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Rules Speech ALSA E-Challenge 2013

ELIGIBILITY 1. Be a student of a Varsity proven with the student card. 2. There is no quota for each institution.

GENERAL PROCEDURE 3. The Speech Contest will be for Varsity Student. 4. The content of the speech must be about law. 5. The judging of the speech will be on the basis of content, delivery and language. 6. The Contest will be run in two rounds:

1. Preliminary Round 7. Contestants must prepare their own five to seven-minute speeches, which must be substantially original. Any quoted material must be so identified during the speech presentation. Every contestant will send the script of the speech to the Committee (4 copies) on the competition day at the time of re-registration. 8. The specific theme for the prepared speech shall be selected by the participants according to the themes that have been determined by the committee. a. The implication from constitutional court decisions in dissolving international-standard state school in Indonesia b. Pro and cons of the legal ownership of weapon in some states in USA 9. The top three to five contestants will be selected to compete in the final round. If the contestants (for each level) are or more than 10 persons, top 5 contestants will run to the final round. If not, only top 3 contestants run to the final round.

2. Final Round 10. The top three to five finalists will give a three to five-minute impromptu speeches which theme or subject will be given on the final round day. 11. The finalists will be given the time up to thirty minutes to prepare their speeches. 12. After delivering the speeches, all contestants will be asked by each judge with some questions related to the speech content and the contestants have to answer or give a response toward the questions (max. 2 minutes for each question).

13. Announcement of Contest winners is final unless the list of winners is announced incorrectly, in which case the chief judge or Committee may immediately interrupt to correct the error.


1. Preliminary Round 14. Speeches will be five to seven minutes. A contestant will be disqualified from the contest if the speech is less than four minutes thirty seconds or more than seven minutes thirty seconds. 15. Upon being introduced, the contestant shall proceed immediately to the speaking position. Timing will begin with the contestants first definite verbal or nonverbal communication with the audience. This usually will be the first word uttered by the contestant, but would include any other communication such as sound effects, a staged act by another person, etc. 16. Timer shall provide warning signals to the contestants, which shall be clearly visible to the speakers : A green signal will be displayed at five minutes and remain displayed for one minute. A yellow signal will be displayed at six minutes and remain displayed for one minute. A red signal will be displayed at seven minutes and remain on until the conclusion of the speech. No signal shall be given for the overtime period. Any sightless contestant may request and must be granted a form of warning signal of his or her own choosing. In the event of technical failure of the signal, a speaker is allowed 30 seconds extra overtime before being disqualified.

2. Final Round 17. Speeches will be three to five minutes. A contestant will be disqualified from the contest if the speech is less than one minutes thirty seconds or more than five minutes thirty seconds, or if answering the judges questions exceed to one minute for each question. 18. Timer shall provide warning signals to the contestants, which shall be clearly visible to the speakers but not obvious to the audience. A green signal will be displayed at one minute. An yellow signal will be displayed at three minutes. A red signal will be displayed at five minutes. No signal shall be given for the overtime period. Any sightless contestant may request and must be granted a form of warning signal of his or her own choosing.

In the event of technical failure of the signal, a speaker is allowed 30 seconds extra overtime before being disqualified. 19. The maximum time to answer or give the responses toward the question shall not exceed to two minute for each question. 20. On the one minute, the time keeper will give a red flag signal.VENUE 21. All contestants will speak from the same platform or area designated by the contest chairman with prior knowledge of all the judges and all the contestants. The contestants may speak from any position within the designated area and are not limited to standing at the lectern/podium. 22. A lectern/podium will be available. However, the use of the lectern/podium is optional.

CALLING MECHANISM OF THE CONTEST 1. Preliminary Round 24. The Committee will give each contestant the contestant number. 25. The Committee will call upon each contestant to come to the podium to deliver the speech, starting from Contestant Number 1. When Contestant Number 1 comes to the stage, Contestant Number 2 and 3 should come to the special front chairs provided by the Committee to prepare themselves. After Contestant Number 1 finishes delivering his/her speech, Contestant Number 2 will be called to deliver the speech and contestant number 4 come and sit in the special front chairs, and so forth.

2. Final Round 26. The Committee will give each finalist the finalist number. 27. After preparing the impromptu speech, every finalist should leave the room and gather in the separate room prepared by the Committee 28. The Committee will call upon Finalist Number 1 to deliver his/her speech while other finalists remain in the separate room. 29. After Finalist Number 1 finish delivering the speech and answering or giving a response toward the judges questions, Finalist Number 2 will be called to deliver the speech and so forth. 30. Dress code: Formal. Suppose there is any question about the rules please contact : Ms. Tsurayya Ms. Vera : : 085720089409 082120751411

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