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December 14, 2011

The Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein

Upper School
60 East 78th Street
New York, NY 10075
Prof. Micbael Helfand
Associate piofessoi of law, School of Law;
Associate Biiectoi of the ulazei Institute
foi }ewish Stuuies at Peppeiuine

Nichael Belfanu ieceiveu his unueigiauuate uegiee in political
science, histoiy, anu philosophy at Yeshiva 0niveisity in 2uu2,
eaineu his mastei's anu N. Phil, anu PhB in political science at the
Yale 0niveisity uiauuate School of Aits anu Sciences alongsiue his }B
at Yale Law School. Be seiveu as a law cleik foi both foi the 0.S.
Couit of Appeals foi the Sixth Ciicuit anu the Beth Bin (Rabbinical
Couit) of Ameiica. Be then piacticeu law foi two yeais at Bavis Polk
& Waiuwell, LLP.
Bis expeitise is in the ielationship between ieligion anu
aibitiation, he has iecently hau an 0p-eu publisheu in The LA
Times on the topic of "A law we uon't neeu: 0klahoma's
amenument piohibiting couits fiom consiueiing Islam's Shaiia
law in uecisions is the piouuct of feai-mongeiing."

Life as a
Minority in the
United States:
How the
Fails to Protect
Understanding the
relationship between
United States Law and
Comparisons and

1. Shmuel Kadosh: "Satmars, Ski-Lifts, and Skull-Caps:
Jewish Law in American Courts"
Sbmuel Kadosb woiks as an Assistant Attoiney ueneial in the Investoi
Piotection Buieau at the New Yoik State Attoiney ueneial's office. Be
giauuateu in 2uu8 fiom New Yoik 0niveisity School of Law, wheie he was an
euitoi on the Law Review. Be giauuateu fiom Yeshiva College in 2uuS, anu
piioi to that, stuuieu at Yeshiva Beiech BaTalmuu in }eiusalem.

2. Rabbi Alex Kaye: Is there a First Amendment in Israel?
The non-existence of civil marriage
Rabbi Alexander Kaye is Rabbinic Assistant at K}. Be stuuieu in Yeshivat Bai
Etzion befoie ieceiving a BA anu N.Phil. in histoiy, both with fiist class honois,
fiom the 0niveisity of Cambiiuge. Be then attenueu the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
Theological Seminaiy anu ieceiveu his oiuination fiom Yeshivat Chovevei
Toiah. Rabbi Kaye has completeu inteinships at a numbei of synagogues anu
has seiveu as a hospital chaplain. Be was an aujunct piofessoi of }ewish Bistoiy
at Stein College anu taught at SAR Bigh School. Be is cuiiently puisuing a Ph.B.
in }ewish Bistoiy at Columbia 0niveisity.

3. R. David Shabbtai, MD The right to refuse: US Law and
Halakhah on end of life treatment
Rabbi Dr. David Sbabtai is a membei of the Wexnei Kollel Elyon at the Rabbi
Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminaiy. Be giauuateu fiom the Yeshiva of
Flatbush in 1998 anu attenueu Yeshivat Bai Etzion (uush) in Isiael. Aftei
giauuating fiom Columbia 0niveisity, he went on to ieceive his NB fiom NY0
School of Neuicine anu semikhah fiom RIETS. Be is actively inteiesteu in the
inteiface anu inteiaction of meuicine anu Balakhah, with a paiticulai focus on
enu of life issues.

4. R Jeremy Stern: "Women Unchained: Addressing the
Agunah Crisis"
Rabbi )eremy Stern seives as the Executive Biiectoi of the 0iganization foi the
Resolution of Agunot (0RA), a not-foi-piofit oiganization which auvocates
against the abuse of the }ewish uivoice piocess. Rabbi Stein giew up in Los
Angles anu atteneu Y0LA. Aftei high school, he went to Yeshivat Bai Etzion
(uush) anu seiveu in the IBF Aimoieu Coip in activity uuty in the uaza Stiip.
Be then giauuateu magna cum lauue fiom Yeshiva College, he holus a Nastei's
uegiee in }ewish Euucation fiom Yeshiva 0niveisity, anu his iabbinic oiuination
is fiom Yeshiva 0niveisity's affiliateu seminaiy thiough its Rabbinic
0iganizational Leaueiship Piogiam. With 0RA, Rabbi Stein has been
instiumental in iesolving uozens of contentious uivoice cases anu in leauing
community-wiue initiatives to iaise awaieness of women abuseu thiough get-
iefusal. Rabbi Stein lectuies fiequently on issues of uomestic abuse anu the
inteiplay between the }ewish anu Ameiican legal systems, anu piesents
euucational woikshops on the abusive natuie of get-iecalcitiance anu
community measuies to pievent anu counteiact uomestic abuse.

5. R. Yitzchok Segal- The Sanhedrin HaGadol and Judicial
Rabbi Yitzcboh Segal is cuiiently an associate with the Bankiuptcy anu
Restiuctuiing uepaitment of Fiieu, Fiank, Baiiis, Shiivei & }acobson. Aftei
attenuing Yeshivat Keiem B'Yavneh anu Beiech BaTalmuu in Isiael, he giauuateu
fiom Yeshiva College in 2uuu. Be then eaineu a Nastei's fiom the Beinaiu Revel
uiauuate School anu obtaineu iabbinic oiuination fiom RIETS. Aftei this, he
spent two yeais leaining in an auvanceu Kollel at RIETS to tiain to be a (a
}uuge in a iabbinic couit). Rabbi Segal attenueu Foiuham 0niveisity School of
Law, giauuating in 2uu8. Be has seiveu as a Law Cleik to the Bon. Paul A. Ciotty,
0.S. Bistiict Couit foi the Southein Bistiict of New Yoik (2uu9 - 2u1u).

6. Mrs. Elana Stein Hain - Mind games, Loopholes and
Leniencies - Rabbinic and American Law
Mrs. Elana Stein Hain cuiiently seives as the Community Scholai of the Lincoln
Squaie Synagogue. Aftei spenuing thiee yeais in the uiauuate Piogiam in
Auvanceu Talmuuic Stuuies at Yeshiva 0niveisity, Nis. Elana Stein Bain is
puisuing a uoctoiate in Religion at Columbia 0niveisity uiauuate School of Aits
anu Sciences. Bei paiticulai inteiest is the inteiplay between seculai legal theoiy
anu }ewish law, anu she is paiticipating foi hei seconu yeai in the Caiuozo
Inteiuisciplinaiy Fellowship in }ewish Law anu Legal Theoiy.

7. Rabbi Moshe Goldfeder- What Parents Owe Children;
Charity and Child Support in American Law and in Halakha
Rabbi Mosbe Coldfeder, Esq. giauuateu fiom New Yoik 0niveisity School of
Law, wheie he was awaiueu the Chuna Baviu anu Rose Estieichei Nemoiial Piize
foi his woik in }ewish law. A Wexnei Fellow foi the Rabbinate at Yeshiva
0niveisity, anu a Bavis Polk anu Waiuwell Fellow foi Family Law, Noshe has
seiveu on the Rabbinic Staff of the Beth Bin of Ameiica anu of Nt. Sinai }ewish
Centei in New Yoik, anu has woikeu in both law fiims anu not foi piofits in the
aieas of coipoiate law, family law, anu alteinative uispute iesolution. Be is
cuiiently a uoctoial canuiuate in Law anu Religion at Emoiy 0niveisity, anu is
stuuying foi Bayanut. Be is co-authoi, with Rabbi Nichael }.Bioyue, of scholaily
aiticles on both }ewish Bivoice anu Bivoice in the State of Isiael.

8. Rabbi Aron Zuckerman- Legal Structures in Corporate
Transactions: an analysis of the European debt crisis and the
Heter Iska
Rabbi Aron M. Zucherman is an associate at the New Yoik office of Cleaiy,
uottlieb, Steen anu Bamilton LLP. Bis piactice focuses on coipoiate anu financial
tiansactions. Be ieceiveu his }.B. in 2u11 fiom Baivaiu Law School, wheie he
seiveu as a senioi euitoi of the Baivaiu }ouinal of Law anu Public Policy. Piioi to
law school, he obtaineu iabbinic oiuination fiom RIETS anu taught uemaia anu
Chumash at Y0LA Bigh School in Los Angeles. Be giauuateu with honois fiom
Yeshiva College with a BA in economics anu spent seveial yeais stuuying at
yeshivot in Isiael incluuing, Shaalvim, Nii Yeiushalayim anu Beiech Batalmuu.

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