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December18,2012 Shashi Bhusan +91-22-66322300 Pratik Shah +91-22-66322256 Rating Price Target Price Implied Upside Sensex Nifty (PricesasonDecember17,2012) Tradingdata Market Cap. (Rs bn) Shares o/s (m) 3M Avg. Daily value (Rs m) Majorshareholders Promoters Foreign Domestic Inst. Public & Other StockPerformance (%) 1M 6M Absolute (6.3) (5.3) Relative (11.4) (18.8) HowwedifferfromConsensus EPS(Rs) PL Cons. 2013 70.0 69.3 2014 78.2 76.5 Accumulate Rs1,206 Rs1,400 16.1% 19,244 5,858

~3% negative impact due to lower working days and furloughs: According to the management, the quarter will be impacted by lower working days (1 day) and furloughs (~1.5 days). 1) Q3 generally witnesses furloughs from Hi-tech, manufacturing and telecom clients. 2) BFSI also witnesses furloughs in the quarter. However, the furloughs are not an indication of any budget cuts. 3) Lower growth in Europe due to weakness in telecom vertical 4) North America likely to deliver positive volume growth despite usual headwinds including Sandy 5) In terms of service line, the growth is likely to be evenly poised. 6) There is no pricing pressure, but didnt rule out volume discount. Grossadditionlikelytobelower,butfresheradditionstrong: The company is will have weak laterals additions but strong fresher additions. The management does not expect any spill-over in fresher addition to FY14. Moreover, guidance for FY14 fresher addition of 25k is retained. Also, the supply-side constraint will continue pushing subcontracting cost but at a slower pace. Margindeclinetocontinue,butstrictvigilon27%operatingmarginguidance: The management expects decline in margin due to lower working days, higher fresher intakes and forex movement. However, they reiterated their goal of 27% EBIT margin. The management was confident of recouping margin in Q4FY13. Q2FY13 & Q1FY13 operating margins were 26.8% and 27.5%, respectively. Taxratestable,forexlossduetopremiumchargedforoption: The hedging loss for Q3FY13 is likely to be Rs340-350m, compared to gain of Rs130m in Q2FY13. There will be positive asset translation impact in the quarter due to currency movement. Tax rate for the quarter is likely to be stable. Valuation&Recommendation: We retain our Accumulate rating.
Keyfinancials(Y/eMarch) Revenues (Rs m) Growth(%) EBITDA (Rs m) PAT (Rs m) EPS (Rs) Growth(%) Net DPS (Rs) Profitability&Valuation EBITDAmargin(%) RoE(%) RoCE(%) EV / sales (x) EV / EBITDA (x) PE (x) P / BV (x) Netdividendyield(%) Source:CompanyData;PLResearch 2011 373,245 24.3 111,984 91,395 46.7 39.3 23.3 2011 30.0 39.4 38.6 6.2 20.6 25.8 9.3 1.9 2012 488,938 31.0 144,176 106,441 54.4 16.5 19.8 2012 29.5 36.7 35.1 4.7 16.0 22.2 7.3 1.6 2013E 629,467 28.7 178,881 136,991 70.0 28.7 25.0 2013E 28.4 37.0 37.1 3.6 12.7 17.2 5.7 2.1

2,359.4 1,957.2 1679 73.98% 14.63% 6.71% 4.68% 12M 5.8 (18.4) %Diff. 1.1 2.2

(Rs) 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

2014E 704,834 12.0 198,814 153,088 78.2 11.8 28.0 2014E 28.2 33.0 33.4 3.2 11.2 15.4 4.6 2.3




Prabhudas Lilladher Pvt. Ltd. and/or its associates (the 'Firm') does and/or seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result investors should be aware that the Firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of the report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Please refer to important disclosures and disclaimers at the end of the report







We attended Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Sell Side Analysts Meet on December 17, 2012. The management retained its stance on a stable outlook for FY13. However, Q3FY13 performance is likely to be impacted by lower number of working days and furloughs. The company didnt share median consensus expectationforthequarter.Wetweakourmodelforhighertaxrate,hencerevise ourtargetpricetoRs1,400(fromRs1,450).

Tata Consultancy Services

IncomeStatement(Rsm) Y/eMarch 2011
NetRevenue Raw Material Expenses Gross Profit Employee Cost Other Expenses EBITDA Depr. & Amortization Net Interest Other Income ProfitbeforeTax Total Tax ProfitafterTax Ex-Od items / Min. Int. Adj.PAT Avg.SharesO/S(m) EPS(Rs.) 373,245 204,296 168,949 56,965 111,984 7,214 (4,229) 9,553 114,324 21,739 92,585 (1,190) 91,395 1,957.2 46.7

488,938 264,580 224,358 80,182 144,176 9,035 4,041 139,181 31,688 107,493 (1,052) 106,441 1,957.2 54.4

629,467 358,421 271,046 92,165 178,881 11,327 (9,206) 10,756 178,310 40,120 138,190 (1,200) 136,991 1,957.2 70.0

704,834 400,478 304,357 105,542 198,814 13,029 (11,744) 13,512 199,297 44,842 154,455 (1,367) 153,088 1,957.2 78.2

BalanceSheetAbstract(Rsm) Y/eMarch 2011

Shareholder's Funds Total Debt Other Liabilities TotalLiabilities Net Fixed Assets Goodwill Investments Net Current Assets Cash&Equivalents OtherCurrentAssets CurrentLiabilities Other Assets TotalAssets 254,155 380 13,742 268,278 51,996 34,064 18,390 105,726 47,350 116,406 58,030 58,101 268,278

325,233 1,154 16,428 342,815 64,548 34,929 14,781 153,217 59,879 162,514 69,175 75,340 342,815

414,494 1,154 16,428 432,075 79,659 34,929 14,781 227,367 87,365 215,794 75,793 75,340 432,075

514,147 1,154 16,428 531,729 96,233 34,929 14,781 310,446 131,549 251,642 72,745 75,340 531,729

CashFlowAbstract(Rsm) Y/eMarch
C/F from Operations C/F from Investing C/F from Financing Inc. / Dec. in Cash Opening Cash Closing Cash FCFF FCFE

69,148 (18,663) (13,384) 37,101 10,249 47,350 60,567 60,836

75,440 (29,498) (1,602) 44,341 15,538 59,878 57,921 58,694

102,855 (26,438) (48,930) 27,487 59,878 87,365 75,218 75,218

128,588 (29,603) (54,802) 44,183 87,365 131,549 97,618 97,618

QuarterlyFinancials(Rsm) Y/eMarch Q1FY12

NetRevenue EBITDA %ofrevenue Depr. & Amortization Net Interest Other Income ProfitbeforeTax Total Tax ProfitafterTax Adj.PAT 107,970 30,310 28.1 2,049 2,886 31,147 7,063 23,803 23,803

116,335 33,829 29.1 2,286 997 32,540 7,913 24,390 24,390

132,594 39,116 29.5 2,397 1,078 37,796 8,174 29,382 29,382

156,208 44,404 28.4 2,615 (2,264) 3,103 44,892 9,443 35,396 35,396

KeyFinancialMetrics Y/eMarch Growth

Revenue (%) EBITDA (%) PAT (%) EPS (%)

24.3 29.0 39.3 39.3

31.0 28.7 16.5 16.5

28.7 24.1 28.7 28.7

12.0 11.1 11.8 11.8 28.2 21.7 33.4 33.0 (0.3) 15.4 4.6 11.2 3.2 22.5 6.8 8.0 63.8

KeyOperatingMetrics Y/eMarch
Volume (persons month) Pricing (US$ / Hr) Currency (USDINR) SW Devp. Cost (% of Sales) SG&A (% of Sales) Revenue (US$ m) EBITDA Margin Expansion/(Erosion) (bps) Tax Rate (%) Source:CompanyData,PLResearch.





1,588,419 1,968,865 2,283,883 2,603,627 33.5 33.9 33.5 34.1 45.6 48.1 54.0 52.0 54.7 54.1 56.9 56.8 15.3 16.4 14.6 15.0 8,186 110 19.0 10,171 (52) 22.8 11,657 (107) 22.5 13,555 (21) 22.5

EBITDA Margin (%) PAT Margin (%) RoCE (%) RoE (%) 30.0 24.5 38.6 39.4

29.5 21.8 35.1 36.7

28.4 21.8 37.1 37.0

Net Debt : Equity Net Wrkng Cap. (days) (0.2)



PER (x) P / B (x) EV / EBITDA (x) EV / Sales (x) 25.8 9.3 20.6 6.2

22.2 7.3 16.0 4.7

17.2 5.7 12.7 3.6

Eff. Tax Rate 19.0 Other Inc / PBT 8.4 Eff. Depr. Rate (%) 8.6 FCFE / PAT 66.6 Source:CompanyData,PLResearch.

22.8 2.9 8.5 55.1

22.5 6.0 8.5 54.9

December 18, 2012

Tata Consultancy Services

Prabhudas Lilladher Pvt. Ltd. 3rd Floor, Sadhana House, 570, P. B. Marg, Worli, Mumbai-400 018, India Tel: (91 22) 6632 2222 Fax: (91 22) 6632 2209 RatingDistributionofResearchCoverage




50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% BUY Accumulate Reduce



0.8% Sell

Accumulate Sell TradingSell UnderReview(UR) : : : : Outperformance to Sensex over 12-months Over 15% underperformance to Sensex over 12-months Over 10% absolute decline in 1-month Rating likely to change shortly

BUY Reduce TradingBuy NotRated(NR) : : : :

Over 15% Outperformance to Sensex over 12-months Underperformance to Sensex over 12-months Over 10% absolute upside in 1-month No specific call on the stock

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December 18, 2012

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