What NOT To Do in Your Resume

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What NOT to do: 7 ways to ruin your resume

Think stock: What not to do with your resume By Hillary Chura In the time it takes you to read this paragraph, the average recruiter will have plowed through six resumes. (We know; we timed one.) Want to increase the chances of your resume making it to the next round? Then dont do any of these seven things, which recruiters say more than anything make them want to push the shred button. (For more resume tips, check out our interactive critique of an actual resume.) 1. Apply for a job for which you are not remotely qualified Many candidates believe the job hunt is a numbers game drop enough resumes, and youre bound to land something. But shotguns are for hunting pheasant, not finding jobs. The reality is that recruiters hate wasting time on resumes from unqualified candidates. Morgan Miller, an executive recruiter at StaffMark, recalls the security guard who applied to be a financial risk manager (maybe Lehman should have hired him), while Scott Ragusa at Winter, Wyman talks of the aerial photographer who sought out a position as a tax specialist. Sorting through unqualified resumes is frustrating, unproductive and puts an extra burden on staff, says Katherine Swift, Senior Account Director at KCSA Strategic Communications in Natick, Mass. It also makes it much more challenging to find the right candidate. So the next time youre thinking of blasting out resumes to all 60 of the job listings on Monster.com that have the word finance in them , save your time (and that of the recruiters) and only apply for ones for which youre qualified.

2. Include a lofty mission statement More than ever, todays savage job market is about the company, not the candidate. As such, mission or objective statements particularly ones with an applicants hopes, dreams, and health insurance aspirations will dispatch otherwise fine resumes to the circular file. Employers dont care about how they can solve your problems certainly not before theyve

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met you and possibly not even after theyve hired you. Instead, write an objectives statement that explains specifically how your skills and experience will help the company youre applying to, not the other way around. And be very clear about what kind of job youre seeking. 3. Use one generic resume for every job listing To stand out amongst the sea of resumes that recruiters receive, yours must speak to each and every specific position, even recycling some of the language from the job description itself. Make it obvious that you will start solving problems even before youve recorded your outgoing voicemail message. Your CV or query letter should include a just touch of industry lingo sufficient to prove you know your stuff but not so much that you sound like a robot. And it should speak to individual company issues and industry challenges, with specifics on how you have personally improved customer loyalty, efficiency, and profitability at past jobs, says workplace and performance consultant Jay Forte. Plus, each morsel should be on point. Think hard about how to best leverage each piece of information to your job search advantage, says Wendy Enelow, a career consultant and trainer in Virginia. Nothing in your resume should be arbitrary, from what you include in your job descriptions and achievement statements, to whether your education or experience comes first [recent grads may want to put education first] to how you format your contact information. 4. Make recruiters or hiring managers guess how exactly you can help their client Sourcing experts want to know immediately what someone can offer, and they wont spend time nodding someones credentials. Animal, vegetable or mineral? Doctor, lawyer or Indian chief? Thats what Im wondering every time I open a resume. If it takes me more than a split second to figure this out, I feel frustrated, says Mary OGorman, a veteran recruiter based in Brooklyn. 5. Dont explain how past experience translates to a new position Though candidates should avoid jobs where they have no experience, they absolutely should pursue new areas and positions if they can position their experience effectively. A high school English teacher applying for new jobs, for example, can cite expertise in human resource management, people skills, record keeping, writing, and training, says Anthony Pensabene, a professional writer who works with executives. Titles are just semantics; candidates need to relate their actual skills and experiences to the job theyre applying for in their resume, Pensabene says. An applicant who cannot be bothered to identify the parallels between the two likely wont be bothered with interviews, either. 6. Dont include a cover letter with your resume A cover letter should always accompany a resume even if its going to your best friend. And that doesnt mean a lazy Im _____ and Im looking for a job in New York; please see my attached resume. Says Lindsay Olson, a partner at Manhattans Paradigm Staffing: Id like to know why you are contacting me (a particular position, referral, etc.), a short background about yourself, and a career highlight or two. Its important to attempt to set yourself apart from the competition. 7. Be careless with details Reckless job hunters rarely make for conscientious workers. As such, even promising resumes must abide by age-old dictums: typo-free, proper organization, and no embellishment. Susan Whitcomb, author of Resume Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer, says that almost 80 percent of HR managers she surveyed said they would dismiss otherwise qualified candidates who break these rules. She tells the story of one would-be employer who, when looking for an assistant, decided not to hire anyone because every resume she received contained typos.

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