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íssued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporalion Liniled, índia (HSBC índiaì.

íncorporaled in Hong Kong SAF wilh liniled liabilily.

Please lill in using BLOCK LETTEFS ' Please ( ì wherever applicable
AppIicant's information ( Sender ] Remitter )
' Ñane ol Sender / Feniller:
' Conlacl Tel. Ño.
' Slalus: Fesidenl ÑFí Foreign Ñalional
' Conslilulion: Proprielorship Parlnership Liniled co. Olhers: (Please specilyì
Accounl lype Prenier Olhers
Transfer instructions
í / ve aulhorise you lo debil ny / our savings / currenl / EEFC / FFC
' Accounl no
lor (currencyì __________ (anounlì _________________
and debil ny / our savings / currenl / EEFC / FFC
' Accounl nos

lor lhe balance anounl and
´ (p|ease provide nu|!ip|e accoun! nunbers in order o! priori!, !or debi! incase o!
insu!!icien! ££FC ba|ances.)
' charges lron a/c, and
' !. íssue a Denand Drall:
' 2. Ellecl a Telegraphic Transler
ª DetaiIs of foreign exchange required
Fenillance ol Currency
Anounl (in ligures
Anounl (in wordsì
(E.g. USD !000.00ì
Fenillance ol Currency Equivalenl ol Currency
Anounl (in liguresì
Anounl (in wordsì
(E.g. USD equivalenl ol íÑF 45000.00ì
56A ínlernediary ' Ñane:
' Address:

' Counlry:
Swill Code / Chips íD / Auslralia BSB Code / USA Fed vire / USA ABA / UK Sorl Code / UíD Ño.
57 Beneliciary´s ' Beneliciary Bank´s Ñane:
' Address:

' Counlry:
ª PIease fiII up any of the foIIowing (as appIicabIe):
For USD payment: For Euro payment:
in USA Fedwire Ño: in UK Sorl Code:
oulside USA Swill Code: oulside UK Swill Code:
For GBP payment: For AUD:
in UK Sorl Code: in Auslralia BSB Code:
oulside UK Swill Code: Swill Code:
For any other currencies: oulside Auslralia Swill Code:
in any counlry Swill code :
Oplional · lor
rouling paynenl
lo Beneliciary }
0 9 0 2 2 0 1 3
020 66870000

1 4 6 1 0 1 6 0 5 0 0 2
1 4 6 1 0 1 6 0 5 0 0 2

9 1 1 . 0 0
70 ' Purpose ol 'Purpose Code Descriplion (Please provide lull delailsì
Fenillance (Feler Annexureì
7! ' All local and overseas charges All local and overseas charges Local charges lo be borne by reniller &
lo be borne by beneliciary (BEÑì lo be borne by reniller (OUFì overseas charges by beneliciary (SHAì
72 Bank lo Bank ínlornalion (il anyì:
FEX Contract detaiIs ( As appIicabIe)
FEX Conlracl nunbers booked:
FEX rales:
Conlracl lo be picked up: YES / ÑO
Dealer´s Ñane:
Points to note
!. The lorn nusl be conplele in all respecls
2. ín case lunds have lo be rouled lhrough nulliple
linancial inslilulions / banks, addilional sheels nay be
used lo give lhe roule ol lunds in delails
(Ñane ol lhe slall wilh íDì Customer's signature
Customer's signature
í / ve aulhorise lhe bank lo debil lhe sun ol anounl lor lhe lawlul purpose delailed above and agree lo abide by lhe Terns and Condilions prinled below.
Terms and Conditions
ín requesling lhe Bank lo nake lhe Telegraphic Transler / Denand Drall, í / ve hereby agree lhal il is lo be despalched in accordance wilh lhe lollowing
paynenl is lo be nade
circunslances so require
lailure il il is dispalched on behall ol lhe cusloner
which shall be subjecl lo adjuslnenl when lhe aclual exchange rale is ascerlained. Any dillerence belween lhe provisional rale and lhe aclual rale shall
be debiled / crediled (as lhe case nay beì lo lhe applicanl´s accounl
or nulilalion which nay occur in lhe lransnission ol any nessage or lor ils nisinlerprelalion when received
geographical localion ol lhe deslinalion
where encashnenl is lo be nade. Ñeilher lhe Bank nor ils correspondenls shall be liable lor any loss or delay caused by any such rules and regulalions
59 Beneliciary ' Ñane ol Beneliciary
Sludenl Ñane & íD in case ol paynenl lo Universily
' Address:

' A/c Ño. (lor paynenl oulside UK and Europeì:
' Counlry:
' íBAÑ (lor paynenl in UK, Europe and UAE onlyì:

DecIaration for Remittance from INR Account
í / ve, (cusloner naneì,
(addressì have been nainlaining a currenl / saving accounl bearing nunber wilh your
(nane ol lhe Branchì. í / ve hereby conlirn having lully ulilised lhe available balances in all ny / our EEFC / FFC / DDA
accounls held wilh you as well as wilh olher banks and hence wish lo purchase (currencyì, (anounlì lo pay
ny / our obligalions which are denoninaled in loreign currency. Please debil lhe above·nenlioned rupee currenl / saving accounl in lhis regard.
í / ve hereby conlirn lhal í / we do nol nainlain any EEFC / FFC / DDA accounl wilh your Bank or wilh any olher bank in índia.
(Slrike oul whichever is nol applicableì
' Dale: Ñane:
ª DecIaration (Under FEMA 1999)
í, declare lhal ·
!. The lolal anounl ol loreign exchange purchased lron or renilled lhrough, all sources in índia during lhis caIendar year including lhis applicalion is
wilhin USD (USD onlyì
lhe annual linil prescribed by Feserve Bank ol índia lor lhe said purpose.

2. Foreign exchange purchased lron you is lor lhe purpose indicaled above.
(Slrike oul whichever is nol applicableì
' Dale: Ñane:
For office use onIy
AD Code Ño. Currency Equivalenl lo `
Forn Ño. Anounl (To be lilled in by Aulhorised Dealerì
For deIivery of Demand Drafts
Please deliver lhe Denand Drall lo bearer ír. / írs.:
whose signalure is appended below.
(Signalure ol lhe Bearerì (Signalure ol lhe Fenillerì
í hereby acknowledge receipl ol lhe Denand Drall specilied overleal
(Signalure ol lhe Bearerì

0 9 0 2 2 0 1 3
PIease put a tick against an appropriate purpose code
Code Purpose Code Purpose
CapitaI Account Transactions (00)
S00!7 Acquisilion ol non·produced non·linancial assels (Purchase ol inlangible
assels like palenls, copyrighls, lradenarks elc., land acquired by governnenl,
use ol nalural resourcesì - Covernnenl
S00!9 Acquisilion ol non·produced non·linancial assels (Purchase ol inlangible
assels like palenls, copyrighls, lradenarks elc., use ol nalural resourcesì
- Ñon·Covernnenl
S0026 Capilal lranslers ( Cuaranlees paynenls, ínveslnenl Crand given by lhe
governnenl/inlernalional organisalion, exceplionally large Ñon·lile insurance
clainsì - Covernnenl
S0027 Capilal lranslers ( Cuaranlees paynenls, ínveslnenl Crand given by lhe
Ñon·governnenl, exceplionally large Ñon·lile insurance clainsì
- Ñon·Covernnenl
S0099 Olher capilal paynenls nol included elsewhere
FinaciaI Account
Foreign Direct Investments
S0003 índian Direcl inveslnenl abroad (in branches & wholly owned subsidiariesì
in equily Shares
S0004 índian Direcl inveslnenl abroad (in subsidiaries and associalesì in debl
S0005 índian inveslnenl abroad - in real eslale
S0006 Fepalrialion ol Foreign Direcl ínveslnenl nade by overseas ínveslors
in índia - in equily shares
S0007 Fepalrialion ol Foreign Direcl ínveslnenl in nade by overseas ínveslors
índia - in debl inslrunenls
S0003 Fepalrialion ol Foreign Direcl ínveslnenl nade by overseas ínveslors
in índia - in real eslale
Foreign PortfoIio Investments
S000! índian Porllolio inveslnenl abroad - in equily shares
S0002 índian Porllolio inveslnenl abroad - in debl inslrunenls
S0009 Fepalrialion ol Foreign Porllolio ínveslnenl nade by overseas ínveslors
in índia - in equily shares
S00!0 Fepalrialion ol Foreign Porllolio ínveslnenl nade by overseas ínveslors
in índia - in debl inslrunenls
ExternaI CommerciaI Borrowings
S00!! Loans exlended lo Ñon·Fesidenls
S00!2 Fepaynenl ol long & nediun lern loans wilh original nalurily above
one year received lron Ñon·Fesidenls
Short term Loans
S00!3 Fepaynenl ol shorl lern loans wilh original nalurily up lo one year
received lron Ñon·Fesidenls
Banking CapitaI
S00!4 Fepalrialion ol Ñon·Fesidenl Deposils (FCÑF(Bì/ÑF(EìFA elcì
S00!5 Fepaynenl ol loans & overdralls laken by ADs on lheir own accounl
S00!6 Sale ol a loreign currency againsl anolher loreign currency
FinanciaI Derivatives and Others
S0020 Paynenls nade on accounl ol nargin paynenls, preniun paynenl
and selllenenl anounl elc. under Financial derivalive lransaclions
S002! Paynenls nade on accounl ol sale ol share under Enployee slock oplion
S0022 ínveslnenl in índian Deposilories Feceipls (íDFsì
S0023 Fenillances nade under Liberalised Fenillance Schene (LFSì lor índividuals
ExternaI Assistance
S0024 Exlernal Assislance exlended by índia. e.g. Loans and advances exlended by
índia lo Foreign governnenls under various agreenenls
S0025 Fepaynenls nade on accounl ol Exlernal Assislance received by índia
Transport (01)
S020! Paynenls lor surplus lreighl/passenger lare by loreign shipping conpanies
operaling in índia
S0202 Paynenl lor operaling expenses ol índian shipping conpanies
operaling abroad
S0203 Freighl on inporls - Shipping conpanies
S0204 Freighl on exporls - Shipping conpanies
S0205 Operalional leasing/Fenlal ol Vessels (wilh crewì - Shipping conpanies
S0206 Booking ol passages abroad - Shipping conpanies
S0207 Paynenls lor surplus lreighl/passenger lare by loreign Airlines conpanies
operaling in índia
S0203 Operaling expenses ol índian Airlines conpanies operaling abroad
S0209 Freighl on inporls - Airlines conpanies
S02!0 Freighl on exporls - Airlines conpanies
S02!! Operalional leasing / Fenlal ol Vessels (wilh crewì - Airline conpanies
S02!2 Booking ol passages abroad - Airlines conpanies
S02!4 Paynenls on accounl ol slevedoring, denurrage, porl handling
charges elc. (Shipping conpaniesì
S02!5 Paynenls on accounl ol slevedoring, denurrage, porl handling
charges, elc. (Airlines conpaniesì
S02!6 Paynenls lor Passenger · Shipping conpanies
S02!7 Olher paynenls by Shipping conpanies
S02!3 Paynenls lor Passenger · Airlines conpanies
S02!9 Olher Paynenls by Airlines conpanies
S0220 Paynenls on accounl ol lreighl under olher nodes ol lransporl
(ínlernal valerways, Foadways, Failways, Pipeline lransporls and olhersì
S022! Paynenls on accounl ol passenger lare under olher nodes ol lransporl
(ínlernal valerways, Foadways, Failways, Pipeline lransporls and olhersì
S0222 Poslal & Courier services by Air
S0223 Poslal & Courier services by Sea
S0224 Poslal & Courier services by olhers
TraveI (02)
S030! Business lravel
S0303 Travel lor pilgrinage
S0304 Travel lor nedical lrealnenl
S0305 Travel lor educalion (including lees, hoslel expenses elc.ì
S0306 Olher lravel (including holiday lrips and paynenls lor sellling inlernalional
credil cards lransaclionsì
Construction Services (03)
S050! Conslruclion ol projecls abroad by índian conpanies including inporl ol
goods al projecl sile abroad
S0502 Cosl ol conslruclion elc. ol projecls execuled by loreign conpanies in índia
Insurance and Pension Services (04)
S060! Lile ínsurance preniun excepl lern insurance
S0602 Freighl insurance - relaling lo inporl & exporl ol goods
S0603 Olher general insurance preniun including reinsurance preniun, and lern
lile insurance preniun
S0605 Auxiliary services including connission on insurance
S0607 ínsurance clain Selllenenl ol non·lile insurance, and lile insurance
(only lern insuranceì
S0603 Lile ínsurance Clain Selllenenls
S0609 Slandardised guaranlee services
S06!0 Preniun lor pension lunds
S06!! Periodic pension enlillenenls e.g. nonlhly quarlerly or yearly paynenls
ol pension anounls by índian Pension Fund Conpanies.
S06!2 ínvoking ol slandardised guaranlees
FinanciaI Services (05)
S070! Financial inlernedialion, excepl inveslnenl banking · Bank charges,
colleclion charges, LC charges elc.
S0702 ínveslnenl banking - brokerage, under wriling connission elc.
S0703 Auxiliary services - charges on operalion & regulalory lees,
cuslodial services, deposilory services elc.
TeIecommunication, Computer & Information Services (06)
S030! Hardware consullancy / inplenenlalion
S0302 Sollware consullancy / inplenenlalion
S0303 Dala base, dala processing charges
S0304 Fepair and nainlenance ol conpuler and sollware
S0305 Ñews agency services
S0306 Olher inlornalion services· Subscriplion lo newspapers, periodicals
S0307 Oll·sile sollware inporls
S0303 Teleconnunicalion services including eleclronic nail services and
voice nail services
S0309 Salellile services including space shullle and rockels elc.
Charges for the use of inteIIectuaI property n.i.e (07)
S090! Franchises services
S0902 Paynenl lor use, lhrough licensing arrangenenls, ol produced
originals or prololypes (such as nanuscripls and lilnsì, palenls,
copyrighls, lradenarks and induslrial processes elc.
Other Business Services (08)
S!002 Trade relaled services - connission on exporls / inporls
S!003 Operalional leasing services (olher lhan linancial leasingì wilhoul
operaling crew, including charler hire· Airlines conpanies
S!004 Legal services
S!005 Accounling, audiling, book·keeping services
S!006 Business and nanagenenl consullancy and public relalions services
S!007 Adverlising, lrade lair service
S!003 Fesearch & Developnenl services
S!009 Archileclural services
S!0!0 Agricullural services like proleclion againsl insecls & disease, increasing
ol harvesl yields, loreslry services.
S!0!! Paynenls lor nainlenance ol ollices abroad
S!0!3 Environnenlal Services
S!0!4 Engineering Services
S!0!5 Tax consulling services
S!0!6 íarkel research and public opinion polling service
S!0!7 Publishing and prinling services

Code Purpose Code Purpose
S!0!3 íining services like on-sile processing services analysis ol ores elc.
S!020 Connission agenl services
S!02! vholesale and relailing lrade services
S!022 Operalional leasing services (olher lhan linancial leasingì wilhoul
operaling crew, including charler hire· Shipping conpanies
S!023 Olher Technical Services including scienlilic / space services
S!099 Olher services nol included elsewhere
PersonaI, CuIturaI & RecreationaI services (09)
S!!0! Audio·visual and relaled services like íolion piclure and video lape
produclion, dislribulion and projeclion services
S!!03 Fadio and lelevision produclion, dislribulion and lransnission services
S!!04 Enlerlainnenl services
S!!05 íuseuns, library and archival services
S!!06 Fecrealion and sporling aclivilies services
S!!07 Educalion (e.g. lees lor correspondence courses abroadì
S!!03 Heallh Service (paynenl lowards services received lron hospilals, doclors,
nurses, paranedical and sinilar services elc. rendered renolely or on·sileì
S!!09 Olher Personal, Cullural & Fecrealional services
Govt. not incIuded eIsewhere (G.n.i.e.) (10)
S!20! íainlenance ol índian enbassies abroad
S!202 Fenillances by loreign enbassies in índia
Secondary Income (11)
S!30! Fenillance lor lanily nainlenance and savings
S!302 Fenillance lowards personal gills and donalions
S!303 Fenillance lowards donalions lo religious and charilable inslilulions abroad
S!304 Fenillance lowards granls and donalions lo olher governnenls and charilable
inslilulions eslablished by lhe governnenls.
S!305 Conlribulions/donalions by lhe Covernnenl lo inlernalional inslilulions
S!306 Fenillance lowards paynenl / relund ol laxes
S!307 Oulllows on accounl ol nigranl lranslers including personal ellecls
Primary Income (12)
S!40! Conpensalion ol enployees
S!402 Fenillance lowards inleresl on Ñon·Fesidenl deposils (FCÑF(Bì/ÑF(EìFA, elc.ì
S!403 Fenillance lowards inleresl on loans lron Ñon·Fesidenls (ST/íT/LT loansì
e.g. Exlernal Connercial Borrowings, Trade Credils, elc.
S!405 Fenillance lowards inleresl paynenl by ADs on lheir own accounl
(lo VOSTFO a/c holders or lhe OD on ÑOSTFO a/c.ì
S!403 Fenillance ol prolil by FDí enlerprises in índia (by branches ol loreign
conpanies including bank branchesì
S!409 Fenillance ol dividends by FDí enlerprises in índia (olher lhan branchesì
on equily and inveslnenl lund shares
S!4!0 Paynenl ol inleresl by FDí enlerprises in índia lo lheir Parenl conpany abroad
S!4!! Fenillance ol inleresl incone on accounl ol Porllolio ínveslnenl in índia
S!4!2 Fenillance ol dividends on accounl ol Porllolio ínveslnenl in índia on
equily and inveslnenl lund shares
Others (13)
S!50! Felunds / rebales / reduclion in invoice value on accounl ol exporls
S!502 Feversal ol wrong enlries, relunds ol anounl renilled lor non·exporls
S!503 Paynenls by residenls lor inlernalional bidding
S!504 Ñolional sales when exporl bills negolialed/ purchased/ discounled are
dishonored/ cryslallised/ cancelled and reversed lron suspense accounl
S!505 Deened ínporls (exporls belween SEZ, EPZs and Doneslic larill areasì
Maintenance and repair services n.i.e (14)
S!60! Paynenls on accounl ol nainlenance and repair services rendered lor
Vessels, ships, boals, warships, elc.
S!602 Paynenls on accounl ol nainlenance and repair services rendered lor
aircralls, space shullles, rockels, nililary aircralls, helicoplers, elc.
Manufacturing services (goods for processing) (15)
S!70! Paynenls lor processing ol goods
 

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