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Page 036: Technology and Leadership:

S y l l a b u s
[Mr. Aguda] - School Year 2008-2009—Semester 2

Welcome to Technology and Leadership!

TODAY marks the beginning of Semester 2! What happens now? You all know how
computers work AND have a working knowledge of basic Computing commands and
functions. The rest of the year focuses on software applications like PowerPoint that
will help make you productive in school, in college, in life, and beyond.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride! Mr. Aguda

Class Expectations and Rules To p i c s t o b e c o ve r e d

Expectations:: Microsoft Office Suite
As a student at Animo Jefferson Charter HS, you are ex- Word, Excel, Publisher, FrontPage, PowerPoint
pected to live the 5 Mantras. Every student will be: Keyboarding
Internet Research
Prompt Tech in Your Community
Prepared How the Computer Works
Participatory Graphic Design & Advertising
Proactive M a t e r i a l s n e e d e d
Classroom Rules:: 1 Large College Ruled Notebook
In addition, students are expected to adhere to Mr. at least 150 pages, college ruled.
Aguda’s class rules: Pen
Glue Stick or Stapler
Be on time Flash Drive/Data Stick (At least 128MB)
(Purchase at Staples or Best Buy)
Respect the teacher, your peers, and yourself
Bring all necessary materials to class daily. C l a s s R o u t i n e
Follow directions the first time they are given
W h a t yo u c a n e x p e ct o n a n o r m a l d a y
No electronics or food allowed during regular class 1. The Warm-up is designed to get you ready to learn. You
time. will find it on the board or on my blog. You must complete
it silently during the 10 Minutes of Digital Zen.
Grading Scale and breakdown 2. The 411 is a time for class announcements, a review of the
School wide grading scale at Animo JCHS is as follows: class calendar, and to review the warm-up.
3. Tutorial (AKA “We-do”) is used to teach you a new skill or
100% - 93% A program. During tutorials, Mr. Aguda will show you step-
92% - 90% A- by-step procedures in completing a task. It’s important to
89% - 83% B listen carefully and do what I do.
82% - 80% B- 4. Independent Learning (AKA “You-do”) is a time used to
79% - 73% C practice the skills you learned during the tutorial. Here, Mr.
Aguda can help each of you individually complete the task
72% - 70% C-
and create the finished product.
69% - 63% D 5. The clean-up is usually 5 minutes before the end of class.
62% - 60% D- Upon Mr. Aguda’s signal, you should begin to pack-up and
59% and below F prepare to leave.
6. The exit slip is a short review and writing assignment re-
Mr. Aguda’s Grading breakdown is as follows
quired before you leave.
Homework 10%
Classwork 40% Projects are designed to increase your skill in computer applica-
tion(s) and to help you discover your talents and interests as a
Projects, Quizzes, Tests 40%
responsible, computer savvy individual. These will be individual
Final Project / Exams 10%
or group based and will be completed during class time or at

Technology and Leadership: Animo Justice Charter High School [Mr. Aguda] Syllabus
Page 036: Technology and Leadership:
S y l l a b u s
[Mr. Aguda] - School Year 2008-2009—Semester 2

Welcome to Technology and Leadership!

TODAY marks the beginning of Semester 2! What happens now? You all know how
computers work AND have a working knowledge of basic Computing commands and
functions. The rest of the year focuses on software applications like PowerPoint that
will help make you productive in school, in college, in life, and beyond.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride! Mr. Aguda

Class Expectations and Rules To p i c s t o b e c o ve r e d

Expectations:: Microsoft Office Suite
As a student at Animo Jefferson Charter HS, you are ex- Word, Excel, Publisher, FrontPage, PowerPoint
pected to live the 5 Mantras. Every student will be: Keyboarding
Internet Research
Prompt Tech in Your Community
Prepared How the Computer Works
Participatory Graphic Design & Advertising
Proactive M a t e r i a l s n e e d e d
Classroom Rules:: 1 Large College Ruled Notebook
In addition, students are expected to adhere to Mr. at least 150 pages, college ruled.
Aguda’s class rules: Pen
Glue Stick or Stapler
Be on time Flash Drive/Data Stick (At least 128MB)
(Purchase at Staples or Best Buy)
Respect the teacher, your peers, and yourself
Bring all necessary materials to class daily. C l a s s R o u t i n e
Follow directions the first time they are given
W h a t yo u c a n e x p e ct o n a n o r m a l d a y
No electronics or food allowed during regular class 1. The Warm-up is designed to get you ready to learn. You
time. will find it on the board or on my blog. You must complete
it silently during the 10 Minutes of Digital Zen.
Grading Scale and breakdown 2. The 411 is a time for class announcements, a review of the
School wide grading scale at Animo JCHS is as follows: class calendar, and to review the warm-up.
3. Tutorial (AKA “We-do”) is used to teach you a new skill or
100% - 93% A program. During tutorials, Mr. Aguda will show you step-
92% - 90% A- by-step procedures in completing a task. It’s important to
89% - 83% B listen carefully and do what I do.
82% - 80% B- 4. Independent Learning (AKA “You-do”) is a time used to
79% - 73% C practice the skills you learned during the tutorial. Here, Mr.
Aguda can help each of you individually complete the task
72% - 70% C-
and create the finished product.
69% - 63% D 5. The clean-up is usually 5 minutes before the end of class.
62% - 60% D- Upon Mr. Aguda’s signal, you should begin to pack-up and
59% and below F prepare to leave.
6. The exit slip is a short review and writing assignment re-
Mr. Aguda’s Grading breakdown is as follows
quired before you leave.
Homework 10%
Classwork 40% Projects are designed to increase your skill in computer applica-
tion(s) and to help you discover your talents and interests as a
Projects, Quizzes, Tests 40%
responsible, computer savvy individual. These will be individual
Final Project / Exams 10%
or group based and will be completed during class time or at

Technology and Leadership: Animo Justice Charter High School [Mr. Aguda] Syllabus

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