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PROJECT Its important that we note that almost one third of the countrys population of more than 1.

1 billion continues to live below the poverty line, and a large proportion of poor people live in rural areas. Poverty remains a chronic condition for almost 30 per cent of Indias rural population, that lacking access to basic amenities of life- food, shelter, clothes etc. So we can see that focusing on rural segments is beneficial to both the society and the company.

In India, people in rural communities often lack convenient, affordable access to healthcare specialists.

They must often leave family and familiar surroundings to travel long distances to urban medical facilities. They may wait in long lines for a brief consultation with a specialist in a common exam room. Many cannot make the journey at all due to cost or personal circumstances. Missed and cancelled appointments and miscommunication can undermine the quality of care at every point of the healthcare connection.

1. The initiative can be started with the 1st step of collaborating with the PRIs of the village. The PRIs are the best means to contact with the rural population; they have direct contact with the natives. 2. Further the company can have a tie up with the local clinics to provide them with the expensive machines that are otherwise not affordable for the small villages to maintain. Enable them to procure loans at reasonable ROI . 3. And also can provide knowledge to the local residents about availability of cheaper credits for their treatment from the banks so that they dont get trapped in vivacious cycle of money lenders. This can be done through stage shows, mobile vans wherein the people are shown short films .or street plays ., As we know that a large proportion of people are illiterate street plays and short films are the best media to educate people. At the same time its worth mentioning the same media can be used for spreading awareness about common but deadly diseases like dengue , malaria , tb , and also what are their main causes , how to prevent them and what all govt centres and clinics are available for their treatement.

4. The company can have tie ups with the state local blood banks to provide the same to small clinics in the rural areas.

5. Then there can be arrangements for Online video conferencing its if not possible for doctor patient interaction in physical presence. E.g. If there is an accident then the doctor through video chat can explain the natives how to stop the immediate bleeding. Can have tie ups with local doctors to regularly visit the clinics periodically as in twice a week etc. and can open small clinics so that there is one general physician always present or person to organise video chat. 6. Mobile clinics- as done by Aditya Birla group can also be undertaken. Note: this is just a general draft of what a company can think of CSR.

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