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10  theSun | TUESDAY FEBRUARY 17 2009

news without borders

Woman loses land

worth RM40m in scam
A WOMAN lost 283ha of rubber smallholding
land worth RM40 million to a syndicate which
changed the ownership of the land without her
‘Many SMIs may have to close shop’ Malaysia, 90% of which come dropped 25%. Even the sale of crisis.”
The land scam was uncovered in October
Press Digest under the micro- and small-indus-
try categories.
food products has gone down
He said that due to a lack
of good financial planning, a
by Kong See Hoh
last year when the woman, a 60-year-old realtor, He said that of the 11 million He told the daily that the majority of the SMIs do not
decided to sell the property located in Selangor. workers in Malaysia, 56% are drop in demand had directly have a reserve fund to last them
She discovered to her shock that the land, employed in SMIs, which will impacted on upstream manu- beyond six months.
which her family had owned for more than 70 SOME 1.35 million small and face a survival test in the next six facturers, saying 90% of some Only those with a reserve
years, was under the names of other people. medium industries (SMIs) in the months. 45,000 manufacturers were in fund than will last more than
A check with the Selangor Land and Mines country will face an operational “The market has become very crisis mode. two years can weather the
Department by her lawyers showed that a new crisis due to dwindling revenues if quiet after the Chinese New Year, Lee said 1-2% of the as- global economic storm, Lee
title deed bearing the names of five unknown the government does not increase and consumers’ spending power sociation’s 3,000 members added.
individuals had been issued and the new owners domestic consumption in the next has also dropped greatly, hitting had indicated their intention He disclosed that of the com-
had obtained a bank loan with the title deed. six months. the various industries head-on,” to switch to other businesses, panies registered in Malaysia,
The co-chairman of Selangor’s Special Task Many of these may even have Lee said. a euphemism for business 60% are micro industries with
Force on Land Issues, Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong, to close shop, according to a report “Although the government has closures. an annual revenue of less than
in confirming the scam, told Sin Chew Daily that in China Press yesterday. not released the latest consumer “Many believe it is a big RM500,000, 30% small indus-
according to state guidelines, a change in owner- SMI Association of Malaysia indices, many industry players shame to have to close shop, as tries with an revenue of between
ship of smallholding land had to go through the national secretary Lee Teck Meng have disclosed that sales were such no member would want to RM500,000 and RM10 million,
state smallholdings management committee, a said there are 1.5 million com- down after the Chinese New Year, tell us that they would be clos- and 10% medium industries
process bypassed by the fraudsters. panies and businesses registered notably for electronics and electri- ing down their factories. The generating an annual revenue
He said the owner of the land had lodged a under the Registrar of Companies cal appliances which have seen a association has no way of of between RM10 million and
police report. or Companies Commission of 50% drop, and fashion wear which getting a true picture of the RM25 million.

fires that continue to burn.

briefs Mexican gang kills
12 in revenge act
Japan’s finance MEXICO CITY: A criminal com-
mando killed 12 people in the
minister denies south-western Mexican Tabasco
drinking before G7 province in an act of revenge
TOKYO: Japanese Finance against a police officer and his
Minister Shoichi Nakagawa family for the arrest of a gang
denied yesterday he drank of murder suspects, officials
alcohol ahead of a Group of confirmed on Sunday.
Seven gathering in Rome and The extraordinary gruesome
said cold medicine had affected attack on Saturday evening
his performance at a news took the lives of six children in
conference after the weekend Monte Largo, 50km south of the
meeting. Tabasco capital Villahermosa.
“To tell you the truth, my Officials believed the motive
cold medicine was having a big was revenge against the police
effect,” Nakagawa told report- officer who helped arrest four
ers in Tokyo after returning from suspected killers last Tuesday
the Italian capital. who were members of a crimi-
“I wouldn’t drink before a nal gang.
G7 meeting,” he said, sniffling The dead included the police
repeatedly. officer, his family and several
At the news conference neighbours. Three people were
with Bank of Japan Governor also injured. – dpa
Masaaki Shirakawa after the
G7 meeting in Rome, Naka- UN: Tigers killing
gawa yawned and his speech civilians fleeing Sri
sounded slurred.
At one point, Nakagawa, his Lanka war zone
head down and eyes closed, COLOMBO: Tamil Tiger gue-
mistook a question directed to rillas have prevented tens
the central bank governor as of thousands of civilians
one for him. from leaving Sri Lanka’s war
Japanese television broad- zone and those trying to
casters and several national escape have been “shot and
newspapers issued stories sometimes killed”, the United
calling attention to his appear- Nations said yesterday.
ance at the news conference. The rebels are holding
– Reuters non-combatants in the small
patch of jungle in the north
14 die in Chile of the island where they have
been cornered by government
helicopter crash forces, it added.
SANTIAGO: Fourteen people “A growing number of peo-
were killed on Sunday when ple trying to leave have been
their helicopter crashed in shot and sometimes killed,”
southern Chile, officials said. the UN office here said in a
Reports indicated that the statement, adding the Tigers
victims were firefighters from were recruiting child soldiers
Celco, a local paper-making as young as 14 years old.
firm. It urged both the Tigers
“Fourteen people lost their and government forces to
lives from a brigade of Celco,” find a humane solution so
Maria Carmen Perez, an army that civilians, including chil-
officer from the Maule region dren, could be spared more
south of the capital Santiago, loss of life due to disease and
told local radio. the fighting.
The firm has a plant close The UN said 15 of its local
to the site of the crash. staff and 75 of their depend-
Since the beginning of ants were also not allowed
January – the hottest month to leave the conflict area by
of Chile’s summer – the south the Tamil Tigers, who had
of the country has been hit forcibly recruited one of the
by a wave of forest fires that UN staffers.
has destroyed 15,000ha of “We are especially con-
forest and shrub land. cerned that one staff member
Hundreds of firefighters was reported forcibly recruit-
have been dispatched to the ed into the LTTE yesterday
region to fight at least ten (Sunday),” it said. – AFP

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