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Department & Faculty: Dept. of Basic Education, Faculty of Education Subject & Code: Guidance and Counselling SPP 4502 Total Lecture Hours: 2 hours per week
Lecturer Room No. Tel. No. Email Synopsis : : : : : Dr Faizah bte Abd Ghani C10-311 07-55334326 @ 0197710249 This course will expose students to the history, background, definition and concept, significance and aims of the guidance and counselling service. Students will be looking at the techniques and approaches in coping with problems at school. Students will also cover the different types of counselling services available and the duties and ethics of a counsellor. Comparisons between several aspects of western and Islamic counselling will also be discussed.

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Semester: I1 Academic Session : 2007/2008

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the course, students should be able to: Programme Learning Outcome(s) Addressed PO7, PO9 PO6, PO9,PO10 PO7, PO8,PO9

Course Learning Outcome

Assessment Methods HW, T1 HW, PR,F HW, A, F HW, PR (A- Assignment, T Test ; PR Project ; HW Homework ; Pr , F Final Exam)

1. 2. 3. 4.

explain the history, concept and aims of the guidance and counselling service. use counselling skills in dealing with students or others in life identify the types of service, duties and ethics of a counsellor. differentiate the characteristics of western and Islamic counselling.

Prepared by: Name: Dr Faizah bte Abd Ghani Signature: Date: 27.12.2007

Certified by: Name: Signature: Date:

Department & Faculty: Dept. of Basic Education, Faculty of Education Subject & Code: Guidance and Counselling SPP 4502 Total Lecture Hours: 2 hours per week Student Learning Time Teaching and Learning Activities 1. Lecture 2. Independent Study - self learning - information search - library search - reading - group discussion 3. Assignment - self learning - group discussion 4. Project - information search - visiting (Rumah Seri Kenangan) - group discussion - report writing 5. Quiz/Test 6. Exam (1x) TOTAL Teaching Methods

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Semester: I1 Academic Session : 2007/2008

Student Learning Time (hours) 30 25

10 10

3 2 80

Lecture and Discussion, Co-operative Learning, Independent Study, Group Project, Presentation

Prepared by: Name: Dr Faizah bte Abd Ghani Signature: Date: 27.12.2007

Certified by: Name: Signature: Date:

Department & Faculty: Dept. of Basics Education, Faculty of Education, UTM

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Subject & Code: Guidance and Counselling Academic Session : 2007/2008 SPP 4502 Total Lecture Hours: 2 hours per week Weekly Schedule: Week 1 : 1.0 Introduction to the Course 31/12- 4/1/2008 1.1 Overview of the course 1.2 Objectives and needs of the course 1.3 Moral and values of the students 1.4 Course work responsibility Week 2 7/1 11/1/2008 Week 3 14/1 -18/7/2008 : 2.0 Early History of the Guidance and Counselling Service in Other Countries 2.1 Overview of the counselling 2.2 Historical background in other countries Early History of the Guidance and Counselling Service in Malaysia 3.1 The developmental skill of helping in Malaysia 3.2 Historical background and evolution 3.2 Vocational career guidance psychosocial education counselling 4.0 The Concept of Guidance and Counselling 4.1 Definition of the Guidance 4.2 Objectives and importance of the Guidance 4.3 Definition of the counselling 4.4 Objectives and importance of the Counselling 4.5 Conceptual of the guidance and counselling 5.0 Philosophy of the Guidance and Counselling 5.1 The Philosophy of guidance and counselling 5.2 Why the human need the guidance and counselling 5.3 The significance of the guidance and counselling Semester Break 3 February 10 February 2008 6.0 6.1 Guidance and counselling principles The principles of guidance and counselling: Acceptance of the client ( no prejudice) Attending of the client and the therapeutic relationship The counselling is not advice The counselor does not make decision to the client 3.0

Weeks 4 21/1-25/1/2008

Weeks 5 28/1-1/2/2008 Quiz 1 Weeks 6

Weeks 7 11/2-15/2/2008

Department & Faculty: Dept. of Basic Education, Faculty of Education, UTM Subject & Code: Guidance and Counselling Total Lecture Hours: 2 hours per week Weekly Schedule: Weeks 8-9 18/2/-22/2/2008

Page 4 of 5 Semester: II Academic Session : 2007/2008

7.0 Basics counselling techniques and approaches 7.1 The Process of counselling 7.2 Basic counselling techniques Listening Giving Information, Making Suggestion, Drawing out, Challenging, Supporting,etc) 7.3 Basic theory of counselling, (psychoanalisis, humanistic, behaviour, RET, TA) :

Week 10 25/2/-7/3/2008 Quiz 3

8.0 Types of Counselling Services

8.1 Counsellor in school 8.2 Types of counselling services: Academic, career, social, personal and crisis 8.3 Responsive services: counselling, consulting, coordinating, appraising

Weeks 11 10/3/-14/3/2008

9.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 11 12. 13. 14. 15.

Duties and Responsibilities of A Counsellor Counselling as a Profession Identity and the personality of the counsellor Credentials of Schools Counsellors The service and task of the counsellor Challenges to the professional identity of school counsellors Definition and concept of professional codes The dimensions of ethics code Ethical standards for School Counsellors (Lembaga Kaunselor) Legal Issues for School Counsellors Counselling from Islamic Perspective Comparison of western and Islamic Counselling Conclusion Revision Week Final Exam
Certified by: Name: Signature: Date:

Weeks 12 17/3-21/3/2008

10.0 Professional ethics of counselling

Weeks 13 24/3/-28/3/2008 Weeks 14 31/3/-4/4/2008 Weeks 15 7/4/-11/4/2008 Weeks 16 14/4/-20/4/2008 Weeks 17 21/4/-4/5/2008

Prepared by: Name: Dr Faizah bte Abd Ghani Signature: Date: 27.12.2007

Department & Faculty: Dept. of Basic Education, , Faculty of Education, UTM Subject & Code: Guidance and Counselling Total Lecture Hours: 2 hours per week Weekly Schedule: Course Notes :

Page 5 of 5 Semester: II Academic Session : 2007/2008

Main Text:
Other References

Faizah Abd Ghani, Notes for Guidance and Counseling, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2008. Schmidt, J.J., (2008). Counseling in Schools. USA: Pearson.

1. Baker, B., & Gerler, Jr. (2008). School Counseling for the Twenty First Century
2. Ee Ah Meng (1998). Perkhidmatan Bimbingan dan Kaunseling, Shah Alam; Penerbit Fajar Bakti. 3. Muhd Mansur (1996). Pengantar Bimbingan dan Kaunseling. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia..

ASSESSMENT: No 1 2 3 4 4 Project (Rumah Seri Kenangan) Assignment Test Participation (Idea) Final Exam Overall Total Number 1 1 1 10 1 % each 20% 10% 20% 1% 40%
Certified by: Name: Signature: Date:

% total 20 10 20 10 40 100


Prepared by: Name: Dr Faizah bte Abd Ghani Signature: Date: 27.12.2007

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