Infinitive:: I You He We You They I You He We You They I You He We You They I You He We You They

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Infinitive: to walk Participle: walked Gerund: walking Indicative Present I you he we you they walk walk walks walk walk walk Perfect I have walked you have walked he has walked we have walked you have walked they have walked Pluperfect had walked; had walked had walked; had you walked had walked; had he walked had walked; had we walked had walked; had you walked had walked; had they walked I walked walked walked walked walked walked Future perfect I will have walked you will have walked he will have walked we will have walked you will have walked they will have walked Present I walk you walk he walk we walk you walk they walk Imperfect I walked you walked he walked we walked you walked they walked Subjunctive Present I have walked you have walked he have walked we have walked you have walked they have walked Pluperfect I had walked you had walked he had walked we had walked you had walked they had walked

Past I you he we you they

Future I you he we you they will walk will walk will walk will walk will walk will walk

Conditional Present I you he we you they would would would would would would walk walk walk walk walk walk Perfect I would have walked you would have walked he would have walked we would have walked you would have walked they would have walked I you walk he we Lets walk you walk they


Progressive (Continuous) Forms Indicative Present I you he we you they Past I you he we you they was walking were walking was walking were walking were walking were walking am walking are walking is walking are walking are walking are walking Perfect I have been walking you have been walking he has been walking we have been walking you have been walking they have been walking Pluperfect I had been walking you had been walking he had been walking we had been walking you had been walking they had been walking Future perfect will have been walking will have been you walking will have been he walking will have been we walking will have been you walking will have been they walking I Present I would be walking you would be walking he would be walking we would be walking you would be walking they would be walking Conditional Perfect would have been walking would have been you walking would have been he walking would have been we walking would have been you walking would have been they walking I

Future I you he we you they will be walking will be walking will be walking will be walking will be walking will be walking

Words inflected in the same way

abandon, abduct, abear, aberr, abject, abord, abort, abound, abraid, abray, abrook, abscind, abscond, absist, absorb, abstain, abstract, accend, accent, accept, acclaim, accloy, accoast, accoil, accord, accost, account, accourt, accoy, accredit, accumb, accumber, accustom, acknow, acquaint, acquiet, act, adact, adapt, adaunt, adaw, add, addeem, addict, addoom, adduct, adeem, adhibit, adhort, adight, adject, adjoin, adjourn, adjust, administer, adopt, adorn, adread, adstrict, adulter, advert, affear, affect, affeer, affirm, afflict, afford, afforest, affray, affreight, affright, affrighten, affront, againstand, aggest, aggroup, aghast, agist, aguilt, aid, ail, aim, air, alarm, alien, align, aliment, all-hail, allay, allect, allow, alloy, alphabet, alter, amain, amalgam, amber, ambition, amen, amend.

1. hike: step, stride, stroll, tramp, tread, trudge, trek, traipse

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