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I believe most of you are familiar with the movie, Serendipity, starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale,

that was released in 2001. I, for one, was deeply touched by that movie, not only by its romantic character, but especially by its message: that our lives - what we are now, what we do, whom we are with - is an interplay of fate and choices. Even the smallest of choices can lead to the most significant of changes and it is fate that provides those choices. From its ordinary definition of accidental discovery, its meaning was expanded overnight after that blockbuster film, as you would hear people finding serendipity in almost every aspect of their lives, from the most mundane to the most profound. Ten years later, the word would take on an even much broader meaning in my own life. Ladies and gentlemen of the Rotary Club of Manila, certain events and choices that we made in the past culminated in all of us being brought here tonight. For my part, it started in grade school when I bought the very first poster of my crush, Richard Gomez, and later on filled my room with every picture of him that I could find in any medium, including that of an old newspaper lying around in the bathroom intended for pleasure reading during you-know-what. Kidding aside I never envisioned myself of becoming a public servant. I always thought that that is the calling of my sister, Caren, who was always the president of the student council and graduated valedictorian in grade school and high school, and magna cum laude in college. I was content to be the domesticated, timid, homebody cheering her on, following her lead, and being proud of her every achievement.

Little did I know that one simple act of saying Yes would change the course of my life far different than how I thought it would turn out. It was when I agreed to do the Lux commercial with, well, my biggest crush. The rest, as you all know, is history. It was with that one simple act that I was pushed outside of my comfort zone: from the quite life in the province to the glittery world of show business in Manila where I lived a very public life as the wife of a renowned and multi-awarded actor and eventually entered the world of show business myself. I never saw myself among the roster of celebrities-turnedpoliticians, but showbiz led me to politics a world that is even stranger and more foreign to me. A world that was far-removed from my cognition. Again, Fate had a way of intervening. And I made my choice in the options it gave me. Two years ago, majority of the people in my district were wallowing in poverty. Discontent was the prevalent mood in the air as people were clamoring for a change in the leadership. My husband, who is now much of an Ormocanon as I am, agreed to align with the opposition and to be a candidate for congressman of the 4th district of Leyte. Then came a case for his disqualification. Not surprisingly, it was an uphill court battle, with our formidable opponent using their every resource not get my husband elected. Those were indeed trying times for the people in my district. Dark forces seemed to have already prevailed. Our lawyers had to device a new strategy. After much convincing and careful deliberation with my family, I agreed to be the substitute candidate. Three days before election day, I filed my certificate of candidacy. I thought, nandito na to eh, ituloy na lang ang laban. For better or for worse nga di ba.

I won by landslide. The first few months of my term had been a struggle. I was a neophyte. Too many people were only too willing to give their twocents worth on how I should run my office, some even with an underlying insult of my capability. But, as fate would have it, and with all modesty aside, I have been able to accomplish more than 80% of my ten-point agenda. The fourth district of Leyte, to my mind, has never seen such progress and improvement before I sat down in office. And I am saying this with all humility because it is not without the greatest of sacrifices. I had to sacrifice a huge portion of my time for my family and even my income as a celebrity to attend to the needs of my constituents. It is in this respect that I can relate to Rotarians as you all strive to embody your motto, Service Above Self. We all strive to see changes in our world, changes for the better. And, as we all have experienced, change does not happen overnight, but to achieve it, it must come from the bottom of ones heart. And just as members in your club help each other achieve your goal of serving the community with the highest standards of service, integrity, leadership, and diversity, I, too, got a lot of help from the people that I have met along the way and whose friendship I have tried my best to nurture. For those of you who have gone to Ormoc before, or anywhere in the 4th District of Leyte for that matter, you would probably notice the changes that we have implemented therein. We have repaired most of the roads and bridges and built new ones. Classrooms in the public schools are not only new and

sturdy, but they are also colorful and pretty. My friends have also contributed a lot to the realization of my goals because my congressional fund have already been devoted to scholarship programs, birthing centers, the protection of our ecosystem and the enhancement of our tourism industry. That is why, I am very honored that I am making new friends again tonight. That is all of you. May I therefore invite you to consider my district or just a small portion thereof among the beneficiaries of your service projects and at the same time marvel at the beauty of its tourism areas. There is no standard for the amount of help that you will contribute, be it the building of new classrooms, the distribution of school supplies or medicines, and even just to interact with the children through a story-telling activity. One little act of kindness could spell a big difference. Although I need not be saying this to Rotarians, let me say it nonetheless: it is by helping others that we help ourselves. I may be no Rotarian, but let me so bold in telling you that I am not only your partner in service, but I am one with you in your quest to achieve this years theme, Reach Within to Embrace Humanity. To my newfound friends, I am deeply humbled by this very rare opportunity you have given me to speak in front of all of you tonight. Thank you very much and may you all have a very pleasant evening.

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