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Lahore University of Management Sciences CMPE513/CSxxx Topics in Multimedia

Spring 2011-12

Instructor Room No. Office Hours Email Telephone Secretary/TA TA Office Hours Course URL (if any) Course Basics Credit Hours Lecture(s):

Nadeem Ahmad Khan 309-A To be announced Ext: 8203 TBA Course website on LMS

Recitation/Lab (per week): Tutorial (per week):

3 Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week

2 NIL on announcement

Duration Duration Duration

75 min

Course Distribution Core Elective Open for Student Category Close for Student Category

Elective course for CMPE/CS graduate and EE/CS undergraduate students CMPE/CS Graduate Students; EE/CS Senior students Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors

COURSE DESCRIPTION The scope of this course covers current research and state-of-the art work in vision, audio and video processing, multimedia signal processing and computing. Covered themes vary each year and also on student interest. The proposed themes for this year are: Theme 1: Activity and gesture recognition Theme 2: 3-D video/Free-view TV, Multi-view video and application of Multi-view geometry Theme 3: Power and Content-aware approaches in Video Processing

Course website will serve as a primary tool for organization of additional reading material, web links and other information related to the course.

COURSE PREREQUISITE(S) At least one course from the Vision/Image Processing or Multimedia stream is recommended or instructors permission

COURSE OBJECTIVES The goal of this course is to arouse interest in students and to prepare necessary background to pursue further research and advanced course work in vision/ video processing and speech signal processing problems and their implementation.

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Learning Outcomes Students should be able to: Understand the basic concepts of Video and Video Coding Read and understand classical/recent research papers in this field Formulate a research proposal Perform independent/group research and write a research paper Grading Breakup and Policy The grading will be based on class quizzes, participation, attendance, assignments, individual paper presentation and group research paper and its presentation. There will be no Midterm and Final. However, Quizzes carry a considerable weight. Attending classes regularly is must for passing the course. Readings (of research papers) will be issued before the session devoted to that topic. Students are supposed to read the stuff by their own thoroughly before attending the class. Students will also be required to present the assigned papers in the designated sessions. Class session will be devoted to thorough discussion on the topic. Attendance: 10% Class Participation: 20% Quizzes + Test: 20% Thematic Paper presentations: 20% Group Research: 30% . Breakup of this module: - Preparatory work (including proposal writing and meetings) (20%) - Proposal presentation (15%) - Research Work Presentation (25%) - Research Papers (40%)

Examination Detail Yes/No: No Combine Separate: Duration: Preferred Date: Exam Specifications: Yes/No: No Combine Separate: Duration: Exam Specifications:

Midterm Exam

Final Exam

COURSE OVERVIEW Week/ Lecture/ Module

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


Recommended Readings
Ghanbari (Chap 2) Gonzalez (Chap 2) Ghanbari (Chap 3) Handouts/Classical Papers

Objectives/ Application
Review/Introduction of Fundamental concepts in Video Processing and Video Coding by the Instructor

Module 1: Fundamentals of Video and Video Coding (Lectures) Basics of Digital Images and Video Transform based video coding Motion Estimation in Videos

Module 2: Topical Review, Research Proposal and Design (Student Presentations) Week4 Week 4-8 Week 9-10 Research Proposal Defense Literature Review Presentations Adopted Approach and Design Presentations Instructor guided presentations by the students on selected research topics for background building and research work initiation (See themes in Course

Selected Conference/Journal papers Thematic papers

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Description) Submission of research proposal and initial design document Module 3: Advanced Topics in Video (Lectures) Week 10-11 MPEG4/H.264 standard Week 11-12 MPEG4/H.264 standards Scalable, Hybrid and MVC standards Week 12-13 Module 4: Final Defense (Student Presentations) Final Research Work presentations Week13-14 Uploaded Classical/Review Papers Uploaded Classical/Review Papers Uploaded Classical/Review Papers Advanced topics in video and emerging research direction in the area

Students are supposed to present the idea, design and implementation of their research work Submission of Final Research paper

Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings Textbook: Standard Codecs: Image Compression to Advanced Video Coding Video by Mohammed Ghanbari, The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), London, UK, 2003 Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; 2008. Supplementary Readings: The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard by Iain E. Richardson, August 17, 2010 Literature: Weekly uploaded research papers from recent and classical literature.

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