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ABHYUDAYA | Analysis of Biography | Logic Note


Dear Mentors, You have spent about 4 months in an evolving relationship with your Sitara, understanding the young life in its personal and social context. You were given an assignment to write a 'biography' of your assigned Sitara, which is before you. Welcome to an interesting and beneficial exercise to analyse the biography at multiple levels.

the value proposition

This exercise will facilitate the role you wish to create for yourself as a Mentor. Its is also an interesting way to read a biography and the work could actually be enjoyable Pathways available are : for you to develop your own biography further and to develop a competency that will be useful in your professional roles after graduation.

1| The human life may be looked upon in a holistic view as one that is 3 fold Person - a thinking (cognition), feeling (affect) and doing (psycho-motor). The human life is continually affected by the environment and its complexity leading to an imbalance (dis-harmony) in the 3-fold person. The being must constantly adapt to maintain harmony between the thinking, feeling and doing. The human life may be viewed in the framework of the 'viable systems model' that says that the meta-system requires the dynamic interplay of 5 sub-systems to remain viable or in harmony. The study of a human biography in the framework could be shown as below:
The Analysis Of A Biography in The Viable Systems Model (integral View of Man) 2 3 4 5

2| 3|

Objective identifiers like demographics, family tree, socioeconomic data all that place the human life in a context of the physical world.

That which brings vitality into our physical self our relationships with the world, other people, life forms, inanimate objects. The interconnectedness of thinking and understanding.

The seat of emotional life. The ability to analyse and selfcorrect any abnormal state that puts the physical and mental into dis-harmony. Adapting to change with new ways of functioning.

The individuality in a person that creates physical and cognitive boundary of the self and the world.

A sense of purpose and meaningfulness. A consciousness of a larger whole which extends from us all the way to the limits of the cosmos.

1I First, understand the framework and sub-systems further. This can be done firstly at a fairly scientific method of logic and proof. The second approach is additive and complementary. Could you for a moment just take in this framework in a reflective manner? You are being asked to consider that any human life, including yours, may be understood as an integral whole (of many systems) that must work together for its individual and social development. Harmony as a concept is embedded into the 'Integral view of viable systems'. Close your eyes and visualise the systems. Refer frequently to the table. 2| Once you have spent sufficient time (as you decide apt), the task is to now revisit your sitar's biography and try and identify the various sub-systems in the biography. Bracketing in the text that will fit into the systems will help. You may find that some systems are described in detail with lots of data and some Systems would require more observation and recording. A worksheet template has been prepared for you to note down the biography into suitable system baskets. You are not required to rewrite or cut-copy-paste your text; instead note down small phrases, words, icons and images evolving from your text in these baskets. You may suddenly become aware of data you know but did not record in the biography. 3I The above systems need to be explained in detail and that is available in the template. To really enjoy the process, come with an open mind and go with the flow. As the exercise unfolds, you will identify a role for yourself to address some or all of these systems so that your Sitara has a 'viable system that leads to self-development, social development and provides the environment for a warm and joyous childhood. 4| lf you want to go to a deeper level, you could revisit your own biography and see how you can develop it into the 5 systems. Your Life Data, recorded and archived in remote locations within you is alive and works at a subconscious level in your present state of being. The best part is that by reflection we are able to become aware, adapt and develop our selves further.
This is an evolving and living document. It will adapt and morph as required. | Version 1.0

ABHYUDAYA | Analysis of Biography | Worksheet for Biography Analysis



Mentor Email

ADMAP Group Faculty

Be creative, use photos, icons, scrapbook, drawings and illustrations, tables and charts. Soft Copy Submission..



Physical Description of the Sitaras life that provide structure to the life. Descriptors include identifiers like name, age, family tree, gender, hobbies, schooling record, Abhyudaya official and academic record. This is also the space to record socio-economic status, results of a house-hold survey. All other demographic data of Sitara, Family, Mohalla and Basti level can also be recorded her. You can also draw or insert map of Sitara's home, mohalla, basti using maps, google map etc. Photos of school, house, Sitara would be welcome. Student ID card, Abhyudaya ID etc. are accepted here. Capture creatively the transactional data of the biography. Name: Sairaj Vishnu Naik Age : 12 st Birthday: 31 January,2001 Gender : Male Mothers Name: Shraddha Naik. Fathers Name: Vishnu Naik Environment: Too much noise sometimes which hampers studies. Tells sairaj to have proper company. Boys who play cricket use abusive language so she asks him not to play with them. Mothers Occupation : Housewife Source of Income : Makes tiffins to earn a livelihood. <Insert Text Here> <insert page break before next system>



What puts life into the physical system ? This section describes the relationships that create the inter-connectedness of the Sitara with others. It also looks at social capital, stakeholders in the Sitaras narrative, the toolbox that the Sitara is evolving to cope and function as a human being. Habits, traits, competencies, emerging ambitions, difficulties and adversities faced and the resilience to overcome them. This section also looks at biological processes. What is your Sitara thinking ? The relationship with Abhyudaya program . The linkage with System 1: E.g. How is the onset of puberty (life body) affecting the development of the physical features (physical)?

<Insert Text Here> <insert page break before next system>



We all have a inner voice that evaluates, judges and tells us issues a report card. Am I doing OK ? Was this the right thing to do ? Should I change something that does not feel right ? This is the internal AUDIT feature built into our lives. Note down from the narrative who audits the functioning of the Sitara. Is it internal and/or external ? What role do the parents and other family members play in this audit function. Is the nature of this process (1) a positive feedback (rewards and reinforcement, encouragement or (2) a negative feedback (punishment, punitive action, instill fear). Who provides the care and nurturing to the Sitara ? Homeostasis is the ability of a system to self-correct when performance or state is out of specified range. Human beings also exhibit heterostasis the ability to adapt and morph to a higher state of development, learning from the feedback. How has the Sitara learnt to adapt to the state expected by the meta-system and the environment. E.g. The need to play and be free versus the pressure for academic achievement. E.g. Wanting to be out with friends, but father disallows daughter (Sitara) to go out. What role does Abhyudaya play in this sub-system ? <Insert Text Here> <insert page break before next system>



We have an I , our individuality, that gives us a self awareness of what is inside and what is outside of our selves. Functioning from this skin, the boundary wall, we scan the external environment and anticipate emergent realities. We can seek out niches and harness resources for our developmental needs. Sitara was able to enroll in the Abhyudaya program and in the niche space of being a Sitara, has mobilised resources for development. It is also a gate that can keep the unwanted out. For the Sitara, developing sensitivity and intelligence in this system is a developmental challenge. This sub-system also sets the strategic goals for the human life what picture does the Sitara for itself ? Does the biography cover this ? <Insert Text Here> <insert page break before next system>



This is an evolving and living document. It will adapt and morph as required. | Version 1.0

What is the purpose of my life ?, What is my calling ?, What lies at the center of my core..what I am? : these are questions

ABHYUDAYA | Analysis of Biography | Worksheet for Biography Analysis


humanity has sought ever since we became conscious. Our core is the Spirit. Spiritual masters even claim that it is held in continuum through various incarnations or births of our Spirit. Modern philosophers say that we each are a presence of an infinite Divine and that all of humanity and all of creation can never add up to that infinite Godhead. Therefore as a Presence we each carry the Spirit in us with all Its potentiality. This fountainhead is available to us in our development when we seek a higher plane of consciousness. The cosmic purpose of human life is to aid humanity in its evolution as a collective to reach this higher state of consciousness. So in the biography of the Sitara, can you identify yourself ( the observer) with the Sitara (subject) and see a common Spirit ? It is a meditation space to imbibe the human life of the Sitara into your cognitive mind and sense the oneness that resides in her as it resides in you. Sometimes words do not come easy but your can draw.. paint, letting your inner being enter into empathy. <Insert Text Here>

How many words ? It does not matter. The purpose of this exercise is reflective to facilitate your internal processes. Please exercise your freedom. Be true. Invest time in this exercise as per your calling. But accept the invitation to engage with it. Once you have carried out the analysis of the biography, see if the sub-systems are in harmony. You can now design your role as a mentor which is unique to the needs of your Sitara. Which systems could you support ? In the Jan Abhyudaya Meeting, you would make a presentation (5 mins) of your analysis and submit the first draft of your report. Detailed session plan will be given before the meeting. Mentor Support Session is planned soon. Dont get hassled. Confusion will lead to clarity ! Be aware of the groups nature to get into the dependency mode with the your faculty-facilitator. They can work with you but not for you.

tasks for the december abhyudaya meeting

1| 2| Spend some time reading this document and understanding the framework by your self. This requires focus and shutting off all other mind work that is distracting. Please try. Try and make sense in the group of what this framework is all about. Clarify your doubts. Let a new picture emerge. What could be the relations of the sub-systems to each other ? Record this picture of the sub-systems in a collective space. Use the board to draw out the concept map. Have 2 persons as recorders (rotate). Take a photo of the board later. Share this with all members as attachment to MoM. Quickly scan your Sitaras biography and see how its fits into this framework. What fits well, what more is required ? Make a quick presentation to the group of your findings and further work required. Introspect (mindful meditation) after the session of your own biography (work in progress). Be a witness to the life (presence) that is called by your name.

3| 4| 5|

This is an evolving and living document. It will adapt and morph as required. | Version 1.0

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