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Asian Rally 2012
We stayed at the Intercontinental Grand Stanford Hotel in Hongkong. This internationally renowned hotel
has 573 luxurious rooms overlooking the Victoria Harbour. This regal 5 star property presents the best
breathtaking harbour view in Hongkong. Staying at this hotel gave us the feeling as if we were staying at
a royal and majestic place.
At the Rally, excited distributors from various other Asian countries were present. It was a moment of great
pride for India when top 3 Proft Share cheques of Asia were taken away by Indian distributors in front of
thousands of visiting Asian and World distributors.
Thank you FLP. Thank you God Almighty. Many thanks to my family members, FLP staff, my uplines, my
successlines and all those who directly or indirectly contributed towards my success through well wishes
and blessings.
` 95,23,790.69
Asian Rally 2012
Profit Sharing Level 2
This is my 3rd Profit Share cheque in a row, but this was special as it was the 3rd highest denomination cheque among 14
Asian countries! It reminded me of my 1st FLP cheque of Rs. 42/- several years back. Those were difficult days when at
times I would drive more than 200 kms a day to share these wonderful products and Marketing Plan. But the sweet fruit of
hard work is that today I have a wonderful team of strong leaders. I am thankful to my entire group (All Over India) as this
achievement is dedicated to their hard work and dedication.

My Biggest Achievement was the opportunity to host the last Asian Rally in Hong Kong. To represent Asia was a bigger
achievement than my Profit Share cheque! The energy, the enthusiasm, the cheering was electric. To be able to invite
Diamonds on stage for recognition made
me feel so proud and elated! To be able to
share the stage with FLP Executive team
was a dream come true! This definitely
is the biggest achievement of my life so
far. Thanks to Ms. Nikita and Our Country
Sales Head Mr. Amarjit Ubhi - without their
belief and support I couldnt have done it!
I would like to thank all the FLP staff who
were there to support all the distributors
and my big thanks to all our distributors who
watched this event live and appreciated my
job. I am grateful to Sharmila, Smita, Rouell
and Aamir who were always there to do their
best for the success of the event.
` 86,60,437.83
` 68,22,124.72
It is a dream come true for me - what an
amazing company! While most businesses
in the world are not doing well, employees
being asked to quit, airlines posting losses
etc. Forever is the only company I know of
that keeps on paying you Profit Share cheques
again and again all over the world. This years
Profit Share at the Asian Rally in Hong Kong,
was very special to me as the Top three Profit
Share cheques came to India. What a start!!!
It won't be long when the top cheques in the
world would be from India. I would like to
thank my entire team for their blessings and
good wishes to achieve this Profit Share goal.
I would like to especially thank Bharat & Beena Shah, Asha & Avinash Meshram, Umesh & Vandana Dhakan, Pinola & Vicky
and Jitendra Gosai.
As the top distributor from India in the Group Volume category, I had the privilege of attending the World Rally and exchanging
ideas with the cream of FLP Distributors from the World over. I would want all those reading this to work with your leaders
on achieving your goals. As you know inflation in india has sky rocketed; your passport to a worry free life is the business of
Forever Living Products
*Profit Share amount in India Rupees is the true amount as
per Indian Profit Share Calculations. The dollar figures are
indicative of the average exchange rate of 2011
It has been a thrilling experience to be on the stage at the Asian Rally
to pick up my Profit Share cheque. This is my highest ever profit share
amount and this time the figure has really exceeded my expectations.
Thank you FLP for making a big difference to my life.
SUjAThA & Prem rAjAN
` 18,70,953.19
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rAjINder KAUr & vArINder SINGh SAGGU
` 12,97,551.59
On such special occasions as the Asian Rally at Hong Kong one cannot
be anything else but be inspired by the manner in which FLP rewards
its ambassadors in various ways. As is usual with FLP, the ambience
of the rally was superb. One of the highlights of the rally is the Profit
Share recognition. It is so amazing that so many people walk the isles
to receive their awards and this is because FLP has opened a privilege
for the takers who are willing to believe. We thank God once again that
we are among these qualifiers. We have tasted the power of FOREVER
LIVING and it is definitely awesome, propelling and compelling. Once
again thank you Rex Maughan for the opportunity. Amarjit Ubhi, our
Country Sales Manager, Nikita Director of Operations for FLP India, the
national staff, regional staff and the global staff, you all deserve the credit
for the marvelous quality of your support without which we can never
manage. To our team and success line words will not suffice to express
our gratitude to your devoted endeavour. Our prayers and wish is that
you too can scale the heights and reach the peak. So gear up for the
next Profit Share confluence at Hawaii next year. Wishing the very best to
every distributor of Forever Living.
PINoLA KhArKoNGor & vIcKy WArjrI
` 12,14,443.97
Asian Rally 2012
The last Asian and World Rally was such an inspiring and exciting event.
Close to 400 Indian distributors attended this superb event! We had several
of our team members who had qualified for the Rally my brother Manish
Dodhia as Eagle Manager, Narendra Bhanushali and Sanjay Gada as Level
3 qualifiers, Dr. Anurita Salve and Mr. Gurav as Level 2 qualifiers. And we
qualified for the 6th consecutive Profit Share when we received $25,792
from Mr. Rex Maughan!
This is a superb example of Together Everyone Achieves More!
It is all about self belief, good team work, goal setting, action and analysis.
As Gregg rightly said, we must become like kids! They accept readily, learn
easily, are fearless and touch peoples heart.
The highlight of the Rally was FLP India tightly holding on to its number 2 position and grabbing the top 3 Profit Share cheques
in Asia! Well done Sunil, Simon & Anand Gandhi you have done us proud!
We thank all FLP staff, all FLP trainers, Mr. Amarjit Ubhi for being a good coach, Nikita for all her support and guidance and Mr.
Rex Maughan for giving us this lifestyle opportunity. All our team members, successlines, uplines especially Simon for being
there. Thank you God for our wonderful family.
Our message to all out there Be free & Soar High
BeeNA & BhArAT ShAh
It all started at the New Delhi Airport. The check-in counter reminded of the
FLP office queue for the product at the time of closing. Only the enthusiasm
and spirits were higher. And why not! We were all on our way to celebrate
our success. And the FLP family was proud, while the Jet Airways crew
ever courteous to the needs of an important group of delegates using their
airlines to reach the destination. We were all on our way to the Asian Rally
2012 at Hong Kong. The electric atmosphere had already inflicted us all and
while we were at the top of the world, our room turned out to be a beautiful
suite on the 18th floor. An open air pool on the rooftop was right there by
our side. The morning brought us closer to the forthcoming event we had all
waited for with bated breath.
India, lead by the captain of the ship, has been booming all along. Mr.
Amarjit Ubhi has commandeered us all into a growth pattern, and his ways
keep the troops in line, who are all charmed by the tenacity of his cool
moves, making sure that while we enjoy to the brim, we must never lose
focus of the purpose that brings us all together: the joy of the Forever Spirit
of Success, Prosperity, and Happiness!
India did show the dominating position as always. It was a joy to see the key presenter when it turned out to be Anand Gandhi
a rising star of FLP India, and his theatrics were beautifully orchestrated along with his partner from Hong Kong, which kept the
whole audience in a bind of fun-filled moments one after the other. India turned out to be the dominating country with the top three
highest Profit Sharing earners being Sunil Gupta, Simon Davidson, and Anand Gandhi. Sure enough, standing there tall was Sunil
Gupta, the man who gets to be a millionaire every time, leading the Profit Share, an inspiration for all. My own moment of recognition
was there collecting my check (the third one in a row) which made me look back at the times when I could have only dreamed
of such handsome sums ($24,780) in hand. It was a moment of truth to hold on to. And I sincerely thank my entire team, and most
of all, Mr. Narendra Verma and his wife, for their contribution in making my Profit Share cheque even bigger! But the show must go
on. Standing on stage, next to the royalties, I cherished the moment that had just passed, when I had rubbed shoulders with Rex
Maughan. The magical effect just remains every time.
This rally was not the first for us, but then each FLP event manages to surpass the expectations of the last one, every time. This one
was no different. The very atmosphere at the venue can charge you, overwhelm you with emotion. Each one brings in many fresh
faces, new members of the family to share the joy of being a part of such a wonderful platform. We all know this one, like all in the
past as well as in the future, just had to be better. It was truly The Rally of Dreams.
` 11,09,686.66
` 12,03,466.97
*Profit Share amount in India Rupees is the true amount as
per Indian Profit Share Calculations. The dollar figures are
indicative of the average exchange rate of 2011
Asian Rally 2012
Profit Sharing Level 1
It gives me immense pleasure to share my feelings that with my third
consecutive achievement of Profit Share and the highest cheque amount
in Gujarat this year, our belief has strengthened that Nothing can beat
the system but the system can beat everything. We started FLP full time
in Nov 2004 and were slightly apprehensive initially, but with solid result
oriented products and wonderful marketing plan and FLP SYSTEM which
we followed to the core, we achieved almost all the incentives offered by
the company, without any business background, contacts and not able to
speak the local language.
FLP has been instrumental in facilitating and realising our dreams of
owning two houses, two cars and professional education for our children
(Nakul: training as a Commercial Pilot & Parul completing her BBA). FLP is
a goldmine, all we need to do is to dig the mine and collect the gold. We
thank all the distributors of FLP, our upline Sanjeev Saxena, Satvir Verma,
success-line (Gaurav/Pradeep/Basu/Arun) FLP staff and special thanks to
Rex Maughan for giving us such a wonderful opportunity.
SANToSh & NAreNder SINGh vermA
` 7,09,986.12
We feel so proud to have been a part of the Asian Rally in Hong Kong as
qualifying PSR Managers for the sixth time. We are thrilled that all the Top
cheques in Asia were received by Indians. It was an excellent experience to
meet all the Top distributors of FLP who were World Rally qualifiers. It was
a memorable trip, all the more fun as we got to see all of Hong Kong for
FREE. We visited the amazing casinos in Macau, some of the worlds tallest
towers, biggest statue of Gautam Buddha & the Ocean Park along with lots
of Forever friends. We truly believe that all of you can qualify and enjoy this
FREE vacation and experience the real life of FLP through the numerous
incentives that only FLP offers so generously. So be prepared for 2013 -
work hard, SET YOUR GOALS and qualify for PSR or EAGLE MANAGER and
get FREE trip to HAWAII or SARDINIA (Italy)or Both.
FLP has changed our lives completely. We are living and enjoying a
wonderful life thanks to God, Rex Maughan, Amarjit Ubhi and the fantastic
Management Team for their support. Special thanks to all my SUCCESS
LINES for believing in us and being with us FOREVER.
vANdANA & UmeSh dhAKAN
` 6,56,896.51
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` 10,54,845.93
Asian Rally 2012
Before I got associated with FLP, I was a small time shopkeeper. I thank
God who brought FLP in my life as a blessing. During the 7 years of FLP
Distributorship I not only earned, learned but also shared a life- changing
opportunity with a lot of people who want to do something different in
life. Many obstacles came in our way and pushed us backward but FLPs
training system and support system is so wonderful that we only have
the option of moving forward.
This year again I got a chance to qualify for the Profit Share and with the
support of my entire down line, up line, FLP staff and FLP management
I again achieved Profit Share. I thank Mr. Rex Maughan, Mr. Amarjit Ubhi,
FLP staff and special thanks to my Downlines and Uplines from depth of
my heart.
My message to all my down line and entire FLP teams is A spiritual man
never judges others, but examines himself. So friends examine yourself,
get ready as a completely new lifestyle that is waiting for all of you.
meeNU & AzAd SINGh ThAKUr
` 5,95,471.78
First of all, I am grateful to God Almighty (SATGURU) who gave me the
wisdom to join FLP. Nothing is impossible if you make up your mind
to make it possible. Remember that every magnificent architecture is
drafted on a piece of paper before the final masterpiece! Profit Share
is also like a master plan but it can only be executed with a good coach
'n' guide and team performance. So I am very thankful to my coach
ANAND GANDHI who gave me the right direction and I took actions as
the 'YES MAN'. Also a warm thank you to my TAG team and my entire
dedicated helplines (down lines - Dr. Navjot Anand, Manoj Chauhan,
Prem Lal Gupta, J.P. Gupta, Samarjeet Sahu, Uday Gupta and many
more...). This is my 4th Profit Share cheque in a row. FLP is the only
opportunity throughout the world from where you can Achieve, Respect,
Regard, Reward, Recognition, Levels, Achievements, Identities, Time
Freedom, Financial Freedom, National Travel, International Travel and
loads of blessings. Heartfelt regards to Mr. Rex Maughan, Mr. Amarjit
Ubhi and Nikitaji for their care and cooperation.
` 5,63,334.74
HONG KONG - What a great place! And what an unforgettable moment it
was! It was certainly a life changing experience.
First of all, I want to thank my Heavenly Father. My hearty thanks to Mr.
Rex Maughan for sharing the best things in life through his company.
Special thanks to Mr. Amarjit Ubhi for paving the way for us in India. Big
thanks to Mrs. Nikita who encouraged me to achieve this position and
the FLP staff for their continuous motivation. I am thankful to my success
lines for their hardwork and my upline Pinola and Vicky.
This trip, with all the special programmes and trainings changed my
attitude to towards bigger personal as well as team goals. I love this
amazing company with its powerful products and a unique Marketing
Plan. Aloe Vera changes the quality of life.
Join FLP to get better health and financial freedom. I hope and pray to
come back with more achievers to Hawaii. LONG LIVE FLP.
L. roSIAmI
` 5,60,095.31
*Profit Share amount in India Rupees is the true amount as
per Indian Profit Share Calculations. The dollar figures are
indicative of the average exchange rate of 2011
Asian Rally 2012
Profit Sharing Level 1
We want to thank God for helping us achieve this goal and for putting
wonderful people in our path, our down lines as well as upline, who
helped us to achieve our fourth consecutive Profit Share cheque. Thank
you Mr. Rex Maughan for this beautiful company that has been a blessing
to our family with its wonderful products and second-to-none Marketing
Plan. We also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in our group
for their hardwork and the support they give us day after day, especially
Asha & Ashwin Patel, Sarita & Mahesh Mehta, Kamlaben & Amrutbhai
Parmar, Ragi & Hetal Prajapati, Shubhada & Uday Paralikar, Ankita & Chirag
Pachchigar, Dilip Amin and Nisha Agarwal . We believe the secret to our
success is to work with individuals who want to achieve their dreams.
Nothing is Impossible here in FLP, there are NO LIMITS to happiness. We
request all of you to make the decision now to be successful, go that extra
mile for what you want in life, fight for your dreams and never give up.
Believe in yourselves, we know you can do it, so do it now! A special thanks
to Amarjit Ubhi, Nikita and Staff, especially our Ahmedabad RDO Staff.
` 5,34,207.51
I want to thank God, my parents, my uplines and great leaders Mr. K.K
Sharma and Mr. Anand Gandhi who introduced me to the worlds greatest
opportunity and changed my life completely. Today I want to share my
experience of the Hongkong Profit Share Rally. It was an outstanding
moment for me. I salute this company that gave me the opportunity
to travel for an all paid trip to Hongkong. It was a memorable moment
to watch Mr. Rex give out huge checks. My cheque also was over Rs.
5,00,000. I could see my secure future clearly and I am really happy to
say aloud, " This is the company where an ordinary person can become
extra-ordinary in a very short span of time.
Lastly, the two jewels of the company are Mr. Rex Maughan who is
undoubtedly the best CEO and our own Mr. Amarjit Ubhi is the best
Country Sales Manager in FLP. Thank you all and meet you in Italy and
Hawaii next year. Go DIAMOND!
deePAK SINGh dhAmI
` 5,01,586.35
This was my life's Best Achievement when I was recognised as India's
First Diamond Sapphire Manager. To top it, the Profit Share cheque of
$11670.26 in the presence of my family was like icing on the cake! It was
a very well organised and exciting event. It was also a unique opportunity
as Top Distributors of the World like Jayne Leach and John Curtis, Miklos
Berkics, Adam May and distributors with over 12,500ccs graced the
occasion. And they imparted the best trainings that we could have asked
for! It gave us such a brilliant opportunity to interact with them and learn
their business tips. I had 8 Asian Rally qualifiers in level 3, 6 in level 2 and
10 in level 1 from my team! It was a great moment to see Mr. Sunil Gupta
receive $ 2,04,100, the biggest cheque in Asia as Profit Share!
I would like to thank all the staff for their constant guidance & support.
So all of you out there, work hard and qualify with your team Members for
Hawaii 2013 Global Rally and become a part of Great History. Good Luck!
Let's make it happen...
` 5,44,534.41
Asian Rally 2012
For us to be a part of Profit Sharing group is to be part of a
successful group within Forever; those that never give up, and
those that have commitment with the company and with their
dreams. Its great to be a part of those who are never tired and
never give up, and to walk among those who are always focusing
on bigger dreams. We are proud to be part of such an elite team.

I want to thank Rex Maughan for giving us such a great opportunity to
create a better world for ourselves. Our special thanks to our Country
Sales Manager Mr. Amarjit Ubhi and all FLP staff.
` 4,58,887.26
This was our very first trip to the Asian Rally and what a dazzling event it
was! My joy was doubled as I had also qualified for Profit Share Level 1.
I would like to thank all my team members who made this achievement
It was a proud moment to receive the Profit Share cheque from Mr.
Rex before thousands of cheering distributors. What an unforgettable
moment! Thanks to Mr. Rex for giving us this extraordinary opportunity. All
I can say is that it was an incredible experience and cannot be explained
in words one has to experience it! So set your goals work hard and get
the experience of a lifetime by travelling to domestic and International
destinations. Forever has changed our life FOREVER!
P. ShILLA ABoNmeI & mANoj LAmA
` 4,34,360.53
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AShA & AvINASh meShrAm
` 4,64,926.27
*Profit Share amount in India Rupees is the true amount as
per Indian Profit Share Calculations. The dollar figures are
indicative of the average exchange rate of 2011
Asian Rally 2012
Profit Sharing Level 1
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` 3,95,077.92
I would like to thank God who gave me the wisdom to choose the world's
greatest opportunity. I am a big dreamer. In May 2010, I attended the
Profit Share Rally at Hyderabad. I visualized myself shaking hands with
one of the world's great personality (Mr. Rex Maughan) and lift Profit
Share cheque. My dream came true when at this Asian Rally in Hong
Kong I not only met Mr. Rex and Mr. Gregg Maughan but also had the
privilege of being invited by my great upline Mr. Anand Gandhi on stage
to take this honour. It was a great day for me. In my three years of FLP
business I have been recognised as Senior Manager, Car Plan achiever,
Millionaire Club member and Profit Share qualifier. It became possible
due to my very good team, hard work, my seniors, cross line, FLP staff,
training and my belief in the products.
In my view, any one who is willing to attend regular trainings, has
faith in his seniors and loves his team can become successful. Our
monthly update is really a very good magazine and I recommend
that all must read it! I would feel very proud if my team will be with
me in future domestic and International trips. At last thanks a
lot to our honourable Country Sales Manager and all FLP staff.
ANITA yAdAv & NAreNder KUmAr
` 3,84,305.63
This Asian Rally was a great experience for us as it was also a venue for
the World Rally. We got to learn new things from top distributors across
the globe about their business techniques which will surely help us to
take our business to new levels.
It was an exhilarating experience for us in Hong Kong! While you get a
chance to have all expenses paid luxurious trip to beautiful places, the
company to add on to this excitement also rewards you with Huge Profit
Sharing Cheques. Its simply the best company. Have faith, and stick on
to your goal!
For this we will like to thank Mr. Rex Maughan, Mr. Amarjit Ubhi, Ms.
Nikita and all the FLP staff members. We are also thankful to our up-line
and dedicated success team who have contributed to our success and
enabled us to achieve this Profit Share cheque again.
` 4,06,267.93
Asian Rally 2012
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It was a great moment when I received the Profit Share cheque at the
recently concluded Asian Rally in Hongkong. Few years back, this single
cheque amount was equal to my yearly salary! We joined Forever in 2006
as product users and in 2007 we started doing business on a part time
basis. Initially, I was not ready to believe that one could earn that kind of
money so to find out the real story, I left my wife back at home who had
delivered just a day ago and went to attend the PSR 2008 in Mumbai.
What I saw dazzled me and on coming back I was determined to do
this business full time and earn big income. In April 2009 we become
Managers and in July I left my engineering career and started working in
FLP full time.
Last year we qualified as Eagle Managers and went to Malaysia and at
that very moment we decided that we would certainly earn Profit Share
the next year! True to our resolve and with the support of our team, we
were able to do it! Friends, this is an opportunity where all dreams can
come true, only your hard work, effort and passion is required to achieve
whatever you aspire for! So dont think of it as too much work, think of it
as investment for future benefits. I want to tell all my succses lines that
work hard and you can also achieve this kind of lifestyle! Thank you Mr.
Amarjit Ubhi for bringing this wonderful opportunity into India and thanks
Mr. Rex for this wonderful opportunity which can change the lives of
PrITI & GAUrAv mehTA
` 3,47,050.78
` 2,92,312.40
` 5,89,09,276.52
` 4,06,06,603.01
ToTAL PRofiT ShARe PAYouT foR indiA
*Profit Share amount in India Rupees is the true amount as
per Indian Profit Share Calculations. The dollar figures are
indicative of the average exchange rate of 2011
Asian Rally 2012
Profit Sharing Level 1
eagle Managers
eagle Managers
sarDinia , italy
May 24
start Qualifying today...
eagle Managers
World Rally
KALAWATI devI & rAm jASh ShArmA
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Asian Rally

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