Revised Action Plan Template

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Action Planning Template

Goal: Using action research, observe ways to make an economically disadvantaged student successful academically. Action Step(s): Person(s) Timeline: Start/End Needed Resources Evaluation Responsible: Conduct follow up August - October Set time with Interview a sample Sample set of interviews with 2013 students and a set of students to students Mrs. Bennington to relaxed Howard Savell determine monitor any change environment Carol Bennington, successful and in possible School Counselor unsuccessful strategies to foster strategies in student success classroom settings and adress any possible outside factors that might contribute to success or failure

Interview previous Previous Core core teachers from Teachers Howard Savell the junior high of these students to see what strategies were successful or detrimental to student learning

August - October 2013

Set time to interview these teachers, Email

Determine to see if certain strategies are being implemented universally.

Monitor student progress throughout the academic year to see if these students are understanding the conceptual basis of their TEKs

Amy Flippin, Asst Principal Howard Savell Carol Bennington, School Counselor

2013-2014 Academic Year

Eduphoria, Heat maps, Benchmark and Assessment Data

Pick out the three lowest scoring TEKs from each student and monitor if these students are improving upon their understanding of the subject matter

Create clusters of the 10 students into different "learning communities"

Lorie Payne, August - December Curriculum Director 2013 Howard Savell Carol Bennington, School Counselor Richard Holloway, Principal

Interview results, Eduphoria, Heat maps, Benchmark and Assessment Data

Compare answers from interview process and group students accordingly to individual responses

Compare scoring each 6 weeks of the sample set of students

Lorie Payne, August 2013-May Curriculum Director 2014 Howard Savell Carol Bennington, School Counselor Richard Holloway, Principal

Eduphoria, Heat maps, Benchmarks, Assessments, and STAAR results

Compare the data by a 6 week basis to determine if sample learners need more help than what was anticipated

Determine if student success has been achieved during the 20132014 school year and what those strategies involved were in aiding student success

Lorie Payne, 2013-2014 Curriculum Director Academic Year Howard Savell Carol Bennington, School Counselor Richard Holloway, High School Principal

Eduphoria, STAAR Results

Discover the results and techniques used in the classroom that deemed the sample students year an academic success

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