Event Linotist

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PROBLEM STATEMENT Build an autonomous robot that can follow a black line path having some interrupt present on it. Check Points: Checkpoints are black strip 8cm in length perpendicular to the direction of motion and 3cm wide. They will be placed in between the track on which the bot has to move. They will serve as a measure to judge the accuracy with which the robot senses the black strip. Markers: These white marks are the gaps on the given black strip which distract the bot from its actual path. The autonomous bot have to sense the right path. RULES GENERAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Each team should consist a maximum of 4 members. Each team should have unique participants i.e. no two teams can have even a single participant common. The team members can be from different institutes or colleges. The right spirit of participation is expected from the participants. The decision of the R-tist team will be final and binding.


1. 2. 3.

The robot must be completely autonomous. The robot must follow the given path to be eligible for evaluation. The robot needs to reach finish point by following path given on the arena.

Markers and Checkpoints

1. 2. 3. 4.

Separate points will be given for crossing the checkpoints and markers. Points for crossing a marker will be awarded when the marker is crossed fully by the robot. Point for crossing of checkpoint will be awarded when robot will go in right path as described in arena. The colour of the check point to be used is white which is colour of base of arena.

Restart and Timeout

1. 2. 3.

Maximum time allotted will vary from round to round. 2 Timeouts of 2 minutes each maybe taken. Penalty will be awarded for each timeout and bots will start from the last marker or checkpoint passed. The participating team can have a maximum of three restarts. A penalty will be imposed on the team for every restart that they take.


In case of a restart the participant's robot will be set to their initial positions. Timer will be set to zero and the event will start afresh .

1. 2. 3. The robot should have an on-board power supply and each team should bring their own power supply. No kind of external control or interference will be allowed. All circuitry and sensory equipment should be placed on the robot adhering to the ROBOT SPECIFICATIONS. Participants will have to bring their own programmers, cables and software. No programmers will be supplied. Hard coding is NOT allowed. Hard coding is defined here. Absolute and instant disqualification will take place if hard coding is confirmed. All the dimensions are to be considered with a tolerance of 10 %.




1.The size of the arena will be 12ft *12ft 2.The path would be of black coloured strip. 3. The base of the arena will be white in colour. 4. The Check Points will be black in colour. 5. The thickness of the strip will be 3 cm. ARENA IMAGES

ROBOT Specification
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The robot must fit inside a cube of side 18 cm before the commencement of the event. The autonomous robots should be On board processing robots, i.e., the robots cannot be controlled by a remotely kept computer. LEGO kits or its spare parts or ready-made mechanical parts are not allowed.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Mindstorms) Ready-made gearboxes and development boards can be used but no other part of the robot should contain any ready-made components. Simple car bases with no extra features may be used. The robots should not damage the arena in any way at any point of the event. If it does so, the team may be disqualified.

Readymade Sensors are allowed.

1. Crossing checkpoint (D) = 30 points


For completely (left and right edges of the robot's body) passing through the markers i.e. crossing both right and left portions of the marker independently. (M) = 100pts


For passing through marker and choosing wrong path= 15pts.


Penalty for restart (R) = 50 points


Penalty for timeout (T) = 20 points

Note1. The arena shown above is a sample arena. The exact arena may be different from it but the prototype is same. 2. All teams will be provided 15 minutes on that each time has to give 3 trails to run their boats. 3. The best out of 3 will be selected as yours run accordingly scores will be given

Raghav nagpal (student coordinator of robotics club nitj) Abhishek Singh (General secretary robotics club nitj) 9464093583 9501470858 raghav.ic.09@nitj.ac.in abhisheksingh.ic.09@nitj.ac.in

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