TheSun 2009-02-18 Page12 Killing Fields Trial Starts in Cambodia

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12  theSun | WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18 2009

news without borders

‘Killing Fields’ trial starts
private equity firm, is chairman of
the Sutton Trust, an educational
charity aimed at providing op-
portunities to young people from
Great Train Robber non-privileged backgrounds.
Biggs back in prison The 61-year-old went miss-
ing from his Wimbledon home in

in Cambodia
LONDON: Ronnie Biggs, one south west London on Sunday
of Britain’s most notorious hearing. Duch, now a born-again
morning. Lampl had not taken Christian, expressed remorse on
criminals who took part in the his medication with him. – AFP
1963 “Great Train Robbery”, has the eve of his trial by the “Killing
returned to jail after having been Fields” court set up to prosecute
hospitalised with pneumonia, his ‘No kissing, “those most responsible” for the
son said on Monday. we’re British’ 1975-79 reign of terror, one of the
“He has been taken back darkest chapters of the 20th cen-
LONDON: It must have been PHNOM PENH: The chief Khmer into court, but the proceedings are tury.
(to prison),” Michael Biggs, 34, one of Britain’s most passion-
said by telephone. “I’ve been Rouge torturer went on trial for mostly procedural, with the main “He said to the victims, ‘I ask
ate places but now the rule in crimes against humanity yesterday, trial starting in March and a verdict your forgiveness, I ask your for-
informed by the authorities that Warrington Bank Quay’s station Cambodians
he’s been taken back.” line up at the first case involving a senior Pol due by September. giveness’,” French lawyer Francois
is: “No kissing, we’re British.” Pot cadre three decades after the Vann Nath, an artist, managed Roux told Reuters Television after
The 79-year-old Biggs, who No-kissing signs were put the entrance
spent more than three decades of the end of a regime blamed for 1.7 mil- to get a seat near Duch. He was visiting his client at a detention
up at the station’s taxi and lion deaths in Cambodia. one of only a handful of people to centre near the specially built court
on the run before turning himself drop-off zone designated for Extraordinary
in 2001, had been taken from Chambers in Kaing Guek Eav (inset), known survive S-21, saved because he was outside the Cambodian capital.
rail travellers, as outbreaks of as Duch and ex-commandant of the chosen to paint portraits of Khmer The trial marks a turning point
prison to a nearby hospital in Nor- passion appeared to threaten the Courts
wich, eastern England, over the of Cambodia notorious S-21 prison, sat impas- Rouge leader Pol Pot. for the strife-torn country where
the punctuality of traffic at sively in a blue shirt as a judge read “This is the day we have waited nearly every family lost someone
weekend. The Great Train Robbery the station operated by – yes (ECCC)
holds legendary status in Britain yesterday. the opening statements in court. for for 30 years. But I don’t know under the Khmer Rouge.
– Virgin Rail. Hundreds of victims of Khmer if it will end my suffering,” he told It ends a decade of delays at
as one of the most audacious in The company declared
the country’s criminal history. A Rouge atrocities lined up to get reporters during a break in the the Cambodian-UN tribunal due
on Monday that the signs to wrangling over jurisdiction and
15-strong gang held up a London were “a light-hearted way” of
to Glasgow mail train, making off cash, but critics say the court’s in-
encouraging travellers not to tegrity is threatened by allegations
with £2.6 million (RM13.5 million) clog the often crowded sta-
in used banknotes. – AFP of corruption and political interfer-
tion, which is located on the ence over who to prosecute.
rail lines between London and A bid to go after other suspects
11 Israelis nabbed Glasgow as well as Birming- was brushed aside last month by
on sex-drugs tour ham and Scotland. – dpa the tribunal’s Cambodian co-pros-
BOGOTA: Police have arrested ecutor, who said it would not help
11 Israelis for allegedly taking GM to get RM14b national reconciliation.
part in sex tourism in the Car- aid tranche: Official “Any hint of political manipula-
ibbean port city of Cartagena, tion at the tribunal will undermine
WASHINGTON: The US govern- its credibility with the Cambodian
authorities said on Monday. ment will release US$4 billion
“The way it works is that people,” said Sara Colm, Cambo-
(RM14.6 billion) in additional dian-based senior researcher at
they contact these foreigners aid to General Motors Corp as
from Bogota, pick them up and Human Rights Watch.
planned, a White House aide Cabinet spokesman Siphan
then send them to Cartagena said on Monday, ahead of the
where they are given drugs Phay denied any meddling. “We
deadline for the automaker to don’t want to see this trial fail,” he
and women ... but the worst submit a new survival plan.
part is that they are involving told reporters. – Reuters
The aide said GM’s smaller EPAPIX
underage girls,” said Colonel rival Chrysler LLC’s request for
Carlos Mena. additional aid would be treated
The Israelis were arrested
at a posh home in Cartagena
allegedly while on hallucino-
as a new request and dealt with
separately. Israel engaged in covert war inside Iran: Report
GM is seeking concessions
genic drugs and with pros- LONDON: Israel is involved in a covert don’t realise what’s happening,” the paper plant who died at home from apparent gas
from the United Auto Workers un-
titutes, including one minor, war of sabotage inside Iran in an effort quoted a former CIA operative as saying. poisoning in 2007.
ion and creditors under the terms
authorities said. – AFP to delay Tehran’s attempts to develop a “The goal is delay, delay, delay until you Meir Javendafar, an Iran expert at Meepas,
of its US$13.4 billion (RM49 billion)
nuclear weapon, Britain’s Daily Telegraph can come up with some other solution a Middle East analysis group, said there were
federal bailout. It must submit a
newspaper reported yesterday. or approach. We certainly don’t want the also reports Iran was being sold faulty equip-
Philanthropist restructuring plan to US officials
Quoting intelligence experts and an current Iranian government to have those ment for its nuclear programme on interna-
reported missing showing how it can cut costs and
unnamed former CIA agent, the report said weapons. It’s a good policy, short of taking tional markets, and that there were attempts
pay back the loans.
LONDON: Fears are growing for Israel’s “decapitation” strategy had targeted them out militarily, which probably carries to disrupt the electricity supply to Natanz, a
President Barack Obama has
the safety of British business- members of Iran’s atomic programme, unacceptable risks.” uranium enrichment facility in central Iran.
decided to launch a government
man and philanthropist Peter hoping to set back the country’s nuclear As evidence of Israel’s reported strategy, He said there were also indications that
task force for restructuring the
Lampl, after police reported him ambitions without resorting to war. Iran watchers have pointed to events such several more countries other than Israel were
US auto industry instead of nam-
missing on Monday. Lampl, who “Disruption is designed to slow progress as the death of Ardeshire Hassanpour, a involved in attempting to infiltrate Iran to
ing a “car czar” with sweeping
made his fortune with his own on the programme, done in such a way they nuclear scientist at the Isfahan uranium disrupt its nuclear programme. – Reuters
powers. – Reuters

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