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TITLE: NIIT Sample Aptitude Placement Paper Level-1 (Bolded option is your answer) 1.A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train? A 120 metres B 180 metres C 324 metres D 150 metres

2. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C? A Rs. 375 B Rs. 400 C Rs. 600 D Rs. 600 3. A vendor bought toffees at 6 for a rupee. How many for a rupee must he sell to gain 20%? A3 B4 C5 D6

4. The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person? A 76 kg B 76.5 kg C 85 kg D Data inadequate 5. In how many ways can the letters of the word 'LEADER' be arranged? A 72 B 144 C 360 D 720

6. The greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75 is:
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A 9000

B 9600

C 9400

D 9800

7. If 35 + 125 = 17.88, then what will be the value of 80 + 65 ? A 13.41 B 20.46 C 21.66 D 22.5

8. 39 persons can repair a road in 12 days, working 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons, working 6 hours a day, complete the work? A 10 B 13 C 15 D 14 9. Tea worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be: A Rs. 169.50 B Rs. 170 C Rs. 175.50 D Rs. 180 10. By investing in 16% stock at 64, one earns Rs. 1500. The investment made is: A Rs. 5640 B Rs. 5760 C Rs. 7500 D Rs. 9600

11. The banker's gain on a sum due 3 years hence at 12% per annum is Rs. 270. The banker's discount is: A Rs. 960 B Rs. 840 C Rs. 1020 D Rs. 760

12. A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is:
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A 100 kmph

B 110 kmph

C 120 kmph

D 130 kmph

13. Reena took a loan of Rs. 1200 with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If she paid Rs. 432 as interest at the end of the loan period, what was the rate of interest? A 3.6 B6 C 18 D Cannot be determined 14. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered for 14 months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments? A5:7:8 B 20 : 49 : 64 C 38 : 28 : 21 D None of these 15. Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be: A Wednesday B Saturday C Tuesday D Thursday

16. A rectangular park 60 m long and 40 m wide has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2109 sq. m, then what is the width of the road? A 2.91 m B3m C 5.82 m D None of these 17. What is the unit digit in {(6374)1793 x (625)317 x (341491)}? A0 B2 C3 D5

18. Given that 100.48 = x, 100.70 = y and xz = y2, then the value of z is close to:
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A 1.45

B 1.88

C 2.9

D 3.7

19. A tank is filled by three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes operating simultaneously fill the tank in the same time during which the tank is filled by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the tank 5 hours faster than the first pipe and 4 hours slower than the third pipe. The time required by the first pipe is: A 6 hours B 10 hours C 15 hours D 30 hours 20. If log 2 = 0.3010 and log 3 = 0.4771, the value of log5 512 is: A 2.870 B 2.967 C 3.876 D 3.912

21. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5? A 1/2 B 2/5 C 8/15 D 9/20

22. 3, 5, 11, 14, 17, 21 A 21 B 17 C 14 D3

23. From a point P on a level ground, the angle of elevation of the top tower is 30. If the tower is 100 m high, the distance of point P from the foot of the tower is: A 149 m B 156 m C 173 m D 200 m

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24. The compound interest on Rs. 30,000 at 7% per annum is Rs. 4347. The period (in years) is: A2 B 2 1/2 C3 D4

25. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had: A 588 apples B 600 apples C 672 apples D 700 apples

26. An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon? A 144 B 150 C 168 D 180 27. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8 g/cm3, then the weight of the pipe is: A 3.6 kg B 3.696 kg C 36 kg D 36.9 kg 28. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is: A 35 B 36 C 45 D 54

29. The price of 2 sarees and 4 shirts is Rs. 1600. With the same money one can buy 1 saree and 6 shirts. If one wants to buy 12 shirts, how much shall he have to pay ? A Rs. 1200 B Rs. 2400 C Rs. 4800 D Cannot be determined

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30. Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is: A2:5 B3:5 C4:5 D6:7

31. A boat can travel with a speed of 13 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the stream is 4 km/hr, find the time taken by the boat to go 68 km downstream. A 2 hours B 3 hours C 4 hours D 4 hours 32. At a game of billiards, A can give B 15 points in 60 and A can give C to 20 points in 60. How many points can B give C in a game of 90? A 30 points B 20 points C 10 points D 12 points

33. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10 m and C by 13 m. In a race of 180 m, B will beat C by: A 5.4 m B 4.5 m C5m D6m

34. A man purchased a cow for Rs. 3000 and sold it the same day for Rs. 3600, allowing the buyer a credit of 2 years. If the rate of interest be 10% per annum, then the man has a gain of: A 0% B 5% C 7.5% D 10% 35. If Rs. 10 be allowed as true discount on a bill of Rs. 110 due at the end of a certain time, then the discount allowed on the same sum due at the end of double the time is: A Rs. 20 B Rs. 21.81 C Rs. 22 D Rs. 18.33

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36. In one hour, a boat goes 11 km/hr along the stream and 5 km/hr against the stream. The speed of the boat in still water (in km/hr) is: A 3 km/hr B 5 km/hr C 8 km/hr D 9 km/hr

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