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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------III III III III II II III II I III I I II II IIII I IIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I IIII I IIII I I I I II I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III III III III

I I III I II I I III I I IIII IIII IIII II III IIII II I II III I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII III IIII I I I IIII I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIII I II I I IIIII ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2008 Gio Genuino This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This is my very first FAQ, and I'm like, 13, so please don't hunt me down and eat my face if this FAQ is horrible for you. ----------------Table of Contents ----------------I. Version history II. Intro III. Background IV. Advantages and Disadvantages V. Stats VI. Moves and Combos VII. Strategies VIII. Other Notes ----------------I.Version history ----------------1.0. First FAQ ever 1.1. What you see now. Filled some gaps, and fixed some bugs. Also added Version History and Stats chapters. ------II.Intro ------Digimon Rumble Arena 2 is so far the latest digimon fighting game that have Digimon from each season as characters. This FAQ focuses on my favorite character, Biyomon. ------------III.Background

------------Biyomon first appears in her In-Training form, Yokomon. She first Digivolves to her rookie form when the DigiDestined were attacked by Kuwagamon. Biyomon later Digivolves into Birdramon, and then with Sora's Crest of Love, into Garudamon. In the Japanese version of the anime, Biyomon often talks in the 3rd person. Saying "Sora is" where one would normally say "You are", and also referring to herself in a third person tone.

-------------------------------IV.Advantages and Disadvantages -------------------------------So, why use Biyomon? For those of you who think that most of her (or his) moves are slow, you are dead wrong! Biyomon is one of the fastest close-range fighters in the entire game, as well as quick and powerful digivolutions. Advantages: + She is extremely balanced in speed and power in the game + VERY hurtful and long (potentially infinite) combos + very good air attacks + versatile in all forms - First form specials have a bad case of lag - First and second forms don't have much of a range -------V. Stats -------Biyomon, in her stats, is a very well-rounded character, although her second form has a higher total than some others' second forms. Biyomon: Speed: 4/5 Attack: 2/5 Projectile: 2/5 Defence: 2/5 HP: 2/5 Birdramon: Speed: 3/5 Attack: 3/5 Projectile: 4/5 Defence: 3/5 HP: 3/5 Garudamon: Speed: 2/5 Attack: 4/5

Projectile: 4/5 Defence: 4/5 HP: 4/5 --------------VI.Moves/Combos --------------Biyomon is a VERY crazy comboer. The reason for this is because most of her forms' moves do NOT knockback her enemies, giving her the chance to land a few more extra hits. Legend: ^: v: A: B: S: Up(Note that up is different from Jump) Down Regular Attack (X default) Special (square default) Super (block+special default)

Name: name of move/combo Input: what you press to use it Rating: my rating Other: other... Note: Some of these combos I learned through experience and require enough space and timing to execute. -----------IV.I.Biyomon -----------Biyomon throws the fastest and longest combos of her three forms, but definitely not the strongest. Name: Three hit combo Input: AAA Rating: 3/5 Other: Strikes thrice.Nice combo starter, but not that very damaging. Follow-up with other combos. Name: Spiral Twister Input: B Rating: 1/5 Other: Charges a spiral, then launches it from her mouth.This move is just so slow, I really woudn't recommend it. Note that you can charge this move by holding B. Name: Upper Kick Input: ^B Rating: 3/5 Other: Kicks upwards. Neat Combo ender. Can also be used as an extra jump, or an anti-air move. Is easily linked to combos. Name: Talon Twist Input: vB Rating: 4/5 Other: Cartwheels forward, hitting up to 4 times. SUPER neat for combos. Only Use this during mid-combo because it has slow lag. Name: Favorite combo 1

Input: vA,vB,vA Rating: 4/5 Other: After talon twist, sweeps enemy. Repeat the last 2 inputs while enemy is down for a potentially infinite combo, or use favorite combo 2 right after the combo as a finisher. VERY neat and versatile combo. Name: Favorite Combo 2 Input: AAA,^B Rating: 4/5 Other: Not her best combo, but if your enemy doesn't air recover, you can infinitely repeat ^B for more hits, or link with another combo. Name: Favorite Combo 3 Input: AAA,vB Rating: 3/5 Other: Just your average 3-hits-then-knockback-move-combo Name: Air 2 Air combo Input: (while in the air next to an opponent) A, land right next to the fallen enemy, vB,vA, AAA,^B Rating: 7/5 Other: A ruthless combo that punishes anyone who dare to dwell in the sky. You can also repeat vB,vA for extra hits, like favorite combo 1. This combo may be repeated after enemy is thrown into the sky. Name: Air 2 Ground combo Input: (while in the air) vA, vB,vA, AAA, ^B Rating: 7/5 Other: Similar to Air 2 Air combo, but strikes enemies on the ground instead. Can also be repeated. Name: My personal ultimate combo Input: AAA,^B, double jump to get near the airborne loser, (while in the air next to the opponent) A, land right next to the fallen enemy, vB,vA, AAA,^B,^B,(after opponent lands)vB,^B Rating: 10/5 Other: One word. Awesome. ---------------IV.II. Birdramon ---------------Birdramon has fewer combos than biyomon, but are so much stronger. Name: Three hit combo Input: AAA Rating: 3/5 Other: Same as Biyomon's, but stronger Name: Pheonix Dive Input: (while in air) A Rating: 4/5 Other: Birdramon swoops down from the sky at an angle, knocking down anyone she touches. Recommended combo starter. Name: Meteor Wing Input: B Rating: 2/5 Other: Similar to Biyomon's spiral twister, still slow

and still not recommended. Name: Pheonix Rising Input: ^B Rating: 5/5 Other: Disapears into smoke for a split-second, then re-appears while doing a strong and fast dive straight upwards. Very much recommended. Name: Fire Storm Input: vB Rating: 4/5 Other: Jumps back, then breathes fire on her opponents. A good evasive move and combo starter. Name: Favorite combo 1 Input: AAA, ^B Rating: 3/5 Other: 3 hits, then an uppercut. Can lead to plenty of juggles, though. Name: Fav Combo 2 Input: AAA, B Rating: 2/5 Other: 3 hits, then pushes the enemy away with multiple meteor wings. Combo ender since it knocks the enemy too far. Name: Pheonix Swoop short Input: (while in air) A, ^B Rating: 6/5 Other: A quick move. Good for crowds since after you swoop down, you escape to the sky almost immediately. Name: Pheonix Swoop long Input: (while in air) A, AAA, ^B Rating: 8/5 Other: A longer, more powerful version of pheonix swoop short. Name: Combo of death Input: AAA, vB,A, AAA, ^B Rating: 8/5 Other: 3 hits, then fire storm, then birdramon zooms downward and hits enemy, knocking him/her down. Then 3 more hits, then the grand finale, a very stylish uppercut! Name: Death from above Input: (while in air) A, AAA, vB, A, AAA, ^B, jump, A Rating: 10/5 Other: The ultimate birdramon combo! the jump, A inputs mean after the pheonix rising, go a bit higher than the enemy, then swoop down once more. ---------------IV.III.Garudamon ---------------Garudamon has the shortest combos, making him the quickest comboer of the three forms. Name: 3 hit combo Input: AAA Rating: 3/5

Other: MUST we go through this again? Name: Phoenix Input: (while Rating: 5/5 Other: Dashes of the Dash in air) A forward while in the air. This move makes Garudamon the lord sky.

Name: Wing Blade Input: B Rating: 4/5 Other: Shoots a very large projectile. Very good move. Name: Uppercut (sorry, i forgot the name) Input: ^B Rating: 4/5 Other: A rather strong uppercut for even a mega digimon. Name: Garuda Slam (i forgot the real name for this one too) Input: vB Rating: 4/5 Other: It is just so fun watching an entire group fall down at the same time. Slams the ground with his fists. Name: Garuda Punch Input: block + B Rating: 5/5 Other: A powerful dash on the ground that can be charged for more damage. Name: Favorite combo 1 Input: AAA, ^B Rating: 3/5 Other: like all other uppercut combos. Name: fav combo 2 Input: AAA,vB Rating: 3/5 Other: like all other knockback cobos. Name: Vertical Assault Input: AAA, ^B, jump, A Rating: 7/5 Other: a short, but very powerful combo. Name: Fave combo 3 Input: AAA,^B, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB... Rating: 8/5 Other: After the uppercut, keep launching wing blades and hopefully you will keep hitting him for a few more seconds. Name: Slag Assault Input: AAA, ^B, vA, move forward a bit, charge garuda punch, release when opponent falls Rating: 10/5 Other: THE ultimate combo. It needs a moderate amount of space for it to work properly. Name: Thingy-Explosion (i hate amnesia) Input: L1 (default) when gauge is full Rating: 4/5

Other: gets rid of crowds almost instantly, but a fully charged garudapunch deals more damage without using the gauge. A waste of digi-eggs if you ask me. ---------Strategies ---------Biyomon is the best comboer, making her a very good one-on-one kinda guy, but that means she is very vulnerable to other attack. Added the fact that she can't take too many hits before dying in all digivolutions. Therefore I have come u p with a few strategies for Biyomon. ---------Hit n' Run ---------Don't get me wrong, this is not an evasive strategy. It is actually the best strategy for Biyomon 'cuz she can use her killer combos without fear of interuption. This strategy is best used in large areas, but works well in tight areas too. At the start of the match, keep running around, avoiding attack and collecting digi-eggs and power-ups until you see two digimon attacking each other. That's when you head for the one who isn't in combat. Dish out as many combos as you can to that guy. This will definitely drain a lot of his health. If another opponent decides to join in the fun, you run. Then wait for your next window of opportunity. When someone gets KOd, be ready to get right next to him when he reappears, then low kick him and beat the crap out of him with your combos. Optional: Once you get enough digi-eggs, digivolve and switch immediately to the next strategy. -------The Hunt -------Birdramon was made for this strategy coz of her pheonix dive. Very high speed and range. So, at the start of the match, run and collect stray digi-eggs. Do not engage in any combat whatsoever, it will just drain your life if you get beat up. Digivolve as soon as possible. This is when you begin "the hunt". Stay in the air as often as possible, then swoop down at the enemy with the lowest health and slay him with a combo. Then jump back into the air and repeat. Optional: If you want to digivolve and go right to the next strategy, be my guest. ------------The Destroyer ------------This is where you get aggressive... Digivolve to Garudamon. Then beat up everyone you see.

-------------VI.Other Stuff -------------Thanks: Bandai, for the game You, for reading this FAQ

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