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Automatic typesetting
utomated system of a A itorial page-setting with an ed
production workflow

+33 (0)1 44 76 54 40 (Europe) +00 1 212 139-0722 (US)

The world of publishing has to face up to new challenges: optimization of production cycles, multi-media availability and print quality to name a few. To reduce production lead-times for printed and electronic publications, Jouve has developed a professional, collaborative process for automatic typesetting. Accessible online, this platform offers an innovative outsourcing approach and guarantees ease of use, flexibility and adaptability.

Why Jouve?
An industrial company which has specialized in content processing since 1903, Jouve is now placing its expertise in the areas of automation and process simplification at the disposal of your publications. Specializing in the fields of publishing and digital production, Jouve covers the entire publishing process for your content. The Jouve typesetting platform offers a flexible solution designed by recognized pre-press and typesetting experts.

Your benefits
/// Prepare your content simultaneously on the

same platform for both paper and digital formats and distribute your collections more quickly
/// Cut your typesetting costs by 50 to 80% /// Reduce your lead-times to product launch by

/// Streamline your internal typesetting and

content management processes

/// Benefit from Jouves expertise in multilingual

management (over 20 languages)

30 to 50%
/// Improve your productivity thanks to a

collaborative online typesetting platform

/// Optimize your proof-reading cycles /// Control your entire editorial process remotely

Jouves policy of continuous improvement is based, as required, on public standards such as: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, FSC/PEFC, Imprim Vert, ITIL and Lean 6 Sigma.

in real time
/// Simplify your interaction with authors and


Jouve 2012 Laval Trade Reg. 582 131 264 Graphic design by The Interactive Agency of the Jouve Group

Automatic typesetting
The Jouve platform allows you to typeset your paper-based and digital works at the same time using a single editorial process. The modularity of the services offered means you select and pay only for what your organization requires. All the expertise of our 300 pre-press and typesetting specialists is at your service.
/// Word and XML input formats /// Library of templates to match your content /// First proof and author proof-reading cycles

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with an editorial production work

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As part of the production of paperback collections, the Jouve solution allowed us to simplify the processes and cut the average typesetting time by 50%. Our editorial and manufacturing services include these new processes which save time, simplify management of file transfers, return proofs more rapidly, reduce the proof-reading cycles and rapid adoption of the toolset. Thanks to their expertise in automatic typesetting, Jouve was able to assist us efficiently throughout the technical setup of this project. Jean-Philippe Pinsar, Production Director, Lextenso Editions.
Jouve 2012 Laval Trade Reg. 582 131 264 Graphic design by The Interactive Agency of the Jouve Group

ready in a matter of minutes

/// Unlimited author proof-reading cycles /// Integration of your editorial rules and

specific rules for your content

/// Administrative and production tracking tool /// Direct intervention via a web exchange

/// Personalized production workflow /// Built-in quality controls /// Layout accessible online 24/7 /// Platform hosted internally or externally

(multi-site production management)

/// Generation of multi-format deliverables (PDF,

XML, ePub and more)

+33 (0)1 44 76 54 40 (Europe) +00 1 212 139-0722 (US)

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