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4œ theSun | WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18 2009

news without borders

briefs DAP proposes RM800 unemployment benefit

THE DAP wants the federal gov- be principle concerns now. require, he said that if the recession benefit was suggested because
ernment to implement a RM800 “I think too much attention has continued for three to six months, of the retrenchment situation in
monthly unemployment benefit for been given to issues which have no the government might need to Penang, Lim, who is also the state’s
10,277 local workers workers retrenched as a result of relevance to the ordinary livelihood spend about RM1 million a month, chief minister, said: “The retrench-
retrenched, 200,000 the economic downturn. of Malaysians. We urge the govern- based on the current unemployment ment rate is higher in other states.
foreigners sent home DAP secretary-general Lim Guan ment to provide payment to workers figure of 13,000 people. But that does not mean that Penang
Eng (Bagan) said the party’s central who lost their jobs. However, Lim said, the ideal will not be hit, we must prepare for
A TOTAL of 10,277 local workers have been executive committee had agreed at “Although never been done solution was to provide an annual the worst and hope for the best.”
retrenched since October, while 4,550 had opted a meeting on Monday that there before, it is necessary, at least for a bonus of RM6,000 to families that On the circulated nude photos
for voluntary separation schemes, Human Res- was a need for the federal govern- certain period to help overcome their earn less than RM6,000 a month. of Selangor executive councillor
ources Minister Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam said. ment to help retrenched workers financial difficulties,” he told a press Funds for this purpose could come Elizabeth Wong, Lim said the vic-
Responding to a question from Datuk Seri survive the crisis. conference at the Parliament lobby. from Petronas’ profits – a proposal tim should be defended and not
Anwar Ibrahim (PKR-Permatang Pauh), he said He said it was the committee’s Lim said the government should also which the DAP had made last year, punished. Asked if the DAP would
these workers were mostly from sectors like manu- view that the need to strengthen the help retrenched workers find jobs. but which the government had yet support her keeping her job, he said:
facturing – especially the electrical and electronic economy and a substantial stimulus Asked what allocation sum such to reply to, he said. “We should not pass moral judgment
goods subsectors – textiles and clothing which package to help the people should an unemployment benefit would Asked whether the proposed on others.”
have been most hit by the economic slowdown.
Subramaniam said that to date, 200,000 for-
eign workers had been sent home in line with the
government’s policy that locals be given priority
Maria J. Dass and Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday
in job placements.
He said a tripartite retrenchment monitoring nise an assembly of 100,000 people to

Anti-English group
committee, involving the participation of the gov- protest the policy on March 7.
ernment, employers and workers’ unions, and the Hishammuddin said the government
establishment of 80 operation centres nationwide wanted to announce a final decision as
to monitor and help place retrenched workers in soon as possible, but that there were
new jobs, were aimed at identifying solutions to many approaches to consider.
retrenchment. “All approaches are still under the

asks govt to revert

ministry’s consideration as we have
Bills for 2nd and 3rd readings Soi Lek heard from all quarters at our round-
THE Education (Amendment) Bill 2008, the
not on table meetings. What is important is that
senatorship we make a decision based on facts and
Supplementary Supply Bill 2008, the Pensions experiences,” he said. A new policy can
(Amendment) Bill 2008, the Judges Remu- list only be implemented next year at the
neration (Amendment) Bill 2008, the National
pg 10 earliest, he said.

to previous policy
Kenaf and Tobacco Board Bill 2008, the Uni- Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar
versity and University Colleges (Amendment) Ibrahim, who also received the memo-
Bill 2008, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- randum, said the Pakatan Rakyat would
mission Bill 2008, the Judicial Appointments support the movement’s struggle.
Commission Bill 2008 and the Supply Bill 2009 “I hope opposition MPs would con-
are among those that have been approved for tinue to raise questions on this matter,”
second and third reading. THE Anti-Teaching of Science and Math- children being taught two subjects in a he said.
Others include the DNA Identification Bill ematics in English Movement handed foreign language, they would face the The memorandum was also pre-
2008, the Statutory and Local Authorities Pen- a memorandum to Education Minister same problem,” he told reporters at the sented to Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed
sions (Amendment) Bill 2008, the Pensions Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Parliament lobby. Hamid Albar and PAS president Datuk
(Amendment) (No 2) Bill 2008 and the Witness and other MPs yesterday, appealing to Hassan said experts in education had Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
Protection Bill. the government to revert to its previous also opined that it was easier for students Earlier in the House, several quar-
policy. to acquire knowledge if the subjects were ters argued that the teaching of Science
Abdul Wahid sworn in as The group’s chairman Datuk Dr taught in their mother tongue. and Maths in English was an insult
Kuala Terengganu MP Hassan Ahmad said the problem with He said students must still master the to the national language and its ability
the new policy had become a serious English language, but as a secondary to be an effective medium of instruc-
NEWLY elected Kuala Terengganu MP Mohd one, although the government took the instrument to acquire other knowledge tion.
Abdul Wahid Endut took his oath of office before view that it had been a success. in other countries. However, there are those who want the
Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia. Hassan (third “The policy has not succeeded in “This is not a problem that affects policy to be retained for the benefit of stu-
Abdul Wahid, 52, from PAS, won the seat in a from right) achieving its goals as thousands of only the Malay community but a national dents in rural areas who do not have the
by-election on Jan 17 with a 2,631-vote majority. asks to be students, especially in the rural areas of problem that affects all. So we would like opportunity to develop the use of Eng-
He secured 32,883 votes to win the seat against allowed into Sabah and Sarawak, are having a serious appeal to the government to do away lish.
Barisan Nasional’s Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan the Parliament problem learning and understanding with the policy. Datuk Bung Moktar Radin (BN-
Salleh, who obtained 30,252 votes. The by-election building the subjects in a language they do not “We are surprised to see the govern- Kinabatangan) said: “These people who
was held following the death of deputy education to present understand. ment commissioning a selective survey, are asking for the subjects to be taught
minister Datuk Razali Ismail on Nov 28. Hishammuddin “Try to imagine English with only a few people in Bahasa Malaysia instead of English
Pandikar Amin also conveyed his condolences with a memo. interviewed, especially are all people who have mastered the
to the family of Bukit Gantang MP Roslan Shaha- city dwellers.” English language and have children
rum, who died of a heart attack on Feb 9, and Hassan said it was studying in a white man’s country.”
asked members to observe a minute’s silence. pathetic to see students Others like Khalid Abd Samad
perform badly when ans- (PAS-Shah Alam) say that if the govern-
wering exam questions in ment wants students to master English,
English, which had led to they should improve the teaching of
a lower pass rate. the language instead of teaching other
“This is detrimental subjects in the language.
to the quality of students, “How do you expect students to
and even if our children master difficult subjects like Maths and
become scientists later, Science in English if they can’t grasp the
they will not excel.” language to begin with?” he asked.
Asked if the move- In response to a question from Datuk
ment planned to meet Kamarudin Jaffar (PAS-Tumpat), His-
with Hishammuddin to hammuddin said the government was
discuss the matter, he always mindful of the need to uphold
said: “We would love to the sanctity of Bahasa Malaysia as the
meet the minister and national language.
learn from him why “We will take into account the views
the original policy was of the movement and all parties before
changed.” we decide on whether to continue the
The movement policy which has been in force for the
also planned to orga- last six years,” he said.

Support water concession bid, minister urged

SELANGOR MPs on the state’s the public had suffered once when panel hoped the minister would “It should be noted that the offer
Water Review Panel have urged water assets were forcibly priva- not only support the state’s fair made by the Selangor government
Energy, Water and Communica- tised by the (federal) government. and reasonable offer to acquire the is guided by and in compliance with
tions Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu “We call on the minister not to water assets and concession, but the terms and conditions willingly
Mansor to support and endorse the ‘rape’ the country twice by buying also execute such an acquisition. signed by all parties to the conces-
state government’s offer to acquire back these water assets and con- “The offer on Feb 13 was made sion agreement,” he said.
the water concession in the state. cessions at inflated prices. on the basis of a one-time book Pua also criticised the govern-
In a joint press conference by “Doing so will only provide a value of the water-related assets ment’s use of a “discounted cash
Tony Pua (DAP-Petaling Jaya basis for the dictum that the Barisan in the concession agreement as at flow model” – under which the
Utara), Charles Santiago (DAP- Nasional government privatises prof- Dec 13, 2007, and a fair and reason- concessionaire is paid with its
Klang), William Leong (PKR-Sela- its and nationalises losses,” he told able return on the actual equity in- future profits – as unreasonable,
yang) and Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad reporters at the Parliament lobby. vested by the concessionaire since defeating the purpose of the water
(PAS-Kuala Selangor), Pua said Pua said MPs sitting on the the industry was first privatised. restructuring exercise.

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