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On the origin of stupidity

Since the beginning of humanity, there has always been the group of people that were considered not too smart, either by the way they dressed, acted, or even thought. Some of these guys were simply misunderstood, just look at the humongous quantities of scholars that were practically hanged just for thinking that the Earth was round. Of course, they were regarded as being stupid just for having a different ideology. Some others.are just foolish. On 1924, there was an institution created by some enlightened German thinkers that were fans of the theories and conclusions made by the famous philosophers, Marx , Hegel, and Freud. Their conclusions were vast, but the most significant ones were that the usage of philosophy might be used as a method of controlling the masses, and therefore, using it to get power. You know, like Uncle Bens famous quote, With a great power, comes a great responsibility; and also the fact that people will subdue themselves to the things theyve created. As stated in Herbert Marcuses One-Dimensional Man, the only difference between the ancient slaves

and the slaves we see nowadays is that we get to choose our masters. Just look at the average families nowadays; parents work all day, leaving their offspring unattended, in order to work and nourish their future, as most say ; but then, wheres the family values that shouldve been taught to their kids? Parents blame media and society for their crooked kid, but where were the parents that shouldve raised them? Oh right, working for that home/car/helicopter theyll never get to buy. The other common thing that people get enslaved by is technology. People nowadays work their butts off to buy the latest cellphone, car, computer, etc Not only this, but they get dependent on meaningless things like stalking people on Facebook, retweeting random things on Twitter, or liking that duckface on Instagram. Modern philosophers were predicting these kinds of things to happen. It is known that, as technology progresses to make daily things more time-saving and effective; people will start to get used to thinking less and expecting more. We always get stories about how our parents, and the now-elderly spent their afternoons at libraries to find info for their homework and reports, unlike the youth

nowadays that most havent even entered their local library, oh wait, they do enter use their computers and play flash games or check their social networking when theyre grounded. Anyways, another final thing that people get subdued to is to the mainstream trends that rule each contemporary decade. For example, recall how from the 1950s until the late 20th century, musicians that didnt play strictly classical music were regarded as the drug junkies, school flunking, mischievous people. Most of this influence comes from media, where the drug addict or the criminal ends up being the virtuoso guitarist, or anyone related to the music that were appealing to the respective youth. Due to this, people gradually supporting the views that their idols shared. For example, after Ozzy Osbournes show, where he bit out a bats head, there have been countless reports of people copycatting his act. As they ended up developing their criteria based on their idols points of view, people ending up being less independent ideal-wise or how we call this nowadays being fake.

This lack of originality in thought is what made the younger generations nowadays to become more and more helpless; twelve year olds drinking, partying, and even having intercourse is what I mean with helpless. Besides being fault of their irresponsible parents, media plays a big role on this young peoples minds. Prior to the 21st century, we saw how people took great attention in education, morals, and family values. Teachers worked not for cash and payrolls, but to live with the thought that their students will be professionals, a thing that we dont see often in these days. Inflation and the periodic increase of the cost of life made teachers, (not all, of course) stop worrying about this, and instead, fulfill their duty and hurry to get their check. Which, as a chain reaction, triggered a diminish in the youths effort to increase the love for studies and well, righteousness. The smart people nowadays are those that have developed their criteria from the essence of family values and morals, and not necessarily via religion, but through self-will and independence. As once Charles Darwin proclaimed, its all about the survival of the fittest. (To be continued)

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