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Case Study: Ellen Moore in Korea

What are the culture differences in this case between Americans and Koreans? Culture Difference Power Distance Individualism and collectivism Masculine and Feminine Concept of time, meaning of deadline

What are the problems in this case (e.g. business problem, consultant role, etc.)? Business Problem: About project deadline and scope Perceived Role of Consultant American: Add Value to clients Korea: Do what the client tells them to do Feasibility of transfer knowledge from client to customer: - More difficult due to hierarchical relationship

Koreans Hierarchical/ Vertical structure

American Horizontal structure

Relationship/ Process focus

Task/Outcome orientation

Client is most important

Schedule/budget/time is important

Do what is asked

Provide value and input and possibly get client to see the issue in a different way

Conflict between Jack and Ellen Confusion, miscommunication and misunderstanding Gender Personality: Ellen forthright and dominant Culture hierarchy

How do we solve these problems? Should Andrew keep Ellen Moore or not?

Replace Ellen Pros: Alleviate Koreans concerns with Ellen: Get the project back on track -Yet how long will it take to ring a replacement up to speed? The project is already behind schedule. Ellen has important management experience that is needed for this project.

Cons: Implications for Ellen? She is highly effective consultant that Andrew doesnt want to lose. What will be the cost to Andrews relationship/the companys relationship with her? To her self-esteem and reputation?

Keep Ellen Pros: She is extremely familiar with the project and she has time to learn about Korean business etiquette. She is an effective consultant with an excellent track record.

Cons: Can the conflict between Ellen and Jack be sorted out? Can Ellen build trust in the Koreans? Will keeping her in this role undermine the project all together? Will doing so damage the relations within the joint venture and with the Koreans?

Culture Synergy Solutions Keep Ellen and Andrew move to Korea to finish the project Did not agree to remove Ellen to save face Jack was moved to an advisory position to the team in which he was no longer a key member of the team. It was not a demotion as Jack still had an important role in working with other teams of consultants who would be carrying the project on. Andrew and Ellen became co-leader Another North American consultant was sent in order to compensate for the lack of project management experience amount the Korean consultant and to get the project complete on time.

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