CV Joseph Bartolotta Feb 2013

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Joseph Patrick Bartolotta

1821 1st Avenue S. #203 Minneapolis, MN 55403 (952) 212-4175

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN Degree: Doctor of Philosophy: Rhetoric and Scientific and Technical Communications (Expected March, 2013) Dissertation Title: Laboring Literacy: The Economies of Workers Education in the International Ladies Garment Workers Union 1914-1939. Advisor: Thomas Reynolds Committee: Lee-Ann Breuch, Donald Ross, Mary Schuster Iowa State University, Ames, IA Degree: Master of Arts: English Rhetoric, Composition and Professional Communication (2008) Thesis Title: Toward a Humor-Enhanced Classroom Advisor: Michael Mendelson Committee: Barb Blakely, Linda Shenk University of Saint Thomas, Saint Paul, MN Degree: Bachelor of Arts: English with a Writing Emphasis (2006) Cum Laude

Haas, C. & Bartolotta, J. (2012). Editors Introduction: The Multiple Dimension of Writing in Global context. Written Communication, 29.1, 3-4. Special Issue on Writing and Global Context. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Manuscripts Under Review Bartolotta, J. (2012). Ecology and Motives: Burke on Nature, Technology and Human Motives. Presently under review at: The Review of Communication. Submitted: October 2012.

Research Interests
Methodologies for the Study of Writing Adult Literacy Technical Writing in Regulatory Documents Writing in Trans-Cultural Contexts Disability and Writing Ability Genre and the Teaching of Professional Writing

Teaching Experience Graduate Instructor, Department of Writing Studies, University of Minnesota, 2008-present Upper-Division Courses
Introduction to Scientific and Technical Communication (WRIT 3001)

Business and Professional Writing (WRIT 3029W) Technical and Professional Writing (WRIT 3562W) (computer classroom component) Freshman-level Courses University Writing (WRIT 1301) (computer classroom component) Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Iowa State University, 2006-08. Freshman-level Courses: ENGL 104 (Foundational Composition) (computer classroom component) ENGL 105 (Foundational Composition) (computer classroom component) ENGL 250 (Foundational Composition) (computer classroom component)

Teaching interests
Archival Research Modern Rhetorical Theory Classical Rhetorical Theory Kenneth Burke and Burkean Methods Composition and Writing Studies Theory and Methods The History of Writing Writing About Science

National Academic Conferences and Presentations Laboring Literacy: How a literacy program in one Labor Union made writing public and turned workers into writers and speakers Conference on College Composition and Communication; Las Vegas, NV. March 13-16, 2013. [Peer-reviewed] Economies of literacy: Organized labor educational literacy programs in an immigrant community. 2012 Thomas R. Watson Conference; University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, October 18, 2012. [Peer-reviewed] "Indulging John Marshall's Sympathies: Identification, the Cherokee Nation, and the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia." Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America; Philadelphia, PA, May 2012. [Peer-reviewed] Problematizing literacy as an economic gateway. Conference on College Composition and Communication; St. Louis, MO. April 22, 2012. [Peer-reviewed] 2

What we talk about when we talk global: Enacting the Global in writing research articles. 15th Annual Conference Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW); St. Louis, MO, April 21, 2012. With Christina Haas. [Peer-reviewed] Twelve Bars and a Pen: Improvising and Writing as Sidepeople. Conference on College Composition and Communication; Atlanta, GA. April 9, 2011. [Peer-reviewed] Creating a New Relationship with Creation: The Rhetoric of Evangelical Christianitys Tip-Toe Toward Environmental Sustainability. Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America; Minneapolis, MN, May 29. 2010. [Peer-reviewed] Seeing Perspectives in Contact: RNC2008, Situated Knowledge and the Writing Classroom. Conference on College Composition and Communication; Louisville, KY, March 20, 2010. [Peer-reviewed] Reconsidering the Same Problem: Technical Literacy, the Digital Divide and their Precursors. Conference on College Composition and Communication; San Francisco, CA. March 16, 2009. [Peer-reviewed] From Logs to Blogs: Inviting Local Ecological Advocacy to the Web Conference on College Composition and Communication; New Orleans, LA. April 3, 2008. [Peer-reviewed] Local Academic Conferences and Presentations Writing with Disaster: A Contemporary Case for Technical Writing Teaching. Minnesota Colleges and Universities English and Writing Annual Conference, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota. March 29, 2012. Brown v. Board of Education as Argumentative Text. Minnesota Colleges and Universities English and Writing Annual Conference, University of Minnesota; St. Paul, Minnesota. April 3, 2010. Local Music, Localized Rhetorics. Minnesota Colleges and Universities English and Writing Annual Conference, University of Minnesota; St. Paul, Minnesota. April 3, 2009. Humor and Phronesis: Satire as a Discursive Activity. Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Texas Womens University; Denton, TX. February 9, 2008. Urban Culture without Urban Space. Conference of the English Departments of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities; Macalester College, Spring 2006.

Workshop Presentations
Writing as Craft: A Model Approach to Business Writing (with Timothy Oleksiak) University of Minnesota Department of Writing Studies Teachers Teaching Teachers event. Invited Presenter, University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN. February 21, 2013. Lets Get Professional. University of Minnesota Writing Studies Advanced Composition Workshop, Invited Panelist, University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN. August 28, 2012. Responding to Student Writing. University of Minnesota Writing Studies Workshop, Invited Panelist, University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, MN. April 1, 2009. WOVE and Environmentally Themed Communication Classes. ISUComm Workshop, Invited Presenter, Iowa State University; Ames, IA. November 13, 2007.

Academic Service and Honors

Manuscript Reviewer, Written Communication 2012present Awarded the University of Minnesotas College of Liberal Arts Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) Award for the Summer, 2011. ($5,000) Editorial Assistant for the peer-reviewed journal Written Communication. August 2010-December 2012. Graduate Student Representative: Senate Education Policy Committee, University of Minnesota, 2008-10. (Voting member) Bedford/St. Martins TA Advisory Board. Served 2009-2010.

Professional Memberships
National Council of Teachers of English Conference on College Composition and Communication Association for the Rhetoric of Science and Technology Modern Language Association Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Society of American Baseball Research

Dr. Thomas Reynolds, 223 Nolte, 315 Pillsbury, Minneapolis, MN 55455. (612) 626-0065 Dr. Lee-Ann K. Breuch, 223 Nolte, 315 Pillsbury, Minneapolis, MN 55455. (612) 624-6727 Dr. Christina Haas, 223 Nolte, 315 Pillsbury, Minneapolis, MN 55455. (612) 625-1815 Dr.Donald Ross, 223 Nolte, 315 Pillsbury, Minneapolis, MN 55455. (612) 625-5585

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