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Not Exactly Strangers

by Roni Adams

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental. Not Exactly Strangers COPYRIGHT 2008 by Roni Adams All rights reserved. This is an "unedited" as is title. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Contact Information: Cover Art by The Wild Rose Press The Wild Rose Press PO Box 706 Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706 Visit us at Publishing History First Yellow Rose Edition, 2008 Free Read Published in the United States of America

I know, I know. Im late as always. But its your own fault. Conrad had been leaning against the bar, his cowboy boot propped against the rail as he watched the TV over the bar. When a feminine hand slipped through his crooked arm he drew his attention away from the TV. He looked down into the biggest brown eyes hed seen in a long time. They were wide and if he wasnt completely off his mark, they were also full of fear. Oh, dont be mad. I promise Ill make it up to you later. The sexy brunette pouted up at him. Her eyes once again pleaded with him for something. Before he knew what she was up to, she rose on tiptoe, slid one hand along his jaw, and pressed her lips against his. She smelled like fresh air and sunshine and tasted like peppermint. Her rounded breasts pressed into his arm. Below his belt, he sprang to full attention. Before he could react, sheslid off his lips and her mouth nuzzled at his ear. Her fingers sifted through his hair and her voice was a mere whisper. Please pretend were together. Im in big trouble here and I need your help. His protective instincts kicked in with her plea ,even as her nuzzling had blood racing to his groin. Conrad slid his arm around her incredibly tiny waist and held her to his side. When she bounced back to her heels and smiled up at him, her eyes showed her thanks. She was a pretty little thing. Not runway model beautiful, but definitely cute. Who was she? He leaned over with the intention of pretending to kiss her neck but she smelled so damn good he kissed her for real. Remembering his mission, he whispered. Whats going on? She ducked her head and smiled, looking for all the world like a woman whose lover had just whispered something naughty to her. She leaned her

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head back against his shoulder. Theres a guy following me. He harassed me at the Silver Buckle and followed me here. He wont leave me alone. I told him I was meeting my boyfriend, but he didnt believe me. Have you seen anyone come in the door? She trembled against him and Conrad tightened his hold around her. His gaze flew to the door and, sure enough, a scruffy looking cowboy stood inside the door looking around. He wasnt anyone Conrad had ever seen before and that meant he was probably in town for round up work. The cowboy spotted the girl and Conrad looked away, tipping the brunettes chin up so he could claim her lips. She stiffened for half a second and then relaxed against him. She turned until they were face to face and wound her arms up and around his neck. For a second, she hesitated, but then she responded, her fingers sifting into his hair at the nape of his neck as she clung to him. Conrad could sense the other man as he climbed up on a bar stool near them. Even while he enjoyed the soft lips of his new girlfriend, Conrads senses were alert to the stranger. The man ordered a beer from the bartender. Conrad chuckled and reached up to unhook her arms from around his neck. Easy, honey. Bill warned us last time about our kissin at the bar. He winked at her and she looked up at him as if in a daze. His heart pounded as he realized that, game or no game, it was his kiss that put that sparkle in her brown eyes. She turned around and immediately froze. He realized then that she hadnt known the other man was on the bar stool next to them. Conrad kept his arm firmly around her and pulled her back against his chest. Stop following me, she yelled at the scruffy

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looking cowboy. The other man looked at her over his beer but didnt answer. Conrad was shocked at the fire in her. She was pretty tough now that he was right behind her. Honey, was he bothering you? He put his best jealous lover voice into the question, but the professional in him also wanted an answer. She nodded. Yes, I told him I was meeting you, but he kept bugging me. She twisted her head to look up Conrad. I thought you said to meet me at the Silver Buckle after work. Her voice was accusing. Now darlin, see I told you, you never listen to me. I said the LoneStar. She frowned and pulled away from him to slide onto the bar stool. I distinctly heard you say the Silver Buckle. She tossed her shoulder length brown hair. Conrad sat down on his own stool. The stranger was taking it all in. He should end this whole charade right now by simply flashing his badge. The other man would take off, but then so would the brunette. He was growing used to the idea of her in his arms and wasnt quite ready to give it up yet. Did you order me a drink? She looked around as if expecting that he would have one waiting on the bar. If he really had been waiting for her, he would have ordered for her. Hmm. I know how you hate it when the ice melts and waters it down. He signaled to Bill. No clue what shed drink, he made a wild guess. Rum and Coke for the lady, Bill, easy on the ice. Diet Coke, she piped up. Conrad shook his head. Baby, I tell you all the time you dont need to diet, I like you just the way you are.

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She tossed her head and looked at him again. Oh yeah? Hows that? Conrad let his gaze drift over her ample breasts, rounded behind the snug yellow T-shirt. Her jeans hugged hips that were curvy, not boyishly thin. He wet his lips with his tongue. Curves in all the right places and just the right amount of them. Her face reddened, but he watched a smile tease her lips. She evidently liked that he liked what he saw. She lifted her hair off the back of her neck, causing her breasts to rise higher. I had the worst day at work today. She shook her head. Conrad tipped his head. Couldnt have been worse than mine, he said without thinking. She frowned. Why do you always do that? He opened his eyes wide. Do what? Act like your day was worse than mine when you dont even know what I went through. He chuckled. They really did sound like a couple! At least he thought they did, it had been a while since he was in a relationship other than a sexual one. Ok, baby, tell me about your day. She sighed and dropped her hair. There you go again. Its always honey, or baby, or darlin. Why cant you ever use my name? Was she crazy? Now he was supposed to make up a name for his made up girlfriend? He was more and more intrigued by this stranger and the weird relationship he suddenly found himself in. How about Princess, is that better? He lifted her ringless fingers to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. Am I? she cooed. Yes, youre my princess. Conrad couldnt remember a time when hed been amused by a real girlfriend as much as he was this pretend one. He turned her hand over and placed a moist kiss in the center of her palm. She smiled up at him from under her lashes.

Not Exactly Strangers

Will you dance with me? I know you hate to dance, but She trailed her finger down his cheek and over to his lips. Why would anyone not want to dance with her? The chance to hold those curves against his body was way too good an idea to resist. She traced his bottom lip with her index finger and Conrad couldnt help but draw it into his mouth and twirl his tongue around the digit. Her eyes widened and darkened. Conrad leaned forward and cupped the back of her head with his hand to draw her closer. He brushed her lips with his and meant to leave it at that, but suddenly her mouth opened under his. He moaned as he tasted her sweetness and felt her response. Rum and Coke. Bill set the glass down in front of them. Conrad released her mouth reluctantly and stood up. He held tight to her hand. Dance with me? She grinned, took a quick sip of her drink, and followed him to the floor. His friend Teddy Weston and his band The Scoundrels had just set up for the night and Conrad waved at them from the dance floor. Teddy, something slow, he requested. Teddys face registered surprise, but then he winked. Sure, Sheriff, coming right up. Brown-eyes stumbled and he held her hand tight to keep her upright. Sheriff? she choked. Guess you know how to pick a protector, hmm? The music started and he pulled the still shocked girl into his arms. Over her head, he watched the cowboy on the barstool twirl around to stare at them. He pulled her closer, resting his hands low on her hips. He leaned over. Your stalker is watching. She slowly slid her arms around his neck, and

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Conrad tucked her closer to his body as they began to move to the slow strains of a country love song. So, you want to tell me anything more? Like your name? She tipped her head back to look up at him and he wanted nothing more than another taste of that mouth. He sincerely hoped that when her problem had been handled, she wouldnt decide to leave. Shelly. Shelly, he repeated, loving the sound of her name on his lips. Actually, hed love any part of her on his lips. He pulled her closer, still breathing in her fresh, clean scent. Her thighs brushed his as they moved across the dance floor. It was a Thursday night, so it wasnt at all crowded like it would be tomorrow or Saturday. He had a sudden image of turning her around the floor in a two-step on Saturday night. Where you from, Shelly? Dallas. I moved here about a month ago. Im working with my uncle in his law office. And your uncle is? Jake Carter. Conrad nodded. Good man. Well, Shelly, what would you like me to do with your problem? Who, by the way, is still watching us. She started to turn to look at him but Conrad raised his hand to caress her cheek. Dont or hell know were talking about him. I dont want any trouble. He just scared me when he wouldnt back off and then followed me here. Why did you come in here? He would have thought if someone was following her she would have found somewhere safe to go. Not another bar. She glanced towards the stage. I didnt want to go home. The only other person I know here is my uncle, and he went out of town on business today. I

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know Teddy Weston. I knew he was playing tonight and took a chance that hed be here. Conrads heart sank. She was a friend of Teddys? The singing cowboy who never lacked for female attention. Was she dating him? He glanced at his buddy on the stage. Weston gave him a thumbs up sign when Shellys back was turned. Obviously not. My uncle is his familys lawyer. Ive been out to their place for dinner a few times. Conrad nodded. Why were you in the Silver Buckle to begin with? Thats not a good place to go alone. She sighed. I know, but I had to drop off some papers at the business next door. I thought Id just have a hamburger there or something. I didnt realize until I got in there how rowdy it was. She shuddered. I had this horrible day, and then this guy wouldnt leave me alone. Conrad cupped her cheek, lifting her chin until she looked up at him. He traced his thumb along her lower lip and heard her breath catch. He looked into her eyes. Shh, he wont bother you again, I promise. He lowered his head. Kissing her again was like coming home. Their mouths meshed together. His hands captured her shapely rear end and pulled her up hard against his bulging erection. Her hands clasped tighter on his neck and her breasts pressed into his chest. She clung to him as they barely moved around the dance floor. Conrad traced the recesses of her mouth with his tongue. She followed his lead, stroking his tongue with her own. Conrad groaned and tipped his head, kissing her harder, wanting more from her than a kiss. Hed never been this instantly attracted to a stranger before. But then they werent exactly strangers. They passed that point at the bar. It was weird to be thrust into a

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relationship without the preliminaries. Her hands framed his face as she returned his kisses. There was a lot to be said for skipping the preliminaries! The music ended and Conrad eased his head up. He knew damn well theyd be the talk of the town tomorrow. As the Sheriff, he supposed he should set a better example than to be tonsil dancing with a sexy brunette in the middle of the dance floor, especially since hed just met her thirteen minutes ago. But as he lifted his head and looked into her dazed eyes, he didnt care. He was starting to really like this fake girlfriend and didnt think he wanted her to leave. How did you know that it was safe to pretend to be with me? She tipped her head back. I didnt. Not really. But you looked decent and you were big and strong. She squeezed his shoulders with her hands. You looked like someone that guy wouldnt tangle with. She shrugged. I took a chance. He brushed her hair back from her eyes. That was a pretty risky move and could have got you in a bigger mess of trouble. She cocked her head and looked up at him. Maybe you should handcuff me and teach me a lesson. He blinked and then threw his head back and laughed. You little minx. You dont scare me, Sheriff. I could tell right away youre one of the good guys. Looking over her head, he was almost sorry to see the stranger was gone. He dropped his hands from her and stepped back. Well, I think you succeeded in running off the cowboy. Hes gone. She turned and looked toward the bar. Oh, yes he is. She sounded disappointed. Maybe something more was going on than he

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thought. Was he being used to get back at a boyfriend or something? You didnt want him to leave? Shelly tucked her hair behind her ear and glanced at him. She looked sheepish as she shrugged. Yeah, but it was kind of fun, pretending and all, wasnt it? His mouth lifted in a half grin and he walked back to her side. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. Well, the thing is, you cant be too careful around here. I think maybe you should stick close to my side for at least the next two or three hours. We need to make absolute certain hes gone. She slid her arm around his waist and tucked her hand into his back pocket. If you say so, Sheriff. And Im still more than willing to wear those handcuffs, if you think its necessary. Conrad turned her in his arms and kissed her hard again. Ill keep that in mind.

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