Section:01 Seat:02 Mushroom Station Project Complete (Version 01)

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1203302 Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation Section 01


Group (02) Members



This report is one part of Project Feasibility course and involve with Business Administration major in Mae Fah Luang University. This course has operate for teach the student use the knowledge in Business Administration for apply into our Mushroom Station business project. The factor that we decision to open our business in Chiang Rai, in Chiang Rai has weather and characteristic of soil have good related with mushroom. The business in Chiang Rai has super market, restaurant and population has increase, from this reason can show that the demand of people in Chiang Rai has increase and suppliers in Chiang Rai cannot support to all of demand. So, we want to open Mushroom Station in Chiang Rai. The other factor is AEC going to open as soon as in the future and Chiang Rai has good transportation to trade with neighbor country. Finally, our group hope to reader can get the knowledge from this report to apply in live and education. If this report has a fault we apologize to reader and our group thank you for attention. MISS MISS MISS MISS MISS MR. MR. MR. KUNLAYADA NATTHAPORN PANITA PORRAWISA PAWANRAT PANUPON SASAWAT ADISUAN REANKEAW JUNTIMA CHAIPARINYA PATTANA LAONAPAPORN RATTANARANGSAN GUNPAI KANHARATTANACHAI

Preface................................................................................................................................ i Content .............................................................................................................................. ii Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background and Significance of the project .............................................. 2 1.2 Project objectives ...................................................................................... 5 1.3 Benefits of project ...................................................................................... 5 1.4 Operations methods ................................................................................... 6 1.5 Time frame of study ................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2 Industry Profile................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Nature of Industry ...................................................................................... 9 2.2. Situation of Industry ................................................................................ 10 2.3 Product and Service .................................................................................. 14 2.3.1 Product ........................................................................................... 14 Chapter 3 Marketing Feasibility Study ........................................................................... 16 3.1 Marketing Analysis .................................................................................. 17 3.1.1 General Environment Analysis ..................................................... 17 3.1.2 Competition Analysis (3C Analysis) ............................................. 21 3.2 STP Analysis ............................................................................................ 25 3.2.1 Market Segmentation .................................................................... 25 3.2.2 Target Analysis ............................................................................. 26 3.2.3 Position Analysis ........................................................................... 26 3.3 Marketing Mix Strategy ........................................................................... 27 3.3.1 Product strategy ............................................................................. 27 3.3.2 Price Strategy ................................................................................ 28 3.3.3 Place Strategy ................................................................................. 28 3.3.4 Promotion Strategy ........................................................................ 28 3.4 Sales Forecast/Profit Estimation ............................................................. 28 3.5 Marketing Expenses (Sale Incentive) ....................................................... 48 3.6 Conclusion in market feasibility............................................................... 56 Chapter 4 Investment Cost .............................................................................................. 57 4.1 Pre-operation Analysis ............................................................................. 58 4.1.1 Pre Operating Cost ......................................................................... 58 4.2 Investment Cost of Project ....................................................................... 58 4.2.1 Land ................................................................................................ 58 4.2.2 Building .......................................................................................... 58 4.2.3 Tools/Equipments........................................................................... 59 4.2.4 Infrastructure .................................................................................. 60 4.3 Location .................................................................................................... 61 4.3.1 Facility Layout ............................................................................... 62 4.4 Machine and Equipments ......................................................................... 65


Content Continued
Chapter 5 Production and Operation Analysis................................................................ 84 5.1 Production and Operation Analysis .......................................................... 85 5.1.1 Product characteristics.................................................................... 85 5.1.2 Logistics Management ................................................................... 87 Chapter 6 Administration................................................................................................ 88 6.1 Management Analysis .............................................................................. 89 6.1.1 Organization Management ............................................................. 89 6.1.2 Organization Chart ......................................................................... 89 6.2 Administration Cost ................................................................................. 92 6.2.1 Employee salary ............................................................................. 92 6.2.2 Cost of electricity per month .......................................................... 93 6.2.3 Cost of water per month ................................................................. 94 6.2.4 Cost of internet per month.............................................................. 96 6.2.5 Cost of telephone per month .......................................................... 96 6.2.6 Cost of office insurance.................................................................. 96 6.2.7 Office expense .............................................................................. 102 6.3 Depreciation ........................................................................................... 107 Chapter 7 Financial Analysis ........................................................................................ 119 7.1 Income Statement ................................................................................... 120 7.2 Balance sheet .......................................................................................... 125 7.3 Statement of Cash Flow ......................................................................... 130 Chapter 8 Risk Management ......................................................................................... 135 8.1 Risk analysis ........................................................................................... 136 8.1.1 External Forces ............................................................................. 137 8.1.2 Internal Forces .............................................................................. 139 8.2 Conclusion of Risk management ............................................................ 142 Chapter 9 Conclusion.................................................................................................... 143 Summary of Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation ................................ 144 Reference ...................................................................................................................... 146 Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 149


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and Significance of the project

"One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well." Virginia Woolf. Nowadays, people are starting to be interest more in health concern as it is the main goal of the economic and social development, issue 11th (2012-2016). This means that both of right now and in the future, the trend of being health concern will be increase. However, Eating green vegetable is not only one choice of being health concern. There is another type of vegetable which is Mushroom. What is Mushroom? It is not only a plant or something that seems disgusting. Even it is one type of fungus but it is also another type of vegetable, too. It has a lot of benefits. It has high protein, contains with a lot of vitamins, especially vitamins B1 B2 and C; also, it has low calories. According to the online journal of Kittima Duangkae, there are the information tell that the scientists also use these mushrooms to produce as the medicine that cure heart disease, some types of cancer and improve immune system of human. The mushrooms are well-known for human for a long time; include with the kind of mushroom that using to cook, and be poison. The types of mushroom have more than 30,000 which are all around the world. Thailand is also cultivation the mushrooms, too. Thailand is tropical weather then Thailand has various types of mushrooms. It has 875 types; native mushroom and wild mushroom has 375 types and 500 types that have been classified (Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom, 2011). The cultivation of mushroom in Thailand begins from the experiment of Professor Kan Chonwijarn in 1937. His idea becomes when he was observation study at Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. And he has met Dr. F.M. Clara (plant pathologists) who experiment about cultivation of Straw Mushroom by use leaf and pieces of tobacco, pieces of American aloe, banana tree, leaf sheaf of banana tree, and hemp sack. Also, he was observation study about cultivation mushroom at Japan. In Japan, the mushroom industry can gain revenue more than hundred million baht per year. When he was come back to Thailand, he begins experiment about the cultivation of mushroom in 1937(Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom, 2011). According to Support and Development Agriculturist Occupation (2009), Thailand has many good environments which are good for the growing of mushrooms. Also, there is much left-over equipment from doing agriculture and it is not hard to find. Even there are many processes of cultivating mushroom but it does not use a long time to cultivate and it can do all over the year. This is very good because it means that the entrepreneur can get the income from cultivating the mushroom all over the year. No need to wait for the proper seasons. The mushroom cultivation in Thailand almost located at the center and north of Thailand. At the center of Thailand, it located at Bangkok and the provinces around Bangkok like Samut Sakorn, Pathumthani, Pranakorn Sri Ayuddhaya and Shasherngsao. About North of Thailand, it is good for cultivation because it has the great weather especially the temperature, moistness, and soil, mineral; also, the cost is not too high. All of these help to cultivation the mushroom that like the cold weather; such as, Shiitake Mushroom. Almost the mushroom cultivations at the North of Thailand are located at Lampang, Chiang Mai and ChiangRai (Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom).

The mushrooms that are popular to cultivation in Thailand are Straw Mushroom, Sajor-caju Mushroom, Abalone Mushroom, Champignon, Jews ear Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom and Golden Mushroom. About the mushrooms that are popular to cultivation in Chiang Rai are Shiitake Mushroom and Straw Mushroom. Others are Abalone Mushroom, Eringii Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom, Sajor-caju Mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, Golden Mushroom and Boletus. The interesting one about mushroom is the export mushroom in Thailand. Thailand is a very popular country about exports the mushroom to international trade by many patterns of the mushroom. There are fresh mushroom or frozen mushroom, canned mushroom, and dried mushroom. Japan and Singapore always import fresh mushroom or frozen mushroom, canned mushroom from Thailand. Also, Malaysia has to import canned mushroom only. And last, Australia, Germany, and USA always import dried mushroom from Thailand. Thai mushrooms with the next step of going to AEC by Mr. Sombat Pienjaroen gives the information about quantity and the value for export the mushrooms as below;

Table 1.1: The situation of Mushroom Market in ASEAN in 2007-2011 The Export of Fresh Mushroom Volume (Tun) Value (Million Baht) Rate of increase/decrease (%) 23.02 6.21

2007 1,053.56 80.76

2011 1,296.05 85.78

Resource; Thai mushrooms with the next step of going to AEC by Mr. Sombat Pienjaroen, Office of Agricultural Economics, 2012 The table 1.1 shows the situation of mushroom market in ASEAN in 2007-2011. From the table, it can be seen that mushroom is very popular in other countries. Both of volume (Ton) and value (Million Baht) are increased more and more. However, Department of Agricultural Extension state that 97 percent is consumption in Thailand and only 3 percent is for exporting. From this proportion, the entrepreneurs can grab this chance to expand the mushroom business in Thailand because only 3 percent from exporting is about hundred million baht. So the left over which is about 97 percent will be more than this.

Table 1.2: The production volume and value of each types of mushroom in Thailand (2001-2002) Types of Mushroom Straw mushroom Oyster mushroom Jews ear mushroom Shiitake Mushroom Champignon Others (Golden mushroom, ) Total Production Volume Ton (%) 84,000 (68.9) 15,000 (12.3) 14,000 (11.5) 3,000 (2.5) 900 (0.7) 5,000 (4.1) 121,900 Average Price (Baht/Kg.) 45 20 20 100 40 150 Value (Million Baht) 3,780 300 280 300 36 450 5,446

Resource; Department of Agricultural Extension, 2001

From the table above, it can be seen that there are a big production volume of mushroom, 121,900 Ton; also, the value is quite well as it can gain about 5,446 million baht. So, this can tell that it is a good chance if the entrepreneur wants to invest in this business because this table confirms that mushrooms can be produce and there also have the customers who will buy it for sure. About the trend demand of consumption in Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai has the big population as 14th of province of Thailand. It has the population around 1,198,656 peoples. So the trend of people will be increase continually and Chiang Rai has the area nearby two countries. There are Myanmar and Laos PDR. This information can tell the increasing of demand. Moreover, Chiang Rai has many ways of transportation; land, water, and air. Even Chiang Rai does not have the rail but it appropriate for transporting products to consumer and can distribute the product to customer easily. About the supporting in Chiang Rai, Chiang Rai has altogether public utility; for examples, transportation, electricity, water, and communication. It makes the business have more efficient and comfortable. Moreover, Chiang Rai is the province that appropriates for agricultural because Chiang Rai has more mineral in soil and has the good weather for agricultural. Also, the mushroom can grow up as well in this area. So it makes the cultivation of mushroom goes well. Especially Mushroom Station has more supplier to supply the spore all of year such as Huaipakang Mushrooms and Department of Agricultural Extension. All of this information can tell and prove that to do mushroom business in Chiang Rai is appropriate and suitable.

1.2 Project Objectives

1. To study the situation of mushroom farm business in Thailand 2. To analyze market in the business and financial risk feasibility 3. To study the process of cultivate mushroom 4. To summary the feasibility of mushroom farm business

1.3 Benefits of project

1. To learn about the situation of mushroom farm business in Thailand 2. To learn about market in the business and financial risk feasibility 3. To learn about the process of cultivate mushroom 4. To know about the feasibility of mushroom farm business in Chiang Rai.

1.4 Operations methods

To study the generally of mushroom farm business in Chiang Rai To study management in mushroom farm business as follows: - Background of mushroom farm - Products in mushroom farm - Vision and mission statement of mushroom farm - Strategy of the company To study competition analysis and marketing feasibility as follows: - General internal and external environment - Marketing mix strategy of mushroom farm - Demand of consumer in mushroom farm business - Sale forecast and profit estimation of mushroom farm To study the technical process in mushroom farm business as follows: - Location - Operations and management analysis - Investment and Operation cost of mushroom farm

To study the financial feasibility of mushroom farm business as follows: - Farms investment cost, operation expense, and other expenses - Profit and loss statement, cash flow, and balance sheet in 5 years of mushroom farm To study and analysis risk of mushroom farm business in Chiang Rai To Summary the feasibility of mushroom farm business in Chiang Rai

1.5 Time Frame of Study

Chapter 2 Industry Profile

2.1 Nature of industry

The industry of cultivating mushroom was born from the source of production all over the world, about 70 countries. All of these countries saw the importance of cultivating mushroom. The most popular mushroom that using for the cultivating are 8 types, Champignon, Shiitake Mushroom, Jews ear Mushroom, Sajor-caju Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom, White- Jews ear Mushroom, Golden Mushroom and Namiko Mushroom. More than these, there still have other mushroom as well; such as, Indian Oyster, Abalone Mushroom, Rhino Mushroom, Ling Zhi Mushroom etc.(Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom, 2011). However, the cultivating of mushroom is popular in some countries only. The number of cultivated mushroom all over the world since 1979s told that Champignon is the mushroom that has the most cultivating, about 78 percent of all mushrooms in the world market. From the cultivating mushrooms countries, it can be seen that each country have the technical, procedure and the important cultivation. There are only 5 countries which were accepted from others (Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom, 2011). To summarize from Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom, it wrote for cultivating mushroom in four parts: First, China (Taiwan), it is the country that cultivates the Champignon as much as the third rank in the world. The developing of the cultivated mushroom in Taiwan is growing faster than the other country because of the good planning in cultivation. They find the other countries requirement of mushrooms of the others countries from the commercial ambassador. So, it will not effect to the marketing. At the same time, both of the governmental and the private sectors corporate together to control the cultivating. They also give the information about mushrooms to the agriculturists. Moreover, they support the agriculturists to use the technology as to reduce the cost of public relation advertising. Especially, the travel agencies support the public relation by preparing the mushroom dishes for the tourists in every meal. All of these makes the developing of the cultivated mushrooms in Taiwan grow faster than other countries in Asia. Second, the cultivation of mushroom in Japan begins as World War II. The agriculturalists harvest Shiitake Mushroom from the forests which have many Fagaceae tree. The way to harvest the mushroom was destroyed to the natural resource. Then, the Japan government solves the problem by allow the agriculturalists plant the Fagaceae tree for cultivate the Shiitake Mushroom. Also, the government has support the technical research for increase the productivity of mushroom. Therefore, the Shiitake Mushroom is the export goods of Japan and the first exporting goods. Third, South Korea begin develop the cultivation of mushroom in 1972. The government employs 2 experts from Taiwan for share the knowledge to Korean academic. Also, the government supports both of personnel and expenditure. They use only 6years to develop the cultivation of mushroom and begin the important competitor with Taiwan who exports Champion and Shiitake Mushroom.

Forth, India is a country in Asia which slowest awakening of develop the cultivation of mushroom because the people believe that the mushroom is the flower which come from dung. Then, the people are despising the mushroom and wanting academic who can cultivate the mushroom. However, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) campaign for agriculturalist to cultivate the mushroom. The most cultivating mushrooms are Oyster Mushroom and Pink Oyster Mushroom. The last country is Thailand by compare with the country in Asia. It is the most cultivating country and be inferior to Japan only.

2.2 Situation of Industry

Nowadays, Thailand has totally adjusts and restores the cultivating of mushroom as it can be the main important job of the agriculturists. The most cultivating mushroom is Straw Mushroom and the least cultivating mushrooms are Champignon and Shiitake Mushroom. It is because of the weather and the special tools which cannot control adjust and modify it to be the same all of the year. However, the cultivating of mushrooms job is another job that can make money to Thailand about 1,200 million and this seems to be more and more. The cultivating of mushroom in 1987s is the most successful of Thai mushrooms (Chanyuth, 2001). It is because the international markets have more requirements of Thai mushrooms as the quality of mushroom in Thailand has be developing until it was accepted from the world market. About the situation of mushroom market, it be analyze from the graph below;


Table 2.1: The price of agriculturalist sells by mushroom kind since 2007-2011


2007 (Baht/Kg)

2011 (Baht/Kg)

Rate Increase/ Decrease (%)

Sajor-caju mushroom Oyster Mushroom Abalone mushroom Straw Mushroom Jews ear mushroom Shiitake Mushroom



















Resource; Institute of research and cultivate Shiitake mushroom of Thailand, 2012 Form above table, rate of economic growth and market in 2007-2011 have high rate as Oyster Mushroom, Abalone Mushroom, Straw Mushroom, and Shiitake Mushroom.Those kind of mushroom have economic growth rate increase the same as the own one. However, some kind of mushroom may have low price and low value of market. The entire increase and decrease rate is up to popular, and trend of mushroom in each year. Overall, rate of mushrooms price and the popularity of consuming mushroom are growing more and more. Also, trend is always more and more. The entrepreneur gains more price of each mushrooms kind. Then, this business is interesting to create opportunity of new entrepreneur who seek for profit.


Figure 2.1: Proportion of population aged 6 years and above and food consumption behavior by food group consumed per week, 2005 and 2009

From the graph, it told that people are eating Fresh vegetables and fruit more as almost equal to Meat and meat products. Even Snack still be popular but people are consuming lesser in Carbonated & sweetened drink, Fast food, Dietary supplements. So, this can told that people are concerning more about Health. Moreover, it represented the healthy behavior of Thai people. At the present, Thai people concern more about their health in many ways. So, this can be the chance of business to operate the consuming product especially, the mushroom business or the cultivating of mushroom. That is because mushrooms are vegetables which have a lot of nutrition to health. Also, there are the researches that proved in the advantages of mushrooms. From these things, it can be seen that there are high opportunity of being success in doing the mushroom farm. Especially the old entrepreneurs do not have power to produce enough for the requirement. So, this is the good chance for the person who interest in this business. Cultivation of mushroom is more famous because this business can gain revenue from exporting the mushroom and the people popularity to consumption. Then, the people interested to cultivate mushroom more. Moreover, nowadays it has many kind of mushroom which popularity in north of Thailand such as Oryngii and Champignon. That kind of mushroom did not popular in pervious time because it cannot cultivate in Thailand. Nevertheless, at present time Thailand can cultivate those mushrooms. Therefore, the agriculturalist becomes interesting and popular. This business is growing and can compare by competitors; there are Sutheps mushroom Farm, Chai-Sams mushroom Farm, Pattaya Farm, Wannas mushroom Farm, Pra-Na-Korn-Sri-A-Yut-Ta-Ya Farm, Ban rukhed farm, Kanoksit mushroom farm, Lung

Beum mushroom farm, Kaomark mushroom farm, Kajonwit mushroom farm, Dung Dao farm, Pijit mushroom farm, Phothong mushroom farm, Nong Nuch mushroom farm, Suppachai mushroom farm, Lanna mushroom farm, Weradech mushroom farm, Wassana mushroom farm, Ko Kim mushroom farm, Siam mushroom Farm, Chiang Mai Farm. About Chiang Rai, the geographic is almost plateaus and mountains, also has the great weather for cultivating mushrooms. Summer season starts from February to the middle of May. Rainy season starts from the middle of May to the middle of October. The most rainy month is August and the winter season is from the middle of October to the middle of February. The land of Chiang Rai was separated into two zones. However, the weathers in Chiang Rai and both of two land zones are suitable for doing agricultures.

Table 2.2: The population of Chiang Rai between 2009-2011

Province Chiang Rai

2011 1,198,656

2010 1,198,218

2009 1,194,933

Reference; Department Of Provincial Administration As from the table, the population in Chiang Rai is increasing more and more Because of the increasing population in Chiang Rai, So the consumption will be increase as well. From all of these, it means that Mushroom Business can work well and can response to the consumption of people in Chiang Rai. About mushroom farms in Chiang Rai, it has a few entrepreneurs who did a big farm. The main of mushroom farms are 10 farms that are Group of farmer who cultivate mushroom Teaung, Group of farmer who cultivate mushroom Phan, Pha Kuk mushroom school, Mushroom knowledge center, Kannika mushroom farm, mushroom OTOP, Thanomsin mushroom farm, Supatchaya mushroom farm, Rattana mushroom farm and Weerapong mushroom farm.


2.3 Product and service

2.3.1 Product

Indian Oyster Mushroom

Figure 2.2: Indian Oyster Mushroom

Reference: Blue-Oyster.gif

Reference: pt.medan 011.jpeg

Straw Mushroom
Figure 2.3: Straw Mushroom




Figure 2.4: Yanagimatsutake

Reference: thainorthernfarms.igetweb .com/Yanagi1.jpeg


Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom Figure 2.5: Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom

Reference: E21458DF7l.jpeg

Reference: tomkha1.jpeg


Chapter 3 Marketing Feasibility Study

3.1 Marketing Analysis

3.1.1 General Environment Analysis Political Factors Follow by the government policy, they said: Nowadays, the government sector support SMEs which is good to Mushroom Station. That sector is OSMEP, Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion. It is the institute of government that has the role to support the operations. The operation of SMEs has the support plan of SMEs in 3rd issue (2012-2016) as to be the guideline of SME to have the permanent grows. It has the idea to support the latency of Thai SMEs to operate base on knowledge, innovation, and culture identity with the support to entrepreneurs both in business branch and enterprise level. Also, it includes the support of business growing. The operation will cover in two dimensions, the dimension of overall country image and the dimension of area. All of these are used to conform to policy that expand the civilization from center to each districts and strategy which use to develop the area of government.

The target group that government will support; The support plan of SMEs in 3rd issue will choose the target group who will get the support from seeing if they are the business branch that be useful and have income to the country; also, using the raw materials in the country. Moreover, it should be the new wave business, the business that response the government policy, or be the business that concern on environment and build the equilibrium in social. Also, it should be the business that conserve on the Thailand culture. Therefore, the kinds of business which the government uses the supports plan in 3rd issues; there are Industrial Technology and Innovation Agro-Industry and agriculture process engineering Creative Industries Service and travel business Retail and wholesale business


Strategy to promote The government supports plan in 3rdissuehas four strategies to manage; there are 1st strategy 2nd strategy 3rd strategy 4th strategy support the environment that accommodate to manage the SMEs establish the limit of competitive for SMEs support SMEs to have balance growth with the area support ability of SMEs to link with the international economic

In addition, it does not only this policy with support the mushroom business but it also including with the agriculture policy. The government always supports agriculture; such as fund and guarantee the price for agricultural product. It helps Thai people have income and not neglect agriculture.

Economic Factor To analysis the economics of Thailand in 2012 from Oknation, they said: Economic has risk from many ways; there are political issues and other conflict in the country. Also, it has impact from flood crisis at last year. Thailand has restored very fast from the flood crisis but economic does not growth as quickly. In 2015, Thailand will participate with ASEAN Economic Community or AEC. Then, Thailand can expansion economy of Thailand and the people will spend more money in everyday life. In addition, the government has a lot of expend for motivate economic. It gives benefit to SMEs in Thailand, too. The government enacts and shares the idea to reduce governments debt by the law. That law supports the government to spend a lot of money for repair the situation. Nevertheless, many manufacturing base was damage by flood crisis and the trend of economic has slowly growth because some policy; for example, adjustment of labor cost to 300 Baht when Thailand has inflation. It can impact to the investment and consumption of the people. However, it is the opportunity for Mushroom Station to be successful. The government has the support plan for the private sector to operating their business. The bank has financial position as well then they are increase to accrete loaning and do not increase interest rates follow by the law. In the first half of the year, the reliability of consumer always progress more and more after flood crisis. The government supports the money to many projects but it also has the factors which intercept the economy of Thailand such as the inflation rate, shortage of supply, governments expense, and energy price. The interest rate will increase as 0.5-1% because the inflation rate will increase and the governments expense that spends a lot of money.


At the last half of the year, it seems to have other risk from the world economic and Euro zone could collapse. The problem about repay debt will occur when they are canceling to repay debt by Euro currency. Then, the world economic will decelerate especially the country which important to export goods to the world such as China, South Korea, and Japan. Fluctuation of world economic makes the world investment system change. The cash flow in Thailand will have many expenses to repair the house after the flood crisis. It will effect to investment and consumption of people. The government will have the problem about the shortage of funding. Then, the interest rate will increase and it will effect to some policy which government plans to support the economic such as adjustment of labor cost to 300 Baht. The compression of world economy, inflation rate, and interest rate will give the negative result which cannot expect to the economy system. In conclusion, Mushroom Station has the opportunity to operate and it will be successful because it has many factors to support this business. Even it always has risk and negative factor.

Social and environment factor Nowadays, Thailand social is very varies as there are many nationality. However, Mushroom Station will talk about the popular of consuming food for being healthy. It is starting to increase more and more. With the conformed environment, it makes humans want to consume healthy food more as well. If we look about the growing of cultivating mushroom since 2006 until 2013, it can be see that the growing rate will grow about 200.50% (Greennews, 2010). The trend of Thailand social has more awake about the image or appearance, it make people want to have more good looking as to get the acceptance from the society. So, they want the products that can help them always has the good looking. Especially, there has no time to eat all of the nutrition; also, has less time to exercise. So, to eat healthy food has more important as same as the world trend. The main customers in Thai market are almost working woman, age between 25-40 years old. However, the trend of expanding the target customers is being interested as well (Greennews, 2010). This becomes the supporting information that the growing of expand consuming healthy food in Thailand is starting to expanding. This is a good chance for the business about consuming, like Mushroom Station, to get the successful in a short run. With the positive factors that support the popular; especially mushroom which has both advantages in medicine and treatment and the group of customer who concern on being healthy can buy Mushroom Station products, too. Moreover, there are many governments and private sectors campaign follow the topic Eating Vegetable for Health. This can support the popularity in the people who have age between 25-40 years old (Greennews, 2010). This group of people can say as they are the working people and the people who are starting to think or concerning on their health.

To sum up, social and environment in these days give more facilitating to the mushroom business as the information above.

Technological factor Technology is important for operating the business. It helps to produce the product as accurate, quickly, and efficiency. The agriculturalist uses technology to cultivate the mushroom such as autoclave pressure (use to steam the food for cultivate spores of mushroom), mixing sawdust machine (use to mix material for cultivate the mushroom), and autoclave for spores of mushroom (use to eliminate the microorganism in spores of mushroom). The entire technology help the productivity part as quickly and accurate for cultivate mushroom. However, Thailand has many kind of machine that support agriculture. Especially mushroom farm need to use technology to cultivation and develop ability of production. Also, it has other equipment which helpful with cultivation mushrooms; for example autoclave, Cabinet which uses to pollinate mushroom, needle, laboratory alcohol lamp, scalpel, gas stove, flat bottle, cotton, and paper. All of those uses for increase productivity and reduces cost. Then, it will make business successful and gain more profit.


3.1.2 Competition Analysis (3C Analysis) Competitor Analysis There are two farms that cultivate Indian Oyster mushroom also the other types of mushroom that are the same type of mushroom of Mushroom Station. They are Kannika Farm or San Samai Farm and Kanok-Orn Farm. Therefore, Mushroom Station has the competitor who has ability for competition in the market. These two farms have the good production capacity as many thousands kilogram per day. However, the need of Indian Oyster mushroom and also others consumption in Chiang Rai gives more opportunity for Mushroom Station to entry into the mushroom market. So, it can gain the opportunity to success in market in the short-run. That is because Mushroom Station has the different in quality and safety for building brand in the market. So, Mushroom Market can competitive about the segment market as well.

Major Competitors in Chiang Rai About the major competitors in Chiang Rai, there are two farms which are Kannika Farm or San Samai Farm and Kanok-Orn Farm. The first one, Kannika Farm, it is located at 71 Banhoukomnai M.1, T.Mae Yao, A. Muang, Chiang Rai. This farm sells Yanagimatsutake, Abalone mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom, Fossil Mushroom. Especially, this farm also sells the spores of mushroom for cultivating. Moreover they have the event that teaches the way about how to make the spore of mushroom and cultivating. About the price of their mushroom, it will depend on the market.

Figure 3.1: The view of Kannika Farm

Figure 3.2: The view of Kannika Farm


Reference: 07_1434250530_n.jpg


Figure 3.3: The Poster of Kannika Farm

The second one is Kanok-Orn Farm. It is located at A. Phan. This farm sells many types of mushrooms; such as Sajor-Caju Mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, Straw Mushroom, Golden Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom, etc. and also the spore of mushrooms as well. About the price of their mushroom, it will depend on the market, too.

Figure 3.4: The Poster of Kanok-Orn Farm


Customer Analysis Chiang Rai is the province that located at the uppermost of Thailand, biggest as 12nd in Thailand. Mae Jan, Chiang Rai is the economic place that follow the developing plan South Chinese frontier Indochina. So it is the center of trading business and transportation. The traffic is good and deftness. So, the customers are comfortable to travel. This is chance to invest and expand the business, because in 2015 Thailand will open for ASEAN Economics Community (AEC). That is make Mushroom Station get more chance to extend the products to neighbor countries; such as, to export dehydrate mushroom to China. This is another way to get more income.

This is the borders of Chiang Rai; North Myanmar South Phayao province East Lao West Myan Mar and Chiang Mai province

Competitive Analysis The agriculture is the important foundation of Thai people at the previous time until the present time. In Thailand, the popular business is the business which relate with food, and the exhaustible goods. The mushroom business is also relates with the food business. It begins to Thailand by Professor KanChonwijarn in Bangkok, 1937(Agriculture high school book subject cultivation of mushroom, 2011). Later, the cultivation of mushroom becomes extensive to all over Thailand including Chiang Rai. There are the mushroom agriculturists in every parts of Thailand. Almost they are the merchants who sell fresh mushrooms by retail and wholesale. Another one will be the people who cultivate the mushrooms for sell, also sell the equipment for cultivation. The less one is the merchants who sell mushrooms with transformed mushrooms. The transform of mushrooms include dehydration and flavored mushrooms. Some of agriculturists sell transformed mushroom as an export product to increase their sale. In the North part of Thailand, almost of mushroom entrepreneurs sell fresh mushrooms, including spores of mushroom and the equipment for cultivating mushrooms. Some places also teach and train about the cultivation and the way how to make the spores of mushroom. The agriculturists cultivate mushroom both for retailers and wholesalers. It has fresh mushroom and the equipment for the cultivating of mushroom as well. About the nearly places around Mushroom Station, Amphur Mae Jun, almost of them are the agriculturists who cultivate fresh mushroom. Some of them produce the fermented mushroom, including delivery service.


However, those mushroom farms will use the entire mushroom nursery for once cultivating. Then, when the harvest time comes, they can collect all of the mushrooms for a lot. However, when they collect all, they will cultivate the mushroom again and that need the time to grow. This is different from Mushroom Station. Mushroom Station will use the different of cultivate mushroom. It will cultivate mushroom as can harvest in every months in all over the year. In addition, Mushroom Station will use the technology and other things like supplementary food as to compete with other competitors. For Straw Mushroom, Mushroom Station will use the supplementary food as to help the straw mushroom to have more fiber, have a good growth. Also, the mushroom will growth more than the one that do not receive the supplementary food as double. The supplementary foods which good to use are dusts of rice, animal fertilizers, kapok, cotton, dried water hyacinth, the little weed that is soft and can keep water well. About Yanagimatsutake, as the result by using EM microorganism to increases the Yanagimatsutake in rice straw. Nowadays, Yanagimatsutake or Yanagi is the type of mushroom which the market need as high volume. It has the best grown in timber decay and the people develop to cultivate in the plastic bag. The material which uses to cultivate the mushroom in the plastic bag is rubber sawdust. It has high cost, then the college of agriculture and technology in Chiang Rai use other material such as straw which ferment in the EM microorganism. The straw is easier to find in Thailand. So, the agriculturalist uses straw as the main material to cultivate the Yanagimatsutake. The mushroom will have the good taste, crispy and delicious. Mushroom Station will stimulate the growth of fungus by using hormone for Indian Oyster Mushroom. To make the hormone, it consists of evaporated milk (Falcons Brand), sugar, and water. About the method, first is to mix milk and sugar together, add water. Then, put this into foggy. Spray this to the rim of mushrooms plastic bag. Normally, it should be 1 time per 20 days or it can use to spray when the production seems to be decrease like small fungus, thin fungus. It can be use with the Enzyme Ionic Plasma, so it can help the fungus to be bigger and can expand the life of harvesting mushroom. About the way to make the Enzyme Ionic Plasma for ferment the fungus, it needs to use water, EM, molasses. Then mix these three ingredients together for fifteen days. Stirring it every day, close the lid tightly, and then add water 5 liters every day until 200 liters. Also, take the piece of fungus to ferment in the EM bucket. About the way to use EM, use EM 10 liters mix with 10 liters (or depend on the suitability), foggy 1 time per two or three days at the rim of mushrooms plastic bag, not foggy too close because it can grow the other bacteria. About the Material and equipment, fungus and pieces of mushroom 3 kilogram, Molasses 1 liter, EM 1 liter, Catalyst PD.1. 1 pack (get free at Land Development Department), clean water 20 liter, Plastic tank to ferment which has close lip 1 tank, Enzyme Ionic Plasma for the fungus. Use all material ferment in the tank as 15 days then it can use for inject the mushroom. About the method: Use all material ferment in the tank as 15 days and stir every morning and evening. Then it can inject the mushroom for nurture the mushroom. The mushroom will grow as fast, big size, more weigh, and more products.

3.2 STP Analysis

3.2.1 Market Segmentation Market Segmentation of Mushroom Station will divide the customers into four groups, seeing from the population of each Amphoe as to estimate the consumption in each Amphoe. Mushroom Station will focus on two main Amphoe which is A. Mae Jun and A. Muang. These two Amphoe can help to reduce cost of transportation and the distribution of farm; also, it has high demand as well. The main reason to choose these is because the market in A. Muang is the big market which the customer from the other Amphur will take the product to sell in their places. So, the customers need in this market will be high. On the other hand, about Mae Juns market. Mushroom Station chooses this market as do not want to lose the opportunity of trading as the farm is located in the A. Mae Jun. About Mae Sai, it is the big market. More than the people who live in Mae Sai, there are also the people who come from the neighbor country like Myanmar, buy and take back to their home. All of these will help Mushroom Farm of expanding the products. Mushroom Station will use a pie graph to show the segmentation group for a clear view.

Figure 3.5: Market Segmentation of Mushroom Station

Market Segmentation of Mushroom Station (The Population of each Amphoe in Chaing Rai)


A. Muang

A. Mae Jun A. Mae Sai A. Others




From the graph, it can be seen that only three Amphoe; A.Muang, A.Mae Jun and A. Mae Sai, the total population will be about 34%. This is not including the population, people from the neighbor country who come and buy in each day at A. Mae Sai. 3.2.2 Target Analysis About the target market, agriculture business has the role to take the agriculture product as to improve to be the other products. Mushroom Station chooses to cultivate the mushroom which does not need to be transformed. Mushroom Station will send the product directly to the wholesaler as to help for reducing cost and the risk of distribute by itself. Also, it can be easily build the trading relationship because the mushroom product always has the same quality of products send to the partners. This will be easy for distributing the farm product and has the exactly number of production. Then it make it be easy for the calculating, not produce more than need. About dried Indian Oyster Mushroom, Mushroom Station will emphasize at Mae Sais Market in the big shops that sells dried product, snack and the souvenirs; also, has high ability of distribute the products. That is because these merchants do not have the shop at Thailand only but also in Myanmar that send the product to sell as well as to build for more trading opportunity.

3.3.3 Position Analysis The position of mushroom business is to send the mushroom products to the wholesalers that are well-known. Also, those wholesalers must have the world wide connection with the customers or maybe they can contact to the farm for buying the products, too. For examples, Supatchaya store at Num Sawats market, A. Muang. Supatchaya is the big store that always sends the products to the department stores like Lotus, Big C, Macro in Chiang Rai and others stores as well. So, it can be sure that Supatchaya has willingness to buy as comparing to their ability of buying Golden Mushroom, 8 Tons per week and also can sell all in every week. These number shows that Supatchaya has the power to buy and distribute the products. Moreover from this store, there still have the other stores that want a lot of mushrooms in each day. That is because nowadays these stores buy mushroom about 100 500 kilograms; also, these can sell all. These can tell that the demand in the market still at high. So, even Mushroom Station is new but it can supply to these stores in the amount that they can sell all.


3.3 Marketing Mix Strategy

3.3.1 Product strategy Brand Strategy The name of brand is Mushroom Station. The Mushroom Station name and logo represents the modern style of farm and use to contact the other store in Chiang Rai. Also, the logo is easily to memorize because of the design is not complex. The color of the logo can attract the wholesalers to be interest and want to buy the product from this company more.

Figure 3.6: Logo of Mushroom Station

Product Strategy Mushroom Station has the products which can satisfy the wholesalers and it can produce as the whole year. Also, the product of Mushroom Station concerns with fresh, clean, and safety. In addition, it has the high technology as to make more quality of mushrooms as well. So, the mushroom of Mushroom Station has the image different from other mushroom farms in Chiang Rai. Moreover, Mushroom Station can deliver the products that are the fresh, clean, and safety mushroom to wholesalers which can help to give the comfortable to the wholesalers as well.

Product Indian Oyster Mushroom Straw Mushroom Yanagimatsutake Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom


3.3.2 Price Strategy Mushroom Station does not have price strategy because the price of mushroom will be depends on the market. However, the farm will use the promotion as to promote the product to get more customers (wholesalers) more than the competitors.

3.3.3 Place Strategy Mushroom Station is located at Amphur Mae Jan, Chiang Rai. This is the good point one as it is located near Mae Juns market which is one of the wholesaler that Mushroom Station can easily send the products to. This can help to reduce the transportation cost. Moreover, this is the good place to produce these types of mushroom, which is Indian Oyster Mushroom, Straw Mushroom, and Yanagimatsutake because of the good weather.

3.3.4 Promotion Strategy We use mix strategy by use push strategy as promoting a product to members of the sales force and retailers rather than to eventual consumers and also use pull strategy when everyone know the product as a marketing program designed to generate consumer demand for a product. A successful program will cause consumers to pull the product through the distribution chain. Pull strategies include manufacturers issuing free or cents-off coupons, placing advertisements on radio or television, or offering free samples at selected locations. (The American Heritage Dictionary of Business Terms Copyright, 2010) About the other one, Mushroom Station will give discount 5% to the wholesalers who become the customer because at this rate Mushroom Station will not lose profit and also can attract more wholesalers to interest in the company.

3.4 Sale Forecast/Profit Estimation

From seeing the growth of Moo-Ka-Ta, Roast Pig, it can be seen that the growth of these restaurant, Moo-Ka-Ta and Moo-Jum, is increasing. Also, the people are interest in eating these more. Mushroom Station chooses to measure from Moo-Ka-Ta because every restaurants need to use a lot of mushroom in each day. Moreover, it shows that the number of Moo-Ka-Ta which located near Rajabhat University is increasing, about 100%. It is different from last two years. In the past, there are only two that are Puen and FahSais Moo-Ka-Ta but now it have two more, not including the number of Moo Jum which is rising as well. From this number, Mushroom Station can use it to estimate the growth of mushroom business as it is growing all the time. Moreover, when the growth of Moo-Ka-Ta is rising in that location, it means that mushroom which is the raw materials will rise up as well.

So, Mushroom Station will produce more as see from the current situation, 10%. About 90% it will deduct out as to be careful if the supply exceed over the demand. In conclusion, the first year sale forecast will be as below; Table 3.1: The demand of the Mushroom Market

Think about 10% from demand that Mushroom Station will produce for the first year;

Table 3.2: The total production of Mushroom Station for the first year, 2012

Table 3.3: The Table of calculating Product per month

About the types of mushroom that Mushroom Station will cultivate are Straw mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, and Yanagimatsutake.


Straw Mushroom is the most cultivation because it has more investment opportunity. Straw Mushroom has low cost then it has high demand and can cultivate as the whole year. Also, it can be harvest in every day. Indian Oyster Mushroom can also harvest every day, too but will have less cultivation because of the low price. Yanagimatsutake has the high price per kilogram more than other mushroom. However, it can be harvest only one time per month. So, it will be the less cultivation.


Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2012

Table 3.4: Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2012


Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2013

Table 3.5: Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2013


Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2014

Table 3.6: Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2014


Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2015

Table 3.7: Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2015


Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2016

Table 3.8: Cultivating and Harvesting Mushroom of Year 2016


To explain the table of mushroom cultivation and mushroom collection In the table, the farm represents the mushroom cultivation and mushroom collection as the color. The mushroom will cultivate different period because it is not the same type. The period to cultivation the mushroom will show in the 1st month. So, next month will be the same as 1st month. In conclusion, Mushroom Station can cultivate the mushroom all of the year even the weather is not the same. That is because it will use the technology to control the temperature and the moisture in the mushroom nursery.

Year 2012 The farm will cultivate the first generation of mushroom as 1st year on January. The product will depend on the period of mushroom growth. Indian Oyster Mushroom - To cultivate at the first time, it uses 18 days to grown. After, the farm will harvest the mushroom in everyday over all 6 months. Yanagimatsutake It uses 30 days or 1 month to grown. After, the farm will harvest and cultivate again. Indian Oyster Mushroom and Yanagimatsutake have high demand in the market and it can cultivate as whole year. The farm will gradually to cultivate the mushroom every day. Therefore, the mushrooms will not growth at the same time but it grown nearly with each mushroom nursery. So, the mushroom will not surplus in the market. Straw Mushroom It use 7 days to cultivate. Then, the farm will harvest and cultivate again. It can cultivate as all seasons.

Year 2013 2016 The table will similar to 1st year but it has slightly different. There are.... 1. The period to harvest the mushroom must depend on the mushroom growth as 1st year table. In the 1st year, the farm cultivates the Indian Oyster Mushroom on January. However, in the 2nd year table the farm will cultivate as July. So, the farm will cultivate new spore every 6 months. Even it can harvest over all 8 month but the farm will harvest only 6 months for a good quality of mushroom.

2. Indian Oyster Mushroom and Yanagimatsutake can cultivate as whole year. Also, the
farm will gradually to cultivate the mushroom every day. Then, it grown nearly with each mushroom nursery. So, the mushroom will not surplus in the market.


Mushroom Station assumes the business grown rate in the next year is about 10 percent because the farm will invest in the first year as 40 percent for reducing the risk. The demand will increase 50 percent compare from the Moo-Ka-Ta restaurant that increase as double number of one year. So, the first year will decrease to 10 percent because the production may surplus in the market. And the population in Chiang Rai has increase in every year then the people will consume the mushroom more. The demand will increase and the supplier will increase too. Therefore, the farm makes a decision to increase the capacity for respond to the demand.

Table 3.9: Total sales product of Mushroom Station 1 2 3 4 5

Year Total sales product







Sale of Year 2012

Table 3.10: Sales of Mushroom Station in year 2012


Figure 3.7: Sale of Mushroom Station in year 2012

Total Sale Year 2012

9,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 Total Sale 5,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 AUG OCT JAN SEP NOV FEB JUN JUL APR MAR MAY DEC Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom Indian Oyster Mushroom Straw Mushroom Yanagimastsutake


Sale of Year 2013

Table 3.11: Sales of Mushroom Station in year 2013


Figure 3.8: Sale of Mushroom Station in year 2013

Total Sale Year 2013

1,800,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,200,000.00 Total Sale 1,000,000.00 800,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 AUG OCT JAN SEP NOV FEB JUN APR MAR MAY DEC JUL Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom Indian Oyster Mushroom Straw Mushroom Yanagimastsutake


Sale of Year 2014

Table 3.12: Sales of Mushroom Station in year 2014


Figure 3.9: Sale of Mushroom Station in year 2014

Total Sale Year 2014

2,000,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,400,000.00 Total Sale 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 800,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 200,000.00 AUG OCT JAN SEP NOV FEB JUN JUL MAR APR MAY DEC Yanagimastsutake Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom Indian Oyster Mushroom Straw Mushroom


Sale of Year 2015

Table 3.13: Sales of Mushroom Station in year 2015


Figure 3.10: Sale of Mushroom Station in year 2015

Total Sale Year 2015

2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 AUG OCT JAN SEP NOV FEB JUN JUL MAR APR MAY DEC Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom Indian Oyster Mushroom Straw Mushroom Yanagimastsutake

Total Sale


Sale of Year 2016

Table 3.14: Sales of Mushroom Station in year 2016


Figure 3.11: Sale of Mushroom Station in year 2016

Total Sale Year 2016

2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 500,000.00 AUG OCT JAN SEP NOV FEB JUN JUL APR MAR MAY DEC

Dried Indian Oyster Mushroom Indian Oyster Mushroom Straw Mushroom Yanagimastsutake

Total Sale


3.5 Marketing Expenses

CSR has when Chinese Vegetarian Festival give Indian Oyster Mushroom as 10 Kg. to vegetarian cafeteria for cook the price is 550 Bath donate at Sang Jing Tung vegetarian cafeteria; 50 M.2, Paholyotin Road, T. RopWiang, A.Muang, Chiang Rai 57000

Objectives 1. To repay for the social 2. Promote the product of Mushroom Station Figure 3.12: Chiang Rai Flower Festival



Figure 3.13: Chiang Rai Flower Festival

Chiang Rai Flower Festival 2012 will have located at Suan Mai Ngam Rim Nam Kok. It is close to Chiang Rai Airport. This festival helps to promote the tourism, gain more revenue for Chiang Rai people, and support Chiang Rai to develop the place which can plant the winter flower as good quality. They use Lily and Tulip flower to attract the tourist. Also, it including with floral float contest, exposition of crafts, and exposition of Lanna culture. At the event have many local products of Chiang Rai that conduce to exhibit; for example tea, coffee, and other agricultural product. Figure 3.14: Kaset Fair


Objectives Use to promote the Mushroom Station to the people and wholesalers. Also, it helps to build the relation between government and private sector. This way can gain income from selling fresh mushroom and dried mushrooms.

Organizations contact: - Chiang Rai Administration Organization and located at 183 M.8, WiengDistrict, Muang, Chiang Rai 57100. Telephone no. +66-5-371-1499

Cost for create booth in Chiang Rai Flowers Festival 2013 Expense for rent a car Mushroom station use billboard which has size about 24 meter at Chop Pim Company (800 Baht) Rent the area to set the booth at Chiang Rai Flowers Festival (6,500 Baht)


Marketing Expenses of Year 2012

Table 3.15: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2012

Figure 3.15: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2012

Marketing Expenses of Year 2012

40,000.00 35,000.00 30,000.00 Total Expenes 25,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Event Mushroom in Chinese vegetarian Commision


Marketing Expenses of Year 2013

Table 3.16: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2013

Figure 3.16: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2013

Marketing Expenses of Year 2013

50,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 Total Expenes 35,000.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Event Mushroom in Chinese vegetarian Commision


Marketing Expenses of Year 2014

Table 3.17: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2014

Figure 3.17: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2014

Marketing Expenses of Year 2014

60,000.00 50,000.00 Total Expenes 40,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Event Mushroom in Chinese vegetarian Commision


Marketing Expenses of Year 2015

Table 3.18: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2015

Figure 3.18: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2015

Marketing Expenses of Year 2015

60,000.00 50,000.00 Total Expenes 40,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Event Mushroom in Chinese vegetarian Commision


Marketing Expenses of Year 2016

Table 3.19: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2016

Figure 3.19: Marketing Expenses of Mushroom Station in year 2016

Marketing Expenses of Year 2016

70,000.00 60,000.00 Total Expenes 50,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Mushroom in Chinese vegetarian Commision Event


3.6 Conclusion in market feasibility

From sale forecast of Mushroom Station in all over five years, it can be seen that all of sale volumes are the same because the mushroom nursery is the factor that control the production of the farm. So, Mushroom Station cannot increase the production during the entire year. The Mushroom Station will increase the mushroom nursery as 50 in the first year, 56 in the second year, 62 in the third year, 68 in the fourth year and 74 in the fifth year. Mushroom Station increases the mushroom nursery because of the increasing of restaurant and the population. However, the Mushroom Station will be different from the others because of the different of cultivate mushroom. It will cultivate mushroom as can harvest in every months in all over the year. In addition, Mushroom Station will use the technology and other things like supplementary food as to compete with other competitors. Also, use the quality of the mushroom to be the competitive advantages.


Chapter 4 Investment Cost

4. Pre-operation Analysis 4.1 Pre Operating Cost

Landscape Drilling water cost 65,000 500,000

Reference: _ ___800kVA_3_Phase_22_KV.jpeg

Transformer cost Redistribute the land Total

615,000 820,000 2,000,000

4.2 Investment Cost of Project

Investment of Fixed asset 4.2.1 Land

4.2.2 Building (2 Unit) - Unit 1 (Office) - Unit 2 (Agricultural Office) Cost of architecture Table 4.1: Cost of architecture


Cost of roof Table 4.2: Cost of roof

Cost of mushroom nursery Table 4.3: Cost of mushroom nursery

4.2.3 Tools/Equipments Cost of door and window Table 4.4: Cost of door and window


Cost of sanitary ware Table 4.5: Cost of sanitary ware

4.2.4 Infrastructure Cost of structure Table 4.6: Cost of structure

3 Location Cost of water system and waste system Cost of electricity in the building Cost of painting 33,000 100,000 65,000


4.3 Location
Location of Mushroom Station was located at Tambon Patung, Amphoe Mueang, and Chiang Rai. Turn left on the square which leads to Fang and then it will see that Mushroom Station is located on left hand side. Figure 4.1: Map for location of Mushroom Station


4.3.1 Facility Layout

Fence Cowboy Fence is the fence which has high quality and appropriate for resort and farm. Have 120 cm. heights from the ground Pillar 6" x 6" x 170cm. weight 65 kg. Crossbeam 5"x2.5"x250 cm. weight 46 kg. The fence price is 450 per meter Figure 4.2: Example fence of Mushroom Station


Car park Modern steel roofing galvanized Heron model, designed to accommodate the parking of vehicles such as cars, motorcycles and scooters. The feature attributed to Heron of modularity allows extending the ability of vehicles to accommodate a virtually unlimited. In the simplicity of the design incorporates the unique strength and weather resistance. Figure 4.3: Example car parking of Mushroom Station


Mushroom nursery

The standard size of mushroom nursery, length 8*4 meters as the figure 4.9 and 4.10. The mushroom nurseries build from the bamboo structure. The roof made from the nypa which can endure the heat and moistness. That is because the mushroom can grow easily with the moistness weather. About the following picture, figure xx, it is the inside structure of mushroom nursery, contain 5,000 spores of mushroom. Divide it into two rows and has the aqua auto pot as to preserve the moistness. Figure 4.4: Example of mushroom Nursery Figure 4.5: Example of inside mushroom

Reference: (2) of 5.jpeg


Office Building

The office building is width of 5 meters and length of 10 meters by white polish concrete. It will have curved staircase at the side of the building to mezzanine or roof deck. Inside the building cover the floor by white tiles and cover the wall by white wallpaper. So, inside the building will separate as 4 parts; there are parlor room and room for public relation, office, kitchen, and toilet. The parlor room and room for public relation will have long sofa at left side, and one more set of sofa for reception the customer with LED television. Next, office will have 5 office desks. And the kitchen will have microwave, kettle, refrigerator, and the central table. Last part is the toilet. It will cover the floor by gray tiles and have bathroom which decorate by the tree and grit.

Agriculture Building

The agriculture building has 5*10 meters, builds with white polish concrete and inside is the polish concrete. It separates into three parts, the first part is like lobby for separating mushroom or keeping the mushroom as it is the way to let it pretreatment themselves and to grow again by stop watering the mushroom. It is also be the place where the employees can take a rest or planning together. About the second part, it is the mushroom warehouse. It paves with green tiles and has the refrigerator for storing the mushrooms. The last part is the restroom which locates at the back of the building. It has two restrooms.


4.4 Machine and Equipments

Machine/Tools/Equipment Office

- 2B Pencil (Horse brand) Price: 4 Baht

Reference: 1209194021.jpeg

- Eraser (Pentel Brand) Price: 10 Bath

Reference: 4820100304093827.jpeg

- Geloball pen (Quantum Brand) Price: 12 baht

Reference: 2502152441.jpeg


- Correcting Fluid (Pentel Brand) Price: 45 baht

Reference: 7922086.jpeg

- Cutter (Horse Brand) Price: 24 Baht


- Blade Cutter (Aoca Brand) Price: 10 Baht

Reference: 2041504.jpeg

- Scissors OFE 0380 8 inch (Elephant Brand) Price: 27 Baht


- Scotch Tape Cutter C-60 Price: 144 Baht

Reference: scotch_c_60_1__500.jpeg

- Scotch tape (3M brand) Price: 49 Baht

Reference: 90X91.jpeg

- STAMP-PAD-HORSE No.3 (Blue) Price: 57 Baht

Reference: 89943.jpeg


- Rubber Stamp Price: 99 Baht

Reference: bfa93e06ba06573970d0.jpeg

- Stapler Max HD-10NX (Max Brand) Price: 88 Baht



- Staple (Max Brand) Price: 6 Baht

Reference: wiigkj.png


- Calculator (Canon P1-DTS V LCD) Memory 1MB Speed: 1.4 lines / sec. Calculate VAT, cost Battery AA X 4 Ink Roller CP 16 Price: 1,050 Baht


- Calculator (Casio MX-120S) LCD Battery Two- Way Power Wide, 10.3 cm long x 14.5 cm high x 3.07 cm Price: 290 Baht


- Document file (Horse brand) Size: 28.9x35 cm. Price: 255 baht

Reference: fdbc5aee6.jpeg


- Idea green copy paper Size: 210x297 mm. (A4) Copying 80 gram Price: 520 baht per box

Reference: 21223448_b.jpeg

- Telephone (LG Brand) Size: 140 x 200 x 50 mm. Weighs 480 g. Function to work: Ringing Volume Control , Tone/Pulse Adjustment Redial, Mute

Certification: ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001 :2004 RoHS Compliant TOT Type Approved Price: 456 Baht

Reference: 586181339158618-1.jpeg

- Plug Size: 3 maters Price: 115 baht



- CCTV (HIK Vision Brand) Camera General Detail Image Sensor: 1/4'' COMS Signal System: PAL/NTSC Effective Pixels: 640(H)x480(V) Min. Illumination: 0.1 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON) Reference: Shutter Time: 1/25(1/30) s __506d12536cd7a.jpeg to 1/15,000 s Lens Mount: C/CS Mount Day& Night: Electronic Horizontal Resolution: 480TVL Synchronization: Internal Synchronization Video Output: 1Vp-p Composite Output (75/BNC) S/N Ratio: More than 48dB BLC: On Operating Conditions: -10 C - 60 C (14 F - 140 F) Humidity 90% or less (non-condensing) Power Supply: 12 V DC10% Power Consumption: Max. 2 W

- Computer (HP) Compaq Presario CQ3070L (KY779AAAKL) Features CPU Intel Pentium Dual-Core; Tower 2.7 GHz; 18.5 inch LCD with Integrated speakers Hard disk 320 GB (7200rpm Memory 2048 MB - 4096 MB Graphics card. ATI Radeon HD 4350 Operating system DOS Guarantee 1 year. Weight n/a, Size n/a Price: 12,890 Baht Reference:


- Printer (Brother MFC-5890CN) 6-in-1 : Print/Fax/Copy/Scan/Direct Print/PC Fax with Network Price: 1,530 Baht


- TV LED (Samsung Brand) LED TV LG 3D Model No.42LM7600 Special price: 29,890 Screen: Full HD 1920x1080 Technology Hyper Real Engine: It helps to develop the quality, distinct for the best scene. Reference: Technology 100 Hz Clear Motion Rate: It makes the motion picture move as ongoing and euphemistic. Wide Color Enhancer Plus: It makes the scene beautiful and realistically as nature. Digital Noise Filer: It can reduce noise to make the scene always clearly. Send the signal as DTS 2.0 by Optical connector: It can connect with other external stereo for respond customers need as best sound system. Support sound system as Dolby Digital Plus/Dolby Pulse: It makes the sound boom as realistically. Loudspeaker sound system as 20 Watt (RMS ) (10W+10W) Price: 29,990 Baht

- Cooler (Standard Brand) Size: 31 x 29 x 95 cm. Net water: 3 Liter Electronic power: 220 v / 50 Hz. Price: 2,800 Baht Reference: 20061107162427.jpeg

- Kettle (Panasonic Brand) Capacity: 2.2 l. Electronic flush Insurance: 3 years Price: 16,990 Baht

Reference: spd_20090530161939_b. jpeg

- Microwave R-219 (Sharp Brand) Capacity: 22 l. Jog Dial (Analogue) Price: 1,800 Baht

Reference: 0616192151_b.jpeg

- Refrigerator GR-B143Z (Toshiba Brand) Power: 70 W. / 220 V.50 Hz. Freezer inside Save energy Capacity: 4.9 queue Price: 4900 Baht


- Fan (Ceiling fans: CLASSIC-WH/NL) White pearl Blade size 52" Blades are made of wood Guarantee 10 year Price: 1,500 Baht


- Air conditioner (Mitsubishi Brand) Nano Platinum Filter: It has plate that use to filter the air. It has Platinum as Nano size. Then, it helps inhibit bacteria growth, fungi, and bad smell. Air Cleanning Filter: It has plate that use to filter the air by electricity for trap dust and fungi. EconoCool: It helps to save the energy as 20%. Reference: Powerful Cool: It helps air condition make the 160224_b.jpeg cool weather more quickly. Fuzzy Logic "I FEEL" Control: It is the system which control by feeling. Auto Restart: It is the system which can open automatic when the electricity failure. 12 Hour ON/OFF Timer: It can set the time to open and close in 12 hours before. The air condition has insurance of compressor as 5 years, Nano Platinum Filter as 3 years, and spares inside air condition as 1 years. Price: 16,590 Baht


- Cabinet (3-tier cabinet doors open) Particleboard made from wood board Grade A. Top thickness 25 mm. The Beach. Dimension (W x D x H): 60 40 x 120 cm / dryer. Price: 3,990 Baht

Reference: 241459008469.jpeg

- Fridge SEC-1500SBD (SANDEN INTERCOOL Brand) Capacity: 51 queue (1465 l.) Power: 220-240 V, 50 Hz. (3.39 A.) Outside: 180 x 71.5 x 205 cm. Inside: 172 x 55.6 x 153.2 cm. Temperature: +2 to +7 c ( No frost) Color: White Insurance: 1 year Net weight: 245 kg. Price: 35,000 Baht

Reference: 0705105255_b.jpeg

- Chair (PP Chair White Florals) Price: 300 Baht


- Office Desk (Expedia Brand) Width: 115 cm. Depth: 78 cm. Height: 76 cm. Price: 2,300 Baht

Reference: 9991_S4.jpeg - Office Desk (Viga Brand) Length: 100 cm. Width: 60 cm. Height: 74 cm. Maximum weight: 50 kg. Price: 1130 Baht

Reference: _PE306802_S4.jpeg

- Dining Table Color: Black & White Size: 80x140x75 cm. Price: 14,500 Baht




- Sofa (Rattan Furniture) Length of 2.3 m. Price: 25,000 Baht

Reference: jpeg

- PVC Door (Elephant Brand as know SCG Company) Size: 70 x 180 cm. Price: 1,690 Baht

Reference: z7kjrq.jpeg

- Toilet Sprayer Hose Price: 160 Baht

Reference: 1615.jpeg


- Washbowl (American Standard Brand) Color: White Price: 873.12 Baht

Reference: 376.jpeg

- Pickup (Toyota Vigo Standard cab models STD 2.7J CNG M / T 5) Price: 622,000 Baht


- Camp light Model (B) Base width 24 cm, height 50 cm. Lamp head width 15.5 cm. Price: 848 Baht

Reference: 21114857_b ( jpeg


Agricultural equipment

- Knitted gloves
Price 6 Baht

Reference: - Rubber Gloves

Price 50 Baht

Reference: - Rope

Price 159 Baht


- Bamboo Basket
Price 60 Baht

Reference: basket-250x250.jpeg


- Ceramic Knife (5-inch) Price 590 Baht

Reference: - Spore of mushroom Price Straw Mushroom Indian Oyster Yanagimatsutake 10 Baht 8 Baht 8 Baht

Reference: 3086696_678290788_n.jpeg - Briquette Straw Price 45 Baht

Reference: images.jpeg

- Head of Hoe Number 1 Price: 300 baht Number 2 Price: 320 baht Number 3 Price: 300 baht

Reference: IMG0015020120926-1714_zps4d64f566.jpeg


- Hoe Handle 1.2 meter 2kg Price: 160 Baht Handle 1.2 meter 1.6kg Price: 150 Baht Handle 0.75meter 1kg Price: 115 Baht


- Spade (Length 116 cm.) Price 85 Baht

Reference: 6202101000117-

- Harrow Price 90 Baht

Reference: 936268e2b015c.jpeg - Thermometer Price 250 Baht



- Mushroom Evaporator Price 50,000 Baht



- Industrial fans: PANASONIC FV-40KUT Price: 4,775 Baht Ventilation fan: PANASONIC FV-40KUT Size: 16 inch OIDE Propeller size: 14 inch Use in industry durable motor for use as consecutive Long life Easy to install Save for electricity Safe from the chemical

Reference: .jpeg

- Machine to make the steam or heat Price: 8,200 Baht Have the efficiency to make the heat for disinfect the bacteria

Reference: 1344353031.jpeg


Table 4.7: Administration Cost of Mushroom Station

Table 4.8: Operation Cost of Mushroom Station


Chapter 5 Production and Operation Analysis

5.1 Production and Operation Analysis

5.1.1 Product characteristics Mushroom product at Mushroom Station has 2 types; there are 1. Fresh Mushroom Fresh Mushroom is the mushroom that cultivation from the farm. Inside the mushroom has the moisture of water. Then it will have high weight. The fresh mushroom is popular in the market because it is fresh and shaped appetizing. In addition, Thailand almost cultivates all of mushrooms type then the people will interest it as healthy food because it does not have chemical. Agriculturalists cannot use chemical because mushroom was the plants that sensitive to chemical. Then, it will die easily when it touches with chemical. 1.1 . Straw Mushroom Price: 105 Baht/kg. (Average price from Talad-Thai) Description: Straw Mushroom is the mushroom that grows from straw. It has round shaped and white. Also, it has tegument bulb like a bowl to underlie the mushroom. If the cap grown, it will opens like an umbrella. Top of the cap is gray color. The mushroom has smooth surface by lightly fur as silk. The stipe of mushroom has white color and tight. Property: Straw Mushroom has medicinal benefit because it has Vovatoxin which help to prevent bacteria grown and reduce the problem about fat in blood and heart disease. Period to harvest: cultivate as 6 days then can harvest as 1 time. More information: Straw Mushroom can cultivate all season.

1.2 . Yanagimatsutake Price: 180 Baht/kg. (Average price of Talad-Thai) Description: Yanagimatsutake has light brown until orange brown color. It also has the stipe of mushroom as white color and tight. Yanagimatsutake have unique taste; the part of cap is chewy and part of stipe is crispy. Most people use stipe to cook because it has high nutrition. Property: Yanagimatsutake has medicinal benefit. There are prevent and resist the cancer, reduce fat and cholesterol in blood, detoxification of liver, and make the liver healthy. Period to harvest: cultivate as 1 month then the farm can harvest as 1 time. More information: Yanagimatsutake can cultivate whole year and take care same as Sajorcaju Mushroom. It also has the price same as Shiitake Mushroom.


1.3 . Indian Oyster Mushroom Price: 55 Baht/kg. (average price from Talad-Thai) Description: The characteristic of Indian Oyster Mushroom is similar to Abalone mushroom and Oyster Mushroom. However, Indian Oyster Mushroom has light color more than Abalone mushroom. And it can keep into the refrigerator as many days. The top of the mushroom is light brown color. It appropriates to cook because it will have good smell. And the farm will transform to Dried Mushroom maintain more than normal life. Dried Mushroom will return the same shaped as fresh mushroom if the customer soaks to water. Property: Indian Oyster Mushroom can prevent catarrh, help to blood flow, and gastritis. Period to harvest: cultivate as 18 days then the farm can harvest everyday all over 8 months.

2. Dried Mushroom 2.1. Indian Oyster Dried Mushroom Indian Oyster Dried Mushroom is the mushroom which dehydrates for transform for food such as cornflakes, dried shredded mushroom. The proportion of Dried Mushroom and Fresh Mushroom is 1:10. It is the way to maintain the mushroom as low cost because the farm will dehydrate by sun.


5.1.2 Logistics Management Mushroom Station needs to transportation the mushroom to the wholesaler or the customer as the market. There are Supachaya store, Nam Sawad market, Chok Jareun, Mae Jan market, Tad Saban market, and Mae Sai. The farm will separate by 2 locations. Each location use for one car to transport the mushroom; at first car will distribute the mushroom at Supachaya store, Nam Sawad market, Chok Jareun market, and Tad Saban market. And one more car will distribute at Mae Sai and Mae Jan. It is the way to facilitate to the customer. If the customers feel inconvenient, they will get the mushroom at the farm too. The farm will transport the mushroom as one time per day.

Figure 5.1: Step of delivery mushroom

Customers Order

Mushroom Station

Transport the mushroom to the customer

Take money from the customer


Chapter 6 Administration

6.1 Management Analysis

6.1.1 Organization Management Mushroom Station will be the Limited Liability Company or corporation. Limited company is the company which divides the equal share to each stockholders or shareholders. And the partner will responds to limited liability that not exceed more than ones investment. The company will include with 3 or more partners who make agreement together. Then, it will be the limited liability company. It is easier to raise capital. However, the company would pay corporate income tax. The stockholders or shareholders have the right to vote follow by the share such as 1 share, 1 vote. If the stockholders have many shares, they can have more power to vote. Moreover, the stockholders cannot manage the company except for stockholders that have the vote from meeting room. The dividend will be the compensation of stockholders. They can transfer the share to other people by sell the share. The farm hire as 7 jobs. There are top of manager, accountant, general manager, marketing or economic manager, human resource manager, diver, and labor. The position for each manager is 1 position but the diver and labor are more than 1 position. It will show in the organization chart.

6.1.2 Organization Chart Top of Manager (1 Position)

Accounting Department (1 Position)

General Management Department (1 Position)

Drivers (2 Positions)

Labors (depend on year)

Figure 6.1: The organization chart of Mushroom Farm


About the employees in the organization

Mushroom Station has 16 positions 1. Top of manager (1 position) Task - To manage and control overall management in the organization. - To make a decision when the problems occur, which problem needs to be solved first or later. Characteristic - Male/Female, Age 30 up. - At least graduated in bachelors degree of Business Administration program. - Have high responsibility. - Must have experience more than five years. - Have a good skill in using computer and the programs. - Have an excellent communication skill. - Have leadership. - Have a skill in managing the organization. 2. Accounting Department (1 position) Task - To control the liquidity of the organization. - To analyze and calculate the cost, revenue, and other financial of the organization. Characteristic - Male/Female, Age 25 up. - At least graduate in bachelors degree of Business Administration program in accountant. - Must have experience more than two years. - Have a good skill in using computer and the programs, especially Microsoft Excel. - Be accuracy, honest and loyalty to the organization.


3. General Management Department (1 position) Task - To plan and report the operation of the organization. - Training the employees. - To coordinate with retailers and the customers. Characteristic - Male/Female, Age 26 up. - At least graduate in bachelors degree of Business Administration program. - Be accuracy and ambitious. - Must have experience more than three year. - Have high responsibility. - Have an excellent communication skill. - Have a skill in managing the organization. 4. Drivers (2 positions) Task - To deliver the products to the customer. Characteristic - Male/Female, Age 20 up. - Be careful, loyal and honest to the organization. - Have the driving license. 5. Labors (depend on the year) Task - To cultivate and harvest the mushroom. - To take care all of the work about the agricultural. Characteristic - Male/Female, Age 20 up. - Be careful, loyal and honest to the organization. - Be diligent and responsibility.


6.2 Administration Cost 6.2.1 Employee salary - Top of manager (1 position) - Accounting department (1position) - General management department (1position) - Divers (2 positions) - Labor (depend on the year) Labor cost in 1st year Labor cost in 2nd year Labor cost in 3rd year Labor cost in 4th year Labor cost in 5th year (25 positions) (28 positions) (31 positions) (34 positions) (37 positions) 18,0001 15,0001 15,0001 = = = 18,000 Baht 15,000 Baht 15,000 Baht

9,0002 9,000

= =

18,000 Baht 9,000 Baht

225,000 Baht 252,000 Baht 279,000 Baht 306,000 Baht 333,000 Baht

Total salary expense/month as 1st year Total salary expense/month as 2nd year Total salary expense/month as 3rd year Total salary expense/month as 4th year Total salary expense/month as 5th year

291,000Baht 318,000Baht 345,000Baht 372,000Baht 399,000Baht

(the cost of labor will depend on the year; 1st as 25 position, 2nd year as 28 position, 3rd year as 31 position, 4th year as 34 position,5th year as 37 position) The farm hires one person for work at two nurseries. Then farm calculate the volume of the labor as number of nursery divide by two. ******** About the end of each year (December), Mushroom Station will give the bonus for the administrators, 3 persons for 5% Top of manager (18,000*12*0.05) Accounting Department (15,000*12*0.05) General management department (15,000*12*0.05) 10,800 Baht 9,000 Baht 9,000 Baht


6.2.2 Cost of electricity per month At the normal rate, the farm will use 300 units Estimate use of electricity 300 units x 2.4649 = 739.47 Baht Add. (+) Service expense = 228.17 Baht Total Electricity expense / month = 967.64 Baht

Table 6.1: SME

2.SME For the electricity of operation the business, house, industry, government industry, state enterprise, etc. that need to use the average electric energy as 15 minutes at least 30 kilowatt by one power meter. As the normal rate; Cost of electric Service fee (Baht/month) energy (Baht/unit) 2.1.1 pressure 22-23 kilovolt 2.1.2 pressure less than 22 kilovolt -150 units (no.0-150) -250 units (no.151-400) -more than 400 units (more than no.401) 2.4649 1.8047 2.7781 2.9780 228.17 40.90


The office will use the electricity for light, computer, printer, telephone, air condition, etc. The cost of electricity in the office will depend on the season. If it is the summer, the cost will high more than winter and raining season because the employees use more air condition. The normal rate of electricity cost is 967.64 Baht by using for 300 units and include with service fee. In the summer, the electric will be using as 500 units. It will increase as 200 units from the raining and winter season because the employees use air condition. Then the cost will be (500units 2.4649)+228.17=1,460.62 Baht.

6.2.3 Cost of water per month Assume that the office will use the water as 11-20 units to administration the business. Then the cost of the water is 20 units 19 = 380 Baht but the government reduce to 350 Baht. Table 6.2: The water rate at other province

3th table, the water rate at other province 2. government and SME Quantitative for using water Number of unit (m3/month) 0-10 10 11-20 10 21-30 10 31-50 20 51-80 30 81-100 20 price 16.00 19.00 20.00 21.50 21.60 21.65 cost 160.00 190.00 200.00 430.00 648.00 433.00 Total cost 160.00 350.00 550.00 980.00 1,628.00 2,061.00

The cost of the water will depend on the season too. In the raining season will use less amount of the water. There are the 11-20 units as 350 Baht. And in the winter and summer

will use more amount of the water as 10 units. It increases as 50percent from the raining season. Then it will be 21-30unit and the cost will be 550 Baht. 6.2.4 Cost of internet per month The farm will use TOT internet with Plus Net+ promotion as 7Mbps.512bps. the price is 590 per month without vat as 7%. Then the total price will be 590+(590*7%)=631.3. The internet will use in the office and share the wireless to the customer. Table 6.3: Plus Net +: Local Call

Plus Net +: Local Call This promotion includes with internet and local call. It starts at 50 times/month when you are applies for new telephone number or IP Phone. Download/ Upload Speed up to 4Mbps./512Kbps. 7Mbps./512Kbps. 10Mbps./1Mbps. 12Mbps./1Mbps. 15Mbps./1Mbps. 20Mbps./1Mbps. Price of exceed free call (in the country) Price of faraway/ mobile call (in the country)

Price (Baht/month) 490 590 890 1,290 1,890 2,290

Free local call (times/month) 50 100 150 200 250 unlimited

2 Baht/minute 2 Baht/time 1.5 Baht/minute


6.2.5 Cost of telephone per month The farm will use TOT internet with Plus Net+ promotion because it includes with the free local call as 100 times per month. If the office calls more than 100 times, it will pay more 2 Baht per time. And if the office use to call as long-distance and the mobile phone, the office must pay 2 Baht per minute.

Table 6.4: Plus Net +: Local Call

6.2.6 Cost of office insurance Mushroom Station office will select insurance from Southeast insurance as 1,665.99 Baht/year. Table 6.5: Type of Insurance


Insurance company Southeast insurance

Type of insurance Habitat Habitat habitat Store/SMEs Store/SMEs habitat habitat Establishment habitat

Name of insurance All risk Economical Ban Sri Sook Ban Munk Mee All risk Rak Ban2 Economical Establishment Home Smile

Start price 1,495.86 645.00 645.00 645.00 1,665.99 650.00 646.00 1,290.00 800.00


Tokio Marine Insurance

Special price 1,495.86 645.00 645.00 645.00 1,665.99 650.00 646.00 1,290.00 800.00

Table 6.6: Protection for basic disaster and more disaster

Protection for basic disaster -Fire -Thunderbolt -Explosion of gas which use to make light or habitat advantage

Protection for more disaster -Storm -Hail -Bomb -Aircraft -Vehicles -Smoke -Earthquake -Flood -Cause from the water -Riot and strike -Savage action or spite action -Combustion or explosion -Cause effect to eletronic equipment


Cost of insurance We use first-class car insurance of MSIC. The price is 19,665.53 Baht per year. And the farm has 2 cars then we will pay 39,331.06 Baht per year. First-Class Car Insurance of pickup car at MSIC TOYOTA VIGO which buy less than 2 years, and price as 550,000 (12109)

Figure 6.2: First-Class Car Insurance of pickup car at MSIC


Detail/ condition to receive the insurance - Protect the litigants asset and car in maximum level as 1,000,000 Baht (per time) - Pay compensation to litigant in maximum level as 500,00 Baht/person and not more than 10,000,000 Baht (per time) - Protect the car body from accident in maximum level as 550,000 Baht (per time) - Cover when the car lost-fire as 550,000 Baht - Protect the people inside the car not more than 3 persons by pay compensation 100,000 Baht/person and medical fee as 100,000 Baht/person Provision of insurance company - Accept to insurance with personal car which not use for hire or rent - The car must repair at garage which involve with insurance company - Fund for insurance would not less than 80% of car price (Fund for insurance will confirm by insurance company) - Price of insurance will not include with decorate equipment that not set by the industry - Should check the insurance price before receive the insurance because it may have change from the insurance company Price of insurance - Price is 19,665.53 Baht (include service fee as 75.00 Baht and VAT 1,286.53 Baht)


Cost of Fire Extinguisher The office will use 10 pound dry chemical fire extinguisher as 2 tanks by inside and outside the office. So, the price will be 7902 = 1,580 Baht. It has lifetime as 5 years.

Figure 6.3: Promotion of Fire Extinguisher in January, 2013

Promotion of Fire Extinguisher in January, 2013 Dry chemical fire extinguisher size: 2 pound Dry chemical fire extinguisher size: 5 pound Dry chemical fire extinguisher size: 10 pound Dry chemical fire extinguisher size: 15 pound Dry chemical fire extinguisher size: 2o pound price: 800 price: 850 price: 1,000 price: 1,100 price: 1,350 special price: 590 special price: 690 special price: 790 special price: 890 special price: 1,200


Table 6.7: Size of fire extinguisher Size of fire extinguisher Scal of diameter of tank (inches) Height (inches) Weight of empty tank with valve (kg.) Weight of dry chemical (kg.) All weight Pressure when examinate (PSI) Pressure in tank(PSI) Pressure that the tank can suffer(PSI) Type of gas which fill in tank Period to use while it used up (second) Maximuze distance to spray it out (meter) Fire Rating 5 pound 4.5 14.5 1.9 2.5 4.4 400 195 1,200 Nitrogen 12 5-7 2A 2B 10 pound 5 20.5 3.1 5 8.1 400 195 1,200 Nitrogen 14 8-10 4A 2B 15 pound 5.5 23 3.3 7 10.3 400 195 1,200 Nitrogen 18 8-10 4A 2B 6A 20B 20 pound 7 23 4.4 9.5 13.9 400 195 1,200 Nitrogen 24 8-10 4A 10B 6A 20B


6.2.7 Office expense No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 Description

Eraser (Pentel Brand) 2B Pencil (Horse brand) Correcting fluid (Pentel brand) Geloballpen (Quantum Brand) Cutter (Horse Brand) Blade Cutter (Aoca Brand) Scissors OFE 0380 8 inch. (Elephant Brand) Scotch Tape Cutter C-60 Scotch Tape (3M Brand) STAMP-PAD-HORSE Rubber Stamp Staple Max HD-10NX (Max Brand) Staple (Max Brand) Total of office expense

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 70

10.00 4.00 45.00 12.00 24.00 6.00 27.00 144.00 49.00 57.00 99.00 88.00 6.00

Total Price
50.00 20.00 225.00 60.00 120.00 30.00 135 720 245 285 495 440 60.00 2,885 Baht

In the table shows the equipment in the office which use contact the customer. All the equipment is not need to buy the new one in every month because the farm will buy new one when it cant use anymore. So, the office expenses will not the same rate in every month. It depends on the equipments life. Then farm will purchase the equipment 2 times in a year because if the farm always buy the equipment, it is waste the time and waste the money.

Table 6.8: Conclusion of corporate income tax rate follow by Royal Decree (530th draft), 2011


Accounting period Accounting Accounting Accounting of 2011 (old) period of 2012 period of 2013 period of 2014 Type of corporate Ra Ra Ra Ra Net profit Net profit Net profit Net profit te te te te 1 Genera 30 23 20 20 All amount All amount All amount All amount l case % % % % 2 Allowa nce tax rate 2.1. Listed 25 23 20 20 All amount All amount All amount All amount Compa % % % % ny 15 15 15 15 >150,000<1 >150,000<1 >150,000<1 >150,000<1 % % % % million million million million 2.2. 25 23 20 20 >1million<3 >1million >1million >1million SMEs % % % % million 30 >3million **SMEs cannot have income more than 30 million Baht*** %


Administration Cost at 1stYear

Table 6.9: Administration Cost Year 2012

Administration Cost at 2ndYear Table 6.10: Administration Cost Year 2013


Administration Cost at 3rdYear Table 6.11: Administration Cost Year 2014

Administration Cost at 4thYear Table 6.12: Administration Cost Year 2015


Administration Cost at 5thYear Table 6.13: Administration Cost Year 2016


6.3 Depreciation

Table 6.14: Total Depreciation Year 2012



Table 6.15: Total Depreciation Year 2013



Table 6.16: Total Depreciation Year 2014



Table 6.17: Total Depreciation Year 2015



Table 6.18: Total Depreciation Year 2016



Table 6.19: Total Depreciation of building


Table 6.20: Total Depreciation of mushroom nursery


Chapter 7 Financial Analysis

7.1 Income Statement

Table 7.1: Income Statement Year 2012


Table 7.2: Income Statement Year 2013


Table 7.3: Income Statement Year 2014


Table 7.4: Income Statement Year 2015


Table 7.5: Income Statement Year 2016


7.2 Balance Sheet

Table 7.6: Balance Sheet Year 2012


Table 7.7: Balance Sheet Year 2013


Table 7.8: Balance Sheet Year 2014


Table 7.9: Balance Sheet Year 2015


Table 7.10: Balance Sheet Year 2016


7.3 Statement of Cash Flow

Table 7.11: Cash Flow Year 2012


Table 7.12: Cash Flow Year 2013


Table 7.13: Cash Flow Year 2014


Table 7.14 Cash Flow Year 2015


Table 7.15 Cash Flow Year 2016


Chapter 8 Risk Management

8.1 Risk analysis

Risk analysis is a technique to identify and assess factors that may jeopardize the success of a project or achieving a goal. This technique also helps to define preventive measures to reduce the probability of these factors from occurring and identify countermeasures to successfully deal with these constraints when they develop to avert possible negative effects on the competitiveness of the company (Doug Hubbard, 1998). The Prioritization Process This is the way to calculate and see what are the biggest loss and probability from the risk. This will help Mushroom Station knows which risk need to be solve first, which one is the most important. Table 8.1; The prioritization process of Mushroom Station Loss 3 4 X Probability 2 3 4 X

Risk Climate Change

Total 16

The increasing of insects in the nursery mushroom


The fluctuation of market


Economic change


Risk of recruiting employees/ Employee can be fraud


The delay of delivery product

Financial Risk



From the table, it can be seen that the most important risk which need to solve first if it happen is the risk of recruiting employees as employee can be fraud. The reason is because Mushroom Farm recruits the outside person not the person whom the company knows well. It can be anyone. So, this is very risky as Mushroom Farm does not know what their real habit is. Maybe those people can act like they are very good person and honest as just want to work in the company but in fact they are not like that. Next important risks are Financial risk and The fluctuation of the market, that is because the financial is just the prediction. Mushroom Station cannot know if it will become true or not. About the fluctuation of the market, it is very hard to know because it is very swing as the price of the mushroom depends on the market. Then the next one is the increasing of insects in the nursery mushroom, the increasing of insects in the nursery mushroom, economic change and the delay of delivery product as arrange by the important of the risk.

8.1.1 External Forces Mushroom Station concern on the external risk which cannot control. However, it can be predict and think about the solution as to prepare for the risk that can be happen in the future.

Climate Change The climate change is very important to mushroom business because to cultivating mushroom, the mushroom nursery need to be set in the appropriate moistness. Otherwise, the production of mushroom cannot be harvest as much as expect. Mushroom Station will use Reduce/Manage way as to be always updated and check the Meteorological Department or news all the time. If it can be known very early, it can be prepare for the effect as fast as well.

The increasing of insects in the nursery mushroom This is also important to the mushroom business because once the insects can get in to the mushroom nursery. It is hard to treat or get those insects out. Mushroom Station will choose Reduce/Manage. The way to prevent this risk is to build the slan for the mushroom nursery. It can help to prevent the nursery from the insects. The slan is also cheap and can find easily in the market.


Figure 8.1 Slan 314802073_2---.jpeg

The fluctuation of market The fluctuation of the market can affect the market. If the market price of mushroom goes up, the mushroom product of Mushroom Station will goes up as well. Also, if the market price of mushroom goes down, the mushroom farm product will goes down as well. Mushroom Station chooses two ways Accept and Reduce/Manage. That is because the farm cannot specify the market to be on the way it wants. However, as the best way to deal with this risk is to order the Marketing Department in the organization to follow the direction of the market all the time and to estimate the future of market price as to prepare and keep up with future situation.

Economic change It is be known that when the economic changes, every things change. So Mushroom Station will get the effected, too. The economic change can be varied like deflation and inflation. The best way the farm can do is to Reduce/Manage as to be always catch up to the news all the time. The important thing is the task of Marketing Department because if he/she can calculation or measure the future direction of the economic, the farm can know the economic situation before it will happen.


8.1.2 Internal Forces There are many factors that can be as internal forces. Internal force is the problem that occurs within the organization. This is an important one as Mushroom Station needs to be concern and try to get rid or prevent these problems away. Risk of recruiting employees Employee can be fraud

This is the hard internal factor one as Mushroom Station cannot control. The farm cannot cannot know exactly what is the real personality of that employee. Mushroom Station chooses Reduce/Manage as to build the good relationship among the employees and the most important one is to build the loyalty in that employee as to make them love the organization.

The delay of delivery product This can happen as when there are any accident occurs during sending the product to the wholesalers, for an example, there is the problem with the wheel, tires, etc. The way to solve this problem is to call that wholesaler/customer as to tell them about the problem that occurs, to apologize and ask for the postponation of delivery.

Financial Risk Financial risk can happen in every organization. It is also effect in many ways. Sales decrease * If the company total sale decreases 5%, the sale revenue will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is 12,804,480 16,609,914 18,652,680 21,325,923 23,371,254 Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht

* If the company total sale decreases 10%, the sale revenue will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is 12,130,560 15,735,708 17,670,960 20,203,506 22,141,188 Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht

* If the company total sale decreases 15%, the sale revenue will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Interest increase * If the company interest increase 5%, the net income will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is 1,382,812.4 Baht 4,127,546.5 Baht 5,749,449.2 Baht 6,547,246.4 Baht 8,746,178.9 Baht Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is Sale revenue is 11,456,640 14,861,502 17,670,960 19,081,089 20,911,122 Baht Baht Baht Baht Baht

* If the company interest increase 10%, the net income will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is 1,439,479.2Baht 4,063,543.3 Baht 5,701,449.2 Baht 6,515,249.6 Baht 8,758,975.7 Baht


* If the company interest increase 15%, the net income will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is 1,292,818.4 Baht 3,999,549.7 Baht 5,653,449.2 Baht 6,483,252.8 Baht 8,714,182.1 Baht

Cost/Expense increase * If the company cost decrease 5%, the net income will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is 1,364,322.3Baht 3,996,272.9 Baht 5,573,097.2 Baht 6,304,772.7 Baht 7,444,857.3 Baht

* If the company cost decrease 10%, the net income will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is 1,195,842.3 Baht 3,801,008.9 Baht 5,348,745.2 Baht 6,030,308.7 Baht 7,141,305.3 Baht

* If the company cost decrease 15%, the income will change as follow; Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is Net income is 1,027,362.3 Baht 3,605,744.9 Baht 5,124,393.2 Baht 5,755,844.7 Baht 6,837,753.3 Baht


8.2 Conclusion of Risk management

Risk management is the way to deal or solve the risk that happens in the organization, Mushroom Station. There are two types of risk which are external and internal forces. External forces consist of climate change, the increasing of insects in the nursery mushroom, the fluctuation of market and economic change. External forces are really hard to control because it comes from the others like environment. Mushroom Station cannot exactly control it. So, the best way as Mushroom Station can do as to prevent the farm from these risks are to be update to the information and news all the time. Especially, Marketing Department can help very much if he/she can estimate or forecast the future trend or market price. So, Mushroom Station can steps forward one step before the problem will occur and effect to the company. About the internal forces, it consists of risk of recruiting employees which is Employee can be fraud and another is the delay of delivery product. The best way to do is to build the loyalty in the employees as to solve or prevent the risks that about the human resource. Try to train or persuade them to love the organization. About another one which is about the delivery, even Mushroom Station does not know when the problem can occur but the farm can prevent by always checking the truck. About the way to reduce the risk, Mushroom Station almost use Reduce/Manage because almost of the risks that relate with the farm, it cannot be totally Accept. For an example, if there are the insect in the nursery, the nursery cannot just let it happen and let it be. It cannot be Transfer or Eliminate as well, for an example; there is the risk of recruiting employees. Mushroom Farm cannot eliminate those employees out as to prevent this risk because no matter what, the farm still needs the employees to work and drive the organization. Mushroom Station cannot do it by one person. It is important to recruit the other person like the expert on that way to drive the organization.


Chapter 9 Conclusion


Summary of Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation

Thailand is an agricultural country because our country has many thing appropriate to corps the vegetable and fruit such as the soil fertility, water system, and land. So, Thailand can plant many type of vegetable. It includes with mushroom. Mushroom is one type of fungus which has a lot of benefit. It has high protein, vitamin, and low calories. Thailand begin cultivate the mushroom in 1937 by Professor Kan Chonwijarn. He gets the knowledge to plant Straw Mushroom at Bureau of Plant Industry and Japan. Then the mushroom cultivation was popular cultivate at the center and north of Thailand because of the weather, temperature, moistness, and soil fertility. And the mushroom which popular cultivate in Chiang Rai are Shiitake Mushroom and Straw Mushroom. Others are Abalone Mushroom, Eringii Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom, Sajor-caju Mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, Golden Mushroom and Boletus. Therefore, our group selects to do the mushroom farm at Chiang Rai because it can export to international trade then it shows that mushroom has many demand in the country. In Chiang Rai, we have the major competitors as 2 farms. There are Kannika Farm or San Samai Farm and Kanok-Orn Farm. Kannika Farm selles Yanagimatsutake, Abalone mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, Oyster Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom, Fossil Mushroom. This farm also sells the spores of mushroom for cultivating too. Next farm is Kanok-Orn Farm. This farm sells Sajor-Caju Mushroom, Indian Oyster Mushroom, Straw Mushroom, Golden Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom, etc. and also the spore of mushrooms as well. All of the competitor will set the price depend on the market. About our product, we will cultivate 3 types of mushroom. There are Indian Oyster Mushroom, Straw Mushroom, and Yanagimatsutake. And we will produce the Dried Indian Oyster. So, our product will have 4 products as 3 types of fresh mushroom and dried mushroom. And we will set the price depend on the market too. However, the farm will use the promotion to promote the product to the customers (wholesalers) more than the competitors. We will deliver the product to the wholesaler in the big market every day. There are Supachaya store, Nam Sawad market, Chok Jareun, Mae Jan market, Tad Saban market, and Mae Sai. Also, our farm will give discount 5% to the wholesalers who become the customer. In the sale forecast part, we expect to increase the sale volume as 10% in every year because many demand form Moo-Jum, Moo-Ka-Ta, and Roast Pig restaurant which increase as last 2 years about 100%. So, it shows mushroom will have more demand in the market. At management part, Mushroom Station will be the Limited Liability Company or corporation. The company will include with 3 or more partners who make agreement together. It is easier to raise capital. We will hire all the employee and labor as 2 positions of Accounting Department, 2 divers, and labor that depend on each year. Their salary will include with social insurance. Moreover, Mushroom Station will have 2 type risks. There are external and internal forces. External forces are about climate change, the increasing of insects in the nursery mushroom, the fluctuation of market and economic change. All of those risks are difficult to

then Mushroom Station cannot control it but we can prevent the farm from these risks by update to the information and news all the time. Last are internal forces. It is about the risk of recruiting employees which we dont know them before. We can solve this problem by build the loyalty in the employees for prevent the risks that about the human resource and try to train them to love the organization. Another one is delivery problem, we will prevent by always checking the truck. In conclusion, our projects will feasibility to invest in Chiang. However, the revenue in the first year is low but this farm will stable in the long term because demand of mushroom will increase in every year and the expense will decrease. Then the farm will have income more than expense. Therefore, we will get high profit.



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Income Statement

Income Statement Year 2012


Income Statement Year 2013


Income Statement Year 2014


Income Statement Year 2015


Income Statement Year 2016


Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet Year 2012


Balance Sheet Year 2013


Balance Sheet Year 2014


Balance Sheet Year 2015


Balance Sheet Year 2016


Statement of Cash Flow

Cash Flow Year 2012


Cash Flow Year 2013


Cash Flow Year 2014


Cash Flow Year 2015


Cash Flow Year 2016


If Interest 5%

Income Statement Year 2012


Income Statement Year 2013


Income Statement Year 2014


Income Statement Year 2015


Income Statement Year 2016


Balance Sheet Year 2012


Balance Sheet Year 2013


Balance Sheet Year 2014


Balance Sheet Year 2015


Balance Sheet Year 2016


Cash Flow Year 2012


Cash Flow Year 2013


Cash Flow Year 2014


Cash Flow Year 2015


Cash Flow Year 2016


If Interest 10%
Income Statement Year 2012


Income Statement Year 2013


Income Statement Year 2014


Income Statement Year 2015


Income Statement Year 2016


Balance Sheet Year 2012


Balance Sheet Year 2013


Balance Sheet Year 2014


Balance Sheet Year 2015


Balance Sheet Year 2016


Cash Flow Year 2012


Cash Flow Year 2013


Cash Flow Year 2014


Cash Flow Year 2015


Cash Flow Year 2016


If Interest 15%
Income Statement Year 2012


Income Statement Year 2013


Income Statement Year 2014


Income Statement Year 2015


Income Statement Year 2016


Balance Sheet Year 2012


Balance Sheet Year 2013


Balance Sheet Year 2014


Balance Sheet Year 2015


Balance Sheet Year 2016


Cash Flow Year 2012


Cash Flow Year 2013


Cash Flow Year 2014


Cash Flow Year 2015


Cash Flow Year 2016


Sale Decrease 5%
Year 2012




Year 2013




Year 2014




Year 2015




Year 2016




Sale Decrease 10%

Year 2012



Year 2013



Year 2014



Year 2015



Year 2016



Sale Decrease 15%

Year 2012



Year 2013



Year 2014



Year 2015



Year 2016



Cost of Goods Sold Increase 5%

Year 2012



Year 2013



Year 2014



Year 2015



Year 2016



Cost of Goods Sold Increase 10%

Year 2012



Year 2013



Year 2014



Year 2015



Year 2016



Cost of Goods Sold Increase 15%

Year 2012



Year 2013



Year 2014



Year 2015



Year 2016



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