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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18 2009

news without borders

Soi Lek: Wong did the
Zambry appears
Cops quiz newsmen
right thing to resign
KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Lanjan state
before state panel assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong
has done the right thing by offering
IPOH: Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul her resignation following her nude
Kadir yesterday appeared before the state as- photographs controversy, MCA
sembly’s Rights and Privileges Committee regard- deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua

over Wong’s pictures

ing his statement on Speaker V. Sivakumar. Also Soi Lek said.
called before the committee were two reporters The former health minister said
from the The Star and Sin Chew Daily. he could understand what Wong had
Met later, Zambry told reporters his presence gone through in the last 48 hours,
was out of respect for the speaker and the com- adding that she must remain strong.
mittee which called him to provide information. “I can only say that she has my
“I came because I respect the speaker ... we sympathy and support. I feel that
follow laws and regulations.” Nadeswaran and
deputy editor Ter- she has done the right thing by of-
Sivakumar said the committee called them to fering to resign as an exco member
give statements for the purpose of gathering infor- ence Fernandez
had their state- and state representative and I fully
mation and to investigate a statement of Zambry’s agree that everyone has the right to
that appeared in newspapers yesterday. ments recorded
for an hour at privacy.
In the reports yesterday, Zambry described
11am yesterday “Elizabeth Wong must stay strong
as “strange” the summons on him and six state
at theSun’s office and be brave to face the storm. This
executive councillors to appear before the com-
here. is not the end of the world,” he said in
mittee as usually such action is only taken on
those who have committed an offence while the Selangor a statement posted on his blog www.
state assembly was in session. police chief DCP, yesterday.
They were referred to the committee for Datuk Khalid “Finally, it’s your determination,
contempt of the assembly when taking the oath Abu Bakar said honesty and hard work that will earn
of office on Feb 10. – Bernama police have you understanding, support and rec-
obtained a CD ognition,” he added.
containing Chua himself had resigned from
two photos of all his government and political posi-
the assembly- tions after he admitted to being the
woman from man videotaped in a sexual act that
the Malay Mail was being circulated in Johor in late
journalists. 2007.
He said the He managed to make a political
case is being comeback during the party election in
investigated October last year after being elected
under the as party deputy president. – Bernama
offence of
distribution of Lian Hoe: She need
pornographic not resign
Asked by PETALING JAYA: Wanita Gerakan
a reporter to Chief Datuk Tan Lian Hoe says
describe the photo- embattled PKR Bukit Lanjan as-
graphs, he declined to comment on semblywoman Elizabeth Wong
by Charles Ramendran
Wong (left) being
that out of respect for Wong’s situ- need not resign from any post.
comforted by her
ation. Instead, Tan urged the police to
PKR colleagues
“I cannot reveal who gave the quickly and thoroughly investigate
PETALING JAYA: Police have
after her press
photos to the journalists as that’s part this matter and bring to book the
taken statements from four journal-
of our probe. We are investigating the culprit or culprits reponsible for
ists from two English newspapers,
case from all aspects and all those violating her privacy.
including theSun, which first car-
relevant to it will be interviewed,” “I believe that decisive action
ried the report on the circulation
he said. by the police will deter future inci-
of partially nude photos of Bukit
Police also interviewed Wong dents and protect all Malaysians,
Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth
at her lawyer’s office yesterday especially women, from such an
evening. invasion of their privacy,” she
Two senior editorial personnel
It had been reported that the said in a statement in response
from The Malay Mail were inter-
photographs were probably taken to Wong’s offer to quit as assem-
viewed at the Petaling Jaya district
with a handphone camera at Wong’s blywoman and a Selangor state
headquarters at about 10.15pm on
home, and that she was asleep at the executive councillor.
Monday. theSun’s editor (special
time. Tan also cautioned all women
reporting and investigation) R.
to be careful and to be constantly
vigilant against unscrupulous

‘My personal life and privacy people who will stop at nothing
to disrupt the image of any indi-
vidual, when they so wished.
have been violated’ “Such illegal methods must not
be employed by anyone seeking
to discredit any politician. The
focus should be on the political
» From Front Page party leadership, Bukit Lanjan will
see a by-election. position and service performance
the press conference shouted: “Why In the March 2008 general elec- record of a politician and not what
resign when you have done no tion, first-timer Wong defeated they do in their private life, unless
wrong?” incumbent Yong Dai Ying, of Ger- it is illegal or interferes with their
Party officials had to calm them akan, by a majority of 5,155 after public life,” said Tan.
down. garnering 12,125 votes.
Wong had earlier described the Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Husam: Act of a highly
events, which saw her receiving Anwar Ibrahim advised Wong to principled person
front-page coverage in newspapers, take a long leave and rethink her
as an”insidious and underhanded” options, and said PKR would defend KOTA BARU: PAS believes that the
attempt by certain quarters to smear her. offer by Elizabeth Wong to resign
her reputation He told a press conference at from her post as Selangor state
“My personal life and privacy the parliament lobby he had also executive councillor and vacating
have been violated,” she said. discussed the matter with the Paka- the Bukit Lanjan state seat following
“I have done nothing wrong. I tan Rakyat leadership on Monday the posting of her nude photograph
wish to state that I am not ashamed night. on the Internet as an act of a highly
of my sexuality as a woman and as a “She is a responsible leader and principled person.
single person. I have broken no law. she has been with the party since its PAS vice-president Datuk Husam
I stand by the fundamental principle inception. We admire her courage Musa said it was also a moral act by
in democracy that everyone has a and resilience and I acknowledge Wong after her integrity was tainted
right to privacy.” the fact that when she made a deci- by the posting of the photograph.
She said she made her stand as sion, she had taken consideration to “Pakatan Rakyat has its own
she did not want political manipula- defend the image of the party,” he moral standard which must be ad-
tion of her situation. said. hered to and I consider the move by
“If I have let anyone down or On whether her resignation will the Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman as
offended anyone, I offer my sincere be accepted, Anwar said: “I have a principled and moral act,” he told
apologies,” she said. read Wong’s statement and the deci- reporters at his office, yesterday.
She was later presented with sion will be left to the PKR but I am Asked whether the issue would
flowers and gifts from her support- not suggesting what our decision is affect PAS and the coalition between
ers. going to be, we will have to discuss the party, DAP and Parti Keadilan
Her exco colleagues Dr Xavier with her.” Rakyat (PKR), Husam said it would
Jeyakumar and Teresa Kok, who Asked if it was the end of Wong’s have no effect at all on the coalition
were present, urged her to recon- political career, he said: “I do not as what transpired was something
sider her decision. think so. She is a tough lady and she unexpected. – Bernama
If Wong’s offer is accepted by the will withstand”.

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