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Vol. XXXIV • No.

4 • February 20, 2009

Some Thoughts On Observance Of The
Lord’s Supper
While all Baptist churches observe the Lord’s
Supper, the practice has not been without
controversy. The greatest debate has often been
around how often to observe the ordinance, with the
manner of observance running a close second.
I am somewhat accustomed to the diversity
of Lord’s Supper observance. When I was a boy I
noticed that my grandparents’ church served it every
week as part of worship. And they did not hold the elements and wait
for everyone to partake at the same time. You simply ate the bread
and drank the juice as it was passed to you. As a teenager I visited
with friends at the Episcopal church and this teetotaler was not quite
prepared for what I experienced when the cup passed my lips!
The thing I love about the way First Baptist Church of Decatur
shares the Lord’s Supper is that we don’t always do it the same way.
And yet, each variation on this centuries-old tradition has great
meaning. I particularly love the fact that we invite all believers to
participate rather than insisting that it is only for “our” church We are pleased to welcome three McAfee School of Theology
members. interns to First Baptist Decatur for the spring semester:
Some will say, “Well, we’ve never done it that way before,” but
the truth is the method for observance
Jessica Asbell is here for a second semester
has changed often over the centuries, "The thing I love... is
working in the area of ministry with children and
even among Baptists. I read in the that we don’t always
families, specifically in children’s faith
history of First Baptist Church of [share the Supper]
formation. Her supervisor is Debbie Britt.
Nashville that the congregation drank
from a common cup until 1915 when
the same way."
they started using individual communion cups. They used real wine
up until 1933 and then I guess they changed to grape juice because of
Many old churches, like the one in which I grew up, still have the
original common cup communion set on display in the Museum Carrie Dean is working in adult ministries with
Room. It is considered too unhealthy to use those now because we Sharyn Dowd. Carrie and her husband Nathan
might get germs from one another. Even the individual glass cups will be starting a new congregation in Atlanta this
were replaced with disposable plastic so that they would be more summer. Carrie is working on skills in worship
convenient and clean. Real bread was often replaced with wafers that planning and volunteer recruitment and nurture.
tasted more like plastic than real bread. Perhaps in our efforts to go
for convenience and cleanliness we have taken away from the
meaning of sharing from a common loaf or common cup.
I guess that is why I really like the new manner we have used
lately called “intinction”. It has been around since ancient times in the Kate Perry is a member at First Baptist Decatur
worldwide communion of churches but is a fairly recent custom at and has worked as a counselor in the summer
First Baptist of Decatur. We go forward as a way of participating and camp and after-school programs. She ministers in
signifying our desire to “walk with Jesus.” We share from a common Fresh Start as a member of the praise team and
cup and a common loaf, and yes, the deacons have cleansed their works with youth. Her internship supervisor is
hands prior to breaking the bread! Most importantly, I like the fact Kurt Varney.
that I am being given the bread by a fellow Christian who reminds me
that this is the body of Christ, and offered the cup by another fellow
pilgrim reminding me that this is the blood of Christ. I find it all to be
very symbolic and meaningful.
It is true that we have not always done it that way. And frankly
we don’t do it the way the early Christians observed the Lord’s I hope that our church will continue to respect this
Supper. The disciples were reclined at table with Jesus when they diversity by choosing to utilize many different methods
participated in the first Lord’s Supper, and they had their feet washed of serving the Lord’s Supper. And I commit myself to
beforehand. Early Christians observed the Lord’s Supper as part of a allowing the Spirit to move in my life each time I gather
larger fellowship meal. around The Lord’s Table, however it is set and
Each generation has adapted this practice to meet practical, and served.
hopefully, spiritual needs. And frankly, each of us has his or her own
preferences about how this should be done, and which way is most In Christ,
meaningful for us.
Bill Neal
Congregational Life Prayer Concerns as of
February 17, 2009
George Bullard Weekend Worship Intercessors
Rescheduled for April The people who meet in the Congratulations to:
Congregational coach George first-floor prayer chapel to •Kitty Greenway on the birth of a
Bullard, who was to join us pray during Fresh Start and great-granddaughter, Savanna Grace.
this weekend, fell ill and was during the 11:00 worship Sympathy To:
hospitalized in Columbia, SC service are providing crucial •The family of Florine Tucker.
on February 14. His doctors support for those leading worship and for folks
are optimistic about his who bring their struggles and pain into this
recovery but ordered him to clear his calendar building every week. Contact Beth Smith (404-
for several weeks in order to recuperate. The 321-0508 or
Weekend Emergency Pastoral
congregational assessment weekend has been
rescheduled for April 17-20. Please remember Did ya’ know?
Care—Pastor On Call
George in your prayers. And continue to pray for …that you can visit any music ministry group
Feb. 20-22.............Bob Williamson
all that God has in store for us at FBC Decatur! rehearsal without obligation to join for the rest
Feb. 27-Mar. 1 ........... Debbie Britt
of your life? You will be welcomed! Come
Call 404-373-1653 opt. 8 for the
Spring/Summer Children's give it a go! Orchestra (Sunday, 9:15am), Youth
Pastor On Call
Consignment Sale Vocal Ensemble (Sunday, 6:00pm), Children’s
March 6-7th Choirs (all ages – grade 5; Wed. 6:30pm), Adult
9am-3pm-church gym Vocal Ensemble (Wed. 6:35pm), FreshStart
Most items ½ price on Saturday. Band (Wed. 7:30pm), and Sanctuary Choir
Items from 130+ moms including clothes (size 0 (Wed. 7:30pm). Tithes & Offerings
to Junior 7), shoes, toys, books, videos, bikes,
riding toys, nursery items, maternity, and much CCCG Temporarily Housed at FBC Decatur A Generous People
more. Everything a child could need at great The Care and Counseling Center of Georgia, 2009 Ministry Action Plan
bargain prices!! For additional info, email who we are partnering with us to re-open the Weekly Need:.......................$ 29,126
Jeannie at or call Verdery Counseling Center, had severe water Received on Feb. 8...............$ 24,432
770-414-6099. damage in their facility on Clairmont Rd. when Received on Feb. 15.............$ 15,828
their sprinklers malfunctioned two weeks ago. YTD Budget:......................$ 233,009
March Mission Madness; March 20-22 Thankfully, we have been able to house their YTD Received: ..................$ 142,504
The youth will head to Newnan for March temporary offices in 7 of our classrooms. They
Mission Madness on Fri., March 20th. This is a will be here for approximately 30 days. We are “Years of Opportunity 2007-09”
great time to worship with other youth groups grateful they can continue this much needed Campaign
and serve others. We will leave the church the ministry! Given to Date .....................$ 366,963
evening of March 20 and return the afternoon of Bank Loan Balance ............$ 219,728
March 22. Owed to FBC Foundation ..$ 180,000

Rock Band Video Game Missions Offering YTD........$ 3,160

The FBC Decatur Music Yard Sale News
Ministry is sponsoring a Rock The Annual Youth Yard Sale is approaching
Band Video Game Tournament/Party on quickly and we need donations. We will take Wednesday Dinner Menus
Sunday, March 29, beginning at 6:10PM. There just about anything except broken appliances
will be prizes, food, and a rockin’ time! For and electronics. Donations can be brought to the February 25
info: email church almost anytime and it is also possible to Pick one of the following menus:
schedule pickups. If you have questions or need Blue Plate Menu
Volunteers Needed for to schedule a pickup please contact Kurt Varney. Country Fried Steak, Mashed
Nursery Duty ( or 404/219-3920) Potatoes w/ Brown Gravy, Steamed
We are currently developing Baby Carrots, Salad Bar, Yeast Rolls,
the 2009 Nursery Duty Lemon Pound Cake
Schedule for both the Fresh Go...Be...Do! Missions Corner “Lighter Side” Menu
Start Service and Sanctuary Service. With a Tomato Soup, Baked Potato/Salad
fresh crop of babies in the infant room and all Collection for DEAM in March Bar, Sliced Turkey Breast, The
the wonderful new children in our March is our month to collect canned “Works” Pizza, Vanilla Pudding
congregation...we need a few more volunteers!! goods, cereal, and peanut butter for
March 4
If you are interested in volunteering in the DEAM. As you can imagine, the Pick one of the following menus:
nursery for either service contact Emily Herndon need for emergency food supplies is
Blue Plate Menu
(678-431-3130 or growing by the week, so let’s plan to Grilled Chicken w/ Stir Fry
be generous. Vegetables, White Rice, Salad Bar,
Yeast Rolls, Caramel Cake
“Lighter Side” Menu
Vegetable Soup, Baked Potato/Salad
Bar, Grilled Chicken Strips, Cheese
Pizza, Fruit Bowl
Youth Sp•t Kid’s Zone
"My Space or My Home: Tools for Communicating w/ a Teen" Bible Max is coming to children’s Sunday
On Sunday evening, March 1, at 6:00, we will be having a parent morning Bible Study!
meeting that will focus on communicating with teenagers. The Beginning March 1
evening will be led by adolescent counselor, Latise Egeston, Latise For children 1st – 5th grade
will make a presentation about communicating with teens and she Bible MAX will sharpen your child’s Bible
will also lead a time of question and answer discussion with skills because each week they will open their
parents. The meeting will take place in the Fellowship Hall and Bibles and experience God's Word—firsthand.
parents are invited to bring along some non-perishable food items to Your kids will enjoy Bible learning and grow close to God, causing
make sack lunches to be distributed to people in need. their actions and worship to become a natural outflow of their lives.

A Scavenger Hunt with Decatur Methodist Extended Session Volunteers

On Sunday evening, March 1, at 6:00, our youth will be meeting
with the youth from Decatur First United Methodist for a Scavenger Fresh Start
Hunt. We will need to be at the church by 6:00 that evening to allow Feb. 22 March 1 March 8 March 15
for enough time to get together and make things happen. This will Bigbie Tubbs Anand Mwangura
be something new and different and should be a ton of fun. At the Balloon Bandhauer Palmer Herndon
end of the evening we will make sack lunches for the homeless, and
all youth are invited to bring some non perishable food items for the Sanctuary
sack lunches. Feb. 22 March 1 March 8 March 15
Swint Johnson, S Milton Dalton
Henderson Visser Smith

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur,

Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family.

Main Office......................................404-373-1653
First School ......................................404-370-7688
Activities ..........................................404-373-2442
FAX ..................................................404-370-7692
Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653
Sharyn Dowd....................................404-373-1653
Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690
Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684
Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653
Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687
Computer Connections:

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except

Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA

Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church,

308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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