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How To Write Your Book by Richard Webster/ 1


(Stop dreaming and make it happen)

by Richard Webster

You are welcome to email this, print it, or pass it on to anyone else, in any shape or
form, as long as you make no changes to the content. I’d be thrilled if everyone who
might benefit from the information gets a copy. Please make as many copies of it as
you wish, and/or give my URL to anyone who you think might find it useful. Thanks.

© Richard Webster 2004
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I’m Richard Webster, author of 80 books. Not long ago, a friend told me he
had always wanted to become a writer, but had no idea how to go about it. He was
surprised when I told him he already had all the qualities necessary for success as a
writer. He was ambitious, entrepreneurial, persistent and motivated. He set goals and
achieved them. As I had received a number of letters and newsle tters from him over
the years, I knew he could write. However, he still had many misconceptions about
writing, and the writing business.
About twenty years ago, I wrote a letter to a friend who was going through a
difficult time in his life. That letter – the longest I have ever written - ultimately
became a book called Seven Secrets to Success (Llewellyn Publications, 1997). It is
my most translated book (13 languages), and is the one I name whenever people ask
me which book is my favorite.
I have received more letters from readers of that book than from all my other
books combined.
As my friend appeared serious about his writing, I decided to write him a
letter, too. Fortunately, he found it useful and has allowed me to share it with you.
I have eliminated information that relates to my friend’s personal circumstances, and
added extra material to clarify certain key secrets.
My friend is working on his first book. I hope the information in this e-book
will motivate and inspire you, too. My main purpose in writing this is to encourage
you to reach your goals.


I make a good living as a writer. Over the past 30 years, I have had 60 books
published under my own name. Twenty books that I ghost wrote for othe r people
have also been published. I make a good income doing what I love. However, it has
taken decades to reach this happy position and, with the advantage of hindsight, I can
now see many of the mistakes I made along the way. I want to give you the benefit of
my mistakes.
My biggest mistake was to waste so many years before pursuing my dream.
However, it is never too late to start. A few weeks ago, I met a woman in her eighties
who is about to have her first book published.
You may have read in the newspapers about Virgil S. Cross of Sequim,
Washington, who has just had his first novel published. He is 97! He said: “My time
is getting kind of short, but I could probably kick out a couple more.”
This shows your age is not a legitimate excuse for not starting something new.

I decided to become a professional writer when I was nine years old.
Although I have always written different things for my own amusement, it was not
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until I was in my early forties that I was able to make a decent income as a writer.
There were many reasons – excuses, mainly – for this.
I started off in the right direction. When I left school, where I was an average
student, I worked in publishing for several years. This was a deliberate choice, as I
felt that learning about what happened inside a publishing company would be helpful
to me as a writer. I learned a great deal.
I discovered how difficult it was to get published in the first place. I learned
about the miniscule royalties most authors made from the ir work. It almost put me off
writing forever.
I didn’t make a conscious decision to stop writing, but it did make me think.
I started looking at other ways of making a living, and over the following 20
years explored a wide variety of business ventures and occupations.
The first of these was owning and operating a bookstore. I visualized many
pleasant conversations with my customers about the latest books. Sadly, there were
few conversations of that sort, as most customers had little time to stop and talk about
books and writing. The bookstore was profitable, but after a year I had had enough.
After I sold it, my wife and I bought a motel, which we also had for about a
year. During that same year, I started a small importing business, and followed this
with a printing business, a rubber stamp manufacturing company, a book distribution
business, and a variety of other income-earning ventures.
Some of these were modestly successful, while others were not. On two
occasions, I had to interrupt my self-employment dreams for a while, because I was
not making enough money to support my family.
At one time, I sold printing services during the daytime, delivered buns and
donuts during the night, and mowed lawns in the weekend.
Finally, I discovered something important and it worked well for a long time.
Instead of trying to make my living doing one thing, I began doing several
things at once.
Consequently, for many years I worked as a magician, stage hypnotist, pianist
and palmist. I also had a private school that conducted memory training and psychic
development classes.
During those years, my biggest problem was producing the correct business
card when people requested one.
I also started ghost-writing, and this revived my old dreams of becoming a
professional writer. Ghost-writing, the way I did it, was extremely lucrative. But,
after 20 ghost-written autobiographies, my enthusiasm for this kind of writing began
to wane. There was also little satisfaction in it, as I could not tell anyone what
projects I was working on, and my name never appeared on the covers of the books.
By 1987 all of my ventures were doing well, until the stock market crash
brought me back to reality. I was struggling to keep up with the work one minute,
and unemployed the next. I spent the next two years demonstrating products at shows
and fairs up and down the country, until my magic and hypnotism shows became
profitable again.
One morning in 1991, I woke up with a horrible thought. What would it be
like to wake up at the age of 70, and it hadn’t happened? I knew instantly that “it”
was my writing career. I gave myself five years to make more money out of writing
than I was making out of all the other things I was doing. Interestingly, it took almost
exactly five years. Lesson: I should have given myself three years.
Question: Why was I able to succeed as a writer now, when I hadn’t managed
to do so before? Answer: I’d dabbled at it. I was a successful ghost-writer who had
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also written two dozen technical books for magicians, and a few books for the general
The answer is focus.
As soon as I made writing success my major priority, I gave it the fulltime
attention it deserved.
Earlier in my career I had allowed myself to be put off by what I had learned
while working in traditional book publishing. I had discovered that the mathematical
chances of having a book accepted by a publisher were about one in two thousand.
And that even if the book was published, the chances of making more than a few
cents an hour for the time spent writing it were remote. Of course, people who know
how to go about it professionally succeed against these odds all the time. But I had
allowed the math to put me off. I wasn’t taking the quality of the raw submissions
into my calculations.


I believe the other reason I was finally able to succeed was that I had started to
follow my passion for writing. I liked working as an entertainer, but it was never my
Fortunately, I ha ve enjoyed most of my various occupations. Demonstrating
products, delivering donuts, and working in a meat processing plant were not high
points. They were how I earned money to live. I was passionate about none of them.
Consequently, although I made a good income as an entertainer, I doubt if I
would ever have achieved great success in that field because the passion wasn’t there.
After almost 60 years of life, I’ve discovered a sad truth. Some people never
find out what their passion is.
I was fortunate in that I always knew what my passion was. It just took me
too long before I was brave enough to pursue it. There are two lessons here, and I
give them to you from my heart:

1. It’s never too late to start doing the thing you are truly passionate about.
2. Fear, doubt and worry cripple the lives of countless millions of people.
I was one of them. Don’t let it happen to you.


Whenever I start writing a new book, I mark the proposed completion date in
my diary. Then I try to beat that date by a day or two. It’s just a game, of course, but
it motivates and challenges me. Working to a calendar timetable helps me pace my
It also gets me started. Like most writers I am extremely good at delaying the
start of a new book. But once the finish date is in my diary, I am forced to start
People generally work best when they have a deadline, even one that’s self-
I gave myself five years to make more money from writing than all the other
occupations I was engaged in at the time. It worked. If I hadn’t have done that, I
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might still be doing a bit of writing, a bit of magic shows, a bit of selling, a bit of
importing, a bit of motel management, etc.
No matter what your goal might be, give it a deadline, and then beat it.

Persistence often makes the difference between success and failure.
Jack London, author of such classics as Call of the Wild and Wild Fang,
received more than 600 rejections before he had a single acceptance. He would not be
remembered today if he had given up after 599.
When Erle Stanley Gardner, creator of Perry Mason, started his writing career
his rejection rate was 95%. But he persisted and eventually became the biggest-
selling author of his day. Do you think they were passionate about writing? Their
persistence is the best evidence.
It would be interesting to know how many people start to write a book, but
give up before it is finished.
They lack persistence.
Even many of the people who manage to finish their book lack persistence.
After one rejection, they stuff their book in a drawer and forget about it. No staying
power. John Grisham’s first novel was rejected 25 times. We would never have
heard of him if he’d given up after one or two rejections.
If you have faith in your book, you have to send it out again, and again, and
You also need to keep on writing, because your next book might be the one
that becomes successful. It makes no difference what field you are in: never, never,
never give up. Sir Winston Churchill taught me that.
I received an interesting lesson in the importance of persistence when I was
working as a sales representative. An older, more experienced salesman told me:
“Never give up. Keep going back. Eventually, you’ll get the order, as everyone else
will have stopped calling.”
In my book, Success Secrets (Llewellyn Publications, 2001), I included
another piece of advice this same man gave me. “At the end of the day, when you’ve
finished your calls, make just one more call. Those five extra calls a week add up to
250 in a year. That alone can make the difference between success and failure.”
(Interestingly, I am writing this in the same way. After finishing my day’s work on
my current book, I am spending an extra 15 minutes writing this.)


No matter what you do, you will experience failure. I have experienced it
many times over the years.
Have you ever set a goal for yourself, and then failed to achie ve it? That’s an
example of failure.
However, failure doesn’t matter as long as you learn from it, and keep on
Failure is only temporary, unless you decide not to get up and try again.
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I know someone who lost all his money in a disastrous real estate venture.
This occurred 10 years ago but, sadly, he is still down. He failed to learn any lessons
from the experience. Now he is just going through the motions of life every day. He
allowed one failed venture to influence his whole life.
Writers experience failure more often than most. Every time a manuscript or
book proposal gets rejected they consider this a failure. It’s not. It’s merely


I have already mentioned the rejections John Grisham, Jack London and Erle
Stanley Gardner received. It would be hard to find a successful author who hasn’t got
a few unpublished, and unpublishable, manuscripts hidden away somewhere.
Every author has to start somewhere and often the first attempts at learning
our craft are not very good.
Even well established authors run the risk of rejection with every manuscript
they write.
I was amazed to discover that one author, whom I admire greatly, still receives
rejections regularly. He has more than 30 unpublished manuscripts in his filing
cabinet. However, this same author has made millions of dollars from the many
books he has written that have been published. He suffers terribly from each
rejection, but it hasn’t stopped him writing. That’s because writing is his passion.
No one wants to be rejected. It’s easy to say, “But it’s the book that’s being
rejected, not me.” However, it still hurts.
I find the best remedy is to start working on my next book as soon as the
previous book is finished and in the post.
That means I’ll be fully engrossed in the next project, even if the earlier book
gets rejected. The pain is diminished by the excitement and enthusiasm generated by
my current project.
I have learned there are two types of rejection letters.
The first is a form letter that says the manuscript offered “is not suitable for
our needs.” This is not very helpful, as it gives no indication as to why the book has
been rejected.
The second type is much more useful, as it makes specific comments about the
If you receive one of these, put it aside for a few days until the pain of
rejection has lessened. Then read the rejection letter again to see if you agree with all
or some of it. If you do, make the suggested changes to your manuscript, and send the
enhanced version to another publisher.


When your book gets published you will experience other forms of rejection.
It is unrealistic to expect everyone to like it. You may receive bad reviews. After 80
books I’ve discovered that any review is better than none, and even a bad review
helps sales. I experienced a good example of this some years ago.
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I wrote a book called Feng Shui for Beginners (Llewellyn Publications, 1997).
I became interested in feng shui while in Singapore in the late 1960s, but never
expected it to become as popular around the world as it has. In fact, feng shui became
so popular that I ended up writing seven books on the subject.
At about the time Feng Shui for Beginners was published, some friends asked
me why my books were never reviewed in the newspapers in the city where I live. I
explained that because most of my books are on new age topics, they are usually
reviewed in specialist magazines rather than the daily press. This explanation did not
satisfy my friends, so I sent a copy of Feng Shui for Beginners to our daily
A few weeks later, a review appeared. It filled up a quarter of a page and
included a photograph of the book’s cover. However, instead of a normal review, the
reviewer used it as an opportunity to poke fun at the whole new age field. His review
was highly amusing and I laughed out loud while reading it. However, my wife was
most upset with the review and the reviewer. None of my friends ever mentioned it.
But an interesting thing happened after the review appeared. People started going into
bookstores and asking for my book. The largest book chain in the country, which had
not previously stocked the book, ordered it. Over the next few years they were
surprised to sell 2,000 copies.
A few years ago I was in Canada promoting a book called Palm Reading for
Beginners (Llewellyn Publications, 2000). A reporter interviewed me and the article
he wrote was syndicated throughout Canada. Unfortunately, the inference of the
article was that I travelled around the world picking up women by reading their
palms! I know about 20 people in Canada, and they all read the article. It was
embarrassing for me, but it sold heaps of books.
Because of the topics I write about, I am used to ill- informed criticism of this
sort. I don’t care as long as my name, and the title of the book, is mentioned because
I’ve found even a harsh review always increases sales.
So far I’ve mentioned the types of rejection and criticism writers receive. No
one is immune from it. The chances of being loved by everyone are extremely slim.
Be prepared for something surprising: even some of your friends may resent
your successes.


Some forms of criticism can be hurtful. Years ago, I was a regular guest on a
late night radio talk show. I would discuss a variety of psychic subjects and do instant
numerology readings for people who called in. One evening I was listening to
talkback on this same radio station and I heard a caller make some rather unpleasant
comments about my previous appearances on the show. It wasn’t what he said that
upset me. It was the fact that I recognised the caller’s voice, and he was someone I
considered a friendly colleague. He was jealous that I was getting the radio exposure
and he wasn’t.
When you dare to raise your profile in the community you quickly discover
that not everyone wishes you well. When I was making my living as an entertainer I,
and two other professional magicians, were forced out of a magicians club, because of
our apparent success. Although I was hurt at the time, I am grateful that it happened.
Lesson: life is far too short to waste time with negative people who are false friends.
A few days after being forced to resign from the magic club I was the guest
speaker at a local Swap Business Club. Swap is an acronym for Salespeople With A
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Purpose. In the United States, this organisation is called SPI (Sales Professionals
International). I always enjoy speaking to Swap Clubs because they are a
motivational organisation, and their members are positive, enthusiastic people. The
contrast between the Swap Club and the magicians club I had just left was so marked,
that I joined SWAP on the spot. That was over a decade ago and I consider my
membership in Swap to be one of the most rewarding activities of my life.
At each meeting, members have an opportunity to stand up and talk about their
recent achievements. In my former magicians club I had to keep my achievements
quiet because of the jealousy it would create. At Swap I was encouraged to talk about
them. In the SWAP meeting a guest speaker provides us with ideas we can
incorporate into our own careers. I always return home full of enthusiasm and energy
after my weekly Swap breakfast.
Why have I mentioned this? If you want to be successful, you must mix with
positive people. Avoid negative people as they will resent your success. Lesson:
spending time with positive people on a regular basis (e.g. weekly) helps you
maintain the positive mental attitude you need to achieve success.


This is a rule of success in any field. All successful enterprises do their
market research first before they make their product. What is the point of making a
widget and then finding out no one wants it? However, market research is what most
would-be authors do not do. They write the manuscript for a book and then try to find
a publisher. I have been guilty of this in the past but since discovering this “secret”
every book I have written has been published.
Every publisher puts out their writer’s guidelines that tell potential authors
what the publisher is looking for. This is because they need books to publish, and
don’t want to waste their time looking at unsuitable manuscripts. Publishers want to
publish good books. If you give them what they want, they will publish it.
All the necessary information is easy to find. You can look up possible
publishers in books, such as Writer’s Market and Literary Marketplace, and then
contact the publishers to ask for their guidelines. (Be polite and enclose a sase.) Most
of the larger US and UK publishers accept submissions only through agents. This
information and a great deal more can be found in these essential reference books.
All of this is easier for non-fiction than it is for fiction writers. However,
unless you are writing experimental fiction, you can increase your chances of
publication enormously by choosing your publisher before starting to write your book.
Here is an example. Many publishers publish crime novels. However,
publisher A publishes hard-boiled-detective novels. Publisher B publishes business
thrillers. Publisher C publishes cosy village mysteries. Your mystery novel might be
superb, but it will be rejected if you send it to the wrong publisher. The sub-sections
within a genre are important. Lesson: learn the differences between each publisher
and others in their field of specialization.
If this is your first novel, you will have to write the book first. Most non-
fiction book manuscripts are accepted on the basis of a proposal. If you plan to write
non- fiction, read Write the Perfect Book Proposal: 10 That Sold and Why by Jeff
Herman and Deborah Levine Herman (John Wiley and Sons, revised edition 2001).
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Writers are able to determine what publishers are looking for by referring to
reference books. In most other fields, this information can be obtained by asking your
customers what they want.
Find out what they want and then give it to them, preferably exceeding their
expectations at the same time.
Be so good at what you do, that your customers will not even think about
employing someone else.


I have met authors who refuse to change the position of a comma in a
sentence. The term prima donna comes to mind. And egotistical and impossible to
deal with. If you want a long, happy and harmonious relationship with your publisher
you must be prepared to do whatever is necessary to ensure your manuscript is what
your publisher wants.
You might have to rewrite a chapter, or chapters. Your editor might have
numerous queries in each chapter and you will have to do extensive research to
answer them all. Whatever it is, you need to do it. It’s part of the game.
Years ago, I owned a small publishing company. An author sent us a small
manuscript on privately owned gardens that were open to the public. I thought this
was an excellent idea and wrote back asking for details on the hours and days the
different gardens were open. The author provided this information. I then thought
that as many of the readers of the book would be visitors to the city, it would be
helpful to provide information on how to visit the different gardens by public
transport. The author did the necessary research and included this information too.
We were virtually ready to accept the book at this stage, but wanted just a bit more
information. I can’t remember what it was now, but it was minor compared to the
other things we had requested. We never heard from that author again and the book
was never published. Lesson: no matter what the publisher asks for, provide it. It is
part of the writer’s job.
A few days ago, I went with my wife to a craft store. She has become
interested in mosaics and was looking for materials and information. An enthusiastic
young man went out of his way to help her. He was knowledgeable and was
concerned that she bought only the items that would be most helpful for her. While
he was wrapping her purchases I thanked him, and said he must really love his job.
“I’ve only been here a couple of months,” he told us, “But I’m learning
everything I can. This is a great opportunity for me and I’m making the most of it. I
love it here.”
Do you think he’ll be successful? Yes. Do you think my wife will return to
that store? Yes, because he went the extra mile. Do you think she will compare their
prices with other craft stores? No. She knows where she gets top service.

Authors tend to be quiet, introspective people who enjoy being on their own.
Consequently, many of them hate the thought of appearing in public to help promote
or market their book.
However, public appearances are a vital part of the process.
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If you want your book to be successful you must do whatever you can to
publicize and promote it. People cannot buy your book if they don’t know it’s
You might think it’s the publisher’s job to market your book, but this is only
partly true. Your publisher might publish hundreds of books a year. It is impossible
to give individual attention to every one.
Fortunately, there are countless things you can do to increase sales. A book
signing here, a radio interview there – everything adds up. This increases your
royalties, of course, but more importantly it means your publisher will be keener to
accept your next book.


If you want make a career as a professional writer, you need to write. It’s
perfectly natural to dream about writing, and think about writing, but you are not a
writer until you actually write something.
This seems to be a problem for many would-be writers. I know many people
who daydream about becoming rich and famous from their writing, but they never
take the first step toward this goal.
I even know someone who mentally imagines the excellent reviews his book
will receive. Okay, but he hasn’t started to write it yet. There are many people who
are going to write a book “one day”.
Getting started is the major problem for many would-be authors.
However, many authors find another stage just as difficult. They have written
their manuscript, and sent it to an agent or publisher. They then sit back and wait, and
wait. This is the worst thing you can do.
Writers must write!
These authors could be querying other publishers with their next book
proposal. Or they could research, outline, or start to write another book while they are
waiting on the outcome of the first manuscript.
There are many benefits from continuing to write during this period.
1. The waiting time will pass more quickly.
2. Your writing skills will develop.
3. You are demonstrating discipline and good work habits.
4. If the first book gets rejected, the blow is softened because you will be
well into your next manuscript.
Another problem can be choosing a topic for a second book. Many years ago I
phoned a writer friend who had been housebound for a few weeks during a
particularly cold winter. In the conversation I mentioned that at least it gave him
plenty of time to write. My friend told me he was at an awkward stage. He had
written a book but had not decided on the topic of his next one. Consequently, he was
unable to put this dead time to use.
I never have this problem. There are ideas everywhere, and I have a notebook
full of topics I’d like to write about one day.
Before I’ve finished one book I know exactly what the topic of my next one
will be. In fact, most of the time, I’m researching my next book, while writing the
current one.
Lesson: Be careful before you adopt my technique. I’ve had 20 years to
discover what works best for me. I can carry two different book projects in my head
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at one time. But as a novice writer you may prefer to complete one book manuscript
first. Many experienced writers work this way. Give yourself time to discover which
technique works best for you.
If you intend making a fulltime living as a writer you should plan ahead.
I already know the titles of my next 20 books. Of course, it’s doubtful whether I’ll
write them all, as other ideas will occur to me that will replace some of the titles on
my list.
One big advantage of my approach is that I can start collecting information on
any of these proposed topics as I come across it. A couple of days ago I read an
interesting article that relates to one of the topics on my list. I cut it out and placed it
in a file where I’ll find it again when I write that particular book.

Many people have helped me become successful as a professional writer.
Probably you can think of many people who have helped you too. Maybe they gave
you good advice at exactly the right time. Or motivated you to act when you had been
pausing too long. Now that I have achieved a small amount of success as a writer I
am gaining enormous pleasure from helping others.
The main way I do this is by sponsoring the annual Richard Webster Popular
Fiction Award ( ). I donate the prizes ($5,000 for the
winner and $1,000 for second). Hazard Press, who published my novel Enemy Within
publish the winning entry. The idea is to encourage new writers of popular fiction to
write books that will sell around the world. I am not aware of any other writer who
has created an award of this sort, but would like to make contact with any other
professional writers who also sponsor a competition to encourage and reward novice
This award takes up much more time than I expected, as all the entries have to
be read, and the three judges need to agree on first and second places. However, it
has been extremely satisfying and several books have been published as a result.
Joe Vitale has written an excellent book on the subject of giving, called
The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History (available from


My friend who wants to become a writer instantly recognized what I was
talking about when he read my letter.
“It’s a business,” he said. “You’re running a writing business.”
Many people seem to think there’s something mystical or otherworldly about
making a living as a writer. Perhaps they think I sit on top of a mountain for weeks
on end, waiting for inspiration. And then dash off the books in a few hours. Life
would be easy if that were the case.
In practice, being a professional writer is just like any other job. Every
morning I sit down at my computer and produce words. I produce 2,000 of them
every day when I’m writing the first draft of a book.
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Sometimes the words come easily, but frequently I struggle to achieve this
If I waited for inspiration, I’d have written one book, rather than 80. (Seven
Secrets to Success, the book I wrote for my friend, is an example of a book that
virtually created itself. All I had to do was recycle the letter I wrote into a book
If you want to know exactly how I write my books, from conception, to
publication, and beyond, you’ll find all the details in How to Write for the New Age
Market (Llewellyn Publications, 2003).
My friend is now writing his first book. He has created an action plan, and is
writing for 90 minutes every day. I’m confident that he will achieve his goal.


What I found interesting in writing this letter on writing to my friend is that
everything I do can be used to achieve success in any field. Here’s my prescription:

1. Find your passion and pursue it.

2. Make it a priority in your life.
3. Focus on what you desire.
4. Set a time limit – with a finish date.
5. Be persistent.
6. Realize you’ll receive failure, rejection and criticism along the way, but you
keep on working anyway.
7. Find out what your clients want and give it to them.
8. Do whatever is necessary to get the order.
9. Exceed your customers’ expectations when you deliver, and then do it again
and again and again.
10. Establish relationships that are long term, mutually beneficial and
11. Promote yourself and your business, every day, everywhere.
12. Mix with positive people.
13. Finally, become an example others will want to emulate. Help others who
are struggling to get established. Give advice and help willingly.

This simple success formula has worked well for me. If you apply it to
whatever field you are in, I know it will work for you, too.
Live your dreams of becoming a successful author. Start today.


Here is a list of some of the books I have written. Further information about
most of them can be found on my website: They are available at
all good booksellers. I have not included the ghost-written books or the technical
books I wrote for magicians. My magic books are available from magic shops, but
are not sold in general bookstores.
How To Write Your Book by Richard Webster/ 13

FREEDOM TO READ (HPP Press, New Zealand, 1972) (out of print – O/P)
SUN SIGN SUCCESS (Brookfield Press, NZ, 1982) (O/P) ISBN 0-86467-005-2
THE STARS AND YOUR DESTINY (Brookfield Press, NZ, 1982) ISBN 0-86467-009-5
HOW TO READ TEA LEAVES (Brookfield Press, NZ, 1982) (O/P) ISBN 0-86467-017-6
DISCOVERING NUMEROLOGY (Brookfield Press, 1983) (O/P) ISBN 0-86467-027-3
HOW TO READ MINDS (Brookfield Press, NZ, 1984) (O/P) ISBN 0-86467-039-7
SECRETS OF GHOST WRITING (Breese Books Ltd., UK, 1987)
ISBN 0-947533-08-7
GOOD LUCK FROM BEIJING (Breese Books Ltd., UK, 1990)
REVEALING HANDS (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 1994) (O/P) ISBN 0-875420870-3
OMENS, OGHAMS AND ORACLES (Llewellyn, USA, 1995) ISBN 1-56718-800-1
TALISMAN MAGIC (Llewellyn, USA, 1995) (O/P) ISBN 1-56718-801-X
DOWSING FOR BEGINNERS (Llewellyn, USA, 1996) ISBN 1-56718-802-8
FENG SHUI FOR BEGINNERS (Llewellyn, USA, 1997) ISBN 1-56718-803-6
SEVEN SECRETS TO SUCCESS (Llewellyn, USA, 1997) ISBN 1-56718-797-8
AURA READING FOR BEGINNERS (Llewellyn, USA, 1998) ISBN 1-56718-798-6
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CHINESE NUMEROLOGY (Llewellyn, USA, 1998) (O/P) ISBN 1-56718-804-4
101 FENG SHUI TIPS FOR THE HOME (Llewellyn, USA, 1998) ISBN 1-56718-809-5
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FENG SHUI IN THE GARDEN (Llewellyn, USA, 1999) ISBN 1-56718-793-5
ISBN 1-56718-815-X
PALM READING FOR BEGINNERS (Llewellyn, USA, 2000) ISBN 1-56718-791-9
SUCCESS SECRETS (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2001) ISBN 1-56718-788-9
WRITE YOUR OWN MAGIC (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2001) ISBN 0-7387-0001-0
SOUL MATES (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2001) ISBN 1-56718-789-7
ISBN 0-7387-0077-0
PENDULUM MAGIC FOR BEGINNERS (Llewellyn, USA, 2002) ISBN 0-7387-0192-0
ISBN 0-7387-0223-4
IS YOUR PET PSYCHIC? (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2002) ISBN 0-7387-0193-9
ENEMY WITHIN (Hazard Press, NZ, 2002) ISBN 1-877270-14-8
HOW TO WRITE FOR THE NEW AGE MARKET (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2003)
ISBN 0-7387-0344-3
ISBN 0-7387-0504-7


MIRACLES (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2004) ISBN 0-7387-0606-X

CANDLE MAGIC FOR BEGINNERS (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2004)
MICHAEL (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2005)
GABRIEL (Llewellyn Publications, USA, 2005)
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