2.project Background and History (4-8)

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II. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND HISTORY 2.1 Project Proponents The proponents consist of five students taking up Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, who expressed their interest to conduct a project feasibility study on the establishment of a commercial human milk bank which aims to promote the benefits of human breast milk. Table 2.1 Project Proponents Name Beltran, Maria Alecine P. Bregente, Ma. Zarina Myla G. Co, Benedict M. Nationality Filipino Filipino Filipino Address Mexico, Pampanga Malabon City City of San Fernando, Pampanga City of San Fernando, Pampanga Taguig City % Ownership 20% 20% 20% 20%

Dolom, Jerome Christopher R. Ramos, Charmaine S. 2.2 Proposed Name of the Business

Filipino Filipino


The name of the business is Life Care Human Milk Bank. As the name suggests, the proponents just simply care for the life of children.

The Life Care Human Milk Bank seeks to produce high-quality processed breast milk for infants to reduce or lessen their malnutrition rate. By 2015, Life Care Human Milk Bank envisions itself to be the first large-scale and leading commercial breast milk distributor in the country. 2.3 Type of Business Organization Since the investment in the establishment of the business requires a large amount of money, the business will be managed under a corporation, named Life Care Human Milk Bank. A corporation consists of five persons who act as one. Though most corporations are evidenced by certificates of stock, the Life Care Human Milk Bank is considered as a non-stock business. 2.4 Location of Head Office The office will be located in The One Executive Offices at No. 5 West Avenue, Brgy. Nayong Kanluran, Quezon City.

Fig. 2.1 Location of Processing Plant 2.5 Brief History of the Project Based form the 2002 Maternal and Child Health Survey conducted by the National Statistics Office, 14% of the total population of mothers in the urban area never breastfed. Breast milk is a complex and nourishing mixture that scientists have not yet identified all its elements. No formula manufacturer has managed or will ever be able to fully replicate it. Human milk has a perfect balance of protein, sugar and fat to provide for babies complete nutritional requirements in the first six (6) months of life. It also includes anti bodies, immune factors, enzymes and white blood cells that protect babies against a wide variety of diseases and infections. These infants who were not breastfed need the natural diet which will come from breast milk. It is natural and has its own distinctiveness when it comes to its nutritional contents. It is also the best milk for babies. It has its own nutrients that are enough for babies such

Department of Pediatrics and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Center for Patient Partnership, Best Beginnings: Breastfeeding Basics, The Medical City

as vitamins, water and iron. Breast milk also corrects amounts of salt, calcium, and phosphate. Colostrum is the first lacteal secretion produced by the mammary gland of a mother prior to the production of milk. Any secretion after the first removal of all or part is then termed Transitional Milk. Only colostrum collected from the single first milking within 0-6 hours after birth maintains nature's perfect balance of immunological and body regulating biologically active proteins.

A breast-fed babys digestive tract contains large amounts of Lactobacillus bifidus, beneficial bacteria that prevent the growth of harmful organisms. Human milk straight from the breast is always sterile, never contaminated by polluted water or dirty bottles, which can also lead to diarrhea in the infant. Human milk contains at least 100 ingredients not found in formula. No babies are allergic to their mother's milk, although they may have a reaction to something the mother eats as stated by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The purpose of the commercial human milk bank is to make human milk available to infants/children who need it and to parents who prefer breast milk than the formula milk for their child. It will help not only the babies who needs breast


milk, but also, mothers who donated their milk. Human milk helps both the mother and child to prevent diseases. It also helps mothers who are regular breastfeeding to prolonged lactation and can help decrease the birth rate because it delays the return of ovulation. It is capable of providing sufficient breast milk that needs it will reduce malnutrition. There are already existing milk banks in the country but caters only a small group of the population and prioritize pre-mature and only those who really need the milk.

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