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SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Survey) Version 13 was used to analyze the statistical data for the


Des criptive Statis tics Curric ulum Des ign Instruc tional Program Instruc tional Support Perf ormance in Math Perf ormance in Science Perf ormance in CSAT Mean 4.2592 4.2857 4.0102 583.4833 537.1167 553.5500 Std. Deviation .44849 .48802 .64887 96.76067 85.95468 66.63496 N 60 60 60 60 60 60

The table shows the mean of the different performances of the students and the corresponding levels of implementation. The mean value for the performance in Math is the highest among the different performance with a value of 583.4833. This value means that (refer the discussion from your table of scale). The mean for Curriculum Design and Instructional Program were too high with a value of 4.2592 and 4.2857, respectively. This means that.(pls refer the discussion from your table of scalemethodology)

SOP # 5 . Is there a significant relationship between students performances and the levels of implementation? Students performances will be measured in terms of performances in: a) Math b) Science c) CSAT Levels of implementation will be measured in terms of: a) Curriculum Development b) Instructional Program c) Instructional Support
Table of Correlations Performance in Math -.098 .227 60 -.159 .113 60 -.064 .313 60 Performance in Science .000 .500 60 -.101 .221 60 -.043 .372 60 Performance in CSAT -.145 .134 60 -.173 .093 60 .000 .499 60

Curriculum Design

Pearson Correlation Sig. (1-tailed) N

Instructional Program

Pearson Correlation Sig. (1-tailed) N

Instructional Support

Pearson Correlation Sig. (1-tailed) N

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).

Using correlation, nothing among the different levels of implementation have significant relationships to any of the students performances (sig. > 0.05). Sig < 0.05 to have a significant relationships.

SOP#6. 6. Which among the different areas of level of implementation have significant effect in the performance of students in

6.1 Math

6.2 Science

6.3 CSAT

Multiple Regression (Enter Method)

a. The significant effect of Levels of Implementation to Performance in Math.

b V ariables Ente re d/Rem oved

Model 1

V ariables Entered Instruc tion al Support, Curric ulum Design, Instruc tion a al Program

V ariables Remov ed



a. A ll requested v ariables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Perf ormance in Math

Model Summary

.163(a) .027 -.026 97.99187 a Predictors: (Constant), Instructional Support, Curriculum Design, Instructional Program

Model 1

R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

Using Multiple Regression (Enter Method), all of the levels of implementation, namely CD, Instructional Support, and Instructional Program have entered altogether as significant variables to performance in Math. But, altogether, these three levels of implementation have contributed only a very minimal effect of 0.027 as shown from R Square column, which is equivalent to 2.7%. This means that all the levels of implementation, taken as a group or as a whole, have only a 2.7% effect on the performance in Math of the students.

b. The influence of Levels of Implementation to Performance in Science.

Variables Entere d/Re m ovebd Model 1 Variables Entered Instruc tion al Support, Curric ulum Design, Instruc tion a al Program Variables Remov ed Method


a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Perf ormance in Scienc e

Model Summary Adjusted R Square -.030 Std. Error of the Estimate 87.25189

Model 1

R .148(a)

R Square .022

a Predictors: (Constant), Instructional Support, Curriculum Design, Instructional Program

Again, all of the levels of implementation have entered altogether as significant variables to performance in Science. But then again, altogether, these three levels of implementation have contributed only a very minimal amount of 0.022 as shown from R Square column which is equivalent to 2.2%. This means that only 2.2% of the performance in Science of the students is being attributed to all these levels of implementation.

c. The influence of Levels of Implementation to Performance in CSAT.

b V ariables Entere d/Rem oved

Model 1

V ariables Entered Instruc tion al Support, Curric ulum Design, Instruc tion a al Program

V ariables Remov ed



a. A ll requested v ariables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Perf ormance in CSA T

Model Sum m ary Model 1 R .212 a R Square .045 Adjusted R Square -.006 Std. Error of the Estimate 66.84252

a. Predictors: (Constant), Instruc tional Support, Curric ulum Des ign, Ins tructional Program

Nothing has changed, all of the levels of implementation have entered altogether as significant variables to performance in CSAT but again, altogether, these three levels of implementation have contributed only an amount of 0.045 which is equivalent to 4.5%. This means that only 4.5% of the performance in CSAT of the students is being attributed to all these levels of implementation.

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