characters, alpha. One code per sale/purchase. Must match customer/supplier currency code. (If blank, currency code on customer/supplier card substituted.) 11 digits, including 6 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 1 character, numeric. Use one of these codes to indicate when payment is due: 0 - COD 1 - Prepaid 2 - In a Given # of Days 3 - On a Day of the Month 4 - # of days after EOM 5 - Day of Month after EOM

GST Amount

LCT Amount

Sale Status

Currency Code

Exchange Rate Terms Payment is Due


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 3 characters, numeric If you choose code 0, 1, 2 or 4 to indicate when payment is due, use a number of days from 0-999. If you chose code 3 or 5 to indicate when payment is due, use a date from 1-31. (EOM=31) 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 2 characters, numeric before a decimal point and 2 characters, numeric after a decimal point. 15 characters (including currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 20 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a Payment Method is entered. 50 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 10 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered.

- Balance Due Days

- % Discount - % Monthly Charge Amount Paid

Payment Method Payment Notes Name on Card Card Number

Expiry Date



SALES MISCELLANEOUS Field Authorisation Code

Description and Character Limits 255 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a credit card or debit card payment method type is entered. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 25 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 32 characters, alphanumeric. Only available for cheque payment method type. 8 characters, alphanumeric. Available only if a cheque payment method type is entered. 15 characters, alphanumeric

BSB Account Number Drawer/Account Name Cheque Number Category

*Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field. ^Conditional Fields: When importing, one or both fields must contain valid entries for matching fields in the company file.

Spend Money Fields

Spend Money:fields for importing and exporting;importing:spend money fields;exporting:spend money fields

SPEND MONEY Field *Bank Account

Description and Character Limits 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). If the bank account doesnt exist in Premier, a default account is substituted.

Cheque #:

8 characters, alphanumeric


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any non-numeric as a separator between months, days and years. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive. 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric

Inclusive Co./Last Name First name Addr 1 - Line 1 - Line 2 - Line 3 - Line 4 Memo *Allocation Account #

*Ex-Tax Amount

*Inc-Tax Amount

Job #



SPEND MONEY Field Tax Code

Description and Character Limits 3 characters, alphanumeric. If the tax code is not a preexisting Premier tax code, the tax code and amount will be ignored, and the transaction will be imported on a tax-exclusive basis. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the transaction has already been printed. 3 character alphanumeric. 10 digits, including 9 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted 18 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric 15 characters, alphanumeric

Non-GST/LCT Amount

Tax Amount

Import Duty Amount

Printed Currency Code Exchange Rate Statement Text Allocation Memo Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.


Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting

Tax Code List Fields

tax code list:fields for importing and exporting;importing:tax code list fields;exporting:tax code list fields


Description and Character Limits

Non-Consolidated Codes Fields *Tax Code Description *Tax Type *Rate Linked Account for Tax Collected 3 characters, alphanumeric 255 characters, alphanumeric. 255 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting Premier tax type. 2 numeric characters before and after a decimal. The tax rate may not be negative. Must be a valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). Must match a preexisting customer card in your MYOB software company file. If a company name (no first name), 31 characters, alphanumeric. If a last name, 15 characters, alphanumeric. (If the card is an individual, MYOB Premier matches the last name followed by a comma and a space, followed by the first name. 21 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, MYOB software rounds to the nearest cent.

Linked Account for Tax Paid

Linked Card for Tax Authority

Luxury Car Tax Threshold




Description and Character Limits

Consolidated Codes Fields *Consolidated Tax Code 3 characters, alphanumeric. To fully import the consolidated tax code, all sub-taxs must be preexisting Premier tax codes.The rate of the consolidated tax code is calculated automatically by Premier; the rate is the total of the sub-Tax code rates. 255 characters, alphanumeric. If no description is imported, Imported Consolidated Code will be entered automatically as the description. 3 characters, alphanumeric. Must match a preexisting Premier tax code.

Consolidated Code Description

*Sub-Tax Code

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.
Importing/Exporting - Tax Code List Fields

General Journal Entries Fields

Importing and exporting > Importing data into MYOB Premier > Field descriptions for importing and exporting >> General Journal entries:fields for importing and exporting;importing:General Journal entries fields;exporting:General Journal entries fields


Description and Character Limits 255 characters, alphanumeric 10 characters, alphanumeric. Follows date convention of your system. Allows any nonnumeric as a separator between months, days and years. S for Sale (Supply) or P for Purchase (Acquisition). When importing, if the field is blank and the transaction doesnt have a tax amount, it will be imported and reported on the GST Exceptions report. 1 character alphanumeric indicates the tax is inclusive.




Chapter 5 Field descriptions for importing and exporting


Description and Character Limits Must be valid, preexisting MYOB software account number. 5 characters, numeric. May (optionally) have a non-numeric separator between the first digit and the last 4 digits (for example, 1-1234). 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 15 characters, alphanumeric 3 characters, alphanumeric. If the tax code is not a preexisting Premier tax code, the transaction will be imported on a tax-exclusive basis. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent.

*Debit Ex-Tax Amount

*Debit Inc-Tax Amount

*Credit Ex-Tax Amount

*Credit Inc-Tax Amount

Job Tax Code

Non-GST/LCT Amount




Description and Character Limits 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 18 characters (including the currency sign, comma and negative sign). If no decimal entered, MYOB Premier appends .00. If more than 2 decimals, Premier rounds to the nearest cent. 3 characters, alphanumeric 10 digits, including 9 decimal places. If blank, current exchange rate substituted. 255 characters, alphanumeric. 15 characters, alphanumeric.

LCT Amount

Import Duty Amount

Currency Code Exchange Rate Allocation Memo Category

*This is a Required Field: When importing, this field must have a valid matching import field.


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