Revisiting Paradise Part 2

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Revisiting Paradise



Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light...

[John 3:21]

Because I'm working with numbers that I constantly have to round, all
kinds of variations keep poking up. I know how irritating it was to
see my original measurements (which ran to 32 significant digits).
So I've been rounding numbers to 1 decimal place (except for some
constants and ratios).

The problem with this method is that a high degree of error creeps in
and has to be a part of the process.

Here's an example...

The “official” speed of light for both miles and km is


A. 186,828.4 miles/second


B. 299,792.5 km/second

We know that the official conversion for miles to km is:

C. 1:1.609344 miles:km

A, B and C are all the same number of significant digits (7).

So I should (with reasonable accuracy) be able to say:

A * C = B

But look what happens:

186,828.4 (A) * 1.609344 (C) = 300,671.2 (?)

That's a difference of 878.7 km, as the photon flies that is!

Imagine how those kinds of errors might multiply as one goes
through these exercises.

Some numbers are exact and some are estimates. This sloppy process
highly skews the results, so that the numbers showing somewhere
around the right answer.

I would have to work much harder to be consistent enough for purely

coherent measurement, but I just don't have the time or energy to do
I apologize for this lack of accuracy. My motivation is theoretical.
I am only looking for numeric results that are consistent in
magnitude, geometrically and algebraically—though not so much

So, I ask for your understanding. Trust me that the numbers I give
are in the neighborhoods where they should live. And if you must
bust out the calculator, have mercy and take the measurements I offer
with little grains of salt. The more important data are the formulas
themselves and the most important thing is the geometry behind it


* * * * * * *


We ended Part 1 of this essay with a speed for the inner Havona
Circuit (C1) as a lowest limit for the possible velocity of the
worlds therein. I used “earth speed” (67,062 miles per hour or
107,925.8 km per hour), which would make an ellipse 584,336,233,567.7
miles in circumference. I likened this to a large solar system and
indicated that this is probably way too small an orbit for such a
grand grouping of 37,000,000 enormous spheres to follow.

Before we move any further I want to convert my measurements to the

metric system. In recent months I have seen the advantages of using
a measuring system that is based on physical aspects (as is the
metric system), rather than the British system which relies on
arbitrary or traditional values.

Here is a table for light speed conversions:

186,828.4 miles/second = 299,792.5 km/second

670,616,640 miles/hour = 1,079,253,000 km/hour

16,094,799,360 miles/day = 25,902,072,000 km/day

5,878,504,660,573.944 miles/year = 9,460,537,532,460 km/year

Now lets' convert that minimum-limit C1 to kilometers:

In this example, Havona Circuit 1 (C1) has a circumference of:

584,336,233,567.7 miles. We multiply that by 1.609344 (the
conversion ratio for miles to kilometers) and that equals:
940,398,011,474.8 km.

That means that the worlds of C1 are at an average distance of

149,668,992,000 km from Paradise center. This is close to exactly
1,000 farther than the earth is to the sun (the distance from earth
to sun is called an “AU”). And it re-matches what was referred to in
Part 1 (a Paradise/Havona {PH} day equaling almost exactly 1,000
earth years).

Now that we have a bottom limit that has the following attributes and
using the first two terms of the Paradise ratio (x:y = 1.167:1).

We remember the way to find the approximate circumference of an

ellipse when x and y axes are known:

ellipse circumference = π * Sqrt of 2 * [(x/2)2 + (y/2)2]

I found that an easy way to get the x and y axes from any Paradise-
shaped elliptical orbit - once the circumference is known – is to
simply apply these two formulas:

x = (ellipse circumference / π / 13) * 14

y = (ellipse circumference / π / 13) * 12

[Here is an Ellipse Approximate Circumference Calculator.]

Alright! Back on the path to estimating the size of the Paradise-

Havona system. So far all we have for our trouble is this:

Elliptical Orbit of C1 at Earth Speed

(107,925.8 km per hour)
Circumference = 940,398,011,474.8 km
x axis = 322,363,982,769.2 km
y axis = 276,311,985,230.8 km
r average = 149,668,992,000 km

Well what if we want to really speed things up. I believe it was

Mark Underwood who wondered if perhaps the Havona worlds might move
at velocity of the Fine Structure Constant (that being the velocity
of the electron around it's nuclear orbit within the atom, or about
1/137th the speed of light, or c/137, or α). So, I tried it out on
the C1 orbit at it greatly increased it
Elliptical Orbit of C1 at Fine Structure Speed (α)
(7,877,759.1 km per hour)
Circumference = 69,258,963,941,993.8 km
x axis = 23,741,644,693,397.4 km
y axis = 20,349,981,165,769.2 km
r average = 11,022,906,464,791.65 km

That's an average of 1.2 LY from the C1 orbit to the center of


Still seems small to me. That's not even enough distance to reach a
nearby star from our solar system. It is within reason, but still
falls short of my personal expectations for the Central Universe.

Elliptical Orbit of C1 at Light Speed (c)

(1,079,252,996,700 km per hour)
Circumference = 9,460,537,532,460,000 km
x axis = 3,243,027,442,517,501.1 km
y axis = 2,779,737,807,872,143.8 km
r average = 1,505,691,312,597,411.2 km

That's an average 159.2 LY from the C1 orbit to the center of


Now this is more like it!

Perhaps these inner circuit worlds DO travel at the speed of light.

I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't be able to. They all
move at once in the first circuit. They would still be stationary
relative to each other and therefore serviceable via some local
technique. Moving from circuit to circuit might be more daunting.

In fact, each Havona circuit's worlds will all move as one thin
processional line. But there will be a great differential between

Though every world in Havona would be moving at the speed of light

relative to its surrounding space, from the Paradise perspective the
worlds of the inner most circuit (C1) would be speeding by, but the
outer circuit (C7, if the other 6 circuits were not in the way) would
seem to be barely moving.

So, for now, I am going to assume that the Havona worlds move at the
speed of light. This can be changed and examined later. I would
caution that the Havona worlds probably don't move faster than the
speed of light. This is not because I don't believe that they can
move faster. I don't think there is a speed limit to things in the
Central Universe. However, the faster that C1 moves the larger the
Central Universe will end up being.
We will have to figure out Havona's dimensions in a future essay now
that we have a realistic estimate for the size of the inner most
Havona Circuit and we have the likely world count for each circuit.

First, though, comes a measurement for the Paradise System (the Isle
and the three Sacred Sphere circuits).

Essentially we can now label 9 different proportionally concentric

ellipses – each one located 360,336,382,501,944.6 km closer in toward
the center of Paradise than the last - with a center point right at
the Deity Presence, as follows...

10. The Havona Circuit 1 (C1)

Circumference = 9,460,537,532,460,000 km
x axis = 3,243,027,442,517,501.1 km
y axis = 2,779,737,807,872,143.8 km
r average = 1,505,691,312,597,411.2 km

9. The mid-space ellipse between C1 and the Spirit circuit

Circumference = 8,360,241,133,535,417 km
x axis = 2,882,691,060,015,556.5 km
y axis = 2,470,878,051,441,905.6 km
r average = 1338392277864365.5 km

8. The circuit of the Seven Sacred Worlds of the Infinite Spirit

Circumference = 7,379,933,560,841,604 km
x axis = 2,522,354,677,513,611.9 km
y axis = 2,162,018,295,011,667.3 km
r average = 1,081,009,147,505,833.7 km

7. The mid-space ellipse between the Spirit and Son circuits

Circumference = 6,325,657,337,864,232 km
x axis = 2,162,018,295,011,667.3 km
y axis = 1,853,158,538,581,429.1 km
r average = 1,003,794,208,398,274.1 km

6. The circuit of the Seven Sacred Worlds of the Eternal Son

Circumference = 5,271,381,114,886,860 km
x axis = 1,801,681,912,509,722.7 km
y axis = 1,544,298,782151,190.9 km
r average = 836,495,173,665,228.4 km

5. The mid-space ellipse between the Son and Father circuits

Circumference = 4,217,104,891,909,488 km
x axis = 1,441,345,530,007,778.1 km
y axis = 1,235,439,025,720,952.7 km
r average = 669,196,138,932,182.7 km
4. The circuit of the Seven Sacred Worlds of the Universal
Circumference = 3,162,828,668,932,115.5 km
x axis = 1,081,009,147,505,833.5 km
y axis = 926,579,269,290,714.4 km
r average = 463,289,634,645,357.2 km

3. The mid-space ellipse between the Father's circuit and

Circumference = 2,108,552,445,954,743.7 km
x axis = 720,672,765,003,888.9 km
y axis = 617,719,512,860,476.2 km
r average = 334,598,069,466,091.3 km

2. The Isle of Paradise

Circumference = 1,054,276,222,977,371 km
(111.5 LY)
x axis = 360,336,382,501,944.3 km
(38.1 LY)
y axis = 308,859,756,430,237.9 km
(32.7 LY)
r average = (x + y)/4 = 154,429,878,215,118.9 km
(16.3 LY)
z axis = 30,885,975,643,023.8 km
(3.3 LY)

1. The Center of Paradise – Deity Presence

* * * * * * *

An Interesting Discovery about the

Speed of Light and the Speed of Earth

In some small way we have accomplished our temporary goal of

describing the measurements of the Paradise system. But, while doing
all of this, I made what for me was an incredible discovery.

We had talked about the thousand earth-year Paradise/Havona Day. We

saw that the measurement of Paradise days is almost exactly equal to
the thousand earth years.

THEN, I noticed something extraordinary...

The speed of the earth around the sun is very close to 107,925 km per
hour. Well, amazingly, the speed of light per hour is about
1,079,250,000 km/hour. In other words, the earth moves through space
at almost exactly 1/10,000th the speed of light!

Did anyone else know this? This earth speed relationship to the
speed of light seems so obvious that surely someone has seen it
before. Please let me know if you have prior knowledge of this
phenomenon. This blew me away.

Not only do we have coincidences like the apparent sun and moon sizes
in the sky, and the fact that a PH day is equal to 1,000 earth years,
but the speed of light seems to be related to the earth's speed
around the sun. The speed of light ALSO has a good chance of being
the speed of Havona worlds around the Paradise system.

How can this be?

I am still looking at how the speed of light relates to the size of

Paradise. And I will be working up those numbers for sizes of the
Havona circuits.

I welcome ANY help, suggestions, criticisms or contributions. This

is very exciting for me. I have always wanted a map of the Master
Universe with measurements for as many space bodies and universe
levels as possible. And it IS coming together.

Let's recap briefly about how significant this slow reductive

reasoning has been...

* Two years ago we came up with the number of worlds in each Havona
circuit, with the Underwood Equation:

106 x (35n + (-1)n + 3)

When Circuit Number n = 1 to 7

Havona Circuit One 37,000,000

Havona Circuit Two 74,000,000

Havona Circuit Three 107,000,000

Havona Circuit Four 144,000,000

Havona Circuit Five 177,000,000

Havona Circuit Six 214,000,000

Havona Circuit Seven 247,000,000

* We have put the “thousand year to 1 PH day” into practical use by
examining just how accurate the Urantia Book text is numerically,
while helping to set limits to the size of the Paradise system:

Earth Speed < Havona World Speed </= Light Speed

The size of the Havona circuit 1 (C1) was estimated at earth speed,
fine structure speed, and light speed. My decision to choose light
speed was arbitrary and is changeable.

* Choosing the speed of light for the inner Havona worlds yield a
rough (but clarifying) view of the magnitude of the entire Central
Universe. The measurements for Paradise and the three circuits of
the 21 Sacred Spheres is now listed (above).

All of this progress allows us to now estimate real numbers for the
size of the Central Universe. Even if the size ends up larger or
smaller, my hope is that the basic geometry and equations presented
in this essay will make it easier for future theorists to plug in
their own estimates and to assist in the construction of their own
theories. And... Someday... We WILL have figured out all of these
things and more.

Thank you for reading this study and let us continue to pray for the
insight that motivates the search for the Truth.

Alex Wall

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