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To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Prologue: The Same Usual Every Day. The Beginning of The End.
It's said that to understand someone, one just needs to look at their bookshelf. ...A pile of manga. The date was August 8. Kamijou Touma looked around the room, and found that he cannot find any book that wasn't a manga not only on his bookshelf, but also throughout the house. Thus, in order to save face, Kamijou Touma decided to head to the train station of Academy City to buy some reference books. ...He did go there. To think that one reference book costs 3,600 yen... Kamijou Touma muttered as if he just lost terribly in a great battle. And according to the shop attendant, all the reference books were sold at half price until yesterday in order to promote the summer exams. Such misfortune. This was really unfortunate. However, this was basically Kamijou Touma's everyday's life. Besides, this person was a very popular guy simply because his friends felt that "with him around, he can absorb our bad luck like a lightning rod". The problem was that it's a precarious situation right now. No matter what, he must avoid the label of being "someone with only manga on their bookshelves". Of course, this wasn't normal. This was because an ordinary person wouldn't mind about this unscientific "to understand someone, one just needs to look at his bookshelf" line.

This was because Kamijou Touma lost his memory.

Of course, it's not like he forgot everything. He didn't forget the meaning of the traffic lights, and he didn't forget how to use a cell phone. What he lost were his "memories"; the "knowledge" was still present.

To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

It meant that even though he remembered how to use a cell phone, his mind will start wondering about things like "Eh? Where did I put my cell phone?" or "Hold on, since when did I get a cell phone". The so-called "knowledge" was like a dictionary. For example, one's knowledge may know that "an apple" is "a fruit that is of the Rosaceae deciduous tree that blooms in spring and bears a ball-shaped fruit". However, one had to eat the fruit to decide whether it tasted good or not. This was because his brain didn't have a diary-like memory like "I ate a delicious apple on month O day X". It's said that the reason this happened was that between the part that controls the "experience memory" in the memory database and the "meaningful memory" in the knowledge database, only the former part was destroyed. However, this wasn't the main problem. The problem was that Kamijou Touma wanted to know what sort of person he was before he "lost his memory". Even if he had to follow this baseless explanation that "one can understand someone by checking their bookshelf". However, this didn't mean that Kamijou's expression was that of pain. Besides, Kamijou wasn't alone in this world, and he hadn't been thrown into some unknown world. He didn't lack either food or clothes, and he did have friends he can call "companions". Touma! On the way back home in this summer, a girl, who's beside the half-dead Kamijou, cried out angrily at facing this sudden shopping spree (basically, Kamijou used more than 1,000 yen to go for what's called an "assault"). She's about thirteen, fourteen years old, and one can tell that she's a foreigner. Her waist-length hair was silver, and her skin was as white as snow. Her eyes were green like emeralds. However, what made one realise most easily that she's a foreigner was her outfit. It's a Christian nun habit, but the colour is white and there was gold lace all over it. It looked like those gold-outlined cups upstarts loved to use. The girl's name was Index. Of course, that wasn't her real name, but that was the name everyone used to call her.

To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Kamijou met that girl in the hospital. No, from Kamijou's perspective, he met her at the hospital, but it seemed that he already met her before he lost his memories. Even though Kamijou couldn't think of anything related to the girl no matter how much he tried to recall, Kamijou didn't really want to say that out loud. On the day when he first met the girl, she cried tears of happiness for Kamijou as she stared at him on the bed. However, those tears were shed not for this Kamijou right now, but for the Kamijou before he lost his memories. Kamijou couldn't bear to break the happiness in the girl's heart. In order to protect this warmth in the girl, Kamijou Touma must continue to act as "the Kamijou Touma before he lost his memories". It's a complicated feeling... It's as if Kamijou Touma became two people. However, the girl with the alias Index didn't seem to notice the conflict within Kamijou's heart (though to be fair, he didn't want her to realise it). From a position lower than Kamijou by a head, she looked up and stared unhappily at Kamijou. Touma, what could we have done with 3,600 yen? ...Don't say it. What could we have done? The girl asked again. Just as Kamijou stuffed his ears and shut his eyes while shouting "DON'T SAY IT" to escape from reality, he suddenly realised that the girl who's walking beside him wasn't looking at him. Curious, Kamijou stared at where Index was looking at, and found that the shop sign of an ice cream shop was spinning in front of him. ...It's the 8th of August, and since it's a hot summer afternoon, since there's a heat wave floating above the floor, since Index's habit was long-sleeved and should be hot... ...I understand your feelings, but isn't spending 3,600 yen too much? Hmph. Index seemed to be unhappy with these words as she turned to look at Kamijou.

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Touma, I never said that I'm hot or that I'm about to get heatstroke. Of course I never thought of spending other people's money to satisfy myself, so I never thought of eating ice cream at all. "...Okay, okay, I know nuns don't tell lies, but you don't have to be so sweaty and give me those abandoned puppy eyes, right? Can't you just tell me that you want to eat ice cream in an airconditioned room? The weather's so hot, yet you're still wearing that nun habit that doesn't even consider the impact of weather. You may get heatstroke like that." Though Kamijou sounded really generous, that's just him slapping a swollen face on himself. The amount of money in his wallet wasn't going to change. Of course, it didn't mean that he can't even buy ice cream, but if he did that, he won't have enough money to take a ride back. Academy City's one-third the size of Tokyo, and to Kamijou, who had just recovered from a heavy injury, and the weak Index, it's not a place that can be trekked easily. Though the term 'weak girls' may be a bit sexist, there weren't that many girls who can walk one-third the size of Tokyo. However, Index seems to be unhappy for some reason as she starts to get even angrier. She frowns and says, "Touma, this clothing is a materialisation of God's protection; I never thought about it being hard to wear, being hot, being troublesome, or whether there should be a summer or winter version." "...Right..." Being righteous and being kind are two different models, and Kamijou Touma understood this cruel reality clearly. And there's something really weird. Why were there safety pins all over that nun habit that had such an extragavant design? "And besides, I'm still a nun-in-training. Besides cigarettes and wine, even coffee, red tea, fruits, sweets, iced items... I'm forbidden from taking any of these luxury items." "Oh, I see. At first, I thought about saying that eating ice cream is a good way to relieve the summer heat." If some people decided to implicate some religious reasons, it's impossible to force them to change their minds. Kamijou again stared at the signboard of the ice cream shop. "Sine that's the case, alright. It's not like we need to eat it-" Before Kamijou can finish speaking, a hand suddenly grabbed him at a sonicboom speed. Kamijou, unable to resist the huge force exerted by that girl's fingers, had to turn his head around.

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"It's... it's true that I'm still in training, and that I'm forbidden from having any excessive stuff." "Then no way." "But since I'm still in training, it means that I can't completely follow a Saint's standards, right? So, in this situation, maybe there might be a case where some ice cream accidentally went into my mouth. Isn't that right, Touma?" "..." Though Kamijou really wanted to lecture her badly, the force exerted by the girl's fingers was becoming stronger, seemingly hinting him to not say any more. However, the naive Index didn't know that silence may be even worse than talking back. At this moment... "Yo, sorry to disturb y'all in this important conversation, but who's that gal, Kami-yan?" ...A mysterious fake Kansai accent came from behind. Looking behind, it's a weirdo whose voice was even weirder. 180 cm tall, blue hair, earrings... he's too weird to be a weirdo. Did "the Kamijou Touma before he lost his memories" really have such a friend? Kamijou couldn't help but think. Even though I don't know what I have with that person since I completely lost my memories, I should at least choose my friends better! Kamijou felt like he's lecturing others as he cursed himself. "Hm, what's up, Kami-yan? Why are ya looking at me like ya just saw a stranger? Did the summer heat cause ya to lose ya memories?" "What...?" Kamijou was shocked. Aogami Pierce, however, raised his hand and waved it about. "I'm just joking, man~. This memory loss thing is a special privilege only to those unbelievable wave-emitting girlsDenpa Otome, right?"[1] Then, Aogami Pierce put his hand on Kamijou's shoulder (though it's ridiculously hot). "...Yo, Kami-yan, who's that gal? How do ya know such a small girl? Is she ya cousin... doesn't look like it. Her silver hair doesn't look like it's inherited from ya genes!" The biggest problem with that guy was that his whispering was so loud that it's not even a whisper.

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Kamijou breaks out in cold sweat, worried about whether this girl beside him will go crazy because of the word "small"... but luckily, it seems that that's not the case. "...From the way I see it, this gal should be only asking directions from ya, right? But with ya English still in country-isolation mode, that may be rather hard for ya... Hold on, is that gal from an English-speaking country?" Kamijou also didn't know what he was talking about. And to Index, perhaps she's rather used to having others calling her "small". She seemed like she didn't mind at all, only glaring viciously at the sun that's burning down. Maybe she's so hot that she didn't want to say anything. "...Speaking of which, Kami-yan, I don't know where ya met this gal, but don't feel relaxed by this alone. Besides, ya gained sixteen years of trust and good-man performances, so ya should know that a "simple meeting with a gal" isn't possible. Isn't it like that in love comedies? The one with the crush is always someone like a young mother! Haha~ if such an event happens, all hope is gone! It's really pitiful thinking about it." Kamijou heaved a sigh of relief. It's a good thing that this wasn't the case in those old-fashioned dramas. At this moment, Aogami Pierce says again,

"Hold on, is that a cross-dressing trap? Isn't 'her' chest a little too small?"

Immediately, Kamijou seemed to hear the girl's blood vessels explode. Kamijou forced himself to not make a blood-curdling cry. It seemed like though this girl can endure being called young, she can't take being called a boy. Kamijou seemed to hear her barely maintaining her smile as she gnashed her teeth. Such misfortune...! Just as Kamijou wanted to shout that, "Oi, Kami-yan. How can real good men like us be good friends with a 3D gal? There'll definitely be a Bad End. I can see it: just as Kami-yan takes off the final piece of clothing from the gal and goes into the R18 moment, ya finally find out the truth, and roll off the bed in shock." "...You're joking, right? Don't tell me you really feel this way!" "Eh? Is she really a gal? How uninteresting!" Aogami Pierce says with a happy expression,

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"So ya encounter must be abnormal, right? Kami-yan, though ya always been a good guy nobody loved, ya can't just kidnap a gal, you know? Such foolhardiness will get flamed on those imageboards when ya leave them there." "Idiot... stop making such a joke! Who'll do such a thing!?" Actually, Kamijou didn't remember how he met her. "This person right here is just a freeloader! Everything was done under negotiations on both sides, sergeant-dono!" "'Freeloader'? 'Freeloader'? Kami-yan, ya just added a 'just' to an extremely precious 'freeloader gal'? Kami-yan! Ya like an elementary school kid who just ate too many snacks and forgot the essence of rice!" "Shut up! How can I express it except with a 'just'!? Since when can those romantic scenes happen so often in real life!? Do you know how Kamijou's finances are in a crisis because of this person right here!? Even Zashiki-warashi's better than this person here...!" Just when Kamijou's shouting out this conversation, he suddenly realises something. Of course, the girl Index who's nearby heard all of this. "...Ah." Kamijou looked back with an expression of terror. Index was smiling. She's revealing a Virgin Mary-like smile, but her face was as green as a honey dew. This was bad. Not knowing what "the Kamijou Touma before he lost his memory" did, he didn't know if he can calm Index down in this situation. If I had, the loss of my memory was really a pity, Kamijou thought. "Touma." Index spoke while revealing the perfect smile. It's all over, Kamijou thought, but he can barely respond. "I'm a nun affiliated with the English Anglicans. Repent now or forever hold your peace." The nun drew a cross in front of her chest, and clasped her hands together. As the smile was too perfect, one can tell that it's an act. Kamijou unknowingly wanted to clutch his head and cry out.

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This was a bomb- no, this was an unexploded bomb. If I handle this carelessly, it may explode, and this will be the end of my life! Kamijou's instincts were telling him this. What should I do, what should I do? Ah! That's it, ice cream! Use ice cream to distract her! Extremely confused now, Kamijou forgot how he should talk as he could only point crazily in the direction of the ice cream shop in front of him. Looking puzzled, Index looked in the direction Kamijou was pointing at, and then stopped. Then, she revealed a puzzled look. Just as Kamijou heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he managed to divert her attention, he suddenly saw something. There seemed to be a piece of paper on the automatic door. The paper read: "To our customers, Due to interior renovations, we will be suspending our business for the time being. We're sorry for any inconvenience." His mind thinking of a Bad End, Kamijou slowly turned his head towards the girl beside him. The girl's smile instantly vanished. Just as Kamijou shouted "Such misfortune!", the savage beast-like Index pounced.

In the end, they had a compromise and agreed on buying shakes from a cheap fast food restaurant. Of course, Index won't be satisfied by this, so Kamijou tried to use the incentive of "enjoying the food in an air-conditioned room" to satisfy her. However, The shop is actually crammed full in the afternoon. "..." Holding the tray with both hands, Index looked unhappy again and remains silent. There were three shakes on the tray, one vanilla, one chocolate, and one strawberry. Though Kamijou really wanted to shout "Are you that thirsty?", he didn't dare to retort out of fear that his life would be at risk. Such misfortune, Kamijou thought.

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Index, whose mood improved somewhat after getting three shakes for herself, was now facing a tough situation where the shop was completely filled with customers. But the weather's so hot that they can't just stay outside. They finally managed to enter a shop with the air conditioning on, so who'd want to go back to the streets to stand under the sun? The nearby female high school students didn't seem to realise Kamijou's despair as they continued to talk about extremely ordinary topics. "Yo, yo! I heard that Anzai used telepathy during the last exam! Is it true?" "I heard that they even organised a teachers' meeting because of that, so it should be true. But I also heard that everyone at the meeting agreed that esper powers are a part of the curriculum, so it's not considered cheating." "UU, THAT'S DESPICABLE! NYAAA!! THEN I WANT TO USE MY POWER AS WELL!" "...Isn't your power pyrokinesis?" "Can't I just set fire to the teacher's back and force him to spill out the answers?" ...Perhaps to a lot of people, such a conversation may be a bit too out of the ordinary. But this was Academy City, and this was a very common part of their everyday life. As the 2.3 million citizens of this city had some sort of power, this can be called a large-scale "power development group". In fact, Kamijou's an esper. He's the boy called "Imagine Breaker", with the right hand that had the ability to "negate any supernatural power, even if it's God's miracle". "...Touma, I really want to sit down." Index said in an emotionless tone. Scary. This expression of the nun was telling him that if he didn't comply, she'll again leap over and bite him. Kamijou shouted "AFFIRMATIVE!", and rushed to a shop attendant who's sweeping the floor. The shop attendant merely revealed a cruel, professional smile and pointed to a corner by the window. Sit together? Kamijou looked over at where the finger's pointing. "Uuu!?"

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There's a four-seater table over there, and in this shop that's like a peak-hour train station, a huge space appeared between the crowd like a huge hole. And over there, On that table, There's a miko sitting over there. The miko's lying on the table, sleeping. Shiny black hair that's like a jellyfish was scattered all over, covering the miko's face. This... What's with this scenario? Kamijou cried out deep within. Not right, something's not right. Kamijou's misfortune radar was warning him. Don't get involved with her, don't get involved with her, you'll definitely be unfortunate! When that happens, it won't be something that's going to be solved with a loss of memory! Of course, Kamijou Touma's an unlucky person, but it's not like he wanted to be one. He closed his eyes and made his decision. ...Alright, let's go home! I'd rather get bitten by Index than get involved with such a person. Having made this conclusion, Kamijou turned back to look, and found that both of them had already disappeared. "...?" Kamijou looked around. "...Ack!" As expected, under the suggestion of the other shop attendant, Index had already sat opposite that mysterious miko. This girl really lacked an awareness of danger. Or was she a philanthropist? As for Aogami Pierce who's beside them, his eyes were gleaming. Are nuns and mikos really that attractive to you? He really wanted to run away.


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But he can't. If he turned his back on Index and ran away, Index may leap at him like a lion and swallow him whole. And seeing this Aogami Pierce whose eyes were glittering, he felt that it's too dangerous to leave this person alone. But most importantly, Index, who had a gulp of strawberry shake in her mouth, was waving over happily. Kamijou had a thought that he shouldn't wreck this expression. Though he said this, there was a mysterious miko sleeping there. Kamijou carefully approached the table. At this moment, the miko's shoulders jerked. "Sp-" Her mouth moved. The miko's mouth moved. Kamijou had a bad feeling. A very bad feeling. Why? Having lost his memories, Kamijou definitely can't remember anything, but he had a feeling that he experienced something similar before. Kamijou gulped down his saliva, waiting for the miko to say something. The miko says,

"-Spent all my money and ruined myself."

1. or Denpa Otome goes for "wave girl", Denpa is a term to coin someone who has a really strange or eccentric behaviour without any apparent reason (hence "the wave made me do it"); you might recognize the word as it is also the name of a novel, where the titular character is actually quite weird


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Chapter 1: A Tower of Glass. The Tower of BABEL.

Part 1
This room didn't have any windows. There were no doors, stairs, lifts, or corridors. For being part of a building, this room didn't have any functions. There's no way to enter this building except via a Level 4 esper teleport ability. This can be said to be the strongest stronghold. In this tower that had been formed from all materials known to deflect all impacts and that was said to be stronger than an air-raid shelter stood a magician. His name was Stiyl Magnus. Stiyl, who's well-versed in runic magic, especially fire magic, was also an English Anglican priest. It can be considered an exception to see a fourteen-year-old well-versed in magic that can kill other magicians. Actually, he's not supposed to be here. This doesn't refer to the "building", but to the "city" as a whole. He's one of the members of the Christian religious sect "Necessarius", and this Academy City has a purely scientific environment that rejects all ideas of the supernatural and produces espers through drugs, body control, and hypnotism. Right now, his presence here was as unnatural as mixing a tarot card with the fifty-two poker cards. However, there's a reason for him to be here even though he shouldn't be. Right now, he's acting as "a representative of the English Anglicans" to "negotiate" with Academy City on equal standing. However, as a representative, he had some character flaws. He's a man who'll kill without hesitation. He can order flames to swallow a living person without hesitation. "..." But even so, such a person was still unable to get used to the scene in front of him. The space was too large to be called indoors, and there's supposedly no lighting, but the room seemed to be filled with starry-like lights. This was because the walls had been set up with

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numerous screens and flashing buttons. Equipment of all sizes, thousands of cables, and tubes were gathered at the centre of the room like blood vessels on the floor. There's a huge cylinder in the middle of the room. It's four meters in diameter and over ten meters in height. The cylindrical container that's made of reinforced glass had red liquid filled inside it. It's said that this colour represented a weak alkaline recovery fluid. Of course, to the magician Stiyl, this scientific thing wasn't part of his specialties, so he wouldn't be able to understand even after listening to it. There's a green surgical cloaked human who's floating upside-down. There's no words to describe him except "human". This silver-haired "human" looks like a man yet also a woman, an adult yet also a child, a saint yet also a convict. Has he obtained all the possibilities that a "human" can only wish for? Or has he given up on all the possibilities that a "human" has?


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Either way, one thing that can be certain was that only the word "human" can describe him. "Everyone who came here would observe me and make the same response as you..." The "human" in the cylinder spoke. He sounded like a man yet also a woman, an adult yet also a child, a saint yet also a convict. "...But why let a human do this when machines can do so?" This was the way this "human" existed. His own life can be maintained by machines, so it's meaningless for him to do all this. This "human" who looked like he pushed his lifespan to 1700 years was now right in front of Stiyl. Stiyl felt fear. He's not afraid of Academy City's scientific technology that can run a life for humans, but the way this "human" existed. As he can use machines to maintain his life, he could abandon his body of flesh without hesitation and leave himself to machines. It's really terrifying to see a "human" who's twisted enough to live on like this. "I suppose you should know why I called you here..." The General Director of Academy City, the "human" Aleister who's floating upside-down, says with a stern tone, "The situation has become complicated right now." Seeing Aleister say this, Stiyl inadvertently frowned. This was because he can't imagine this "human" in front of him actually saying something that showed weakness like "the situation has become complicated right now". "It's regarding Deep Blood, am I correct?" Stiyl, who normally didn't use any honorifics, actually used them here. Of course, it's not just because he's "a representative of the Church" over here, but also because he knew that once Aleister detected hostility from him, he will be diced up. This didn't involve how much hostility he showed. Even if it's a misunderstanding or a misconception, once Aleister had that thought, Stiyl's life will be ended. That's because this was the main base of the enemy, the command centre of 2.3 million "espers".

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"Fuu." Noticing Stiyl trembling, Aleister said, "It wouldn't be a problem if only espers are involved, because that's one of the espers I 'had'. As long as any citizen in this city creates a commotion, there are about 70,632 ways to deal with it and cover it up..." "..." On hearing this, Stiyl didn't really have any special feeling about this. He's not really interested in what emergency procedures Academy City had, since he didn't really understand how the Science side "works".

"...What has complicated matters is that a magician has taken part in this when he shouldn't have." Thus, Stiyl's only thinking of this.

Deep BloodBlood-Sucking Killer. It came not from the database of Academy City, but the Great English Library. From the wording, one can imagine that this was used to kill "something" that may or may not exist. Nobody knew what kind of ability it was nor whether it's real or not. All they knew was that a girl had such an ability. And this time, the girl with the "Deep Blood" ability was being held prisoner by a magician. Basically, the situation was just that simple. "Fu. Since this enemy right now is from outside Academy City, this has gotten somewhat troublesome." Aleister continues to remain right-side up now and said, "Of course, it's not hard to send out 2.3 million espers to beat one or two magicians. But this isn't the main issue. The main issue is that if we do this, it will mean that we scientists took down magicians." Academy City and Necessarius each controlled their own "world". "Powers" and "supernatural"... it's because each side controlled technologies that the other side didn't have that they were able to have their standings today. If Academy City which controls "espers" declared that they defeated a "magician", the people on the Magic side won't sit back and do nothing.

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For example, if fighter jets with the latest technology crash-landed in enemy territory, the wreckage may reveal the secret technology. "It seems like it's hard for you to send in reinforcements." Stiyl said calmly. Espers and magicians working together... such a thing may be too precarious. It's already a huge problem between the Science side and the Magic side when they want to decide who should lead the charge. This was because they can use the excuse of checking their side's battle abilities to spy on the other side's technology. Thinking about this, Stiyl had a question. Two weeks ago, he came to Academy City, and had a battle with an esper. Thinking about it, why had that battle been allowed silently? Perhaps without Stiyl knowing it, Academy City and the Church had an agreement. Or maybe because that boy was viewed as a Level 0 with very little importance. But this situation was different. Most of the espers and magicians involved in this were viewed as "important people". "I see. So that's why you specially asked me, an 'exception', to be here." Stiyl's expression didn't change, seemingly only confirming something. In other words, Stiyl Magnus was an exception. There will be problems if espers from the Science side beat up people from the Magic side. However, there won't be any problems if Stiyl, who's of the Magic side, beats up someone also from the Magic side. And Stiyl's superior also felt that this magician must be beaten by someone on the Magic side with the reason of cleaning house. "This is the blueprint of the 'battlefield' in question." It's unknown what technology was used as an image appeared in the darkness. It's a hologram that looked like some CG, and the image showed a building that didn't look suspicious. Then, what popped up was a location diagram of the "battlefield". At the corner of the location diagram were words written on it: Misawa Cram School. "Through the initial building blueprints and all sorts of satellite images, we managed to analyse the interior layout." Aleister's voice didn't have any cadence in it.


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"But we can't see any magic equipment. Besides, it's not like we understand anything about magic." "..." "But this 'Misawa Cram School' is somewhat unique. Aleister started to explain. Actually, Academy City is an education enterprise that's made of hundreds of schools of different sizes. Also, the curriculum includes some paranormal stuff like 'esper development'. It's said that this 'Misawa Cram School' that caters to all levels in the country would set up a school in Academy City is to learn the secrets of the 'esper development' that's exclusive to Academy City. This has all the makings of a huge corporate spy incident. However, the 'Misawa Cram School' that doesn't know anything about power development still has a weird feel to it. Perhaps it's a science worship that they started to use the idea that 'only they know of the scientific technology' to explain why 'they're humans who're chosen by God', and ending up creating a new religion. The 'Misawa Cram School' in Academy City even started to go out of control and reject the main branch's orders, and even did something: Imprison the 'Deep Blood' girl according to the 'religion'. "But why must the 'Misawa Cram School' imprison the Deep Blood? Is their teachings about some 16th century fanatical teaching to achieve immortality?" "No. The 'Misawa Cram School' doesn't really have any insistence. Basically, they just want 'a one and only esper in the world whose power can't be duplicated'. Anyone will do though." "?" "The 'level' in Academy City is decided by 'aptitude' and 'power'. Thus, they wanted to take the Deep Blood and examine her. As long as they can use the slogan 'we managed to duplicate a super rare ability', those students who lament that they have ordinary abilities or are level 2 or 3 will be attracted by it...What a bunch of idiots. They can't change the power that's developed even if their brains are transplanted." But this doesn't sound right. Even if 'having a rare ability' is a culture in Academy City, how can anyone believe 'that thing' from the magic world exists in this scientific environment? Just as Stiyl's thinking about this, Aleister already said out the answer casually.


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"Anyway, things are more valuable when rare. As long as this basic logic exists, there can still be some talking points. There are 'many espers with the truth behind their powers unknown' beside the Imagine Breaker. Some espers even have such tremendous power that nobody even seen them get serious before. Anyway, if it's just the Deep Blood being imprisoned, things are actually easy. Like what Aleister said, if 'there are conflicts in this city', there are 70,632 ways to deal with it. But this isn't the problem. It's because before the problem was settled, a magician came in from the 'outside world' and entered 'Misawa Cram School'. He's aimed at 'Misawa Cram School'. Also, he didn't even destroy 'Misawa Cram School', but controlled it. So things became this complicated. "..." Stiyl stares silently at the location diagram of the 'Misawa Cram School'. From the diagram, he can't see anything that got modified by 'magic'. The tension that's like charging straight into the darkness strikes Stiyl in the back. Though it's uncomfortable, Stiyl's already used to it. This time, it's a simple battle of life and death, nil or one. However, he's rather 'happy' that he's the only one in this city that has 2.3 million espers. "Not quite." Seemingly seeing through what Stiyl's thinking, Aleister said. Perhaps there's a device that can read people's thoughts through temperature or blood flow. "I also possess an esper who's a natural enemy of magicians." Stiyl froze immediately. Imagine Breaker. The boy who fought a battle of life and death against Stiyl 2 weeks ago. Any supernatural power, regardless of magic or esp, even if it's God's miracle will be negated on contact with his right hand. This power can be considered an exception among exceptions. "But didn't you say that you can't use espers to beat magicians?" "You don't have to worry about that." Aleister said in a tone as if he memorised it, "Firstly, he's a level 0, so he doesn't carry any valuable information. Even if I let him go work with you, there's no fear that he'll leak information on our secrets."

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"..." "Secondly, his brain isn't so smart that you can understand the technology of the magic side and duplicate it. Thus, even if he goes along with you, your technology won't be understood by us." That old fox...for the first time, Stiyl harboured some hatred for Aleister. What is that 'human' in front of me thinking of? Stiyl really doesn't understand. No matter what, Imagine Breaker definitely shouldn't be as a weakling level 0. Stiyl experienced that in his battle. It's true that the workings of Imagine Breaker isn't something that can be understood with just one or two looks, and he definitely can't duplicate it and bring it back to the Church. However, it should be the same for Academy City. No, at least Stiyl hopes that it's the same for time. If Academy City has a way to duplicate this Imagine Breaker ability, the Church won't have any existence. Even weapons with hundreds or thousands of years of history will be destroyed on contact with his right hand. But Aleister doesn't seem to be treasuring this precious Imagine Breaker at all. It's like he's giving a Saint in training all sorts of trials. It's like using a heavy hammer to strike a hot metal used to form a sharp powerful sword. "..." And more importantly, that boy has the knowledge of 103,000 grimoires with him. Is this really alright? His inner thoughts are conflicting with his words. Though Stiyl is harbouring such suspicions, he's not showing it on his face. Also, he's careful not to show it. If it's regarding that girl, Stiyl doesn't want to raise all sorts of issues.

"...Deep Blood."

Stiyl muttered. His expression is like a scholar who found something he's unable to explain. "Does Deep Blood really exists? If it does, that means--" Stiyl's unable to continue on.


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Deep Blood. Since there's Deep Blood, there will be that 'species' that must be killed . In other words, if he believes in the existence of Deep Blood, it means that the existence of 'something' is a fact. "Hm, this of the occult isn't of us scientists' specialties, but you magicians--even your world has to admit that some supernatural things exist, right?" Of course. Stiyl cursed in his heart. The 'magical energy' magicians use can be described as something like gasoline. In other words, using their lifespan and lifeforce, the 'crude oil', to refine all these through their breathing, blood flow and thoughts into 'gasoline' that's easier to use. Thus, magicians aren't all powerful. No matter how they search for even high-skilled magic, the amount of gasoline is finite. However, this 'certain creature' doesn't have such a limitation. This 'certain creature' has the ridiculous characteristic of being 'immortal', which means that they have infinite magical power. Even if the Earth's resources run out one day, the magical power of this 'certain creature' will never run out. Cain's descendants--vampires. They definitely aren't weak creatures depicted in the stories that can be deal with using the 'Cross' and 'sunlight'. Actually, one's enough to cause a nuclear-level 'global calamity'. "Hm." In the huge container, the 'human's still floating upside down, staring dully at Stiyl. "Speaking of which, do you know what do we mean by 'esper powers'?" "...No." Stiyl can't possibly understand it, and neither does he think that Aleister will tell him. This is because the moment he knows of the enemy's secrets, it will mean that he'll lose the chance to get out of here alive. "Actually, it's just a difference in knowledge." But Aleister said casually, "Have you heard of 'Schrdinger's Cat'? It's the most famous animal abuse case in the world."


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"...?" "I won't explain the details to you. Anyway, it roughly means that 'reality will be seen differently between humans'. Of course, the micro and macro physical laws are different, so this can't explain all of it. The rules of this world can be seen as a microscopic (micro) and telescopic (macro). As for which are micro and which are macro, it's said that these are also within Aleister's range of research. "...I don't really get what you mean." "It's alright, you don't have to. If you do, I have to kill you right now." Aleister nonchalantly says, "...Speaking of which, I'm the one who really doesn't understand. Is there really a Deep Blood? And what's the difference? It's like the cat in the box." Aleister says that espers are changing like how litmus papers change colours. The main point isn't to marvel at how the litmus paper changes colour from red to blue, but to consider why, what's the reason behind it, and think if there's any way to manipulate this rule. Though Aleister controls 2.3 million espers that are enough to declare war on the entire world, this to him isn't the 'aim', but a 'mean'. Stiyl's trembling. This 'human' in front of him is something who believes that machines can do everything for a human. To this human, which are 'mechanical'? To this human, which are 'human'? "That's right." The 'human' spoke, this human that looks like a man yet a woman, an adult yet a child, a Saint yet a convict makes an expression which can be considered a 'smile', and says, "--If Deep Blood proves the existence of vampires, what does the Imagine Breaker prove?"


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Part 2
Deep inside, Kamijou Touma is shouting: What the heck! This is the second level of the fast food restaurant, a no smoking zone that's packed full. At the four-seater table that's packed full with people, Kamijou, Index and Aogami Pierce are sitting there. Hm, it's still okay over up till here. "--Spent all my money and ruined myself." But why is there a miko lying on a table in such a crude shop and actually saying such ridiculous words--!? The miko's about as old as Kamijou and wearing a basic miko outfit. The waist length hair makes her look like a textbook example of a miko. "..." "..." The heavy presence is like that in a lift. What should I do? Kamijou wondered. At this moment, he suddenly notices Index and Aogami Pierce looking at him. "...Wha, what's up?" "...Kami-yan, when someone talks to ya, ya should oblige and reply, right?" "...That's right that's right! Touma, you can't just back away on just seeing the appearance. You must follow God's teachings and stretch out , amen!" "...Oi, are you kidding!? We should at least settle this by janken to make it fair! Oi, Index! You're thinking that I'll lose, right!? Oi, why are you drawing a Cross in front of your chest!?" In the end, the trio decides to play janken to decide the martyr. Fist, fist, scissors, Kamijou lost. In conclusion, Kamijou Touma's just unlucky. "Erm, excuse me?" Kamijou, who was the only one that chose scissors and is all confused, could only talk to the miko. The miko shoulder's jerked.

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"Ah, erm...what did you mean when you said spent all your money and ruined yourself?" Anyway, it's better to maintain the most natural conversation, Kamijou thought. And since the miko herself did say that, she's probably hoping for other people to ask her why. "As I had a lot of free coupons, and a hamburger cost 580 yen--" "Uh hm." For Kamijou, who lost his memory, he forgot what a hamburger tastes like. However, he knows that hamburgers have only a meat patty and some rotten lettuce, a poor person's bad friend. "So I went ahead and ordered 30 of them." "You ordered too much, idiot girl." Just as Kamijou answered that on instinct, he notices that the miko isn't moving. It's because she's not saying anything at all that one can feel that she's giving off the presence that she got emotionally hurt. This atmosphere is bad. He didn't expect her to treat it so seriously. This atmosphere is really bad. "Ah, I didn't mean it like that! I haven't finished saying! I actually wanted to say 'idiot girl, why did you order so much'. This was just meant to make our conversation even smooth going. Though my talking may be rough, this is just a proof of friendliness, there's no ill intent! Ah, sorry, let me talk to my clients. OI, THE NUN AND THAT BLUE-HAIRED GUY OVER THERE, WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME LIKE THAT!! WAIT TILL WE TALK OUTSIDE!!" Unable to withstand the pressure, Kamijou started to shout crazily. "Frustration meal." The miko that's about half-dead and not moving at all finally said this. "Ha?" "Train fare back home, 400 yen." Facing these suspicious words from the miko, Kamijou can only swallow his saliva. Kamijou doesn't have any memories of 'taking a train', but he knows that 'taking a train or a bus in Academy City is extremely expensive'. "What has 400 yen for a train ride back has to do with a frustration meal?" "My total fortune, 300 yen."

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"...And the reason is?" "Overspending, lack of planning." "..." "So I'm having a frustration meal." Kamijou barely manages to swallow the words 'you idiot' that was about to come out of his throat. After careful consideration, he says, "But why don't you use that 300 yen for the train ride? If that's the case, you can cut the distance until it's just a 100 yen distance. If not, why can't you just borrow 100 yen from someone?" "--That idea's good." "Why are you staring at me like that? What's with those expectant eyes of yours?" Kamijou frantically lets his body back away from the miko as much as possible. He already spent 3,600 yen (meaninglessly just to buy a reference book), and even bought three shakes just to calm Index down, so even though it's just 100 yen, it's a heavy burden to him. Speaking of which. The miko who then lifted her face up is unexpectedly a beauty. She's a little different from the foreigner Index; skin that's as white as a Japanese that's even more visible under the black eyes and hair. Though her eyes lack emotion, it also means that she's not aggressive. Even if she wants someone to be with her, she gives the feeling of comfort. It can be said to be a tremendous encompassing power. "..." Index scowls and glares at him. "That, that's impossible! Kami-yan's actually talking to a actually talk to a gal he just met so naturally, that's impossible!" Aogami Pierce however is grumbling angrily, trying to seriously ruin Kamijou's reputation. "SHUT UP! YOU TWO-DIMENSIONAL ALIEN! CLIENT, GET BACK TO THE BACK OF THE GYM LATER! AND YOU MIKO, FIND A WAY TO GET 100 YEN FOR YOURSELF AND GO HOME! TRANSMISSION COMPLETE!"

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"What? It's not over yet Kami-yan! Ya were a good man for 16 years, how did ya get so many unique girls like a nun and a miko within 2 weeks!? Is this a gal game?" Aogami Pierce cried out in confusion, and Kamijou really wants to reward him with a punch. However, since they're sitting diagonally, he couldn't do so. Just the positioning of their sitting is enough to see how unfortunate Kamijou is. "100 yen please." The miko however lifts her head up and stares with a complicated painful expression as she says, "Can't you lend me?" "Nope. No money here." "..." The miko ponders for a while and says, "...So stingy. Can't even let me borrow a mere 100 yen." "...Who's the idiot who doesn't even have some stupid 100 yen!?" Kamijou inadvertently retorted back. "Kami-yan! How can ya respond like that so naturally!? As a good man, shouldn't ya stutter in front of a beauty!?" Aogami Pierce shouted out with a Hellish-like voice. "...Beauty." The miko's eyes waver, making one wonder what she's thinking now. "Lend me 100 yen since I'm beautiful." "Shut up! You bad woman! A woman who uses her looks to get money can't be called a beauty! And I just bought 3 shakes so I don't have any money left!" "That's, that's great Kami-yan! Ya still think that a beauty's heart must be kind and pure, it seems like ya haven't left the 2-D world!" "...Hold on Touma. You're saying that you'll give her 100 yen if you didn't help me buy shakes? Humph!" The stares and cries of outrage start to come from all over, and it far surpasses Kamijou's computing abilities. Kamijou grabs his head, wondering which point he should settle first. At this point, Index, who's slurping the shake up the straw, glares at the miko with hostility.


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"Humph. Seeing that you're wearing red pants, I suppose you do divinations, right? So mikos who do divinations will also sell their faces, right? I even heard that the term 'miko' was a hidden way of calling a 'whore' in the Heian period, right?" Kamijou jumped up and shouted on hearing that, and Aogami Pierce is going high for some reason, shouting 'hahaha, a nun and miko are going at it!". Just as Kamijou intends to let Aogami Pierce remain quiet, the miko spoke, "I'm not a miko." "What?" The black-haired girl who looks exactly like a miko and whose photo can be used for an entry in an encylopedia said such words, causing everyone to stare at her. "Eh, if you're not a miko, what are you?" Kamijou, who became everyone's representative for some reason, asked.

"I'm a spellcaster."

"..." Everyone remain silent. The sounds of the cable broadcast in the shop seem to far away. For some reason, though Kamijou lost his memory, he has a strong feeling that he experienced this before. But more importantly, why is Index trembling over there? Kamijou cries deep inside. BAM! Index slams onto the table with both hands. Before the shakes on the tray can even jump up, Index roared, "What spellcaster? Kabbalah? Knoch? Hermes? McCue's idol or Modern Astrology? Don't just give us something that's vauge and tell us your speciality, school, magic name and order name, idiot!" "???" "You dare to call yourself this even without knowing all these? Since you're a divination miko, at least you should pretend to be an oriental-style astrologist or something!" "Alright. I'll be that." "You'll be that!? Did you just say that!!?"

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Index continues to slam her hands on the table. Kamijou sighs and looks around. Though the shop's rather noisy, Index's flailing about is too much. Got to make her shut up soon. "Alright alright, we understand that this miko isn't a miko but a spellcaster, but so what? Calm down." "Touma! Your attitude is completely different from when you first met me!" Index glared at Kamijou as if she wants to bite him, but the truth is that Kamijou really forgot about it. Of course, he can't just tell her 'sorry, I lost my memory'. "If she herself thinks that she's a spellcaster, let her be. Since she's not trying to harm someone or trick someone, don't mind it." "...Uu, when I wanted to prove that magic was real, my clothes got stripped off." "Ha?" "Nothing! I never said anything nor thought of anything!" Index angrily looks away. Underneath the table, Kamijou's foot got stepped on several times. Seems like there's only one culprit. "Ah." Index, who turned her head aside, seem to notice something. Kamijou's wondering whether the shop attendants are going to chase them out because they're too noisy. At this moment. (Nn...someone?) The moment he felt that something's amiss, Kamijou finally realises that the table the four of them are sitting at is surrounded by about 10 people. "--" Why didn't we notice it? Kamijou wondered. Perhaps it's the same distance as the distance between the customers and the attendants who're asking for orders. The 10 people stared over in this direction, looking like they want to surround this table. It's amazing that no one noticed it.


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Also. Even now when the shop's crowded, nobody actually noticed this anomaly. Basically, these people can erase their own existence like professional killers. "..." They're dressed in the same Western suit, everyone's in their 20s, 30s. If they're squeezed together in a train station, they can make people basically fail to remember their faces and names. However, their expression don't carry any emotions at all, and because of that, they end up being unable to mix into the surroundings. (Emotionless expression...?) Kamijou wonders where he seen this expression before. Then, he looks back around the table. This anonymous miko. Her expression is still emotionless even with 10 men surrounding them. "100 yen more." The miko spoke. She said that as she silently stood up. It seems that she's not wary of them. The attitude's basically as casual as having a pre-arranged meeting with someone here. One of them backs away and makes a path. Another one respectfully hands over a 100 yen coin on his palm to the miko without saying anything. "Eh? Ah, so you know these people?" Not understanding the situation, Kamijou said. "..." The miko looks around, seemingly thinking about something. "Nn, they're cram school teachers." It was a nonchalant tone.


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The miko walks to the first level. The 10 men silently follow behind like shadows and bodyguards. The familiar buzzing and wired music seem to be heard from afar, as the volume's becoming softer. After these people left, Aogami Pierce finally says, "Hold on, why must cram school teachers take her back? They're not some elementary school discipline head."

Part 3
It's later, in the evening. In order to forget about that mysterious miko and those men clad in western suits. Kamijou and company decided to play hard and go back home like elementary school students after school and dispersed after 5. Aogami Pierce said bye-bye like an elementary school child and disappeared into the evening streets. He's not staying in a student dormitory, but living in a bakery. It's said that the reason why he's staying there is because the uniform looks like a maid outfit. On the road in front of the station at the department store, only Kamijou and Index are there. Kamijou sighs, Just as the idea that both of them are alone appears in his mind, there's a numbing tension spreading throughout his entire body. There's no need to mention the reason. "What's the matter, Touma?" Facing such a question with an innocent smile, he can only answer that it's nothing. Kamijou carefully tries not to let the girl beside him find out, and sighs. Because they're 'living together'! And they're even 'secretly' living in a 'boys dormitory'. And most importantly, the person's 'such a little girl'. It's been several days since he came back from the hospital, and every day, she's been sleeping beside Kamijou as if it were normal. Also, her sleeping habits are bad; perhaps it's because she

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hates the heat that she would reveal her feet or bellybutton from under the pyjamas. In the end, Kamijou could only choose to lock himself in the toilet, and because of that, Kamijou Touma's been sleep deprived recently. "--Am I so bad that I can end up on the tabloids?" Kamijou muttered. How would the Kamijou Touma before he 'lost his memory' view this situation? Kamijou muttered. In fact, the 'living together' idea was proposed by the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory'. What were you doing that time, Kamijou Touma! He roared in his heart. "Ah!" Walking halfway, Index suddenly stopped, seemingly seeing something. "Eh?" Feeling depressed, Kamijou stares over at where Index is look. At the base of a windmill turbine, there's a corrugated paper box, and there's a cat purring inside. "Touma! Ca--" "No way!" --Kamijou interrupted Index before she could finish." "No we can't." "Why why why why why? Why can't we raise Sphynx?" "Because we're not allowed to have pets in student dormitories, and I don't have any money. -Don't go naming the cat so quickly! And what Sphinx--THAT'S A JAPANESE CALICO CAT, WHY IS THERE'S A FOREIGN NAME?" "Why don't you keep a cat! Do as you are told!" (Note: This was spoken in English) "???...humph! Don't think that a few English words can convince me!" "I DON'T CARE! WANNA WANNA WANNA WANNA WANNA WANNA WANNA WANNA!!!" "WHAT'S WITH THAT SHOUTING ATTACK!? IT'S USELESS TO ME! AND LOOK, YOUR CAT RAN INTO THE ALLEY!" "IT'S ALL TOUMA'S FAULT!' "AND YOU'RE BLAMING ME!!"

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It's a summer sunset now, and both of them are shouting at each other. Kamijou casually thinks, how did the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory treat this girl'? Maybe it was like this? If that were the case, it'll be really delightful for him. But it's a little lonely as well. Besides, the girl isn't looking at this Kamijou. What makes her relax completely and smile so brightly is the Kamijou Touma before 'he lost his memory'. It's still painful. Even so, Kamijou still intends to act on. "Humph! I heard that the Shamisen was made from cat skins? Why must the people in this country always do such cruel things to cats?" "...Idiot, stop criticising other countries' cultures! You English folks also love to gather together and chase down foxes, right!?" "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING...FOX HUNTING IS A REPRESENTATIVE OF ENGLAND'S TRADITIONS AND PRIDE--!" Shouting halfway, Index suddenly notices something and moves away. "Na? What? Where did the cat disappear to?" Kamijou said as he looks around, but he doesn't see any signs of the cat. "...That's strange, Touma. I seem to feel that the mana is being gathered." Index stares at Kamijou and muttered. "...The attribute is earth, colour is green. This ritual...uses a medium to introduce mana and goes by a conscious intervention..." Index seem to be muttering what she's thinking. Kamijou doesn't know what is Index talking about as he stares at her. At this moment, Index finally says, "Oi, Index!" "It seems like someone just set up a magic array around here! I'll go check first, go back first, Touma!"

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Just like that, Index vanished into the alley. "She asked me to go back, but." Such a mysterious girl, Kamijou thought. However, he can't just leave her behind and go home first. Besides, a girl just ran into a dangerous alley, and the chances of encountering something bad is as common as a third rate RPG story line. Misfortune came up looking again. Kamijou sighed. He sighed and raises his foot, ready to follow Index into the alley. But at this moment,

"It's been a while, Kamijou Touma."

A voice came from behind. The foot that was about to step into the alley has to stop. The words 'it's been a while' is basically 'taboo' to Kamijou. Kamijou remembers knowledge like 'Japanese' and '1st grade mathematics', but he forgot all his 'memories'. He doesn't even remember things like 'when did I buy this game', 'how many marks did I get for the end-of-term exams', no 'memories' at all. Such he can't remember everyone's faces and names, on hearing something like 'it's been a while', Kamijou can only give the most sincere looking fake smile. In order to protect that girl's happiness. Kamijou Touma must never let others realise that he lost his memories. He turns to look back. "Ah." Looking at the man standing there, Kamijou doesn't have any impressions at all. The person is more of a teenager than a man. But facing this tall man who's over 2m tall, the term 'teenager' may be too much of a stretch. This man is like Index, lacking the white skin that a Japanese has and wearing black priest robes. But even though he's a priest, the smell of cologne on his body is too strong. The long hair is dyed red, he's wearing earrings, rings on every finger, and a barcode tattoo under his right eye. The fallen impression he gives is like those of a renegade monk or a heretic.

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How can there be such an impression? And he doesn't want to have any impressions on him. "Humph, not even a hi even after we haven't met for a long time? Hm, that's good as well. That's how our relationship should be like. We can't just call ourselves comrades after just working together once." However, the priest with cologne smell all over him said this earnestly. (Who is this guy...) Kamijou's throat can't even make this voice. Besides the existence of this suspicious priest, Kamijou's even more suspicious that 'he actually know of such a person before he lost his memory'. Also, there's another thing Kamijou's bothered about. Kamijou glances into the alley. Index ran off someone, and there's no time to bother about this renegade priest... "Ah, don't worry about Index, I just used the Opila runes. She probably just detected the magic flow and ran off to look." Kamijou is stunned. Runic magic. Magic language that the Germanic people started to use since the 2nd century A.D. Basically, these are 'words that have power'. For example, writing the word 'kenaz (flames)' on the paper will cause 'flames' to appear on the paper. (...What's going on?) Kamijou's throat can't even make any voice. It's not because the priest in front of him said something ridiculous like runic magic. But it's because this ridiculous knowledge actually came out of his mind so naturally. This is definitely abnormal. It's like putting a rusted locomotive in the middle of a clear river. There's a huge hole in the logical world. It's like being able to cross the road in the midst of a green light, having to pay money for sending handphone messages; this thing called magic can actually mix into everyday life like that--! What kind of world did the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory' live on?

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For the first time, Kamijou Touma's feeling afraid of himself. The priest with such a smell seem to see something from Kamijou's eyes, closing one eye and smiles. Kamijou doesnt' know what's going on, and neither does he have any mood to talk to others. He can only smile ambiguously and force the mysterious feeling down. At that moment, the red-haired priest pulled out what looks like a card and says,

"Don't smile with everything. Are you ready the die?" (Spoken in English again)

The red-haired priest's smiles like melted wax, as the face extends sideways. A chill. The knowledge Kamijou had 'before he lost his memory' is telling him there's danger. Without having the time to think, Kamijou raises his right hand. Kamijou quickly raises the right hand before his eyes--like he's blocking out the light that's shining into his eyes. At that moment, the priest's right hand spurts out flames like he's flushing out gasoline, forming a fiery red flame sword. The priest doesn't even wait. No hesitation, no mercy--he swings the flame sword down hard at Kamijou. The moment the flame sword came into contact with the object, it exploded like a ball of gas, and the flames scatter out nearby. The flames absorb the oxygen and let out a terrifying sound. 3,000 degrees of flaming Hell create a vortex and invades everything nearby. BOOM! The flames don't stop completely. Sheen, but immediately, it vanished like it got broken. "Ha...hah..." Kamijou didn't frantically lower the right hand that protected his face as he continues with his heavy breathing.


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Imagine Breaker. The mysterious power that's hidden in Kamijou's right hand. No matter what supernatural power it is, even if it's God's miracle, it will vanish completely on contact. "Hah...hah...!" Seeing the stiff, trembling and immobile Kamijou, the priest finally smiles. "Yes, yes, that's the face I wanted. The relationship between Kamijou Touma and Stiyl Magnus should be like this. Don't make me repeat this, since our relationship isn't such that we can call each other comrades after working together once." The priest's smile is like it's ruptured and melted. However, Kamijou can't respond. It's not that he's afraid of that abnormal power in him, nor is it about the priest in front of him who calls himself Stiyl Magnus. If there's a question about what Kamijou's afraid about, there's only one answer. He's afraid that he could actually respond and block that 'attack' without thinking, even after facing such a ridiculous 'attack' like a flame sword; the 'knowledge' he has. It's really scary. "Wha...are you--" Kamijou frantically takes 2, 3 steps because. The 'knowledge' and 'pre-amnesia' Kamijou Touma is telling him that an enemy's here. There's no time to fight the 'enemy from within'. Right now, the most important thing is to fight the 'enemy from outside'. Perhaps this is a 'knowledge' that's imprinted in his mind. Kamijou growls and gets into a fighting pose that's not of any fighting style. He's actually amazed that he's so used to fighting. Facing Kamijou, the priest-looking magician chuckles. "Hn? I just want to tell you a secret." What nonsense are you spouting. Just as Kamijou's thinking about this...Stiyl pulls out an envelope.


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It feels like it has a lot of information. Is he really thinking of giving me secrets? Kamijou frowns. This guy just created one huge explosion on this one-direction 3 laned road that as wide as a runway. And now he's trying to tell me a secret--? (...?) Thinking about this, Kamijou suddenly realises something. There was a huge explosion, and yet the surroundings weren't involved in the commotion. (...!?) No. It's only now that Kamijou realised the truth. It wasn't that there wasn't a commotion, but there's no one around. On the one direction three lane road that's wide enough to be a runway, there are many department stores on each side. But on thinking closely, there's nobody and no cars on the road--just Kamijou and Stiyl. The windmill turbines are still rattling, echoing through the empty street like a skeleton laughing. Far away, he can hear the the siren ringing from the empty crossing. "I just said it before--" Perhaps trying to break the silence of the night coast, Stiyl chuckles, "--I used the Opila runes." Ehwaz Stiyl says and flicks the large fan-mail like envelop from his hand with his index finger. The thick envelop spins like a frisbee and slowly lands on Kamijou's hands. There are mysterious words on the envelop, looking like they want to seal the documents inside. The moment Stiyl muttered this, the words on the envelop start to glow. The seal opens right down the middle as if it got sliced apart by a knife. "Have you heard of Misawa Cram School, the prep school?" Stiyl said it as if he's singing. A large amount of information appeared on every piece of paper, and like a magic carpet, only the necessary information flew out of the envelop and float around Kamijou. Not having any memories, Kamijou can only scan this name through his own 'knowledge'. However, he still doesn't have any impression of the name 'Misawa Cram School'. It seems like the he 'pre-amnesia' isn't so interested in college entrance exams.

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"It's said to be the prep school with the largest market in the country." Stiyl said with melancholy. Prep school. As what the name implies, it's a tuition school. Those repeat students who failed in their college entrance exams will gather here to study. However, the 'promotion prep class' in Academy City has another meaning to it. That's to provide those people who already have the potential to enter college but chose to retake another year a place to study. A piece of paper floats in front of Kamijou. It seems like Misawa Cram School doesn't only provides 'promotion classes', it also provides services for students who haven't become repeat students a 'pre-exam express' service. "...So, why are you telling me about prep classes? Is there a discount given when you introduce friends in?" Kamijou asked Stiyl with a look that obviously shows that he doesn't trust him. That's because he can't imagine any relationship this priest that reeks of cologne would have with a prep school. It's like this--Stiyl nonchalently explains.

"A girl was imprisoned there, and it's my duty to save her."

Stunned, Kamijou stares at Stiyl. It's not because of the scary word 'jail', but because he's suspecting whether this man is serious. Of course, even if Stiyl's mad, it's nothing to Kamijou. However, this guy can use flames like weapons, so it'll be dangerous if he goes berserk. "Hm, I thought that you would understand if I showed you the information." Stiyl lifts his index finger up. The envelop that's in Kamijou's hands let out printing paper that continues to fly around Kamijou like snowflakes. --One one them is the location diagram of 'Misawa Cram School'.


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However, the picture of the location diagram has some errors in the measurements when comparing the infrared and ultrasonic scans. Obviously, there's an unknown place that uses a lot of electricity. --A 'Misawa Cram School' electricity bill. However, even after investigating all the electrical appliances and electricity consumption in each room, the sum still doesn't tally. Obviously, there's a part in the building where something' using a lot of electricity. --A personnel entry and exit list of 'Misawa Cram School'. However, the teachers or students obviously do take in lots of food. Some investigators acted as rubbish clearing people and checked the rubbish, and found that the numbers don't tally as well. Obviously, 'Misawa Cram School' has to provide food for 'some people' inside the building. --And the last sheet of paper is. A report of a sighting a month ago, regarding a girl walking into the 'Misawa Cram School' building. According to a caretaker of the student dormitory, this girl was never seen at the dormitory room again. "Right now, it seems that 'Misawa Cram School' became a phony religious cult devoted to science worship." Stiyl said nonchalently. Science worship...? Kamijou frowns in surprise. "You're, talking about those things, right? Those gimmicks like how God's real identity is that of a UFO floating above, and what extracting a Saint's DNA, and they can create clones of Saints, right...?" The idea that 'science and religion don't mix' is rather shallow. In the Western world, there are many doctors and scientists who are Christians. However, if such a relationship is forced, it's a fact that there'll be a lot of terrible things. Besides, it's common for these people that have the most advanced technology to produce poison gas and explosives. Academy City, which is the leading power in scientific technology and also a learning and education hub, would normally be extremely careful with such science and religious stuff.


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Besides, if the places that are supposed to be for 'educational purposes' have some problems, the place will immediately become a brainwashing plant. "I don't know what they're teaching, but to be honest, it's meaningless no matter what fanatical religious group 'Misawa Cram School' became. That's because they're dissolved." "...?" "To put it a bit more extreme." Stiyl continues on, not looking like he cares much, "'Misawa Cram School' got taken. The phony religious half-baked scientific group got taken over by a real magician--no, an alchemist of the Zurich school, to be precise." "An authentic one...?" "Yeah, I know it sounds suspicious...hold on." "What?" "...Since when did you become so perspective? Are you basically listening and letting the words out from your ears because you don't understand at all?" Kamijou is shocked. Actually, it's not because Stiyl was spot on. He was seriously listening to Stiyl, and he was really trying to understand and respond to the terms he doesn't understand. But it's because he did so that Stiyl felt that something's amiss. It's as if someone realised that this Kamijou Touma is somewhat different from the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory'. (Don't realise it, don't realise it...!) The Kamijou 'Right now' doesn't know what relationship this magician has with that girl. But no matter how distant their relationships are, Kamijou doesn't want to let others know that he lost his memories. Kamijou saw it. He saw it in the patient's room. He saw the girl in white nun habit crying. The tears of happiness for the boy who was treated as the Kamijou 'before he lost his memory'. He can't break her mental support, ever.


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So Kamijou decides to fool the entire world. Even himself. "What, you give me that just because I so happened to be listening attentively? You aren't a masochist or something? Are you the type that wants others to interrupt your words left and right?" But right now, the Kamijou 'now' doesn't know how different he is from the Kamijou 'preamnesia'. It's like walking while looking at a map; even though he knows he's walking the wrong way, but if he looks around and find desert everywhere, he can't tell where the right path is. For a while, Stiyl stares suspiciously at Kamijou's face. "Fine, whatever. It's not a problem that this conversation is going well anyway." Stiyl finally reverts back to the original conversation. "The main point is the reasons why that alchemist took over 'Misawa Cram School'. Of course, the simplest reason is that he probably feels that it's convenient to just use this 'Misawa Cram School' as a base. Most of the students may not have realised that the principal of this prep school has changed." However, Stiyl then exhales lightly and says,

"The most important reason why the alchemist took over was the Deep Blood that's imprisoned in 'Misawa Cram School'."

Deep Blood?

Kamijou never heard of this name before, and neither does he have any such 'knowledge' about this. However, the name itself already sounds terrifying. Originally, the 'Misawa Cram School' seem like they just imprisoned her to be a miko. Actually, their idea isn't wrong, since it's a viable method to use a miko as a sacrifice to summon higher class things. ... But this Deep Blood was already targeted by the alchemist, it's just that 'Misawa Cram School' took her away first. No, perhaps to him, it can't be helped. His original plan should be to abduct the Deep Blood without anyone noticing and escape Academy City. However, because the 'Misawa Cram School' blew things out of proportions, his plans were ruined.


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So he forcefully took back what belongs to him from 'Misawa Cram School'? It's like a master thief making all sorts of preparations to steal something from an art gallery, only for terrorists to occupy the building. The thief than stole the painting he wanted to steal from these destructive maniacs who don't understand the value of these paintings, only to find that the art gallery got packed with police. Unable to do anything, the master thief then has to build a barricade at the entrance of the art gallery and hide inside...? Yeah. To the alchemist, it's his greatest wish to be able to get the Deep, more accurately, that's the wish of the entire world of magicians. Perhaps it's also the wish of the world as a whole. ??? Kamijou reveals a puzzled look. It's an ability that can kill a 'certain creature'. No, not just that. This is the only possibility of capturing this 'certain creature' alive to prove the existence. Kamijou still doesn't understand. Well, if I have to use our terminology, this certain creature is called Cain's descendant. Stiyl chuckles, and then he says in a whisper-like voice, Basically, they're vampires. He finally said it, Are you kidding me? Hearing such words, this was the first response Kamijou gave, Vampires. Kamijou doesn't know where the legend about them originally started. However, according to the depiction in games and manga... Vampires are afraid of Crosses and sunlight. Vampires will die when they get hammered with a stake. Vampires will be reduced to dust after they die. Those bitten by vampires will become vampires. ...He only knows about all these. And for some reason, the 'knowledge' Kamijou learnt these from are from mangas and games, and these are all fighting games. The Cross is really useless.

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...Those who can think that it's a joke are considered lucky. Stiyl gnashes his teeth and looks away. Right now, the magician who can control flames perfectly seem to be afraid of something. Humph, since there exists a specialist who can kill vampires, it's obvious that 'those vampires who must be killed' exist as well. It's like the bad people existing for the heroes of justice, it's a vicious cycle. However, one thing I can confirm is that...if possible, I don't want to admit it. ...What do you mean? Do the vampires in the books really exist? Kamijou's still denying it in his heart. However, the man in front of him is still as stern as ever, making him unable to brush this off. Nobody has ever seen a vampire-- Stiyl Magnus looks like the embodiment of self-confidence as he says in a chant like tone, --Because everyone who saw it died. ... Of course, I'm not going to believe in such things so easily. The troublesome thing is that nobody ever saw a vampire before, but the existence of Deep Blood confirms the existence of a vampire. Nobody knows how strong they are, nobody knows how many there are, nobody knows where they are, nobody knows nobody knows nobody can we deal with them when we don't even know anything about them? Stiyl continues to chant on, but Kamijou, who still can't accept the term 'vampire', still can't understand anything about this. In the end, he can only think that it's like they are dealing with hidden terrorists all over the world. But on the other hand, it's because no one knows about the truth behind them that there's all sorts of unknown possibility. Stiyl sneers cynically, Kamijou Touma, have you heard of the 'Kabbalah'?...I suppose you haven't, right? ...Do you think that you can ruin my pride like that?


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Whatever. Anyway, the 'Kabbalah' represents the 'soul level' of God, Angels, humans and others. To put it simply, humans can climb up the ranks by training, but at some point, they won't be able to climb up any higher. ...You're treating me like an idiot, aren't you? What are you trying to say? Is your pride hurt? What I'm trying to say is...there are some disciplines that humans can't reach no matter how much they try. However, humans do want to continue their ascent no matter what. Magicians became magicians because they want to surpass a human's limits. If so, what must humans do to surpass this limit? Stiyl's expression looks like he's about to rip his sneering expression apart. It's simple. They just need to borrow the power of anything other than humans.

Kamijou can't say anything. The so-called vampires are immortal, one can just rip their hearts out and stab them with a magic sword, and they can still live on like a living magic tool. Stiyl nonchalantly continues, What's important isn't the authenticity of the issue. Scholars are such creatures who will try out things even if there's just a tiny possibility. In other words, this is what Stiyl meant. The existence of the vampires isn't important. What's important is that some people believe that they do exist and made a fuss out of it. Since someone blew things up, someone else will have to settle it. That's the crux of the situation. In other words, nobody knows whether vampires exist or not, right? It's common to see it in action films; a bunch of people fighting over some ancient treasure that nobody knows whether it exists or not. However, it's stupid for such things to happen in real life. Setting 'such things of unknown existence' is our job. Stiyl chuckles cynically, Thus, the 'Misawa Cram School' and the alchemist were serious. They really wanted to face off against a vampire, so they needed this ace that's called Deep Blood.


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... Oh yeah, do you know the past about Deep Blood? It's rumoured that the girl was living in a mountain village at Kyoto, but one day, everyone in the village died. The last villager who reported the case may had been in a state of disarray, saying that he will be killed by a monster. When the rescuers arrived, what they saw was an empty village, and a girl who was just standing blankly down thereand an entire village that was overrun with white snow-like ash all over the place. Ash. It's said that vampires will turn into ash after they died. It's true that vampires are a sort of existence 'whose existence is unknown', but think about it. Deep Blood is a power that can 'kill vampires'. But if Deep Blood wants to kill vampires, the Deep Blood has to meet vampires. As for the people who wants to find vampires no matter what, the easiest way is to catch Deep Blood. However, since the Deep Blood has such a powerful ability to 'kill even vampires', how can they subdue Deep Blood? That is a question. This is a completely supernatural discussion. It's dangerous to listen on, Kamijou instincts are telling him. If he continues to listen to this person, his common sense will be twisted. And Kamijou has a premonition that if this keeps up, it may end up in a state where he can't reverse it. In order to end this conversation, he clearly raises a suspicion. Alright, you told me so many 'secrets', what do you want to tell me now? Nn, that's right. We don't have much time, so let's end this quick. Stiyl nods twice and says, ...Basically, I have to charge into 'Misawa Cram School' and save Deep Blood. Nn, Kamijou simply nods in response. Don't nod away like that. You're coming with me. What? What did you just say?


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That's an accurate description of the current situation. Also, those words were just a discussion of our battle plan. Do you still remember everyday? All the information are engraved with flame runes, and will burn after you see them. It'll be bad if you don't remember them. Hold...! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Kamijou thought. This Stiyl in front of him is a person whose power is most suited for killing and is a merciless killer. If he's going into some 'enemy' alchemist's stronghold, it won't be surprising to see him get involved in a killer incident. Also, one more thing. Stiyl casually replies, I suppose you don't have any rights to refuse. If you don't obey, we'll take away that Index from you. For some reason, the words are etched deeply inside Kamijou. The 'knowledge' is afraid. The remnants of the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory' seem to be afraid of something. The mission that Necessarius gave you is to act as a shackle, a shackle to prevent the 'collar chain' that's taken from Index from betraying the organisation. However, if you don't follow the Church's wishes, the effect of that 'shackle' won't be something that's to be expected. Stiyl sighs, and continues, Speaking of which, it's good for me if the Church feels that you're 'worthless'. I'll really thank you if you can do that, since meaningless 'shackles' are meaningless, and I can just reclaim that child properly. This is a threat. If you don't obey, we will take that girl away from you. ... He's trembling. His heart is beating away like a wooden stake being hammered in. Kamijou Touma doesn't have any memories. The one who met that girl was Kamijou Touma 'pre-amnesia', and it has nothing to do with the him now. The reason why his heart is beating so crazily and his brain is unable to think must be because of the remains of the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory', and it has nothing to do with the him now. But,

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For some reason, ...Are you serious? Why does he believe so strongly that his anxiety is a correct response? Kamijou wonders. It's true that Index first met the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memory', the one Index trusts and smiles at isn't the Kamijou 'who's standing right here'. But even so, it's alright. He once saw the girl in the white room, crying as she saw the battered and fatigued Kamijou. In order not to make her cry. Even if he has to fool the entire world, even himself, it's alright. Kamijou already swore to adhere to his own lie--! ...Humph. Stiyl nonchalantly looks away. His expression is like an actor's whose role got stolen; it's inexplicable. If you want to deal with me, wait till we deal with the alchemist that's hidden in 'Misawa Cram School' first. Also, I forgot to mention it, the Deep Blood's real name is Himegami Aisa. There's a photo here, and it's best that you take a look. It'll be bad if you can't even remember the face of the person you're going to save. A photo slips out of the envelop. The photo seems to be powered by Stiyl's runes as well as it dances in the air and stops right in front of Kamijou. Kamijou stares at the photo. He thinks, how does this esper with the terrifying title of Deep Blood look like? But on the photo, he sees the face of that girl he saw in the day. Eh...? Kamijou froze.

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Perhaps the photo on a student report book or some certain identification card was enlarged, as the face of that Himegami Aisais truly the face of the miko. Kamijou recalls what Stiyl said. --Originally, the 'Misawa Cram School' seem like they just imprisoned her to be a miko. He recalls what the girl said during the day. --I'm not a miko. Kamijou recalls what the magician said A girl was imprisoned there, and it's my duty to save her. He remembers Himegami Aisa's words. --Nn, they're cram school teachers. But why? Kamijou wonders. According to Stiyl's explanation, Himegami Aisa should be imprisoned in 'Misawa Cram School'. IF that miko's really the Deep Blood, why can she enter a fast food restaurant and eat hamburgers? --Train fare back home, 400 yen. Did she escape? Kamijou thought. The only possible reason why the imprisoned Himegami Aisa will be outside is because she escaped from 'Misawa Cram School'. --My total fortune, 300 yen. If that's the case, it can explain why Himegami has so little money on her. Besides, if she escaped without bringing much money. The money will gradually be less if she takes trains and buses. But why did she appear at a fast food restaurant. Kamijou wondered. Since she escaped from 'Misawa Cram School', how could she be standing around over there? --Spent all my money and ruined myself. Ah! Suddenly, Kamijou recalled this. What if she couldn't run further because she used up all her money? Because she can't go on anymore?

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So, She should at least have one last memory? The girl wished for 100 yen. So if she just had 100 yen more, she could escape from the control of Misawa Cram School? Who's the idiot who refused this one wish from the girl. '--Spent all my money and ruined myself. Damn, it... Also, Hiemgami didn't resist when she was surrounded by the 'cram school teachers'. Obviously, she must have wanted to resist. How can she be so willing to go back like that after escaping from 'Misawa Cram School'. Anyone else would have chosen to run away. If she couldn't escape with her own power, she would have asked others for help. But asking others for help will mean that she'll get others involved. Damn it...! Kamijou's extremely unhappy about it. He's so frustrated that he can't think. He's outraged that the 'Misawa Cram School' doesn't treat this girl as a human and locked her up. He's revolted at the alchemist who snatched the girl away, he's infuriated by Stiyl who said that 'Deep Blood is the ace that's used to keep the vampires in check'. But the one that Kamijou's extremely vexed about is that Himegami Aisa who sacrificed herself to save Kamijou. That's because this is wrong. If Kamijou could just pay 100 yen, he could have changed the girl's fate. However, the girl was actually willing to sacrifice all the hard work she put in to escape from 'Misawa Cram School' just to save a boy who sent her back into despair. That's wrong. Though Kamijou doesn't know what kind of 'new religion' it is. Kamijou can't imagine how a girl who's locked there will be treated. Of course, he doesn't want to imagine, This pain was supposed to be taken by Kamijou. (On what basis can you anyhow--)


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Kamijou bites his lips, and the taste of blood is felt on his canines. (--TAKE AWAY OTHER PEOPLE'S MISFORTUNE!) Thinking back, this is where Kamijou's really vexed about, one that really makes Kamijou's head blood. Kamijou doesn't have any 'memories'. However, how Himegami viewed herself is that she always felt that it's alright even though everyone's treating her as a tool. Ignoring her own pain to help others, and thinking that this is a form of happiness. A girl who can still smile even after taking the pain from others. In the past, Kamijou seemed to meet such a girl before. Why can't he remember? Kamijou's really vexed with himself. He has to save her? What should he say? Kamijou Touma isn't going to be able to relieve the anger in him if he doesn't punch that selfish and stubborn Himegami Aisa.

Between the Lines 1

--The girl's standing in the middle of the sea of ash. One of the 13 squads of the knights of England, the 1st Lancer squad was set up with the mission of 'gathering the enemy's information before anyone else'. This time, the 'enemy territory' was a mountain village located at Kyoto. They had to find the reason why 'the mana flow became abnormally large', and eliminate any threatening things. This was their main aim. --It's been over 6 hours since they lost contact with the mountain village in Kyoto. --It's been over 3 hours since the police who went there to investigate disappeared. As every member of the squad could guess, the village in question was completely wrecked. However, this wasn't something rare to them. England did have the fresh blood sacrificial altar that could 'search for every single spiritual tool in the world'. Compared to the raging soul of some ancient emperor that resides in some treasure, this mission wasn't too dangerous.

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In fact, they were just equipped with some casted armour and some Cross-shaped spears, and they didn't even have mass-produced Holy spears. Though the casted armour were holy armours that 'have magical power and could increase the bearer's mobility by 20 times', and that they were 1st class spiritual tool, everyone could tell that the higher-ups weren't viewing this as important. However, there's something everyone was mindful about. The last survivor who called said something like this, Help...methat's not, human...that's-- Of course, nobody believed him. The higher-ups of the Church didn't believe that, and didn't give them proper equipment. But the battle-hardened members of the Knights of England really felt some irritating pressure. Though there were many remaining records in the English national Library, nobody actually saw it before, and nobody caught this 'certain creature'. As for 'this creature' it seems to exist for some reason, it's a mystery as to why so many people wouldn't admit its existence. That's because if they admitted that such a creature exists, the world would have been destroyed. The terrifying thing wasn't the power of this 'certain creature'. If they couldn't match its power, humans could use ways other than brute force to beat them. They could also create all sorts of tools and weapons to beat them. The terrifying thing wasn't the immortality of the 'certain creature'. If they couldn't even kill the enemy, they just had to find ways other than killing them to beat them. For example, they could just freeze them under the ice of Antarctica or dice the immortal flesh up into 200 pieces and stuff them into bottles. These weren't the problems. The problem was the rumoured vast amount of 'mana' the 'certain creature' had. The mana in the magic world's like gasoline. It's basically about using the fuel like lifespan and lifeforce to refine them and create gasoline that's easier to use. To humans, who orginally already have short lifespans, the strength of the mana was whether their refining methods were good or poor. However, it's different for the 'certain creature'.


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Basically, their original fuel, lifespan and lifeforce couldn't be compared to humans. No, more accurately, their lifeforce is 'infinite'. Of course, the amount of magic they could use is of a completely different level. How could a handgun with limited ammunition beat an unlimited missile strike? Thus, the members were just laughing at their insecurity, but they couldn't get rid of it completely. Just like that, he passed through mountains and reached this age-forgotten village. Just as they saw the scene over there, their hearts felt like they were squashed. Looking around, it's white ash everywhere. This seemingly age-forgotten Eastern wasteland was covered by a layer of white ash like snow. The roofs of the huts, the land in the fields, the narrow channels were all covered with a layer of ash. Were these the...remains of the 'certain creature'? But that's not what they're shocked by. If they were real corpses, the number definitely weren't limited to jut 10 or 20. But looking at this amount of ash, the members were unable to believe their eyes. At the middle of the falling ash, there was a girl standing there. She should be about 5, 6 years old, a Eastern style black-haired girl. But on seeing that cute face of hers, the knights who specialise in eliminating radicals still couldn't stop their hearts from beating wildly. Because among the scene of dancing ash, where the remnants of the 'certain creature' form a living Hell, That girl still remained unharmed. The wind started to blow, and the ash started to rise. The ash that covered the entire wasteland scatter about, but only the area around the girl wasn't affected by what seemed like a Holy Sanctuary. It felt like the dead ash was still afraid of her and trying to avoid her. I-- The girl said, --I...killed so many again. It felt like she was describing her everyday life.

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Chapter 2: The Witch-Hunter Moves Along With the Flames. By The Holy Rood...
Part 1
Kamijou stares at the expression of this girl called Index. His 'knowledge' is complaining. She has photographic memory, and won't forget anything she memorises. It's because of this that she was able to memorise 103,000 grimoires. However, this ability can be a double-edged sword. If she can't forget, it means that she won't be able forget what she wants to forget. All the meaningless memories, from a department store brochure 3 years ago to everyone's face in a peak hour, will be stored in her brain, and she can't 'forget' to erase them. Thus, she must use magic to wipe her memories once every year. If he didn't do this, she would die of the overwhelming burden in her brain. But right now, she's smiling in a carefree manner beside Kamijou. According to her, the one who saved her from this predicament was Kamijou himself. But Kamijou can't remember what he was thinking or what he did.

Then, Kamijou starts to think. He just said goodbye to Stiyl and brought Index back to the dorm. But next, Kamijou must head to the battlefield called 'Misawa Cram School'. Of course, he definitely can't bring Index along. If so, it's best that he better not tell Index that he's going to the 'Misawa Cram School'. But if he can't come up with a reason to get out of the house, Index may start to feel suspicious and perhaps even want to come along. "Touma?" His palms are sweaty. This is a precarious situation. No matter what, he must never let Index come over. "I say, Touma!" If so, it's obvious what he has to do. Right now, Kamijou has to hide his insecurities, and launches a barrage of attacks.


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"I'M GOING OFF TO THAT SUPER HIGH-TECH PRIMARY CULTURE INSTITUTE! EH? YOU'RE GOING AS WELL? I SUPPOSE NOT! YOU'RE NOT SO GOOD WITH MACHINES AND YOU DEFINITELY CAN'T USE THAT SUPER MAGNETIC BRAIN DETECTORS! YOU'LL GET LOCKED UP BY THAT AUTO-LOCK SYSTEM OF THE DOOR! SINCE IT'S A LEVEL 4 SAFETY LEVEL, IF THE BASE ARRANGEMENT SYSTEM DOESN'T HAVE DATA ON YOU, YOU'LL GET ELECTROCUTED! BIRI BIRI NEGATIVELY CHARGED IONS OF LIGHT--!" As expected, under the bombardment of technobabble, Index's head is letting out steam. That's to be expected. Besides, Index, who doesn't have any knowledge of modern knowledge may nod her head back in response when she hears a vending machine at a train station say 'welcome'. "Then I'll say this first. Dinner's in the fridge, just microwave it and you can eat it. Don't put the spoon in the microwave oven, or you'll start a fire. And don't you open the freezer door to cool yourself." "Eh? Ah, uu...I don't seem to be really capable of using a microwave oven." Maybe one may suspect how does one misuse a microwave oven. However, Index did microwave a sauce pack of a convenience store bento, and it exploded. She also tried to heat up a half-boiled egg, and it exploded. She even microwaved a bento for too long, and it exploded. In the end, it seemed to her that no matter how she used the microwave oven, it will explode. Perhaps she thought that using a microwave oven is 'a sure-fire way for an explosion'. (...Seems like she's not suspecting anything at all.) Kamijou stares at Index, who's staring at the microwave oven and narrowing her wide eyes, giving the look that she won't fail again. He heaves a sigh of relief. Then, he realises it. "Oi! What's hidden inside your clothes? More accurately, near the stomach!" "Eh?" Index froze. She turns to Kamijou and says, "No, nothing at all!? I swear to God that sisters don't tell lies!" The moment she said finished, the abnormally large stomach let out a 'mi--' cat cry. "OII! SO MUCH FOR YOUR FAITH, YOU BROKE YOUR OATH! TAKE OUT THAT CAT FROM INSIDE YOUR STOMACH!"

To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Perhaps it's because he was talking to Stiyl and too nervous that he didn't notice it. It's likely that the reason Index stayed in the alley for so long wasn't that she wanted to look for the source of the rune, but rather that she wanted to look for that stray cat. "Uu! To, Touma! This piece of clothing is called the 'Walking Church', right?" "So what?" "And a Church should open its arms without any conditions to any lost sheep! Therefor, I will protect Sphynx, who was lost on the streets, Amen." "..." Kamijou's lips seem somewhat numb as he says, "...So, you mean that you'll raise the cat inside the clothes, right? I understand! So the cat sand and it's toilet will be shoved into the your sleeves, right?" "..." "..." "Whatever! I've decided that Sphynx will be protected by the Church!" "Oi! The person who doesn't even think through before doing things! At least think for the one who's being taken care of!" "It's all right as long as I treat it as a family member!" "I DON'T WANT TO BE TREATED BY THE CAT AS ITS DAD!" Though he really doesn't want to do it, Kamijou really feels like dumping the cat while heading to 'Misawa Cram School', he actually wanted to do it, but if he really does so, Index will want to get the cat back and keep following Kamijou all the way. "IDIOT, TOUMA IS AN IDIOT! I'LL RAISE THIS CHILD!" "...Say that when you can earn money for yourself." "But actually, Touma doesn't need to feel sorry. I just said 'idiot' out of frustration, and don't really think that you're a real 'idiot'!" "Are you speaking alien?" But on the other hand, if he agrees to it, Index will agree to him.

To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

(...What can I say, fukou da.) Kamijou sighs. Thinking about the money needed to raise the cat, it seems like he has to reduce the number of dishes everyday. Why did Index choose to pick a cat up at this time? ".........alright." "Hm? Touma? What did you say?" "...............Can't be helped, let's raise it." But it's good. Seems like such words can make Index cry out tears of joy. It's worth it to be able to see Index show such an expression. "Ahh, our Father in Heaven! Your warm light of love hase finally reached the heartless, cruel, cold-blooded, snake-eyed Touma's heart! Thank you for saving this stray cat's innocent soul, I won't forget this for the rest of my life." ...Even though he thought of this, Kamijou Touma's still unable to explain something.

Part 2
After exiting the dormitory room, he sees Stiyl, who he said goodbye to a while back, scattering card-like things all over the place. "What are you doing?" "Can't you tell? I'm setting a barrier here to build a temple here." Stiyl said as he continues to work, "Before we leave for the 'Misawa Cram School', who knows who will come up with a stupid reason to come here and take Index away? Even though we can only use so much, at least we can be more optimistic if we leave 'Innocentius' here, and if something happens, it can help her buy time to escape." Innocentius. Though Kamijou doesn't have any 'memory', his 'knowledge' is telling him that that's a humanoid-shaped ultimate weapon that's made of 3,000 degrees Celsius flames that has autotracking ability. The weakness is--


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

"--It can only be used in the 'boundary' that has runes on it, and it will be destroyed if the runes are destroyed." "...I can tell you this." Hearing this, Stiyl's ears twitched, and says, "I lost to you the last time not because I was weaker than you, it was just the location. If you didn't set off the sprinklers." "Eh? Did we fight before?" Kamijou only had 'knowledge' and no 'memories'. Therefore, even though he knew 'how to beat Innocentius', he doesn't know 'where this knowledge came from'. " you meant that that incident had no value in remembering?" Seemingly misunderstanding, Stiyl continues on, "Fine then, I won't squabble with you over that. After I stick this up, the boundary will be complete, and we can head towards Misawa Cram troublesome. I have to set up a boundary to keep off magicians, but I can't make it too strong or else that child will notice it." Stiyl continued to mutter, and it seems like he's really happy. Thus, Kamijou somewhat realises something. "Do you like Index?" "Eh?" "EH!?" Stiyl blushes as if his heart got flipped over, and says, "Wh wh wh why are you saying such ridiculous words out of a sudden!? She's, she's a target that needs to be protected, not a target for romance--!" Kamijou chuckles and ends the conversation. That's because Kamijou feels that if he continues to delve deeper into this, he'll be digging into his own grave. The main point isn't whether 'the current Kamijou Touma likes Index or not', but that 'the current Kamijou's feelings mustn't be any different from the Kamijou Touma' before he lost his memory'.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Kamijou doesn't know how the 'pre-amnesia' Kamijou Touma viewed Index nor how did he interact with her. If Kamijou says anything now that conflicts with the 'pre-amnesia' him, Stiyl will realise that he lost his memory. (It's like I have two of "me"...) Kamijou sighs deep inside. It's not really accurate to say that there're two of "him". Kamijou even feels that a fake Kamijou entered the real Kamijou's body and is trying to act like the real one. That really feels awkward. "Before we charge into 'Misawa Cram School', let's talk about our 'enemy'." Stiyl said this, perhaps trying to prevent Kamijou from asking on. As they exit the student dormitory and walk on the night street, Kamijou listens to Stiyl's description.

"The enemy's name is Aureolus Izzard."

Stiyl first introduced the enemy's name. "Speaking of Aureolus, there's one person you'll think Are you shocked that he's such a famous person? Don't worry, he's just the descendant of that guy, he's not as strong as the legend goes." "? Who is this Aureolus?" "...Oh yeah, you don't know anything from the magic world. But at least you should have heard of Paracelsus, right?" "???" "Ku...! He's the most famous alchemist in the world!" Stiyl said impatiently. While walking down the evening street, Kamijou asked, "So, is this guy really amazing?"


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

The August sunset is burning. The large number of windows, windmill turbines, everything's dyed orange red. Kamijou thinks that it looks just like a faded photograph. Perhaps that's because their conversation doesn't seem so realistic. "He shouldn't be strong...but what's worrying is that he must have some sort of 'secret weapon' to force Deep Blood follow him. Also, the worst case scenario is that he may have used the Deep Blood to let this 'certain creature' submit to him." More than Aureolus Izzard, it seems like Stiyl's more mindful about this. But Kamijou can't really understand. Even if the conditions are unique, he shouldn't be treating the 'enemy's' ability as second priority. "Oi, that's not right, isn't it? I don't know how powerful vampires are, but should our primary concern be the enemy boss? It's like fighting in a fire, we'll be beaten badly if we are concerned only on the flames." "Hm? Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Aureolus' name may be familiar, but his descendants aren't as powerful as he was. And in the magic world, there actually aren't any roles called Alchemist." Stiyl said nonchalantly, "Divination, alchemy, summoning, these sounds like your language, mathemathics and history. Even Japanese language teachers won't stop learning mathematics completely, right? This socalled magic is to learn a part of everything and then choose a direction that's most suited for himself." Stiyl also mentions that the reason Aureolus Izzard became an alchemist is because he's not talented enough for the other roles. "And also, this alchemy isn't a refined knowledge." "..." Even if Stiyl says so, Kamijou doesn't have any idea of this at all. That's because to Kamijou, alchemy's 'only a fraud that was widespread in the 16th century and will come up with scams to fool royalty' and other sorts of knowledge that's like a history calendar. Alchemyespecially the late Zurich branch of alchemy can be said to be a subset of the Hermes school. Normally speaking, the main motivations are to turn lead into gold and create an elixir of immortality, and so on-- Stiyl sounded rather unmotivated, probably because it's not what he specialises in.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

But these are all experiments. It's like what you people call scientists, always looking for the '...basis' or '...rule'. They don't care about what they will get from the test tube, it wasn't their initial aim. The same theory applies here, alchemists weren't supposed to be focused on 'creating', but 'pursuing knowledge'. ...It's like how Einstein was only researching on the theory of Relativity, and the atomic bomb was just a by-product of the research? If one views it from this angle, scientists are really arrogant, never thinking of what their creations will do to society. Yeah. But besides researching on the 'formula' and the 'principle', they have a final goal. Stiyl pauses, and then continues, --It's like a simulation of the world in his mind. ... If one can understand all the laws of the world, one can imagine the world in the brain. Of course, if even a single law is wrong, the simulated world in the brain will have flaws. ??What? What do you mean by that? Are you talking about abilities similar to those of 'espers'? It's said that on the primitive islands in the South Pacific like Fiji and Melanesia, one has to have the talent of 'being able to accurately predict the weather the next day with just a single glance to the sky' in order to be a leader. Though this 'weather forecast' ability seems like some esper ability, it's actually just a result of computing the window flow, cloud shapes, temperature and humidity in the brain and making a rough estimate out of the vast amount of calculations in the brain. These island leaders never realised that their brains were doing calculations, thinking that they 'just listened to the voice of the wind' to accurately predict the weather'. What Stiyl meant was similar to this example in meaning. It's true that in the 'leader's mind, they may have completely simulated 'tomorrow's weather'. However, this imaginary world will be miles away from the actual one, if there's a tiniest error in their supposedly-perfect formula. ...Hold on, but what can such an ability do? Are they trying to create some sort of calculator that can get everything in the future like a weather report? No.


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Stiyl said nonchalantly, What if they can bring out what they thought of into the real world?

That's really a shocking proclamation. For example, spells that involve ectoplasm, or spells that uses telesma to summon Angels; it's not uncommon to see one 'pull the thoughts in the brain back to reality' in the magic world. Stiyl folds his arms in front of his chest and says, Thus, it's important to have an ability to 'use the brain to accurately imagine the real world'. Basically, with this power, one can 'control the world'. Any celestial beings or devils will bow down to that person. ...Oi oi... Of course, it's hard to do this. The flow of the river, clouds, humans, blood...there are an unlimited number of 'laws' in a world. If one messes up something, he won't be able to create an accurate 'world'. One distortion in the world is like a distorted pair of wings, even if they're summoned, they will be vanquished. This should be similar to a computer process, Kamijou thought. No matter how perfect the process is, if someone forgets to input an extra line, there will be an error, and it can't be executed. But on the other hand, if he really managed to do it, won't anyone be unable to go up against him? If he goes against the entire world, how can the entire world win? Perhaps deep inside, Kamijou's still unable to believe this completely. But he's right, humans can't beat 'everything in the world'. This doesn't mean that the Gods or devils are strong or not; no, that's not that case. The point is that 'everything in the world' also includes the people living on this world, including Kamijou himself. A simplest example. There's a mysterious mirror that can reflect everything it shows into reality. In this situation, no matter how strong Kamijou is, once the opponent pulls out an identical Kamijou duplicate, the end result is that the duplicate will die off together with the real one. But Stiyl doesn't look that anxious. I said it before, just relax. Alchemy isn't a refined knowledge.

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Let me put it this way. If I want you to explain everything in the world, including every grain of sand on the beach or the stars in the night sky, how long are you going to take!? I don't think you can finish explaining after one, two hundred years? That's the case. Actually, the incantations were in existence for a long time, but the human life is so short that they couldn't finish incanting it. Stiyl continues nonchalantly, Though they tried all sorts of things like removing the unnecessary parts to shorten it or like breaking it up, letting each generation say 10 lines and letting each descendant say 10 lines, and so on. But even so, there hasn't been a case of success. A complete incantation won't have any excessive points. And when each generation passes down an incantation, it will be like a telephone game, there will gradually be errors in the incantation. However... Saying up till here, Stiyl finally shows some battle intent and says, ...If those were living things that don't have any limits in lifespan, they can recite finish the super long incantation. Perhaps it's because of this, that 'certain creature' is a rather huge threat to magicians. Perhaps this is also an aim of why the enemy decided to get a vampire, Kamijou thought. To a scientist, it's painful when they know 'an answer' but yet can't 'prove it'. And if their bodies of flesh can't fulfil it, Can't they just get some creature that can surpass a human's limits? It's true that this alchemy is still rather threatening, but right now, Aureolus Izzard shouldn't be able to do this. The most he can do is to create a few things and turn this 'Misawa Cram School' stage into a fortress, and then set up numerous traps to prevent outsiders from entering. ...? Kamijou feels that something's not right. Why is Stiyl so confident? Oi, do you know that what Izzard guy? Of course we do. We were from Church organisations after all. Stiyl casually said,

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I belong to the English Anglicans, and he belonged to the Roman Catholics...we did meet each other before even though our sects were different. Of course, we aren't friends. To Kamijou, it's really hard to imagine the terms Church and magician together. Necessarius, the organisation Stiyl and Index are affiliated to, is aimed at learning magic to counter magicians. But this is the radical among the radicals. Even if the English Anglicans have such an organisation, will the Roman Catholics, who's of a different sect, be something like this? Hearing Kamijou's question, Stiyl frowns and says, Necessarius is an exception amongst exceptions, there can't possibly be similar Churches. Stiyl sighs and continues, But even if we're exceptions amongst exceptions, the secret recorder he was tasked to do should be a unique example among unique examples. Basically, he writes grimoires in place of the Church. Even though it's a grimoire, the purpose is of the complete opposite. It's like some teaching guide for 'which line in the Bible can be used to handle the spells those witches use. Stiyl stretches his arm out and shakes it about, Of course, it's not rare to see people of the Church write grimoires as teaching guides, and those pope Honorius III or the King James I's grimoires are rather famous. ...I see. So that's why you said that Aureolus Izzard's power isn't really much. That's right. He may be knowledgeable about this, but he can't fight. It's like a quiet social club member that's not in a sports club. However, he's another tough opponent. That's because he's one of the few secret recorders of the Roman Catholics and had much power. The Roman Catholics are planning to fight hard against him in order to punish him for being a 'heretic'. No, I don't mean that. I'm saying that that Aureolus should be something worth mentioning with the name of top religious people and kings, right? Are you jealous of him? ...I can treat that as a taunt, right? I'm up for it if you want to fight me, but don't mistake me as your opponent now. Kamijou stares forward and says, We arrived at our battlefield. Kamijou and Stiyl stopped. Under the burning-like sunset, that building's waiting for them.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Part 3
"I say." Kamijou looked up at the building and muttered. This can only be described as a strange building. The building itself is rectangular and nothing special. However, there are 4 of such 12 storey tall buildings, each taking a corner of a cross junction and forming a 'ta' () word. Also, the linked pathways are actually overhead like an overhead bridge above a road as they link the buildings.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Such a building plan should defy the Land Area Planning Adjustment Project, right? Kamijou thought as he looks up at the corridors in the sky. Basically, the authority of the 'sky' is of the 'land's owner. In other words, the area above the roads should be a 'public area'. "Never mind, that's not important." Kamijou muttered and again stares at the 'Misawa Cram School Academy City branch'. Looking at this building, it's really hard for people to think of this 'religious science' term that surpasses normal understanding. This really looks like a very 'ordinary cram school', there will be students who will walk in and out occasionally. It's nothing abnormal. "Anyway, our initial target is the 5th level of the South building--beside the restaurant. There seems to be a secret room over there." Stiyl said casually. The location diagram was burned after Kamijou read it. In that case, has he memorised the entire map? "A secret room?" "Ya. It should be some trick that uses some illusion or distortion to make people unaware of this secret room's existence. This building's interior is like a kid's toy blocks, there are many 'spaces'." Stiyl stares at the building and says, "...I could find 17 secret rooms just by looking at the location diagram. And the one beside the restaurant on the South building's 5th level is the closest one to us." "...Ohh, but that doesn't look like those ninja houses that are booby-trapped." Kamijou muttered, and Stiyl muttered viciously. "...Yeah, sure doesn't look like it." "Eh?" Kamijou turns his head to look back at Stiyl. Stiyl stares at this building that looks like it penetrated the sky and the earth, and after a while, shakes his head and sighs, "Nothing. In fact, as an expert, I can't find any abnormalities, nothing at all even after looking at it as an expert."


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Though Stiyl said this, he's not looking relaxed at all. The expression is that of a doctor who managed to spot something wrong through an X-ray, but unable to spot the source of the illness. "..." It's suspicious, too suspicious. Though he doesn't know what's going on inside, it's way too suspicious. Stiyl just said that 'he couldn't find anything wrong inside'; he never said that 'this building is safe'. Inside this building, there may be numerous mines hidden inside, it's just that they never found out. Maybe there's really nothing. They can't even confirm this, so they're basically going in blind. To be honest, is it really safe to enter a building that a magic expert can't even tell whether it's safe? "Of course we shouldn't." Stiyl replied without even dragging this on, "But we can only go in, right? Our aim is to save people and not to kill. I would be really grateful if I could just burn everything from the outside." Stiyl's words must be more than half serious. "Hold on...what do you mean we can only go in? Are we going to go in through the main entrance like that? No tactics? Like no way to avoid being detected or beating the enemy safely?" "What, don't tell me you have some ideas?" "...ACK! Are you kidding me!? Are you really going to charge in like that? How is that any different from charging into a building that's occupied by terrorist!? Even if it's just a low-level trick, can't you just throw in some bait!?" "...Hm, using a knife to crave a rune 'AnsuzGebo' can hide a person's presence." "THEN DO IT! HURRY UP AND DO IT!" "Listen to me!" Stiyl said with an irritated tone, "Even if we get rid of our presence or become invisible, I will leave a mana signal that 'Stiyl Magnus just used magic'."

To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

"...What?" "You have no concept of 'mana' at all. Seems like I have to explain it to you." Stiyl sighs and says, "For example, what if there's a map that only has red colouring on it?" "...Psychologically, I think that's a bad omen." "Shut up and don't butt in. This red colouring is an indication of Aureolus' magic in the entire building. What if I colour this map with blue colouring?" "...I don't really understand, but you're basically a walking transmitter, right?" "That's sort of correct, but it's more than you think." Just as Kamijou's about to ask why, "Your Imagine Breaker is like an eraser that removes the red colouring. If one's painting is being eaten into, anyone will realise that something's amiss. I won't be detected if I don't use magic, but your ability is always active." "...Alright, so it means that we're like walking transmitters, we don't have any tactics, and we're entering a building that's filled with terrorists. Do we press the doorbell first?" "So that's why we need your power. If you don't want to become a beehive, use your right hand to act as a shield." "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE IT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU!? IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE USELESS THAT I HAD TO DO THIS!" "Ahahah, no need to be so nervous. It's just alchemist's magic. Your right hand that managed to block the St. George's Dragon Breath should be able to handle it. And it's useless to rely on me. I sent 'Innocentius' to protect that child, and right now, I can only use a flame sword." "WAAAAAHHH!! YOU REALLY DON'T THINK THROUGH!" Kamijou stares at the exit--the automatic doors that aren't looking abnormal. In fact, Kamijou really doesn't want to enter that place. This is to be expected. Who wants to enter a battlefield that the enemy booby-trapped and is waiting? Besides, this is a main stronghold of a fanatical religion nobody knows the truth about. However,

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Because of that, they have to enter. If a man can tremble on seeing such a place, how can they let a girl remain in there just because she's called 'Deep Blood'? "Let's go." The magician Stiyl Magnus said. Without saying anything, Kamijou walks towards the automatic doors.

After entering through the glass doors, the scene inside is extremely normal. A lot of glass is used inside the hall to bring in more sunlight. The hall is extremely wide, and the room's about 3 storeys tall. Somewhere near the lift, there's a staircase over there. This seems to be an unrenovated staircase that's meant to be used as an emergency escape. Perhaps since it's during the evening, it would be a rest time for an ordinary school. The length should be as long as an afternoon break, and there seem to be a lot of students who're heading out to buy dinner. Kamijou and Stiyl aren't really attracting attention, perhaps because the manager hasn't memorised every student's appearance. And even if they're discovered to be 'outsiders', since this is just the entrance hall, others will just think that they're just transfer students who are here to settle the administration. (...Forget about me, does this guy even look like a student?) Kamijou sighs. Though the person beside him can be called a 'teenager', this is a priest that smells of cologne, red-dyed hair, earrings, rings and such a ridiculous build. But nevermind, since a cram school is a service, they won't reject any customers. Anyway, looking around, they can't find anything wrong. The people who're walking about don't seem to be anything wrong. "Eh?" Therefore, the only abnormality is extremely obvious. At the 4 elevators, between the 1st and 2nd from the right, there seem to be some human-shaped robot lying there, or rather, placed there. The limbs are severely twisted, and it looks like a pile of scrap metal that makes one think that it got into some serious traffic accident.


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In terms of build, it's similar to a full Western armour. However, the figure is extremely modernistic like a fighter jet. It has quite an intrinsic design, and the texture that's reflecting a silver light doesn't seem to be of an ordinary metal hide. There's a 80cm long bow dropped nearby; perhaps it's a piece of equipment for the robot. The robot's right wrist has a word 'Parsifal' on it. Perhaps that's the name of the unit. But anyone can tell on first glance that this robot can't fulfill it's original function. What's supposed to be limbs are severely twisted, and there's tar-like slick black oil oozing out from the broken limbs. The rusty smell in the air causes Kamijou to frown. What in the world is that? First, where did this robot come from? Though there are security robots and cleaning robots in Academy City, they look like large metal containers. Kamijou never heard of such a humanoidlooking robot in Academy City that doesn't have much mobility. Next, why did this robot break down? Though Kamijou doesn't know how strong this robot originally was, it looks like it got hit in a car accident. There shouldn't be a need for such force, right? What happened in this cram school hall? And finally, (...Why hasn't anyone nearby noticed it?) The final point made Kamijou feel that something's amiss. Everyone here didn't even treat this robot as something that should be talked about, not even looking at all. That feeling doesn't feel like they deliberately refused to look or remember, but something that isn't necessary to be noticed like a stone on the road. It's like. That damaged robot just mixed into their everyday life. "What? There's nothing here. Anyway, either we find Himegami or beat Izzard. Hurry up." Stiyl said casually. "Ah, oh."


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Kamijou finally managed to look away from the robot. That's because nobody other than himself noticed the robot, so Kamijou had a feeling that he just saw a phantom. But that's not a phantom. That robot really exists in front of Kamijou's eyes. "What? Are you interested in that thing? Oh well, that's true. It may be considered rare to you." Stiyl seem to finally notice what Kamijou's looking at. "We, well Hold on, robots should be something from our science side, right?" On hearing Kamijou's words, Stiyl immediately frowns,

"What are you talking about? That's just a corpse."

That's really a shocking reply. "Wha...?" Kamijou can't understand at all. "A caster's incantations and a Heavenly bow's duplicate--this should be the 13 knights of the Roman Catholic Church. They should be here to execute the heretic, but it seems like they were crushed. Really, the knights were England's speciality, and these guys just loved to copy and ended up with something like this." Stiyl shakes the cigarette in his mouth and says, "...Cheh, speaking of this, that guy in formalin is too sneaky. There was already another Church helping out, and yet he made us enter separately. Was he deliberately trying to make us fail...? It's true that the people who are here to settle this mess are the elite forces of the Church, and it'll be good if he can make even one die..." Stiyl muttered angrily. But Kamijou doesn't understand what's going on, so he basically ignored it. Kamijou chooses to stare at the thing that's lying on the floor clearly. The limbs are twisted, it's a pile of scrap metal that looks like it got into some sort of serious accident, the silver metal body was crushed, there's a reddish-black oil oozing out from it. The wreckage of a robot. No.

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What if that's not reddish-black oil, but something even redder and black. No, What if that's not a robot, but a human in armour? "Why are you so surprised?" Stiyl said it as per normal, "This is a battlefield. What's so strange about seeing one or two corpses on the way?" "..." Kamijou is speechless. He already knew. He should have known. This is a battlefield where people kill each other. The 'enemy' had already set up traps for 'intruders' like Kamijou, and waiting for them to walk in. Also, Kamijou and Stiyl have no intention on negotiating with a vicious 'enemy'. That's right, they should have known it. But even if they should have known it, Kamijou's still unable to ignore it. Damn it! Kamijou dashes forward. Though he doesn't know what he can do, maybe bandage up here and there, the amateur Kamijou doesn't even know the correct emergency procedure. Besides, with the armour severely damaged like that, he can't tell whether the person is alive or not. Also, Kamijou can't think of any ways to get that person out of the twisted armour. Even so, even without a clear proof, the person inside the armour is dead. If so, perhaps he can still save the person inside the armour if he does this quickly. Kamijou spent only 10 seconds to run from one end of the hall to the other. As the casualty's face is completely covered by the helmet, Kamijou can't see his expression. He can only hear the slight air flow between the gap of that metal-block like helmet. (He's still breathing!) Just as Kamijou's feeling relieved, he realises that he can't move that body randomly. Just as he thinks that they should call for an ambulance, a sound can be heard as the metal doors slide apart.


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Many similar-aged teenagers walked out of the lift, failing to notice that person at all. It's like they just saw a normal scene as they continue to talk about things like 'the food in the restaurant is so expensive and so bad that I get sick of it, how about we get some from a convenience store'. You guys--! They should be saving the injured. Though he knows this, Kamijou's still unable to maintain his silence. He inadvertently tries to grab a nearby student on the shoulder. --WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HURRY UP AND CALL AN AMBULA--! However, he stopped before he could finish,

That's because Kamijou hand got forcefully dragged forward.


It's not enough to describe it as a 'drag'. It's like using a hand to grab a driver seat of a moving truck; it's of a completely different level of 'impact'. WHA--! His arm nearly got dislocated. But what really shocked Kamijou is that the student didn't grab Kamijou's hand at all. The hand that was placed on the shoulder felt like a balloon that's tied onto a car. Also, the person didn't even seem to notice that Kamijou put his hand on his shoulder. Nobody in the hall even reacted to Kamijou's roar. They're just like the twisted armour in front of them. --What's going on? Kamijou remembers the feeling on the hand. What was supposed to be a soft fabric texture of clothing felt like the hand passed through instant glue; extremely hard. He can't even let his fingers touch the soft fabric, let alone the student's body.


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It should be this kind of a boundary, just like a front side and back side of a coin. The people on the 'front side of the coin' are the students who don't know anything, and can't detect us 'people on the back side'. And as for us 'people on the back side', the intruders from outside, we can't interfere with the students 'on the front side' who don't know anything. Watch. Stiyl sounded like he's chanting as he raises his finger and points at a girl who walked out from the elevator. Kamijou's eyes are following the girl's back. Her feet aren't soiled at all, and there's no reddishblack footprints. That pool of blood looks like one huge pile of hardened plastic. Hm. Stiyl nonchalantly takes off the chewed cigarette in his mouth and presses the burning red front tip of the cigarette against the plastic elevator button. However, the plastic button isn't even burned, let alone melted. I see, so the entire building's 'on the front side of the coin'? I guess that's how it should be, since this is more suitable to be a fortress that protects against magic. Kamijou Touma, it seems that with our power alone, we may be unable to open even the single door, even the automatic entrance doors. We're stuck. ... A boundary. Though this term is really alien to Kamijou, who's residing in the science side, since it's a type of 'supernatural power', isn't this the chance for Kamijou Touma to step up? Kamijou clenches his fist tightly. Imagine Breaker. As long as a supernatural power comes into contact with his right hand, it will be negated, even if it's God's miracle. It's a unique ability among unique abilities. Kamijou clenches his fist and raises it high up into the air. He then slams his fist hard onto the floor, wanting to smash the boundary into pieces---That's right, he hammered it down, but he just let out a dull sound. WOAH! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! What are you doing? Seeing Kamijou roll about on the floor like that, Stiyl seems like he can't take it and sighs.


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It's probably like my Innocentius. If we don't destroy the 'core' of the magic, we won't be able to break out of this boundary. And most likely...the 'core' should be safely placed outside the boundary. The people who are locked inside will then be unable to get out. Hmm, we have some trouble now. Kamijou's really somewhat puzzled about what they should do now, and says, ...Damn it, so what should we do? We got a casualty here and we can't call a doctor nor send him out... We don't have to do anything. That person's dead. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? CHECK HIS BREATHING! HE'S STILL ALIVE! Yeah, he's definitely alive if we look at his heart. But his fracture ribs punctured his lungs, his liver got crushed, his pulses are all crushed...he can't be saved in this situation. This guy's name is called 'corpse'. It's unknown whether he found that out through the rune magic, but Stiyl's words are as coldhearted as a doctor declaring that a patient got a terminal illness. ...!!! What's with that expression? You knew that right from the start, tight? Even if he's breathing, he won't be saved at all. Immediately, Kamijou pulled Stiyl's chest up with both hands. He can't understand it. Kamijou can't understand it. How can this person in front of him remain so calm? Why can he say such words even in front of a dying person? MOVE ASIDE! THIS PERSON DOESN'T HAVE MUCH-- But Stiyl calmly pushes Kamijou aside. --We don't have much time. I'll let you cast what you think is pity on the dead. It's a priest's job to send the dead on the last ride. You amateur, step aside. Releasing his hands, Kamijou finally realized. Stiyl, whose back is facing Kamijou and staring at the 'knight' who's bordering on the edge of death, is... (He's...angry...?) It's really hard to imagine that from his usual mockery, but it can't be mistaken. Right now, Stiyl Magnus isn't a magician. His back seemed to bring about some static electricity, as everything

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that touches his back figure seems to be deflected away. Yes, this is the back of the priest Stiyl Magnus. Stiyl didn't do any special ritual. ... He just said something really intelligible. Kamijou doesn't understand what it means as it's of a foreign language. The words came out of the priest, and not a magician. Though Kamijou doesn't know how much significance this is, but the knight who wasn't able to move trembles as he raises his right hand and stretches it out at Stiyl like he wants to capture something in the air. .....,..... The knight said something as well. Stiyl nods his head. Kamijou doesn't know what this nodding meads, but the knight's body seems to relax from the tension. It's like he handed over what he wanted to hand over...he doesn't have any worries left, relaxing as he lets go in relief. The knight's right hand drops. The metallic right hand lands on the floor. It sounded like a knell. ... As a priest, Stiyl Magnus finally draws a Cross in front of his chest. At this point, there's no difference between an English Anglican and a Roman Catholic. This is the last rite of sending someone off. And then, Kamijou finally realises something. This is a real 'battlefield'. Let's go!


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Stiyl Magnus said in a magician like voice, and not a priest like voice. --Seems like we have one more reason to fight.

Part 4
He's feeling really bad now. Anyway, their initial goal was to look into the gaps all over the buildingthe secret rooms. And the nearest secret room is in this buildingnear the 5th level of the South Block. Thus, both of them are moving up the stairs. Why do I feel in low spirits? Kamijou wondered as he climbs up the narrow emergency staircase. At first, he thought it was because of that knight. Then, he thought it was because this staircase was narrow and dark. However, there's also another physical reason besides these psychological reason. My legs... Kamijou looks down at his legs that are showing fatigue for some reason. The 'front' and 'back' sides of the coinsthe magician who knew everything from the 'back' side, yet can't interfere with the citizens on the 'front' side. Stiyl said before that this is the rule of the game. Also, this entire building's on the 'front' side. This means that the impact caused by the stepping on the floor will be reflected back onto the feet. Basically, it's like the difference between punching people and punching a concrete wall. As they're walking on an 'overly hard floor', the fatigue build-up is 2,3 times faster. We, can only- pray...that the- enemy is in- the same situation...

Stiyl seems to be bothered by this 'fatigue' that arrived too early. Though Stiyl's really huge, it seemed like he hasn't done much physical training and isn't used to physical activities. "Che...if I had known, we should have taken the lift." "We're on the 'back side of the coin', how can we press the button that's 'on the front side of the coin'? If you can, teach me." "..."


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"Even if we enter the lift when the students 'on the front side of the coin' use a lift, we'll be crushed if a large number of people walk into the lift." The people 'on the back side of the coin' can't interfere with the people 'on the front side of the coin'. For example, even if a car on the 'back side of the coin' slams hard into a person on the 'front side of the coin', the car will be wrecked while the human will be completely alright. If the lift is crammed full of people, It will be like a raw egg that's in a crammed train, it will be crushed. (...Uu, this is really getting more and more depressing.) Kamijou lowers his head dejectedly. He's already tired, and with the dark and murky thoughts, he starts to feel that he should give up. Think about happy things, hurry up and think of something happy--Kamijou's heart is in urgent need of rest. "Oh yeah, where's that phone?" "What?" "You just mentioned the 'front side of the coin' and the 'back side of the coin', right? Can't the phone work?" Kamijou said as he pulled out the phone. Though he said it, Kamijou realises that this is just an excuse he made for himself. As too many abnormal things have happened, Kamijou has to do some 'normal things' or he may go crazy. As for who to call, Kamijou doesn't need to think at all. His room--in other words, a girl who's in his room waiting for him. Just as Kamijou intends to call, he realises something. "...Hold on, wouldn't the enemy detect this call signal and attack us?" "Who knows? But our existence may have been discovered. We did enter from the front door." "If so, why weren't we attacked?"


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"Heavens know. Maybe that's because they're overconfident, or maybe they intend to destroy us in one move. That alchemist's that kind of person. Right now, he should be preparing all sorts of means to prepare a counterattack." "..." If so, why in the world does your God exists? Kamijou wonders. But since their whereabouts are most likely exposed, there's no need to fidget around. Thus, Kamijou decides to brazenly make a call. 3 call tones. (So it can't work...?) 6 call tones. (...Seems like I can only give up.) 9 call tones. (HURRY UP AND PICK UP!) Though he's feeling impatient, Kamijou doesn't want to hang up the phone. While waiting, Kamijou has another though. What if this isn't related to what 'front side of the coin' or 'back side of the coin', but Index unwilling to pick the phone up? Or what if it's not that she won't pick it up, but she can't? Don't tell me. Something happened to Index? (In--!) Just as a mysterious chill rises up Kamijou's stomach. The phone was picked up. "Erm, hello! This is Index Libror--excuse me, I'm sorry, this is Kamijou speaking, that, hello, hello?" ...What came next is Index's extremely nervous voice. "Oi, let me ask you--" Kamijou lethargically asks as if he just tried a wrong method of slimming,

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"--Is this the first time you're picking up a call?" "Uweeh!? This, this voice is Touma's. Eh? Do all the voices in the phone sound the same?" Then, a knocking sound can be heard. It should be a puzzled Index tilting her head and knocking the receiver against the floor. "INDEX! STOP KNOCKING THE MACHINE WHENEVER YOU FEEL THAT A MACHINE HAS A PROBLEM! THAT'S WHAT AN OLD GRANNY WILL DO EVERYTIME SHE'S FIXING A PHONE!" "...That's strange, the only one who should be saying such stupid words is Touma." OI!!! Kamijou retorted deep inside. That's to be expected. It should be Index's first time picking up a phone (but it seems that she seen others pick up the phone before, judging from her first sentence 'hello'). It seems like she was walking around frantically in front of the phone, but the phone continued to ring, so she had to pick up the phone? The 'magic' expert who has knowledge of 103,000 grimoires doesn't understand anything about science at all, and this amuses Kamijou. However, he remembered something else. Kamijou's 'knowledge' is telling himself that Index doesn't have any memories since she only has one year's worth of memories. Such a funny action is actually a deficiency caused by the loss of memories. Thinking about this, it's really heartaching. "Niyai? Touma? Why must you deliberately use such a troublesome, exaggerated and excessive and unfriendly thing to the phone? Did something serious happen?" "Ah, nothing--" It seems like to Index, the telephone isn't something ordinary. "Ah, is it because one of the two lasagnas in the refrigerator was Touma's!?" "You eaten it? Oh well--" "Ah!"--Before Kamijou could continue, the voice can be heard again, "Ah, there was pudding in the fridge...!" "YOU ATE IT!!? THAT WAS MY PUDDING!!!"

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"But there was only one!" "CAN'T YOU SPARE ANY THOUGHTS FOR THE OWNER OF THE HOUSE! THAT'S BLACK HONEY PUDDING! ONE COSTS 700 YEN!!!" Kamijou cried, "~~uu, oh, oh well. Never mind, I almost went out of topic. Since the phone managed to link, never mind." "?? Touma, are you looking for me for something?" "Ar. I'm just testing if I could get to you through the phone. I'm hanging up." "???" Right now, Index should be tilting her head in confusion, right? Kamijou thought. He then says, "Ah, oh yeah. Did you know, Index? For every single minute you use the phone, your lifespan will be shortened by one day accordingly?" WAAHHH! The phone line was cut. It seems like the entire receiver dropped onto the floor. "...Such a simple minded person." Having taken revenge for his pudding, he muttered to himself after hanging up the phone. However, "......" The magician beside him looks like he wants to say something. "Wha, what?" "Nothing." Stiyl sighs, and continues, "It's just that I feel that you might be too relaxed. This is a battlefield, and yet you're chatting away nonchalantly with a girl. I don't really care if you die because of carelessness; in fact, I'll be dancing in joy, but please don't drag me down." "Are you jealous?"


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"Ku...uuu..." Stiyl remains silent, and it seems like he burst about 60% of his blood vessels. Kamijou starts to understand how he should handle this person in front of him.

"...Yeah, that's right."

The shock Stiyl's words gave to Kamijou is even more than what he expected. Kamijou doesn't know why he was so affected. However, Stiyl continues, "...Don't be mistaken. I'm not treating that child as a target of romance." Without looking at Kamijou's face, Stiyl continues, "You should know that up till now, that child had to erase her memories once every year or else she would die. If so, you can imagine how many people were in your position." "..." "Many have wanted to be her father, some, her older brother, others, her good friend, and even some wanted to be her teacher." Stiyl continues on, "It's just like that, just that simple. I failed in the past, and you succeed. That's the mere difference between me and you." Stiyl stares at Kamijou's face. He looks like he's facing a future he can't fulfill. "However, I'll be lying if I say that I don't care." Stiyl sighs and continues, "Besides, I didn't really get abandoned by Index, it's just that she forgot. If she recovered her memories, she'll come running at me and hug me." Kamijou can't say anything.


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If there's a person, a very important person to me that lost her memory, not knowing anything, and somebody just steps in and accompanies her, how would I feel? Can I still remain calm? Kamijou asked himself. No, this isn't just a problem of 'somebody else' standing beside her. Wouldn't he feel that he got betrayed by this most important she? But this person in front of him still believes in himself, thoroughly following his belief. So strong. Kamijou looks back at his phone. That meaningless 5 minute conversation; someone actually gave up everything he had to protect this person that's most important to him, even after knowing that he can't turn back. These's people's hearts. Are all crushed under the current him's feet. What right does the current Kamijou has to have that girl for himself? (...I don't know.) If this were Index's only wish, Kamijou will protect it until the end. But the main point is that Index 'merely forgotten'. How can a girl who doesn't know that she has other options be expected to make decisions? (I don't know. But if Kamijou Touma really save Index.) Yes. If that's the case, he has to take up the burden of saving her. It's like giving cat food out of enthusiasm, but not bringing it back home even after knowing that it will die of hunger. Instead of giving it the hope that 'this person may keep me', it's better to give her despair right from the beginning. However, (The one who saved her isn't the 'current' Kamijou Touma--) In the end, they're back at the starting point. (--What Index needs is the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memories'.)


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Part 5
After climbing up to the 5th level, Kamijou and Stiyl arrived onto the corridor. The location diagram of the 'Misawa Cram School' is memorised completely in Stiyl's brain. There's a reason why they came to this level. That's because from the parameters of the location diagram and the actual measurements done through the infrared and ultrasonic means, there are errors in the spaces. While walking down the middle of the straight corridor, Stiyl lightly knocks on the wall that doesn't look abnormal. ...Even if we're here, if we can't open it, we have to give up, right? Yeah. Even if it's not a 'secret room', to Kamijou and Stiyl, who're on the 'back side of the coin', they can't even open a door 'on the front side'. If they want to enter the room, they can still wait until a student on the 'front side of the coin' opens the door and slip in. However, if it's a 'secret room', there may not be students going in and out so often. But it's best to check the situation out. No matter how strong the boundary is, the caster's Aureolus. We can just force him to remove the boundary by threatening himor by killing him. ... Kamijou inadvertently stares at Stiyl. This is a 'battlefield', and Aureolus' the 'enemy' they must beat; Kamijou understands this. Thinking about the imprisoned Hiemgami Aisa and the knight Aureolus took down, one can imagine that the situation right now is really precarious. But even so, Kamijou still can't just say things like 'kill Aureolus'. It's because the way Aureolus took down that knight can also be considered proper self-defense. He said 'kill him', not 'beat him' or 'stop him'. He just said 'kill him', no ambiguity in the words. They head down the closest wall closest to the 'secret room'. Then, both of them arrive at a student cafeteria. It seems like they're mixing the distances between the people in the wide room to hide the existence of that small secret room. This uses an illusion, and there are no doors at the entrance of the student cafeteria. Trying to prevent themselves from getting caught in the crowd, Kamijou and Stiyl walk into the cafeteria.


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The people on the 'back side of the coin' can't interfere with the people on the 'front side of the coin' at coin. The boys are fighting for the few seats available, the girls who are carrying their trays of food and chatting away as they walk on; everyone's rushing in like bulls. And unlike a corridor, everyone's movements in the wide restaurant is unpredictable. Kamijou and Stiyl are already on their toes trying to avoid the crowd. Besides, since it's evening, there are many students in the cafeteria. It's actually a refreshing experience for others to 'be unable to see himself'. This is different from moving in a traffic jam. Those who have gone through this should realise that the surrounding people will consciously try to avoid them to prevent themselves from knocking into each other. There's a counter at the secret room, and behind it is a small kitchen. The large freeze and the utensils make the kitchen even more cramped. With this, others can't tell 'how big the space really was', so outsider can't tell., this is the first time I actually seen some religious science, but it doesn't seem much. I thought they would put some photo of a Bishop. ...It's true that it doesn't look dangerous. Kamijou looks around. In the realm of science, there's an indicator of 'fanatical religious rating'. For example, there's the 'level of taking in gold' from the believers, 'the expansion level' when they force new believers in, 'the absolute orders level' where believers will accept all orders even if they end up having to self-destruct, the 'dangerous items creation level' of creating poison gas or explosives', and so on. The religions with higher points will be counted as 'a more dangerous religious science. From the 'science' viewpoint, Misawa Cram School won't be a really dangerous religion. As the members are students, they can't possibly take in too much money. And since it's a cram school, this place isn't suited to create any chemical weapons. However, "...No, this is really a deadly scientific religion." Kamijou said with disdain. Though it's a cafeteria that has many students gathered there, the atmosphere there is unexpectedly heavy as if they're taking an elevator. That's to be expected, Kamijou thought. That's because everyone here may be talking loudly, but the content of the conversations are anything but. They could only talk about things that belittle others, like 'how many people I beat in the last mock exam', 'how many marks I improved by', or 'I don't understand how there are trash who won't study even at this time', just to make themselves happy.

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Kamijou looks at a poster on the wall of the cafeteria. This is an extremely ordinary cram school poster. Written on it are two extremely different sentences, 'if you study hard now, you will get into a good school and have a great future for yourself assured', and 'if you don't study now, you'll end up at the bottom and meet misfortune'. This is really not much different from a 'lucky letter', Kamijou thought. The 'lucky letter' is a gimmick derived from an 'unlucky letter', some prank mail that is like those 'if you send this mail to 7 people within 7 days, you'll get happiness' mail. On the other hand, the person will get misfortune if he doesn't do so. This threatening intent isn't any different from a radical religion. "Humph, the motto of this school should be something like 'those who study here should be extremely smart', right? Besides, the teachers must be brainwashing the students, telling them things like 'this is something that will definitely be tested, I'll tell you that, those who didn't study here in the summer vacation are inferior people' or something like that, right?" How infuriating. Kamijou muttered. Really, he feels disgusted. Kamijou is really disgusted that he could actually slightly emphasize with them. Besides, this thing called exams is easily associated with superstitions, Kamijou thought. No matter how hardworking the students are, they will try some 'unscientific food to increase their concentration'. There are many students who will even bring 'talismans to pray for top scores' into the exam hall. It's a gap called 'insecurity'. The scientific religion of this 'Misawa Cram School' uses a knife and stabs it into this gap. "Hm, seems like you got caught by the fanatical poison gas, eh? But don't forget our aim, we have to find where the secret entrance is." "Oh, okay okay! I got it!" Kamijou takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. Then, he turns to look around the entire cafeteria.

Immediately, about 80 students in the cafeteria turn to stare at him.

At first, Kamijou thought that he spoke too loudly and ended up attracting everyone's attention.

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"Well, doesn't look good this the first pass?" So even after hearing Stiyl's serious voice, Kamijou was still unable to react. "Ah, eh?" "Haven't you understood the situation? The people 'on the front side of the coin' shouldn't be able to see us 'on the back side of the coin'. I see, so the area around the secret room has such an alarm system?" "..." Kamijou looks around. About 80 students are definitely looking at Kamijou and Stiyl. The human looking action disappeared, and everyone's standing around blankly and having glass like eyes. "Don, don't tell me--" Kamijou looks around. It's true. 80 students are now on 'the back side of the coin'. And that means-"--magician!" Just as Kamijou shouted out meaninglessly, Stiyl abandoned Kamijou and jumped back. However. "The wings of the seraph shines brightly, and the bright light is a pure white colour that reveals all sins--" One of the students who're standing around start to mutter something ambiguous. "The pure white colour 'is the proof of purity, the mark is the result of one's actions'--" Another voice overlaps the first one. "The re'sult is the future, the future' is 'time is uni'form--"--" A second voice, a third, a fourth, fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen--!! "Uniformity is 'all, all is created by the past, the past is the ca'use, cause is 'one', one is 'sin, sin are humans, humans fear, fear' is gu'ilt, guilt' resides within oneself, oneself if there is


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something one despises within, the wings of the seraph shall 'reveal your sins', and remove it from within you--!" A 80-persons chorus--no, rather, a verbal maelstrom of the 'battle' that's created by the several thousand people in this building echoes throughout. On every single student's forehead, there's a ping-pong sized blueish-white glow. Maybe the things are starting to gather as they float about in the air and lands on the floor beside Kamijou. Then, like a strong acid fizzing and explosives giving off white smoke. He will merely be burnt if he only touched one, but... "Oi! Strongest ShieldImagine Breaker! Time for you to step up!" "Wha?...oi!" Looking back, the numerous balls are closing in, blocking Kamijou's sight. "U, wah--so many, HOW DO I TAKE THEM ALL ANYWAY!?" Kamijou chases after Stiyl and overtakes him, dashing madly to the exit. Stiyl, who thought that Kamijou would act as a shield, panics somewhat as he dashes behind Kamijou and out of the cafeteria. "Wha...what are you running away for!? You're the shield! Your right hand was able to fend off a Dragon Breath attack? And you're not using your right hand ability while running away with your back exposed!? Are you crazy!?" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT FROM SOMEONE USING ME AS A SHIELD!? THIS ISN'T A CASE OF QUALITY BUT QUANTITY! HOW CAN I FEND THEM OFF WITH JUST A SINGLE RIGHT HAND!!" It's like fighting with someone that has 4 arms. Even if he guards against 2 of them flawlessly, the other 2 can still wave at him. An 'individual' power isn't going to match up to a 'group's. BOOM, a large number of balls move out of the entrance, and then rush out of the floodgates as if the cafeteria was filled completely with water. Kamijou and Stiyl can only run down the corridor. "Che, but speaking of which, this may be a replica, but to be able to replicate the 'Gregorio's Chant', it seems like I underestimated that Aureolus Izzard." "What's with that Gregorio whatever?"


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Originally, it was the ultimate weapon, a grand spell that that requires 3,333 monks in a cathedral and gathered their prayers. It's like focusing sunlight on a magnifying glass, and can magnify that power." Stiyl grits his teeth and says, "Though it's a replica now and they have only about 2,000 students, but as the saying goes in this country, 'pile up sand and you can build a tower'. The power can't be underestimated." Kamijou is stunned. Even though he knows that he can't understand what Stiyl said, basically--doesn't it mean that he's fighting against 2,000 people now? This is a 'battlefield', and he's in the midst of the 'enemy's camp'. He can understand all these in his brain. But on thinking that this means that he's 'fighting against 2,000 people', he starts to feel a sense of despair. "Then there's no way we can beat that head on! Though it's big here, we'll still get caught in this building if we're going to play hide-and-seek with 2,000 people!?" "Not quite," Stiyl said as he continues to look in front, "The main emphasis is the 'core'. 'Gregorio's Chant' requires the simultaneous control of 2,000 people, or else it won't work. If we can find the 'core' of these 2,000 people and destroy it, we can destroy the 'Gregorio's Chant'." Both of them continue to run down the long corridor, and finally arrives near the staircase. At this moment, they see that there's a large number of blueish-white balls flooding in. They're attacked on both sides. "The stairs--move it!" Kamijou and Stiyl frantically duck into the stairs beside them. Just as Kamijou intends to ask Stiyl whether they should run up or down the stairs, he suddenly realises that something's amiss." "'ve been looking so calm up till now. Do you have some sort of secret move?" That's right. To someone who finally managed to escape from the claws of death, Stiyl's really being too calm. "Hm, I do have a secret plan. It's just that I'm wondering whether I should use it now."

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"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? IF YOU HAVE IT, HURRY UP AND USE IT!" With a 'oh', Stiyl happily looks at Kamijou's face. Facing this abnormal smile, Kamijou inadvertently holds his breath, becoming even more alert. At this moment though,

Don. Stiyl pushed Kamijou down the stairs.

"Wha..." Before Kamijou could react, he loses his balance and tumbles down the stairs. The numerous bits of pain surround him at the same time, and he can't even let out a cry. It's if he lets out a voice, he will bite his tongue." "Bad luck, scarecrow" Stiyl's happy voice can be heard from above. While dazed, Kamijou can see Stiyl running in the opposite direction, which is upstairs. Then, the 'flood of balls' came coming over, splitting upstairs and downstairs, and like a water flow, it naturally moves down at Kamijou--! "That Bastard...!" Kamijou barely drags his body that's in pain and runs downstairs. What Stiyl said passes through his mind. This is Aureolus' hideout, it's filled with his mana. It's like a picture that's only covered in red. If Stiyl's blue colouring is used, the enemy will realise that something's not right. But on the other hand, if Stiyl doesn't use magic, nobody will detect his presence. However, Kamijou's situation is different. His Imagine Breaker continues to erase the red colouring. Stiyl can decide when he wants to use magic, but Kamijou's like a transmitter that's always working. Basically, the reason Kamijou was brought here was to be a decoy that's to be abandoned. He thought that Stiyl's lack of planning was too rash, but to think that there's such a reason behind it. (...Damn it! Eh, hold on, something doesn't seem to be right.)


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Kamijou's heart is ringing an alarm. However, he doesn't know why this alarm is ringing, not at all. Since it's not something that Kamijou, who 'doesn't have any memories', can think of, It means that this is the 'pre-amnesia' Kamijou, the 'knowledge' part telling him something. At this moment, another fresh set of footsteps interrupt Kamijou's thoughts. And it's coming from below, blocking off his getaway. "...!" 'The flood of ball-like things' continue to close in, but Kamijou can't possibly stop. He dashes down and peers downstairs. There's a girl downstairs waiting for Kamijou. A girl he never met before, one whose uniform he doesn't even have an impression on. Perhaps she's a 'candidate' who's older than Kamijou by one or two years. Black braids, round spectacles, the girl looks like she can't even 'fight', let alone use 'magic'. "The flames punish sin, Purgatory governs the flames. Purgatory was created to burn sinners, as the only violence God recognises.--" But what came from her cute lips made him really unhappy. It's like the sound of rusted gears. Every time she says something, the ball of blueish-white light between the girl's eyebrows will increase in size bit by bit. It seems like the front and back sides of the coin were flipped around. The girl who should be on the 'front side of the coin' is now a magician and standing on the 'back side of the coin'. Perhaps every student in Misawa Cram School is the same now. But on the other hand, Kamijou can easily knock the girl down now. (I can win this...!) Kamijou clenches his right fist. Though he definitely can't beat numerous thousand people, one or two of these ball objects aren't much of a threat. Kamijou clenches his fist even tighter, as if he's trying to confirm the existence of his Imagine Breaker. At this moment, Crack! The girl's face explodes as if firecrackers were placed underneath her skin.

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"What...?" Just as Kamijou's shocked, the girl's fingers, nose, inside of her clothes...let out mini explosions one after another. Though the explosions are so small that they only burned holes that are a few centimetres wide on the skin, but, " the affirmation of death. Affirmation, is--recognition. Re--cog,ni--" Every time the girl said a single word, her body would start to crack. Her talking lips are cracking as well, and blood flows out of her lips as it seems like her insides are severely damaged. Even so, the girl continues to talk. No, it's more like she can't talk. It feels like she's being controlled by a machine and yet also like a frog being electrocuted. Her leg muscles are twitching, ignoring the frog's will. (Don't tell me...) The anxiety rises up Kamijou's stomach. His 'knowledge' is telling him something. Not knowing where it's coming from, the ridiculous 'knowledge' is telling him something. Espers can't use magic. Though espers and magicians are similar in that they can use 'supernatural power', the concept is different. The 'circuit' in espers is different from that of an ordinary person. Even if they try to imitate a magician, they can't use magic. However, this is Academy City. All the students here should have taken some esper development program. Then, assuming that, What will happen when espers who can't use magic try to use magic? "Stop, it--" Kamijou muttered, forgetting his own situation now. The circuits are different, his 'knowledge' is telling him that. Kamijou doesn't know anything about the basis behind magic, but that feeling may be like a generator that's to be powered by batteries, and forcefully charged with alternating current. Though the 'current' flows and the 'circuit' works, such a crazy method will end up burning the 'circuit'.

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"--STOP IT! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT YOUR OWN BODY IS IN TROUBLE!!" He even forgot to clench his fist. Right now, even though it feels like he's being pointed at with a gun at his head, he still dashed down the stairs without any care. "...tion, re--st wit,thin. Within, refers, to--the world. Connect your inner self with the outside world." The girl that was muttering suddenly let out a deep voice, and went silent. The bridge between her eyebrows exploded. The blueish-white ball that she summoned disappear, leaving behind a fresh red wound. The voice just now many be a fatal wound. The girl's body sways about and tumbles towards the stairs. Kamijou's mind is telling him. A human body is heavy. Even a petite girl can be really heavy if she's treated as 'luggage'. If she carry this several kilograms weight about, he definitely won't be able to avoid the 'flood of balls'. Kamijou's mind is telling him. Also, this girl is an enemy. He can't get any benefits even if he save her, and he may even be attacked. If he considers his life as the biggest priority, he should just leave this enemy behind and run away. Kamijou's mind is telling him. The most important thing is that a severely wounded person like her can't possibly be saved. Anyone can tell that her wounds are fatal. Besides, her soul got poisoned by the religious science. (...) Hearing the voices in his mind, Kamijou inadvertently gnashes his teeth. "STOP MESSING AROUND--!" Even so, Kamijou still rushes down the stairs and reaches his hand out to save the girl who's about to collapse on the stairs. It's true that this girl is heavy. It's already hard for him to escape, and now that he's carrying someone, he definitely won't be able to escape the 'flood of balls'. It's true that this girl is an enemy, he understands this clearly. It's true that the girl is severely wounded and is even more wounded emotionally. Kamijou understands this without anyone needing to tell him.

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Even so, Even then, there's no reason to abandon a girl who's wounded, to let her get involved in the 'flood of balls' that's coming in from behind. Even if he looks around the entire world, he can't find a reason to allow this. It's likely that this girl didn't intend for this to happen. She probably thought that this would be just an ordinary cram school when she enrolled, and soon got brainwashed by religious science unknowingly, before being used as an abandoned pawn without knowing it. Kamijou remembers the 'knight' who fell in front of the lift. Any kind person can't possibly leave him alone injured, even if he's an enemy. "Guu...damn it!" Don! The girl that collapsed on Kamijou's chest is a lot lighter than what he expected. However, that's when she's viewed as a 'person'. If she were viewed as 'luggage', she can be considered extremely heavy. Also as this is midway down the stairs, Kamijou can't maintain his balance as he almost falls down. Carrying the bloodied girl, Kamijou intends to continue running down the stairs as he looks behind. At this moment, (...) The flood of balls have already arrived in front of Kamijou's nose like a landslide. Kamijou frantically uses his right hand to knock away the balls in front of him, carry the girl with his left hand and rush down the final steps. However, an unconscious person is a lot heavier than what Kamijou expected. It feels like a metal ball is tied at his feet as he swims. He wants to jump, but his body is tied up by the gravity. Just that little lag cause the thousands of balls to form a vortex around Kamijou. ".........!!" Kamijou inadvertently closes his eyes hard.


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Kamijou thinks. As for the girl who he's about to protect, he can block one or two of them with his body, but he's out of luck with all the thousands of balls coming at him. Right now, Kamijou's body will be eaten away by the balls like a strong acid, bitten at by numerous worms-"...?" --This didn't happen. After a while, nothing happened. There's a strange feeling that time has stopped. Kamijou doesn't dare to open his eyes recklessly. He's in some strange fantasy that the moment he opens his eyes, time will start to flow again. Even so, he has to open his eyes. WIth a fearful feeling that's like that when someone removes the wires of a timed bomb, Kamijou carefully opens his eyes. "...ah?" But even after opening his eyes, Kamijou still doesn't understand what's going on now. It feels like time stopped. That's because the phenomenon now can only be explained by a time stoppage. The numerous balls in front of his nose nearly swallowed him full. However, the vortex of balls seem to be paused in a record as they remain in mid-air. After a while, the seemingly impatient balls finally start to move. However, they aren't swallowing Kamijou whole, but dropping down onto the floor like an apple in the hand being dropped slowly. The balls that land on the floor then vanish as it they sublimed. Then, a set of footsteps can be heard. Kamijou doesn't understand the situation. Even though he doesn't, he knows that the footsteps are coming from downstairs. Looking for the answer, Kamijou stares downstairs as he looks for the source of the footsteps. The stairs is linked downstairs to the entrance of the corridor, and the sunset sun is shining on the dark emergency stairs. Over there, The 'Deep Blood' Himegami Aisa is looking up like she's watching from the bottom of a well.


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Part 6
At this moment, Stiyl Magnus is seeing the used-up flame sword vanish. Cards of runes scatter about in the air like sakura petals. This is a corridor that's a level above Kamijou. It's an ordinary long corridor, but Stiyl knows that the core of the Gregorio's Chant is over here. He's a magician. To him, detecting the 'mana' flow is his speciality, so it's not difficult at all. Even though the magical power of the students here is extremely weak, with the power of 2,000 people being managed at a single point, it's hard not to detect this 'core'. "...I see. So this is considered 'hidden', huh?" Smoking casually, Stiyl muttered. The 'hiding' on the 'front side of the coin' is considered an absolute defense to the people on the 'back side of the coin'. Thus, the people on the 'back side of the coin' can't even do anything to things on the 'front side of the coin', even if it's just removing a Christmas wrapper. Thus, by putting a 'core' into an ordinary wall, a strongest defence will be formed. Even if the enemy magician finds the place, as long as the enemy can't touch the core,it should be safe. "But first, I have to cover the core in this wall up first." Stiyl looks bored as he puffs out smoke. His 'flames' don't have any shape. For example, if there are some slight distortions in the walls and windows that creates a gap that's not even a 1mm, he can let the flames flow through that 3,000 degrees celsius temperature. The knowledge on the 'front side of the coin' isn't suited for the 'back side of the coin'. IF he wants to create a perfect defence, the best option is to put the core into a plastic bag and tie the bag up. Anyway, without even seeing the 'core', Stiyl destroyed it. Thus, it seemed like he managed to destroy the 'Gregorio's Chant'. "...Speaking of which." Stiyl shakes the cigarette in his mouth and says,

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Looking at this bloody path, it seems like even the alchemist has fallen after we haven't met for so long. The real 'bloody road' should be made with one's own blood, right? An esper and a magician's 'body setup' is different. If espers even try to use magic, the unstable mana will rip through the blood vessels and nerves in his body. In fact, there are many fallen students on this corridorincluding the area around his feet. Some are still trembling, and some can't move anymore. It's unknown where the thick smell of rust came from. Looking around in the rooms, there should be a Hellish sight 10 times worse than what he described. Even Stiyl is amazed at himself for saying such bitter things. It's like he still has some human feelings inside him. (...That guy really seems to believe in me.) Recalling that esper boy's, Stiyl looks like he can't take it any more. At this moment, Stiyl can hear a very clear sound of footsteps coming over from the other side. Not anxious, not intending to suppress the volume, not intending to hide the killing intent, and yet not intending to hide and make the killer blow. If there's a need for an illustration, it's like facing an enemy and intending to attack, and yet knocking on his door; it's extremely daring and arrogant. Absolute confidence. It's a 'declaration of war' with a firm belief that he will win, and also like a 'declaration of victory'. The owner of the footsteps says, Naturally, it's true that by using the 'fake Gregorio Chant', I can lure you to where the 'core' is no matter where you're hiding. The footsteps never stopped, and he continues, Certainly, there should be two intruders...where's the other one? Clearly, was that familiar of yours swallowed by the 'Gregorio's Chant'? I'll be really happy if he really got swallowed. Stiyl said, But that guy has a longer life than what you expect. Also, he's not such a cute thing like a familiar.


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Stiyl chuckles and turns to face the owner of the footsteps. His eyes are no longer smiling. This set of footsteps come from a pair of Italian leather shoes. The long legs above the shoes and the 2m tall frame are wrapped in an expensive and white Western suit. The name is Aureolus. 18 years old, male. His hair is green. This dyed colour means that this man controls one of the five elements 'Earth'. The slick hairstyle makes this white-skinned man in white clothing all the more unique. Perhaps others would be laughed at if they wore such a ridiculous getup, but to the middle-aged looking man, wearing such a shirt is obviously logical. What now? What do you intend to do luring me here when you aren't good at fighting? You should know that you alone can't stop me. Or rather, how many magical tools do you have on you? You antique salesman? ... These words seem to be taboo to Aurelous. For an alchemist to step onto the frontlines and fight, he has to equip himself with weapons and spiritual tools. Aureolus must use tens, even hundreds of magical tools just to match up against Stiyl. Idiot. Can't you tell that I don't have any magical tools on me? I guess so. Besides, this entire building itself is like a sacred citya huge magic tool in itself. Even if you don't use any magical tools to protect yourself, the surrounding environment will automatically help you. Hm, the problem is, why did you come out? If you just stayed put, the sacred city would have fought for you. And even if you come out, you're just relying on the power of the sacred city. So what are you doing here? Or rather, what can you do here? You bastard--! Like a snake slithering out of a hole, swoosh, a cold knife shoots out of Aureolus' right sleeve. (A dart...?) Stiyl frowns. Though it looks like a dart, it's about the size of a dagger. Just as Stiyl thinks that this is a hidden throwing weapon, --Transmute!!

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Immediately, the dart flies out like a bullet, and flies right at Stiyl's eye. The tip of the huge dart is attached to a golden chain. Stiyl bends his body down and sees the large golden snake-like dart fly past. The gold chain flies out of Aureolus' sleeve, ripping through the air and grazing Sityl's face. 'Tch'. With the sound of a fruit being sliced open, the tip of the dart stabs into the back of one of the fallen students. () Just as Stiyl's wondering what he should say, (?) BAM. Like a knife piercing a balloon, the student's body burst into bits and fluids. It's as if someone just a strong acid to corrode the huge body, but yet somewhat different. That's not an ordinary liquid, but shiny golden-Pure gold that melted due to high heat. Swoosh, the chain rewinds back, and the dart flies back into Aureolus' sleeve. Naturally, why would you be so shocked? Aureolus again raises his right hand and says, I'm an alchemist, and I suppose, that you know how I got this name. Stiyl can't reply. The representative magic called alchemy, which can convert lead into pure gold, really exists. However, if such a 'project' is to be carried out using modern materials, it will take 7 trillion yen and 3 years. It can be said to be 'a spell with a hefty price'. However, the Aureolus here actually managed to use this magic in less than a second. It's incomparably fast, and it can be said that nobody can surpass this record.

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Anyone who gets touched by this Instant AlchemyLimen Magna of mine will be forcefully converted into pure gold. It can't be defended against nor avoided. Now, show me your ace, your Innocentius. I'm really interested in seeing whether the flames that don't have shape can be converted into gold. The gold dagger sneaks out like a snake from the alchemist's right sleeve. ... But Stiyl doesn't say anything. It's like he can't believe what's happening in front of him, completely rooted to the spot. Hm, Inevitably, it's to be expected that you would be shocked after seeing my 'Limen Magna'. But don't get killed by me so easily. I'm not satisfied yet. That attitude of yours 5 seconds ago can't be compensated even if you die 10,000 times. Surprised, Stiyl Magnus mutters like a child who just saw a ghost. So, why must you do just a meaningless thing? What...? The alchemist is shocked. What's so surprising about these words? The main point of magic is to 'experiment', and not get 'results', isn't it? Even if an expert can make a magic drug within 5 seconds, what's the difference if the drug effects are the same? Looking like he just saw something really dumb, Stiyl sighs and says, It's the same with what you did. Limen Magna? How stupid. How is this any different from spraying strong acid on someone? ...Just... I know that you're really trying hard, but it's too much of an overkill to use 'Innocentius' to beat this. Besides, it's watching a house, and I have no need to use it here. ...JUST SHUT UP!!! Trying to shut of the mockery, Aureolus lets out the 'Limen Magna' from his right sleeve. The dart flies out, showing the alchemist's rage. As the attack and rewinding speed is too fast, it

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looked like the afterimages of several gold lasers. At the barrage of 10 attacks every second, the magician Stiyl's body of flesh and blood can't keep up to this speed at all. In the end, among 10 shots, 6 of them stab through the face and the abdomen like a sewing machine head. The runic cards on Stiyl's body are flying about in the air. However, And what's with this? Haven't you realised that you're just a magic tool? His upper body got pierced through like a hive, and there's an arm-sized hole that can pass through the face. However, Stiyl Magnus' extremely bored and unenthusiastic tone can still be heard. WHAT, ARE YOU SAYING!? Extremely stunned, Aureolus continues to fire the 'Limen Magna' . Stiyl's tattered upper body continue to be pierced, and the lower body that was originally unhurt is now being pierced through as well. However, "Using basic materials and a Germanic Cross to create a soul, it really does look like what the Roman Catholic priests would do. But I just want to look for the real Aureolus Izzard. Will the Aureolus Dummy please step aside?" Stiyl's body is swaying about in the air and gradually becoming transparent, looking it it will disappear anytime soon. But even so, he still continues to remain standing. "What are you saying!? These words defy the basic premises! Obviously I created 'Limen Magna'. Or else where would this power come from?" "Of course it came from the real Aureolus Izzard. I believe you're starting to feel that something's wrong, right? Alright, let me ask you a question, Aureolus Dummy. Why did you start to learn alchemy?" "...Do you need to ask that?" Aureolus raises the Limen Magna and says, "The aim of alchemy is only to seek the truth. And I specialise in 'humans'. Maintaining a humane concept and seeing how high I can reach, this is the answer I seek."


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By consuming a poisonous plant that causes hallucinations, it can cause the assimilation and reciting of incantations be a lot faster even though it will wreck the body. One can hibernate for thousands of years by going into the frozen land of the South Pole. But what Aureolus wants to know isn't this breakthrough that's made by 'sacrificing oneself for humanity'. What he wants to know is the 'how humans can maintain their form and pride', and how much it can be ascended to. That's his aim in alchemy. Aureolus, who's the descendant of the famous so-called magician-doctor Paracelsus, has this as his goal in life. That's also what he's most proud of. "If that's the case, why do you want to get near 'vampires' that are said to 'surpasses human concept'?" But the magician's words crushed all his belief. "..." "Humph. See, you don't understand. You don't understand anything at all. You don't know what Aureolus Izzard is doing, and you don't know what Aureolus Izzard is thinking of doing. You're just a fake that only has his basic ideas in his mind, so you can't understand why Aureolus Izzard would go against his initial beliefs and do all that." If he really doesn't know anything, how can he be the real magician Aureolus Izzard? The magician that should be battered really badly is actually talking in an even more arrogant tone than the alchemist. "Also, about that Limen Magna of yours, since magic exists for research, how can Aureolus Izzard be so proud that he completed such a spell? Only a kid will be happy about being cured after taking a flu medicine, right?" "U, ah..." There are too many points Aureolus can argue about. However, Aureolus can't stop himself from listening. That's because the words the magician said are like a jigsaw puzzle that patched up all the deficiencies in his heart. Thus, he really couldn't ignore it. "I can say it as many times as you want. You're a fake. I'm only looking for the real Aureolus Izzard and not you. Though it's really too easy to destroy one or two of these security functions of yours, I'm not too willing since you have a familiar person's face. Get away as far as you can." The Aureolus dummy can't take it any more.

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It's not about whether he's a dummy. The main point is that he spent a lot of effort just to create this one and only spell. How can it originate from somebody else? The Aureolus dummy intends to use his full power to crush this enemy in front of him, and raises his blade. "Also, you should understand this clearly. How can the real Aureolus Izzard lose so easily?"

The voice came from behind. At a moment, the warm stove-like air brushes past the Aureolus dummy's face. Then, at a place that was empty, Stiyl Magnus appeared. (A mirage...!?) The Aureolus dummy immediately tries to back away. This so-called mirage is a phenomenon that's caused by the expansion heat, causing a refraction of light. Thus, he can do things like letting his body seemingly melt into the air or let himself look like he's at a place where he's not really at, just like a movie screening. It was a fake image that was speared through many times by the Limen Magna. The real Stiyl hid himself in the air sneaked behind Aureolus. The Aureolus seem to see through Stiyl's tactic thoroughly in an instant. It's through that he can avoid his attacks by moving about. However, The illusion that was speared by that Limen Magna seem to cause a false sense in the Aureolus dummy's mind--at that less than a second moment, the image overlaps with his body, and that's the biggest mistake. If he stops thinking, he will show fatal holes. Just as the dummy Aureolus drags his thoughts back to reality, the flame sword appears on Stiyl's right hand. The flame sword swings directly down and hacks Aureolus' left hand and leg away. The cut's extremely smooth like a hot knife cutting butter. The parts that were sliced by the 3,000 degrees celsius flame aren't even bleeding.


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"U, ah." But what dominates Aureolus' mind isn't the pain of the body. "Also, you should understand this clearly. How can the real Aureolus Izzard lose so easily?" The magician's words echo in his mind, shaking his brain. That's right, Aureolus Izzard is definitely invincible and overwhelming. He never knew what failure was, what retreat was. He can only be called a perfect saint. But what's with his ugly state now? Right now, how is he any different from a scaredy cat that uses all sorts of tools to protect himself and with tremble on taking every single attack? "A, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The Aureolus dummy finally loses all sanity. Even after losing a hand and a leg, the Aureolus dummy still uses the 'Limen Magna'. Stiyl reamins wary of the golden dart and raises his flame sword. However, the Limen Magna flies off in a completely unexpectedly place. The students who are gathered all over the floor are stabbed by the Limen Magna. Immediately, the entire floor is filled with molten gold. Then, Aureolus stabs the Limen Magna into the molten gold and activates the Limen Magna. Perhaps the Limen Magna has the ability to manipulate pure gold like magnets attracting iron sand, as the molten gold splatter all over the place. Of course, it includes the area surrounding Stiyl Magnus. Stiyl casually blocks the splatters of molten gold. He then lets his flame sword explode. Though the numerous droplets of gold can't be blocked altogether, a storm can send them flying. Stiyl again creates a new flame sword and slices the surrounding smoke apart. He doesn't see any signs of the Aureolus dummy, who may have escaped during the explosion. Stiyl hesitates on whether he should chase after him, but decides the give up. Right now, the corridor in front of him is covered completely with high temperature lava-like molten gold. It's 5m long, and he will be burned if he can't jump over successfully.


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It seems like he can only make a detour. But luckily for him, 'Misawa Cram School' is made of 4 buildings, and each building is linked through an overhead corridor. There's no place I can't get to as long as I doesn't mind making detours, Stiyl pondered.

Part 7
"It looks bad, but the injuries aren't serious. Treatment will suffice." Kamijou dragged the 'Misawa Cram School' student--the girl with braids--onto the corridor. And the 'Deep Blood' Himegami Aisa said calmly to Kamijou. "Bu, BUT SHE'S COVERED IN BLOOD!" Kamijou placed the girl on the floor, and can't help but roar on seeing her. That unknown school's summer uniform was already dyed fresh red. Her face, hands and other exposed parts of the skin are damaged and look like a layer of plastic is wrapped over them. "Only her skin that was damaged caused damage to the capillaries. Had her arteries ruptured, it would have been worse. The blood would gush out like a fountain." "How, do, you--" You're not a doctor--and even if you're are, you need to thoroughly check this. How can you make such a prognosis like that? Kamijou thought. "I'm more informed about the flow of blood than others." Kamijou is stunned, and inadvertently thinks back to Himegami Aisa's 'ability name'. "Help me!" However, Himegami herself didn't seem to notice Kamijou's reaction, probably because she's giving emergency treatment. She undresses the wounded in front of the boy Kamijou. "Uboah, hold on..." "Don't overreact. This will be too disrespectful to the injured." Though Kamijou is panicking about something else, but thinking about it, there's something wrong about thinking what 'this is a girl's naked body', right? It's like how a doctor who'll get excited on seeing a patient's naked body will get fired. What Himegami does next can be compared to doctors and paramedics. She first uses a handkerchief to stop the bleeding thoroughly, and since she can't stop the bleeding at the wrists with the cloth, she uses Kamijou's belt to tie them and stop the blood flow.The abdomen muscles

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that were ruptured are sewn together by the injured girl's hair and some needles from a sewing box. Kamijou can't do anything. He can only follow Himgami's directions and lift the hands higher than the heart or use the handkerchief to press the wound down. But doing this causes his hands to be stained in blood. It's not because he hurt others, but because he's saving others, and that is a remarkable feeling in him. "Anyway, she's alright." Himegami, whose miko outfit got stained in blood, said it as if it were nothing, "We managed to stop the blood. It'll take 15 minutes for the blood to clot, and at that time, the wounds will patch up. However, the sterilisation is incomplete. Even though there won't be any danger in the next 2 hours, it's better to send her to the hospital just to be safe." "..." Kamijou against stares at the injured person on the floor. This girl is about as old as Kamijou, but her wounds are so serious that it's hard to imagine that. Psychologically, she shouldn't be faring any better as well. It's true that he should be happy that they managed to save her life. However, she lost everything, and this bothers Kamijou. "We did what we could, now...we can only leave it to Academy City's technology." Kamijou stared at the girl's face as he said this, As the wounds are created from the inside, the damaged skin is stuck on her flesh like damaged plastic sheets. "Only plastic surgery will be required. She just needs the skin on the arm." "..." Himegami Aisa merely replied according to modern medicine knowledge. However, Kamijou still find it's unbelievable that the 'arm' can be used as the 'skin of the face'. "Speaking of which, you're amazing just now. Are you a certain doctor that operates without a license?" [2] "I'm not a doctor." Just as Kamijou's about to ask 'what are you then', Himegami replies,


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"I'm a spellcaster." ",..." Kamijou recalls that she did say something like that, and says, "Eh, on what basis are you like a spellcaster?" "I have a magic wand." "O...oi, hold on! That's a police baton!" "New material." "STOP MESSING AROUND!" Kamijou, who was arguing loudly about such ridiculous words, finally realises something.

The injured person in front of him is alright, so he could think about all these.

Kamijou collapses onto the floor. Just all these causes Kamijou's remaining strength to be seemingly released. It's a really comfortable feeling, and one can even find it weird that nobody's crying. In some unknown place that can't be seen, lots of people are killed. Even if they saved one or two people, that Hellish sight that's even worse than what he sees now should be even trivial. But no matter what, it's still something that's worth being happy over. "If that's the case..." No matter what happens, they can't let this injured person remain here. No matter how they intend to deal with 'Misawa Cram School' and Aureolus Izzard, they have to call for an ambulance first. "I'm going back. We can't leave the wounded here. And it's better to let the ambulance wait at the entrance." "Mn, that's true. There's not just one casualty. We can cut down on the time it takes to take them to the hospital by calling the ambulance here first." "...Stop talking about it like it doesn't involve you."

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"?" Himegami stares at Kamijou with an inexplicable look. Perhaps its because she got locked up for so long that her brain doesn't have the thought of 'running away'. "Eh, what I mean is that you don't have to be locked up over here. Let's get out of here. In fact, we came here to save you." Himegami doesn't say anything. She just reveals a surprised look that seems frozen, unable to move at all. "What is it? Did I say something weird?" "..." Himegami says in a soft voice, "...Why?" "What why? Do I need a reason to save others?" Himegami's shocked again, remaining stiff. And this time, it seems like she blushed--or maybe that's just a feeling. "But, I..." Himegami Aisa seem like she intends to say something. But at this moment, there seems to be the sound of something being dragged about as it interrupts Himegami. Then, there's a heavy breathing sound. Though he doesn't hear any talking, one can feel the negative feelings of hatred and anger in his breathing, and it seems to echo in his mind. "Damn it! Damn it! Absolutely, Why am I so injured! He's supposed to be material, yet he's dragging me down...kuku, hoho, dragging me down? Dragging me down? That's interesting, isn't it, Aureolus Izzard! You don't even have any rear leg for others to pull! Kuku! Kukuku! You bastards looked down on me! Inevitably, I'M GOING TO MELT YOU ALL DOWN...!" An abnormally loud male voice can be heard, sounding like echoes that got blasted too loud. Then with an extremely loud swoosh, with the sound of something being dragged, the sound of something being can be heard, and the man escaped down the stairs and made it to the corridor.


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Kamijou is inadvertently stunned. That's a green-haired foreigner in white western suit. However, his left hand and leg got sliced off on the joints, and there's a slanted golden stick that's attached to the damaged parts, one of which is used as a crutch. It should be painful, but the man doesn't look in pain at all. Perhaps he has a lot of anesthetic in him, as all the anger, hatred, happiness and craziness overwhelms his pain. The sweaty face is obviously showing an exaggerated expression. Also, the man's right hand and the prosthetic left hand. His hands look like they're dragging rubbish, grabbing the collars of bloodied boys and girls. 3 on each side, 6 altogether. "Wha, what's going on?" The man stares at Kamijou with bloodshot eyes, and says, "Kid, what are you doing here? Only magicians are allowed to be here! Are you an intruder? That flame magician's friend? 3m away away, the man continues to let saliva fly, but Kamijou remains unmoved. "You...these people." "Naturally, these are just materials! Alchemy requires materials! Why are you looking at them? That's too strange! This Aureolus Izzard and his Limen Magna is standing before you. Why are you still looking at the materials!? I should be perfect!! Why are you so unhurried!? What am I lacking!?" The name Aureolus Izzard shocks Kamijou, causing him to back away. However, Himegami Aisa, who's beside him, maintains her expression. "Poor thing"... "If you didn't realize the truth, you could have continued being Aureolus Izzard." "Ku...!? Damn you!!" As Aureolus growled, a large golden dart flies out from the remaining right sleeve. It spins around the alchemist quickly, and the gold chain looks like a boundary. --The dart pierces through those bloody students that Aureolus was dragging around.


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The six students that were stabbed through by the dart are immediately melted into something golden. That's not an ordinary fluid. The mercury like metallic shine hisses, and the steaming sound that sounds like a beast breathing proves that this fluid is molten metal. "What...DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING, YOU BASTARD!?" But on seeing this, Kamijou Touma's only worried about the students that were melted. Facing Kamijou, who completely ignored his 'killer technique', Aureolus' as angry as ever. "Of, course--ACCEPT YOUR FATE!" With that cry, the gold dart and chain starts to spin around the alchemist even faster, The surrounding golden dirt is flying in mid air like a tornado. It looks like a wall, yet like a tsunami, and yet like a meteor landing on the sea. It whips up waves around Aureolus and extends out to the ceiling. At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he can see Himgami moving. She silently bends down and carries the injured girl away before backing away. Though she's staggering back unsteadily, she wasn't anxious at all. It's like she's clear about what she wanted to do, that if she backed away, she can get away from the attack range. Luckily, the 'fluid' formed by the molten metal isn't like water, but a 'sticky fluid' that's like melted chocolate. Even if a tsunami crashes in, there won't be too much splash damage. Kamijou follows Himegami, who's carrying the girl, and backs away. But at that moment, a hole got pierced through the golden tsunami, and the golden dart flies over at a terrifying speed. "...!?" Though he wants to dodge it, Kamijou's backing away and can't obtain balance under such a situation. He can only choose to use his right hand to grab this attack that's flying at him. The sound of muscles ripping can be heard in his hand. The golden dart isn't so easily caught. It backs away and returns back to the golden storm. The palm that got cut feels hot, like it got scalded on a hot metal plate. After a while, the golden tsunami starts to rise. Kamijou jumps backwards and then rolls away, before finally avoiding this scalding molten metal attack.

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The golden sea separates Kamijou and Aureolus, and the width's about 3m. (...Ku, damn it, I don't have, any feeling in my hand--!) Kamijou grits his teeth. It's hard for him to clench his 5 fingers on the right hand. This right hand that can negate any miracle can't even deal with a small knife. "...What, what's going on?" But after the tsunami of gold subsides, Aureolus, who appeared again, seems to be more anxious that Kamijou. One can even say that he's more than confused now. The golden dart in Aureolus' hand starts to disintegrate like it was made of sand. The Imagine Breaker of Kamijou's right hand starts to work. That dart should be something that's imbued with some 'supernatural power', so it got destroyed after Kamijou's hand touched it. The wound on Kamijou's hand was caused by the blade just before it got destroyed. "Naturally, What's with your right hand? Certainly, Why can't it change? Inevitably, My 'Limen Magna' is the pinnacle of alchemy! It's a miracle that 2 schools of thought, Bohemia and Vienna, gave up on after thinking that it couldn't be fulfilled! This is unbelievable! Entirely, What did you use to negate my theory!?" (Limen, Magna...?) Kamijou feels that the wound is pulsating according to his heartbeat. He inadvertently frowns and think. Was the 'change' he talked about referring to that molten metal?" "Ha, how satisfying! Haha! THIS IS SATISFYING! YOU'RE REALLY INTERESTING THERE, BOY! WHAT'S WITH THAT SECRET OF THE HUMAN BODY? LET ME, THE MAGIC DOCTOR, DISSECT YOUR BODY AND SOLVE ALL THE QUESTIONS!!!" Aureolus swings his right hand across, revealing a new dart tip. It's aimed between Kamijou's eyebrows, matching the killing intent in the alchemist's eyes. (He's coming...!?) Just as Kamijou frantically uses his right hand to cover his face, the dart almost touches Kamijou's forehead. He quickly uses his right hand to knock it aside, and the fist feels like it got sliced as a sharp pain can be felt. "Che!"


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Aureolus wanted to use the gold chain to counterattack, but it got affected by Kamijou's right hand before he could catch it, and shatters like glass. Another golden dart tip appears in Aureolus' right sleeve. As as Kamijou's intending to dodge, The golden dart continues to fire out like a machine gun from Aureolus' suit. It's fast. The firing, the wrecking, the preparing of the next shot; All these actions took less than 0.2 seconds. This isn't something that a human can handle anymore. However, he can't choose to run away like that. He can't even turn his back on others, as the tiniest slip-up will allow the dart to spear through his chest or other critical areas. Luckily, though the dart is moving fast, the trajectory's relatively simple. It will continue to shoot out in 'a straight line'. It's a lot easier to predict the trajectory than against a boxer who can send in straight punches and hooks. "Ku, ahh--!!" So even though Kamijou knows that his right hand will get cut, he can only choose to use his right hand to deflect them. Seeing the dart's 'changing ability', it seems like he will be melted into gold if he uses anything other than his right hand to block it. Thus, in a while, there are remains of darts and chains all around Kamijou. "HAHA, HAHAHAHA! SUCH AN INTERESTING HUMAN SPECIMEN! IT'S NOT USING A CHANT THAT ABSORBS THE MAGIC POWER, NOT THE LANCE OF LONGINUSGod Slayer! IT JUST USED A BARE HAND TO DESTROY ALL MY LIMEN MAGNA!" Seeing that he couldn't kill the enemy no matter how many times he attacked, Aureolus still seem really happy as he laughs. He's like an adventurer who reached some mysterious place that no one entered before. "IT'S NOT ENOUGH! HAHA! BOY! THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TO TEST YOUR LIMITS!" The golden dart destruction and regeneration speed increases to more than twice. It continues to rip the air and fly at Kamijou. Kamijou's right hand is already stained in blood, and he can't even clench his fist. (Da, damn it...!) MY FINGERS MAY BE SLICED! Just as Kamijou feels this scary thought invade his body, the gold dart unexpectedly misses, and it flies past the slow moving Kamijou.

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The enemy missed--it'll be too optimistic to think like that. Standing behind Kamijou is Himegami Aisa, who's carrying that injured girl! "HIME--!" Kamijou turns his head about, trying to cry out. But facing the dart that passed him, this is too slow. The golden dart is aimed between Himegami's eyebrows. Aureolus seem like he got mentally confused, and can't even show mercy on the Deep Blood he worked so hard to get. In front of him is a shocked look on Himegami Aisa's face. Just as Kamijou wants to shout out, the dart can be heard landing on flesh. There's a cry of shock, and Kamijou isn't clear about whether he was the one who made it. He can't even tell, because the scene in front of him is too pitiful and unexpected.

The golden dart didn't hit Himegami Aisa.

The thoroughly injured girl that Himegami was carrying, the girl that couldn't possibly move a finger, actually pulls her hand out to protect Himegami's face. The golden dart lands deeply into her soft hand. But the girl doesn't reveal a look of pain, instead using her other hand to gently push Hiemgami's chest. Himegami's body sways and takes a step back, separating from the girl. The girl seems to be muttering something. It's an extremely weak voice, and one can't hear what she said. But the girl smiled. This isn't a smile for herself. This is a feeble smile that's forced out to comfort others.

Then, just like that, the anonymous girl got 'transmuted' into molten gold.


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For that moment, Kamijou seemed to shout something. Kamijou doesn't even know what he was shouting. He nearly burst his throat. The alchemist also seems to be taken aback, probably due to luck or lack of it, and the golden chain stops rewinding for a while. Kamijou uses his hand to grab the golden chain, not with the sure-kill right hand, but with the left hand. Kamijou's instincts are telling him that only the dart can carry out the Limen Magna. The chained parts shouldn't have any ability to carry out the Limen Magna. If the chain has a similar ability, the enemy wouldn't have 'shot the dart straight out' but 'swing the chain'. That's because if he did that, the attack range will obviously be wider. "Ugh...!" Aureolus naturally wants to pull the chain back to himself. The chain's being held straight like a rope in a tug-of-war match. However, Kamijou uses his foot to hold it tight. Aureolus himself is the one who ends up being pulled. And in front of him is the scalding molten gold that he created--! "GUOAAAAHHH!!" Stepping into the golden fluid, Aureolus tries to back away, but he can't do it. That's because the golden chain became a bind, causing him to be unable to move move. Aureolus roared and releases the chain that's hidden in his suit. He finally manages to drag himself out from the molten gold. Although it was only 2 seconds, this causes smoke to come out from below his foot. Perhaps knowing that he can't use the chain as a bind, Kamijou's bloodied hands let go of the chain. Now, should he run, or should he attack? Just as Aureolus' hesitating, he sees an unbelievable sight. Kamijou bends his body down, looking like he wants to increase his jumping ability to the maximum and jump over the golden stream to attack the alchemist opposite. Letting go of the chain doesn't have anything to do with binding. But anyone can tell the Kamijou can't do it.

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The golden stream between Kamijou and Aureolus is 3m wide. He may be able to jump over it if he does a running start, but he definitely can't do that without a running start. Even so, Kamijou's eyes don't have any hesitation. It's like saying that it's alright even if he fails and jumps into the molten gold, that he must beat this enemy in front of him before his body gets burnt. This intense 'emotion' that's unrestrained causes Aureolus to feel that he's in danger.

The next moment, Kamijou jumped without hesitation.

It seems like a suicidal jump, but the direction's not at Aureolus. But at a window on the corridor that's shining the sunset sunlight in. Kamijou's foot lands on that slightly protruded platform and flies at Aureolus! "...!" Just as Aureolus frantically tries to counterattack, Kamijou has already jumped--from a position much higher than the floor and above Aureolus. Aureolus' survival instincts are telling him to quickly attack back and use the golden dart to shoot that guy down. But just as the alchemist frantically raises his Limen Magna, he realises something. Kamijou Touma jumped over Aureolus' head. If he uses the Limen Magna to shoot him down--the scalding hot molten gold will rain down on Aureolus! "Apparently, I didn't foresee that...!!" The action, pride, and even the burn on his foot, he can't even care about them now. Aureolus frantically rolls back and avoids Kamijou's attack, running away. Compared to the shame of 'losing to some ordinary folk who's not even a magician', what Aureolus can't take is a great fear. He can only run with his battered legs in the darkness, crashing about as he runs.


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Part 8
The Aureolus dummy continues to tread through the corridor. It feels like this corridor is long, and that there's no end to it. After the alchemist was grabbed by that boy, he lost all his strength, but this isn't much. The golden dart was just a tool that was materialised. Limen Magna's actual identity is actually that of the entire 'Misawa Cram School' base. Even if the tool's mana supply got cut of, as long as the main body is supplied with mana and the shape of the tool is recreated, he can use it again. Thus, that's not the reason why the Aureolus dummy ran away. The reason why he ran away was because of the power of that boy's right hand. It seems to be limitless. No matter how much he absorbed mana from the main body and into the golden dart, it still continued to get eroded by that boy's right hand. If that kept up, the main body would have ran out of mana. Such a crisis sends chills down Aureolus' spine. "Ku, damn..." But the Aureolus dummy's still thinking of the next step. Whether it's Stiyl or that boy, even though 'Limen Magna' are ineffective against them, they will still try to avoid the molten gold as much as they can. "...In other words, if there's so much gold that they can't hide, they won't be able to do anything. Ha, I have 1,982 materials beside me, naturally, that's definitely more than enough to get rid of them!" Though this place is huge, they are still within a building. If he pours out a large amount of gold like a dam bursting from the top level, he can easily flood all the corners below. Just imagining it alone is fun. Just imagining it is enough to sweep aside all unhappy feelings. "HAHA! DESTROY DESTROY! DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY! THAT'S RIGHT! I CAN'T DIE! THERE'S STILL DEEP BLOOD AND ALL SORTS OF RESEARCH MATERIALS THAT'S INCOMPLETE! HOW CAN I DIE! NO, NOT JUST THIS! THERE ARE STILL 50,000 HUMAN SPECIMENS IN THE WORLD WORTH RESEARCHING ON! HAHA! IT'S ONLY A PITY FOR THAT BOY, I HAVE TO KILL HIM BEFORE I CAN EVEN UNDERSTAND THE SECRETS IN HIS BODY!" Luckily, he summoned all the students in the cram school onto the 'back side of the coin', and now he just needs to gather these materials. At that point, he just needs to pierce the Limen Magna through them. But after thinking about it, the core of the 'Gregorio's Chant replica' that could manipulate all the students actions was destroyed by Stiyl.

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"These guys, really want to go against me regardless of anything..." The anger rips through the air like a hot blade. But the sound of footsteps behind him sound like a sharper blade. "...!?" Anyone can tell that Aureolus' back seem to shrink after hearing the footsteps. Normally, ordinary people will choose to run away when they're afraid. That's normal. Everyone wants to run away, they don't want to endure those irritating and painful events. If possible, they wouldn't even want to look at it. However, these footsteps don't even allow Aureolus to act on the primitive instincts that's so associated with ordinary people. That's because the footsteps contain killing intent, bringing a sense of despair. It seems like if he looks away, his body will be diced into 100 pieces. Thus, Aureolus could only choose to turn back. His heart is telling him to run crazily without even looking, his mind is already unable to endure such pain anymore. But Aureolus could only turn back like a puppet being manipulated. Over there, right over there. 10m away, Kamijou Touma is standing there, looking like a savage beast that just escaped from an experimental lab. "Wh, what's going--" Aureolus doesn't understand. He's supposed to be perfect, so why can someone force him into such a state? But in reality, Kamijou Touma's standing over there. "...Did you have enough fun?" Hearing Kamijou mutter, Aureolus frowns. That's a voice of one standing in the midst of an icy cold rain. Nobody can tell who's being forced into despair. Kamijou saw Hell. He saw people die right in front of him, and he understands that some place where he can't see, a lot of people must have died, but at least he managed to save an injured girl. However, this alchemist in front of him just took away the only saving grace in his heart. But as for that, Kamijou doesn't say anything, and of course he doesn't have any views. That's because if he has the time to talk, he might as well do something else.

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Kamijou's eyes are glaring at the enemy. His eyes are filled with burning iron-like killing intent. "Ugh." Aureolus frantically raises the Limen Magna, but the action's not out of battle intent, but out of fear. However, this action causes Kamiijou to be even more determined. He doesn't say anything. Kamijou's feet explodes with strength as he dashes at Aureolus. Filled with fear and anxiety, Aureolus shoots out the golden dart at Kamijou's face to prevent him from closing in. Kamijou crouches down like a spider and easily dodges it, even taking a step forward. "!?" Aureolus' anxiety continues to increase. However, even if the anxiety causes the Limen Magna to be less effective, it can still regenerate 6 times within a second. Aureolus easily recovers the dart into his hand, and shoots it again at Kamijou's face. Having bent down, Kamijou has no other place to go. However, Kamijou uses his right fist to smash an uppercut at the abdomen. The golden dart and chain immediately shatters. The perfect counterattack looks like it was predicted right from the beginning where the dart will fly to. Bending down his body was an act. If there's no way to retreat, and with that huge of an opening, the enemy will definitely attack there. A straight attack that's straightforward is way too easy as compared to fighting in the alleys where anything goes. Ten metres distance, dodging the first attack alone isn't going to cover the distance. Thus, Kamijou thought of this tactic. That's because if he could dodge the second attack, he can get near the enemy--! "Wai!" Stunned, Aureolus roared with a twisted expression and tries to fire the third attack. However, before that could happen, Kamijou's right fist lands on his face. Then, without slowing down, and even though he's one head shorter than the enemy, Kamijou uses his forehead to smash into the enemy's jaw. Having taken two direct hits in the head, Aureolus can't help but tumble on the floor. He wants to roll away to avoid the attack, but Kamijou won't allow him. He stamps hard onto the prosthetic that's made from gold and moves his foot to pull it out.

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Like the sound of a fruit being crushed, the wound that was barely patched up lets out a ripping sound. "GYYYYYAAAAAHHHH!!!" Aureolus screamed out in pain and releases the Limen Magna at Kamijou, who's intending to sit down on him. However, Kamiijou actually uses his left hand to grab the golden chain so as not to destroy it. It seems like he never thought that he would turn into gold if he made the slightest mistake. Kamijou then twirls his left hand and ties the golden chain on his arm. The Limen Magna attack is completely sealed. Then, Kamijou looks down at the alchemist's face from above. (Stupidly,...if this keeps up, I'll get killed) Aureolus' judgement was quick. He chose to cut the golden chain that's linked to the inside of his suit. Having maintained his balance with the resistance of the chain, Kamijou sways. Using this opportunity, Aureolus rolls away and escapes from Kamijou's clutches. Aureolus' crying out in his heart. The Limen Magna that he so believed in wasn't destroyed, but abandoned under his own will. His own belief got wrecked. He expected that he should be able to save his life if he gives up everything. It can be said that it would be all for naught if that doesn't work. But in front, Aureolus can't run away any further. That's because his prosthetic leg got ripped out, and he can't even walk. Also, Kamijou even raises the golden chain and whips it on the crawling Aureolus like a whip. The heavy hit causes all the air in Aureolus' lungs to be forced out, causing him to roll about on the floor in pain. "..." Kamijou wordlessly closes in on Aureolus and steps on his back, and uses the golden chain to chain it around the original owner's neck. Then, he can hang him by pulling this chain. However, since it's not the right hand that he's not used to, he can't break the bone up. Kamijou doesn't carry any emotions to his own actions. Or rather, he can't. His mind and blank and hot, and reality is nothing to him. "I, gya...sp--spare me." However, these words causes Kamijou's brain to seem like it got dunked in cold water, causing him to lose all his anger.

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It's an unreasonable request. How many people this person killed? Thinking of it, one can tell that there's only one choice. Even in those superhero special effects movie that are shown to children, nobody will hesitate over killing such a person. But Aureolus isn't like a human. He knows he can't run, but he continues to reach his arm out and struggle. Kamijou starts to recall. The 'knight' who was abandoned in the hall, the students who still continued with the incantations of the 'Gregorio's Chant' even with their bodies breaking, and the anonymous girl who turned into molten gold while protecting Himegami. He knows that there's only one choice. Kamijou wordlessly tugs at the golden chain. But in the end, he can only choose to let go. Aureolus continues to climb away on the floor. He can only escape from this person who caused his downfall, wondering about the misfortune that happened around him, and relieved that he's still alive. He's still a 'human', how can Kamijou kill him? The Aureolus dummy doesn't even know what floor this is anymore. Though he managed to roll down a few levels, he doesn't even have any strength to roll. There's no strength left in his body. His back is resting on the wall of the dark emergency staircase, and he's staring at the remaining hand. Ever since he got hit by that boy, he started to feel that the strength that was supporting him seem to be taken away. That sense of powerlessness seems like a certain mana source was cut off from him. Now, Aureolus Dummy realises it. He's not a human. If the boundary isn't there to provide him with energy, he can't even stand up. It's like Limen Magna, a tool that's among numerous substitutes. "Ahh..." Aureolus sighed as the feeling in his fingers gradually fades, and yet he's feeling satisfied.


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What is that? No matter whether it's Limen Magna or this body, magic would be negated on contact. What is that boy's right hand? Thinking about this, Aureolus' like a teenager who's looking through a telescope, his eyes sparkling with the thirst for knowledge. The greatest question in his heart is. How much can a person maintain and raise his form and pride? Aureolus seems like he saw the answer. It's not just because of that boy's abnormal power. It's also because that even though the boy had such a power, he would get angry and feel sad like a human. Thinking about it, it seems like his tragic fate is nothing. That's because a scholar who knows the answer doesn't need to live on and think. Footsteps. Aureolus weakly looks up the stairs, and sees Stiyl standing there. "Naturally, I can haven't gotten sick of killing me?" The alchemist mocks himself and says, "Even if you leave me alone, I'll certainly die anyway, so why do you still want to kill me?" "Yeah. It's true that I have no interest in killing you. Besides, 'that child' didn't interact with you." Stiyl says with an uninterested tone, "Speaking of which, there's a member of the 13 knights that was killed. I suppose you didn't do that, right?" The Aureolus Dummy leans on the wall and stares up at Stiyl. Aureolus Dummy's weapon is Limen Magna. Even though it can turn everything into gold, it can't possibly turn the casted armour of the knight in a vented shape like that. "...Humph, speaking about that. Certainly I never killed any of them." "What?" "Inevitably, since I lost, you can just go ahead and think of the reason." Aureolus smirks and says,


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"Speaking of which, since you're not interested in me, why are you here? Naturally, Can't I just die alone?" "It's the complete opposite, idiot. I'm here to send you off. Can you endure yourself dying off like that?" "..." For a while, the Aureolus Dummy stares blankly at Stiyl's face. Then, he smiles. For this man, it's really rare, but he did smile. Though he's a fake, Aureolus is a scholar. And right now, he's extremely satisfied that he managed to obtain the answer to 'human's biggest limit'. However, there's still some time till Aureolus dies off. Less than 10 minutes. Aureolus' is a scholar. In this spare time, he will think of a new question to think about. Those are research topics that are waiting for him to ponder about. However, Aureolus doesn't have 'time' to ponder about them. To a scholar, it's Hell to have a doubt yet unable to research on it before dying. That's definitely an unhappy feeling and regret that can't be avoided. That is why Stiyl said that. Before you find that sweet question and ponder hard into it, let me send you off while 'your mission is complete'. "Humph." Thus, Aureolus smiles and says, "I can't tell if you are an Angel or the Devil." "These are two beings of similar natures, the difference is where they take their orders from." Stiyl slowly walks down the stairs. "I prove why my name is the strongest here Fortis931"

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Stiyl's black coat flips out, and numerous runic cards scatter out like sakura petals. "Sorcery name, huh?" Seeing Stiyl walk down the stairs, Aureolus muttered to himself. If so, what is his sorcery name? Aureolus starts to recall. "Oh, I remember." My honor is for the worldHonos628 Having finally remembered his 'name' and 'purpose', Aureolus narrows his eyes. "Do I need to make a final prayer for you as a priest? Alchemist?" Walking down the stairs, Stiyl Magnus said as he arrives in front of the alchemist. "Stop dragging this on. You're just a mere magician." The moment the Aureolus dummy replied, Stiyl's flames enter him through the mouth, quickly burning through the insides of his body. The flames burst out from all the openings. The abdomen then start to break, splitting him into two parts. Large amounts of flames continue to spur out, causing Aureolus' upper body to shoot out like a rocket.

Part 9
At this moment, in a certain student dormitory, or rather, a certain student dormitory bathtub, the girl Index, who's watching the house, is exchanging looks with the stray cat Sphinx. This calico cat seemed like it was a domestic cat, so it doesn't have a cute personality. It doesn't chase after a thrown ball of yarn, it continues to nest under a table even after its name got called, it will snatch other people's food when eating. The last point is really a serious thing. To Index, who has a voracious appetite, it's significant that Kamijou Touma cooks for her. It seems like she has to train it. Having decided to stop giving the gentle treatment, she's now battling with the calico cat who's covered with bubbles. On a side note, Index read through Kamijou's elaborate explanation on how to use the automatic hot water supply in the bathroom, and gingerly managed to work it out. (...But, where did Touma go?) There're a few questions in her mind. The first is what was said during the conversation. It's not because Kamijou said that he 'just wanted to test whether the phone could work', but that Kamijou actually said so easily 'forget it' even after having his pudding eaten.


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Speaking of which, it's the same thing for this cat that's covered with shampoo bubbles and having its fur standing up. Basically, Kamijou won't do anything he doesn't like. Even if he knows that there's no other way, if he really doesn't want to do it, he will think of another way to solve it. Such a Kamijou didn't even pursue on those two things that he didn't agree in. That's really too weird. Having made up her mind, Index nods her head. She walks out of the bathroom and puts on her nun habit 'Walking Church'. At the corridor, before she even opens the door, she realises that even if she wants to question Kamijou she has to know where he is. Of course, calling Kamijou is not an option. To be honest, Index doesn't know how the phone works at all, and since the Kamijou's residence phone has a 'fax function', there are so many buttons that Index doesn't know how to start using it. Will she give up? Just as Index is about to return back to the room, she suddenly sees something. There's something that looks like a tarot card stuck on the wall. That's the runic imprint that the magician Stiyl Magnus uses.

"..." Index stares at the card without looking. Something's definitely going on. He definitely left Index alone to deal with something alone. Index recalls it. A few days ago, she met that teenager who doesn't have any feelings. The despair and anxiety Index feels causes her to be extremely restless. Run. She can only run. Luckily, Index has the knowledge of 103,000 grimoires in her mind. She knows the workings of Stiyl's magic. The runes require magicians to continuously provide mana and maintain it. For example, when a soul is lost, there will be something thin string-like that links the soul and the body. Though Index can't use magic, she can trace the mana, so she won't get lost. Just like that, Index runs off the the 'battlefield' without even locking the door. She doesn't know that such an act will bring about the biggest trouble.

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1. or Denpa Otome goes for "wave girl", Denpa is a term to coin someone who has a really strange or eccentric behaviour without any apparent reason (hence "the wave made me do it"); you might recognize the word as it is also the name of a novel, where the titular character is actually quite weird 2. Black Jack


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Chapter 3: The Master Has Shut Off the World Like a God. DEUS EX MACHINA.
Part 1
Stiyl Magnus is heading to the top level of the North block of the 4 buildings. Perhaps Kamijou, who he sent out as bait is attracting a lot more enemies than what he thought, as Stiyl practically faced no resistance. He hides himself completely, checking every entrance of the secret rooms, and grasps the situation inside. It seems like the 'Deep Blood' Himegami Aisa wasn't imprisoned inside. Having checked all the dirt and mana traces left behind at the entrance, it seems like whether it's the 'front side of the coin' or the 'back side of the coin, it looks like nobody entered in. There's nobody around, subordinates, soldiers or even Aureolus himself. Such an environment is definitely not going to watch a prisoner who may escape anytime. If that happens, things are a lot more complicated. That's means that Himegami Aisa wasn't imprisoned, but because she was willing to help out Aureolus Izzard. If that's the case, it seems like he has to face this terrifying unknown ability of 'Deep Blood'. (...Damn it, why are espers so hard to handle.) Thinking about it, Stiyl suddenly thinks of that boy who was sent out as bait. To Stiyl, it's painless even if that boy dies. From the beginning, Stiyl told him that he wasn't his ally, and he made it clear that he's using him as a shield. But when that boy was pushed down, he still looked like he got betrayed. It's an expression that shows that he got backstabbed. "..." Stiyl definitely attacked him with the flame sword in their first meeting, and even after dragging him to this deadly battlefield, why, did that boy see him as a 'comrade'? This causes Stiyl to be uneasy. Though it's just a little prick, it's making Stiyl uneasy for some reason. (...damn it, why are espers so hard to handle--!)

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Though, Stiyl starts to dash down the narrow emergency staircase. Though it's a meaningless thought--since he treated that boy as bait, he won't be able to convince himself if he doesn't have some level of accomplishment to it. What little humanity that's left in Stiyl is arguing. "I don't understand at all, what are you so anxious about?"

An icy voice can be heard from behind Stiyl. "..." Stiyl stopped. He was running down the narrow emergency staircase. If anyone brushed past him, he would have surely noticed it. If so, why is there someone behind him? The man's voice feels like somebody who appeared out of thin air. "..." He slowly turns his head around. He knows what will happen if he lets the enemy get behind him without him knowing. And the person standing over there is--

"Hm, so it's over here?" As the orange sunset mixes with the purple night, Index arrives in front of 'Misawa Cram School'. Though it looks ordinary, that makes it all the more strange. Index was tracking down the owner of the runes at the student dormitory. However, after the mana trail went behind the wall of that building, it go cut off. Basically, this building is definitely abnormal, yet it's forced to look 'normal'. The intentions are clear. Like how people have mana, this world has 'power'. Christians call this power as 'God's Blessings'God Bless, and the formation of the 'Golden Dawn' organisation that created the blueprint of Western magic is called 'Telesma'. But in terms of the relevant language, the closest should be the 'geography' and 'astronomy' of Feng Shui. As the name suggests, there's a 'pulse' that forms all the forces and flows in the world like blood vessels extending out everywhere.

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It's like how mana in humans is formed from life force; it is something that's like gasoline refined out of crude oil. Similarly, the 'forces' all over the world aren't too powerful (but the lifespans of planetary stars can't be compared to a human one, so this 'power' is much bigger than human 'mana'). But through a temple or shine, by converting this 'power' into a 'planetary force', a large amount of power will be generated. The 'power' that fills this world is like air, ordinary people (including magicians) can't feel it. Only those specially trained magicians or Feng Shui masters can see the 'force'. However, there is no such 'force' in this stack of 4 buildings in front of her. Though the 'power of the world' is normally undetectable like air, once it becomes vacuum, breathing will be impossible. It's the same here, Index feels something strange that can't be compared. It's like some 'death tower' that was diced into cubes, a largest tombstone in the world. Perhaps this is to prevent the mana from escaping within, but that was too much. Though Kamijou's right hand is something that can destroy 'the world's power', it's still not that serious. If the power reverts back to the soil like fallen leaves, it can form a part of life--a 'destruction' that's a part of nature. Therefore, before Index realised that the 'Walking Church' got destroyed, she didn't realise this 'destruction of this harmony with nature'. But the 'magic tower' is different. It's like cutting apart a forest through forceful means, forming a city of stone and steel. It's an ugly sight of urbanisation. Why didn't that rune magician realise it? Perhaps that's because the rune magician himself is a walking refining machine of vast amounts of mana. It's like people who are used to eating heavy tasting stuff, their tongues can't differentiate the slightest changes in taste. But Index can't refine mana. Thus, she can clearly feel this 'light' change. "This isn't a boundary to prevent enemies from invading, but a boundary to prevent enemies from escaping. Hm, it's like those Egyptian pyramids..." The white nun mutters as she walks past the automatic doors. She ha no reason to head back. It's because this is such an abnormal place that she has even more reason to bring that boy back.

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The moment she stepped in, she feels that the atmosphere is different. It feels like moving from under a hot sun to a shop with a really strong air-conditioner. The lively and peaceful street is now a cold-blooded battlefield with the ominous presence of death permeating. And that's not a false sense, for deep inside the wide room, at the wall near the lifts, there's a dead knight who's wearing Roman Catholic tools. Index cautiously approaches the knight and observes him. The knight's tool 'casted armour'Surgical Armour is imbued with magic that can absorb physical attacks. However, as the main emphasis is to focus on defenses, the weakness of this equipment is that it's even more unable to withstand the magic attacks--but this 'casted armour' was forcefully destroyed by a powerful physical attack, thus someone obviously ignored such attribute. (...It's either that person doesn't know anything about magic, or he's a really crazy person.) Of course, just looking at this building that looks like a pharaoh's tomb that got flipped through, one can tell that the former can't be true. If that's the case, this will be troublesome. Those who can destroy the casted armour of the Roman Catholics through physical force alone are either those who can summon Archangels or those who specialist in making metal golems. No matter what the possibility is, they can't leave that boy here. To an amateur who doesn't even know anything about magic, it's suicidal to barge into this building. At this moment, there seems to be something clashing. Index turns around, and there's an entrance to a flight of emergency staircase beside the lift. There seems to be the sound of something being dragged, and the sound of heavy breathing. "Who's." Before she could ask who's there, 'that thing' climbed out from the emergency staircase. 'That thing' can't be called human, nor it can be called an object. That's because that's no longer a human. It's lower body got ripped, the left arm got blown off to nowhere, and the right side of the face got blown away. Even the remaining left side got burned to chars--such a thing that can still move can't possibly be called a human. Only half of the face that was burned off is still moving. Unbelievably, that looks like the head was tilting his head and pondering about something--just as Index's thinking about something really unimportant, 'that thing' uses a hand to support itself and gets ready to fly over. "...!"


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Without saying anything, 'the thing' flies over immediately, and Index can only frantically backtrack.. However, Index tips over the knight and tumbles over. 'The thing' that immediately loses its target falls off and looks like it's about to land on Index. At this moment--

"Be crushed!"

At that moment, a stern man's voice can be heard in this icy space. Suddenly, the wall at the elevators rips apart like a paper door, and a man's hand reaches out from within. This large hand looks like it's catching a ball as it grabs the head of 'that thing' that was charred. Then, In front of Index, who's lying on the floor, that 'thing's body explodes like what the man declared. It's like ash that's gathered together being crushed. Pak! That 'thing' starts to show 3 cracks on its body, and it starts to break up into blocks. It then splits up into snowflakes-like pieces, and before it lands on Index's face, it disappears into thin air. "Open!" Another voice can be heard. The elevator doors that was ripped out from the inside open sideways. The twisted metal elevator that shouldn't be open actually opens. An ultimate magic that forces the surroundings to becoming reality based on one's own words. "Don't tell me..." Facing a puzzled and mumbling Index, a tall and lean man walks out of the lift, looking rather nonchalant. His green hair is combed back, and he's wearing a white Italian-made Western suit and high-classed leather shoes. "Hm, it's been a while, but I don't think you remember me. Inevitably, you can't remember the name Aureolus Izzard, but to me that should be somewhat lucky." The man who seem to be talking casually has numerous bite marks on his forehead that look like mosquito bites. Acupuncture--some Eastern healing technique that doesn't look like it goes with a Westerner. However, that's not the case. For example, the Western magical organisation 'Golden Dawn's founder loves Buddhist ideas.


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"But even if you don't remember, I should say what I have to say. It's been a while, Index. It seems like you forgot about me. I'm really happy that you haven't changed." The man's hand reaches out at the lost Index, blocking her eyes. This hand was the hand that crushed 'that thing' that can either be called human or monster. Even so, Index still can't move. She says, "Do, don't tell me, the Golden, Ars Magna?" The man responds with a gentle smile.

Part 2
"Let's go home." Unable to get past the molten gold, Kamijou could only make a detour through the 4 buildings and return back to Himegami, saying it in a really tired voice. "That person called Aureolus was beaten. I didn't kill him, but he's done. He can't fight. He's wounded, and his heart's dead." So, go home. Kamijou said. There's nothing left to protect. The students of the 'Gregorian Chant' can't be saved, and he dueled that alchemist. There's no reason for Kamijou to remain here. He just wants to escape from this battlefield that's filled with death and go home. He wants to go home, he wants to have dinner with Index. It's alright if he can just get away from here. As long as I can see her, I can go back to the normal world. Before I can't leave the battlefield, before I get used to this world that's full of killings and death, it's over if I can't get back to the original world-- Kamijou thought blankly, but clearly. However, an evil figure lands in Kamijou's fragile heart. First, according to Stiyl, Index has to have a memory wipe every year. Second, according to Stiyl, Index has to find new partners every year. Third, according to Stiyl, Index is ignorant of those facts. This can be easily imagined. The Index who was smiling that year wasn't the Index Kamijou's familiar with.


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There are too many people around Index who need her. Though he didn't say it, Stiyl Magnus did imply that when he said that: Don't be mistaken, that child doesn't belong to you. "...,..." A sudden groggy feeling causes Kamijou to use his hand to support himself off the world. He has a feeling that if he treats that child as 'nothing different compared to others', it seems like he won't be able to return back to his ordinary world. (...Such an ugly possessive attitude.) Under such critical circumstances, any sense of self-defeat may become an impulse that will lead to self-sacrifice or suicidal actions. Kamijou takes a deep breath to calm himself down, trying to force himself not to think about that. That's because he realises that if he continues to think on, his mind will crumble. Anyway, better get Himgemi out of here. Kamijou sighs as he thought. "That Aureolus Izzard must be a fake." But Himegami Aisa said that as a matter of fact. "What?" "He's just a clone. I've seen the real person before, so I know that. The real one won't kill indiscriminately." Every word Himegami says etches into Kamijou's mind. That's right; thinking about it carefully, something's amiss. The alchemist's definitely using the 'Misawa Cram School' as a hiding place, but still caused the students to self-destruct through the 'Gregorio's Chant'. If that's the case, wouldn't he have lost his disguise? But even so, Kamijou's still unwilling to believe reality. Right now, he can't calm down and think. It's because he was about to go back that he could remain so calm. And now he's unable to accept the fact that he's going to step back onto the battlefield. "Hold it, hold it right there...! What do you mean by that? I did beat Aureolus Izzard!" "I said it before, that's a fake." Himegami said without hesitating.

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"The real body should have many needles with him to stab in. Those without needles are definitely fakes, and the real one isn't so weak." Kamijou can't admit it, and neither does he want to. Right now, all his thoughts were focused on 'going home', and right now, Kamijou can't admit that another enemy exists. "But the real one shouldn't be interested in anything else other than what he wanted. I don't think he will stop you if you want to go back." Himegami's calm tone finally stops Kamijou's mood from rampaging. What Himegami said causes Kamijou to feel amiss. "Hold on, you're coming along with me, aren't you? Since he's aiming for you, how can he let us go?" "Why?" "What why?" "The question isn't about 'why can't he let us go', but 'why must I go along with you'." "What?" Kamijou's shocked, unable to say anything. Right now, even if they beat the enemies, Himegami still doesn't intend to escape from 'Misawa Cram School'. "Don't be mistaken. I have my own aim. My aim doesn't involve to escape from here. On the contrary, my goal can only be achieved here. No, I can say that without that alchemist, it is possible that it can't be fulfilled." Himegami doesn't sound lost, and one may even think that she's Aureolus' friend. What's going on? Kamijou wondered. Those hostages who were imprisoned or watched may have some mysterious sympathy for the criminals. There are cases of such things in psychology. Is Himegami someone like that? "But no matter what aims you have, that guy didn't treat you as an ally, right? If you're one, why are you imprisoned here?" "I was imprisoned before he took control of 'Misawa Cram School." Himegami said without wavering,


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"Do you really want to know how I was treated here? Do you want to know why are there so many secret rooms here? I don't think you can handle the truth." "..." "Ever since that alchemist came here, the secret rooms were never used again. I'm just staying here, and I don't feel the need to go out. And if I randomly do so, I'll attract 'that'." Kamijou recalls what Stiyl said to him before they entered 'Misawa Cram School'. Though this looks like an ordinary building, it has a perfectly disguised boundary. Deep Blood. It was even treated as a legend in the magic world. A girl who was said to have the ability to instantly kill vampires. Perhaps... "What do you mean by that? Don't tell me you hid from them to avoid meaningless battles?" "...My blood has the power to kill them and also attract them with a sweet scent. Lure them, kill them. I'm like a carnivorous plant, colourful and deadly. That's my nature." Kamijou's eyes widen. Even when Stiyl mentioned about vampires, he was filled with disgust and fear. And this Himegami Aisa actually has a powerful ability to kill vampires. However, when Himegami said that, it sounded lonely, like cold rain was pouring on her. "Do you know what are vampires like?" Being asked this, Kamijou can't possibly know the answer. What he can think of is those evil vampires in story books who'll attack others. In fact, the term vampire doesn't feel realistic to Kamijou. "Nothing." But Himegami actually replied like that, "They're no different from us. They can cry, smile, get angry, be happy, laugh for others, act for others, all these people, without exception--were killed." Himegami sounds like she's bleeding. All her happy memories were shattered in front of her. Only those people who experienced such Hell could say such words.

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"Academy City is a place to research on powers. I thought that I could come here to analyse the secrets of my powers. If I know the source of that power, I can get rid of it. However, I can't find a way to remove it." Himegami says, "I don't want to kill anyone. I decided that I rather kill myself than to kill others." That was why. The girl called Deep Blood complained in a lonely manner. "But that..." "Please don't try and convince me. And it's not a bad thing. Aureolus said before that he can create an even simpler boundary. It's a boundary that takes the appearance of clothes, called 'Walking Church'. If I put it on, I can go about on the road and not be afraid of luring 'that creature'." "..." "I have my goals, Aureolus has his own goals. We need each other to fulfil our own goals. So it's alright. Aureolus will fulfil his side of the bargain and not hurt me. I'll explain it to Aureolus for you if you want to leave the battlefield alone." Kamijou can't agree with it. He can't understand the burden on this girl. He doesn't know how to save this girl in front of him. He doesn't know what to do. "...Tell me something." Because he doesn't know, he asks, "Since you don't want to attract vampires, why was it that you were eating 'outside' when we first me?" "It's simple. Aureolus needs me because he wants a vampire. If I continue to stay inside the boundary, I can't get one." "But isn't that completely different from what you wanted? Don't you not want to hurt vampires? If so, why would you accept that order--" "Nn, but Aureolus promised me that he won't hurt them even after he gets them. He just wanted their help."

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"...What. I thought that you worked so hard just to escape from 'Misawa Cram School'." "...But even if I intended to escape, why are you here?" "Of course I'm here to save you. Do I need a reason?" Seeing Kamijou arguing like that, Himegami's eyes widen. It looked like she forgot that her birthday was today, yet she got a birthday present. Unbelievable. But don't worry, I wasn't imprisoned. You can relax and go back, there won't be any problems. Himegami smiled, Aureolus said that he wanted to save someone, but he can't do it with his own power, so he needs the power of a vampire, so I agreed to help him. This is the first time I agreed to use this power not to kill, but to save others. ... Are these words true? Even if Himegami isn't lying, it's unknown if Aureolus' lying to her. Besides, Aureolus' a killer, the mastermind who created this battlefield of killing. What Himegami said is really too different from the current situation. And even so-Even if Aureolus Izzard is like what Himegami Aisa said. ...That won't do. ? If Aureolus Izzard is just as what you said, that he hasn't become a monster, that he's still barely a human, you can't let him continue on doing these wrong things. Though I don't think that people can't be saved when they do the wrong things, if Aureolus is to continue on like this, he'll reach a point where he can't turn back. Himegami remains silent. Actually, she should have realised it. What Aureolus wanted is starting to be different from what ensued in reality. Just looking at this battlefield alone, it's a whole lot different from 'not hurting anyone'. Necessarily, on what basis do you refute my ideas?


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A man's voice can be heard, interrupting Kamijou's thoughts. The inexplicable ringing-like sound immediately interrupts Kamijou and Himegami's conversation, causing everyone to become silent. It sounds like a whisper to the ear, but the owner of the voice doesn't seem to have transferred this 'voice' through physical means, not through air. Clak. The footsteps can be heard from behind Himegami. But that's a long corridor that more than 30m away. There shouldn't be anyone there. There shouldn't be anyone there at all, but in the blink of an eye, Kamijou sees someone appear right in front of him. There can't possibly be any hiding spaces. And the man seemed like he was never hiding in the first place. You. Kamijou starts to suspect his own eyes. The man that appeared out of thin air should be the Aureolus Izzard that he beat down, but his limbs are intact, and there's not even a single scratch on him. Did he use some special skill to heal himself? Kamijou wondered, but that's illogical. Even if he can heal his wounds, the personality won't change. Though the person in front of him looks the same, the atmosphere is completely differentlike a twin brother with a completely different personality. And the pressure. Aureolus' definitely 30m away from him, and yet Kamijou can already feel such an overwhelming pressure. It's like the enemy has already stabbed into his ribs. Despair. The only thing that can describe this person in front of him is that he's really strong. Dangerous! Kamijou's instincts are telling him that. This person is dangerous! Inside this boundary, he's definitely someone that can't be beaten! But because of that, Kamijou decides to step forward to protect Himegami. That's because from the beginning, there was never an option to save himself by sacrificing others. However, Calmly, don't interfere I will come to you now. Before Kamijou could even step forward, Aureolus already covered the 30m distance and appeared between Kamijou and Himegami.

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What...? Seeing Aureolus suddenly appear in front of him, Kamijou's mind is unable to comprehend what just happened and froze. It's not that the person was fast, but that he just went in from out of nowhere. To give an example, it's like editing a film. Naturally, you may be wondering about what just happened, but I have no obligation to answer. The alchemist said calmly. Himegami's blood is something that's very important, so I can't hand her over to you. I'm here to reclaim her. The word 'reclaim' starts to spin around in Kamijou's blank mind. ...You, bastard! At this point, how can he run away? Anyway, he has to get close to the imprisoned Himegami and the mastermind Aureolus. Kamijou then starts to rush forward, and his distance to Aureolus is about 2m. However, In any event, You-- The alchemist calmly states, --shall not touch me.

Immediately, there's a drastic change. At first, it looked like nothing changed. But it's because nothing seemed to change that something doesn't feel right. Kamijou was running at Aureolus with full force. However, the distance didn't close up, and it feels like he's running at a setting sun at full speed. No matter how much he runs, he can't close in on the distance in front of him. It's like a corridor that's expanding infinitely, as Aureolus and Himegami seem to be backtracking from him. Kamijou starts to feel anxious. He remembers the power of the Imagine Breaker ability in his right hand. Any supernatural power can be negated, even if it's God's miracle. However... (Buthow am I going to make that effective!?)


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Certainly, Tell me. Aureolus says with an emotionless voice, Why would I be unable to turn back? Kamijou feels a chill and stops, not daring to approach Aureolus. His body is even telling him that he will be in danger if he tries to close in. Aureolus stares at Kamijou's face without any emotion. That looks like a stuffed insect staring pins right at him. Suddenly, Aureolus pulls out a thin needle that's as thick as a hair from his white Western suit. There's a faint smell of antiseptic from it Aureolus uses the needle to stab it into his neck, as if he's hypnotising himself. Such an action seems to be declaring Kamijou's death, causing him to back away. But Aureolus pulls off the needle and throws it away, saying, Unfortunately, you're such an uninteresting boy. Suddenly, Kamijou is shocked that he can't pull away from Aureolus no matter how he tries to run away. In such a mysterious situation, it seems like he can't go forward or backwards. Kamijo's unable to react to the enemy in front of him, causing his heart to almost burst. Aureolus silently reaches his hand out at some place far away from Kamijou's heart and looks like he's about to grab something. It's like he's about to dig the heart out. Diss-- Just as the stern alchemist was about to say something. --Hold on a minute! Himegami suddenly appears between both of them and called out, interrupting them. Kamijou is stunned. Himegami actually dared to stand in front of Kamijou to protect him from the real alchemist who has such an overwhelming power. (Idiot...! Don't do it!) Kamijou frantically reaches his hand out to push Himegami away, but he can't even close up 1cm of distance. It's like watching a child who doesn't know anything confront a robber armed with a machine gun. Kamijou's starting to tremble due to the danger.


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However, Kamijou suddenly realises something, Himegami Aisa's 'title'. 'Deep Blood'. The vampires that even Stiyl so feared were killed by her. The legendary mysterious power. Over here, she can be called the biggest ace. With her power, perhaps they can turn the situation around. (Don't tell me...) Does she have a chance? If she doesn't, she shouldn't be doing that. However, Aureolus' merely looking uninterested at Kamijou, who's thinking. He doesn't seem to care about the biggest ace, Deep Blood. Obviously, at this point, you may be harbouring a sense of hope. That's to be expected. However, Deep Blood isn't a match for me. Aureolus said without any feelings, Naturally, you may be wondering, how did the name Deep Blood come about. Hm, that's right. She does have the ability to kill vampires. But have you ever wondered, since it's so powerful, why is it only limited to vampires? Why can't they call her 'Over-Killer'Annihilator? (...Don't tell me.) As his last hope got taken away, Kamijou's thoughts start to narrow. Necessarily, the 'Deep Blood' ability is just one that only works on vampires. And the truth behind this ability is that it's not really large, but just a unique type of blood. Her blood is sweetsmelling, and lures vampires in, and whenever vampires consume just a drop of her blood, they will be reduced to ash. The most terrifying thing about it is that it lures every one of those vampires, making them want to drink her blood even though they know that they will die. Of course, this has no effects on humans. The only ones who will be affected are Cain's descendants, vampires. Aureolus said as he pulled out another needle and stabs it into his neck. What effect does it has? The alchemist that wasn't showing any emotion is seemingly overly excited. "Hm, are you going to argue by attacking me? But how are you any different from me? In the end, you're still like me, you need the power of Deep Blood." Aureolus' words etch mercilessly into Kamijou's heart.


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He knows that he has no hope left, but he still wants to struggle even if the will in his heart extinguishes. However, "That's no such thing. That person doesn't know the definition of Deep Blood, and doesn't even know what vampires are like. He just came here today to save a stranger he just met today. We haven't even been formally introduced, and yet he couldn't leave me behind." The one who said that to Aureolus wasn't Kamijou, but Himegami. She opens her arms wide, acting as a shield to protect Kamijou from the verbal attack. "Aureolus Izzard, what do you want?" Hearing Himegami say this, Aureolus' eyebrows twitch. "Are you going to get ordinary people involved in this, people who aren't magicians nor alchemists, and kill them on some ridiculous basis? Is that going to satisfy you? Is that your goal?" "..." "If that kind of meaningless act is your objective, then I shall quit. I know I can't beat you, but I have the right of choosing to bite my own tongue to end my own life." Himegami's eyes never wavered. It's almost hard to tell who's the king of this boundary. A very honest expression of patience. Aureolus again pulls out another needle and stabs it into his neck. "Necessarily. We can't waste time on such things." The alchemist says with a casual tone, "There's a lot of things we need to deal with. What's more troublesome than the intruder is how to deal with Index. It's easy to beat others, but to be honest, I still can't handle it well." Hearing Aureolus say these nonchalantly, Kamijou nearly stopped breathing. (...Hold, hold it. Index? Don't tell me, she came here--!?)


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Kamijou wants to grab Aureolus, he must change the situation no matter what. However, the distance between both of them can't be closed up. The alchemist's hand that was put down raises Kamijou again. Himegami steps forward at Aureolus, showing a defiant look. However, the alchemist casually says, "Don't worry, I won't kill him." He pulls out the needle from his neck, and says, "Young man, as for what happens here--" (Damn it, what kind of a sick joke is this! How can I back away now!) The alchemist seemed to have seen through Kamijou's heart and smiles. He then says, "--Forget about everything that happened here."

Part 3
It's already night now. "?" Kamijou gets up from the seat and looks around. A seat? Looking around, he finds that he's inside a student bus. Looking around, it doesn't seem to go past the dormitory Kamijou's staying in. Looking at the name of the last stop, it's written '17th District: Before Misawa Cram School'. Normally speaking, the last rides of the trains and buses are at dismissal time, 6.30pm. It's rare that this bus would go out at midnight. Perhaps it's a bus meant for the cram school. "Misawa Cram School?" Kamijou tilts his head. Is that the name of the Cram School? Kamijou pondered, but can't get the answer. He can't possibly go to a cram school. Kamijou Touma can't even write his holiday assignments, let alone prepare for exams. In a moment, the term 'memory loss' sends chills down Kamijou's spine. He thought that he just lost memory of what happened before, but as things stands, it may be worse than what he expected. "...Better check it out at the hospital."


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Muttering to himself, Kamijou decides to first alight the bus. Besides, he doesn't know where the bus will go to. After he alights at the nearest bus stop, he finds that the surrounding scenery is still foreign to him. He doesn't have any problems with his balance, and it's not like he really wants to sleep. On first glance, he seems really healthy, but it's safer to do a check-up at the hospital since he did lose several hours of memories. (If I want to go to the hospital, I will need a health insurance card. Better go home first. Is the hospital still open at this time? Do I need to call for emergency services? Hold on, how am I going to explain it to Index? Wouldn't she feel weird that I want to go to the hospital out of a sudden? And would she be angry that she hasn't eaten dinner even at such a late time...?) Thinking about it, Kamijou decides to walk back to the dormitory. However, there's no bus that goes towards his dormitory. Fukou da. Just as Kamijou's thinking about it. --It feels like something's calling out to him. "?" Kamijou tilts his head, looking puzzled. That's strange. Why is it that it seems like he forgotten something important? It's like not turning off the gas before going out on a holiday, a sense of danger that can't be resolved. What's going on? Kamijou thinks about the 'Misawa Cram School' that he never went to before, and mutters, "Never mind. Since I can't think of it, it means that it's nothing much." After making this conclusion, he continues to move forward. Right now, the most important thing is how to calm down Index, who's angry that she has nothing to eat. Seems like he can only calm her down with a black honey pudding that costs 700 yen. This unexpected cost really bothers Kamijou. I really shouldn't have bought the 3,600 yen reference book. Kamijou sighs and scratchs his head with his hand. His right hand that can negate any supernatural powers, even a God's miracle.

PAKIN! With the sound of his skull breaking, the day's memories rush into Kamijou's brain.

"...!" Kamijou frantically turns around to look.


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The scene is already covered by the darkness of night. As the station's far away from here, he can't see 'Misawa Cram School' from here. How long has it been since then? He can't find Stiyl, Himegami or even Aureolus--and of course, Index. Aureolus said 'forget about everything', and Kamijou really forgot about everything. He forgot about the Misawa Cram School that became a battlefield, he forgot about Himegami being taken away by Aureolus, and he forgot about what the alchemist said--something about taking Index away. "DAMN IT!" He doesn't know what happened during the past few hours. It's okay for Stiyl to remain inside 'Misawa Cram School', right? Thinking about this, Kamijou starts to run towards 'Misawa Cram School'. As he continues to run towards the 'Misawa Cram School', Kamijou, whose brain was in a mess, completely misses something. Even though he continued to run forward, he won't end up meeting with other people. In fact, there's no one else on the road. Though it's night, this is a downtown area in Academy City, so it's really strange that he hasn't met anyone yet. (...What's going on?) Sensing this anomaly, Kamijou already saw the 'Misawa Cram School' that stands high in the night sky. There's no one on what's supposed to be a busy street. Kamijou experienced this before. This is similar to the 'Opila runes' that Stiyl used in the evening. But this time, it's not that 'no one is around'. What surprises Kamijou the most is that there are people surrounding 'Misawa Cram School'. (...What the heck?) Kamijou stops and turns back to look. Slightly far away, he can see a few people around. However, it's impossible to tell if they're male or females, as they're completely covered with tight silver armour. There's no one around, which makes this even more suspicious looking. From this angle, he can see 3 people in armour. If they're 'surrounding' the 4 buildings of the 'Misawa Cram School', there should also be a few of their comrades. (...What? Who are these strange guys...? Some people from the Church?)


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He's really mindful about it, so Kamijou decides to talk to one of the knights. Perhaps there were some changes in the scenario while he lost his memory like an idiot. "Oi, what are you people doing? Are you members of the 'Church'?" At this moment, Kamijou remembers the knight who died in front of the elevator. These people are wearing similar armour to that dead knight. After one of them hears the word 'Church', he got shocked, and then says, "--I'm one of the members of the 13 Knights of the Roman Catholics, 'Lancelot' Vittorio Cassera." He then seems rather impatient as he says, "Oh, so you're a survivor of the battlefield? We saw him walk out from here. You're really lucky. If you don't want to die, get further back." Kamijou wonders what nonsense this person is spouting as he checks the entire armour. "We don't wish to cause unnecessary damage. We'll use the "Gregorio's Sacred Song Corps" Gregorio's Chant to carry out a Holy Incantation Bombardment. This is a mean that we decided on after considering everything, in order not to increase the damages." Kamijou's shocked by these words. The 'Gregorio's Chant'. The students in the 'Misawa Cram School' used the same spell. According to Stiyl, this spell originated from the Roman Catholics. --It was supposed to be the ultimate weapon of the Roman Catholics. 3,333 monks are to gather outside a cathedral and chant out this huge spell. It can multiply the power of this spell like sunlight being focused on a magnifying glass. Stiyl's words enter his mind again. The replica itself already had such power, so how much power will the original one have? "Bombard...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? HOW POWERFUL IS THAT THING!? HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE INVOLVED INSIDE!? ARE YOU GOING TO BLOW THE ENTIRE BUILDING UP!?" "You're right. This Holy spell that gathers 3,333 monks at the Greatest Holy place in the world, the Vatican Church can accurately turn anything in the world to dust. Besides, if we leave the tower of this heretic, it'll be harmful to our pride."


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"WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SPOUTING!? THERE ARE COUNTLESS INNOCENT STUDENTS INSIDE! AND STIYL AND HIMEGAMI ARE STILL INSIDE! EVEN AUREOLUS--" --Aureolus just wanted to summon a vampire just so that he could save someone. "BESIDES, HOW BIG WILL THE DAMAGE RADIUS BE, BLOWING UP THAT HUGE BUILDING? RUBBLE WILL FLY OUT LIKE CANNONBALLS IN A 600M RADIUS!" "As long as the goal is correct, the means are justified! The blood shed today shall be the foundation for tomorrow!" Kamijou's mind starts to boil because of these words; he's unable to remain calm. What this person said just now is totally different from what he said before. He told Kamijou to run away so as not to cause unnecessary deaths, yet he doesn't care about the lives of the people inside 'Misawa Cram School'. This doesn't make sense at all. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! ISN'T YOUR COMRADE INSIDE THERE AS WELL?" "...'Parsifal has martyred himself in another land. The blood he shed shall be created for a better tomorrow." Kamijou remembers the knight who died beside the lift. The armoured man whose words were intelligible and filled with madness. It seems like he completely lost his ability to think calmly. "Damn it, wait a minute! One hour, no 30 minutes will be fine!" "We have no need to listen to your views! Begin the attack now!" The fully-armoured man who calls himself Lancelot raises the large sword into the sky. The sword gives off a red glow, and Kamijou thinks that it's like an antenna. Just as Kamijou intends to stop him, the antenna is swung down. "Revelation 8:7--" It felt like everything was co-ordinated in advance, "--The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down onto the earth!"


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Perhaps due to the effects of magic, a horn can be heard from the glowing sword like a beast howling, echoing throughout the night.

Immediately, all the voices vanished.

All the clouds that were floating in the night sky are scattered away. From far away, it looks like lightening. A huge pillar of light that descends from the sky. However, this pillar of light is red. It looks like thousands of fire arrows mixed together to form a huge spear as it strikes one of the 4 buildings of the 'Misawa Cram School'. The red lotus pierces through from the roof to the basement. Immediately, the tower got crushed to half its height like it got squashed like an empty can. The glass are all shattered, and the interior decorations are all flying out. It's not over. Though one of the 4 buildings got hit directly, the neighouring 2 buildings are affected, pulled down by the overhead bridges, leaving the remaining unaffected building there like a tombstone. Such an act of madness leaves Kamijou dumbstruck. The building got twisted, cracks appear on the walls, and people are falling through the gaps like dust patted off pants. A large number of rubble utterly devastate the surroundings like a meteor shower. The only silver lining is that there's no one else around because of the Opila rune spell. Kamijou grits his teeth. There's Stiyl, Himegami, many students and teachers, Aureolus--and perhaps even Index inside. "YOU BASTARDS!!" Kamijou dashes forward like a cannon, but not at the person who's in armour. There's no time to bother about him. Kamijou wants to check the bombardment site. However, the storm of dust prevents Kamijou from moving forward. He can't see anything in front, he can't open his eyes. Even so, he continues to run forward. He just hoped that all these were just a joke. But at this moment, something changed. "?"


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At first, what Kamijou feels is that all the dust that's blocking his sight is scattering. The large amount of dust flies forward like it got hit by a strong wind--to what was supposed to be the wreckage of 'Misawa Cram School'. "!?" No, not just dust. Even the rubble that flew everything is floating in mid air, and the crumbled walls flip back up. The pieces start to piece together like a jigsaw puzzle, looking completely smooth like it got renovated. It's like a rewind of a show. The collapsed towers are standing back up, and the people who fell are re-absorbed back through the cracks. Most of the damage to the buildings are repaired, and soon, all the four buildings of 'Misawa Cram School' look like nothing happened as they remain there. Even the neighbouring buildings that got hit by rubble reverted back to what they were before, making one wonder if his memory got manipulated. Hold on Kamijou ponders. (Reverting things to normal...don't tell me!) Kamijou looks up at the sky. At that moment, the red lotus Divine spear that was shot out from the sky to the roof of the 'Misawa Cram School' appears there. Anyone can tell where the spear is aimed at. It's really an eye for an eye. "Ah, ahh..." Turning back to look, the person in full armour is moaning, his knees seemingly giving way as he collapses onto the floor. It seems like he should know how powerful a real 'Gregorio's Chant' can be. What's going on? Kamijou looks up at the night sky. Even the 7 Level 5 espers in Academy City can't possibly create such a miracle. (Is that the enemy's--) Aureolus Izzard. (That's that guy's real power...!!) Facing such a terrifying enemy, how are they going to fight him? Kamijou stands around blankly, his mind in a blank state. "DAMN IT!" Kamijou gets rid of all his fears and still dashes off to 'Misawa Cram School'.

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Arriving in front of the automatic doors, Kamijou hesitates to move on. With fear and trepidation, Kamijou passes through the automatic doors and returns back to the 'battlefield'. The interior of the 'Misawa Cram School' hasn't changed, and because of that, Kamijou starts to have goosebumps. Not only that, all the students inside are unharmed as they continue to listen to the lessons. The students should have been injured by the 'Gregorio's Chant' and melted by the Limen Magna, but it looks like nothing happened. Passing through a certain classroom on the corridor, Kamijou sees something and stops. (That girl...!) At a back seat of the wide classroom, a girl is sitting there. Kamijou still recognises her. Braided hair, bespectacled girl--the girl who protected Himegami and got melted by Aureolus' Limen Magna. She's over there. It's like nothing happened right from the start, that she's living in a very ordinary world. "...!" Such a peaceful scene strikes fear in Kamijou. Under Aureolus' magic, life and death, fortune or misfortune, normal and abnormal, all these were basically reshuffled. Though Kamijou doesn't know where he should go at all. After arriving at a straight corridor, Kamijou finally sees a familiar face. "What? Why are you looking so panicky?" The person who betrayed him and used him as bait, and yet could smile so shamelessly; Stiyl Magnus, who he really loathed. But right now, it's really an incomparable relief to Kamijou. "Hm, I guess since you're here, it means that we're still in Japan, no? No wonder I've been seeing Asians all these time. Speaking of which, what's with this mysterious boundaryKekkai? I seem to have a familiar impression of it." Stiyl ignores Kamijou completely as he continues to mutter. It seems like he got his memory wiped like Kamijou. No, he may have forgotten the objective of 'Misawa Cram School' as well. It seems like his memory got wiped more than Kamijou."

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He can recover Stiyl's memories by using his right hand to touch Stiyl's head, but Kamijou's worried about something else. Wouldn't he erase the fact that Stiyl got 'revived' from the 'bombardment' right now?" Though the right hand was completely ineffective when Aureolus ordered that he 'shall not touch him', since this is something that involves Stiyl's life, he can't just casually leave it as it is. "Oi! What block were you in?" "What?" "Just tell me!" "???Should be the North Block. Why?" Kamijou heaves a sigh of relief. The North Block. Only the North block was left intact among the 4 buildings when the 3 buildings collapsed, so Stiyl has no need to be 'revived'. After confirming this, the rest is simple. "Oi! Stiyl! Let me teach you a charm that'll erase your doubts." "...Oriential Eastern Charms should be Kanzaki's speciality." "Just do as what I say. It's simple. Close your eyes and stick your tongue out!" "???" Stiyl looks rather suspicious, but still follows what Kamijou instructed. And then, Kamijou declares, "HERE'S A SOUVENIR FOR ACTUALLY USING ME AS BAIT AND ESCAPING BY YOURSELF, YOU BASTARD!" "...Eh?" Then, Kamijou slams an uppercut at Stiyl's chin with his right hand. The lost memories are back. At the same time, Stiyl bit his tongue and rolls on the floor.


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Part 4
Aureolus Izzard is standing at the highest level of the Northern-most block. The highest level is called the 'Principal's office', and it's a large place that covers the whole level. As this is a Cram School, it looks more like a Director's room than a Principal's office. Aureolus ignores all the luxurious decorations inside the room. He's facing outside the window, his back facing the glamourous room. However, the night scene below isn't in his eyes. What Aureolus is looking at is his face that's reflected on the window. (...The road taken was really long.) He just needs one single sentencejust one single sentence like 'Revert back to normal' and the entire building will stand back like a living thing. But having witnessed all these, Aureolus doesn't even twitch his eyebrows. He looks at the face and sinks into deep thought. He wasn't like this in the past. Though he wasn't really a person who could really express his own feelings well, he was still a 'human' who could show emotions. Right now, he's not even showing any emotion. It's not that he's calm or that he just ignored it. It's that he has no time to be bothered with it. It's alright even if it became like this, Aureolus thought. Even if he knew about it right from the beginning, he can't relax for a single second, for he has to fight against the entire world in order to achieve his goals. Aureolus Izzard did all of these just to save a single girl. On a black ebony table behind Aureolus, there lies a girl. Index Librorum ProhibitorumIndex. It's been 3 years since the time when he first met this girl who doesn't even have her own basic name. At that time, Aureolus Izzard was a secret secretary of the Roman Catholics.


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Though he was a member of the Church, he was in charge of writing grimoires, so his situation was rather unique among the special ones. His job was to decode the modern witchcraft, find ways to counter them and record them down in books. He believed that through this, he could protect ordinary innocent people from being hurt by those witches. And in fact, the grimoires Aureolus wrote did help a lot of people. However, the Roman Catholics used those grimoires as their 'trump cards'. Pagan cults, and even sects of Christianity like the English Anglicans and Russian Orthodox Churches don't even know about these 'trump cards'. They even warned others that they should convert to Roman Catholicism if they want to be protected from witches. In the end, the alchemist did find a way to fight the witches, but there were many who couldn't benefit from it, being harmed by them. It's like how a patient could have been treated had he went through an operation, yet was left alone. It's unreasonable. Aureolus couldn't take that. He originally believed that the 'trump card' he created could save others. After a while, Aureolus decided to smuggle the 'books' that he wrote out. He came to the country of England, the 'country of magic' where witch rampancy was at its most serious. Aureolus was extremely careful about disguising himself and successfully managed to keep contact with the English Anglicans through underground means. Over there, he met the girl that definitely could not be saved. On first glance, he knew that. Even though he set himself the task of saving the entire world, he could tell that the girl in front of him couldn't be saved. The girl possessed 103,000 grimoires from all over the world, and any ordinary person who read these grimoires will go crazy. However, this girl who possessed such evil grimoires still smiled on, even though she knew that she couldn't be saved. In fact, the girl really couldn't be saved. Besides, a human couldn't possibly memorise all 103,000 grimoires. The girl's body was being intoxicated by the logic of the grimoires, and his mind was being corroded by the knowledge of the grimoires. At this point, the alchemist saw the limits of his knowledge. The girl who always had misfortune forced onto herself yet could smile for others. If he can't even save her, how can he even talk about saving the whole world?


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The alchemist started to write grimoires just to save the girl, continuing to believe that he could save everyone in the world without exception. Every time he finished writing it once, he would head back to the English Anglicans. Even after 10, 20 times, Aureolus still wouldn't give up and continued to write grimoires. Just as he lost count of how many grimoires he wrote, he suddenly realised. Why did he continue not to give up, why did he continue to write grimoires? Thus, Aureolus realised it. Actually, right from the beginning, he knew that this girl couldn't be saved. Even so, Aureolus wouldn't give up, only using the excuse of 'providing grimoires' to visit this girl. It's really an ordinary story. The story of the alchemist who wanted to save the girl, but in the end had to be saved by the girl. Understanding this, he was at his end. Aureolus couldn't hold the pen anymore. Since he realised that he couldn't even save a girl, Aureolus lost all faith in his ability and confidence in writing. Unable to save, unable to savehe's unable to save others like this. Even so, he decided that he had to save that girl no matter what, and so he chose to walk down the path of darkness. There's only one reason why he chose to fall into darkness. If Aureolus could obtain power to save everything, why can't he save this girl in front of him? Thus, Aureolus chose to go against the Roman Catholics, Christianity, the entire world. But even so, he couldn't save that girl. Even if he used up all the knowledge of the Hermes and Zurich schools of thought, he definitely won't be able to save that girl. He thought that he could just learn the complete anatomy of a human and cure every disease. He thought that he could just learn the makeups of the brain and cure every emotional scar. However, that girl couldn't be saved. He couldn't even save this girl through faith or technology. If so, What's wrong with relying on the power of Cain's descendants, those whose power surpasses all human understanding? For this motive, he could betray anyone and make use of anything. Even Deep Blood.


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Just like that, the alchemist went off the path of righteousness. The alchemist who once wished to save others more than saving himself is now a pitiful shadow of what he was. ... But Aureolus Izzard didn't realise it. There's a girl watching him from behind silently. This girl called Deep Blood is like him, just wanting to save someone as she chose to stand there. However, Aureolus Izzard didn't realise it. Redemption is still so far away. The saviour hasn't arrived yet. Aureolus Izzard reflected the 'Gregorio's Chant'? ...How is that possible? Just when Stiyl was having a game of tag with Kamijou through a flame sword, he was shocked by what he heard from Kamijou. It's true! It was like a video rewind! The damaged towers reverted back to normal! Kamijou continued to run down the corridor as he said that. Stiyl seemed to have gone further in than Kamijou, but before he could find Aureolus' hiding place, he could only waver about in the building. If that's the case, don't tell me...but current alchemy can't possibly go to that extent. Stiyl anxiously exhales out the smoke of the cigarette and muttered. He even used chants like 'you shall not touch me' and 'forget about everything that happened here'. Is magic really that all-powerful that you can say anything and it appears!? ...How is it possible? Magic is a form of knowledge. It's a world of strict logic and rules. If there's such a ridiculous spell, who will even want to seriously research on it? Then what did I just see? Everything really went as what he wanted. As what he wanted; such an irritating term. Makes me think about Ars Magna. Frowning on hearing the term 'as what he wanted', Kamijou suddenly remembers something.


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Didn't Stiyl mention about using the world as a means to project one's own thoughtsthe final aim of alchemy that nobody could achieve yet? Hold, hold on. Then that guy already mastered the most powerful spell in alchemy? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Stiyl says in a rare violent tone, I said before, Ars Magna isn't something that can be achieved through human means. Though the incantation itself exists, it can't be completed even with one, two hundred years of non-stop incantation. The incantation itself doesn't seem to have any elements that can be cut short, and they can't possibly hand it down one at a time. That's because like a telephone game, the incantation will get even more twisted each time. Thus, humans with such a limited lifespan can't possibly know that kind of magic! Stiyl's rejection may seem logical to those who understands the logic of magic. However, the magician is trembling. It's like he just saw something really unbelievable. ...You're right. Kamijou starts to ponder from another perspective. If he could really do anything as he pleased, we don't have to be alive. He doesn't need to use the 'Gregorio's Chant replica'False Sacred Song Corps or even a dummy. Couldn't he have just told us to 'die'? He didn't even need the power of vampires or Deep Blood. If one's required, he could have just created a vampire. Besides, if everything he wanted can be projected into reality, why is there a need for vampires? Speaking of which, what's the aim of that guy? I heard that he wanted to save someone, but he just ended up killing people mercilessly. Right now, even Index got involved in it...did the stress of blowing this case out of hand get to him? What? That child too? I just heard him talk about it, but I never actually saw her. Maybe he was just dreaming or something. Consolationperhaps trying to console himself, Kamijou said that in an easygoing fashion. But Stiyl's expression is a lot more serious than before, seemingly bitter as he spits the cigarette away.


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Che! I see what's going on. He isolated himself for 3 years just to study alchemy, and now he has no understanding of current events. Stuffing a new cigarette into his mouth, Stiyl says, I know what he wants. It's the Index. What? Kamijou can't understand this at all. This should be completely unrelated to Index. Listen, Kamijou Touma. Index had to have her memories erased every year. In order words, every year, her relationship with others would change, and she had to have new partners every year. So...what about that? This year, it's you. It was me two years ago, and Stiyl says rather vengefully, The partner 3 years ago was called Aureolus Izzard, and they were teacher and student. Kamijou is shocked. The fates of all the companions were the same. They tried to prevent Index's mind from being erased, but would surely fail. Stiyl says with disdain, Of course, he met the same fateand it seems like he couldn't accept it. ...What do you mean by that? It's simple. Us companions who were with her weren't abandoned by Index. It's just that she couldn't remember. If that's the case, they just needed to cure Index's mind and make her remember them. Wouldn't they be able to bring her back to themselves? Kamijou feels his heart being hammered in by a stake. He doesn't know why he's so affected by it. It should be a good thing that Index's mind gets healed. It's an inexplicable and invisible impact. Just as Kamijou continues to think about it, That smile,


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The smile that's shown to others. Why does it carry such a heavy impact to him? ...But this won't happen. Stiyl smiles and says, Just like how erasing one's memory is already such a huge sin, changing the memory of one is also another. That guy must have realised it. Either that, or he completely lost his senses. The voice is too soft. Just as Kamijou turns around to look at Stiyl's face in order to hear him better. Stiyl merely exhales some smoke from the cigarette and calmly shakes his head, saying, It's nothing. What I'm saying is that that guy can't possibly save that child. It's just that simple. Why? Kamijou can't understand it. The man could take away other people's memory or even let the dead revive. What can't he do? The reason is simple. You. ? Didn't you save her already? How can someone who's saved be saved again? It's just that simple. There's nothing more to it. Hearing this, Kamijou finally understands. Aureolus Izzard was Index's partner 3 years ago. Ever since he lost Index, he never had any contact with her, so he doesn't understand the current situation. In other words, Aureolus We're here. He even deliberately opened the door for us nicely. Stiyl looks forward. The highest level of the 'Misawa Cram School' North blockthe huge doors leading to the principal's office are open, looking like they're inviting Kamijou and Stiyl in.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Part 5
It's a wide space. This used to be the room that the ex-branch principal of 'Misawa Cram School', who's also the founder of the religious science, stayed in. Though the room is luxurious, it still lacks class, reflecting those twisted desires. It's like walking into a restaurant that shows proper etiquette yet won't think for the clients; it's really annoying. On seeing Kamijou walk into the room, Himegami seem to be rather shocked. However, Aureolus doesn't show any reaction. He looks like he expected that to happen. There's a severe emptiness in the place, an emptiness that's like looking at an old and yellowish photograph. This isn't the idea of the alchemist. Perhaps to him, there's nothing in the world he can't do. But because of that, nothing seems real to this man. It's like being an esper who has the powerful ability of wiping the minds off others. Even when he sees the people around him smiling, he won't feel happy. That's because the esper can just create these smiles with a flick of a finger. Even if he sees the perfect smile, the significance to him is only equivalent to 'flicking a finger'. It's the same logic. To someone who can create everything, what he creates doesn't hold any significance. This atmosphere doesn't feel like that of a battlefield. Anywhere Aureolus Izzard appears in will become an empty battlefield. Obviously, I can see that you have deduced my goal. The alchemist said calmly, If that's the case, why do you want to stop me? Isn't your rune magic meant to save Index? Aureolus glances down. In front of the alchemiston the luxurious table, the silver-haired girl lies sleeping. Kamijou wants to dash forward, but is stopped by Stiyl's long arm.

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It's simple. This method won't be able to save that child. It's like seeing an operation that will definitely fail on her. However, this child isn't that worthless. Not necessarily. That's just your envy. I can understand that. Though we were 'comrades' who had the same dreams crushed, you are unhappy that I surpassed you. I don't find that funny, however. I always had this feeling. Stiyl frowns. That's because Aureolus Izzard said it so naturally, without any hint of sarcasm. In the past, Index's mind was overloaded with so much information that she had to have her memory erased every year. That was to be fated, something a human body can't defy. Aureolus sternly says, However, by using a power other than that of humans, I can solve this problem. After I got this conclusion, I found it all the more unbelievable. Why is it that nobody suggested that we could borrow the power of vampires? ... Vampires have the power of immortality. They can store infinite amounts of memories in the brain that's similar to that of humans. However, I never heard of a vampire breaking his head due to information overload. The alchemist says. Necessarily, vampires really have such a 'attribute'. No matter how much memories they hold, they won't lose their wills. Humph. I see. So you intend to interact with vampires and ask them to teach the method to you? Stiyl shakes the cigarette in his mouth and says, For safety sake, let me ask you first. If this method can't be used on a human, what do you intend to do? Clearly If a human body can't do itI'll move the Forbidden Library outside a human body. Aureolus answered without any hesitation. It means


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Turn her into a vampire? Che! Which Christian in the world will be happy about being a descendant of Cain? This is a common mistake we people have. If we want to save someone, the most important thing is that we have to remove our own thoughts and think from their viewpoint, right? I only learnt that recently. ...Absolutely ridiculous. Such thinking is merely fake kindness. This child once told me at the last moment that she definitely doesn't want to forget me. Even if she defies the teachings, even if she's willing to give up her life, she doesn't wish to forget all these memories. She told me all these with her body unable to move at all, not even realising that she was cryingall of this while holding a smile! Aureolus Izzard seem to grit his teeth. Of course, Kamijou doesn't know what he's thinking about or recalling. Seems like you don't intend to change your mind no matter what. If that's the case, though it's a little cruel, I have to use my trump card. Stiyl suddenly turns to Kamijou and says, Oi! Current partner! Tell him! Tell this wreck in front of you what kind of a fatal defect he has? ...What? Aureolus finally turns to look at Kamijou. Kamijou can't tell which part of what Stiyl said angered Aureolus. Just from what age are you coming from?

This time, Aureolus Izzard looks perplexed as he stares at Kamijou. That's the case. Index got saved, not by you, not by me, but by the current partner. What you couldn't achieve then was achieved by this guy. Stiyl reveals a cruel smirk and says, This only happened a week ago. Ah, it's to be expected that you didn't know. You were away from that child for 3 years, so you didn't know that the child got saved. That's impossible...


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Yeah. I can understand that you can't believe it. Besides, even I who witnessed it couldn't believe it as well. No, I didn't want to believe it as well. This is a declaration to myself, that child will never come back to me again. PERPOSTEROUS! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! HOW CAN THERE BE A WAY TO SAVE INDEX! AND IT'S ONE THAT POSSESSES A HUMAN BODY! AND BESIDES, THIS GUY THERE ISN'T A MAGICIAN NOR AN ALCHEMIST. JUST WHAT CAN HE POSSIBLY DO? As for that, since it involves, since it concerns the pride of the English Anglicans, I rather not spread the tale. But I can only tell you this: Stiyl exhales the smoke cruelly and says, This guy's right hand has an ability called Imagine Breaker. Basically, it's a terrifying ability that shouldn't belong to any ordinary person. The alchemist is shocked. He can't remain calm down. The alchemist stares at Kamijou. ...Hold on a minute. That means... That's right. It's been tough on you. I heard you betrayed the Roman Catholics and hid underground for 3 years? It seems like all these were a waste of time. Hm, I can understand the pain of not getting anything back in return. However, this child is living a happy life with her 'partner' as you so wished. --Ha... The decisive sentence. Everything that was supporting Aureolus Izzard crumbles. He starts to laugh maniacally. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ...This person has completely lost it.

Kamijou thinks about this, blankly but definitely. But unexpectedly, the eyes start to let out a flow. That's because in front of the alchemiston the huge table, something moved. A girl, the sleeping Index starts to regain her consciousness because of Aureolus' mad laugh. She can be said to be the last defence to Aureolus' mental state.

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Index widens her eyes slightly, saying softly like a thread being held by a hand.


But what she sees isn't the Aureolus Izzard in front of her. She doesn't care who, when, where, how she was taken here. She doesn't even care about her current state, and she's not thinking about what happened to her when she was unconscious. She smiled. She's smiling happily. It's only because Kamijou Touma exists in her sights. --Ah... Kamijou inadvertently backs away. Kamijou is happy that Index is showing this attitude. Index doesn't care about anything else, only Kamijou's expression. The act that's like a kitten opening its eyes makes Kamijou feel that this is irreplaceable. But this scene also brings a sharp cold. Behind Index, the alchemist who was supposed to be the leading man got completely forgotten by the girl he protected. His face is as stiff as though he just saw the end of the world. Kamijou really can't face this reality. Aureolus Izzard was once the male protagonist. He betrayed the Roman Catholics, renounced his beliefs and became an alchemist, all just to save this girl in front of him. But what he got was the worst outcome. Even if it was Kamijou Touma, had he taken just one wrong step, he may have faced a similar fate.

The girl in front of them is a pure Holy girl that's beloved by people all over the world. But because she's a Holy girl, she can only love a male protagonist.

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Such a simple purity that borders on cruelty actually causes the most damage.

I should be perfect!! Why are you so unhurried!? What am I lacking!? Suddenly, Kamijou remembers the dummy he beat. So that wasn't just a flimsily-made clone. In fact, that dummy actually portrayed the true character of the man Aureolus Izzard. Ugh Aureolus Izzard can't say anything. He's just smilinga twisted smile that's all frozen, like he just burped out air. Right above Index, Aureolus raises his hand. That looks like a blade of a guillotine, but even so, Index hasn't left Kamijou. This causes the alchemist to be even more enraged, and the arm he raises seems to insert even more force. Index...! Immediately, Kamijou thinks of running towards Index, but because he was too anxious, he couldn't decide on which foot he should step forward with first. The alchemist is laughing maniacally. Right now, Kamijou is the male protagonist to him. Kamijou raises his right hand, but it's too late. He can't make it in time. Just like that, the alchemist's arm...

Never swung down.

Kamijou inadvertently stops. Uu Above Index's head, Aureolus' arm that was raising what looks like a guillotine is trembling. Uu...uuuuuu! But he can't move.

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He lost everything. He became an alchemist, and even betrayed his past allies just to save a single girl. But this girl was already saved by a stranger he doesn't even know of, and she doesn't even look at this man who gave up everything just for her. If it were Kamijou in this situation, can he still rely on Index? Can he convince himself that he wasn't betrayed? Even so, Aureolus Izzard can't bring himself to hurt Index. To this alchemist, she's that important to him. ... Kamijou can't move. Kamijou Touma doesn't have any memories. Though others have said that he saved Index, he doesn't remember how he did it, and how he felt when he saved her? Just like that, Kamijou Touma earned the trust of others by saving someone when he has no recollection about it. Seeing this man in front of him, Kamijou seriously wonders if he has the right to keep her for himself. But Aureolus turns around and glares sharply at Kamijou. This man can sentence anyone to death with just a single sentence. Kamijou knows that this is a death glare, but deep inside, he can understand his feelings. Right now, Aureolus is unable to calm himself down. It's just that he can't bring himself to kill Index, and having lost all his sights, he's rampaging. In such a situation, who will be the scapegoat, who? Thinking about it logically, one can tell that this is naturally to be expected. SLAM TO THE GROUND, INTRUDERS!!." An angry roar that sounded like an explosion can be heard.

Immediately, Kamijou feels the weight of numerous heavy hands pushing down on him, like a bank robber who has his gun taken away and crushed onto the floor. The term 'intruders' should


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also include Stiyl, and in the corner of his eye, the red-haired magician can be seen flattened on the floor as well. Uu...ugh... The feeling of almost having all the intestines flip inside makes Kamijou feel like vomiting. He uses the right hand that feels like it got sucked by a strong magnetic force and drags it forcefully to his chest, bit by bit. If he can use his hand to touch his body, perhaps he can be released like how he got his memories back. HA, HAHA, HAHAHAHA! I WON'T KILL YOU SO EASILY! LET ME ENJOY THIS A LITTLE MORE! I WON'T DO ANYTHING TO INDEX, BUT I WON'T BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN MY SANITY IF I DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON YOU GUYS! The alchemist pulls out a thin needle that's as slim as a hair, holding it with trembling hands and aims it at his body. He then stabs it in like he's pressing a button inside the body. Then, he tosses the needle aside like he's scratching off a poisonous bug that's nibbling at his flesh. These actions are like signals to declare the commencement of an attack, as Aureolus again glares at Kamijou.

"Hold it!"

At this moment, Himegami Aisa stands between them. It's the same position when she protected Kamijou, but there's a decisive difference this time. What Aureolus valued was not Himegami Aisa, but Deep Blood. Since his 'aim', which is Index, can't ever be obtained, is there a reason to maintain such a simple 'mean'--! "Hime--" But Kamijou is unable to say anything to stop her. The image Himegami's back presents is that she's really worried. Not just for Kamijou, but also for Aureolus, whose sanity is crumbling. Though she didn't say it out, Kamijou can feel that she wants Aureolus to calm down before he goes down the road of destruction. Facing this, who can state that cruel truth? "Out of the way, woman--"


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But that was the greatest failure. Kamijou sees the eyes that look like gun barrels. Those are serious-looking eyes. Kamijou moves his right hand, or rather, he tried to. If he doesn't step up, Himegami will definitely be killed. Slowly, bit by bit, inches by inches, he continues to drag that right hand that's stuck on the floor. He then uses his teeth to touch that ace right hand like he's about to eat his own right hand index finger. PA! With the sound of the bones breaking, his body regains its freedom. This is a good chance! Kamijou frantically gets up. Now he just needs to knock Himegami aside and shut Aureolus up.


At that moment, Aureolus Izzard said that, and time seemed to stop. Assassinated, strangled, poisoned, shot, beheaded, slaughtered, hacked, beaten up, burned, nipped, crushed, ganged up, frozen, drowned. No one will be able to tell the method of how Himegami was killed. No wounds, no bleeding, no illnesses. She just died. It's like a battery without power. If there's really a soul, the soul will be drawn from the flesh, leaving an empty shell. Himegami didn't even cry out. She sways about, her head tilted back as she collapses back. In other words, Kamijou sees Himegami's face when she fell. Slowly, slowly. Himegami's face that couldn't be seen is revealed in front of his eyes. Her twisted face is still smiling. She look like she's about to cry, but she still held back her tears. All these weren't because of surprise or shock. Himegami was already prepared. This expression is of regret, regret that she couldn't fix something that's pre-determined. Himegami Aisa already knew that she would end up like this when she blocked Aureolus. Even so, she still held a single bit of hope and tried to stop him. The girl who wasn't needed by anyone, the girl who's always viewed as a mere item until the end.

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It's like how the alchemist never got to be the male protagonist, this girl was still unable to be the female protagonist until the end. It's like a background that has someone moving away a figure, it's as dead and worthless as ever. The 'Deep Blood', Himegami Aisa.

Seeing this, who can remain silent?

(What are you--)

Kamijou's eyes have completely ignored the existence of the alchemist. He just runs forward at Himegami Aisa, who's about to collapse onto the floor. There's no reason at all. He just has a feeling that if he lets her fall onto the floor, this spell of death can't be reverted back. "--MESSING AROUND WITH, YOU BASTARD!!" Right before Himegami lands on the floor, Kamijou finally manages to carry her body with both hands. Himegami's body is extremely light, so light it's like something important was taken away from her. In his arms, Himegami's body is unbelievably soft. But through the 'right hand' that's carrying Himegami, a weak but definite beating of the heart can be sensed. " Ars MagnaImbued with Gold got dispelled by your right hand?" The alchemist's expression froze, and he says, "IMPOSSIBLE! HIMEGAMI AISA'S DEATH WAS DEFINITIVE! DOES YOUR RIGHT HAND POSSESS SOME SORT OF HOLY VATICAN SECRET ARTS!?" "..." Kamijou doesn't reply. That's enough. These things aren't important. It's like how he somehow managed to get back the memories, why he could negate the order to 'die' using his right hand, that's not important at all. The most important thing is that Kamijou definitely can't forgive this man in front of him. Though he can pity him, though he can feel his feelings, though he got hurt by Index yet couldn't bring himself to hurt her, all these things that the man just did made Kamijou think that there's no reason to go against him.

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But it's different now. Even when he saw the most important person to him actually betray him, even when he saw the most important person to him get taken away from him, even when he couldn't vent his anger out and even scold himself. But on facing someone who really cares for him, How could he just vent his own anger on her to satisfy himself? Kamijou definitely can't agree with that. Kamijou doesn't understand the Kamijou Touma 'before he lost his memories'. What kinds of memories he had, what kind of past he had, what kinds of ideas he has for the future. What he likes, what he hates, what he protected in the past, what he wants to protect in the future. But there's one thing he can be sure of. 'Kamijou Touma' would never agree with what this alchemist, no, what this 'human' did. The two Kamijou Toumas who were on their own paths finally arrived at a common understanding. "All right, Aureolus Izzard. If you think you can do anything you want--" Kamijou Touma gently places Himegami Aisa on the floor, and then stands up. He isn't making any sounds, but the static electricity-like anger on him feels like it will be deflected on a single touch. Without holding back at all, he declares, "--THEN LET ME DESTROY THAT MESSED UP ILLUSION OF YOURS...!" It's nobody else's voice. It's the voice of the 'Imagine Breaker', Kamijou Touma.


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To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Between the Lines 2

--That's why I wanted to be a spellcaster. It was a story 10 years ago. In a certain night, a mountain village at Kyoto was attacked by a vampire. It happened so suddenly, without warning, without a trace. An ordinary village that didn't even need a police station became a living Hell at night. The young people who tried to fight off the vampire died off one by one, until they couldn't even tell who was a vampire and who was a human. The companions who were supposed to be working together ended up in the mire of killing each other. Before the sun rose, there were two kinds of people. The first were the dead, and the rest were vampires. As for herself who could survive even till now, why? The girl thought in her young heart. There were vampires everywhere. All of them were uncles and aunties who were all familiar to her, those who said goodbye to her at night. The vegetable uncle who once told her 'it's late, hurry up and go back' bit her neck. --The moment the bite landed, the vampire turned into dust. Yuzu, who once told her that 'we will play together tomorrow', bit her neck. --The moment the bite landed, the vampire turned into dust. Her mother, who once told her 'to run away', bit her neck. --The moment the bite landed, the vampire turned into dust. Thus, the vampires started to realise it. It was like a counter to the vampire, as long as they bit this girl's neck, the vampires would die. These had nothing to do with the girl's will. The girl's blood was like acid; as long as it remained in their mouths, the vampires would melt off and die. Even so, everyone couldn't help but bite her neck. The girl silently stared at the villagers who became dust that scattered in the wind. Thus, what could she say? "I'm sorry." Every vampire said that to her.

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Some said that they didn't want to become vampires, some said that didn't want others to become vampires like them. They believed, that only by turning into ash, were they able to be redeemed. The vampires turned into ash. Sorry. We should have let you bear this sin. Until the end, they continued to weep, unable to reveal smiles, unable to be redeemed. Unknowingly, the entire village got covered in ash. The village was peaceful. As no one was around, it was peaceful. Even the vampire who instigated this didn't exist. It's unknown when the vampire bit the girl, and now he got mixed into the ash. The girl started to realise. The vampire who attacked the village was a victim as well. The girl whose ability could kill vampires in a single hit must have caused that vampire to be terrified. Trembling everyday with nowhere to go, he could only choose to kill the girl, but he doesn't have the power to kill the girl. Having exhausted all options, the vampire thought of turning the entire village into vampires to increase the forces. However, even an entire village full of vampires were easily killed by the girl.

So, I wanted to be a spellcaster.

I want to save those that can't be saved. I want to save those who were abandoned. Whether they are victims or sinners, even if they died, I want to pull them out of Hell. The only magicians who could do these things that defy logic were those that appear in picture books. No matter what, she must become a spellcaster. She always dreamed of being one. Her mind only thought about becoming one. Therefore, when she met the alchemist, the dream that was impossible to fulfill suddenly had a short-cut, making the girl excited. That night, she was so nervous that she couldn't sleep. It was a comfortable form of tension.

But now, the alchemist stood in front of the girl. "Out of the way, woman--" The dream she always wanted got cruelly crushed by the mouth that twisted so much.


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"----Die." At that moment, she couldn't even tell what she was thinking. The girl was unable to maintain her own consciousness. Under such circumstances when she couldn't tell what was going on, the girl's consciousness got dragged into the dark abyss. But at that moment, "--MESSING AROUND WITH, YOU BASTARD!!" She seemed to hear a boy roar. It wasn't that of the magician nor the alchemist. It was just that ordinary boy. The boy's really angry. Not because of what the alchemist did, but because of the girl's death. He looked really stunning to the girl. For some reason, she seemed to feel that the dream she couldn't fulfill was standing right there.


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Chapter 4: The Deadly Seven. Deadly Sins.

Part 1
Both of them are standing on the faded but extremely wide space. "..." Kamijou complete ignores the weakly breathing Himegami Aisa as he has no way to look down at her. There's no time. She used all her strength, and even risked her life just to stop someone. Thus, if he really wants to think for her, he should hurry up and stop him for her. And this person is right in front of Kamijou. They're more than 10m away from each other. Facing a man who can turn whatever he says into reality, this is truly a distance that's really sends despair into people. "..." Even so, Kamijou steps forward. There's no reason to stop walking, there's no reason to head back. It's not because he got involved in this that he could only choose to fight. Kamijou just followed what he wanted to do. "..." Thus, there's no need to talk, nor is there a need for signals. The battle between the esper and the alchemist begins. The goal is just to defeat each other. "--Hoo!" Kamijou exhales slightly and charges at Aureolus like he exploded. Aureolus doesn't do anything, merely pulling out a needle and stabbing it into his neck. The distance between both of them is only 10m. If he dashes at full speed, he only needs 4 steps. "--Suffocate." But the moment Kamijou took the first step, he lost his momentum. Kamijou feels that his neck got tied up by something that feels like steel wires, and inadvertently bends down. He feels like someone in pain after taking a poison, as Kamijou uses the right hand to grab his throat.

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He did use this method to get back the memories Aureolus took away from him. He also used this method to get back Himegami's life after she was ordered to 'die'. But even now, Kamijou hasn't regained his breathing. It feels like something's stuck deep inside his throat, unable to breath at all. (Calm down, calm down!) Kamijou releases the right hand that was stuck on the neck, and hears his throat letting out a weird sound. (What did he just say? Use a rope to tie the neck...? No wait! It's more ambiguous...he told me to suffocate!) Then, Kamijou uses a finger of the right hand that was released and stuffed it into his mouth like he's trying to force himself to vomit out something he already ate. Just as the finger reach deep into the throat, as an urge to vomit rises up in him, PA! The sound of glass breaking can be heard, and Kamijou regains his breathing. All these took merely 5 seconds. But to Aureolus, who can turn every sentence into a weapon, those were just 5 seconds of toying around. Aureolus stabs the needle into his neck, and nonchalantly pulls it out and throws it away. Be electrocuted. The moment the alchemist finished speaking, blueish-white sparks surround Kamijou in all directions. Before Kamijou can even feel his body freeze, the vortex of electric sparks burns the air and rushes at Kamijou. ...! Kamijou raises his right hand. Of course, this action wasn't planned by Kamijou. But the only right hand that stretched out acts as a lightning rod, absorbing all the electric sparks. The sparks that touched the right hand look like a snake that just swallowed poison as they tremble in the air and vanish silently.

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(I can dispel it...) But to Kamijou, the excitement far surpasses the tension, and his heart starts to race. On the other hand, the alchemist narrows his eyes. He again pulls out the thin hair-strand-like needle and stabs it into his neck. Be strangled, additionally Be crushed. For a movement, the floor waves up and down like the surface of the water, and then numerous ropes fly out from the floor, choking Kamijou's neck hard. At the same time, a rusted car falls down from the ceiling that's waving up and down. (I can dispel it...!) But Kamijou merely waves his right hand, and the ropes that are tied around his neck breaks off like a paper bag that was soaked. The rusted car turns into coarse sugar-like powder and disappears into thin air. Aureolus pulls out the needle on his neck like he's scratching off a poisonous bug. (I can dispel it, that should be enough! I can dispel this guy's attacks with the right hand! If he just attacks verbally, it means that there will be an attack. It's nothing if I can deal with it calmly!) Since Aureolus is the type of person who attacks through commands, it means that one can guess the attack through what he says. It's like a few card games that tests responses. For example, once he hears the word 'electrocuted', he will be able to guess what kind of attack that is. It doesn't take even a second to predict the attack. But in normal fighting, there's not even one second of space. To a boxer, it takes only 0.3 seconds just to launch a punch. Though each hit Aureolus releases is extremely terrifying, the speed isn't any different from a ordinary punch.

Knowing this, there's no fear of 'not knowing what attack will come'. For example, it's like while children are fighting against each other, a kid delinquent just rushed in with a knife. Aureolus seem to have seen through the confidence that Kamijou's showing on the face and frowns. I see. Truthfully that right hand can even dispel my Ars MagnaImbued Gold without exception. But the alchemist's words don't seem to lose any confidence, and Kamijou starts to feel puzzled.

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However for sure; that would mean that no negation effect would occur as long as it doesn't come into contact with your right hand, hm? Hearing what Aureolus Izzard said, Kamijou feels his body go numb. Bring a pistol to my hand. Load with magic bullets. Usage is shooting. One will be enough. The alchemist seems rather happy as he stabs the needle into his neck. Just as Aureolus's waves his right hand about gently, a sword appears in his hand . On first look, it looks like a Western sword that the prince in some fairy tale would use, but this looks different. On the hilt on the sword, there's the musket pistol that pirates in the past. It's some sort of a gun with a hidden weapon in it. The attack's comingKamijou starts to feel tense. Being firing at a speed that exceeds human motion recognition.

Looking like he's trying to rip the air, Aureolus swings the Western sword across. At this moment, a gunpowder explosion sound can be heard. The next moment, Kamijou feels that something just brushed past his face. After that, blueish-white bullets hit the wall behind him and explode. ...! It was actually nothing much. The musket trigger was merely fired. But how can a human eye capture a magic bullet that ripped through the air? Kamijou raised his right hand, unable to move. The destructiveness of the bullet is easier to understand, so it actually makes one more nervous than some esper power or magic. This is of a completely different speed from the Limen Magna the dummy used. It had nothing to do with magic or esper powers. A magic bullet can't be dodged or defended against by a human flesh. So it ends up being some sort of a killer blow. Aureolus reveals a very satisfied look and pulls out the needle in his neck before tossing it away. Mass produce the previous process, simulation firing through 10 "Hidden RifleImperceptible Rifle".


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After saying that, 10 muskets appear on Aureolus' hands, 5 on each side. The metallic-fans like array are held in Aureolus' hand. If these guns are fired, Kamijou Touma will definitely be unable to avoid them or dodge them. (Got!) So Kamijou decides to run away before the firing. Though he knows that it's a useless struggle, Kamijou still frantically tries to roll behind. However, he suddenly realises something. Behind Kamijouat his feet, there's still Himegami who's barely breathing. Even further behind, Stiyl's unable to move at all as he remains lying over there, IDIOT! WHY ARE YOU STOPPING--! Stiyl roared out in shocked. Preparations complete. 10 hidden rifles, fire simultaneously. After Aureolus gave the command, 10 blazing blueish-white bullets hit Kamijou. The metal knuckle like attacks cover Kamijou's body. The word 'shoot' can't even describe the speed. The high-speed snipes that can't even be seen look just like a film scene that got edited. "U...argh...!" Luckily, the magic bullets aren't fatal. Kamijou got hit by the old-style bullets all over his body, and blood spilled out all over the place. He flies back, bouncing on the floor like some rubber ball and finally crashes into something before he finally stops. Looking closely, it's actually Stiyl's body, and Kamijou got pushed like 7m away. Though his body and bones are in such deep pain that it feels like it was broken, there aren't any parts that are immobile. Of course, this isn't because they were lucky. The alchemist already warned 'I won't kill you so easily'. Aureolus seems to be rather happy with this outcome and raises his hand at Kamijou. "...Che. What kind of joke is that? You seem like you really can distort reality with your words."


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But before Aureolus could say anything, Stiyl cut him off. Having his attention diverted, the alchemist turns to look at Stiyl. "Humph. Ars Magna is the pinnacle of alchemy. It may be hard to obtain, but if I continue to pursue it, naturally it will become something that can be obtained." "That's impossible! Though Ars Magna is in theory completed, the incantation is way too long. It can't be completed even with one, two hundred years! The incantation can't be shortened, and the passing on method will become a telephone game that causes an error in the ritual itself...!" Stiyl said and gives a look at Kamijou. Kamijou nods his head. He understands it. Since Aureolus' method of attack is to 'turn everything he says into reality', they just need to divert his attention and make him have no intention to 'attack' in order to be safe. Stiyl continues to distract Aureolus and gives some hints to Kamijou. While I'm buying time for you, think of some ways to counter this!! "That's actually a blind spot." Aureolus didn't realise it at all and continues, "Humph, I won't be able to complete the ritual within one, two hundred years--that's for one person to chant it, right? From father to son, from son to grandson, such a passing down method will end up with an error like a telephone game...that's the logic, but there's no need to pass it down, right?" "...What?" Stiyl frowns slightly. At this moment, Index says dejectedly, "It's the 'Gregorio's Chant'. By manipulating 2,000 people to make them chant it at the same time, the speed of chanting it will be at least 2,000 times. Even a ritual that takes 400 years to complete can be finished within 7 days." It wasn't passed down in order, but chanted at the same time. Kamijou stares at Index's face. At first, he thought that she said that based on the knowledge of the 103,000 grimoires in her brain...but then he realises: In the world when no one has ever managed to complete the Ars Magna, how can there be another who can write a book describing this? She just used the current knowledge she has to deduct this.


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"In fact, I thought that there would be a multiplying effect in the spell that would cause it to drastically increase. But I only managed to increase it by 120 times, so it wasn't really successful." Kamijou gathers the consciousness that's gradually slipping away and looks around. He can still move his body, and he's only 7m away from Aureolus--not too far away. If he can dodge Aureolus' attack, he can attack him anytime. "120 finished it in only half a day?" Stiyl no longer sounds like he's acting around, "But this is the main base of espers. If these people with different body structures use the 'Gregorio's Chant', they should have exploded and died!" Kamijou continues to look around. However, there isn't anything that can be used as a weapon here. Kamijou rummages through his pockets and feels something. Though he can't use it as a suitable weapon, it's something hard and icy hold. Two shots. If he can just dodge two of Aureolus' 'verbal attacks', he may be able to dash right in front of him. "Why can't you notice it?" Aureolus' tilts his head and says, "Can't I just repair spoilt items? Just like a collapsed building." For a moment, Kamijou stops and stares at Aureolus. Aureolus nonchalantly says, "Ah, didn't I tell you? Today it's not the first time those students died." "YOU BASTARD--" Kamijou's thoughts blank out due to anger.


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"That's right. I'm not so stupid as to not to realising my own sins...that's right, I brought failure onto myself. But even so, I still believe that there's someone I needed to save. In the end, I ended up with this unexpected outcome." Aureolus pulls out the needle and tosses it aside like he's drawing out poison. "YOU BASTARD!" Before Aureolus' gives the order, Kamijou already stood up. He grabs the hard thing in his pocket. Naturally, Aureolus prepares to 'give the next command' to crush Kamijou, who's standing up. But before Aureolus can speak, Kamijou already grabbed the phone in his pocket and throws it at Aureolus. "...?" For a moment, Aureolus was truly stunned. At this moment, Kamijou starts to run. A handphone definitely can't beat an alchemist. This is a mean to create time to close the distance. As expected, he got distracted by it. "...Abort the throw, turn it into a meaningless thrown pebble!." In such a short time, Kamijou closes in. The next hit, if he can defend against Aureolus' next hit, there's a chance of turning this around--! "Bring a pistol to my hand. Usage is shooting. Finish according to the preparations!." But on the other hand, that means that if he's unable to dodge this attack, it's over. Aureolus releases the 10 musket swords. GASIYAN! The empty weapons drop onto the floor. These sound like some secret code as the alchemist has musket swords in his hands again. Kamijou's tense face is twitching. Just as Aureolus was about to say that crucial word. "INNOCENTIUS!" Stiyl's roar stopped Aureolus.


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Kamijou is stunned and turns at Stiyl. That's impossible, right? Isn't that thing to be used with the runes all over the room? Besides, Innocentius should be stationed in the student dormitory in order to protect Index. It seems like that was a hoax. A completely meaningless hoax that's meant to extend Kamijou's life slightly. Aureolus' cannon-like eyes turn to glare at Stiyl. "Float into the sky, Father from London." Aureolus says softly as if it's a preparation for an execution. The moment he finished saying that, Stiyl's body floats into the air like it lost gravity until it reaches near the ceiling. Kamijou inadvertently stops. If he can use Imagine Breaker, he can negate Aureolus' 'command'. However, anyone can tell that Kamijou and Stiyl are too far away from each other. "YOU IDIOT! IT'S TOO EASY FOR YOU TO BEAT AUREOLUS! THAT GUY'S WEAKNESS IS THE NEEDLE! YOU SHOULD BE CLEAR ABOUT THOSE MEDICAL STUFF--" Stiyl growls as if he's trying to free the frozen Kamijou. Aureolus glares at Stiyl with razor sharp eyes and says,

"Explode from the inside, rune magician."

BAM! A mysterious yet awkward sound can be heard. As what Aureolus commanded, Stiyl's body expands like a balloon. Then, it quickly explodes from within. Blood, flesh, bones, internal organs and all are scattered all over the place. At that moment, the blood and flesh are scattered all over the ceiling, revealing a large oval shape. The entire room is covered in flesh and blood, and it looks like some large observation museum. It can be said to be a piece of art that's created from the magician's flesh and blood. "...!" And the most terrifying thing is that the blood vessels are still intact, and the heart isn't damaged. It looks just like a train map, as the naked heart sends out blood through the long blood vessels into all the internal organs, and then back into the heart again. He's not dead yet.

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Even though he became like this, the man Stiyl Magnus is still alive. Pala pala. Rune cards scatter about like sakura petals, and perhaps they came from the magician pockets. GONG!. Index, who was sitting on the table blankly, fainted as she saw this image that was too cruel. "--Da, damn it!" Kamijou frantically tries to think as he tries to prevent this situation that's too terrifying from paralysing him, trying to hold back the voice that's about to cry out. Until the end, Stiyl never asked Kamijou to 'save' him, this man knew that he would end up like this, yet he chose to say these important words to Kamijou. Since this is such a huge hint, Kamijou must think this through thoroughly. "YOU IDIOT! IT'S TOO EASY FOR YOU TO BEAT AUREOLUS! THAT GUY'S WEAKNESS IS THE NEEDLE! YOU SHOULD BE CLEAR ABOUT THOSE MEDICAL STUFF--" Kamijou tries to think through what Stiyl said. (Needles...medical stuff?) Speaking of which, Aureolus' been using his hand to reach into his neck frantically. Stabbing the needles into his own neck. Was Stiyl referring to this? Academy City, which uses drugs as part of the esper development program, has vast pharmaceutical and medicinal 'knowledge' that can't be compared to the outside world. Like coming up with English words during an English mini-test, Kamijou's mind is starting to think about what he knows about 'acupuncture'. If one views it from the acupuncture therapy standpoint of regulating breathing, mysterious Eastern medicine and other factors, basically, the effect is to stimulate the nerves and make them work to reduce pain or control the internal organ functions. In a time when there was no anesthesia, this could be said to be an important method of treatment that's like magic. (...But, what about it?) Kamijou tilts his head and wonders. In fact, from how modern operations don't use acupuncture, one can tell that acupuncture isn't really effective in humans and can't stimulate the body and mind like anesthetic. The most it can do is to stimulate Endorphin secretion to excite one, removing anxiety in people-188

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--Anxiety? "Change the contents. Stop the shooting of the "hidden rifle", Use the bayonet to eliminate the intruders." Forgetting to run forward and standing around blankly, Kamijou hears Aureolus' words and recovers. The musket swords that were aimed at Kamijou with a sign of death is spinning in the alchemist's hand. Even so, Kamijou starts to feel suspicious about it and can't ignore it. After one suspicion is formed, a chain reaction will occur, forming even more suspicions. (That's right. It's too weird)." Himegami, Stiyl, either way, the alchemist just said something like 'die' or 'explode' to kill them. If he can really can do anything he wants, why can he just gives an even simpler command to Kamijou like 'the ability of the right hand is to disappear'? (That's right, something's not right!) And if he can really do anything he wants, why does he need vampires or Deep Blood? If he can really create anything, why can't he create vampires using his own power? (That's right. There's something wrong with that--!) Also, if Aureolus Izzard can let anything he wants happen, why didn't Index turn to look at him? If let's say, Aureolus Izzard's ultimate Ars Magna doesn't change reality through his words, but through his thoughts? "Do, don't tell me, I see.." No wonder Stiyl once said that 'it's too easy for you to beat Aureolus'. Because Aureolus understands the power of our side, Stiyl, Index and Himegami were all familiar with Aureolus, so Aureolus understood these people's power, and they can't beat him. But Kamijou's the only exception. They just met today, and he doesn't know how strong this stranger is. "IMPOSSIBLE! HIMEGAMI AISA'S DEATH WAS DEFINITIVE! DOES YOUR RIGHT HAND POSSESS SOME SORT OF HOLY VATICAN SECRET ARTS!?"


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What Aureolus said did show some anxiety. To someone who can do anything he wants, the anxiety in his heart means, "I get it, so it's like that..." Kamijou blankly muttered. It's nothing impressive. It's simple after he knew the truth. However, "Humph, it seems that the source of your confidence is that mysterious right hand of yours." Aureolus nonchalantly stares at the spaced-out Kamijou and pulls another needle. He stabs it into his neck, and says, "If that's the case, I'll start by cutting off your right hand. Hidden rifle, rotate-fire your blade!" There's no sound at all. The moment Aureolus swings the right hand, the musket sword spins and attacks Kamijou at a terrifying speed like a rotating electric fan blade. Kamijou is barely able to see the trail of the musket sword. He can't even see 'what flew over'. One moment earlier, the musket sword was on the alchemist's hand. One moment later, it severed Kamijou's arm and stabs into the wall behind. It feels like a heated knife that sliced through butter, as Kamijou's right arm just sliced neatly down the shoulder. His right arm is rotating in the air. There's no pain, and he doesn't even feel hot. Kamijou just blankly stares at the right arm that got sliced off. (--My right hand got sliced off?) Kamijou stares at his right arm that's spinning in the air. (--A person who can do anything he wants, one who can squash my heart with just a single sentence,)


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His mind isn't distorted due to pain or fear, he just continues to think of a question. (--yet chose to slice off my right hand?) He compiles all these suspicions and forms an answer. (--He's definitely something who can do anything he wants,) After a while, fresh blood finally gushes out of the sliced off part. (--yet he can't do anything to the 'power' of my right hand?) He still can't feel pain. He still doesn't feel hot, (--He could only 'slice off my right hand' to take away my Imagine Breaker ability?) The arm that was spinning in the air hits something hard and drops onto the floor.

After a while, he got belief though the answer that he got from all these suspicions. After he knew what to do, the rest is simple. Kamijou seem to hear something flip in his mind.

Part 2



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For a moment, facing this completely unexpected response, Aureolus inadvertently backs away. The boy who has his right arm sliced off is actually sneering. Is he crazy due to pain and fear!? No, that's not right. His smile is a confident one, a very natural smile that indicates the belief that he can win. But to remain 'normal' in this critical situation is the most abnormal thing. (What, what's going on...?) Aureolus' is feeling more like 'unhappy' than 'afraid'. Though he doesn't know what this boy is thinking about, the victor is already decided. If that's the case, there's no need to continue making himself 'unhappy'. Aureolus decides to kill him, and thus he impatiently throws away the needle on the neck and says, "Hidden rifle to appear in my hand, Load with magic bullets, One will be enough." He swings his right hand, and as according to his command, a Western sword with a rapid-fire musket pistol appears in his hand. Aureolus seems rather satisfied with his perfect magic and then commands, "Usage is crushing. Following the original design concept of the rifle, fire your blade to crush the prey's head to pieces!" Aureolus squeezes the trigger. The magic bullet that was compressed with firepowder flies towards the boy's eyeball while he's laughing maniacally. Though it's a low-velocity old-styled bullet. It will still pierce through the brain if it hits the eyeball. That's not a speed that a human can dodge, and it's not a power that humans can defend against. The boy can't do anything, just stare and watch his brain get splattered like a tomato. But nothing happened. "What...?"


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Aureolus starts to suspect his own eyes. The boy didn't do anything, but the blue magic bullet that was shot precisely actually grazes past the boy's face for some reason and hits the wall behind. (Did I make a mistake with the distance? No...) Aureolus again commands, "Repeat the previous command. Usage is strafe firing, Simultaneously firing 10 "hidden rifle"!." The 10 hidden rifles that appeared out of thin air fire out bullets like a bouquet of flowers. However, What should be an accurate hit of 10 magic bullets all graze past the boy, leaving him without any damage. (A MISS-FIRE ! HOW CAN THAT...!) Aureolus is stunned as he stares at the boy who escaped from death twice. The boy's shoulder is bleeding, an unbelievable amount of fresh blood is gushing out from the sliced off area. The blood splatters on the boy's face, covering it with blood. But the boy's still something. It's as if the darkest part of the body is gushing out from the sliced off part of the arm. The boy doesn't do anything except to smile. Aureolus decides to give the command for a 3rd time and kill this enemy in front of him. (But he didn't do anything. He managed to evade Ars Magna's attack twice!?) As he's having doubts, the alchemist stops what he was doing. He knows the power of his spell the best. That's not just an attack that can be evaded through luck. (Don't tell me he's planning something that I didn't foresee!?) The boy seems to be laughing from deep within, and he sticks his tongue out to lick the blood on his lips like it was sauce.


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Even a fallen vampire can't possibly do such a thing--to revel in eating one's own blood! (WHAT'S, GOING ON...?) Thus, Aureolus can't stop the anxiety from forming within him. (WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS GUY? HE CAN STILL FIGHT? WITH THAT BODY? EVEN WITHOUT HIS RIGHT HAND!? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! THAT'S TOTALLY ILLOGICAL! THIS GUY WILL DIE JUST FROM THE INTENSE BLOOD LOSS! IT'S ALRIGHT, THERE'S NO PROBLEM! THERE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM! THERE SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM. BUT-!) That's right, the moment 'anxiety' is created in his own heart. The boy who lost his right hand, and by right, should have lost all his powers. That pitiful image of him seems to be muttering something. He's sneering, staring at the alchemist and laughing. "Ku, ah. Ugh, Damn you...YOU CAN'T LIVE UNDER THE WATCH OF MY ARS MAGNA! DEPLOY A COUNTLESS NUMBER OF GUILLOTINE BLADES AND QUICKLY DISMANTLE THAT BODY!" The moment he finished speaking, numerous huge guillotines appear on the ceiling above the boy's head like the cracking of the surface. Each one of them is an execution blade that weighs over 100kg. Facing these huge blades that will fall due to gravity, Kamijou just sneers, not intending to evade or defend. (IT'S ALRIGHT! HE CAN'T GET AWAY FROM THIS! IT WILL HIT! HE'LL DIE WHEN HE'S HACKED! I GAVE SUCH AN ORDER! I GAVE A ORDER I GAVE AN ORDER I GAVE AN ORDER! IT SHOULD BE ALRIGHT! THERE'S NO NEED TO WORRY!) Aureolus continues to repeat this in his heart over and over and over again. As long as things go according to what he thought, this boy will die. However, even though he will definitely die, the 'doubt' continues to widen in his heart. It's like what he silently wished just now was just to cover up the huge 'anxiety' in his heart. In fact, like what Aureolus wished for, the infinite number of huge guillotines appear above Kamijou's head. The boy's still sneering. His expression seems to be stating--I saw through the weaknesses in your attack. (Ku, DAMN IT, WHY...!?)


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Aureolus doesn't have any hesitation. His eyes looks like he wants to pierce through the enemy as he glares at Kamijou, and says, "DIE! BOY--" --But before his roar stopped, a doubt creeped into his mind. (But can I really kill him with just that word?) Using trembling hands, he tries to pull out the needle, but he causes the numerous thin needles to drop onto the floor. However, the alchemist has no time to worry about this. Aureolus Izzard is trembling as he stares at Kamijou. The once sharp look is now as blunt as a rusted blade. Unbelievably, both legs aren't following his command as they back away. He seems to step onto something, and some of the numerous needles that were scattered on the floor got squashed. Ars Magna can cause anything one wishes for to become reality. But on the other hand, once Aureolus thinkg that he 'can't win', 'can't beat this person', that will happen as well. It can be said to be a dual-edged sword. That's the reason why he can't create vampires and Deep Blood as he so wished. Basically, it's because there's a doubt within his heart that he 'can't create something like that', so he couldn't create that in real life. Every 'order' that Aureolus gave was like a bullet. If he were to just 'think', there will be a lot of random thoughts mixed into it. Thus, the 'order' may be ambiguous and may not happen, Thus, he needed to say out the 'command' to gather his concentration like he's firing a bullet. It's like how when memorising English words, it's easier to recite it out. His Ars Magna isn't some spell that 'turns anything he says into reality', but a spell that 'turns what he wishes for into reality'. But right now, Aureolus Izzard lost control of his 'verbal ability'. Before he could think the ambiguous 'thought' into 'word', he instinctively created reality. It's like a handgun that fires on its own without the owner controlling in.


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In order to prevent that situation, Aureolus prepared a countermeasure. (DAMN IT, WHERE'S MY NEEDLES? WHY DID THEY LAND ON THE FLOOR!? I USED THAT TO CURE MY 'ANXIETY' IN ORDER TO PREVENT THAT! WITHOUT THAT--) Shocked, Aureolus holds his breath. (IF I DON'T HAVE THAT, WHAT WILL HAPPEN? STOP? NO! STOP THINKING! IF I CONTINUE TO THINK, EVERYTHING WILL BECOME IRREVERSIBLE--!) The more he thinks of running away, the more his thoughts sinks. He knows that, but Aureolus can't stop it. If he stops, it means that he admits everything. Like a rolling snowball, Aureolus' 'doubts' lose control, and lose all meaning. The boy in front of him doesn't say anything. He doesn't say anything as he silently walks towards Aureolus. Such an act makes Aureolus even more anxious. He can't stop this boy, he doesn't know what to do in order to stop the boy. That is why Aureolus can't do anything and wait for the boy to close in like a scarecrow. Next, he finds that the boy is already in front of him. Both of them are facing each other with the table in between, and Index's lying on it. Such an image is too much of an irony. Even at this point, the alchemist seem like he got glared at by a snake as he can't move. (THAT'S RIGHT! STIYL, INDEX, HIMEGAMI AISA. I KNOW ALL THESE PEOPLE! SO I KNOW THEIR POWER AND KNEW THAT THEY AREN'T A MATCH FOR MY ARS MAGNA! ONLY THIS BOY IS DIFFERENT! I ONLY MET THE BOY FOR THE FIRST TIME, I DON'T KNOW HIS POWER, SO I CAN'T KNOW IF ARS MAGNAGolden Alchemy IS EFFECTIVE ON HIM--!"

He suddenly hears the boy's voice. Aureolus looks like a child being lectured as he trembles, The boy says,


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He bares his fangs, and his eyes seem to have a reddish glow. The boy seemed to have said that happily from deep within the bottom of his heart. (WA...WAIT!...STOP THINKING...!...DON'...ANXIETY...NOW I NEED...!) Aureolus can only pray, but he still can't stop his thoughts. Immediately, An abnormal change seems to appear on the sliced off part on Kamijou's right shoulder that's spurting out blood like a fountain. The blood flow starts to increase, and it looks like a transparent glass statue had fresh blood spilled all over it, as an unbelievable object starts to shape itself. What rushes out from the severed part on Kamijou's right arm isn't a human arm. It's a head. And it's a savage looking 2m large thing head that can only be seen in ancient legend--the head of a huge and almighty Dragon King. The dragon head that should be transparent is dyed with blood. The boy raises it and swings it, and slowly opens the chin that has a row of saw-like teeth on it. It's like it's saying that this is the real identity of the right hand. The teeth are bared. On first glance, it may look like nothing happened, but in aspects that are invisible, it's starting to change. The presence of the alchemist that once dominated the entire room disappeared. It feels like the lead was forcefully switched. (WHA-...)


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Aureolus looks up. He sees the disgusting 'human constellation observatory' that was formed by Stiyl Magnus' flesh and blood start to gather from all over the room. It feels like the 'explode' command got revoked. (DON'T TELL ME, HE'S REVIVING!? LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO HIMEGAMI. THE PEOPLE WHO WERE DESTROYED CAN--!) The moment Aureolus thought of that, Sityl shapes himself and lands on the floor unharmed. Aureolus feels like his spine got stabbed by someone with an ice pillar. Of course, Stiyl's revival is caused by Aureolus' own 'anxiety'. (HOLD ON...THIS IS JUST...MY...ANXIETY...CALM DOWN...AS LONG AS I..REMOVE MY ANXIETY...I CAN DEFINITELY...LET THIS RIDICULOUS MONSTER...DISAPPEAR-!) Trying hard to hold off the feat that's about to break through his heart, Aureolus tries to make his final resistance. This should be some monster that Aureolus created from his 'anxiety'. So as long as he calms himself down and remove this 'anxiety', the mystical beast that resides in the boy's body should disappear. But the transparent Dragon King is silently glaring at Aureolus with both eyes. Just like that, Aureolus' vision starts to fade due to fear. (IM...POSSIBLE...I CA...N'T WIN...) The moment he thought that, the Dragon King's mouth that was widened till the maximum swallows the alchemist full from the head on.


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Epilogue: Deep Blood of Corruption. Devil or God.

I really feel that your injuries every time are really interesting. In the pure white hospital room, the middle-aged looking doctor who looks like a frog said that to Kamijou. ... Kamijou doesn't know what to say as he can only lie on the table, lowering his head as he looks at the arm that got held in plaster. The sliced-off part was repaired neatly, and this can be said to be the best outcome. The cells on the sliced-off part aren't damaged, after one day of emergency treatment, they managed to fit the arm back onto the body within one day. A little finger that's was sliced off by a delinquent can be reattached backthough there's such a 'knowledge' in his mind, no one ever imagined that such a major re-assembly of the arm can be done. However, if there's such a disgusting 'knowledge', Kamijou really can't understand what kind of person he was 'before his lost his memory'. On a side note, you've been hospitalised twice within ten days, and naturally, you became a topic for discussion among the nurses. Don't tell me you have a nurse fetish? ...What are you talking about? I don't have such a dangerous thought as 'being done in on the operation table'. Really? Pity, I thought I found a compatriot. Kamijou wordlessly stares at the frog-faced doctor. Did this guy choose to become a doctor because of such a reason? If that were the case, he really wants to change doctors. Basically, he wants to press the emergency call button. Hn? Please don't be mistaken though. I prefer to 'do it' than to be 'done in'. And I prefer the delivery platform to the operation table-- 'SHUT UP! NOBODY WANTS TO LISTEN TO THE SPECIFICS! AND STOP DEMONSTRATING IT TO ME, THAT'S DISGUSTING! WHY ISN'T A NURSE TAKING CARE OF ME!? Thus, he really presses the emergency call button. The doctor gives a look of despair and says 'I'm going then' before walking out of the patient's room. What's going on? Why does he look like he really found that to be a pity? Immediately after the doctor left, another person walks in. A man who can't fit into the Japanese culture, Stiyl Magnus.


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Though I don't want to get close to you or be friends with you at all, I came here out of courtesy. ...Let me ask you. Why are you jumping about as if nothing happened? Can you tell me why? Stiyl puffs his cheeks and look rather unhappy, not saying anything at all. If there's a need to compare them to see who should have more tact about injuries, there is none more than that patient. All his flesh and bone got broken and scattered, and yet he didn't even have a blood vessel broken. His organs were scattered all over the place, yet he could survive through blood circulation. Not everyone can have such a precious experience. I actually wanted to more or less thank you for this time...but thinking about it, there's no need for that. What you did was basically just to let Aureolus self-destruct. Humph, this is all thanks to this Kamijou Touma's perfect acting skills! That's right. Kamijou Touma didn't have the power to beat Aureolus Izzard. But the magic Aureolus used was to 'change reality according to one's thoughts'. After that, it was easy; he just needed to make Aureolus himself think---That Aureolus Izzard definitely can't beat Kamijou Touma. In order to achieve that, Kamijou called a fact, Kamijou doesn't even remember about the fact that he lost his right arm. Though he thought that he should be 'acting somewhat properly', the actual scenario was more like his mind went blank due to sharp pain and shock. According to what some suicidal people say, excessive blood loss will bring about ecstasy, which could probably explain that mysterious smile of his. Of course, the truth can't be detected. Since he has to act, he has to pull it up to eleven. Speaking of which, it's really unbelievable that we were able to survive. I got my arm cut off, you became a 'human constellation observatory'. It feels like we again start to appreciate the value of life...oi, why do you look like you're about to laugh? Nothing. Seeing your attitude, I just thought that you didn't realise that I was secretly helping you. Seemingly looking down on others, Stiyl smirks and says, After your arm got sliced off, you managed to dodge Aureolus' bullets without even dodging, remember? How do you think that happened?

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...Ah? Your acting did fool Aureolus. But at the beginning, Aureolus couldn't have believed it right away, right? After you arm got sliced off and you started bluffing him, the main reason why he started to be fooled by your acting was because you managed to dodge his attack twice, wasn't it? Erm... Kamijou stares blankly at Stiyl like a fool. You still don't understand even after I said so much? Basically, the reason why Aureolus' attacks failed the first two times was not because of your acting but because I used my magic to create an optical illusion on Aureolus. What...? Kamijou stares at Stiyl's face in surprise. Stiyl merely says casually, What's so surprising about that? I specialise in fire magic. Using hot air to create a mirage and manipulating the refraction of light to create an optical error, that's not hard for me. Hol, hold on! I'm not surprised about that! Weren't you blown to pieces and scattered all over the ceiling? How were you able to use magic in that 'human constellation' mode? 'Human constellation', that's an interesting description...but this is nothing too strange, isn't it? I was still alive that time, so of course I could refine lifeforce to create magic. Good thing my rune cards were scattered all over the floor when I exploded! Kamijou blankly stares at Stiyl's Magnus' face. Though this incident involved vampires and Deep Blood, he's still the scariest one. But you don't have to worry about that. I suppose you should know the sin you committed in this incident, right? I'm here today to talk about the developments after 'Misawa Cram School'. Sin. Kamijou turns to look at the right hand that's covered in plaster. A Dragon King's head. Though that was a 'self-destructive' illusion that was caused by Aureolus' own anxiety, the one who forced Kamijou down the path of self-destruction was definitely Kamijou himself. Sigh, no need to show such an expression. What Aureolus imagined was that the Dragon King wasn't physical, but a mental image. It was just like an illusion. Though the body couldn't touch it, something that will swallow a soul will be similar to that.

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??? That means that though you didn't hurt Aureolus physically, Aureolus is mentally broken. ...Is that something worth bragging about? Of course it is. In terms of the conclusion, we just took away Aureolus Izzard's memory and settled it. In this battle against the magician who defended so strongly, the final casualty was merely that one member of the 13 Knights in front of the lift. In the 2,000 year history of magic, this is the 3rd time such a happy ending occurred. Is this really something worth being happy? Kamijou wondered. He suddenly remembers something. The 'Gregorio's Chant of the Roman Catholics' should be safe, right? Perhaps Stiyl, who had his memory erased, couldn't remember it. ...Speaking of which, where did that Aureolus Izzard who lost his memory go? Is he in this hospital, Kamijou wondered. Oh, is there a need to mention it? I killed him.

Stiyl Magnus said it in a matter-of-fact manner, making Kamijou suspect if he heard that wrongly. What's with that expression? Listen, Aureolus Izzard first betrayed the Roman Catholics and became an alchemist. Then he imprisoned Deep Blood and turned 'Misawa Cram School' into his base. That's basically going against the entire Academy City, and to the Christian sects that got wiped out trying to hunt him down, he's someone with a huge bounty on him. Of course, 'Necessarius', which mainly carries out witch-hunting, people like Index and I got a mission to kill him. Stiyl seems rather impatient in the room that doesn't allow smoking. Look. Going against so many organisations in the world, can Aureolus Izzard who lost his memory even fight against them? To put it simply, since Aureolus Izzard doesn't have any memories and doesn't have anything to protect, does he have the will to go against the entire word? ... Aureolus definitely won't be simply killed off like that. The enemies will kill him through even cruel methods, and most importantly, Aureolus Izzard is the only magician in the world who managed to cast the Ars Magna spell. Of course, a lot of organisations in the world will

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interrogate Aureolus severely to get this secret skill. But the worst of all is that since Aureolus lost all his memories, he can't even give a testimony. Stiyl says reluctantly, Thus Aureolus had only 2 options. One is death, and the other is an even painful Hell. If you ask me, I'll definitely choose the former without hesitation at all. However, Kamijou still can't accept it. I still can't accept it. I still can't. Even if this is the only path left, we can't just treat taking away someone's life as a good thing. If we didn't bother about human lives, why did we charge into 'Misawa Cram School'? That's right. The motivation that made Kamijou fight was because there was so many things he couldn't agree with. Deep Blood which was treated as some sort of a trump card, the students who were treated as sacrificial items because of the 'Gregorio's Chant' and the 'Limen Magna', and Aureolus who killed Himegami in a fit of rage. Because of those people who didn't respect the value of life, Kamijou chose to move forward and not away from the battlefield. And until the end, if they accepted that somebody's death is a 'good thing', Kamijou won't be able to accept the guilt that's brought about by his fists. ... And even though Aureolus is somebody who's unforgivable, he's not someone who's atrociously bad. That's because if at that time, even though he may do anything he wants, Index's heart never returned to him. For the only reason is that though Aureolus may be rejected, he wasn't willing to give her the command. That's the final proof of humanity left in Aureolus. That's why I said that you're too nave. Stiyl Magnus looks away and says in a calm tone, When I said that I killed him, I didn't necessarily meant that I took his life away, right?

Stunned, Kamijou stares at Stiyl's face. With a disinterested tone, Stiyl avoids Kamijou's gaze and says,


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

Listen, Aureolus Izzard lost all his memories. If I can just reshape his face, wouldn't it mean that his appearance and character are completely different? This person can't be called Aureolus Izzard. Wouldn't it mean to the world that Aureolus Izzard is dead? ...Are you actually a good guy? What do you mean by that? I'm an English Anglican priest after all. And since I specialise in flames, it's not hard for me to burn the face and treat it to make another face. ......YOU'RE REALLY A GREAT GUY! Hm? I'm really surprised by that response...HOLD ON! WHAT ARE YOU HUGGING ME FOR!? STOP TREADING YOUR TOES ON MY HEAD!! Just as Kamijou and Stiyl are tugging at each other in the room, the hospital room door opens, and Index walks in without knocking. "Touma! They're selling honey-flavoured chips at the shops! It's so interesting, I wanna buy it! But I don't have money!" Index stopped. She sees the magician who's struggling and Kamijou Touma, who's looking really touched as he tries his hardest to touch the magician's head. All three of them froze. The world stopped. "...Touma. Erm, sorry for interrupting you." "Ho...hold on a minute! What are you doing? Why must you look away!? OI! WHY ARE YOU GOING AWAY WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING!!?" GYYYAAAAHHH!! Kamijou cried out as he tried to pull Index, who's about to leave the room now. Under such a situation, he can't say to this young-looking girl: Sorry Index, I'm only interested in you, but that will go against social morals. So how is he going to settle this? Kamijou is in confusion. "..." Stiyl Magnus stares at both of them. Kamijou and Index, who're arguing with each other, seem to be rather happy.


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It feels like seeing them together is the most natural state. Stiyl Magnus stares at both of them. He doesn't feel envious, nor does he hates them. The reason he chose this path was because he wanted to protect this smile on Index's. Stiyl looks satisfied at the face of the girl who he's protecting. "Fu. Well, the next mission awaits me. I should go off now." Stiyl said that in a casual yet satisfied look. Index again stares at Stiyl's face and frantically hides behind Kamijou's back. She's just like a private investigator who's trailing others as she peeks at Stiyl's face from behind. Stiyl doesn't feel anything special about it, and raises his foot as he prepares to walk out of the room. This is the consequence of what he chose. "Erm." Just as Stiyl's about to step out of the room, Index spoke up. Stiyl turns back and looks. Index should be angry for dragging Kamijou Touma into this 'Misawa Cram School' incident. Why wouldn't Index start scolding him?'

"I should start off by thanking you first. Thank you."

But Index said it. "If Touma knew that it would be like that in the building, Touma will run in even if he was alone. So it's great that you were around. And--eh? What's wrong?" "It's nothing." Stiyl chuckles as he said that. Then, without saying anything again, Stiyl turns his back and silently walks out. Kamijou feels like he just saw Stiyl smile for the first time. "Touma!"

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Kamijou turns away from the door and looks at Index. She seem to be rather unhappy that Kamijou wasn't focused on her, as Index puffs her cheeks and stares at Kamijou's eyes. Seeing Index like this, Kamijou inadvertently smiles. The battlefield of 'Misawa Cram School' was cruel, but at least I managed to survive. Kamijou now has a realistic experience. But now, Kamijou remembers a doubt he left on the battlefield.

The Dragon King's head that came out of the severed right arm.

That should be a monster created out of Aureolus' 'anxiety' with regards to Kamijou. Logically, it should be like that...but in that situation, did Aureolus Izzard really think of such a tremendous imagination like 'there would be a transparent Dragon King's Head from the slicedoff part on Kamijou's right arm'? Though the probability is low. But what if, just what if, that monster's unrelated to Aureolus' power? (...) Impossible. Kamijou thought. However, Kamijou remembers Himegami Aisa. The 'Deep Blood' Himegami Aisa is a girl with a unique power that can only work on vampires. But since the power that's able to kill vampires caused her to have so many incidents happen to her, then how valuable is the 'Imagine Breaker', Kamijou's right hand, that can negate even miracles? Besides, the basic question is. What is the Imagine Breaker? "Touma! Honeydew-flavoured potato chips!" Index's words causes Kamijou to snap back into reality. "A, ahhh. okay okay...since it's honeydew-flavoured, it should be sweet, right?" Kamijou tries to match what Index was saying and answers ambiguously.


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Right now, maybe he should maintain it like this. No matter how inexplicable that power is, as long as he can use it to protect this girl in front of him, there's nothing else he can ask for. So, let's remain it like this. Like this. "Touma, Touma. Wasn't there a girl called Himegami Aisa?" While walking on the corridor leading to the shops, Index suddenly asked. "Ah, that wave loving girlDenpa Kei who liked to pretend to be a spellcaster [3]? What's with Index, what's with you? You mentioned her, so why are you looking so unhappy?" "...Touma, you fought for Aisa this time, right? Not for me, but for Aisa!" "What?" Stunned, Kamijou tilts his neck. For some reason, Index, who said such ridiculous words, look rather unhappy as she deliberately puffs her cheeks in front of Kamijou, showing an unhappy look. "Nothing! It's nothing!" After Index muttered some words, she says, "Ah, also, Aisa seem like she's staying in this hospital. I just spoke to her." Oh. Kamijou merely responds passively. Oh yeah, what will happen to Himegami? Kamijou wonders. She doesn't want to attract vampires again, but the boundary on the 'Misawa Cram School' shouldn't exist now. Though it seems like they can replace it with the 'Walking Church' that Index was wearing, Aureolus Izzard, who agreed to help her make one, doesn't exist anymore. "I talked to her for a long time, and decided to keep her in the Church." "...For some reason, I seem to know what happens next. Can I say it out first?" "GUAH! I actually prepared this for a long time already! And Touma still wants to say out the ending? You really don't know how a script goes! Shakespeare may get a knife and hack you!" "Stop laughing and saying about hacking!" Kamijou sighs, and then he says the answer that anyone can predict. "In conclusion, the 'Walking Church' is a form of Church, right?"


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

1. or Denpa Otome goes for "wave girl", Denpa is a term to coin someone who has a really strange or eccentric behaviour without any apparent reason (hence "the wave made me do it"); you might recognize the word as it is also the name of a novel, where the titular character is actually quite weird 2. Black Jack 3. or Denpa Kei is similar to the term "wave girl" used in the prologue, "kei" goes for someone who is an incredible fanatic of something, for example "Akiba-Kei" refers to someone "who is in love with Akiba products (an otaku)"; in this case Denpa Kei means that Aisa loves to act strangely (denpa) with no apparent reason at all


To Aru Majutsu no Index Volume 2

To the readers who read the first volume, it's been a while. To the brave souls who read from the second volume, it's nice to meet you. I'm Kazuma Kamachi. It's now time for the afterword. According to some readers, the first thing they would read is the afterword. In other words, the afterword is the second synopsis. Anyway, please read the afterword, and if you like it, you may bring it to the counter to buy it. However, please let me remind the readers who like to read the afterword first. The following content does include some plot details, so to the readers who haven't read the main content, it's best that you do not read it first. The following content of the afterword is written to those readers who read the afterword at the end and the brave souls who don't care about whether they know the content beforehand.

The main concept behind this volume is 'BAD END'. To be direct, Aureolus Izzard is a 'failed version of Kamijou Touma'. When I was writing, I thought that if Kamijou Touma failed in the first volume, he would have become such a person. The reason I created Himegami too was to create 'a tragic girl who can never be the female protagonist'. As the story went on, the killing atmosphere is extremely intense. However, what's different is that in the first volume, even if they were enemies, at least they would listen to the main character before fighting. However, in this volume, even the second female protagonist doesn't like to listen too much, let alone the Big Bad.

As for magic, the story revolves around the keywords 'Ars Magna'. Even though in the story, I made it to be the 'real essence of an alchemist', that was actually made up by me. In fact, it was said that the Bosnian sect of Alchemy (who created the concept of turning lead into gold) appeared in the late Roman Empire time, but 'Ars Magna' was created in the 17th century, so the time difference between them was really huge. The 17th century was the time when alchemy was widespread, and it was also the time when 'fake magicians used it to fool the nobles to get money'. In other words, 'Ars Magna' was like a new religion that rode the wave of alchemy. In fact, the goal of 'Ars Magna' wasn't to create gold or make an immortal elixir. The concept was that "Humans are 'incomplete' gods. In other words, through training and making one

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'complete', humans can become gods'. It really fits the standpoint of a new religion. From the term 'God' that's used now, one can find that such alchemy was mixed into Christian culture.

In the story itself, the spell Aureolus used to 'do whatever through the thoughts in his mind' was closer to the Zurich alchemist sect. This sect mixed in some psychiatric views of Jung, and the goal was to 'do alchemy in the mind', which really sounded ambiguous. Also, there's another alchemist sect called Vienna, but this sect included some 'sexual magic' rituals that were really erotic and shouldn't be included in Dengeki Bunko (laughs). One reason why alchemist sects were so abundant was said to be because 'the nature of alchemy' itself was a mystery. But in fact, perhaps the commonly accepted reason what that 'alchemist lied to the rich that they could turn lead into gold, but couldn't make them and had to give all sorts of excuses to appease their anger'.

After writing so much, in the end, what did I want to say? What I wanted to say was that after researching so much into alchemy, I really used very little information. In order to increase Index's role, I even wanted to add a 'kitchen alchemy trick' plot. But I guess I shouldn't include such a minor subplot.

Finally, I want to thank the related personnel in this story. Miki-san, who's in charge of editing, is someone really intimidating who forced me to write a story withing 17 days. He still followed me through until the end of this story that has loopholes all over it, and I'm really grateful for him. As for Haimura-san, the illustrator, actually, I never met him once. A comrade I never met, though that sounds cool, I really want to meet him and thank him. Anyway, let me rehearse it on paper. Thank you, Haimura-san. And to the readers who bought this book, thank you for your support. I hope that we can meet next time. At this point, let me put my pen down.

Misaka Mikoto didn't even have a chance to appear in this volume (tears).

~Kazuma Kamachi


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