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FROM BLACKBOARD > Assessment 2 Instructions: Having chosen a case study, you will analyse the critical decisions evident in that case Your analysis will be expressed in terms of relevant theories, models and frameworks. You will also critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the critical decisions evident in the case study you chose. Do not forget that you are expected to also bring recommendations.

See the next page for an analysis of understanding the task

UNDERSTAND THE TASK: What is your purpose?

,,,you will analyse the critical decisions evident in the case study in terms of relevant theories, models and framework


Identify the critical decisions Understand these critical decisions in terms of the theories, models and frameworks you have been learning about


The most significant decisions. Are there separate components/processes of each decision? How are these components/processes related? Are there relationships between the decisions? Use relevant theories & models to explain these processes & relationships
Here, critical means significant. You are identifying the decisions you consider to be the ones that had the most impact. In explaining them, you try to show how various parts or processes affected each other; or explain perhaps that some didnt. In essence, you are showing that you understand the whole picture.

and critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the decisions.

Assess, or evaluate, the strengths & weaknesses (or advantages & disadvantages) of each decision Explain your assessment in terms of the theories, models and frameworks you have been learning about

Use the relevant theories & models to assess and explain

And because you do understand the whole picture, you can assess the strengths and weaknesses as well, if they are evident to you

bring (make) recommendations.

Recommend what can be done to improve the decision making that you analysed from the case

You may refer to key points of your analysis and discussion to justify what could be done differently in future, but only briefly; (dont repeat the discussion). The explanation of your recommendations may include reference to further theory & models

in order to recommend, mainly, how to address the weaknesses. You might also want to recommend actions that would continue to improve aspects that are already strong or effective.

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