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Regresi Kinerja Guru terhadap Sertifikasi

Variables Entered/Removed
Variables Model 1 Entered Sertifikasi a. All requested variables entered b. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru Variables Removed Method Enter

Model Summary
Change Statistics Model 1 R a ,822 R Square ,676 Adjusted R Square ,662 Std. Error of R Square the Estimate Change F Change 7.02304 ,676 48,001 df1 1 df2 23 Sig. F Change ,000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Sertifikasi

Sum of Model 1 Regression Residual Total Squares 2,367,570 1,134,430 3,502,000 df 1 23 24 Mean Square 2,367,570 49,323 F 48,001 Sig ,000a

a. Predictors: (Constant), Sertifikasi b. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error (Constant) Sertifikasi 47,050 ,604 7,430 ,087 Standardized Coefficients Beta ,8,22

Model 1

t 6,332 6,928

Sig ,001 ,000

a. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Regresi Kinerja Guru terhadap Motivasi Kerja

Variables Entered/Removedb
Variables Model 1 Entered Motivasi Kerja Variables Removed Method Enter

a. All requested variables entered b. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Model Summary
Change Statistics Model 1 R ,909 R Square ,827 Adjusted R Square ,819 Std. Error of R Square the Estimate Change F Change 5.13561 ,827 109,780 df1 1 df2 23 Sig. F Change ,000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi Kerja

Sum of Model 1 Regression Residual Total Squares 2,895,387 606,613 3,502,000 df 1 23 24 Mean Square 2,895,387 26,374 F 109,780 Sig ,000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivasi Kerja b. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error (Constant) Motivasi Kerja 25,512 ,801 6,956 ,076 Standardized Coefficients Beta ,909

Model 1

t 3,667 10,478

Sig ,001 ,000

a. Dependent Variabel : Kinerja Guru

Hasil Uji Hipotesis Y terhadap X1

Kinerja Guru Kinerja Guru Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed N ** Correlation is significant at the 0,01 level (2-tailed) 1 25 ,909** ,000 25 Sertifikasi ,909** ,000 25 1 25


Hasil Uji Hipotesis Y terhadap X2

Kinerja Guru Kinerja Guru Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed N Motivasi Kerja Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed N 1 25 ,822** ,000 25 Sertifikasi ,822** ,000 25 1 25

** Correlation is significant at the 0,01 level (2-tailed)

Hasil Uji Linier Kinerja Guru Terhadap Sertifikasi

Case Processing Summary
Cases Included N Sertifikasi * Kinerja Guru 25 Percent 100,0% N 0 Excluded Percent ,0%

Sum of Squares Sertifikasi Change Statistics Sig. F Change ,000 * Kinerja Guru Between Groups
Within Groups

df 18 1 17 6

(Combined) Linearity
Deviation from Line

4,348,210 3,734,537 613,673 168,750




Measures of Association
R Sertifikasi * Kinerja Guru ,909 R Squared ,827 Eta ,981 Eta Squared ,963

Sig ,001 ,000

Hasil Uji Linier Kinerja Guru Terhadap Motivasi Kerja

Case Processing Summary

Cases Included N Motivasi Kerja * Kinerja Guru 25 Percent 100,0% N 0 Excluded Percent ,0%

Sum of Squares
Motivasi Kerja

df 20 1 19 4

* Kinerja Guru Between

Change Statistics Sig. F Change ,000

Within Groups

(Combined) Linearity
Deviation from Line

4,335,293 3,886,903 448,390 181,667




Measures of Association
R Motivasi Kerja *Kinerja Guru ,928 R Squared ,861 Eta ,980 Eta Squared ,960

Sig ,001 ,000


Variables Entered/Removedb
Variables Model 1 Entered Sertifikasi Motivasi a Kerja Variables Removed Enter Method

a. All requested variables entered b. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Model Summary
Adjusted R Square ,815 Std.Error of the Estimate 5.20174 R Square Change ,830

Change Statist Model 1 R ,911


R Square

F Change 53,713


a. Predictors: (Constant), Sertifikasi, Motivasi Guru

Model 1 Sum of Squares Regresion Residual Total 2,906,723 595,277 3,502,000 df 2 22 24 Mean Square 1,453,361 27,058 F 53,713 Sig

a. Predictors: (Constant), Sertifikasi, Motivasi Guru b. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Unstandardized Coefficients Standarized Coefficients

Model (Constant) Sertifikasi Motivasi Kerja

B 23,674 ,925 -112

Std. Error 7,597 ,207 ,173

Beta 1,051 -152

t 3,116 4,464 -647

a. Dependent Variable : Kinerja Guru

Cases Total N 25 Percent 100,0%

Mean Square 241,567

F 8,589

Sig ,007

3,734,537 132,784 36,098 1,283 28,125

,000 ,402

Eta Squared ,963


Cases Total N 25 Percent 100,0%

Mean Square 216,765 3,886,903 23,599 45,417

F 4,773
85,583 ,520

Sig ,070

,001 ,852

Eta Squared ,960


Change Statistics F Change 53,713 df1 2 df2 22 Sig. F Change ,000

Sig ,000a

t 3,116 4,464 -647

Sig. -5 ,000 ,524


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