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Hi Matthew, I've been asked why, as a poet, I would be active in ELI forums which deal with copyright trolling

and in particular the effort to expose Linda Ellis, a fellow poet. Here's my answer: Just as the activities of some used car dealers have damaged the reputation of all used car dealers, Linda Ellis' inhuman activities of trolling innocent non-profit users of her poem, "The Dash", is affecting the reputation of today's poets. I specialize in bereavement poetry, and as I visit funeral homes and attend their trade conventions, I have come to realize the damage she is doing to poetry as well as to other poets, Because of her many letters to funeral directors asking for huge sums of money for putting her poem (at the request of a family) on a funeral program, many are very cautious of using poetry on their programs. At a recent C.A.N.A. Symposium I had one funeral director tell me that because of the letter received by a fellow funeral director friend, demanding money for using The Dash poem, they no longer use poetry on their programs for the fear of being sued. I can certainly understand one's desire and efforts to protect their literary works from those who would use it for profit or gain, but to go after the innocent who merely use it because it gives them comfort is so wrong. It's that very kind of use that will give that work greater popularity, and increase the chances of it being picked up for commercial use, bringing royalties to the author. I encourage people to use my writings for their own personal use. Poetry has a way of bringing comfort and hope to those who have lost one dear to them. I have received hundreds of emails from people who have written to tell me how much they appreciated one of my poems at their time of loss.

If Ms. Ellis feels so strongly about what she considers illegal use of one of her poems, she should send a letter asking them to refrain from further use without permission. Instead she sends letters demanding huge amounts of money from these good people who have posted one of her poems on their website, or ask for it to be printed in a funeral program, or who have simply shared it in an email to a grieving friend because they think it is beautifully written and will comfort them. It is obvious to me that her poem, "The Dash" was not written from her heart because her actions so contradict the beautiful writing in the poem. Her interest in her works appears to be strictly money. Linda Ellis has damaged her reputation, and is damaging the reputation and livelihood of other poets by her outrageous activities against good people, and I am doing what I can to protect the integrity of poetry and poets. Your ELI site has helped so many of the innocent who have received letters from Linda, and other copyright extortionists. They need to be exposed, and good people need to be protected from them. Thanks for all you do. Best Regards,

Ron Tranmer Ron Tranmer Poetry

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