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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New World Order May Be Islamicist

>If there is a "new world order," it isn't what we though it was twenty years

It amazes me how people often know so little about the world in which they live.
That is not to say that what I think I know about it is always correct. I've
learned sometimes that I was wrong.

But when someone, even someone young, asks this sort of question, it terrifies me
to think that it is the reason we have headed so far down the paths of nationalism
and socialism. Someone asked:

"Did American (USA) society just come to be or was its creation...a conspiracy
(but either good or bad- i don't know what word to use). What I'm trying to ask
is, was it planned? Who's trying to control us!? Some kind of secret order?"

We all wonder about "control." We hear stories, about how J. Edgar Hoover had the
"dirt" on everyone who was someone and used it to control them. We all have heard
about the New World Order and if we believe in it, each of us has our theory of
what it means and who's behind it. First we thought it was Ronald Reagan, but even
Bill Clinton was caught up in it according to some accounts.

If there is a "new world order," it isn't what we though it was twenty years ago.
It now seems as if this new order is western governments caving in to Muslim
Sharia. It isn't the Islam in this order that scares me; it's the Sharia.

Britain has been caving for years, its courts allowing limited Sharia to operate
in the UK. There is a least one member of the House of the Lords who is not only
Muslim, (again, no problem so far as I care,) but he is also an Islamicist, and if
Britania isn't careful, it will fall like Lebanon, except there won't be any war
to accomplish it. Britain will go quietly into the night, and it is already
turning off the lights on its own heritage dating from before the Magna Charta,
heritage that finds freedom for the people where it was only the light at the end
of the tunnel.

Now it has tunnel-vision, and the light of Western freedom is retreating.

But the answer to the opening question goes something like this:

The truth? No one is trying to control us but the politicians, and what they do is
transparent enough if you read the laws they pass.You were born with individual
sovereignty, said the founders.

"Individual sovereignty was not a peculiar conceit of Thomas Jefferson: It was the
common assumption of the day; "

Another word for this type of sovereignty is "unalienable rights." THAT was the
"conspiracy" that constructed our way of life. Unfortunately, the Founders didn't
see the future coming, and left so many holes in the Constitution that it is
basically worthless today.

But you can get back some of your sovereignty by supporting your states in their
effort to force to the Fed govt to respect the 10th Amendment. The Tenth Amendment
Newly Ascending

It won't be easy to regain your personal, individual, unalienable sovereignty, but

it can be done because the 10th Amendment does exist, and it cannot be ignored--
except by efforts such as the Patriot Act that declare the safety of the nation to
be more important than its own laws which protect its own citizens.

In Britain, it may be harder. There is no hard, written Constitution except

precedent, which, under the right leadership, may be able to pull England out of
the clutches of the clerics who are Islamicists. Lord Ahmed is a repugnant
individual in association, character and morality who has threatened jihad on the
House of Lords. "The Pakistani Press is jubliant, and [ ] is praising Allah for
delivering ‘a victory for the Muslim community’." Creeping Jihad at Harvard & VA;
Your Town Next?

But don't think Sharia isn't coming to a U.S. location near you soon. Muzzammil
Hassan, founder of Bridges TV, is charged with murder in the beheading of his
wife, Aasiya Hassan in Orchard Park, New York.

"A cautionary tale is unfolding in the Netherlands this week about how dangerous
those can be: proving that such tools in the hands of the powerful enable them to
silence the powerless and crush dissent, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal ordered
that Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch Parliament and maker of the notorious
film "Fitna", be prosecuted for 'incitement to hatred and discrimination based on
his statements in various media about moslims [sic] and their belief. In addition,
the Court of Appeal considers criminal prosecution obvious for the insult of
Islamic worshippers because of the comparisons made by Wilders of the Islam [sic]
with the nazism.'

"The action against Wilders is taking place against the backdrop of the 57-
government Organization of the Islamic Conference’s efforts at the United Nations
to silence speech that they deem critical of Islam -- including 'defamation of
Islam' that goes under the 'pretext' of 'freedom of expression, counter terrorism
or national security.'

"If they succeed in doing this, Europeans and Americans will be rendered mute, and
thus defenseless, in the face of the advancing jihad and attempt to impose Sharia
on the West -- in fact, one of the key elements of the laws for dhimmis, non-
Muslims subjugated under Islamic rule, is that they are never critical of Islam,
Muhammad, or the Qur’an. Thus this initiative not only aids the advance of Sharia
in the West, but is itself an element of that advance." Jailed for an Insult?

"It will be interesting to see how much attention the news media pays to this
story. It will be even more revealing to see if anyone in the media investigates
why [Hassan] chose beheading as a means to murder his wife. Will the media look
into what the Qur’an and Hadith say about beheading enemies? Will the media look
into the relationship between honor killings, beheadings, and shariah law? Will
the media investigate this man’s background, and how he worked to raise money in
Saudi Arabia for his television station?

"Or will political correctness trump investigative journalism?"

The New World Order under Islamicism does not believe in individual sovereignty as
defined by the 10 Amendment and Western laws that protect wives from being the
property of their husbands, and who can be beheaded on the whim of a religious

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