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Corps of Cadets Promotion Process Guidelines 2011-2012

To Hold Rank: In order to hold a cadet leader position a cadet must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher (not be on academic probation), not currently serving disciplinary sanctions, and/or on disciplinary probation for the remaining time they are here at the university.

Process is For: This process is for any current junior or sophomore in the Corps of Cadets that is interested in holding a cadet leadership position for the 2012-2013 academic year. Freshman will have the opportunity to apply for rank towards the end of the spring semester in a modified format.

9-1 Forms and NU PFT Scores: Two of the three requirements for anyone to receive an opportunity for a promotion board is they must have a current 9-1 Leader Development Evaluation Form and NU PFT score on file. It is the responsibility of a cadets chain of command to turn in both of these requirements to the appropriate authority as indicated below. 9-1: Filtered through that cadets respective chain of command as indicated on the rating scheme. The Battalion Commander and CSM will collect all 9-1s from their battalion and provide them to their respective Assistant Commandant or Command Sergeant Major. The AC/CSM team will review the 9-1s and give accurately completed forms to the Office of the Commandants Adjutant, MAJ Seipel, VSM. NU PFT Scores: Filtered through that cadets respective chain of command to Battalion Commander and CSM. From there they will provide them to their respective Assistant Commandant or Command Sergeant Major for review. Once they have all scores for their battalion that AC/CSM team will provide all PFT scores to the Office of the Commandants Adjutant, MAJ Seipel, VSM. Directions on how to complete the 9-1 form is located in the NUCC SOP or by asking any Regimental S1 staff member. The rating scheme (who rates who) can be located on the NUCC team page: or by asking the Regimental S1 for a copy. Deadline: Friday December 9, 2011 to the Office of the Commandants Adjutant, MAJ Seipel, VSM *Please check with your battalion AC/CSM when your battalions deadline is to get this information to them. This may vary by battalion.

Prepared by the Office of the Commandants Adjutant 2 November 2011

Rank Applications: The third and final requirement to receive an opportunity for a promotion board is the rank application. Each junior and sophomore will be sent a rank application via their NU mailbox. This application is used by the cadet to indicate what position(s) he/she would like to hold the following academic year. Completed applications must be turned in by the dates indicated below directly to the Office of the Commandants Adjutant, MAJ Seipel, VSM Jackman 213. Please make sure to complete all sections of the rank application in its entirely. Juniors: Friday December 16, 2011 Sophomores: Friday December 16, 2011

Initial Order of Merit List: After all forms and data are turned into the Office of the Commandants Adjutant (MAJ Seipel) they are compiled, tallied, and inputted into a spreadsheet that rates where all cadets fall within their class. This document is called the Order of Merit List (OML). For the Initial Order of Merit and to determine those who qualify for a promotion board, there are three categories that are considered: cumulative grade point average, NU PFT score, and 9-1 leader rating. They are worth as follows: Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) worth 50% NU PFT Score worth 30% Leader Rating (9-1 Form) worth 20%

Based on these criteria each cadet is rated compared to their peers, with #1 being the highest ranking individual in their class. The top 80 of each class will receive an opportunity to appear before the Board. Prior to the promotion boards, there will be a panel of members made up of the Commandants Staff that will review the cadets 201 record. They will be evaluating and looking for a complete picture of the individuals contribution to the Corps of Cadets and the university. Their review along with the cadets rank application is used to provide a one page summary for board members in order to provide information on that cadet prior to the cadet appearing before the board.

Prepared by the Office of the Commandants Adjutant 2 November 2011

Pre-Promotion Boards: The release date of those top 80 cadets in each class who have been selected for a board will be follows: Junior Class OML: Wednesday February 1, 2012 Sophomore Class OML: Wednesday February 15, 2012 Sign-up sheets (for cadets to appear before the board) for a board time will be available outside of the Commandants Office on these dates. All cadets who have earned the opportunity to appear before the board will be notified by email as well as an announcement will be posted in each barracks.

Promotion Boards: Promotion Board dates are as follows: Juniors (going for senior positions): Monday February 6, 2012 Friday February 10, 2012 Sophomores (going for junior positions): Monday February 20, 2012 Friday February 24, 2012 The Promotion Board is traditionally made up of individuals from the Commandants Office, current cadet leaders, staff from the ROTC detachments and/or university faculty and staff members. A typical board is comprised of three of these individuals. As cadets appear before the board they are evaluated on their military and professional appearance, leadership qualities, communication abilities, and overall record review score. Each cadet is asked a series of questions by the board members. These questions cover such topics as why you want the position you are going for, the rules and regulations, the Honor Code, ethical and leadership situations, and more. Board members then grade each cadet using the criteria mentioned above by providing a numerical grading. Score sheets are tallied for each cadet and the average of those graded sheets is a portion of that cadets final board score. The other portion being the cadets record review score. The final board score is added to the OML total and a new cadet ranking is calculated.

Prepared by the Office of the Commandants Adjutant 2 November 2011

Final Order of Merit List: The final OML is calculated as follows: Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) worth 40% NU PFT Score worth 25% Leader Rating (9-1 Form) worth 10% Final Board Score worth 25%

As all final board scores are entered into the OML a new ranking usually occurs. It this ranking that is used by the Commandants Staff to slate cadet positions.

Promotion List/Announcement: This is after a final scrub of academic eligibility and the Unit Manning Roster (UMR) is finally filled. The promotion announcement for new positions is typically released in early to mid-April prior to Promotion Parade by the Adjutant on behalf of the Office of the Commandant. Promotion parade usually takes place at the end of April.

For questions regarding the promotion process please see your respective chain of command and/or battalion AC/CSM.

Prepared by the Office of the Commandants Adjutant 2 November 2011

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