HVAC Air Distribution Systems

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HVAC Air Distribution Systems

Eli P. Howard, III Executive Director Technical Services SMACNA


SMACNA is an international trade association and ANSI standards developer. SMACNA represents sheet metal contractors in the arenas of commercial, industrial, architectural, residential and custom fabricating. SMACNA produces over 30 standards that are widely used by the industry and adopted by the model building codes.

Today's Program
Duct Duct Duct Duct

Pressure Classification Construction Aspects Fitting Selection Leakage (Duct vs. Equipment)

Basis of Program

HVAC Systems Duct Design Manual ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards-Metal & Flexible

HVAC DUCT PRESSURE-VELOCITY CLASSIFICATION Static Pressure Class Units in. w.g. 1/2 1 2 3 4 6 10 Operating Pressure Units in. w.g. Up to 1/2 Over to 1 Over 1 to 2 Over 2 to 3 Over 3 to 4 Over 4 to 6 Over 6 to 10 Pos/Neg Pos/Neg Pos/Neg Pos/Neg Pos Pos Pos C C C B A A A Maximum Velocity Units fpm 2000 2500 2500 4000 4000 As Specified As Specified

Type of Pressure

Seal Class

Duct Design>>>Construction
Design Considerations: CFM Static Pressure Duct Size Fitting Type Construction Pressure Class <or 1 & 2 w/ VAV> Seal Class (if more stringent than standard)

Construction Considerations: Panel Thickness (Gage) Pressure Class (as specified <or 1 & 2 w/VAV>) Panel Width/Height Joint Type/Spacing Intermediate Reinforcement External/Internal (tie rods)

Duct Construction Aspects




Duct Fitting Ratios Pressure/Duct Const.

Operating Space


Duct Construction Aspects



Edition G60 ASTM A924/A653 (0.60oz/sf) Tie Rods Duct Cleanliness Seismic Restraint (OSHPD)

Proper Duct Fitting Ratios


Loss Coefficient Database


HVAC Systems Duct Design Manual Duct Fitting Ratios Energy Efficient Air Distribution System


Factors Affecting Duct Pressure Losses

Air Velocity Pressure Class Number of Fittings Type of Fittings Shape-Aspect Ratio/Rect/Round

Type of Filters Type of Outlets System Effect

Duct Leakage (Duct vs. Equipment)

ASHRAE 90.1 2010

25% of duct operating above 3 in. w.g. All duct located outside the building envelope Seal class A Leakage class 4

25% of duct operating above 3 in. w.g.

Duct Leakage (Duct vs. Equipment)

25% of duct operating above 3 in. w.g. All duct located outside the building envelope Seal class A

References ASHRAE 90.1

ASHRAE 189.1
Does not require any testing Requires Seal Class A

Duct Leakage (Duct vs. Equipment)

All methods use a leakage class not an arbitrary percent LEED, 189, IGCC are all reach documents The allowable leakage has been reduced by 1/3 in SMACNAs latest duct leakage standard

Duct Leakage (Duct vs. Equipment)

Scandinavian Standards -10%/20%/100% testing of round ductwork

-20%/40%/100% testing of rectangular ductwork -Based on duct surface area (SMACNA)

HVCA DW 143 (UK & Central Europe) -Adheres to ASHRAE 90.1

-Based on duct surface area (SMACNA)

Duct Leakage (Duct vs. Equipment)

ASHRAE Research RP 1292 Data clearly shows no VAV can attain 2% (average was 10-20% leakage) 5% for the system?

Just testing VAV boxes not systems (3) 8 units 12%, 10%, 5% The best leaked 5% only at a low pressure high flow test actually hit 15% at low flow

Where is the Industry Going?

SMACNA and ASHRAE are developing a System Air Leakage Standard. It will provide a method of test intended for field application It will provide a method to develop a REAL pass/fail criteria not a random value independent of the system.

Proposed Industry Consensus

Duct Leakage Testing Ductwork shall be leak tested according to SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual. Representative sections totaling 25% of the total installed duct surface area for each pressure class shall be tested. If the initial representative section fails the test, an additional 25% of that pressure class shall be tested. If the second representative section fails 100% of the duct constructed for that pressure class must be tested. The maximum permitted leakage class (CL) is 4 cfm/100 sq ft @ 1 WG (SMACNA Leakage Class 4) (0.05 L/s/meter sq). Test pressures shall not exceed the construction pressure class. Positive Pressure tests are permitted for negative pressure systems.

As not spoken by The Artist


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