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Buckeye Nation_________________________ Fantasy Football League Constitution 2013 16th Year

TABLE OF CONTENTS________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3 PAST CHAMPIONS.......................................................................................................................4 LEAGUE OVERVIEW.....................................................................................................................5 FEES/PAYOUTS.............................................................................................................................5 LEAGUE OPERATION...................................................................................................................5 Keeper Announcement............................................................................................................5 Rookie Draft..............................................................................................................................6 Auction........................................................................................................................................6 Salary Cap..................................................................................................................................7 Regular Season & Schedule...................................................................................................7 Buckeye Nation Playoffs........................................................................................................7 Celina Bowl.................................................................................................................................8 Off Season................................................................................................................................8 ROSTER.............................................................................................................................................8 Starting Lineup.........................................................................................................................9 Injured Reserve (IR)..............................................................................................................9 TRANSACTIONS...........................................................................................................................9 Trades.......................................................................................................................................10 Blind Bidding Waiver Process (BBid).................................................................................10 First Come First Serve Period............................................................................................11 Locked Players.........................................................................................................................11 Preseason Transactions.........................................................................................................11 SCORING SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................12 TIE BREAKERS.............................................................................................................................13 RULE CHANGES............................................................................................................................14 ABANDONED TEAMS.................................................................................................................14

INTRODUCTION Welcome to the best head to head fantasy football league on the planet. The Buckeye Nation FFL, formerly known as Shotgun FFL, was founded in 1995. There were 4 original members, who were in this just for fun. In 1996, we had 8 members, again just for fun. In 1997, we started having a draft before each season and cut back to 4 teams. More importantly, this became more than something just for fun, this became SERIOUS FUN. In 1998, we added 2 more teams for a total of 6 members. In 1999 we added 2 more teams to reach a total of 8 league members. Also, we added the keeper status to our league. It is no doubt the most unique style of a keeper style league that all league members can be proud of. After 6 seasons of staying pat with rules or scoring changes, the 2007 season seen somewhat of an extreme makeover that will make it more challenging and rewarding to be part of this league as we expand to 10 teams. The season of 2000 was a success. All kinds of records were broke by our franchises. In 2001, our league flourished through another great season. Unpredictable at its best. For only the 2nd time in league history the league champion did not have double digit wins. Neither did any other team. One word: parity? The 2002 season was just as great as all others. A dozen or so records were broke or tied. For the 2 nd straight season the league champion was a 6 seed in the playoffs. They also started the season 1-4. In 2003, we crowned a 1st time champion who set a record for most wins in one season. The 2004 season crowned a 5 time champion. The 2006 season crowned a first time champion who started the season 0-4. The 2009 season was the last season before a contingency operation forced a lockout. The lockout would be in place through the 2011 and 2012 seasons. The league would reform again for the 2013 season. The 2013 season would see a few changes. The league would become an Auction style and eliminate the double elimination playoffs it used for the first 15 years. The regular season would now be 13 weeks in length instead of 10. There would also be 3 ownership changes.

PAST CHAMPIONS__________________________________________________ YEAR 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 TEAM N/A Red Rockets Red Rockets Red Rockets Raging Retards Raging Retards Gooroos Red Rockets 4th and Long Red Rockets 4th and Long Browns Gooroos TD Kings 4th and Long OWNER Mike Deere Jamie Schott Jamie Schott Jamie Schott Nate Moeller Nate Moeller Chuck Dennis Jamie Schott Aaron Nuding Jamie Schott Aaron Nuding Aaron Schott Chuck Dennis Jamie Bollenbacher Aaron Nuding RECORD 8-6 11-5 11-5 11-2 11-3-1 11-1-1 9-6 8-6 12-3 8-5 9-6 11-5 10-5 10-5 8-5-1

BUCKEYE NATION FFL CALENDER______________________________________ June 1 June 21 July 5 Week 1 Week 13 Week 14 Week 16 NFL Super Bowl Keeper Player Announcement and Trading opens Rookie Email Draft ( 3rd Saturday of June) Email Auction (1st Saturday of July) Regular Season begins / League Fees Due Trade deadline / End of Regular Season Playoffs / Celina Bowl begins BUCKEYE BOWL / end of Blind Bidding and FCFS Payouts due to winning Franchises

The weekly calendar can be seen on the league website.

LEAGUE OVERVIEW__________________________________________________ This is a 10 team Auction/ Keeper league with 2 divisions of 5 teams each All league activity is processed and recorded on an online site hosted by (MFL) All leagues history is maintained at MFL and at Regular participation is highly encouraged. You are expected to submit your complete starting lineup weekly and vote in polls when created. In short, Be an active owner. FEES/ PAYOUTS____________________________________________________ League fee will be $30 per Franchise Total Fees= $300 League Website fee= $90 If website fee is cheaper, difference will be rewarded to League Champion. League Championship Helmet= $35 Buckeye Nation Champion payout = $60 League Runner up payout = $35 Division Champions payout = $15 (X2)= $30 Regular Season Scoring Champion payout = $10 Wild Card Playoff payout = $10 (X4) =$40 League fees and payouts shall be paid to and from a Secure; FDIC insured online payment option called League Safe: For more info, check out the link located on the league website under Links Fantasy Links. Fees should be paid No later than week 1 of the NFL Season. If League Fees are paid in full, Payouts will be paid No later than the NFL Super Bowl.

LEAGUE OPERATION_________________________________________________
KEEPER ANNOUNCEMENT_____________________________________________ Keeper Announcements or intent to decline are due by June 1. All players on that are on a franchises roster at the end of the previous season are eligible be kept going into the upcoming season. There will be no limit to the number of players that are kept as long as the roster limits and salary cap are maintained within league rules explained in this Constitution. A Franchise is not required to announce Keeper Players if they choose not to. They do need to inform the league office of that intent by the deadline. All Keeper players announced will have an increase of $1 assigned to their salary from the previous season.

All Rostered players not chosen as Keeper players will be removed from their teams roster and placed into the Available Player Pool for the Auction Draft.

ROOKIE DRAFT_____________________________________________________ Rookie Draft will commence on the 3rd Saturday of June at 9AM EST. The rookie draft will be 3 rounds each year. Once a team is on the clock they will receive an email stating that they are on the clock, They will have 12 hours to log on to the website and make a selection or to decide to pass. If the 12 hours passes with out a selection, the owner will be passed without a selection. The draft order for the rookie draft will be decided by reverse order of standings of previous season, similar to the NFL rookie draft held in April. Franchises are not required to select a player if they choose not to. That intent will be simply known as a Pass. All Rookies not selected in draft will be available for nomination in the Auction. For salary purposes, Players will be awarded salary as indicated in below. 1ST Round 2nd Round 3rd Round $0.25 $0.15 $0.10

AUCTION__________________________________________________________ All players that are not on roster following Keeper Announcement and Rookie draft are available to be nominated for Auction. The auction will be conducted via the Email auction on the leagues website. The Auction will commence on the 1st Saturday of July at 9AM EST. Once an owner nominates a player, the player will be up for bid for 18 hours. Once that 18 hours is up, what ever team is the high bidder will be awarded the player. There will be the possibility to have 20 players up for bid at one time . Proxy bidding will be used for the email auction. When you open a bid on a player or attempt to out bid another owner, you may input the highest amount that you are willing to go. The system will award the highest amount that it took to win the player. Example. You bid 5.00 on a player, but the 2 nd highest owner bid 4.35. You would win the player for 4.40. Bids can start at $0.05 and must increase by $0.05 increments. A franchise will be allotted $30 total salary to spend on their roster, including any keeper players and players drafted in the Rookie draft. A franchise will not be permitted to bid more than what their salary cap balance is. This number will include cap amount required to obtain the minimum roster requirement. I.E. If you have $5 remaining of your cap balance and you need 5 more players to have a full roster, your max bid will be $4.80.

Franchise roster limits when auction is complete will be a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 20.

SALARY CAP The salary cap for each franchise will be $30. At no time can a franchise be over the salary cap. All Keepers from previous season will receive a $1 salary raise. All players signed thru the First Come, First Serve process will receive a salary of $0.05 All players that are released will have their salary reset to the league minimum of $0.05 when they are unlocked, which will be the following Tuesday 12:01 AM ET. REGULAR SEASON___________________________________________________ The leagues regular season follows weeks 1-13 of the NFL season. The league playoffs will follow NFL weeks 14-16. Each team will play their division opponents twice, home and away. The opposite division teams once. The top 5 teams from the previous season will have 7 home games and 6 away games. The bottom 5 teams will have 6 home games and 7 away games. The schedule and division placement of each team will be based off the previous season final standings. Teams ranked 1,3,5,7,9 from previous season will Be placed in Scarlet division. Teams ranked 2,4,6,8,10 from previous season will be placed in Gray division. PLAYOFFS__________________________________________________________ The Buckeye Nation Playoffs will be held NFL weeks 14-16. 6 teams will qualify for the playoffs based off of win-loss record. Each division winner will receive either of the top 2 seeds, which will earn them a 1st Round bye. Franchise with best record will be top seed. The remaining 4 playoff teams will qualify on record, regardless of which division they are in. The #6 seed vs. #3 seed and #5 seed vs. #4 seed will play in Week 14 The 3-6 winner versus #2 seed and 4-5 winner versus #1 seed will play in Week 15. The Buckeye Nation Bowl Championship will be Week 16. All playoff games will include the 5 point Home field advantage except for the Buckeye Nation Championship.

The Buckeye Nation Champions will be ranked 1st, while the runner up will be ranked 2nd for the rookie draft, division and scheduling placement for the following season. Remaining Playoff teams will be ranked based on final record. Playoff seeding tiebreakers will be used to break ties.

CELINA BOWL The 4 teams that do not make the playoffs will be entered into the draft playoff called the CELINA BOWL. The #7 seed versus #10 seed and #8 seed versus #9 seed will be played Week 14. The winners will play Week 15. Winner of the Celina Bowl will be ranked 10 th and will have the first selection in the following years Rookie draft and will nominate first in the Auction. The loser will have 2 nd pick in Rookie draft and nominate 2nd in Auction. The Losers from the Week 14 games will be ranked based on their final season record for following season purposes. The lower seed in the Celina Bowl playoff games will be the home team and receive the home field advantage. OFFSEASON________________________________________________________ Finances should be settled No Later than the NFL Super Bowl. Injured Reserve players will be activated to roster. All rosters will be locked. Confirmation will be made with existing franchises for return. If there are any franchise owners that decide not to return, that franchise and its roster, salary, and auction/draft position will become property of its replacement owner.

ROSTER___________________________________________________________ Will consist of 16-20 Active players and 2 IR spots. This table shows the by position MIN/MAX breakdown
Position QB RB WR TE K DEF TOTAL MIN 2 2 2 1 1 1 16 MAX 4 7 7 4 3 3 20

STARTING LINEUP__________________________________________________ Players in Early games are locked at kickoff of their game, other players are locked at Sunday 1:00 PM ET There will be no bye week carryovers. If owner fails to submit a lineup, the previous weeks lineup will be used. If a team does not input a starting lineup that is fair and competitive, the Commissioner reserves the right to change the starting lineup for that team. That will be for the first offense. The second offense the offending team will lose a draft pick in the following season. The draft pick that they will lose will be decided from a league conference excluding the involved team. Continued offenses will result in being kicked out of the league. The definition of fair and competitive will be the commissioners judgment. The Following is the required weekly starting lineup. Position QB RB WR RB/WR/TE TE K DEF TOTAL Starters 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 10

INJURED RESERVE (IR) Only players listed on the site with a status of Doubtful, Out, or IR can be assigned to this status. Once placed on IR, player must stay on IR for 14 days Franchise owners may have 2 players on IR. A players salary does not count towards a Franchises Salary Cap. However, once player is placed back onto the Active Roster, his salary becomes charged in full again. During offseason, players are activated back to Active roster.

TRANSACTIONS____________________________________________________ Franchises will be authorized to conduct different types of transactions during the season. There will be no limit to the number of each type of transaction during the season.

TRADES Players may be traded following the announcement of all keeper players, which will normally be June 1. There will be NO trades during the Auction. Once Auction has started and until complete. Owners may discuss trades during this time but they will not be processed until Auction is over. The trading deadline will be Kickoff of Week 13. Franchises may trade future draft picks, up to the two following seasons. Franchises that are officially eliminated from the Buckeye Nation playoffs are not eligible to propose or accept any trades. Trades will be proposed to other franchises using the website function. If owners can not use the function, Notification of proposed trade can be sent to commissioner and/or proposed trading partner to be posted on the website for further action. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any trade proposal that is viewed as a violation of competitive balance. Once a trade proposal has been accepted by all trading partners, the trade will undergo a 24 hour voting window by rest of league. If a trade proposal receives 5 vetoes by the league, it will be declined. If voting completes before the window is up, the commissioner can complete the trade. If the window has gone by and all league members have not voted, the trade will be complete. All trades must satisfy roster limits and salary cap prior to trade being complete and approved.

BLIND BIDDING WAIVER PERIOD (BBid)_________________________________ Buckeye Nation will use a Blind Bidding system instead of a waiver wire. Blind Bidding means that you submit a bid (salary) that you are willing to spend for a player and none of the other owners know what your bid is. If a bid on a player is won, that bid will become the player bid on salary. All bids can start at $0.05 and must increase in $0.05 increments. Your max bid can be as much as you have salary cap remaining to include salary adjustment for any player(s) that you may drop. Conditional bidding will be used. Conditional bidding is if you choose to bid on 2 different players and wish to drop one on condition that if Player 1 is available you will win that player and not Player 2. Or vice versa. More information can be found on the league website in the help section. The Weekly Blind Bidding Waiver period will start at Monday 1:00 AM ET and ends at Thursday 12:00 AM ET. The first Regular season weekly period will be Week 1.


The final Regular season weekly period will be Week 16. All bids will be processed (typically automatic) at the end of each period. In the event there are exact bids the following tiebreakers will be used to award the player based on worst to first criteria. 1st= Overall points scored. 2nd= Overall record. 3rd= Head to head record. This is not like bidding on Ebay. The owners max bid is what will be awarded to winning player.

FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE PERIOD (FCFS)______________________________ After BBids are processed, Free Agents will be allowed to be picked up on a first come, first serve basis. The weekly period for this will be Thursday 1:00 AM ET until Sunday 1:00 PM ET Week 1 thru Week 16. This transaction will process immediately. All players signed during this period will be awarded a salary of $0.05.

LOCKED PLAYERS____________________________________________________ Players are locked from kickoff of their game until the end of the last game of the week. Once a player is dropped, he is locked until Tuesday 12:01 AM ET of the following week. He cannot be acquired in any FCFS transaction. His salary will also reset to the league minimum of $0.05. PRESEASON TRANSACTIONS__________________________________________ Transactions can be completed following the Auction draft under the following timelines. The preseason BBid periods will be weekly during the NFL Preseason, but only after the Auction is complete. The Weekly BBid preseason period will be Thursday 1:00 AM ET to Monday 12:00 AM ET. All bids will be processed (typically automatic) at the end of each period. There will be a weekly Preseason FCFS period after the Auction has been completed until Week 1. This period will be Monday 1:00 AM ET to Thursday 12:00 PM ET. This transaction will be immediate. Both transaction periods will end no later than the Sunday prior to the beginning of Week 1, which will be Monday 12:00 AM ET. All franchises are reminded to stay within the roster limits and the Salary cap when making transactions during the preseason.


SCORING SYSTEM___________________________________________________ The Home team franchise will receive 5 points for Home Field Advantage. This advantage will be applied to all games with the exception of the Buckeye Nation Championship.

QB,RB, WR, TE All Touchdowns Passing Yards Rushing/ Receiving Yards 2 pt conversions Receptions Interceptions thrown Fumbles lost Kickers Field Goals up to 39 yds Field Goals 40 yards or more Extra Point made Missed Field Goal/Extra point DEFENSIVE Yards Allowed Fantasy Points 0-200 yards 14 pts 201-250 yards 10 pts 251-300 yards 7 pts 301-350 yards 4 pts 351-400 yards 2 pts 401 plus yards 0 pts DEFENSIVE POINTS All defensive/ Special Team TDs Safety QB sack Interceptions Fumble recovery

6pts 1 pt every 20 yards 1 pt every 10 yards 2 pts 1 pt every 2 receptions -2 pts each -1 pt each Can only earn points for kicking stats 3 pts 6 pts 1 pt -1 pt POINTS Points Allowed Fantasy Points 0 points 14 pts 2-7 points 10 pts 8-14 points 7 pts 15-24 points 4 pts 25-35 points 2 pts 36 plus points 0 pts 6 pts 2 pts 1 pt 1 pt 1 pt


TIE BREAKERS______________________________________________________
INDIVIDUAL GAMES __ Regular season games will end in a tie. Playoff Games will use the highest player score from each franchises bench until tie is broken. Buckeye Nation Championship will use same procedure for playoff games to break tie and determine champion.

STANDINGS/DIVISION______________________________________________ For Two-Teams: This tiebreaker works as everyone would expect. If the two teams played each other then the team with the better win percentage wins the tiebreaker. For Three or More Teams: This works like the NFL Sweep Rule for head to head tiebreakers when three or more teams are tied. This applies to wild card tiebreakers only. One team must have swept or been swept by all the tied teams before advancing or being eliminated from the process. The following tiebreakers will be used to break ties for division and wild card spots. Regardless of how many teams are tied. After a team has been awarded a playoff spot or they have been eliminated, the tiebreakers will start over until all spots have been awarded. 1. Overall winning percentage 2. Head to Head- each of the tied teams must have played all of the other tied teams at least once in order for head to head rule to be in effect. 3. Divisional winning percentage- only if teams are from same division 4. total points scored 5. All Play wins percentage- The win percentage of your score each week versus every other team that week. 6. Head to Head points scored.


BUCKEYE NATION RULE CHANGES______________________________________ Rule change proposals should be proposed before the NFL Super Bowl. Once proposal has been proposed it will undergo a league vote, in which it will require a 70% approval in order to become effective. New rules will go into effect the following season. If there is a need to implement an emergency vote for a rule to be effective immediately, that decision will be made on a case by case basis by the Commissioner.

ABANDONED TEAMS_________________________________________________ If any franchise becomes abandoned throughout any part of the year, measures will be taken as quickly as possible to alleviate the problem. At all times, a replacement owner will be found as quickly as possible. If no owner can be found in a timely manner, the franchise will be locked. Any players that are on roster will be locked. Until a replacement is found or the league has begun its off season schedule. The abandoned franchise will stay on the schedule and use the league average minus 10 points until a replacement owner has been found for its score.d. Abandoned franchise is not eligible for playoffs or the Buckeye Nation Championship.


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