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theSun | TUESDAY FEBRUARY 17 2009 19

news without borders

Aussie court fines three
Japan says economic
crisis worst since WWII
airlines for price fixing
SYDNEY: An Australian court has fined three
Europe-based airlines a total of A$16 million
(RM38.4 million) for price fixing, the country’s
competition watchdog said yesterday.
The Federal Court fined Air France-KLM A$6 TOKYO: Japan warned yesterday it was in where he appeared drowsy and slurred his
million (RM14.4 million) after they admitted the deepest economic crisis since World War words. Nakagawa apologised yesterday for
fixing fuel surcharges in the air cargo market, II, after Asia’s biggest economy suffered its his behaviour but denied being drunk, blam-
the Australian Competition and Consumer worst contraction in almost 35 years in the ing cold medicine.
Commission (ACCC) said. fourth quarter of last year. Japanese exports plunged a record 13.9%
It said Martinair of the Netherlands and The economy shrank for a third straight in the fourth quarter as demand for Japanese
Luxembourg-based Cargolux International quarter, sinking deeper into recession as cars, electronics and other goods slumped in
were both fined A$5 five million (RM12 million) the global slowdown crushed demand for recession-hit overseas economies.
after making similar admissions. Japanese exports, a key pillar of the world’s “Exports absolutely collapsed,” BNP Pari-
“This matter sends a clear message to number two economy. bas economist Hiroshi Shiraishi said.
those involved in cartel behaviour – the ACCC The government said the slump was even “The first quarter could be even worse.
will not stop its endeavours to identify and worse than the recession of the 1990s after Exports continued to fall very sharply in
bring to an end illegal price-fixing conduct,” the country’s economic bubble burst, usher- January and producers are planning to cut
commission chairman Graeme Samuel said in ing in a decade of economic stagnation and production very, very aggressively,” he said.
a statement. – AFP deflation. Business investment in factories and
Japan’s economy contracted 3.3% in the equipment dropped sharply as companies
Obama targets housing fix fourth quarter of last year – 12.7% on an an- scrambled to reduce their costs to cope
after stimulus victory nualised basis, official data showed. with the recession. Household spending also
It was the weakest performance since slipped as consumers tightened their belts
WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama 1974 when the country was reeling from the following a wave of layoffs.
will head West this week bidding to cure first oil crisis, and the government said this Hundreds of sacked workers protested
America’s epidemic of home foreclosures slump would be even more severe. outside the headquarters of major Japanese
after his gargantuan economic stimulus “This is the worst ever crisis in the post- companies yesterday, calling for a better
plan finally cleared Congress. war era. There is no doubt about it,” Economic social safety net.
Aides to the president – who Saturday and Fiscal Policy Minister Kaoru Yosano said, Japanese firms including Sony, Nissan Mo-
called the US$787 billion (RM2.833 trillion) warning that a rebound is impossible before tor and Hitachi have announced massive job
package of investment and tax cuts “a the global economy improves. cuts in response to the country’s deepening
major milestone on our road to recovery” The figures were even more dismal than economic woes.
– said he would outline his housing plan in analysts had expected and marked a sharp Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura,
Phoenix, Arizona tomorrow. deterioration compared with the third quar- the top government spokesman, said Tokyo
The day before in Denver, Colorado, ter’s 0.6% contraction. needed to take fresh measures to boost the
Obama will sign the stimulus package The current recession will be Japan’s economy.
into law, setting the seal on the first major “longest, deepest and most severe in the Before the global financial crisis erupted,
legislative triumph of his presidency just post-war period,” said Glenn Maguire, chief Japan had been enjoying its longest economic
under a month after he took office. Asia economist at Societe Generale in Hong- recovery in post-war times.
“I think it’s safe to say things have not kong. But the recovery from the recession of the
yet bottomed out,” White House spokes- The deepening gloom came as Finance 1990s was driven almost entirely by soaring
man Robert Gibbs told CNN Sunday. Minister Shoichi Nakagawa faced calls to be exports. With demand now cooling rapidly
But US states will start getting the stim- sacked over his performance at key talks on overseas, Japan’s economy has seen a dra-
ulus money “relatively quickly,” he said, “so the world economy at the weekend in Rome, matic deterioration in its fortunes. – AFP
they don’t have to lay off police officers or
firefighters or teachers” and can begin to
create alternative energy jobs. - AFP

Obama forming auto task

force, drops ‘car czar’ idea
Singapore Airlines to cut 17% of fleet
SINGAPORE: Singapore Airlines said yester- Choon Seng said in the statement. Chew said job cuts would be only a last re-
CHICAGO: President Barack Obama has day it will cut 17% of its operating fleet and is “Given the falls of over 20% that we have sort, but the airline management had met with
decided to form a government task force for exploring other cost-saving measures amid a seen recently in air cargo shipments and the the leaders of its labour unions about plans to
restructuring the struggling US auto industry global economic slump which has hit travel tradition of demand for air travel following cushion the impact of the downturn.
instead of naming a “car czar with sweeping and cargo demand. closely behind trends on the cargo side of This includes asking staff for voluntary
powers, a senior administration official said The airline, one of Asia’s major carriers, business, we have to face the reality that 2009 unpaid leave, early retirement, shorter work
on Sunday. said in a statement that it will decommission 17 is going to be a very difficult year.” months and accelerated clearance of leaves.
Obama is appointing Treasury Secretary passenger aircraft over the financial year from SIA said it made the decision in view of SIA’s latest announcement came just two
Timothy Geithner as his “designee” for over- April this year to March next year, instead of falling demand which is reflected in advance days after it said it will indefinitely suspend its
seeing auto bailout loans and as co-head of just four as originally planned before the global bookings. The cuts will translate into an 11% thrice-weekly service to Vancouver from April
the new high-level panel along with White downturn hit major markets. reduction in capacity from the preceding 12 25 due to poor passenger demand.
House economic adviser Lawrence Summers, An airline spokesman said Singapore Airlines months, it said. Chew said unlike airlines of bigger countries,
the official said. “There is no ‘car czar’,”the of- (SIA) had 102 passenger aircraft as of Feb 1. “It’s going to get worse,” said Shukor Yusof, SIA does not have a domestic operation to soften
ficial said, speaking on condition of anonymity. “The drop in air transportation has been an aviation analyst with Standard and Poor’s. the impact of the slump in international traffic,
– Reuters sharp and swift,” SIA chief executive Chew “It is likely that layoffs will come next.” so the management must act decisively. – AFP

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