Clinical Point Selection

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Course Code

3 Units



Wilcox, Lorraine
Summer 2011

COURSE DESCRIPTION This advanced course reviews the various Acupuncture point prescriptions used for specific pathologies, with an emphasis on empirical points (non-traditional points with empirical relevancy) commonly used in an acupuncture clinic. Learners will gain the ability to independently develop a point prescription based on a diagnosis, utilizing various acupuncture systems in order to obtain the best therapeutic benefit. ______________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students should be able to independently develop a point prescription based on a diagnosis. They will be able to choose between point systems such empirical methodologies, channel theory, zang fu, to obtain the best therapeutic benefit. Students will gain confidence to be able to provide a point prescription individually. They will also read and be tested on an array of state board required materials. ______________________________________________________________________________ COURSE PREREQUISITIES Acupuncture Therapeutics ______________________________________________________________________________ REQUIRED TEXTS Manual of Acupuncture, Deadman, Peter Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Language Press, 3rd edition, Beijing, 2010. Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text: Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine, Bensky & O'Connor ______________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED TEXTS Acupuncture Therapeutics, Zhu Bing and Wang Hongcai, Singing Dragon ______________________________________________________________________________ COURSE REQUIREMENTS 30%- three quizzes (10% each) 60% - three tests (20% each, including final)

GRADING SCALE: 100-90% A, 89-80% B, 79-70% C, 69% and below F

______________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL NOTES Professionalism and Full and Prompt Attendance: To pass this course, students must have full and prompt attendance. Students can miss no more than 20% of this 10-week course (no more than 2 full absences). Arriving late to class (more than 15 minutes), returning late from breaks (more than 10 minutes) or leaving before the class ends (more than 15 minutes) is counted as 1/2 absence. Absences and late arrivals/early departures combine in computing 80% requirement for full attendance, e.g., 1 absence and 2 late arrivals = 2 absences. Also, please turn your cell phones off during class. ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS ONE (The syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.) Weekly Schedule (page numbers are in 3rd edition of CAM. If you have a different edition, read the relevant pages) CLASS ONE: A General Introduction to Acupuncture Treatment CAM: 373-397

Course Code

3 Units



Wilcox, Lorraine
Summer 2011

______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS TWO CLASS TWO: Wind stroke, syncope, sunstroke, common cold, malaria, cough, asthma CAM: 401-415 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS THREE CLASS THREE: Quiz 1; Epigastric pain, vomiting, hiccup, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal distention CAM: 415-427 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS FOUR CLASS FOUR: Test 1; Jaundice, constipation, prolapse of rectum, edema, nocturnal enuresis, urination disturbance, retention of urine CAM: 427-438 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS FIVE CLASS FIVE: Impotence, insomnia, palpitation, manic-depressive disorder, epilepsy, dizziness CAM: 438-450 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS SIX CLASS SIX: Quiz 2; Melancholia, headache, facial pain, deviation of eye and mouth, rib-side pain, lower back pain CAM: 450-461 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS SEVEN CLASS SEVEN: Test 2; Bi syndromes, wei syndromes, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea CAM: 461-477 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS EIGHT CLASS EIGHT: Amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, morbid leucorrhea, morning sickness, prolonged labor, insufficient lactation, prolapse of uterus CAM: 477-488 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS NINE CLASS NINE: Quiz 3; Infantile convulsions, infantile diarrhea, infantile malnutrition, infantile paralysis, mumps, urticaria, erysipelas, boils CAM: 488-499 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS TEN CLASS TEN: Breast abscess, intestinal abscess, goiter, sprain and contusion, deafness and tinnitus, eye problems, nasal discharge, epistaxis, toothache, sore throat, optic atrophy CAM: 499-510 ______________________________________________________________________________ CLASS ELEVEN Final Examination ______________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE MATERIAL

Course Code

3 Units



Wilcox, Lorraine
Summer 2011

______________________________________________________________________________ FACULTY INFO Wilcox, Lorraine Please check with instructor during class to get updated contact info.

Clinical Point Selection

Lorraine Wilcox L.Ac. zhenjiu@gmailcom Based on CAM, 3rd edition, pages 371-510 June 2011 CLASS ONE...................................................................................................................2 CLASS TWO ..................................................................................................................6 CLASS THREE ............................................................................................................10 CLASS FOUR...............................................................................................................14 CLASS FIVE ................................................................................................................17 CLASS SIX...................................................................................................................21 CLASS SEVEN ............................................................................................................25 CLASS EIGHT .............................................................................................................29 CLASS NINE................................................................................................................33 CLASS TEN .................................................................................................................38

Clinical Point Selection

CLASS ONE: General principles of treatment CAM: 373-397

1. Regulation of yin and yang 2. Strengthening right qi and eliminating evils 3. Distinguishing root and branch 4. Treatment of disease according to climate, season, location, and individual Therapeutic methods 1. Supplementing 2. Draining 3. Warming 4. Clearing 5. Ascending 6. Descending Basic principles for prescription and selection of points 1. Acupuncture Prescriptions: Treatment plan (different than treatment principle): point selection, hand technique, number of points, etc. 2. Principles for point selection: local, adjacent, and distal points, symptomatic points Local, Adjacent, and Distal Points (examples) Distal Adjacent
LI 4, ST 44 SJ 5, GB 41 SI 3, UB 60 SI 6, LV 3 LU 7, ST 45 LI 4, ST 41 SJ 3, GB 43 LU 10, KI 6 PC 6, ST 40 SJ 6, GB 34 PC 6, ST 36 SP 6, LV 8 UB 40, SI 3 UB 57 Du 20 GB 20 Du 14 GB 16 Du 23 SI 18 GB 20 UB 10 LU 1 LV 13 ST 21 ST 25 UB 32 UB 30

Forehead Temples Nape Eye Nose Mouth, cheek Ear Throat Chest Rib-sides Upper abdomen Lower abdomen Low back Rectum


GB 14 Tai Yang , GB 8 UB 10 UB 1 LI 20 ST 4, ST 6 GB 2, SJ 17 Ren 23, SI 17 Ren 17 LV 14 Ren 12 Ren 4 UB 23, UB 25 Du 1

Clinical Point Selection

Point Formulas for Symptoms (examples) Symptom Formula Fever Du 14, LI 4, LI 11 Coma Du 26, Shi Xuan Night sweating SI 3, HT 6 Clenched jaws ST 7, ST 6, LI 4 Cough, asthma Ren 22, Ding Chuan Sensation of suffocation in the chest Ren 17, PC 6 Cardiac pain PC 6, PC 4 Rib-side pain SJ 6, GB 34 Abdominal distention Qi Hai, ST 36 Constipation SJ 6, KI 6 Convulsions LI 4, LV 3 Epistaxis Du 23, LI 4

Application of specific points (point categories) The Five Shu Points of the Yin Channels Point Jing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He Sea Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water LV1 LV2LV3 LV4 LV8+ Liver HT9+ HT8 HT7HT4 HT3 Heart SP1 SP2+ SP3 SP5SP9 Spleen LU11 LU10 LU9+ LU8 LU5Lungs KI1KI2 KI3 KI7+ KI10 Kidneys PC9+ PC8 PC7PC5 PC3 Pericardium The Five Shu Points of the Yang Channels Point Jing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River Element Metal Water Wood Fire Gallbladder GB44 GB43+ GB41 GB38Small Intestine SI1 SI2 SI3+ SI5 Stomach ST45ST44 ST43 ST41+ Large Intestine LI1 LI2LI3 LI5 Bladder UB67+ UB66 UB65UB60 San Jiao SJ1 SJ2 SJ3+ SJ6 Nan Jing 69 says: In vacuity, supplement the mother point or channel. In repletion, disperse the child point or channel.

He Sea Lower Earth He Sea GB34 GB34 SI8ST39 ST36 ST36 LI11+ ST37 UB40 UB40 SJ10UB39

Clinical Point Selection

Yuan and Luo Points Yin Channels Yang Channels Channel Yuan Luo Channel Yuan Luo LV3 LV5 GB40 GB37 Liver Gallbladder HT5 SI7 Heart HT7 Small Intestine SI4 SP4 ST40 Spleen SP3 Stomach ST42 LU7 LI6 Lungs LU9 Large Intestine LI4 KI4 UB58 Kidneys KI3 Bladder UB64 PC6 SJ5 Pericardium PC7 San Jiao SJ4 Ren15 Du1 Ren Du SP21 Great luo of stomach xuli Great luo of spleen

Xi Cleft Points Channel Point Lung LU6 Large Intestine LI7 Stomach ST34 Spleen SP8 Heart HT6 Small Intestine SI6 Urinary Bladder UB63 Kidney KI5 Pericardium PC4 San Jiao SJ7 Gall Bladder GB36 Liver LV6

Back Shu and Mu Alarm Points Organ Shu Point Mu Point UB13 LU1 Lungs UB14 Ren17 Pericardium UB15 Ren14 Heart UB18 LV14 Liver UB19 GB24 Gall Bladder UB20 LV13 Spleen UB21 Ren12 Stomach UB22 Ren5 San Jiao UB23 GB25 Kidneys UB25 ST25 Large Intestine UB27 Ren4 Small Intestine UB28 Ren3 Urinary Bladder

Xi Cleft Points of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels UB59 GB35 Yangqiao Yangwei KI8 KI9 Yinqiao Yinwei

Eight Extraordinary Vessels Confluence Point Combinations Combine To treat diseases of Du SI3 Yangqiao UB62 inner canthus, nape, ear, shoulder, back Ren LU7 Yinqiao KI6 lung system, throat, chest, diaphragm outer canthus, behind the ear, cheek, neck, shoulder, Dai GB41 Yangwei SJ5 diaphragm Chong SP4 Yinwei PC6 chest, heart, stomach

Clinical Point Selection

Eight Meeting (Influential) Points Zang (viscera, yin organs) LV13 (also spleens mu point) Fu (bowels, yang organs) Ren12 (also stomachs mu point) Qi Ren17 Blood UB17 Sinews GB34 Vessels/Pulse LU9 Bone UB11 Marrow GB39 Crossing Points: Too many to make a table here. See CAM, 3rd edition, page 393-7

Clinical Point Selection

CLASS TWO: CAM: 401-415

WIND STROKE organ type Du 20: bleed or drain. Open orifices, regulate Du. Closed (tense): Drain or bleed Du 26: open orifices, regulate Du. points of Du and liver, as well ST 40: transform phlegm as jing well points. Open the LV 3: pacify wind and yang orifices, subdue wind and fire, KI 1: pull down repletion from head resolve phlegm. hand jing well: bleed. Open orifices. ST 7: local Clenched jaw ST 6: local LI 4: treats the face, yang ming distal point Du 15: local Stiff tongue, aphasia Ren 23: local HT 5: treats the tongue and speech Abandoned: Use heavy Ren 8: salt moxa for revival moxibustion on the ren vessel to Ren 6: moxa for revival restore yang from collapse and Ren 4: moxa for revival, three leg yin meeting strengthen yuan qi.

Channel stroke or sequelae: Use points of the du vessel (sea of all yang channels) and the yang channels on the affected side to regulate qi and blood, remove obstructions, and reduce wind. The yang channels dominate the exterior and qi, so they are good to regulate qi and blood. Upper limb Lower limb

Du 20, Du 16, UB 7: These all affect the brain. They eliminate wind and remove obstruction from the channels and network vessels. Use even technique on healthy side first, then affected side. Select from the points below, depending on the affected part. (Use healthy side on head, affected side on body, because it is reversed in the brain.)

LI 15, LI 11, SJ 5, LI 4 GB 30, GB 34, ST 36, ST 41 Drain GB 20, LV 3: drain wind, pacify liver Wind, yang ascending Supplement KI 3, SP 6: nourish yin Drain PC 7, LV 2: eliminate fire Fire repletion in heart and liver Supplement KI 3: nourish yin Deviated mouth ST 4, ST 6: regulate qi in the face

Prevention of stroke: an aged person with qi vacuity, phlegm, or liver yang rising may have dizziness and palpitations. If they get the prodromal symptoms of stiff tongue, slurred speech, and numb finger tips, be careful. Pay attention to diet and lifestyle. Avoid taxation. Use frequent moxa on ST 36 and GB 39.

Clinical Point Selection

Fainting (syncope) Vacuity: Supplement or moxa Du and pericardium points to open the orifices, supplement qi, and fortify yang.

Du 26, Du 20, PC 6: open orifices Ren 6, ST 36: supplement qi and yang

Du 26, PC 9: open orifices Repletion: Drain Du and LI 4, LV 3: regulate qi and blood pericardium points to open the PC 8, KI 1: regulate qi and blood, clear the orifices and regulate qi. mind

SUNSTROKE Mild Drain to eliminate summer heat. Severe: Drain points of the governing vessel to resuscitate and dispel summerheat.

Points Du 14, LI 11, UB 40: dispel summerheat PC 6: reduce fire, protect heart Gua Sha is also recommended. Du 26, Du 20: open orifices PC 3, UB 40: needle superficially to clear heat Shi Xuan: bleed to cool blood and open orifices

COMMON COLD Wind cold: Drain to eliminate wind-cold. Combine even technique with moxibustion for patients with weakened right qi.

Du 16: Expel wind, headache UB 12: Expel wind, regulate tai yang GB 20: Expel wind, treat symptoms in head, yang wei LU 7: Release the exterior, lung dispersing function LI 4: Release the exterior, call out defense qi Du 14: Clear heat (Du is sea of yang channels) LI 11: Clear heat LI 4: Release the exterior, call out defense qi SJ 5: Release the exterior, yang wei vessel LU 10: Clear heat in the throat or LU 11: Bleed. Clear heat in the throat moxa daily on UB 12 or ST 36

Wind heat: Drain to eliminate wind-heat.


Clinical Point Selection


Points Du 14, Du 13: remove obstruction from Drain du and shao yang. Treat du, regulate yin and yang, main points for malaria two hours prior to expected SI 3: drain tai yang and du attack. If chills are predominant, PC 5: empirical for malaria add moxibustion. SJ 2, GB 41: harmonize shao yang High fever drain LI 11: clear heat with Du 14 needle LV 13: influential for zang Splenomegaly moxa on Pi Gen: treats masses in rib-sides High fever with delirium, Well points of the hands confusion

COUGH External invasion: Drain and apply moxibustion to activate the lung functions of descending and dispersing. Throat pain and swelling

Points LU 7: Release the exterior with LI 4 LI 4: Release the exterior with LU 7 UB 13: lung shu point. Use moxa for wind cold. No moxibustion for wind-heat.

LU 11: clear heat from throat in acute situations. Bleed or needle. Du 14: Clear heat, release the exterior Aversion to cold, fever SJ 5: release the exterior Lung phlegm: UB 13: lung shu point. Use draining and LU 5: clears heat, transforms phlegm, stop cough supplementation techniques, or combine Ren 12: help spleen transform phlegm with moxibustion to ST 36: help spleen transform phlegm strengthen the spleen and ST 40: transform phlegm and dampness resolve phlegm. Yin vacuity dryness: Use UB 13: lung shu point even technique to nourish LU 1: lung mu point yin, eliminate dryness, and LU 7: ren/yin qiao combination, nourish lung yin descend lung qi. KI 6: nourish yin LU 6: xi points on yin channels stop bleeding Coughing blood UB 17: blood meeting point Cupping UB 12, UB 13 Plum blossom on Du and UB of upper back until red or slightly bleeding

Clinical Point Selection

ASTHMA Wind cold: Disperse points and apply moxibustion to eliminate wind-cold and soothe asthma.

Phlegm heat: Drain to resolve phlegm, clear heat, and soothe asthma.

Lung qi vacuity: Supplement to strengthen lung qi. Moxa is also good. Kidney vacuity: Supplement and apply moxibustion to strengthen the kidneys so they can receive qi. Persistent asthma use moxa Spleen vacuity use moxa

Points UB 13: lung shu point UB 12: wind gate, local for lungs, tai yang Du 14: release the exterior, descend lung qi LU 7: Release the exterior with LI 4 LI 4: Release the exterior with LU 7 UB 13: lung shu point, clear heat from lungs Ding Chuan: stops cough and wheezing Ren 22: descend lung qi, stop wheezing LU 5: Clear heat, descend lung qi ST 40: transform phlegm and dampness UB 13: lung shu point, moxa LU 9: yuan point, mother point supplements ST 36: supplements post heaven qi, moxa SP 3: supplement spleen, earth is mother of metal KI 3: kidney yuan point supplements UB 23: kidney shu point UB 13: lung shu point Ren 17: descend lung qi, stop wheezing Ren 6: sea of qi, helps receive qi from lungs Du 12: relieve chronic conditions, esp. for children UB 43: relieve chronic conditions Ren 12: stomach mu, supplement the spleen UB 20: spleen shu, supplement the spleen

Clinical Point Selection


EPIGASTRIC PAIN Food retention: Drain to remove retention, pacify stomach, relieve pain. Points Ren 11: opens middle jiao, harmonizes stomach (or Ren 12) PC 6: yin wei opening point ST 36: stomach he point Inner Nei Ting: food stagnation LV 14: liver mu, soothe the liver LV 3: soothe the liver Ren 12: stomach mu point, local PC 6: yin wei opening point ST 36: stomach he point Ren 12: stomach mu point, warm needle Ren 6: supplement qi, ginger moxa UB 20: spleen shu point, moxa PC 6: yin wei opening point SP 4: spleen luo, chong opening ST 36: stomach he point, warm needle

Liver attacking stomach: Drain to remove the constrained liver qi, pacify the stomach, and relieve pain.

Stomach vacuity with cold: Apply acupuncture and moxibustion to warm the middle jiao, dispel cold, regulate qi, and relieve pain.

Cupping (Cup for 10-15 minutes with Upper abdomen or back-shu points large or medium sized cups.) Inner Nei Ting is Nei Ting ST 44 on the plantar, not dorsum of the foot.


Points Ren 12: Stomach mu Main points: descend qi and pacify the ST 36: Stomach he stomach (these points are similar to PC 6: stops vomiting, yin wei vessel epigastric pain) SP 4: stops vomiting, chong vessel Food retention: drain Ren 10: lower opening of the stomach Liver attacking stomach: even technique LV 3: regulate liver to soothe the liver and regulate qi. SP/ST vacuity: supplement and moxa to UB 20: spleen shu strengthen the spleen and warm the center. Persistent vomiting Jin Jin Yu Ye (bleed)

Clinical Point Selection



Points UB 17: diaphragm shu Main points: pacify the Ren 12: Stomach mu stomach, facilitate the descent PC 6: stops vomiting and hiccoughs of qi, and check hiccoughs. ST 36: Stomach he Ren 14: epigastric pain, local Food retention: drain Inner Nei Ting: food stagnation Ren 17: qi influential, descends qi, opens the chest Constrained qi: drain LV 3: soothes the liver Cold in the stomach: use Ren 13: epigastric pain, use moxa acupuncture and moxibustion Cupping: Cup some of these UB 17, UB 46, UB 18, Ren 12, points. 10-15 minutes. ST 18

ABDOMINAL PAIN Accumulation of cold: Drain in combination with moxibustion to warm the stomach and dispel cold. Spleen yang vacuity: Supplement with moxibustion to warm and activate spleen and stomach yang.

Food retention: Drain to remove retention of food.

Points Ren 12: stomach mu point, moxa or warm needle Ren 8: salt moxa ST 36: stomach he point SP 4: spleen luo point, chong opening point UB 20: spleen shu point UB 21: stomach shu point Ren 12: stomach mu point LV 13: spleen mu point Ren 6: supplement qi ST 36: supplement the spleen Four points around the navel: Ren 12: stomach mu point ST 25: unblocks the intestines Ren 6: sea of qi, moves qi ST 36: he point of the stomach Inner Nei Ting: food stagnation

Clinical Point Selection


Diarrhea Acute Diarrhea Cold-damp: Drain combined with ginger moxa to warm the stomach and resolve dampness. Damp-heat: Drain to eliminate heat and damp. Food retention: Drain to regulate spleenstomach function and remove stagnation. Chronic Diarrhea: moxa or warm needle is good Spleen vacuity: Supplement points of the spleen channel and apply moxibustion to strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. Kidney vacuity: Supplement points of the kidney channel, ren and du vessels and apply moxibustion to warm kidney yang.

ST 25: LI mu point for repletion ST 36: regulate middle jiao Ren 6: warm, regulate middle jiao Ren 12: warm, regulate middle jiao ST 44: ying point clears heat SP 9: drains damp-heat Inner Nei Ting: moxa for food stagnation UB 20: spleen shu point, vacuity ST 36: supplement spleen LV 13: spleen mu point SP 3: spleen yuan point Ren 12: stomach mu point KI 3: kidney yuan point UB 23: kidney shu point Du 4: life gate for kidney yang, moxa Ren 4: nourish the root, SI mu, moxa

Dysentery, main points: Drain points of the hand and foot yang ming channels as well ST 25: LI mu point as the front-mu point and lower he-sea points ST 37: LI lower he sea point of the large intestine to remove stagnation from the intestines. LI 4: clears heat with LI 11 Damp-heat: drain LI 11: clears heat, LI he point Ren 12: regulates middle jiao Cold-damp: drain plus moxa Ren 6: regulates lower jiao, moxa SP 9: drains damp PC 6: nausea, vomiting Food resistant (nausea and vomiting): drain Ren 12: regulates middle jiao UB 20: spleen shu point Intermittent: Acupuncture and moxibustion, UB 21: stomach shu point with both supplementing and draining technique, are used for intermittent dysentery. Ren 4: support the root, SI mu ST 36: regulate middle jiao Fever Du 14: clear heat Tenesmus UB 29 Rectal prolapse Du 1 and Du 20 (moxa) Chronic (persistent): supplement and drain. Ren 8, Ren 12, ST 25, Moxibustion is more effective in chronic cases. Ren 4, UB 20, UB 23.

Clinical Point Selection


Points Ren 12: Stomach mu ST 25: Large Intestine mu Main points ST 36: Stomach he ST 37: Large Intestine lower he LI 4: regulate qi Repletion: drain Ren 6: regulate qi, local SP 9: eliminate dampness Ren 4: nourish the root Vacuity: supplement or moxa SP 3: earth point on earth channel Odd, no liver points. This is often due to liver attacking the spleen.


Clinical Point Selection


CLASS FOUR: CAM: 427-438

SP 9: drain damp ST 36: transform damp, strengthen spleen UB 18: liver shu point UB 19: gall bladder shu point Du 9: special for jaundice, esp. yang type LV 3: regulate liver GB 34: drain damp-heat UB 20: spleen shu point, moxa UB 48: special for yin jaundice, moxa

Jaundice, main points

Yang jaundice: Drain points of tai yin, yang ming and shao yang channels to remove heat and damp. Yin jaundice: Use even technique with moxibustion to warm the middle jiao and resolve damp.

Constipation, main points: Use the back-shu and front-mu points of the large intestine. Heat Accumulation: drain to eliminate heat and moisten the intestines Qi stagnation: drain to move qi stagnation Qi/blood vacuity: supplement qi, nourish blood, moisten the intestines. Cold accumulation: use moxibustion to warm the bowels

UB 25: LI shu point ST 25: LI mu point SJ 6 and KI 6: special combination for treating constipation LI 4: clear yang ming heat with LI 11 LI 11: LI he sea point, clears yang ming heat Ren 12: stomach mu point, regulates MJ LV 3: moves liver qi UB 20: spleen shu point UB 21: stomach shu point ST 36: supplement spleen qi moxa Ren 8 and Ren 6 to warm the lower jiao and move qi

Prolapsed Rectum Main: Points of the du vessel are supplemented and moxibustion is used. Du 1: local point Du 20: moxa to raise qi UB 25: LI shu point, supplement ST 36: supplement spleen qi Plum blossom the paraspinal muscles of the low back between L3 and S2

Clinical Point Selection


Edema: Sweat edema above the waist, promote urination for below the waist. Yang edema: Use even technique on LU 7: release exterior, upper edema points of the lung and spleen channels LI 4: release exterior, promote sweating to open the lungs, release the exterior, LI 6: luo point, upper edema and remove retained fluids. After SP 9: promote urination, drain damp exterior symptoms are relieved, refer UB 39: SJ lower he point, urination to the method for yin edema. UB 20: spleen shu point Yin edema: Points of the spleen and UB 23: kidney shu point kidney channels are supplemented in KI 7: promote sweat, urine, mother point combination with moxibustion to Ren 9: treats edema, moxa only warm the spleen and kidneys. Ren 4: supplement kidneys, moxa ST 36: supplement spleen Facial puffiness Du 26: drain, treats facial edema GB 41: local Edema on feet SP 5: local, son point drains damp / NOCTURNAL ENURESIS (bedwetting), Main points: Supplement the back-shu and front-mu points of the kidney and urinary bladder or use moxibustion to strengthen the kidneys and supplement qi. Dreams Poor appetite (Spleen vacuity)

UB 23: kidney shu point, moxa UB 28: UB shu point Ren 3: three leg yin meeting, UB mu point SP 6: three leg yin meeting LV 1: moxa, treats genitals HT 7: heart yuan point, calm the spirit UB 20: spleen shu, supplement spleen ST 36: supplement spleen

Clinical Point Selection


URINATION DISTURBANCE, main points: Drain the back-shu and front-mu points of the UB, or use a combination of supplementing and draining to promote the activity of the urinary bladder. Stone lin Qi lin

UB 28: UB shu point Ren 3: UB mu point SP 9: promote urination, drain damp

UB 39: SJ lower he point, damp-heat LV 2: ying point, move liver qi, drain fire SP 10: sea of blood, cool blood Blood lin SP 6: promote urination, three leg yin UB 23: kidney shu point Cloudy lin KI 6: supplement kidney qi and yin Du 20: raise qi Taxation lin Ren 6: supplement qi, move qi ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi

Retention of Urine UB 28: UB shu point Ren 3: UB mu point SP 6: three leg yin, promotes urination UB 39: lower he sea of san jiao, move water Du 4: ming men life gate warms kidney yang Decline of life gate fire: UB 23: kidney shu point Supplement points related to Du 20: raise qi, moxa kidneys, apply moxibustion Ren 4: strengthen the root, moxa to warm kidney yang. SJ 4: yuan point on channel that distributes yuan qi Damage of qi in the channels (trauma or Ren 3: UB mu point surgery): Apply even SP 6: three leg yin, promotes urination technique to the front-mu point of the urinary bladder ST 28: waterways promotes urination to promote circulation of qi KI 5: xi point treats acute painful disorders in the channels and restore urinary bladder function. UB heat: Drain back-shu and front-mu points to remove heat and promote urination.

Clinical Point Selection


CLASS FIVE: CAM: 438-450

IMPOTENCE Decline of life gate fire: Supplement points of the ren vessel and kidney channel, apply moxibustion to invigorate kidney yang. Ren 4: Strengthen the root, adjacent Du 4: ming men warms life gate, 3 or 5 cones UB 23: kidney shu point, strengthen kidneys KI 3: kidney yuan point, strengthen kidneys

SP 6: Three leg yin meeting For heart/spleen damage add HT 7: heart yuan point strengthens, calms spirit UB 15: heart shu point Damp heat flows down: Drain Ren 3: drain repletion from lower jiao SP 6: Three leg yin meeting points of the ren vessel and spleen channel to eliminate SP 9: drain damp-heat through urine damp-heat. ST 36: drain damp-heat

SEMINAL EMISSION HT 7: heart yuan point, calms spirit, drain UB 15: heart shu point, drain KI 3: kidney yuan point, supplement UB 52: also called palace of essence UB 23: kidney shu point Spermatorrhea (no dreams KI 12: secures essence, special for this kidney yang vacuity): Supplement plus moxa to points of the kidney SP 6: Three leg yin meeting channel and ren vessel to strengthen Ren 4: Strengthen the root, adjacent, moxa the kidneys and control essence. Ren 6: sea of qi strengthens yang, moxa Nocturnal emission (with dreams kidney yin vacuity): Drain points of the heart channel and supplement points of the kidney channel.

Clinical Point Selection


INSOMNIA Main Points: add points below according to the pattern.

Heart/spleen vacuity: Supplement and apply moxibustion to calm the heart, soothe the spirit, and strengthen the heart and spleen. Heart/kidney disharmony: Even technique UB 15: drain the heart to calm the heart, soothe the spirit, and UB 23: supplement the kidneys harmonize the heart and kidneys. (Drain the south and supplement the north.) KI 3: nourish kidneys UB 18: subdue liver fire Liver fire flaring up: Drain to calm the UB 19: subdue liver fire heart, soothe the spirit, and subdue liver fire. GB 12: subdue liver fire Stomach dysfunction: Drain to calm the UB 21: regulate stomach qi heart, soothe the spirit, and regulate stomach qi. ST 36: regulate stomach qi Plum Blossom: Si Shen Cong, Back Shu, or Jia Ji

Points HT 7: calm the spirit SP 6: nourish yin An Mian: calm the spirit UB 20: supplement the spleen UB 15: supplement the heart SP 1: calm the spirit, stop excessive dreaming. Use direct moxa, small cones.

Poor memory: nourish heart blood, supplement spleen and kidneys.

Si Shen Cong: empirical for memory UB 15: supplement the heart UB 20: supplement the spleen UB 23: supplement the kidneys, essence ST 36: supplement middle jiao KI 6: supplement the kidneys, essence

Clinical Point Selection


PALPITATIONS Main points: regulate heart qi and blood to ease the spirit. (Use the appropriate technique based on the diagnosis and add the appropriate points below) Disturbance of mind: Use even technique to heart and gall bladder related points to calm the spirit. if w/phlegm heat: (this goes with the previous diagnosis) Qi-blood insufficiency: Supplement the heart and ease the spirit. Yin vacuity fire: Supplement the kidneys and drain the heart to nourish yin and subdue fire. Retention of fluids: First drain then supplement in combination with moxibustion to warm yang and dissolve the harmful fluids.

Points UB 15: heart shu Ren 14: heart mu HT 7: heart yuan and son PC 6: command for chest HT 5: heart luo, special for palpitations GB 40: GB yuan, supplements GB ST 40: transforms phlegm, drain UB 19: gallbladder shu UB 20: spleen shu UB 21: stomach shu ST 36: supplements post heaven qi UB 14: pericardium shu UB 23: kidney shu, nourishes kidney yin KI 3: kidney yuan, nourishes kidney yin Ren 9: eliminates water swelling, moxa only Ren 4: use moxa to fortify yang Ren 8: use salt moxa for deep supplementation and warm the abdomen SP 9: drain to regulate fluids


Points UB 15: calm the spirit Depression: Use even technique on UB 18: soothe the liver heart and liver related points to UB 20: strengthen spleen, transform phlegm soothe the liver, calm the heart and HT 7: calm the spirit dissolve phlegm. ST 40: transform phlegm Du 14: clear heat Du 16: awaken the brain Mania: Drain du and pericardium points to calm the heart, ease the Du 26: open the orifices spirit, clear heat, dissolve phlegm. PC 6: calm the spirit ST 40: transform phlegm with extreme heat Bleed the well points of hand Du 26, LU 11, SP 1, PC 7, UB 62 (fire Sun Simiaos 13 needle), Du 16, ST 6 (warm needle), Ren 24, Ghost Points PC 8, Du 23, Ren 1, LI 11 (fire needle), Needle in order. She Xia Zhong Feng (a.k.a. Hai Quan) is an extra point on the midline under the tongue. Bleed it.

Clinical Point Selection


EPILEPSY During seizures: drain points of du, ren, and liver to transform phlegm, open the orifices, soothe the liver, and dispel wind. Between seizures: even method to nourish the heart, calm the spirit, supplement the spleen and kidneys.

Moxibustion Daytime seizures Nighttime seizures Phlegm stagnation drain Severe qi and blood vacuity supplement or moxa

Points Du 26: open the orifices Ren 15: calm the spirit PC 5: transform phlegm in regards to the heart LV 3: calm the liver, extinguish wind ST 40: transform phlegm UB 15: calm the spirit, nourish heart Yin Tang: calm the spirit HT 7: calm the spirit, nourish heart SP 6: supplement spleen, yin KI 3: nourish the root Yao Qi: moxa, 2 cun above coccyx, treats epilepsy Du 20: awaken the brain Ren 15: calm the spirit HT 7: calm the spirit UB 62 Qiao vessels regulate ascentdescent of yin-yang to brain. Use moxa. KI 6 Ren 12: transforms phlegm ST 40: transforms phlegm Ren 4: nourish the root ST 36: supplement post heaven qi


Points GB 20: local, drain, descends yang Liver yang rising: Select liver UB 18: drain, pacify liver and kidney related points to nourish yin and pacify yang. UB 23: supplement kidneys Drain liver yang and supplement KI 3: supplement kidneys liver and kidney yin. LV 2: drain liver Du 20: local, moxa, ascend qi-blood UB 20: supplement spleen qi, ascend qi, moxa Qi-blood vacuity: Supplement post-heaven qi-blood through Ren 4: nourish the root, moxa acupuncture and moxibustion. ST 36: supplement spleen qi, ascend qi, moxa SP 6: supplement spleen qi ST 8: local, drain, transform phlegm, dizzy Phlegm-damp retention: Use UB 20: even, supplement spleen, drain damp even technique on spleen and Ren 12: even, supplement spleen, drain damp stomach related points to resolve PC 6: drain, open the chest, nausea phlegm and eliminate damp. ST 40: drain, transform phlegm Plum blossom: Du 20, Tai Yang, Yin Tang, Jia Ji

Clinical Point Selection


CLASS SIX: CAM: 450-461

Depression Patterns (melancholia)
Liver qi depression: Use even technique to soothe the liver, strengthen the spleen, and harmonize the stomach. UB 18: soothe the liver LV 3: soothe the liver Ren 17: regulate qi, open the chest Ren 12: protects the spleen, nausea/vomiting ST 36: protects the spleen, nausea/vomiting SP 4: protects the spleen, nausea/vomiting Ren 13: reflux, stomach counterflow SJ 6: opens rib-sides GB 34: opens rib-sides LV 2: ying spring point drains liver fire GB 43: ying spring point clears heat Ren 22: free the throat Ren 17: open chest, regulate qi PC 6: calm the spirit, jue yin like liver ST 40: transform phlegm LV 3: soothe the liver Ren 14: calms spirit HT 7: calm the spirit, nourish heart SP 6: nourish blood LV 3: yuan nourishes liver blood, soothes LV Ren 17, PC 6: open the chest SP 4, Ren 22: descend qi, stop hiccups HT 5, Ren 23: benefit speech LI 4, GB 34 Du 26, KI 1: open the orifices

Depressed qi transforms to fire: Drain to dispel fire from the liver and strengthen the stomach.

Phlegm stagnation (plumpit qi): Use even technique to soothe the liver, remove depression, regulate qi, and resolve phlegm. Insufficient blood: Use even technique to nourish blood, soothe the liver, and calm the spirit. Chest distress Hiccups Sudden loss of voice Convulsions Loss of consciousness

Clinical Point Selection


Headaches by Location (Part 1 of Point Formula treat the branch) All headaches should be differentiated by location and channels affected. Choose appropriate local and distal points according to the affected channel. If the distal point is also good for treating the root, even better.
Channel Tai yang (SI/UB) Yang ming (ST/LI) Location Occiput, down the nape Frontal (forehead), eyebrows, above the eyes Local GB 20 ST 8 Du 23 Yin Tang Tai Yang GB 8 Distal SI 3 UB 60 Guiding herbs Qiang Huo, Ge Gen Man Jing Zi, Bai Zhi Chai Hu, Huang Qin, Chuan Xiong Wu Zhu Yu, Gao Ben, Chuan Xiong

LI 4 ST 44

Shao yang (SJ/GB)

Temples, around the ears, one-sided or bilateral

SJ 5 GB 41

Jue yin (LV/PC)

Vertex (parietal) sometimes radiating to the eyes

Du 20

LV 3 SI 3 UB 67

HEADACHE (Part 2 Treat the Root) GB 20: treats all headaches Wind invasion: Du 16: expels wind Dispel wind, remove obstruction, regulate qi-blood, LU 7: command for head and neck, wind stop pain. SJ 5: expels external evils, treats head GB 20: treats all headaches Du 20: descends qi Liver yang ascent: Drain points to pacify liver GB 5: local yang. GB 43: pacifies liver yang LV 2: pacifies liver yang Du 20: raise clear yang Qi/blood vacuity: UB 18: nourish liver blood Supplement and regulate the UB 20: supplement post-heaven qi-blood flow of qi-blood, ascend the UB 23: supplement the root clear, descend the turbid. Ren 6: supplement yuan qi ST 36: supplement qi-blood Plum blossom and cupping: Tap L1 to S4 region. Tap affected region and along affected channel. If acute, tap Tai Yang and GB 14 to bleed and then cup.
Also GB 20.

Clinical Point Selection


FACIAL PAIN (trigeminal neuralgia) GB 14, Tai Yang, UB 2, Supraorbital SJ 5 ST 2, SI 18, LI 20, Maxillary LI 4 ST 7, ST 6, ST 5, Mandibular Jia Cheng Jiang, LI 4 Wind-cold: drain GB 20 Liver and stomach fire: drain LV 3, ST 44 Yin vacuity fire: supplement KI 6, SP6 Chronic: supplement points on affected side, shallow insertion, retain needle. Or drain the healthy side with long retention.

FACIAL PARALYSIS (Bells Palsy, Local: SJ 17, GB 14, SI 18, deviation of eye and mouth): Eliminate ST 7, ST 4, ST 6 wind, unblock channels and network vessels by using even technique on points Distal: LI 4: command for face and of the yang ming and shao yang channels. sense organs. Use on opposite side. Headache GB20 Cant move eyebrows UB 2, SJ 23 UB 2, UB 1, GB 1, Yu Yao, Cant close eyes SJ 23 Deviation of philtrum Du 26 Cant show teeth ST 3 Mouth awry LI 19, Jia Cheng Jiang Cant sniffle LI 20 Tinnitus, deafness GB 2 Tender mastoid GB 12, SJ 5 Warm needle or moxa on Tai Yang, ST 6, Long-standing cases ST 4, ST 3, and ST 7. Cupping Small cups on affected side every 3-5 days. Can also needle healthy side (shallow with retention) if healthy side is stiff.

Clinical Point Selection


Rib-side pain or intercostal neuralgia: Open the channels to facilitate flow of qi. Repletion: Drain points of the foot jue yin LV 14: Local, liver mu point and shao yang channels to remove liver qi SJ 6: special combo for rib-side pain constraint and obstruction in the luo GB 34: special combo vessels. LV 3: yuan point, moves liver qi Qi stagnation GB 40: yuan point, moves liver qi UB 17: blood influential point Blood Stasis UB 18: liver shu point LV 14: liver mu point Vacuity: UB 18: liver shu point Nourish essence and blood, circulate qi, UB 23: kidney shu point and relieve pain by supplementing points ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi of the foot jue yin channel and back-shu SP 6: three leg yin meeting points. LV 3: liver yuan point Jia Ji at level of pain Also useful Plum Blossom: Tap region until slight bleeding, then cup.

Low back pain Main: Use Du or UB points to move qi and blood, relieve pain, relax muscles. Cold damp: use acupuncture and moxibustion KI yang vacuity: supplement and use moxibustion KI yin vacuity: supplement Trauma (acute): drain or prick to bleed disease of the vertebrae

UB 23: low back is the mansion of the kidneys Du 3: local UB 40: command point for back UB 25: local, eliminate cold damp UB 26: local, eliminate cold damp Du 4: warm yang, local Yao Yan: warm yang UB 52: nourish kidney yin, local KI 3: nourish kidney yin, distal Du 26: distal for midline pain Yao Tong Xue: on the hand a shi Jia Ji: needle 1-1.5 cun and retain

Clinical Point Selection



Bi Patterns or arthritis, Part 1: Use a shi points and points by location (local and distal points, especially on the yang channels). LI 15, SJ 14, SI 10, SI 9 Shoulder joint SI 11, SI 12, SI 14, UB 43 Scapula LI 11, LU 5, SJ 10, LI 4, SJ 5 Elbow SJ 4, LI 5, SI 5, SJ 5 Wrist SI 5, LI 4, SI 3 Stiff fingers Numb painful fingers LI 3, SI 3, Ba Xie Du 26, Du 12, Du 3 Low back GB 30, GB 29, GB 39 Hip UB 54, UB 36, GB 34 Thigh He Ding, ST 35, Xi Yan, GB 34, SP 9 Knee UB 57, UB 58 Numb painful leg ST 41, UB 60, SP 5, GB 40, KI 3 Ankle Ba Feng, SP 4, UB 65 Numb painful toes SI 3, UB 62: shoulder, back, legs, sinews, flesh, bones SP 21, UB 17: general pain LI 15, LI 11, LI 4, General Pain SJ 4, GB 30, GB 34, GB 39, ST 41. Part 2: add the following to treat the root: UB 17: nourish/regulate blood Wandering or vessel bi (wind): drain, shallow needling. (Blood is heavy and anchors wind. When SP 10: nourish/regulate blood blood flows smoothly, wind is eliminated.) GB 20: dispel wind Painful bi (cold): Use moxa (on ginger) as UB 23: warm kidneys primary, needles as secondary, deep insertion, retain needles longer. Strengthen yang to eliminate Ren 4: warm kidneys cold. Fixed bi (damp): Deep insertion and moxa, retain ST 36: spleen treats damp needles longer. Strengthen spleen and stomach to SP 5: spleen treats damp eliminate damp. Du 14: clear heat Heat bi: Bleed or drain related points, shallow needling. LI 11: clear heat Sinew bi: drain, shallow needling. When bones GB 34: sinew confluence and sinews are affected, use deep insertion with point needle retention. UB 11: bone confluence point Bone bi: drain When bones and sinews are affected, use deep insertion with needle retention. GB 39: marrow confluence Use plum blossom with cupping on the sides of the spine or local area for skin and flesh bi (numbness) or bone bi (stiffness, limited movement or deformity).

Clinical Point Selection


Wei Patterns (wilting or atrophy) or paralysis: Select points from the yang ming channels to circulate channel qi, nourish the sinews and bones. Wei patterns need a long period of treatment. LI 15, LI 11, LI 4, SJ 5 Upper limb ST 31, GB 30, SP 10, ST 34, ST 36, GB 34, Lower limb ST 41, GB 39 Heat in lungs: drain LU 5, UB 13 Damp-heat: drain UB 20, SP 9 LV/KI yin vacuity: supplement UB 18, UB 23 Trauma: puncture the points on the Jia Ji at level of injury. affected side with even technique Ren 3, SP 6 Incontinence of urine UB 25, UB 32 Incontinence of stool Plum Blossom: affected areas along channels. Patient or family can do it at home.

Irregular Menstruation Early menstruation LI 11: clear heat, cool the blood Heat in blood: Drain spleen SP 10: clear heat, cool the blood and kidney points to Ren 3: three leg yin meeting, local, drains repletion regulate chong and ren and KI 5: xi point of kidneys, treats acute menstrual clear blood heat. bleeding, nourish yin, clear heat, regulates menstruation LV qi transforms to fire LV 2: ying point, clear heat from the liver, drain fire Yin vacuity heat KI 2: ying point, clear heat from kidney yin vacuity Qi vacuity: Supplement Ren 6: sea of qi supplements qi ren, foot-tai yin, and foot Ren 12: supplement middle jiao yang ming points. SP 6: three leg yin meeting helps supplement qi Supplement qi to control ST 36: supplement post heaven qi blood.

Clinical Point Selection


Late menstruation Blood vacuity: Supplement and use moxa on points of the ren vessel and foot tai yin channel to replenish qi and nourish blood. or Cold in blood: Use even technique and strong moxibustion on points of the ren vessel and foot tai yin channel to warm the channels and disperse cold. Dizzy, blurred vision Palpitations, insomnia

Ren 6: regulates qi to move blood, supplements qi and blood; with moxa, warms the abdomen Ren 4: three leg yin meeting, local SP 6: three leg yin meeting, distal

Du 20: raise qi and blood to head HT 7: calm the shen, nourish heart blood ST 25: regulate qi-blood in the abdomen Qi constraint: Drain points of the KI 13: regulate chong-ren, local foot-jue yin and foot-yang ming channels to activate qi and blood. SP 8: spleen xi point, regulates blood in uterus LV 3: regulate liver qi Chest fullness PC 6: command for chest, rib-sides Rib-side, breast distention LV 14: local, regulate liver qi

Irregular menstruation Liver qi constraint: Use even technique on points of the ren vessel and jue yin channels to soothe the liver and regulate the chong and ren vessels. Rib-side, breast distention

Ren 6: regulate qi in the lower abdomen KI 14: regulates qi-blood in lower jiao PC 5: jue yin point, regulates menstruation LV 5: luo point, liver luo goes to genitals

Ren 17: opens the chest, benefits breasts LV 14: local, regulate liver qi HT 7: calm the spirit Mental depression LV 3: regulate liver qi Kidney vacuity: Supplement points Ren 4: three leg yin meeting, local and use moxa on the ren vessel and UB 23: kidney shu point foot shao yin channel to replenish KI 8: yin qiao xi point, regulate chong-ren kidney qi and regulate the chong and Together these three nourish essence. ren vessels. Yao Yan: local for back Sore weak low back, knees KI 10: local for knees, strengthens bones Du 20: raise qi, nourish marrow, brain Dizzy, tinnitus KI 3: yuan point, supplement kidneys For all types of irregular menstruation, treat on alternate days, 10 treatments are one course. Start when period ends.

Clinical Point Selection


Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) Ren 3: three leg yin meeting, local Repletion: Drain points of the UB 32: local, treats dysmenorrhea ren vessel and foot-tai yin LI 4: four gates, moves qi channel to move qi and blood, LV 3: four gates, regulates liver qi and blood warm the channels and dissipate SP 10: regulates blood cold. SP 8: spleen xi point, regulates blood in uterus KI 14: regulates qi-blood in lower jiao, pain or Distending low abdominal masses in lower jiao pain ST 28: regulates lower jiao, benefits uterus Cold pain in low abdomen: ST 29: warms lower jiao, regulates menstruation Use acupuncture with moxa. ST 27: benefits kidneys, firms essence Vacuity: Supplement points of UB 20: spleen shu point the ren vessel, spleen and UB 23: kidney shu point kidney channels and use Ren 4: three leg yin meeting, moxa moxibustion to regulate qi and SP 6: three leg yin meeting blood, warm and nourish the ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi chong and ren vessels. Begin one week before the period. Treat on alternating days. If pain is severe, give strong stimulation to SP 6 for 20 minutes or until pain is relieved. You can use electrostimulation on the limbs, high frequency for 10-15 minutes. The patient should keep warm during the menstrual period and avoid eating raw or cold foods.

Clinical Point Selection



Amenorrhea Ren 3: three leg yin meeting ST 29: return, regulates lower jiao and menstruation Blood Stasis: Drain to SP 10: sea of blood moves blood remove stasis and regulate LV 3: four gates, moves liver qi and blood qi and blood. LI 4: four gates, moves qi SP 6: three leg yin meeting Low abdominal pain, KI 14: regulates qi-blood in the lower jiao, pain or masses masses in lower jiao UB 18: liver shu point Blood depletion: UB 20: spleen shu point Supplement and apply UB 23: kidney shu point moxibustion to Ren 4: three leg yin meeting supplement blood and ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi restore the period. SP 6: three leg yin meeting

Uterine Bleeding: Flooding and spotting ( beng lou): any abnormal discharge of blood via the vagina. Flooding (literally, collapse or landslide) is heavy menstrual flow or abnormal uterine bleeding. Spotting (literally, leaking or trickling) is a slight, often continual discharge of blood via the vagina. Uterine bleeding Ren 3: three leg yin, for repletion Repletion heat: Drain SP 10: cools the blood points of the ren vessel and foot-tai yin channel to clear SP 1 (direct moxa): stop uterine bleeding heat and stop bleeding. LV 8: invigorates blood in the uterus External heat LI 11: clear heat, cool blood HT 8: heart ying point clears heat, bao mai to Heart fire uterus Liver fire LV 3: regulate the liver Du 20: raise qi and blood Ren 4: three leg yin meeting, nourish Qi vacuity: Supplement ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi points of the ren vessel and foot-tai yin channel and use SP 6: three leg yin meeting moxibustion to promote the SP 1 (direct moxa): stop uterine bleeding containing function of qi. SJ 4: yuan point on channel that distributes yuan qi, supplement or moxa on left side Spleen vacuity, poor UB 20: spleen shu point appetite, loose stool UB 21: stomach shu point ACT uses moxa as the primary form of treatment for uterine bleeding.

Clinical Point Selection


Abnormal vaginal discharge (morbid leucorrhea) Spleen vacuity: Supplement plus GB 26: special for abnormal vaginal discharge moxibustion on points of the ren Ren 6: local to regulate qi in the lower jiao vessel, foot tai yin and yang ming UB 30: for white discharge channels to fortify the spleen, SP 9: drain dampness remove damp, regulate ren, and ST 36: strengthen spleen stabilize the dai vessel. Kidney vacuity: Supplement plus GB 26: special for abnormal vaginal discharge moxibustion on points of the ren UB 23: kidney shu point vessel and foot shao yin channel Ren 4: warm the root to promote yang qi, supplement KI 12: astringes essence the kidneys, and stablize the ren KI 7: mother point, regulate fluids and dai vessels. Damp-heat: Drain points of the ren vessel and foot tai yin channel to clear heat, remove damp, adjust ren, and stabilize the dai vessel. Ren 3: UB mu point, regulates lower jiao, local UB 32: regulates lower jiao, local SP 6: three leg yin meeting LV 3: regulate liver Itching genitals LV 5: liver luo point goes to genitals Red discharge SP 10: sea of blood, clears heat from blood Repletion heat LI 11: clear heat, cool the blood

Morning sickness Spleen-stomach vacuity: Ren 13: represents the upper opening of the Apply even technique to points stomach so stops counterflow of the foot-yang ming and foot- Ren 12: regulate middle jiao, okay first trimester tai yin channels to build up the spleen, harmonize the stomach, PC 6: yin wei confluence, stop nausea, vomiting ST 36: regulate stomach qi SP 4: chong and quell counterflow qi so as confluent point to stop vomiting. Liver-stomach disharmony: Ren 17: descend qi Use even technique on points of Ren 12: regulate middle jiao, okay first trimester the foot-yang ming and jue yin PC 6: yin wei confluence, stop nausea, vomiting channels to relieve liver ST 36: regulate stomach qi constraint and harmonize the stomach so as to stop vomiting. LV 3: regulate liver Use few points with mild stimulation. Adjust the diet.

Clinical Point Selection


Prolonged labor Qi and blood vacuity: Supplement and use moxibustion on points of the foot-yang ming and tai yang channels to supplement qiblood, and quicken the delivery. Qi stagnation, blood stasis: Drain points of the hand-yang ming and foot tai yang channels to regulate qi-blood and activate qi so as to quicken the delivery.

ST 36: supplement qi-blood SP 6: three leg yin meeting UB 67: promote labor (oxytocin) LI 4: move qi SP 6: three leg yin meeting UB 67: promote labor (oxytocin)

Malposition of Fetus Treatment: Around the 36th week or later, the pregnant woman should sit in a chair or lie supine with nothing tight around the waist. Apply moxibustion to UB 67: bilaterally for 15-30 minutes. Treat once or twice daily until the fetal position is corrected. UB 67: is the jing-well point of the foot-tai yang channel, and an empirical point for fetal malposition. The reported success rate is over 80%. It works more effectively in women on a second or later birth than those in their first pregnancy. Moxibustion is much more widely used than acupuncture.

ST 18: bilateral, transverse insertion toward the breast so that the needle sensation extends into the breasts Insufficient lactation, Ren 17: transverse insertion toward each breast so that the needle sensation extends into the breasts main points SI 1: empirical for breast disorders Qi and blood vacuity: UB 20: spleen shu point supplement and use moxibustion ST 36: supplement post heaven qi to supplement qi and blood so as to promote secretion of milk. SP 6: three leg yin meeting Liver qi depression: Drain or use even technique with moxibustion LV 14: local, move liver qi to remove constrained liver qi, PC 6: command for chest and rib-sides free obstruction from the channels LV 3: move liver qi and promote milk secretion.

Suppressing lactation GB 41 First use acupuncture, then apply ten-minutes of moxibustion to each point. Treatment is given once every day. GB 37

Clinical Point Selection


Prolapse of uterus Qi vacuity: Supplement and use moxibustion on points of the ren vessel and foot-yang ming channels to replenish qi and raise prolapse. Kidney vacuity: Supplement and use moxibustion on points of the ren vessel and foot-shao yin channels to replenish kidney qi to keep the uterus in position. Du 20: moxa, raise qi Ren 6: supplement qi Ren 12: supplement post-heaven qi ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi ST 29: local, return Ren 4: strengthen the root Zi Gong: local LV 8: benefit the uterus, genitals KI 6: regulate lower jiao

Clinical Point Selection


CLASS NINE: CAM: 488-499

Infantile convulsions: Be careful needling around fontanels in infants. Yin Tang: calm du vessel Acute: Drain points of the du vessel and the liver channel to restore consciousness, Du 26: restore consciousness eliminate heat, and suppress wind. LV 3: subdue wind Du 14: clear heat Heat invasion LI 11: clear heat 12 hand well: quickly clear heat SJ 18: Pacifies fright wind LI 4: regulate qi, clear heat Phlegm heat Ren 12: transform phlegm ST 40: transform phlegm Si Shen Cong: calm fright Fright PC 8: Clear heat, calm, revive KI 1: Clear heat, calm, revive Du 20: raise qi to head Chronic: Supplement and use moxibustion Du 24: calm spirit on points of ren and du vessels to adjust yin Ren 4: nourish the root and yang for relaxing and relieving SP 6: supplement post-heaven qi convulsions. ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi Ren 12: supplement post-heaven qi Spleen-kidney yang vacuity UB 20: spleen shu point UB 23: kidney shu point LV 3: yuan point, nourish liver Blood vacuity KI 2: Regulate kidneys

Infantile diarrhea Main: Use points of the foot yang ming channel without retention to adjust the spleen-stomach, eliminate damp-heat, and stop diarrhea. Overfeeding

ST 25: LI mu point ST 37: LI lower he sea point Si Feng: special for childrens digestive disorders

Ren 11: Descend stomach qi Ren 6: regulate qi in the abdomen LI 11: clear heat Damp-heat LI 4: clear heat with LI 11, regulate qi SP 9: drain damp-heat

Clinical Point Selection


gan ji: a disease of infancy or childhood with emaciation, dry hair, fever of varying degree, abdominal distention with visible superficial veins, diarrhea, yellow face, emaciated flesh, and loss of vitality. Usually due to malnutrition, chronic indigestion, or parasite infestation. Gan can also refer to various types of ulcers and sores in adults or children. Infantile malnutrition Main: Supplement points of the Ren 10: harmonize stomach, eliminate heat foot tai yin and foot yang ming UB 21: supplement post-heaven qi UB 20: supplement post-heaven qi channels to benefit the spleen and remove stagnation. Apply ST 36: supplement post-heaven qi superficial puncture and dont SP 3: supplement spleen, transform stagnation retain the needles. Si Feng: special for childhood gan disorder Parasites Bai Chong Wo

Infantile paralysis: Use yang ming channels to remove obstruction from the channels and nourish sinews and bones. Usually needle affected side, but sometimes you can treat the healthy side. LI 15, LI 11, LI 4, SJ 5, Upper limb: On affected side Du 14, UB 10 ST 31, ST 36, ST 41, Lower limb: GB 30, GB 34, GB 39, On affected side SP 6, UB 60, Jia Ji L1-5 ST 21, ST 25, GB 26, Ren 4 Abdominal muscles Contracted knee ST 33 Reverse flexion of knee UB 36, UB 40, UB 57 Inversion of foot GB 31, UB 62, UB 40 Eversion of foot KI 6, KI 3 Cannot rotate wrist SJ 4, LI 5, SI 3, SJ 9, HT 3 Drop wrist SJ 9, SJ 5

Clinical Point Selection


LU 7: release exterior with LI 4 Du 14: clear heat High fever 12 hand well: clear heat in acute cases LI 11: clear heat LV 3: jue yin winds around the genitals Swelling, pain of testes LV 8: jue yin winds around the genitals Deng xin cao (Medulla junci) Moxibustion: Ignite 2 pieces soaked with sesame oil and aim at SJ 20. Remove when there is the sound of burning skin. Usually the swelling subsides after one treatment. Repeat the next day if the swelling is not gone.

Contagious Parotitis (Mumps), main points: Drain points of the shao yang and yang ming channels with superficial puncture to expel wind-heat and remove the accumulation. Aversion to cold and fever

ST 6: local SJ 17: expels wind, local SJ 5: releases exterior, also shao yang LI 11: clear heat LI 4: release exterior, clear heat, yang ming

Urticaria (hives) LI 11: clear heat in yang ming, cool blood LI 4: release exterior, clear heat in yang ming SP 6: cool and regulate blood, drain damp SP 10: cool and regulate blood UB 40: cool blood, resolve toxins Wind-heat Du 14: clear heat, release exterior wind Wind-damp SP 9: drain damp Heat in stomach, intestines ST 25, ST 36: clear yang ming Plum blossom: affected area. Main: Disperse wind and activate blood. Drain points of the spleen and large intestine channels to disperse wind-damp and eliminate heat in the blood.

Clinical Point Selection


Erysipelas Main: Drain or bleed points of the yang LI 11, LI 4: clear heat, release exterior, yang ming ming channels to eliminate heat and resolve toxins. Activate the blood to PC 3, UB 40 (bleed), SP 10: eliminate stasis, and disperse heat and cool the blood toxins. a shi Wind-heat GB 20: release exterior, dispel wind-heat Damp-heat ST 36, SP 9: drain damp-heat Fever Du 14: clear heat Toxins 12 hand well points (bleed) PC 8: clear heat, cool blood Constipation SJ 6: promotes bowel movement Cupping, bloodletting: Listed first in ACT. Bleed affected area and cup. Treat 1-2x/day.

Herpes zoster, Local

First, distinguish the head and tail of the location of herpes zoster. The area where the lesions first appeared is the tail, while the extending part is the head. Prick the skin to bleed around the herpes zoster: five pricks 0.5 cun from the head of the herpes zoster and then five pricks 0.5 cun from the tail, and several pricks along both sides. LI 11: Drain wind-heat, cool the blood SP 10: Clear heat, cool the blood UB 40: Bleed. Clear heat, cool the blood GB 34: treat the rib-sides, drain damp-heat LV 3: move liver qi

After above treatment.

Clinical Point Selection


Furuncle or boil Du 10: special for boils and red-thread boils Du 12: helps Du 10 PC 4: xi point, cools and moves blood LI 4: regulate qi, release exterior UB 40 (bleed): cool blood, toxins Points on related channels: Jing well, and other points, especially if they clear heat. Examples: LI 1, LI 11 for face LI 11, LI 20 for tips of related fingers GB 34, GB 44 for on temples GB 34, GB 2 for on 4th or 5th toe Main: Drain or bleed points of the du vessel and hand yang ming channels to eliminate heat from the blood. For red-thread boil (lymphangitis), prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding at two-inch intervals along the red line proximally towards the focus. Another effective method for treating boils is to prick with a three-edged needle into small papules found alongside the thoracic vertebrae. Treatment is given once a day.

Clinical Point Selection


CLASS TEN: CAM: 499-510

Breast Abscess or Acute Mastitis, main points: Drain points of the foot jue yin, foot shao yang, and foot yang ming channels to regulate liver qi and the stomach channel, remove stagnation, disperse heat. Aversion to cold and fever Breast pain and distention GB 21: benefits the breasts SI 1: empirical Ren 17: local ST 18: local ST 36: regulate stomach channel LV 3: move liver qi LI 4, SJ 5: release exterior GB 41: move liver qi, benefit breasts

Intestinal Abscess or Appendicitis LI 11: LI he sea point, clears heat Main: Disperse damp-heat, regulate ST 25: LI mu point, damp-heat qi and stop pain by draining points of ST 37: lower he sea point of LI the yang ming channels. Lan Wei: special for appendicitis Fever Du 14, LI 4: clear heat PC 6: stops vomiting Vomiting (Use electro-acupuncture) Ren 12: atomach mu point Strong stimulation, continuous manipulation for 2-3 minutes. Retain 30 minutes - 2 hours with stimulation every 10 minutes. Treat every 6 - 8 hours until symptoms disappear. Then treat once a day, retaining for 30 minutes. But really, send them to the emergency room instead. Goiter, main points: Drain points of the hand shao yang and yang ming channels to activate blood, remove stasis, and disperse accumulation by moving qi. LV qi depression: Even

SJ 13: transforms phlegm nodes LI 17, SI 17, Ren 22: local LI 4, ST 36: move qi in yang ming channels

Ren 17: regulate qi in upper jiao LV 3: regulate liver qi PC 6: quiet the spirit, regulate heart qi Palpitations: Supplement HT 7: quiet the spirit, regulate heart qi Exophthalmos: SJ 23, UB 1, UB 2: local Even GB 20: regulates shao yang, treats eyes Hot temper, anxiety, sweating: SP 6: nourish yin even KI 7: stop sweating Also needle surrounding the goiter with one needle in the center, but be careful not to puncture the delicate structures in the throat.

Clinical Point Selection


Three stages of sinew damage (sprains, strains or contusions): First-stage is defined as the period during which swelling, pain and redness are prominent; this usually lasts 4-7 days but can be 2-3 days in light cases. The principal of treatment at this point is to move blood, clear heat, dissipate swelling and relieve pain. Acupuncture and application of soft plasters or liniments form the basis of treatment. Soaks, steams and compresses are avoided because they aggravate inflammation by dilating blood vessels and encouraging hyperemia (bleeding and cupping is good). The second-stage of sinew damage is that period during which swelling and pain still exist but in a much less severe form; this stage lasts up to three weeks. At this point the local area begins to turn deep-red and purple indicating stasis of blood and qi. The treatment principle at this juncture is to soothe the sinews, dissipate stasis and quicken blood. Massage (above and below the traumatized location), liniments, steams, soaks, acupuncture and soft plasters are primary treatment. The third-stage of sinew damage is defined as the period beginning three weeks to one month after the initial insult when swelling and redness have disappeared and visible signs of stasis are minimal. Often a persistent aching and stiffness remains. When pain and swelling have subsided and what remains is the nagging pain of an enduring injury or pain that is exacerbated by damp or cold, the principle of treatment is to move qi, quicken luo vessels, disperse cold, dispel damp, dissipate stasis and relax sinews. Acupuncture and moxibustion are useful in treatment of this stage of traumatic damage as are massage (including the traumatized location and employing massage salves or liniments), steams, soaks, hot compresses and the application of plasters. Adapted from Andrew Ellis. Sprains and Contusions: Use bleeding and cupping locally on new injuries. Use needling and moxa on a shi and local points for older injuries. Needle distal points to ease the sinews, move blood, reduce swelling, and pain. Neck UB 10, SI 3 Shoulder joint GB 21, LI 15 Elbow joint LI 11, LI 4 Wrist joint SJ 4, SJ 5 Hip joint GB 30, GB 34 Knee joint ST 35, ST 44 Ankle joint ST 41, GB 40, UB 60 Can also needle healthy side in corresponding area or a distal point in another area while having the patient move the joint. Sometimes this gives instantaneous results.

Torticollis: Drain points of the du vessel Du 14, UB 10: local and tai yang channels, plus moxibustion to SI 14: adjacent expel wind, disperse cold, relax sinews, GB 39, SI 3: distal regulate qi and blood. cannot flex and extend UB 60, LU 7 cannot rotate SI 7 Use local cupping or use Luo Zhen alone.

Clinical Point Selection


Deafness and tinnitus Liver/gall bladder fire: Drain External wind heat: Drain Kidney vacuity: Supplement and moxibustion

SJ 17, GB 2: local SJ 3, GB 43: distal LV 2, GB 41: drain liver/gall bladder fire SJ 5, LI 4: release exterior UB 23, Du 4, KI 3: supplement the kidneys

Congestion, Swelling and Pain of the Eyes (Conjunctivitis): Drain distal and local points to disperse wind-heat. Wind heat Liver fire

UB 1, Tai Yang (bleed): local, clear heat GB 20: adjacent, dispel wind, make strong de qi then withdraw LI 4, LV 2: distal, regulate qi, drain fire SJ 5: release exterior LV 3: drain liver

Nasal Obstruction (Thick Sticky Nasal Discharge): Drain points of the hand tai yin and hand yang ming channels to smooth the flow of lung qi and expel wind-heat.

LU 7, LI 4: distal for nose, release exterior Needle LI 20 to Bi Tong: local Yin Tang: local

Nosebleed (Epistaxis): Drain points of the hand yang ming and du vessels to clear heat and stop bleeding for extreme heat in the lungs and stomach. Even technique is used to nourish yin and descend fire for yin vacuity fire. LI 4: distal, command point for face and sense organs LI 20: local (can needle through to Bi Tong) Main Du 23: adjacent, clears heat Lung heat LU 11 (bleed): drains heat from the lungs Stomach heat ST 44: drains stomach fire Yin vacuity fire KI 6: nourish yin

Clinical Point Selection


Toothache Stomach fire: Drain points of the LI 4: command point for face and sense organs hand yang ming channel to clear ST 44: drains fire from yang ming heat and stop pain. ST 6, ST 7: local SJ 2: ying point clears heat from shao yang Wind fire: Drain points of the GB 20: adjacent san jiao channel to dispel wind SJ 5: release exterior and clear heat. LI 4: command point for face and sense organs ST 6, ST 7: local Kidney yin vacuity: Use even KI 3: kidney yuan point, nourish yin to lower technique on the foot yang ming fire and foot shao yin channels to ST 6, ST 7: local nourish yin and lower fire.

Sore throat: Disperse heat. Repletion heat: Drain points LU 11 (bleed): clear heat from throat LI 4: release exterior of hand tai yin and foot yang ming channels to disperse ST 44: clear heat from throat wind and eliminate heat. SI 17: over tonsils, make qi go to throat Yin vacuity: Supplement a. KI 3: kidney yuan point, moisten the throat points of the foot shao yin LU 10: ying point, clear heat in throat and hand tai yin channels to Ren 23: local nourish yin and descend fire. b. KI 6: yin qiao, nourish yin, benefit throat LU 7: ren confluence, benefit throat Alternate these two LI 18: local prescriptions.

Optic Atrophy: Supplement liver and kidneys, nourish qi-blood using points of the foot shao yang and tai yang channels for vacuity of the liver and kidney yin, and vacuity of qi and blood. GB 20: adjacent UB 1, Qiu Hou: local Main GB 37: GB luo, distal, benefit the eyes Liver/kidney yin vacuity: LV 3, KI 3: yuan points supplement UB 18, UB 23: back shu points Qi/blood vacuity: supplement ST 36, SP 6 Liver qi constraint: even LV 14, LV 3, GB 34 Needle local points carefully but make qi extend around the eyeball. Use moderate stimulation on the other points. Retain 10-15 minutes. Treat daily or on alternating days.

Clinical Point Selection


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