ILC News February 2013

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NAEYC Accredited Program


Inside This lssue Ba b yR oo m...................2 YoungToddlerRoom....3 Tod d le r Two Room ........4 Fam ilyRo o m................. 5 Bu g Ro o m ..................... O Spa ceLa b ........... ..........7 Dir e ctor 's orner........... C 8

TheILC's History: From "fnfunt" to "YoungAdult,,

By Charlene Boyd, Fonner Adninistrator ofProvidence tr[ount St. Vincent Current Vice President, Skilled/AssistedLiving for Providence Senior & Contmunity Services

Here'san interesting demonstrating progressive fact the thinking the of management staffof Providence and MbuntSt.Vincent:the ideato develop childcarecenterat The Mountactually a beganin the late 1950s. But it wasn'tuntilthe 1980sthatthe ideasurfaced again. Thistimeit was serious, in the early1991, researched needfor child and we the carein west seattleand the levelof interest amongMountresidents, Mountemployees the community. and r,r7e However, knewwe wanted to createsomething uniqueand different-we wantedto createa programthatwouldintegrate bothour residents children a daily and on basis-whetherit be in planned activities simple, or impromptu moments. Seeing benefits bothresidents children, developed the to and we an program, in September 1991, brighflyintergenerational and of the decorated doorsof the new"lntergenerational LearningCenter,, opened business for withapproximately children 12 enrolled. By the end of the firstmonththe ILCwas open,the number enrolof leesjumpedto 30. Because the highneedfor childcare,the numof ber grewto 54 childr:en 1993. in Today, approximately infants 125 and children eniolled our ILCwhichwillturn22 in September-=a are in ' youngadultl The vibrancy ouryoungfamilies of herehasenriched rives our the of residents manytimesover.whetherit'sa planned activity suchas music or just spending timetogether talking, joy yourchiidren the bringto our residents priceless, we sincerely is and thankyoufor choosing our lntergenerational Learning Center. Here'sanother facf: When ILCfirstopened,someof the prefun schoolers napped the Chapel. in

Charlene's oldest son, Ryan, is playing piano w:ith resident Harold Sharp, circa 1992.

DATES TO REMEMBER Februarv 18 The ILGis OPEN PresidentsDay March21 Vision Screening Bug Room

Tidbits lmportant
H ap p y Bir thdays! Fr a n klin - Feb.17 25 Claire-Feb.

What'sHappening the Baby Room in

and changing everyday.The babiesare enjoying Our babiesare growing art projects using chalkand markers. Our one year-olds starting are to outside ihe playground on with our YTR friends. visitand explore We havemore babies who arewalking: Veronica, Enzo,QuinnR and Claire. Jack,Franklin and cruising roomand very closeto the walking theirown.Ameliai'iowsits up unassisted Audreycairsit on and almost una s s is t e d . continue brighten day withtheirsmiles! to our QuinnW and Evianna

Baby Quotes& Stories

the QuinnR reallyenjoysputting otherbabies'pacifiersin theirmouths.Quinnsat on the floor nextto Claireand put her pacifier and out of her mouth. in

Intergenerational News
across the Dueto illnesses generations the throughout and the buildings, babies wereunable do to residents visiting month. this much

We took out bellsfor the babies playwhile listening music.Jack to to pickedup the bellsand beganto shakethem and dance.He was very excited! when Jack'smom,Brooke, walkedintothe roomto pickup One evening greetedhim, "Hi Jack."Veronicalookedat Jack and said,"Hi Jack she to wordsa lot thesedays! Jack." Veronicais starting imitate

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