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13 Present: Rob Nance, Nick Tregenza, Jane Bailey, Richard Thatcher, Helen Eynon Apologies: Carolyn Trevivian

1. RT has written to Sarah Mitchell at NR, re her attitude at site meeting. 2. ORR report was rec 06.02.13. They were clearly misinformed. ORR met family first. NT:
We need to get ORR or Coroner to admit they were misinformed about the effect of closure. Have started drafting letter to ORR. We should send copy of this letter to JE & Sally Newby for their information. RN: How did ORR report manage to quote RAIB report which was dated later than the ORR report?

3. Coroner: The majority agreed should have been open verdict. NT: They hide behind their
ancient office. Asst Coroner, B Van Den Berg not medically qualified. RT went to Coroners Office and wrote to them. Got a letter from Coroner, Dr Carlyon, saying she had passed his concerns on to BVDB, who hasnt replied. JB spoke to George Austin from the Justice Office at Petty France he is Policy Officer for Coroner. Jane will phone GA, saying we have seen Rule 43 letter, its seriously wrong but has triggered a cascade of damaging responses; and ask him how we challenge it.

4. RAIB: JB spoke to John Cope. He confirmed RAIB could have recommended closure but
did not. He confirmed that he gave evidence at inquest based solely on the RAIB report that did not recommend closure and yet the Rule 43 letter says that their decision was based on evidence of the RAIB.

5. MP: Decided to ask for appointment to see Andrew George at his surgery. NT: Ask him to
ask parliamentary question. RN will arrange.

6. LR Village: Discussed what we can do together as a community. JB suggested activities in

Institute, eg: make banners, sign letters, posters. Will book it in 2-3 weeks time.

7. Website: Going national? NR is closing crossings, destroying communities, there is no

umbrella organisation. NT has bought email so that we can share information, experiences, advice etc to & from other groups. Need to launch appeal for web designer/IT help to develop this. HE, JB will collect useful links for the site.

8. Legal representation: NT has enquired to law firm used by the Open Spaces Society, but no
reply. Had some advice from law firm in Camborne, but very limited. Would we qualify for legal aid? Can we get representation?

9. Other support: HE has written to Ramblers, OSS, SWCPA, BBBR. JB: suggested H&S
Executive which is not about creating a totally risk free society. 10. NT has written to two companies that make risk assessments of road schemes to see if they would do an independent survey of the risks on the rail bridge, but has had no reply so far.

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