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Basic Gameplay

Do I have to do anything on a turn? Can I just Discard my hand? Yes, you can do nothing on a turn. Do players look at their cards before they decide where they are going or are they supposed to make the decision blind, then look at the cards? You look at your cards first. In fact, you should look at your cards as soon as your turn ends and you have drawn new cards, in order to plan for your next turn. Can I destroy a card after I have used its ability? You may not willfully destroy a card from your hand, if you have already used the Dungeon Ability on that card. The manual uses this example: You have used the Dungeon Ability on the Moonstone card that says: Draw a card. You may not use Drua Curseworns Dungeon Ability to now destroy the Moonstone card. You may discard the Moonstone as part of an Ability, but you may not destroy it. If a Monster or other action requires you to destroy a card, then you may destroy the Moonstone. But you cannot willfully destroy a card after you have used its ability on the same turn. The only exception is a card that destroys itself--it may destroy itself even if you have used an ability on that card. When I draw a previously defeated monster from my deck, do I apply all the effects like Battle, Aftermath, etc? No. When you use the village effect of a card, do you discard this card or does it stay in your hand and remain available for the gold count available to your purchase? It remains in your hand. The same goes for dungeon effects. Page 25, top of third column "Even though his hand has a paltry 2 total gold..." I count 3 gold - 2 on the innkeeper and 1 on the smuggler. The Smuggler picked up a gold as a late addition, so the example text is incorrect. Can you look through your own discard pile? The general consensus is that it's fine if you want to look through your own discard pile.

Basic Cards
Thunderstone Shard
For the Spoil effect gain 1 XP on Thunderstone Shard you have to win a battle in the dungeon to gain this and have the card in your hand, correct? Yes. Can you apply two shards to one hero giving him +4 strength? Yes.

Village Cards
General Questions
Just wanted to confirm that a "village card" is inclusive of all cards in the village, including heroes, basic, weapons, items, spells, and villagers. (Exclusive of Familiars, even though they are now located in the Village on the board.) Heroes are not considered Village cards, but the others asked about are.

If you have a hero that has a negative gold value can you level him up in the village before you buy a card to eliminate the gold penalty? No, leveling happens at the end of the turn. Do negative gold values count as gold values for cards that care about such things? Yes. If a village card is destroyed from your hand, like a Veteran Trainer for example, does it go back into its stack or is it removed from the game? It is removed from the game. Only basic cards (Regular, Torch, Longspear) and Curses are returned to their stacks (Curses to the bottom of the stack). If you purchase an upgraded version of a card you currently have in your hand, do you get to discard the previous version of that hero or does it stay in your deck? Purchasing a hero (no matter the level) works just like purchasing anything else. You do not have to discard anything to do so. You do not even need a lower level hero in your hand to purchase a level 2 or 3 version.

Bounty Hunter
Multiple Bounty Hunters: I have two bounty hunters in my hand. I kill something, and have 6 coins in my hand. Can I buy two cards at six coins TOTAL or two cards at six coins EACH? You get the full gold value for each buy via spoils. So in your case you can buy 2 cards each costing 6 or less.

Falcon Arbalest
Falcon Arbalest/Magic Attack/Ettin: If I equip, say, a Whetmage with a Falcon Arbalest, is he safe from "destroy one hero without Magic Attack"? The Arbalest says "Reduce the Equipped Hero's attack to 0". Does the Whetmage now have magic attack at level 0, or does he not have magic attack? Being reduced to 0 Physical Attack does not mean you are without physical attack. Same goes for Magic Attack.

Filigree Amulet
I am in the dungeon and have in my hand a Caliginite prowler, which gain +3 physical attack if there is darkness, and the Filigree Amulet (+2 light). I want to attack a rank 1 or 2 monster : can i decide not to use the Amulet and gain the +3 bonus? Or do I have to always take into account all light sources I have in my hand? If there is light in your hand, you must use it. Filigree Amulet: Destroy this card instead of discarding it at the end of the turn. This means you have to discard it the next time you draw it? Basically at the end of any turn that you reveal the Amulet as part of your hand, it is destroyed (not discarded as you have it). It is therefore not discarded if you Rest or Prepare. Can an Innkeeper destroy himself? Or is the case that once his Village ability is activated, he may no longer be destroyed for the effect of other skills? A card may destroy itself, even if it has already used another ability on the same card. A card may not destroy another card if an ability has already been used on that other card.

Innkeeper: Can you use this card to destroy a Villager and not buy any cards? Yes...the use of the word "may" implies the option to do so or not as you choose. Innkeeper reads to destroy a hero or villager. Does this mean from your hand of cards, or instead from the general supply ? Same question for smuggler. Everything refers to your hand unless expressly stated otherwise.

Royal Summons
Can I use the royal summons to get three regulars, then equip them with spears to draw more cards? Yes. Royal Summons states that the regulars must be returned to the village at the end of the battle/turn (I forget which), but if levelled up into Whetmages, would this still be the case? You don't have to return them - Spoils abilities are optional. And even if you did, the Spoils ability says "Destroy 3 Regulars". If you've leveled them up, they are no longer regulars. Per the rulebook, if you choose to exercise the Spoils ability and you have fewer than 3 regulars left in your hand, you destroy has many as you can.

Summon Storm
I have 2 Thundermage Summoner cards in my hand, each with a magic attack of +2, giving me a total magic attack of +4. If I have a Summon Storm spell card in my hand, and it says "magic attack +2", does this add a +2 to the previous total giving me a +6 magic? OR does it apply and add +2 to any card with a magic attack, giving each Thundermage Summoner a +2 and giving me a magic attack total of +8? It adds Magic Attack +2 to your overall total, not to each hero with Magic Attack. Reading the rules it seems with two players that there are only six regulars in the village. With this few, the Royal Summons is not of much use as it will use up the regulars in two plays. Is this the way it should be set up? Yes, but keep in mind that Basic cards (like the Regular) are returned to their pile in the Village when destroyed by a player (but not when destroyed on their village stack, as by a breach effect or similar effect). If I have in my hand Summon Storm, can I decide to do not use it to eliminate the light that it gives? No. All cards present produce light.

Veteran Trainer
The Village ability for the Veteran Trainer says, "Gain XP equal to the number of monsters you revealed." Is this all game or in the previous turn? It is just for the current hand. So on your turn, if you go the village and reveal the Veteran Trainer, a Torch, 2 Regulars, and 2 monster cards that you had previously defeated, the Veteran Trainer will give you 2 XP for the two monsters revealed from your hand. In my hand, I have a random level 1 hero, a Whetmage and Veteran Trainer. Is it legal to level up the level 1 hero before the battle with the Whetmage, and then level that now-level 2 hero up to level 3 with the Veteran Trainer as a Spoiler?


General Hero Questions
Are Regulars considered Heroes? Yes. If I have two cards in my hand which are the same hero, can i use both of them in the dungeon? Yes, you can use multiple Heroes of the same type. When I have a physical fighter and a magical attack + card... can they work together, or can a physical fighter only be boosted by physical attack cards? And a magic user only by magical boosts? Keywords and classes and what not have no effect on the rules by themselves. If a warrior equipts a magic weapon, they deal extra magic damage, and if a wizard has enough strength, than can equipt a big axe. Monsters battle effect: destroy hero without magic attack. My level 3 hero (fighter) has only the +5 physical attack a trait. I equipped a magic weapon that added a +4 magic attack. Is the hero now immune to the battle effect due to having the magic weapon equipped or will it be destroyed by the battle effect first because of the physical attack being the only trait on the base card? The hero is now immune due to the magic attack.

Aird Seductress reads: "Dungeon: All other players show their hands. Add 1 revealed hero to your hand. Return that hero to its owner's discard pile after the combat (even if it was destroyed)." Whetmage allows me to level up a hero. Leveling a hero destroys the old hero and replaces it with a new, higher-level hero. If I use Aird Seductress to borrow an opponent's hero, can I level up the hero, and keep the newly leveled hero after my turn is over? Presumably, it is the destroyed hero who would be returned to my opponent. As you are allowed to destroy borrowed cards, you may indeed use the Whetmage to level up a hero borrowed with the Aird Seductress. At the end of the combat, you will return the destroyed level 2 hero to the owner's discard pile, and keep the level 3 hero (placing it in your discard pile at the end of the turn).

I am in the dungeon and have in my hand a Caliginite prowler, which gain +3 physical attack if there is darkness, and the Filigree Amulet (+2 light). I want to attack a rank 1 or 2 monster : can i decide not to use the Amulet and gain the +3 bonus? Or do I have to always take into account all light sources I have in my hand? If there is light in your hand, you must use it.


The Deepstrider Scout/Warden allows me to reveal the 1 or 2 cards from the dungeon deck, and "Give your heroes Attack +1 against monsters of the revealed groups." Does that mean each hero gains Attack +1 (could be very powerful), or that collectively my heroes gain Attack +1 (amounting to at most a +1 gain to my attack; very weak). Each hero. With Deepstrider Level 3, if you were to reveal two monsters of the SAME group (say Undead * Treant), would each of your heroes gain +1 against each group twice (i.e., +2) or just once? If you reveal two of the same group, you get +1 against that group. You gain 1 against each revealed group.

Drua Cursesworn at level 2 shows two separate Dungeon/village abilities. Can I use both in one turn? Yes. A hero can always use each of its separate abilities once, unless any of them are Repeat abilities.

Glamercast/Mass Teleport: The Glamercast ability is templated in the same way as a trait, but the card glossary says this effect only affects heroes in your hand "at the time you use the ability". Is this card missing a "dungeon:" or am I just not understanding how traits work? when is this ability "used"? Specifically, if I Mass Teleport and draw a Glamercast and two regulars, who is getting the bonus from him? No-one? Just the original heroes? Or everyone, including the two regulars? Does it matter what order they are drawn in? Glamercast's ability is a trait, not a Dungeon effect (as the glossary incorrectly suggests). Thus his bonus applies to all cards still in your hand when you finally target a monster; even cards drawn by Mass Teleport. However, note that if you destroy Glamercast during your Dungeon phase, he takes his bonus with him. Glamercast Troubador reads, "Give each other hero Magic Attack +1". Because this text is not preceded by "Dungeon", I assume it is a trait, not an ability, and is therefore always active. However, the Card Glossary says, "The additional Magic Attack applies only to heroes present in your hand at the time you use the ability." When exactly am I using the ability? It is a trait and therefore always on. (Ignore the description in the glossary).

Can I equip a regular with a spear to draw a card and then move that spear to a different hero before attacking, or unequip the weapon to avoid a battle effect? No. You may not unequip a hero, nor re-equip a hero who has already equipped (if by some other action they become unequipped).

The card glossary for Sternnkin reads, "At levels 2 and 3 you can reduce this hero's Strength to give him a bonus against a smaller monster." Is that merely reminding

me that it can be advantageous to spar off against monsters who lower my strength, or is it suggesting that I actually have some ability at my disposal that can lower my hero's strength? The former; it is advantageous to spar off against monsters who lower his strength. Just be careful not to lose the ability to equip his weapon due to the reduced strength.

I have 2 Thundermage Summoner cards in my hand, each with a magic attack of +2, giving me a total magic attack of +4. If I have a Summon Storm spell card in my hand, and it says "magic attack +2", does this add a +2 to the previous total giving me a +6 magic? OR does it apply and add +2 to any card with a magic attack, giving each Thundermage Summoner a +2 and giving me a magic attack total of +8? It adds Magic Attack +2 to your overall total, not to each hero with Magic Attack. When using the Thundermage Bolter's "Dungeon" ability, do you ignore any battle or aftermath affects when taking the enemy in the first slot? It says you don't collect XP, so I'm assuming no battle took place and those affects are ignored? Yes, the only thing you cannot ignore is immunity to Wizards - the Thundermage cannot get round that.

Whetmage lets you level up a hero in the Dungeon. Would this still require you to spend XP tokens? Yes. Using a Whetmage's dungeon ability, it is possible to level up a regular into another Whetmage. Is this new Whetmage then able to use his dungeon ability to level up another regular into a third Whetmage? You could see how this could be useful when combined with Royal Summons. Yes, if you have the XP to do so. If I use the Whetmage's ability to upgrade a regular does the new hero count as the same hero or can I upgrade him as well? He is a new hero. However, on order to upgrade him as well, you would need another Whetmage as each Dungeon ability (unless it says Repeat Dungeon) can only be used once per turn. When you use a Whetmage to level up a Hero in the Dungeon, do you have to win? No. In my hand, I have a random level 1 hero, a Whetmage and Veteran Trainer. Is it legal to level up the level 1 hero before the battle with the Whetmage, and then level that now-level 2 hero up to level 3 with the Veteran Trainer as a Spoiler? Yes. Can a Whetmage level a hero that has already used a dungeon ability? Example: A Lvl 1 Whetmage's dungeon ability is used to level a Regular into a Lvl 1 Whetmage. The new Whetmage is added the hand. Can the new Whetmage's dungeon ability be used to level up the other Whetmage? No, because that would destroy the hero and violate the following rule: You cannot destroy a card that has been used for its Dungeon ability unless the card in question is destroying itself.

If a hero has a weapon equipped but is levelled up by Whenmage, can I re-equip that weapon? No. Only one equip per turn per weapon. IE a weapon can be equipped only once per turn, and an hero can equip only one weapon. When I draw a previously defeated monster from my deck, do I apply all the effects like Battle, Aftermath, etc? No. When you fight a monster whose dungeon ability says each player, does that include the person in the dungeon also? Yes. When a monster says it is immune to spells, does that mean you can't use spells at all? For example use Royal Summons. Dungeon is an ablity. It is used before you pick a monster to fight. Immunity to spells means, mainly, cards that target/affect that monster. IE: Pysical/Magic Attack or text like "Rearange the dungeon hall" which it would be immune to if this text is coming form a spell. When a monster card says it is immune to edged weapons, is the longspear an edged weapon? Longspear is not and Edge weapon. Edge weapon key words are present on weapons that are Edged Weapons. IE: Longsword I was playing solo tonight and my first "Raid" effect card came up. The card stated to destroy 1 card in play. Does that mean I just destroy a single card on a stack in the village or do I remove an entire card type from play? If that's the case, can I just remove the "Torch" or "Regular" card? You destroy 1 card from the cards you just used (in play) to enter the Dungeon. After winning a battle that has an "Aftermath" and "Spoils" affect, which resolves first? Aftermath comes first and then Spoils. Is it a legal move to go into the dungeon knowing that you're not going to be able to kill something just so that you can use your dungeon abilities or cause an enemy to retreat? Yes, and a commonly used tactic. Falcon Arbalest/Magic Attack/Ettin: If I equip, say, a Whetmage with a Falcon Arbalest, is he safe from "destroy one hero without Magic Attack"? The Arbalest says "Reduce the Equipped Hero's attack to 0". Does the Whetmage now have magic attack at level 0, or does he not have magic attack? Being reduced to 0 Physical Attack does not mean you are without physical attack. Same goes for Magic Attack. Do monsters have more than one type? Are the undead treants "Undead" and "Treant," or are they "Undead Treant"? Does an Undead Treant share a type with an Undead Skeleton? If a card refers to monster "type", they mean the entire monster name, e.g. "Undead Treant", and not "Undead" or "Treant". The same goes for monster group. Does having a card with negative Gold Value on top of your deck mean that Plunderwing and Slaughterwing get their health reduced when they flip that card? Both say "Add its gold cost to this card's Health." No, because you use the gold cost of the card, not the gold value.

How do you calculate the Drakeclan Laird's total health? Do you take its base (which is 7) and then add all other Kobold's base health to equal the Drakeclan Laird's total? Meaning, if the Drakeclan Laird is in play and one other Kobold is in play with a health of 6, would the Laird's health total be 13? Correct, its total is 7 plus the total of all other Kobolds. Your example is correct. If there were another Kobold in the hall as well, with a health of 5, the total would then be 18. The Ettin is an enemy that has 1 battle effect (destroy a hero with no magic attack) and 1 aftermath effect (destroy a hero with no physical attack). What is in dispute is if the presence of weapons can be used to mitigate the Ettin's effects. For example, putting a physical weapon on my mage (e.g. a longspear) and a magic weapon on my warrior (i.e. the flail)would give both my heroes protection from the effects, if weapons can in fact throw off the Ettin's effects. Conversely, I would end up being down two heroes. If you add a weapon to a hero, it adds its traits to that Hero. Thus, if you give a Physical Attack hero a Magic Attack weapon, he now has Magic Attack too. This would protect him. Same is true in reverse. Majnun has an "immune to wizards and spells" trait. The Thundermage Bolter (a wizard) has a Dungeon ability that states, "Place the monster from rank 1 into your discard pile..." Is Majnun (in rank 1) simply immune to that dungeon ability, or can a player use the dungeon ability independently before selecting which monster to fight? As the rules say, when something is immune to something else (for example, immune to wizard in this case), it cannot be affected in any way by that "thing". So, since the Majun is immune to wizards, the Boltcaster cannot damage it with any of its ATTACK, nor can it use its ability to move the monster to your discard pile. The Ogrillon has the ability "Battle: Discard 1 equipped weapon." The Pike has the trait "This hero is not affected by Battle effects." Does that protection extend to weapons equipped by the hero? That is to say, can the Ogrillon's ability force you to discard an equipped pike? The Ogrillon does not target the Hero, it selects an equipped weapon. Thus, the weapon may be discarded by Ogrillon. If the ability were to read "This weapon may not be affected by battle effects" it would be a different situation. A hero equipped with the pike CANNOT be chosen as the recipient of a Battle Effect. Thus, in a scenario with multiple heroes, one of which is equipped with a pike, another hero must be chosen as the recipient of a battle effect. The Phoenix has a gold value of 2, but the trophy effect that returns it to the Dungeon deck, takes place before you can use the gold. Is there a way of spending this gold when interacting with other cards? Possibly.

Smokeplume Drake: Does the negative light affect you when attacking the Smokeplume Drake or on later turns when you enter the dungeon and you have him in your hand? On later turns when it is in your hand, since it is a Trophy effect. Undead Treefolk were my level 3 monsters, and so this leads to my question, a lot of them have effects that destroy heroes and such if total attack value does not exceed the monster's health by a certain amount. I've been playing that the darkness penalty is calculated in the total attack value being used against the card, hopefully this is the right way! Yes, the darkness penalty affects your Attack Value.

Thunderstone Bearers
If the highest value hero opposing Belac has a pike, what the heck happens? The hero isn't discarded (because he can't be affected) But Belac still gains his value (because its a seperate effect). Yesterday we had the situation that the Thunderstone Bearer "Belac" came together with Usurper into the Dungeon Hall. Belac has an effect that says: Global: Resolve all other monster's Battle effects twice. Usurper has the text: Battle: Destroy all but 2 Heroes. With Belac's global effect does it mean: Battle: Destroy all but 4 heroes? That would mean I may fight with 4 heroes still? Or does it mean I fight with 0 heroes? You resolve the effect twice meaning you first: 1) Destroy all but 2 heroes. This would leave you with 2 heroes. Then you resolve it again: 2) Destroy all but 2 heroes. At this point you already only have 2 heroes, so you destroy nothing. Can the thunderstone bearer Stramst be affected by the various hero abilities that reorder the dungeon hall? No. Guardians are immune to any ability or effect that would cause them to leave the dungeon hall, or change their position in it, until they are defeated . Guardians never retreat to the bottom of the dungeon deck if they win a fight. (From the rulebook). In the rules it states: 'Finally, the Thunderstone Bearer cannot be defeated if another non-Thunderstone Bearer Guardian remains in the dungeon hall!' What does that mean? In previous (and possibly upcoming) expansion sets, there are (will be?) Guardians that are not Thunderstone-Bearers.

When can I take a familiar? Any time you kill a monster (once and only once per game) you may take a familiar. Familiars, we have a Dungeon ability that we need 3 XP for, and one that requires 6 XP... Now to use these... if I use BOTH of them, would i require a stand by xp amount of 9 XP? You can do both for 6XP since you do not discard XP to use them. What's the purpose then of specifically stating to Discard the familiar on the Lesser Phoenix card? Aren't all familiars discarded after use? Why single this one card out? The Lesser Phoenix has "Discard this Card" after each ability because you can only use one of its abilities at a time. It is the only familiar so far that behaves this way. Shadow Cat's 0 XP ability says "Destroy a Villager" Does this mean one of the Villager cards with card type "Villager" in the Village or one in your hand or both? From your hand.

Curse of Decay: it states if this is the first ability you play... do you have to play this card first? Yes. Basically this is saying you can only destroy Curse of Decay if it is your first action.

Where are the rules for Avatars? In the back of the Towers of Ruin Manual, page 38. Do you pick Avatars before or after you set up the board? After. If my Fighter Avatar (at level 2) equips and uses the Snakehead Flail, does he get the extra +2 Magic Attack for being Level 2? The Dungeon Effect on the Level 2 Fighter Avatar does not actually equip the Snakehead Flail to the Avatar itself or to any other hero, but it is still considered to be equipped so that it provides its benefits. So, as an equipped Weapon, the Snakehead Flail provides Magic Attack +1, but, as it is not actually equipped to a hero, it gives no additional Magic Attack. (Unofficial answer, but I agree). Your avatar cannot (currently) be targeted in any way. (Official answer) When a monster card says it is immune to rangers, can you use the ranger avatar ability? Avatars are not heroes. When a Monster is immune to Rangers it is immune to the key word on Heroes (or Villager/Mercs) cards.

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