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10 January 2012 Another Outstanding Performance from Victorians

Outstanding Achievements for Class of 2012 A total of 356 students at Victoria School (VS) sat for the 2012 GCE 'O' Level Examinations. The Class of 2012 posted another outstanding performance in the GCE 'O' Level Examinations, with 354 (99.4%) students with 5 'O' Level passes or more and 342 (96%) students qualified for Junior College/Centralised Institute, comparable to previous cohorts. 109 (31%) students obtained 5 A1s or more, which is an improvement of 3% over the previous cohort. 192 (54%) students obtained L1R5 of 10 or better. The class of 2012 also delivered exceptional performances across the various subjects. The subjects with 100% passes include Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Design & Technology, English Language, Geography, Higher Art, Higher Tamil, Literature in Chinese, Malay, Physical Education and Tamil. The subjects with 70% distinctions (A1A2) include Additional Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Elementary Mathematics, Geography and Physics. Our all-rounders Aligned to our vision and mission of developing Gentlemen, Professionals and Sportsman who are upright and balanced individual with leadership qualities, we have many students who are all-rounders. These students balanced their academic studies with their CCA and leadership duties. A few examples of our all-rounded GPS include: Name Sean Teng Chi Yang Ryan Sim Song Yi Leadership/CCA responsibilities Head Prefect, Prefectorial Board Station Inspector, NPCC Chairman, Monitors Council Vice-Chairman, ASEAN Youth Convention Volleyball Chairman, Peer Support Board Vice-Captain, Badminton 1

Goh Chang Lin, Joshua

Name Lee Zhi Peng Other Noteworthy Achievements

Leadership/CCA responsibilities Vice-Chairman, Peer Support Board Volleyball

In addition to our stellar GCE O Level Examination results, Victorians also excelled in other domains. 2012 Singapore Science and Mathematics Olympiads Victorians achieved amazing results at the Singapore Science and Mathematics Olympiads held in 2012 as shown below:

Chemistry 4 Golds, 7 Silvers and 10 Bronzes. Physics 2 Golds Mathematics 4 Golds, 13 Silvers and 25 Bronzes.

Sports and uniformed groups The school also achieved impressive results in the sporting arena. Our school teams continued to excel in our niche sports of soccer, cross country and Track and f=Field. At the 2012 National Schools Sports and Games Competitions, we achieved 13 national Top 4 titles and 7 zonal Top 4 titles in the 'B' and C Divisions. Our key sporting achievements in 2012 include: CCA Cricket Cross-Country Floorball Sailing Soccer Table-Tennis Track & Field Wushu National Top 4 Title B Division, National 3rd C Division, National 3rd B Division, National Champions C Division, National 4th B Division, National Champions C Division, National Champions B Division, National 2nd C Division, National 2nd C Division, National 4th C Division, National 4th B Division, National 2nd B Division, National Champions

Congratulations at our students, teachers and coaches for the excellent sporting achievements!

Some of our sportsmen who did well include: Name Chew Sze Lin Low Jia Oon Nicholas Jeremy Ong Teng Yuen Teo Jun Hao, Lloyd Yeoh Lai Hsing Yong Han Ching CCA Volleyball Floorball Sailing Wushu Football Track & Field

Uniformed Groups and Student Leadership Our Uniformed Groups also continued to excel, with the following groups achieving the gold standard consistently: Boys Brigade B (13th Gold); NPCC (12th Gold); NCC Land (8th Gold); Scouts (8th Gold) and Red Cross (6th Gold). Some of our student leaders and UG members who did well include : Name Chan Yu Wei, Dominique Gary Phng Wei Guang CCA Warrant Officer, Boys Brigade Cadet Inspector, NPCC Vice-Chairman (Training & Welfare), Peer Support Board Troop Leader, Scouts Unit Sergeant Major, NCC (Land) Parade Commander, 136 VS Speech Day

Lee Wei Chen, Fredrick Ngoh Xian Jun Performing Arts

Our performing arts groups also continued to do well in 2012. Our Choir, Chinese Orchestra, Concert Band, Chinese LDDS and English LDDS put up successful performances in 2012. Our Choir also won the Gold Award at the 7th Festa Choralis Bratislava in Slovakia. Some of our Performing Arts CCA talents who did well include : Name Leowattana Tawithep Logeshwaran s/o Chinnapan Low Yi Xian, Stanley Qiu Tianyi Tengku Sharil B Tengku Abdul K CCA Chairman Indian Dance Chairman, ILDDS Vice-Chairman, Chinese Orchestra Vice-Chairman, CLDDS Section Leader, Concert Band Chairman, Media Club Art Elective Programme 3

Name Tseng Wen Yu Tran Thanh Tung Class of 2012: All the Best!

CCA Student Conductor, Choir Vice-Chairman Indian Dance

We are extremely proud of the outstanding achievements attained by the Class of 2012. Our 2012 Secondary 4 students have been good role models for their juniors. The outstanding performances at the 2012 GCE O level Examination, the National Schools Sports and Games Competitions, and the successful performances by our performing arts CCAs bear testimony to our students quest for performance excellence, the commitment of our staff, and the strength of the school in nurturing our high-ability learners in the five developmental domains of moral, cognitive, physical, social and aesthetic. Congratulations to the Class of 2012! We wish you the very best in your future endeavours. Once a Victorian, Always a Victorian! Nil Sine Labore.

Lim Boon Kong Andrew Principal

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